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GRE Barrons WL-10

No. Word Root Meaning Word Meaning

1 collaborate labor work work together
2 collage coller glue work of art put together from fragments
3 collate latus brought arrange in order
4 collateral latus side security given for loan
5 collation latus brought a light meal
6 colloquial loqu speak common speech
7 colloquy loqu speak common discussion
8 collusion ludere play conspiring in a fradulent scheme
9 colossal ------- ------- huge
10 colossus ------- ------- gigantic structure
11 comatose komat sleep in coma
12 combustible urere burn easily burned
13 comely ------- ------- attractive
14 comestible edere eat fit to be eaten
15 comeuppance ------- ------- rebuke
16 cammandeer mandere obey to draft for military purposes
17 commemorative mem memory remembering
18 commensurate mensura measure proportionate
19 commiserate miser wretched express sympathy
20 commodious modus measure spacious
21 communal comunis common held in common
22 compact pangere fasten agreement
23 compact pangere fasten tightly packed
24 compatible pati suffer harmonious
25 compelling pellere drive overpowering
26 compendium pendere weigh brief summary
27 compensatory pendere weigh making up for
28 compile pila heap assemble
29 compiliation pila heap listing of statistical information in tabular form
30 complacency placere please self satisfaction
31 complaisant placere please trying to please
32 complement plere fill complete
33 complementary plere fill serving to complete something
34 compliance ------- ------- readiness to yield
35 compliant ------- ------- yielding
36 complicity plica fold involvement in a crime
37 component ponere place ingredient
38 comport portere carry bear one's self
39 composure ponere place mental calmness
40 compound ponere place combine
41 comprehensive prehendere sieze thorough
42 compress pressure press press together
43 comprise prehendere sieze include
44 compromise mittere send adjust
45 compunction punct point remorse
GRE Barrons WL-10

46 compute putare think calculate

47 concatenate ------- ------- link as in a chain
48 concave cavus hollow hollow
49 concede cedere fall admit,yield
50 conceit capere sieze self love
51 concentric centrum center having a common center
52 conception capere sieze beginning of an idea
53 concerted cernere sieve mutually agreed on
54 concession cedere fall an act of yielding
55 conciliatory cilia hair reconciling
56 concise cise cut brief
57 conclave clavis key private meeting
58 conclusive clus close decisive
59 concoct coctum cook prepare by combining
60 concomitant ------- ------- that which accompanies
61 concord cord heart harmony
62 concur currere run agree
63 concurrent currere run happening at the same time
64 condescend scandere climb to look down on some one
65 condign dignus worthy appropriate
66 condiment ------- ------- spice
67 condole dolere pain express sympathy
68 condone donare give forgive
69 conducive ducere to lead helpful
70 conduit ducere to lead passage way for fluids
71 confidant fidere trust trusted friend
72 confine finis end shut in
73 confiscate sieze
74 conflagration flagr burn great fire
75 conflate combine into one
76 confluence fluere flow flowing together
77 conformity ------- ------- agreement
78 confound ------- ------- confuse
79 congeal ------- ------- freeze
80 congenial genus guardian spirit friendly
81 congenital gen birth existing from birth

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