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Act 1

-Character sits at home having a drink, and watches tv by himself

-He hears a stumble or noise upstairs coming from his room
-he ignores it at first and carries on watching tv
-He checks the time and sees that its late so he heads to bed

Act 2
-He looks at his phone and it the screen looks like its being hacked
He goes to sleep
-In the middle of the night he is woken up by something making a tapping sound outside his
-He ignores it but hears the door open and creaking abut thinks nothing of it because he is
tired goes back to sleep
-He wakes up and gets up but sees his door is shut and opens it to all the lights on
-The camera views him looking around from under his bed, representing something might
be there
-He walks back in from a shower to hear speaking-like noises coming from under his bed,
confused by this he looks, to see a bag that he doesn’t recognise and pulls it out to see that
it is moving slightly
-He stops to see why his phone was making a loud high pitch sound and sees some writing
on the screen
-He reads it and it says ‘You have been chosen to complete this important task: return the
bag to a specified location given momentarily’
-The character is very confused to what is happening
-He looks inside the bag to see an unearthly animal (not visual) making some screeching
-He thinks this is a joke set up by someone, but he looks to see no one in the house
-He received a notification on his phone giving him a time and coordinates which is in
roughly 30 minutes
-He was bored so he decided to go where it said by searching it up seeing its not far from his
- He leaves and walks to this field where the phones says he has to drop the bag
-He looks around to see if he can see anyone but there is no one in sight, but waits a minute
but doesn’t see anything and tries to leave but after a while something suddenly stops him
and he falls back
-He gets back up, very confused what just pushed him but he walks to where he was and
walks but there is an invisible forcefield around him, when he touches it, there is a wall.
-He panics about what to do
-He tries to call someone, but it doesn’t go through.
-It starts to get dark quicker.

Act 3
-His phone is still not working to phone anyone
-He hears wildlife and animals but confused on what they are.
- He tries to find a spot to rest for a bit, but his phone torch isn’t bright enough
- He hears rusting in the grass and around him
-He sees the moon is reddish and looks like a eclipse.
-In the distance he sees something in the sky that looks like a asteroid but is coming closer
and sees it is some kind of aircraft.
-There is a shine of light to the bag which is very bright and the bag looks like it is changing
colour and disappears
-The object in the sky speeds off very quickly
-The sky seems to lighten up a bit, which the character thinks it is over but still doesn’t
understand what just happened
-He is still startled so starts walking away and feels that the invisible barrier/forcefield is
gone and quickly gets out of there
-The scene fades to black.

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