Tourism Management: Juan Pedro Mellinas, Eva Martin-Fuentes

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Tourism Management 85 (2021) 104280

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Effects of’s new scoring system

Juan Pedro Mellinas a, *, Eva Martin-Fuentes b
Facultad de Ciencias de La Empresa, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Calle Real, 3, 30201, Cartagena, Spain
Business Administration Department. University of Lleida, Campus de Cappont, C/ Jaume II, 73, 25001, Lleida, Spain


Keywords: provides a massive database compiling millions of reviews about thousands of accommodations worldwide that hotel managers and academics have extensively consulted during the past decade. In 2019–2020,
Scores however, the famous website changed several aspects of its methods of calculating hotel scores, the most
important one being a change from its peculiar 2.5–10 scale to a more conventional 1–10 scale. Such novelties
may cause changes in hotel scores that do not reflect changes, if any, in customer satisfaction. This article offers
an initial investigation into the nature and consequences of those changes that professionals and academics
should consider to avoid errors in future studies that involve using Booking. com’s database.

1. Introduction scale, medium-scoring hotels scored slightly higher, and high-scoring

ones had similar scores in all systems. Somehow, they were trying to
With a database of approximately 180 million verified reviews from predict what would happen if had a more conventional
real guests (Booking, 2020), positions itself as the website rating scale. In any case, such differences, in addition to the different
that collects the most hotel reviews (Murphy, 2017), even more than scales used, could be explained by other factors, including a different
TripAdvisor. In turn, since 2010, the website’s massive amount of data method of calculating the final score, each website’s different user
has attracted the attention of various authors, who continue using the profile, and different ways of presenting questionnaires.
information in this database, with increasing frequency (Mariani et al., In September 2019, (2019) announced the introduc­
2020; Phillips et al., 2020). Indeed, a quick bibliographic search for tion of changes to its rating system: “Now guests select an ‘overall’ score
“ reviews” in a top journal such as Tourism Management themselves. Smiley faces are replaced by a new sliding scale of 1–10 for
returns only one article per year between 2013 and 2014 but six or seven this score.” On another page (, 2020), the
between 2015 and 2019. website details how the questionnaire now looks, which is basically
In 2015, one article publicized that Booking. com’s rating scale was identical to the previous one, but adding a first question “How was your
not a 0–10 or 1–10 scale, as assumed in 12 academic articles already stay?” with a sliding scale of 1–10. The rest of the questionnaire is
published, but a controversial 2.5–10 scale (Mellinas et al., 2015). In identical and the smileys with a scale of 2.5–10 are still used.
addition, the article explained that the final score for each hotel derives In 2020, however, despite once calculating the global score for each
from the arithmetic mean of the six items evaluated, with four scoring hotel based on reviews posted in the previous 24 months,
options represented by four smiley faces respectively equivalent to announced the following:
scores of 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10.
“To prevent you from getting negatively affected by a loss of guest
Subsequently, other authors have investigated the effects of Booking.
reviews, will gradually extend the lifetime of your
com’s scale on frequency distributions (Mariani & Borghi, 2018) and
existing reviews from two to three years. This means reviews that
distortions that the scoring system may cause in overall hotel scores
were about to expire as of July 31, 2020 will remain for an extra
(Martin-Fuentes et al., 2020; Mellinas et al., 2016; Parra et al., 2018). In
year.” (, 2020)
their studies, these authors compared Booking. com’s scores for hotels
with scores on other websites, including Priceline, Agoda, Travel Re­ The announcement, made in 2019 within Booking. com’s so-called
public, and HRS. Their results suggested that hotels with low ratings “Partner Hub”, has received more than 300 comments from owners of
scored far higher on than in systems with a 0–10 or 1–10 accommodations, most of whom expressed their disagreement with the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.P. Mellinas), (E. Martin-Fuentes).
Received 22 August 2020; Received in revised form 28 November 2020; Accepted 5 December 2020
Available online 17 December 2020
0261-5177/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.P. Mellinas and E. Martin-Fuentes Tourism Management 85 (2021) 104280

new system, mostly due to the drop in scores that they had observed as a such information is of great interest not only to hoteliers, who seem to
result. In addition, on the Partner Hub, one such owner posted “We urge have begun detecting the effects of changes in the system and have
BDC [Booking Dot Com] to go back to the previous system where the shown their concern, but also to the scientific community that uses the
final review is a calculation based on the category reviews” and received database with increasing regularity.
200 comments in response, in most of which various owners complain
about the drop in scores with the new system ( Partner 2. Methodology
Hub, 2019). Some examples of the new situation are provided in the
comments: provides the reviews of each hotel on two webpages,
which have nearly identical content but different formats, as can be
“(Vicki Webber) We too are experiencing unfair difficulties with the
observed at the following URLs for the same hotel:
new rating system.

