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Dubravka S. Cvejic, PhD,1 Svetlana B. Savin, PhD,1 Ivana M. Petrovic, MSc,1
Ivan R. Paunovic, MD, PhD,2 Svetislav B. Tatic, MD, PhD,3 Marija J. Havelka, MD, PhD3
Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy – INEP, University of Belgrade, 11080 Zemun-Belgrade,
Banatska 31b, Serbia and Montenegro. E-mail:
Centre for Endocrine Surgery, Institute of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Diseases of Metabolism,
Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Accepted 16 April 2005

Published online 9 September 2005 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/hed.20276

invasion of PTC, thus being irrelevant clinically from this aspect.

Abstract: Background. Galectin-3 has been recently recog-
Galectin-3 is an excellent marker for classical PTC but must be
nized as a promising presurgical marker of thyroid malignancy.
used with caution in diagnosing unconventional variants of PTC
Methods. Galectin-3 expression was examined immunohis-
because of the possibility of false-negative results. A 2005 Wiley
tochemically in 202 specimens of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 27: 1049 – 1055, 2005
(PTC) in relation to histomorphologic subtypes and clinicopatho-
logic data. Keywords: galectin-3; thyroid; papillary carcinoma; immunohis-
Results. The sensitivity of galectin-3 immunostaining versus tochemistry; tumor marker
conventional histology was 98% (100 of 102) for classical PTC,
85.2% (46 of 54) for follicular variant, and 50% (23 of 46) for
follicular/solid variant of PTC. All cases (n = 36) involving lymph
node metastases and 42 of 45 cases with extrathyroid invasion
expressed galectin-3. However, among the galectin-3 – positive A number of different substances have been
cases (n = 169), 133 were without lymph node metastases, and evaluated as potential molecular markers in the
127 were without extrathyroid invasion. Galectin-3 expression differential diagnosis of thyroid neoplastic le-
was not related to the size of intrathyroid PTC. sions. Among them, galectin-3 seems to be one
Conclusions. Galectin-3 immunohistochemical expression
of the most promising immunohistochemical
itself is not an indicator of local metastatic spread or extrathyroid
markers of thyroid malignancy.
Galectins are a family of lectin molecules
Correspondence to: D. Cvejic
endowed with a carbohydrate recognition domain
that specifically recognizes beta-galactosides.1
Contract grant sponsor: Supported by the Ministry of Science and Envi-
ronment Protection of the Republic of Serbia, project 1504 ‘‘Glycobio- Human galectin-3 is a 31-kDa protein constitu-
logical aspects of physiological and pathophysiological processes.’’ tively expressed by immune cells and several
B 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. epithelial cells. Galectin-3 localization is domi-

