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Facultad de educación FEDU

Licenciatura en Educación Infantil

My English Challenge
Fundamentos del desarrollo motor y juego

Objetivos conceptuales

1. Reforzar conceptos disciplinares y aprender nuevo vocabulario mediante la lectura

en segunda lengua (inglés).
2. Utilizar estrategias de lectura para mejorar la comprensión de textos en lengua

Objetivos procedimentales

1. Habituar a l@s estudiantes a la realización de ejercicios sencillos en lengua

2. Practicar vocabulario acerca de las infancias en lengua extranjera.

Objetivos actitudinales

1. Favorecer la comprensión y la expresión de textos cortos acerca de las infancias en

lengua extranjera.
2. Ampliar su visión del mundo, abriendo la mente de l@s estudiantes a otros idiomas
y realidades, con actitud de respeto.

Solve1.a reading workshop in Spanish the previous class.
Opening question: What aspects of the game identifies as a learning resource for early

1. Remember to reinforce what was seen in class independently.
2. Record the vocabulary in your personal glossary, which you can build throughout
your career.
Practice # 1


a. Study the meaning of the following terms:

Game: Sustantivo (Noun) /geɪm/ Juego
(An amusement or pastime)
Example: A child can decide which game to play.

Development: Sustantivo (Noun) /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/

(The act or process of developing)
Example: Children’s development is the priority of the
early childhood educator.

Experimentation: Sustantivo (Noun) /ɪkˌspɛrɪmɛnˈteɪʃən/

(The act, process or practice of experimenting)
Example: The experimentation provides new knowledge.

Toys: Sustantivo (Noun) /tɔɪs/ Juguetes

(An object for children to play with)
Example: Toys must be supervised by teachers and caregivers

Manipulation: Sustantivo (Noun) /məˌnɪpjʊˈleɪʃən/ Manipulación

(The act of manipulating)
Example: Children develop their skills through manipulation of

Resourceful: Adjetivo (Adjective) /rɪˈzɔːrsfʊl/ Ingenioso

(Able to deal with dificulties)
Example: A teacher might be resourceful to get kids’ attention.

b. Complete the following sentences with the words studied.

1. The most Manipulation areas of the school are where all the materials and toys
are placed
2. The Development is the methodology by which the child will learn and internalize
3. The child learns through his/her Game of the environment
4. The game is a relevant part of children Resourceful
5. The child builds, symbolizes and classifies through the Experimentation he
makes with the objects he uses
6. Every kind of Toys must be examined and evaluated to comply with the values
and principles stablished by the education legislation
Practice # 2


Develop a conceptual map where the game is explained as a methodology for early
childhood education.


Game is not only a

Games and toys are the mechanism that gives them
Is the main learning driver main materials in early some pleasure, but it
the child has childhood education that becomes a vital need to
promotes learning. develop and grow.

Everything the child takes will

have a direct relationship with
the game, and through its use
it may give a better meaning of
the world in which he grows.

Every early childhood

education is influenced by
the game
Practice # 3


Design a crossword with the terms previously worked on.


Lucas, F. M. M. (2017). The game as an early childhood learning resource for intercultural
education. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 237, 908-913.

Yeimi Carolina Ayala Orjuela

ID 783109

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