EXAMPLE: ***. 10 for all the individual scores and then a 9 overall? - Reservation website:
EXAMPLE: ***. 9.8 for all the individual scores and then an 8 - Reviews website:
overall? pennsylvania-new-york.html
This new system is flawed and simply does not work.”
Since implemented its new system in September 2019,
“(pibomarco) But when you will receive 7,5 for all individual scores we have tracked the scores received by a random sample of hotels and
and a 9 overall in this case you will probably not complain.) Some­ observed that the system’s implementation has been gradual — that is,
times you will receive a higher overall score and sometimes higher scores calculated with the former system (i.e., scores with decimals)
individual scores.” have been combined with others seemingly calculated with the new
system (i.e., scores in whole numbers) on the reservation website.
Table 1 lists different situations that may cause Booking. com’s
However, on the reviews website, all scores shown were calculated with
scores for each hotel to increase or decrease due to the mentioned
the old system until April, when scores with the new system began
changes. However, because we do not know which of the listed elements
will have more or less weight, we do not know whether the new system
In March 2020, updated its webpage describing how
can make high and low scores rise or fall.
reviews are collected (, 2020). Since then, all reviews
Scholars have paid great attention to whether hotel scores on Boo
registered on the reservation website have had scores calculated with will indeed drop, as well as to what extent, due to the
the new system, albeit with the same reviews — same hotel, user, and
change in the system as predicted (Martin-Fuentes et al., 2020; Mellinas
date — being shown on the reviews website, accompanied by scores
et al., 2016) and as the comments of some hoteliers in online forums
calculated with the former system. Such divergence indicates, with total
precision, the difference between scores obtained with the old and new
Because scores along with reviews using the former system will
systems for hundreds of reviews and hotels.
remain active until September 2022, the most orthodox way to analyze
On March 27, 2020, we attempted to create a large database of such
changes would be to take the score for a sample of hotels from
reviews by looking for ones posted during March. However, because
September 2019 (i.e., all scores from the old system) and repeat the
most countries had recently announced the closure of borders and hotels
operation in September 2022 such that all reviews use the new system.
due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the task proved exceptionally difficult.
Collecting large volumes of online reviews through a big data and an­
Ultimately, we compiled a database of hotels in cities where the lock­
alytics approach could offer accurate results on the variations produced
down arrived somewhat later: London, Las Vegas, New York City,
during those three years. Doing so, however, would require a waiting
Miami, Rio de Janeiro, and Moscow. In sum, the database comprised 19
period, and variations could then stem from both the new system and
hotels with 400 total reviews registered in March and with scores from
changes in the conditions of each hotel after 3 years. Beyond that, the
both the old and new systems. When hotels began to open in some
exceptional situation affecting the period — that is, the COVID-19
countries in June 2020, we tried to expand that sample of 400 reviews.
pandemic — could also affect the scores.
However, it was impossible because we noticed that now
Against that background, the purpose of this article is to report a
showed the same scores on “Reservation website” and “Reviews
preliminary study that involved estimating real variations that may
occur in Booking. com’s scores for hotels around the world, without
To check the normality of the data, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was
having to wait 2 years to obtain definitive results. We anticipate that
performed, which confirmed that the ratings were not
following a normal distribution, as can be seen in the results section.
Then, we performed a nonparametric kernel density estimator test
Table 1 following the same procedure as Mariani and Borghi (2018), which is
Possible situations with’s new scoring system.
used with different populations (e.g. old and new score),
Very dissatisfied Very satisfied and when they do not follow normality, we can construct a density
Might affect Very dissatisfied customers can Customers who are very function for each sample according to this criterion and classify the new
negatively assign a rating of 1 or 2 instead satisfied in all aspects can individual simply by assigning it to the population where there is the
of 2.5. assign a maximum score on a highest density value, which will mean that over that, there is more
If the guest had a horrible scale of 4 smileys (i.e., equal to
influence of that population.
experience, then evaluating 10), but when offered a scale of
some objectively positive aspect 1–10, they can select 8 or 9 if
(e.g., location or staff) no longer they feel that the service was 3. Results
raises the average. great but not perfect.
Might affect The guest may consider that It is not necessary to assign the
The average score for the sample of reviews obtained with the old
positively though the hotel is of low maximum score to all
quality, the overall value for the parameters in order to obtain a system was 7.606 and with the new system 7.062 (Table 2). The dif­
price is high, thereby score of 9 or 10. ference of 0.544 was slightly higher than the difference of 0.470
encouraging the guest to assign determined in a comparative study of hotel ratings on and
a high score in the overall (Mellinas et al., 2016) and substantially higher than dif­
ferences calculated when hotel scores on were compared