Galectin-3 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma HEAD & NECK December 2005 1049
nantly cytoplasmic but also can be nuclear, In this study, we addressed this issue by exam-
membranous, or extracellular, depending on the ining immunohistochemically galectin-3 expres-
cell type and physiologic conditions, which sug- sion in a series of 202 cases of paraffin-embedded
gests multifunctionality for this molecule.1 – 3 tissues of PTC in relation to the histomorphologic
Because of its interactions with carbohydrate growth pattern. In addition, because clinical data
and noncarbohydrate ligands, galectin-3 may were available for this relatively large series of
play a role in a wide spectrum of biologic and PTC, immunostaining results were also correlated
pathologic processes, such as differentiation, cell with the occurrence of lymph node metastases,
growth and apoptosis,4,5 cell adhesion,6 immune extrathyroid invasion, and tumor size.
response,7 mRNA splicing,8 neoplastic transfor-
mation,9,10 and metastatic processes.11 MATERIALS AND METHODS
Altered expression of galectin-3 in human tu-
mors compared with their normal tissue coun- Patients and Tissue Specimens. Formalin-fixed,
terparts has been documented for many tumor paraffin-embedded tissues from 202 surgically
types (reviewed by Danguy et al9 and van den removed PTCs were used for this immunohisto-
Brule et al10). Thus, galectin-3 has been exten- chemical analysis. Tumors were selected from the
sively studied in thyroid tissue during the past archival material of the Institute of Endocrinol-
few years.12 – 31 These studies demonstrated im- ogy, Diabetes and Metabolism, Clinical Center
munohistochemical overexpression of galectin-3 of Serbia, Belgrade. Histologic slides from the
in thyroid carcinomas, in both histologic sec- thyroid tumor tissue stained by hematoxylin-
tions 12 – 14,17,18,21 – 25,30,31 and cytologic speci- eosin were reevaluated by two pathologists (S.
mens,15,16,19,20,26,28 whereas its expression in T. and M. H.) to confirm the diagnosis, according
nonmalignant thyroid cells was absent or weak. to widely accepted histologic criteria32 – 35 and to
Therefore, galectin-3 was identified as a po- subclassify the variants of papillary carcinomas.
tential presurgical immunohistochemical marker Nuclear features (ground glass nuclei, grooved
for distinguishing benign from malignant thy- nuclei, and nuclear pseudoinclusions, at least two
roid tumors. of them), regardless of the growth pattern, were
According to the dedifferentiation state, thy- taken as the ‘‘gold standard’’ for confirming the
roid carcinomas originating from the epithelial diagnosis of papillary carcinoma. Selected papil-
follicular cells are in general classified as fol- lary carcinoma cases included different histologic
lows: well-differentiated carcinomas (papillary variants, and we divided them into three main
and follicular carcinomas) and poorly differenti- categories according to the histologic growth
ated carcinomas and undifferentiated (anaplastic) pattern: (1) classical PTC with papillary archi-
thyroid carcinomas. All authors investigating tecture (CL-PTC, 102 cases), (2) follicular variant
galectin-3 expression in thyroid tumors have of PTC (FV-PTC, 54 cases), and (3) follicular
found the highest level of expression in well- variant of PTC including areas with a solid
differentiated thyroid carcinomas and subse- growth pattern (FV/SOLID-PTC, 46 cases).
quent downregulation from poorly differentiated Information concerning age, sex, lymph node
toward undifferentiated carcinomas. Further- metastases involvement, extrathyroid invasion,
more, different patterns of galectin-3 expression and tumor size was retrieved by reviewing the
were identified for each subhistotype of follicular pathology reports. The patients included 169 fe-
carcinoma, starting with a high level in the well- males and 33 males (ratio, 5:1), ranging from 10
differentiated subtype and ending with a low level to 72 years old, with an average age of 46 years.
in the poorly differentiated follicular carcinoma The tumor size ranged from 2 mm to 10 cm. With
subtype.15,20 Interestingly, the highest level of regard to tumor size, the cases were divided into
galectin-3 expression in the spectrum of malig- groups (T1– T4) according to the TNM classifi-
nant thyroid tumors was found to be associated cation of thyroid tumors38: T1, <10 mm; T2,
with papillary tissue architecture (ie, with the 10 – 40 mm; T3, >40 mm (T1 –T3 = intrathyroid);
classical [papilliform] variant of papillary thy- and T4, extension outside the thyroid capsule (ie,
roid carcinoma [PTC]). However, PTC also oc- extrathyroid invasion). In 36 cases, lymph node
curs in different histomorphologic variants.32 – 37 metastases (LNM) were present at the time of
Whether galectin-3 expression varies in associa- surgery, and extrathyroid invasion (EI) was pres-
tion with the histologic growth pattern of PTC has ent in 45 cases. No patient had distant metastatic
not been pointed out in previous studies. disease at the time of original diagnosis.

