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GRAMMAR b Write words for the definitions.

1 bl verb to lose blood, from a wound or injury

a Complete the sentences with one word.
2 SW adj bigger than normal, especially because
1 What were you and Sarah talking ? of an injury or infection
2 You didn't like her latest novel, you? 3 b noun a piece of cloth used to tie round a part
3 My father loves opera and so my mother. of the body that has been hurt
4 A I've been to India twice. B you? I'd love to go. 4 t._ _ _ noun a pain in one of your teeth
5 What have you doing since I last saw you? 5 r noun an area of red spots caused by an illness
b@a,b,orc. or allergy

1 Could you tell me what time ? c @ t h e right verb or verb phrase.

a the bus leaves b leaves the bus c does the bus leave 1 I have /feel a bit dizzy. I need to sit down.
2 How many people use this computer? 2 She burnt/ sprained her ankle when she was jogging.
a do use b use c does use 3 It was so hot in the room that I nearly fainted/ choked.
3 You're not eating much. like the food? 4 This skirt doesn't fit/ suit me. It's a bit too big.
a You don't b Don't you c Aren't you 5 Can I go in jeans? I don't feel like getting dressed/
4 A Why didn't you call me? getting changed.
B I , but your phone was switched off. d @ t h e word that is different.
a do call b did called c did call
1 striped spotted plain patterned
5 The slower you work, you'll finish.
2 silk cotton fur smart
a later b the later c the later than
3 collar sleeveless hooded long-sleeved
6 three cups of coffee already this morning.
4 lycra scarf vest cardigan
a I've been having b I've had c I have
5 fashionable scruffy stylish trendy
7 That was probably the worst film~--
a I've ever seen b I've never seen e Complete with one word.
c I've ever been seeing 1 My mother had very bad flu last week, but she's
8 I met at my language class today. beginning to get it now.
a a Swiss b the Swiss c a Swiss girl 2 Please lie on the couch over there.
9 Some people think that don't pay enough tax. 3 I'm feeling sick. I think I'm going to up.
a the rich b the rich people c rich 4 Do we really need to dress for the party tonight?
10 I got a bag for my birthday. 5 Please up your clothes in the wardrobe.
a beautiful leather Italian b Italian leather beautiful
c beautiful Italian leather
a @ t h e word with a different sound.
a Complete the compound adjectives. 1 ~ ache choke checked matches
1 My boss is very bad-
starts shouting at everyone.
. When things go wrong he 2 W unconscious rash fash ion suede

2 I'm very -minded. I tend to forget things. 3 i injury striped silk blister
3 I think Paul is a bit tight- . He never spends
money unless he absolutely has to. 4 ~ allergic b urnt wear fur
4 Syliva won't have any problems at the interview - she's
5 ~ cough flu sui t loose
very self-_ __
5 That dress is very old- . It looks like the kind of b Underline the main stressed syllable.
thing my granny would wear. 1 inlcre jdi lbly 2 big- jhea!ded 3 an ltijbilo jtics

• 4 swimlsuit
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5 fa jshio lna jble
a Read the article once. What do shamans do? The rise of the shamans
The sound of drumbeats
b Read the article again and choose a, b, or c.
reverberates in the small
1 According to the article, shamans help people to ... conference room as the
a communicate with dead relatives shaman goes into a trance.
b solve their health problems The others present, their eyes
c enter a parallel reality closed, focus on the rhythmic
2 Shamans heal people by ... sounds of the drums. The
shaman, in his trance, makes
a curing their depression
the journey to a parallel
b helping them to find something they have lost
reality in search of solutions
c dealing with their deep emotional problems
to the various problems the
3 Harnam Sidhu and Shelly Khanna ... group has brought with it.
a both had serious diseases
For most people this may seem weird, but it is becoming
b did not initially believe that shamanism could help
a fairly common experience for others. People from many
different professions - students, businessmen, housewives,
c have both become more deeply interested in
even former soldiers - are turning to shamanism, an ancient
shamanism spiritual practice where the practitioner communes with 'spirit
4 According to Klinger-Paul, shamanism ... guides' to gain access to information and healing.
a requires time to work Cosima Klinger-Paul, an Austrian who moved to India in 2000
b only works if people believe in it and has started a school of shamanism, says that the interest
c may work only because of the placebo effect in the practice is not surprising. 'Shamanism has always been
c Choose five words or phrases from the text. Check there in every culture. It is the oldest healing method of
their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn
them. How exactly does shamanism work? Shamans believe
that all illnesses have a spiritual cause, which is reflected
in the physical body. Healing the spiritual cause heals the
CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS FILM? physical body. An important shamanic belief is the concept
of 'soul loss'. Shamanic cultures around the world believe that
1 51 >)) Watch or listen to a short film on the History of whenever someone suffers an extreme physical or emotional
Surgery and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). trauma, a piece of his soul 'falls off'. Soul loss manifests in most
people through feelings of emptiness and depression. Once
1 St Thomas' hospital had a very early operating theatre.
the person gets the missing part of his soul back, shamans
2 In a modern operating theatre there is a monitor to believe that the lost vitality and health also comes back.
measure a patient's brain activity.
But is it really as simplistic as this? Those who have
3 The room where the operating theatre used to be is
undergone shamanic healing sessions seem to think so.
now a church.
Harnam Sidhu, a 46-year-old marketing executive, swears by
4 The rooms where operations took place were called the practice. 'It helped reverse my disease,' he says. Sidhu was
theatres because the public came to watch. suffering from glaucoma - a degenerative condition that causes
5 The theatre was usually full for an operation. the loss of optic nerves leading to blindness. Doctors had told
6 Most operations at St Thomas' were done on rich him it was a matter of months before he went completely blind
people. in the bad eye. As a last resort, he tried out shamanism. After
a few sessions, when he went for a check-up, his doctor told
7 Surgeons used primitive forms of anaesthetic.
him that a miracle had happened - his condition was starting
8 Surgeons could cut off a limb very quickly. to reverse. Shelly Khanna, who took shamanic healing for a
9 When there was a lot of blood during an operation, it frozen shoulder condition, says 80% of her pain vanished after
was collected in a space under the floor. the session. 'I went as a sceptic, but I was so amazed by the
10 If patients died, their bodies were given back to their experience that I resolved to learn shamanism myself.'
families. Was it really shamanism at work or simply the placebo effect?
Believers stress that shamanic healing is an established tradition
that has been tested time and again over centuries. 'Shamanism
is not a religion, but an adventure into one's own mind,' says
Klinger-Paul. 'It takes time to become familiar and to deal with the
spirit world. I tend to say no to requests for quick healing. This is
not a spiritual aspirin that you can take and be healed.'

Atul Sethi in The Times of India

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