J.P. Mellinas and E. Martin-Fuentes Tourism Management 85 (2021) 104280

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of the scoring system.
N Min Max Mean SD Skewness Stat. Error Kurtosis Stat. Error

New scoring system 400 1 10 7.062 2.64 -.878 .122 -.040 .243
Old scoring system 400 2.5 10 7.606 2.03 -.678 .122 -.293 .243

with scores on other databases: 0.130 on Travel Republic, 0.151 on

Atrápalo, and 0.338 on HRS (Parra et al., 2018).
Although the frequency distribution calculated for the old system
(Fig. 1) coincided with the one obtained by (Mariani & Borghi, 2018)
with a large dataset of hotels in London, we identified important
changes when using the new system’s frequency distribution (Fig. 2). In
particular, the number of totally dissatisfied customers (i.e., score of
1.7%) equaled that of partly dissatisfied ones (i.e., scores of 2, 3, or 4,
7.9%). Thus, when customers were dissatisfied, in most cases they were
extremely dissatisfied.
Along similar lines, the percentage of reviews with scores less than 5
rose from 9.6% with the old system to 14.9% with the new one. By
contrast, however, the percentage of customers who gave scores from 9
to 10 was highly similar between the old and new systems (33.3% and
33.8%, respectively), with the particularity that, in the old system, the
maximum score of 10 was assigned by 18% of reviewers and 22% in the
new system. Reviews that currently assign a score of 10 mostly corre­
Fig. 2. Distribution of hotel scores with the new system.
sponded not only with scores of 10 in the previous system but also with
lower scores of 8.8, 9.2, and 9.6, which confirms a situation anticipated
in Table 1 and as previously suggested (Martin-Fuentes, Mateu, & Fer­ density estimator test.
nandez, 2018) when proving that high-rated hotels on As shown in Fig. 3, although both distributions were left-skewed,
would benefit from a scoring system that assigns ratings directly they statistically differed.
without using the arithmetic mean of several items.
The new system has also significantly affected scores from totally or 4. Conclusions
partly dissatisfied customers. Among them, those ones who assigned
scores of less than 5 in the old system gave nearly 2 points less on Differences between Booking. com’s old and new scoring systems, at
average with the new system, which also corroborates what is suggested least for the hotel scores analyzed, were closer to the half-point pre­
in Table 1. dicted by (Mellinas et al., 2016) when comparing with scores of U.S.
A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was performed to determine whether hotels on than in the study of Parra et al. (2018) and
normality existed in the difference of means between the scores in the Martin-Fuentes et al. (2020), in which differences of two-to three-tenths
old system and scores in the new one. The results confirmed that the were observed.
difference of means did not follow a normal distribution (p < 0.001). In Our findings seem to confirm that the differences will be significant,
response, a nonparametric test to compare mean scores for related close to one for hotels with low scores, and possibly minimal in hotels
samples, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, was performed; its results with high scores. However, due to the small size of our sample, the re­
indicated that 106 scores in the old system were lower in the new sys­ sults obtained do not allow us to offer an accurate estimate of the var­
tem, that 223 scores in the old system were higher, and that 71 scores iations that will occur, which can be overcome only by collecting large
were identical. Such results also revealed significant differences be­ volumes of online reviews through a big data and analytics approach (M.
tween scores in the old versus the new system (p < 0.001), with lower Mariani et al., 2018). Furthermore, these variations could also be
scores in the latter. affected by the sociodemographic characteristics of the users or the use
Last, based on previous research (Mariani & Borghi, 2018) and of different devices (mobile vs. desktop) (M. M. Mariani, Borghi, &
following the same methodology, we performed a nonparametric kernel Gretzel, 2019).
Factors listed in Table 1 that could favor the lowering of scores for
very dissatisfied customers seem to outweigh the sole factor that could
make them rise. However, it remains somewhat unclear which ones
weigh more for very satisfied customers: factors favoring the rise in
scores or ones causing them to drop.
Therefore, hotels with currently low and medium scores should
expect substantial drops in their scores. However, those scores will not
correspond to drops in customer satisfaction or changes in consumers’
perceptions due to new tourism regimes amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
For that reason, attempting to take corrective measures to solve a
seeming problem that does not in fact exist would be futile, if not
Although a significant drop in a hotel’s score can have dramatic
consequences in a normal situation, hoteliers should conduct a rational
analysis taking into account all available data, including that in this
paper. However, we fear that many hoteliers (with low-scoring prop­
erties) may be concerned when they find that their scores drop by almost
one point, while those of other hotels (with high scores) are hardly
Fig. 1. Distribution of hotel scores with the old system.

