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Physics Report

Determining the length expansion

coefficient for 0,25mm wire using
Date performed: May 26th

Report written by Joshua Hardie

Purpose of the experiment

To investigate how the length of a wire expands in response to temperature increase.

Theory and background

From an engineering perspective, an understanding of how wires behave when exposed to high heat is
very important. For example, if one were designing a high tolerance electronic component which risks
encountering extreme temperature conditions, it would be important to ensure that no metal contacts would
expand and cause a short circuit.

The first important step in performing this experiment is to fully assess the dimensions of the steel wire
under investigation. Given that its diameter is known to be 0.25mm, and the length of the wire is 60cm, the
following formulas can be used to determine surface area (𝐴) and circumference (𝐶):

𝐶 = 2𝜋𝑟

𝐴 = 𝐶𝐿

Use of this formula gleans all the following information:

Wire Wire Wire

circumference: 1,57 mm length 60 cm area 9,42 cm^2
0,157 cm 0,000942 m^2

The most complex of the necessary formulas is the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Since I am heating my wire
with an electric current, the use of a traditional thermometer is completely unnecessary. The temperature of
the wire will be proportional to the 4th root of the power traveling through the wire. Here is that formula:

𝑃 = 𝜖𝜎𝐴𝑇 4

The Stefan-Boltzmann law factors in 𝑃, the power input, 𝜎, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 𝐴, the
surface area of the wire, and 𝑇, the temperature. There is also the emissivity coefficient, 𝜖, which indicates
how much heat a given “grey body” radiates. Since 𝜖 is virtually equal to 1 for such a thin wire, essentially
making it a “black body”, the equation can be simplified to:

𝑃 = 𝜎𝐴𝑇 4

In order to isolate T, this is rearranged to:

𝑃 4
𝑇=( )
(𝜎 ∗ 𝐴)

Since the experiment isn’t being performed in a vacuum, the formula must be modified to account for
the fact that prior to any current being sent through it, the wire will already be at room temperature, 301

𝑃 4
𝑇1 = ( + 𝑇04 )
(𝜎 ∗ 𝐴)

The basic fact of Stefan Boltzmann’s equation remains the same though, being that power radiated
from a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its temperature, meaning the power output of the DC
power supply can be used to determine the temperature of the wire.

Determining the length of the wire is rather simpler, though still not as simple as conventionally
measuring it with a ruler. Instead, the vertical depression of the wire will be measured, and Pythagoras’
theorem will be used to thereby determine the length of the wire.

The expanded length of the wire, 𝐿1 , is equal to 2𝑐. The length of the wire at room temperature, 𝐿0 , is a
constant equal to 2a, and is easy to measure prior to beginning the experiment. 𝑏 can be found by observing
the ruler, but to find 𝑐, we need to use the following formula:

𝑐 = √𝑎2 + 𝑏 2

The formula for length expansion is as follows due to temperature is as follows:

= 𝛼Δ𝑇

Graphing all the temperature difference values against all the length difference values should produce a
gradient equal to the length expansion coefficient for this wire.


Materials/Setup Used:

- 2 conductive posts, heavy enough not to slide around on the experiment surface.
- A thin, taut, conductive wire connecting them.
- A small weight suspended from the center of the string, heavy enough not to slide away from the
- A ruler, positioned vertically as close behind the weight and string setup as possible.
- A DC power supply with readouts for both voltage and amperage. Only one needs to be modifiable.
The power supply’s 2 terminals each be connected to a conductive post.


1. Clear the experiment surface of any flammable, combustible, or fragile items

2. With the wire taut between the two posts, take a reading of the height of the top of the weight. It is
important that your line of sight is precisely adjacent to the ruler, so as to minimize the possible impact
of the parallax effect

The figure in this diagram will fall victim to the parallax effect, and erroneously read the height of the
weight at the red dot, when it is actually at the purple dot.

By closing one eye and squatting down to level his line of sight with the weight and ruler, the figure
becomes immune to the parallax effect.
3. Take note of this reading in your table, next to voltage 0 and current 0.
4. Step up the voltage on your DC power supply, write down the voltage and current levels displayed, and
record a measurement as in step 2
5. Following each reading, the voltage should be set to zero, and the wire allowed to completely cool.
Once it has, take another reading, and ensure it matches the one from step 2.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the cooled down reading no longer matches the one from step 2. At this
point, discard the most recent measurement. The experiment is complete.

X = Power (Watts)
Y = Height of top of weight

The independent variable is varied by turning the voltage knob on the DC power supply. It is important to
record the readout for both voltage and current, as one will change with the other and they are both important
to calculating power. Between each measurement, the voltage knob must be turned to 0 while the string is
observed, to ensure it returns to its original height.

The dependent variable will be measured by observing the measurement on the ruler closest to the center of
the string, where the weight is.

It will be important to ensure the distance between the two posts remains constant. In early pilot experiments,
the two posts were quite light and had very little friction, so the weight pulled the two posts together
noticeably over the course of the experiment.


