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Volume50lNumber41December1996 . 810 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019

Counterfactual Thought tary fame as far as he surpas ed him in gentlene ,in

elf-command and in other noble qualities" (quoted in
Experiments in World Gould 1969). Social scienti ts have also long been
aware of the pivotal role that counterfactuals play in
Politics cholar hip.
Logical, methodological, and psychological Neverthele ,some contemporary historian till
perspectives temly warn us to avoid "what-might-have-been"
questions. They tell us that history is tough enough as
by Philip E. Tetlock and Aaron Belkin * it is-a it actuaLLy i -without worrying about how
thing might have worked out differently in this or that
cenario. Why make a difficult problem impo ible?
There i nothing new about counterfactual inference.
The ferocity of the skeptics is a bit unnerving.
Hi torian have been doing it for at least 2,000 year .
They are right that counterfactual inference i daunt-
Counterfactual fueled the grief of Tacitus when he
ingly difficult. But they are wrong that we can avoid
pondered what would have happened if Gerrnanicus
counterfactual rea oning at acceptable cost. And they
had lived to become Emperor: "Had he been the ole
are wrong that all counterfactuals are equally "ab urd"
arbiter of events, had he held the powers and title of
becau e they are equally hypothetical (Fi her 1970,
King, he would have out tripped Alexander in mili-
19). We can avoid counterfactuals only if we e chew
all cau al inference and limit our elve to trictIy non-
, • Thi. e say i adapted from the introductory ch:lpter to Counter/actual cau al narrative of what actually happened (no mug-
T1wUlllu Exptrimtnts in World Polilic.f: Logical. Mellradological. and gling in cau al claim under the gui e of verb uch a
PsycholllJlical Ptrspulh·ts. P. Tetlock and A. Belkin. cd! .• Princeton "influenced," tIre ponded," "triggered," "precipitated,"
University Pre., • 1996. Philip E. Tetlock i. Harold E. Burtt Profe. or of
P.·ychology and Politic:ai SCIence at OhIO State University. Aaron Belkin i
a Ph.D. candid31e in politic:al science at the University of California, Berkeley.
Contributors to the volume include A. Belkin; George w. Breslauer. • CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE •
University of California. Berkeley; Bruce Bueno De Mesquita. Hoover
In. titution. Stanford University; Lars·Erik Cederman. Somerville College, Counterfoctu:ai Thought Experiment! Vietnam Work hop 98
Oxford University: Robyn M. Dawe , Carnegie Mellon University: Ronald in World Politics, Philip E. 1996 SSRC·Mellon Minority
J. Deiben, University of Toronto; James D. Fearon, University of Chicago; Ttllod: and Aaron Belkin 77 Summer Conference 98
Mich:lel Fi~h rkeller, Ohio State University; Richard K. Herrmann, Ohio Researching Sexuality: A New W3l hington Symposium on
State University; Robert Jervi. , Columbia University; Yuen Foong Khong, Fellow hip Program. DIOne Japanese Politic. 99
Nuffield College. Oxford University; Edgar Kiser, University of di Mauro 86 Conference on African
W3l hington; Rich:lrd Ned Lebow, Ohio State University; Margaret Levi, Presidential Item : Intemational Investment 99
University of Washington; James M 01. on. University of We tern Di. sertation Field Research. New JSPS Fellow hip
Ontario; e:ai J. Roese, Northwc"tern University; Bruce Ru sell, Yale Ktnntlh Prewill 91 Program 100
University; Janice Gro .. Stein, University of Toronto; P. Tetlock: Mark Requiem for P&P. Da~'id L Sills 94 SSRC Archive Now Open 100
Turner, University of Maryland; Steven Weber. University of California, Current Activitie at the Council 98 Recent Council Publications 101
Berkeley: Barry R. Weing3lt, Stanford University.