1050 Galectin-3 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma HEAD & NECK December 2005
Immunohistochemistry. A rat monoclonal anti- negative)/(true positive + false positive + true
body (M3/38) against galectin-3, produced by negative + false negative).
ATCC TIB-166 (American Type Culture Collec- Statistical comparisons of data were per-
tion, Rockville, MD) was kindly provided by formed with Student’s t test. A value of p < .05
Dr. M. E. Huflejt, La Jolla Institute for Allergy was considered to be statistically significant.
and Immunology, San Diego, CA. The same anti-
body was used in our previous reports on galectin-
3 expression in thyroid tissue.14,18,27 RESULTS
Immunostaining was performed on 4- to 6-Am When present, normal or hyperplastic thyroid
thick sections using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase epithelial cells adjacent to malignant tissue of
complex (ABC) technique with reagents supplied papillary carcinoma showed no immunoreactivity
by Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA). for galectin-3.
After deparaffinizing and rehydrating, endog- The results of galectin-3 immunohistochemical
enous peroxidase activity was blocked with 0.3% staining of PTC tissue are given in Tables 1 – 3,
H2O2/methanol followed by nonimmune horse se- and some representative photographs are shown
rum for 20 minutes to block nonspecific binding. in Figure 1.
The sections were then incubated with pri- As shown in Table 1, positive immunohisto-
mary antibody against galectin-3 at 4jC over- chemical staining for galectin-3 was found in 169
night at a dilution of 1:200. This was followed by (83.7%) cases of PTC of the 202 cases analyzed
incubation with biotinylated horse anti-mouse in this study. Intensity of staining varied from
immunoglobulin G (IgG) (which also cross-reacts moderate/strong to weak or focal. Galectin-3 lo-
with the primary rat antibody) for 30 minutes and calization was dominantly cytoplasmic but also
thereafter with the ABC reagents for 30 minutes. membranous or nuclear in some cells. Galectin-
Between each step, sections were washed three 3 could not be detected immunohistochemically
times in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The re- in 33 cases, which means that we obtained 33
action was visualized using 3, 3V-diaminobenzidine false-negative results. Thus, the sensitivity of
tetrahydrochloride (DAB) solution. galectin-3 immunohistochemistry versus conven-
After counterstaining with hematoxylin, slides tional histology was 83.7% for the overall series of
were dehydrated, cover-slipped, and examined PTC cases analyzed.
using a Reichart – Jung microscope supplied with However, apparent differences in galectin-3
a Photostar automatic camera system (Cam- immunostaining results were found in relation to
bridge Instruments, Buffalo, NY). Controls were the histologic growth pattern. The highest level of
incubated with PBS in place of the primary galectin-3 expression was associated with the
antibody, and no positive staining was observed. group of classical papilliform PTC cases (CL-
The internal positive control was represented PTC), in which 100 of 102 cases (98.0%) showed
by histiocytes. positive galectin-3 immunostaining (moderate
to strong or weak/focal, as detailed in Table 1),
Scoring of Staining and Statistical Data. Staining whereas only two cases were negative (2.0%),
was scored as follows: (), no staining, (+), weak giving 98.0% sensitivity for galectin-3 immuno-
or focal staining, and (++), moderate to strong staining. In the FV-PTC group, 46 of 54 cases
staining in most epithelial thyroid cells. showed galectin-3 positive immunostaining, and
The sensitivity of galectin-3 immunohisto- eight cases were galectin-3 negative (sensitivity,
chemistry in confirming the diagnosis of PTC 85.2%). Furthermore, in the FV/SOLID-PTC
versus classical histologic analysis (taken as the group, galectin-3 was not detected in 23 (50%)
‘‘gold standard’’) was calculated as follows: true cases, giving a sensitivity of galectin-3 immuno-
positive/true positive + false negative. staining of only 50%. Statistically significant
The efficiency of galectin-3 immunodetection differences in the sensitivity of galectin-3 immu-
in distinguishing LNM-positive versus LNM- nohistochemistry were found between the FV/
negative cases and EI-positive versus EI-negative SOLID-group and the FV and CLV groups of PTC
cases, respectively, was evaluated by calculating cases ( p < .05).
the sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accu- In addition, galectin-3 immunostaining of PTC
racy. Specificity was defined as (true negative/ cases was correlated with available clinical data.
true negative + false positive), and diagnostic Galectin-3 expression in relation to LNM and EI
accuracy was defined as (true positive + true is shown in Table 2. All 36 cases involving LNM

Galectin-3 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma HEAD & NECK December 2005 1051
Table 1. Galectin-3 immunostaining in PTC in relation to Table 3. Galectin-3 immunostaining* in PTC in relation to
histologic growth pattern. tumor size (Ty).