Voltage Current Power Temperature Temperature Height

V A P T T-273 h
V A W K C mm
+/- 0,01 +/- 0,01 +/- 0,5
0 0 0 301 28,0 199
2,5 0,37 0,925 399,7143089 126,7 198
3,4 0,51 1,734 449,0843713 176,1 197
3,7 0,57 2,109 467,3228973 194,3 196
4,5 0,69 3,105 507,5133423 234,5 195
4,7 0,72 3,384 517,2212811 244,2 194
5,1 0,78 3,978 536,2401643 263,2 193
5,4 0,82 4,428 549,4069166 276,4 192
5,8 0,88 5,104 567,5662434 294,6 191
6,1 0,93 5,673 581,6037717 308,6 190

6,5 1 6,5 600,3531689 327,4 189
6,6 1,02 6,732 605,3099388 332,3 188
7,7 1,19 9,163 651,1416653 378,1 185
8,8 1,35 11,88 692,9953918 420,0 182
9,5 1,47 13,965 720,6227833 447,6 180
10,5 1,62 17,01 756,0153204 483,0 177
11,5 1,78 20,47 790,9915858 518,0 174
13,1 2,03 26,593 843,4488755 570,4 170
15,3 2,35 35,955 908,5467011 635,5 165
17,6 2,67 46,992 970,746368 697,7 160
21,4 3,17 67,838 1063,308316 790,3 155
34,5 3,55 122,475 1231,661437 958,7 150

Intial Expanded Total Length Expansion Temperature Length expansion

Length/2 Length/2 Expansion Proportion difference coefficient
1/2L0 deltaL/L0
cm cm cm cm K
+/- 0,5
30 30,000 0,000 0,0000 0,00 #DIV/0!
30 30,001 0,001 0,0000 98,71 4,50228E-07
30 30,001 0,003 0,0001 148,08 6,75274E-07
30 30,003 0,005 0,0002 166,32 1,06882E-06
30 30,004 0,008 0,0003 206,51 1,34499E-06
30 30,006 0,012 0,0004 216,22 1,84977E-06
30 30,008 0,016 0,0005 235,24 2,3141E-06
30 30,011 0,021 0,0007 248,41 2,86218E-06
30 30,013 0,027 0,0009 266,57 3,37551E-06
30 30,017 0,033 0,0011 280,60 3,95862E-06
30 30,020 0,040 0,0013 299,35 4,48966E-06
30 30,024 0,048 0,0016 304,31 5,2557E-06
30 30,037 0,075 0,0025 350,14 7,13551E-06
30 30,054 0,108 0,0036 392,00 9,17553E-06
30 30,067 0,133 0,0044 419,62 1,05798E-05
30 30,088 0,176 0,0059 455,02 1,28988E-05
30 30,112 0,225 0,0075 489,99 1,53004E-05
30 30,150 0,299 0,0100 542,45 1,83891E-05
30 30,203 0,407 0,0136 607,55 2,23277E-05
30 30,265 0,531 0,0177 669,75 2,64271E-05
30 30,336 0,671 0,0224 762,31 2,93514E-05
30 30,414 0,828 0,0276 930,66 2,96429E-05
[For each column with calculated variables or uncertainties, there must be a sample calculation of the first
value in that column. The sample calculation should be immediately below the table]


• [e. Error bars]

• [i. Later on we will add min-max lines…]

Raw Measurements

Height of Weight (mm)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Watts of Power Supplied (W) (A * V)

Length Expansion With Temperature

Proportional Length Expansion






0,00 100,00 200,00 300,00 400,00 500,00 600,00 700,00 800,00 900,00 1000,00
Temperature of Wire (K)

0,000035 y = 0,0000000445x - 0,0000072038
Length Expansion Coefficient

0,00 100,00 200,00 300,00 400,00 500,00 600,00 700,00 800,00 900,00 1000,00
Temperature of Wire (K)


The results of my experiment did not correspond with my theory. This was due to a personal misunderstanding
on my part, being that the coefficient of thermal expansion was generally constant regardless of temperature.
Contrary to that assumption, there is a great deal of nuance to the behaviors of individual materials. The
coefficient varies with temperature. My results are certainly still useful, but the length expansion coefficient for
steel wire mustn’t be interpreted as a constant figure.

Discussion and evaluation (only bullet points for now)

The data collection was definitely thorough on my part

The ruler was not very precise, and neither was my measuring method

The wire was prone to deformation after long exposure to high temperature, which couldn’t really be helped.
So these harsh limits on data range made accurate readings a must.

No matter how heavy they were, the posts simply didn’t have very much static friction and were difficult to
keep a consistent distance apart from one another.

If I were to repeat this experiment, I would dedicate some time to working out the exact temperature limits of
the wire before deformation would occur.

A better method would be with either a camera, so measurements could either be done pixel-by-pixel in a
dedicated software. A laser or ultrasound rangefinder positioned below the weight might work as well.

rubber grips on the bottoms of the posts


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