and the like). Putting to the side whether any coher- If all states in the 20th century had been democracies,
ent and compelling narrative can be "noncausal," there would have been fewer wars.
this prohibition would prevent u from drawing the If 80 nians had been bottlenosed dolphins, the West
never would have allowed the slaughter of innocents
orts of "lessons from history" that scholars and pol-
in the Yugoslav civil war to have gone on 0 long.
icy makers regularly draw on such topics as the be t
ways to encourage economic growth, to pre erve The participants in this project approached coun-
peace, and to cultivate democracy. Without counter- terfactual inference from both normative/epistemo-
factual reasoning, how could we know whether state logical and descriptiVe/cognitive cience perspec-
intervention accelerated growth in country x, tives. The normative issues focus on how students of
whether deterrence prevented an attack on country world politics should use and judge counterfactual
y, or whether the courage of a young king aved arguments. The descriptive issues focus on how we
country z from sliding back into dictator hip? generate, use, and judge counterfactual arguments.
Counterfactual reasoning is a prerequisite for any One key cognitive-science question concerns when
form of learning from history (cf. Tetlock 1991). people are prone to think about possible worlds. Of
To explore the many roles that counterfactuals the infinity of past events that people could "men-
play in the study of world politics, the SSRC's tally undo" and in ert as antecedents into counter-
Committee on International Peace and Security factual arguments, why do they devote so much
sponsored a research planning project on Counter- attention to certain causal candidates and so little to
factual Thought Experiments in World Politics. I others (Kahneman and Miller 1986; Olson, Roese,
Project participants, including philosophers, political and Deibert2)? A natural next question concerns
cientists, sociologists, and psychologists, met at the when people are likely to be persuaded by counter-
Univer ity of California at Berkeley in January factual claims concerning the consequences of alter-
1995, to present and discuss papers (see footnote ing particular antecedents. Given that people have
on preceding page). no way of directly determining what would have
What are counterfactuals, and why do they matter happened in these hypothetical world , why do they
for the study of world politics? defer to some counterfactual arguments but disdain
A useful place to begin is by clarifying what we other (Turner)? Finally, is there evidence of cogni-
mean by counterfactual rea oning. A reasonably pre- tive and motivational biases in how people judge
cise philosophical definition is that counterfactuals claims about po sible world ,tendencie to rai e
are subjunctive conditionals in which the antecedent tandards of evidence and proof for di onant coun-
is known or suppo ed for purpo e of argument to terfactuals but to lower standards for claims conso-
be false (Skyrms 1980). As such, an enormous array nant with one's beliefs and goals?
of politically consequential arguments qualify as
counterfactual. Consider the following rather repre- Normative issues in evaluating counterfactual
entative sample of counterfactuals that have claims
loomed large in recent scholarly and policy debates: Our participants generally agreed that counterfac-
If Stalin had been ou ted as general party secretary of tual reasoning is unavoidable in any field in which
the communist party of the Soviet Union, the Soviet researchers want to draw cause-effect conclusions
Union would have moved loward a kinder, gentler but cannot perform controlled experiments in which
fonn of communism 55 years before it actually did.
they randomly assign "subjects" to treatment condi-
IfYeltsin had followed Sachsian fiscal and monetary
tions that differ only in the pre ence or absence of
advice in early 1992, Russian inflation in 1993 would
have been a small fraction of what it was. the hypothesized cause. Try though we do to control
If the United State had not dropped atomic bomb tatisticaJly for confounding variables in large-N
on two Japanese cities in August 1945, the Japanese multivariate studies or to find matching cases in
would still have surrendered roughly when they did. comparative designs or to search for the signature of

I The committee and its activities are supported by the John D. and 2 Names cited without dates refer to contributors in the publi lied
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. volume.