Galectin-3 immunostaining* Staining intensity

PTC histologic Positive Negative
growth pattern ++ +  Sensitivity ++ + (++/+), totalz (), total
CL-PTC 92 8 2 98.0%y T1 (n = 60) 33 (55.0%) 14 (23.3%) 47 (78.3%) 13 (21.7%)
(classical (90.2%) (7.8%) (2.0%) T2 (n = 83) 57 (68.7%) 13 (15.7%) 70 (84.3%) 13 (15.7%)
papilliform) T3 (n = 14) 8 (57.1%) 2 (14.3%) 10 (71.4%) 4 (28.6%)
(n = 102)
*Staining was scored as follows: () no staining, (+) weak or focal
FV-PTC 35 11 8 85.2%z staining, and (++) moderate to strong staining in the majority of thyroid
(follicular (64.8%) (20.4%) (14.8%) epithelial cells.
variant) yAccording to Hermanek and Sobin.38 Details in ‘‘Material and Methods.’’
(n = 54) zDifferences not statistically significant (p > .05) for T1 vs T2, T2 vs T3 and
T1 vs T3.
FV/SOLID-PTC 12 11 23 50.0%§
(follicular (26.1%) (23.9%) (50.0%)
variant with
solid areas) (n = 36) LNM involvement. The diagnostic ac-
(n = 46) curacy of galectin-3 immunodetection in distin-
Total (n = 202) 139 30 33
guishing LNM-positive from LNM-negative cases
(68.8%) (14.9%) (16.3%)
Positive: 169 Negative: 33 83.7% was only 34.2%.
(83.7%) (16.3%) Galectin-3 immunostaining in PTC in relation
Abbreviations: PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma; CL-PTC, classical
to EI of PTC is also shown in Table 2. Galectin-3
papillary thyroid carcinoma with papillary architecture; FV-PTC, follicular was immunohistochemically detected in 42 of
variant of papillary carcinoma; FV/SOLID-PTC, follicular variant of 45 cases (93.3%) with EI (sensitivity, 93.3%) and
papillary carcinoma including areas with a solid growth pattern.
*Staining was scored as follows: () no staining, (+) weak or focal in 127 of 157 cases (80.9%) without EI (specificity,
staining, and (++) moderate to strong staining in the majority of thyroid 19.1%). Thus, in a similar way to LNM involve-
epithelial cells.
Note. p < .05 for § vs y and vs z.
ment, galectin-3 expression itself did not indicate
the presence of EI. The diagnostic accuracy of
galectin-3 immunodetection in distinguishing
were galectin-3 positive (sensitivity, 100%). In the PTC cases with and without EI was only 35.6%.
group of PTC cases without LNM, there were 133 Galectin-3 immunoexpression was also corre-
(80.1%) cases showing galectin-3 positivity and 33 lated with the tumor size of PTC. The cases were
(19.9%) cases negative for galectin-3 immunos- divided into four groups (T1– T4), as detailed in
taining (specificity, 19.9%). Although it seemed ‘‘Material and Methods.’’ Group T4 (extension
that higher levels of galectin-3 expression were beyond the gland), consisting of the cases with EI,
associated with primary tumors involving LNM, was analyzed in Table 2. Table 3 shows galectin-3
galectin-3 expression itself did not indicate local expression in relation to the size of intrathy-
metastatic spread of PTC, because among the roid PTC (groups T1 – T3). There were no signifi-
total of 169 cases expressing galectin-3 there cant differences in galectin-3 expression among
were more cases without (n = 133) than with groups T1, T2, and T3, which indicates that
galectin-3 is not associated with the size of intra-
thyroid PTC.
Table 2. Galectin-3 immunostaining* in PTC in relation to lymph
node metastases and extrathyroid invasion.
LNM (+) LNM () EI (+) EI ()
(n = 36) (n = 166) (n = 45) (n = 157) During the past few years, galectin-3 has been
widely investigated as a potential immunohisto-
Galectin-3 positive 36 133 42 127
(+/++), number
chemical marker of thyroid malignancy.12 – 31
Galectin-3 negative 0 33 3 30 Because of its high expression in thyroid carcino-
(), number mas and the absence or weak expression in
Sensitivity, % 100.0 93.3 normal and benign thyroid tissue, the findings
Specificity, % 19.9 19.1 indicate the diagnostic value of galectin-3 immu-
Diagnostic accuracy, % 34.2 35.6
nohistochemistry in distinguishing benign from
Abbreviations: PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma; LNM, lymph node malignant thyroid tumors.
metastases; EI, extrathyroid invasive.
*Positive staining: strong to moderate (++) and weak/focal (+); negative
The highest levels of galectin-3 immunohisto-
staining: absence of staining. chemical expression are associated with papillary

1052 Galectin-3 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma HEAD & NECK December 2005
FIGURE 1. Immunohistochemical expression of galectin-3 in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) in relation to histologic growth pattern
(indirect immunoperoxidase, hematoxylin-diaminobenzidine). Strong cytoplasmic immunostaining for galectin-3 in a classical variant of
PTC (A and B). Strong positivity for galectin-3 in a follicular variant of PTC (C). Moderate positivity for galectin-3 (D) and negative
immunostaining for galectin-3 (E) in follicular/solid variants of PTC. Original magnifications: A, 10; B and C, 20; D and E, 40. [Color
figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

architecture of thyroid carcinoma. PTC is defined of galectin-3 immunohistochemistry versus con-

