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2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON)

Fingerprint based human age group estimation

Aditya K. Saxena Vijay K Chaurasiya

Indian Institute of Information Technology Indian Institute of Information Technology
Allahabad,India -211012 Allahabad,India-211012
Email: Email:

Abstract—In this paper we investigate whether human digital With the advancement in the field of pattern recognition
fingerprints can be used to estimate human age-groups. To our and computer vision, computer-based automatic age estimation
knowledge,human age-group estimation using digital fingerprints has become a particularly interesting research topic recently
have not been addressed formally. Human age-group estimation because of its applicability in various real world applications,
can be applied in the areas of online child protection, age based such as surveillance monitoring and security control [3], [4],
access control or customized services based on estimated age-
electronic customer relationship management (ECRM)[5], [6]
groups. Motivated by the fact that human digital fingerprint vary
in width ranging from birth to adulthood but pattern remains , biometrics[7], [8] and entertainment.
the same, we have developed a Gabor based method to classify
fingerprints into three age groups. Experimental results show Age group estimation by automated systems has been
the feasibility of our method which can be used to protect deemed to be a challenging problem by existing methods since
children over cyberspace by automatically customizing their people from different races have varying rates of aging process
access according to their age-group.
[3], [9]. This is not only governed by the peoples’ race and
Keywords:Digital Fingerprints;Biometric;Age-group Estima- genes but by many other factors such as working environment,
tion; Online child Protection;Gabor features living style, sociality and health condition [10], [11] to name a
few. Existing age group estimation methods use facial images
for estimation and analysis[12], [13], [14]. In a situation
I. I NTRODUCTION when we require age group estimation and authentication,
fingerprints are the most suited biometric modality to achieve
Cyber - the world of applications and services over com- this task. Age-group estimation through fingerprints can be
puter networks or internet is prone to security issues. Tools of great use in areas where we are not actually concerned
that are used for attacks are easily available over the internet about the identity of a particular individual, but we want to
and can be downloaded free of cost. This ease of access know under which age group his or her age lies. It has been
and usability, and anonymity that is easily achievable by reported in a study done in the area of paleontology that
the attacker are the root causes of the problem. This makes fingerprints contain discriminative features based on which we
researchers give more impetus to the field of cyber security can differentiate between children and adults[15].
and give significant attention to remove the obstacles that
come their way to secure the current and future users of
internet. Cyber security itself is a vast area covering security
of everything that relies on internet and computers. Out of the
number of issues, child protection over cyber world is one of
the important aspects.
Immature users, usually children, who are unknown to dark
side of the cyber world, are easy targets for attackers. This Fig. 1. Flowchart of proposed fingerprint-based age group estimation
means thereby that children who are active on internet can be-
come easy prey to attackers. Therefore several countries around
the globe have cyber security standards and mechanisms to Based on these findings we have used digital fingerprints in
make their cyber space a secure space. Ubiquitous availability this work for age-group estimation. Our foremost objective is
of wireless communications devices and internet is increasing to identify children’s fingerprints and differentiate them from
manifold in India and so are the related cyber security issues. those of an adult. The definition of the age of child is adopted
When taking into consideration the particular geographical according to Indian law that is up to 12 years for fixing
region for the present study (India), Internet penetration level criminal responsibility. [16]. Our experimental results clearly
has climbed with 0.1 percent penetration rate since 1998 to showcased the feasibility of digital fingerprints in estimating
8.5 percent in 2010[1]. The United Nations General Assembly human age group so that we can easily classify fingerprints by
in the year 1989 has given its mandate and approved the differentiating child’s fingerprints from that of an adult.
UN convention on the Child Rights. Particularly Article 17
gives significant attention to the protection of children from The paper is organized as follows: In Part II, we have dis-
the material and information which might be injurious to their cussed about the proposed approach for age-group estimation.
well being[2]. Part III describes our experimental setup Part IV deals with
978-1-4799-5364-6/14/$31.00 2014
c IEEE Results and discussion and Part V concludes the paper.