hypothesized causes in process-tracing tudie, the period of time and set of relations among political
potential cau es are simply too numerous and too entities. To make this determination, they draw upon
interrelated in world politics to permit complete combinations of: (a) in-depth case- pecific knowl-
e cape from counterfactual inference. Researchers edge of the key players, their beliefs and motives,
mu t ultimately justify claims that a given cause and the political-economic constraints under which
produced a given effect by invoking counterfactual they worked; and (b) general knowledge (nomo-
arguments about what would have happened in thetic propositions) concerning cause-effect rela-
orne hypothetical world in which the postulated tions in human behavior and political-economic sys-
cause took on some value different from the one it tems. Moreover, our case-study authors seem to
assumed in the actual world (Fogel 1964; Fearon 1991). agree that counterfactual speculation should be con-
The consensus among our participants, however, strained by some form of "minimal-rewrite-of-his-
began to unravel beyond this point. They empha- tory" rule that instructs us to avoid counterfactuals
sized distinctive, albeit largely complementary, that require "undoing" many events.
function of counterfactual reasoning. The argu- The e idiographic counterfactuals are not idle
ments they pre ented persuaded us to adopt a stance exercises in ocial-science fiction; they are a useful
of epistemic plurali m that acknowledges the variety corrective to imple deterministic forms of theory.
of ways in which counterfactual arguments can They compel us either to abandon determinism by
prove enlightening and the need for different stan- acknowledging the role of chance or to abandon
dards in judging counterfactuals that erve different simplicity by acknowledging that factor outside the
cholarly goals. We organize the e di tinct styles of purview of our deterministic models-viruses, kill-
counterfactual argumentation into five ideal type . ful or inept leadership, group dynamics, a well-
timed or ill-timed persuasive argument-can deci-
(1) Idiographic sively alter the course of events.
Several participants u ed counterfactuals to
explore "po ibility-hood"-whether hi tory had to (2) Nomothetic theory-testing
unfold as it did. For instance, Breslauer explored the Whereas idiographic inve tigators are intere ted
everal junctures in the hi tory of the Soviet Union in conceivable causes that they can readily imagine
that have parked the mo t inten e counterfactual taking on different values within a pecific historical
debate within the expert community. Khong context, nomothetic investigators usually how little
attempted to assess whether any conceivable Briti h or no concern for the plausibility of switching the
prime minister would have adopted a policy of hypothesized counterfactual antecedent on or off in
appeasement toward Nazi Germany, at least up to any given context. From this perspective, counter-
March 1939. Herrmann and Fi cherkeller examined factuals are the inevitable logical by-products of
everal counterfactual controver ie in which the applying the hypothetico-deductive method to an
positions taken by policymakers on "what would hi torical (nonexperimental) di cipline uch as
have happened?" haped American policy toward world politic . Whenever we combine a well-
Iran during the cold war. Lebow and Stein con- defined Hempelian covering law (say, relating
structed an exhaustive inventory of the counterfac- money supply to inflation) with well-defined
tual beliefs that apparently guided American and antecedent conditions (the Russian economy in
Soviet policy during the Cuban mis ile crisis-the January 1992), we can deduce specific counterfac-
crisis during which, it is often as erted, the world tual conclusions (e.g., if the Russian central bank
"came closer" than ever before or since to nuclear war. had adopted this or that monetary policy, then,
These diverse applications all u e counterfactuals ceteris paribus, inflation would have taken on this
to focus on "conceivable" cau es that could have or that value). Note that these counterfactuals are in
ea ily redirected the path-dependent logic of events no way con trained by the hi torical plausibility of
(cf. Hawthorn 1991; Fearon). In each ca e, the the Rus ian central bank adopting one or another
inve tigator want to know what wa hi torically policy. The counterfactual "predictions" follow from
po ible or impo sible within a circum cribed the context-free logic of macroeconomic theory, not