J.P. Mellinas and E. Martin-Fuentes Tourism Management 85 (2021) 104280

Fig. 3. Kernel density estimator test for the new and old scoring systems on

affected by this change. It can be difficult for them to understand that Ignoring both the new scale and using reviews made with different is implementing a new system that is more rational and scales to calculate the mean could cause systematic errors in results
more in accordance with market standards and that they do not intend to obtained during the next 3 years. If authors, reviewers, and editors
harm a specific group of hoteliers. remain unaware of that possibility, then articles with erroneous results
For academics, this article can serve as an initial reference for future could be published in academic journals. This problem could be
studies on changes that Booking. com’s new scoring system may cause. extended to other review platforms, which can also make changes and
The preliminary data offered here, unlike the data obtained in the not advertise them. Hoteliers and academics must fully know the char­
future, are distorted neither by the traumatic experience of COVID-19 acteristics of the information they obtain from the Internet, to avoid
nor by real changes that may occur in each hotel in the near future. errors in their analysis.
From 2015 to 2020, the scientific community has worked intensively
with databases provided free of charge by In most cases, Impact statement
scholars have taken into account the 2.5–10 scale used by the website
and thus avoided errors committed prior to the publication of the article altered in 2019–2020 how its calculates hotel scores,
that made that unexpected scale known (Mellinas et al., 2015). In the from using a 2.5–10 scale to a 1–10 scale, from using scores based on the
coming years, academics who continue examining these reviews should average of six items to user-generated global scores, and from deleting
bear in mind that the system now uses a 1–10 scale and should calculate reviews after 2 years to deleting them after 3 years.
scores based on reviews from the last 3 years to prevent substantial Hotels around the world, especially those with medium and low
statistical errors. Studies based on comparing hotel ratings on Booking. scores, are going to see their scores significantly reduced by these
com (e.g. Nicolau et al., 2020) at an initial date and a later that do not changes. Therefore, hoteliers have to analyze whether drops in their
take into account the new scale could give totally wrong results. scores stem from the deterioration of their services or from changes to
In that light, it should be taken into account that, because Booking. com’s methods. Attempting to take corrective measures to
m now uses reviews from the past 3 years to calculate final scores, these solve a seeming problem that does not in fact exist would be futile, if not
final scores derive from the average of individual scores obtained with damaging.
the old system (2.5–10) and the new one (1–10). Therefore, all studies Academics should also consider these changes when working with
based on hotel ratings on collected between September scores obtained from database through the end of 2022.
2019 (i.e., first scores with the new system) and September 2022 (i.e., 3
years since the total application of the new system) will have an Credit author statement
important methodological limitation that must be clearly indicated.
Once the new system is completely implemented on, Juan Pedro Mellinas contributed to conception, Methodology, data
research using ratings can continue to be carried out with any meth­ collection, building the literature review and writing the manuscript.
odology previously used with the old system such as OLS regression Eva Martin-Fuentes contributed to the literature review, data análisis
analysis (M. M. Mariani, Borghi, & Kazakov, 2019), Tobit regression and writing the manuscript.
models (M. M. Mariani et al., 2020), or Support Vector Machine (Mar­
tin-Fuentes, Mateu, & Fernandez, 2018), depending on the goal of each Declaration of competing interest
For example, researchers who collect hotel scores on in None.
October 2021 should consider that those scores originate from the
average user scores between October 2018 and October 2021. That Acknowledgments
circumstance implies the following situations:
This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of the
- From October 2018 to September 2019, scores represent the old Economy and Competitiveness: research project TURCOLAB ECO 2017-
system; 88984-R. This research article has received a grant for its linguistic
- From September 2019 to March 2020, scores represent a mix of the revision from the Language Institute of the University of Lleida (Spain)
old and new systems; and (2020 call).
- From March 2020 to October 2021, scores (will) exclusively repre­
sent the new system.

J.P. Mellinas and E. Martin-Fuentes Tourism Management 85 (2021) 104280

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