from the histologic features (essentially papillary ventional histology was reported to be in the
growth pattern intermingling with a follicular range of 92% to 100%, with the exception of one
growth pattern to various degrees), cytologic study21 in which galectin-3 sensitivity for PTC
features (ground glass nuclei, grooved nuclei, was found to be 82%. However, this type of thyroid
and intranuclear inclusions), and biologic behav- malignancy was mainly analyzed as part of a
ior (slow growth and propensity to metastasize to spectrum of thyroid tumors, with the consequence
lymph nodes).32 – 37 The follicular variant is the that in most studies a small number of PTC cases
most common subhistotype of PTC. In addition, were involved. Furthermore, it is not clear
some PTCs also contain focal areas of a more whether the PTC cases analyzed included differ-
cellular, solid growth pattern. According to widely ent histomorphologic subtypes of PTC, because
accepted histologic criteria,32 – 35 PTC is solely that was not mentioned in these reports. Only the
defined by its characteristic nuclear features group of LiVolsi23 noticed weaker galectin-3 ex-
regardless of its growth pattern. However, some- pression in five of 15 cases of the follicular variant
times PTC shows a multifocal rather than a of PTC versus classical PTC, whereas Weber
diffuse distribution of nuclear features and can et al30 recently reported 100% sensitivity for
mimic hyperplastic nodule or follicular adenoma typical PTC, but the sensitivity for a follicular
of the thyroid. variant of PTC was found to be 83%.
In previous studies on galectin-3 expression in This is the first study focused on galectin-3
thyroid tumors, galectin-3 was found to be ex- immunohistochemical expression in PTC in rela-
pressed in all or almost all PTCs. The sensitivity tion to different histologic growth patterns. Thus,

Galectin-3 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma HEAD & NECK December 2005 1053
we observed that galectin-3 expression varies in or nuclear, suggesting other roles for galectin-3 in
relation to this parameter. In fact, our results thyroid tumor biology, such as proapoptotic
clearly show that galectin-3 is immunohistochem- activity or regulation of the cell cycle (prolifer-
ically expressed at the highest levels in classi- ative activity). In this work, galectin-3 expression
cal PTC with a papillary architecture, whereas was not found to be related to the growth of
its expression is slightly decreased in the fol- intrathyroid PTC, indicating that this protein
licular variant of PTC and further decreased probably does not contribute to the proliferative
in the follicular variant of PTC including solid capacity of PTC. Further efforts using methods of
growth pattern areas. Thus, although the sensi- cell biology are required to explain the exact
tivity of galectin-3 immunostaining for the clas- function of galectin-3 in malignantly transformed
sical and the pure follicular variant of PTC was thyroid cells.
mainly similar to the values reported in previous In summary, from the aspect of clinical prac-
studies, the number of false-negative results in tice, our results could be of importance, because
FV/SOLID PTC variants included in this study they indicate that galectin-3 immunohistochem-
pointed to unsatisfactory sensitivity of galectin-3 istry is an excellent marker for the classical
immunostaining in confirming the conventional papilliform variant of PTC, but not for the uncon-
diagnosis of PTC. ventional cases of PTC, which are a diagnostic
In this study, because the relatively large problem. In our opinion, galectin-3 immunohisto-
series of PTC cases was collected together with chemistry need not be used for easily diagnosed
the clinical data, we also examined the associa- cases of thyroid tumors (such as classical PTC
tion of galectin-3 expression with LNM, EI, and with papillary architecture, which is easily diag-
tumor growth. Although all the PTC cases nosed by routine histopathologic analysis) but
involving LNM and most cases presented with primarily for doubtful cases as an aid to conven-
EI (91.4%) were galectin-3 positive in this study, tional histologic diagnostics.
we concluded that galectin-3 immunohistochem-
ical expression itself is not an indicator of local Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful
metastatic spread or EI of PTC, because galectin- to Dr. M. E. Huflejt, La Jolla Institute for Allergy
3 immunopositivity was found in a larger propor- and Immunology, San Diego, CA, for providing
tion of cases without LNM or EI involvement. the monoclonal antibody against galectin-3 and
Thus, from the results of this study, we can- to Dr. K. Krgovic, Center for Endocrine Surgery,
not completely confirm the finding of Kawachi Institute of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Dis-
et al,17 who reported that primary PTC tumors eases of Metabolism, Clinical Center of Serbia,
involving LNM contained significantly higher Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, for reviewing
concentrations of galectin-3 than tumors without the pathologic files.
metastases. In certain types of human tumors,
such as head and neck, gastric, and colon cancers,
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