from the context-bounded logic of what was p y- te table prediction from rival hypothe e uch a
chologically or politically po ible at that juncture "endogenous volcanism alone is ufficient to
in Rus ian history. These nomothetic counterfactual account not only for this specific mass extinction
invoke miracle causes (Fearon). Even if our theory but for nine of the ten other ma s extinctions in the
requires us to posit an extremely implausible hypo- fo il record over two billion years." As a result of
thetical world, we do what our theory tells us to do. this vigorous re earch program, many scientists
The goal is not hi torical understanding; rather, it i argue that a once highly peculative counterfactual
to pur ue the logical implication of a theoretical conjecture i now better viewed as a quite-probable
framework. fact of natural history-yet another illu tration of
how blurry the boundary between factual and coun-
(3) Idiographic-nomothetic synthesis terfactual can be (Herrmann and Fi cherkeller).
There are no idiographic-nomothetic synthe e of
The ten ion between idiographic di ciplines (hi -
comparable cope and weep in world politics. But
tory and area studies) and nomothetic di cipline
there are some elegant demonstrations of how one
(general ocial science) is well known and need not
can weave together idiographic and nomothetic
be belabored. A not uncommon way of proceeding
objective -in particular, by the game theori t in
i to acknowledge that the idiographic and nomo-
thetic repre ent complementary "way of knowing" thi project. Bueno de Me quita and Weingast both
that may in the fullness of time be conceptually u e game-theoretic model to enhance our under-
integrated, but do not hold your breath. It i worth tanding of particular historical epi odes (Philip
noting, however, that uch conceptual integration i Augu tus ver u the Pope; medieval merchant
the nonn in natural hi tory, where there i much Ie versus town ; federal bureaucrat ver us Congre ),
controversy than in the ocial cience over what to identify intriguing cro -ca e regularitie , and to
counts as a well-e tabli hed tati tical or theoretical make prediction about how behavior will change a
generalization. a lawful function of alteration in the probabilitie
Our favorite example of idiographic-nomothetic or payoffs attached to cour e of action. In 0 doing,
ymbio i i the manner in which biological and the game theori t remind u that ocial cienti ts
phy ical scienti ts have gone about deriving and are not the only creature roaming thi planet capa-
te ting rival hypothe e concerning the extinction of ble of thinking counterfactually. Policy maker do it
dino aur . Perhap the mo t influential hypothe i i all the time, con tructing mental representation of
the doom day-a teroid conjecture which, in counter- how other would re pond to one or another move
factual fonn, runs a follow: "If a ix- to twelve- and making deci ion on the basis of tho e mental
mile-wide a teroid had truck the Earth at a velocity model.
of approximately 44,000 mile per hour 65 million Game theorist integrate the idiographic and
year ago, then a ho t of prediction would follow nomothetic by applying" trong theory"-expected
(including the ize of the crater, the effect on the utility maximization and criteria for identifying
atmo phere and climate, the di tribution of variou equilibrium trategie -to complex hi torical itua-
trace elements in particular geological trata, antipo- tion that can then be understood by modeling the
dal volcanism .... )." Thi line of work capture the option available to each ide and the expected pay-
be t in both the idiographic and nomothetic tradi- off as ociated with all logically po ible combina-
tion . Inve tigator focu on a well-defined "con- tion of move . In judging what el e could pIau ibly
ceivable" cau e (meteors and asteroid hit our planet have happened, game theori ts u e nomothetic law
frequently over long tretche of time) but rely to an wer the idiographic que tion: How much hi -
heavily upon deductive theory, empirical ob erva- tory do I have to rewrite to "undo" a particular
tion , and computer imulation to as e the ound- policy? If the counterfactual imply hift u from
ne of the connecting principle that pennit u to one equilibrium path to another (as is po ible in
deduce empirical con equence uch as climate game with multiple equilibria) the counterfactual
change of ufficient magnitude to wipe out the doe no violence to the rational-actor axiom of the
dino aur . Investigator al 0 try to tea e apart underlying theory and may be quite acceptable. But