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II. P ROPOSED A PPROACH the Gabor feature space which is of very high dimensionality.
Jones and Palmer in their work in [23] reported that Gabor
The approach we followed for estimating human age-group
features are good fit to the visual receptive weight fields which
using fingerprints is shown in the flow chart depicted in
are seen in cells of cat’s striate cortex.Therefore we have Gabor
Fig.1.We extracted the discriminating features of fingerprints
magnitude features to get the most discriminative efficiency in
for learning sequence using Gabor wavelets.The features so ex-
our work.
tracted were having very high dimensionality.So to remove this
high dimensionality we projected the extracted features into B. Subspace learning and classification
principal component (PCA) subspace[17].At last we performed
child identification or age group estimation using K-nearest Here we present our approach for the age-group estima-
neighbour(KNN)[18]classifier and arrive at the fingerprint age- tion.The features extracted using Gabor filter bank are of
group. very high dimensionality.Our main objective is to reduce the
dimensionality of the extracted feature and partition the feature
A. Gabor features set into learning and testing sequences to achieve precise
Gabor filters method of representing frequency and orien-
tation is analogous to human perception system and features 1) Learning Algorithim:
extracted from Gabor filters have been reported to be more
appropriate for discriminating textures. S Marleja et al. in
Input: fingerprint images Xi with known age class Ai
his work [19] reported that a 2-D Gabor filter behaves like
Output:Dimensionally reduced learning and training
a Gaussian kernel function which is then modulated by a 2-
sequence matrix
D sinusoidal wave.Further they reported that human visual
system can be precisely modeled by Gabor functions.Daugman
Step 1(Initialization): Let Xi be the image in Age class Ai .
in his work in [20] said that a Gabor filter set of varying fre-
Step 2(Feature Extraction):
quencies and orientation can be used to extract discriminating
features from an image. Therefore Gabor filters based feature • Create Gabor filter bank of 5 orientations level and 8
extraction is being extensively used in image processing and scales having window size of 39 × 39.
pattern recognition problems.
• Convolve this bank of Gabor filter with the image
The Gabor filters are all self-similar since all of them can be Xi and concatenate Gabor power features for each
generated from one filter by scaling and rotation.A 2D Gabor orientation and scale to get the Gabor feature vector
filter after being convoluted by a Gaussian envelope function Gi .
acquires the properties of complex plane wave. [21]:
Step 3:Repeat above steps for each image Xi corresponding
kkµ,ν k2 to age class Ai
2 σ2
kzk2 /2σ 2 )
ψµ,ν (z) = σ2
e−(kkµ,ν k [eikµ,vz − e− 2 ] (1) Step 4(Dimension reduction & partition):
• When every Gabor feature vector Gi of every class
where kµ,ν = kmaxfv e
, z = (x, y) ,µ and ν define the Ai is collected as feature matrix.
orientation and scale of different Gabor filters generated,kmax
is the maximum frequency and f is the spacing factor between • Partition the feature matrix into learning sequence
the kernels
√ in the frequency domain.σ = 2π, kmax = π/2 and matrix and testing sequence matrix.
f = 2.
• Project both learning sequence matrix and testing
Gabor features from different Gabor filters are extracted sequence matrix into PCA subspace.
by convolving Gabor filters at various positions from the
fingerprint image.In this work we have taken each Gabor filter
size as 39 ∗ 39.Let I(x, y) be a fingerprint image then the
convolution of Gabor filter ψµ,ν with the fingerprint image 2) Classification Algorithim:
I(z) is given as :[22]
Oµ,ν (z) = I(z) ψµ,ν (z) (2) Input:Learning and Testing sequence matrix .
Output:Estimated Age class Ai for the test image sequence
Ti .
where Oµ,ν (z) is the result of convolution of Gabor filter
and fingerprint image I(z) at orientation µ and scale ν.In
step 1(Initialization): Let Ti be the test vector of image Xi
this work we have adopted Wang et al scheme[21] in which
and M be the learned feature Matrix.
orientation and scale is as U = {µ : 0 ≤ µ ≤ 7} and
V = {ν : −2 ≤ ν ≤ 5} respectively.For current research step 2(Classification
work we have adopted scale V=5 and orientation U=8.
• Feed test vector Ti and learning sequence matrix M
The Gabor filter bank so generated consists of 40 Gabor into K-NN classifier
filters of different orientations and scale.These filters are
convolved with the fingerprint image which in turn provides us

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Though there are various fingerprint databases avail-
able,they do not contain age varying discriminating fea-
tures.For training and testing purpose we have developed in-
house database of digital fingerprints in three age groups:
• 6-9 −→ (360 fingerprints of 600 dpi each)
• 10-13−→ (360 fingerprints of 600 dpi each)
• 14-17−→ (360 fingerprints of 600 dpi each)

Fig. 3. Recognition rates for all classes jointly as well as separately on all
8 criteria

Fig 3 shows recognition rates for all the three classes and
Fig. 2. Numbering used to store the fingerprints when all the classes are taken together.From the fig 3 we
conclude that little finger gives the best result for all the three
360 fingerprint images are taken(180 males+180 fe- classes taken together.For all the three classes we get the best
males)for each age group.Fingerprints are numbered on the result for the age-group of 6-10 and for this age group we
basis of following numbering scheme shown in Fig.2. get the best results when we use thumb only for learning and
testing sequence.
Descriptice Statisticsl Age groups
6-9 10-13 14-17
Mean Age 7.171429 10.36363636 15.08
Standard Error 0.198675 0.162859325 0.148021
Median 7 10 15
Standard Deviation 1.175378 1.080286549 1.046666
Sample Variance 1.381513 1.167019027 1.09551
No of Subjects 36 36 36


Table I shows the descriptive statistics of our sample data

collected. 250 fingerprints were used for learning sequence and
100 for training sequence.The database so collected contains
the fingerprints of both the genders in equal proportions so
that there is no age distribution bias. we have checked our
approach on following 8 criteria:
1) When all fingers are used for learning and testing Fig. 4. Clusters for all three age groups when all fingerprints taken together.
2) When only the little fingers are used for learning and Fig 4 shows the cluster diagram for all the three age
testing sequence. groups when taking all the fingerprints together.Cluster
3) When only ring finger is used for learning and testing encircled within the ellipse is the cluster for the age group
purpose. 6-10 which clearly shows that fingerprints in this age-group
4) When only middle finger is used for learning and is more identifiable than other age groups.
testing purpose.
5) When only index fingers are used for learning and
testing purpose. IV. R ESULT AND D ISCUSSION
6) When only thumbs are used for learning and testing
purpose From the above experimental results we have following
7) When all the fingers except thumbs are used for observations:
learning and testing purpose. 1) Fingerprints can be used to estimate age-groups.
8) When we use only cropped fingerprints(128 ∗ 128 2) We have designed our algorithm mainly to save on
pixels)for learning and testing purpose. computational complexity which is quite practical

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