if the counterfactual requires us to imagine a world tional ystems, then global hegemons would not
in which, for many reasons ( toehastic, p ychologi- emerge in simulated worlds which, according to
cal, and motivational), players stray from an equilib- Cederman, capture the key functional attributes of
rium to a nonequilibrium path so that one or both anarchy within a neorealist framework. But becau e
are worse off than they otherwi e could be, the hegemons do emerge, and emerge especially fre-
counterfactual is uspect. These ground rules for quently when defense-dominance prevail (an addi-
judging the permissibility of po ible worlds are tional unwelcome surprise for some theorists), this
commendably precise, albeit rather proeru tean. neorealist prediction may (not must) be wrong.
There is no guarantee that hi tory i efficient in the Cederman's simulations of artificial hi torie ugge t
ense of quickly identifying equilibrium solution ; that we may have just been lucky that an Alexander
hi tory may be better viewed as a "pathdependent or Hitler or Napoleon has not yet conquered the
meander" (March and Olsen 1995) in which acci- world! Or, hifting to Fearon' paper, one could
dents, fortuitous opportunitie , and miscalculation argue that if long-term forecasting were po sible in
often lead us into culs-de- ac from which it is diffi- complex interdependent sy tems, then we could pre-
cult, even impo sible, to extricate ourselve . dict the long-term consequences of minor variations
in initial ettings for cellular automata. But because
(4) Pure thought experiments: logical proofs and we cannot make accurate long-term predictions even
computer simulations in these imple, well-understood system , perhaps
Our participants often use counterfactual to rein- long-term predictability al 0 breaks down in the
force a causal argument (be it an idiographic one much more complex and poorly understood domain
concerning the impact of a particular belief, person, of world politics. These simulation-driven counter-
or policy, or a nomothetic one concerning causal factuals are not deductively decisive but they are
proees e that theoretically transcend context). But intellectually seductive. They nudge us gently
they also sometimes u e counterfactuals to reveal toward the conclusion that something is awry with
previously hidden contradictions or ambiguities in key assumptions that serve as starting points for
the logical structure of the cau al arguments that influential analyses of ecurity issues.
others have advanced.
Using counterfactuals to probe the logical com- (5) Mental simulations of counterfactual worlds
pleteness and internal coherence of claims is com- Not all counterfactual simulation of po sible
monplace in mathematics, the phy ical ciences, and world need run through the logical tructures of
economics. computer programs; ome run through the p ycho-
We know of no thought experiments in world pol- logical structure of the human mind. The c1as ic
itic that are a deci ive in shaking theoretical con- thought experiments of physici ts and economi t
victions a tho e of Galileo and Einstein in physical iIIu trate the point in the ab tract, but it is pos ible
cience or of Ricardo, Coase, and Arrow in eco- to make the ame point with example more directly
nomic theory. But we do see ome intere ting paral- relevant to world politics. Asking people to imagine
lel with the computer simulations of complex adap- and work through the detailed implication of hypo-
tive y tems that Cederman and Fearon di cus in thetical worlds is a powerful educational and rhetor-
their re pective papers. One interpretation of these ical tool. Like their formal epistemological kin (log-
imulations is that they highlight logical lacunae in ical proofs and computer simulations), mental
currently influential approaches to world politic . imulations can highlight critical contradictions and
The qualification "one interpretation" is critical; one ambiguities in one's own intellectual position and
is not obliged to accept this interpretation for the that of others (Thrner). As Kahneman (1995) point
imple rea on that the simulation-based counterfac- out, mental simulations derive their persuasive force
tuals lack the "if and only if" delivering power of and power to surprise by revealing previously unno-
rigorous mathematical proofs in well-defined ticed tensions between explicit, conscious beliefs
axiomatic sy tems. For example, one could argue and implicit, unconscious ones. In this sense, people
that if balancing were inevitable in anarchic interna- discover aspects of themselves in mental simulations

D EMBER 1996

L-______________________________________________________ _
that would otherwi e have gone undi covered. I. Clarity: Specify and circumscribe the independent
and dependent variables (the hypothe ized
antecedent and consequent).
Six criteria for judging counterfactual arguments
2. Logical consistency or cotenability: Specify con-
There should now be no doubt that cholars use necting principles that link the antecedent with the
counterfactual arguments for a variety of distinct, consequent and that are cotenable with each other
albeit interrelated, purposes. It should also come as and with the antecedent.
no surpri e that there is no single answer to the 3. Historical consistency (minimal· rewrite rule):
Specify antecedents that require altering as few
question of what counts as a good counterfactual "well-e tabli hed" hi torical facts as po ible.
argument. The obvious rejoinder is, "Good for 4. Theoretical consistency: Articulate connecting
what?" A counterfactual that is idiographically inci- principles that are consi tent with "well-estab-
sive (advances our understanding of a particular lished" theoretical generalizations relevant to the
case) might be nomothetic ally banal (devoid of hypothesized antecedent-consequent link.
interesting theoretical implications) and vice ver a. S. Statistical consistency: Articulate connecting prin-
A counterfactual grounded in an elegant computer ciples that are consistent with "well-e tablished"
tatistical generalization relevant to the antecedent-
imulation might blow a gaping logical hole in an con equent link.
influential theoretical argument but tell us precious 6. Projectability: Tease out testable implication of
little about the actual world it uppo edly imulate. the connecting principles and determine whether
A counterfactual that stimulate us to think of new those hypotheses are con i tent with additional
hypotheses might run afoul of the received wisdom real-world observation .
on what counts as a trivial or influential cause.
Each standard we propose is open to orne inter-
Given the diverse goals that people have in mind
pretation. Certain standards will provoke resistance
when they advance counterfactual arguments-from
from tho e who denounce it as impossible
hypothesis generation to hypothe i te ting, from
(Breslauer) or undesirable (Weber) or irrelevant
historical under tanding to theory extension-our
(Lebow and Stein). And orne tandards will clash
participant convinced us that the que t for a one-
with each other. For example, con i tency with well-
ize-fits-all epistemology i quixotic. Different
established historical fact sometime conflict with
investigator will inevitably empha ize somewhat
con istency with well-e tablished statistical or theo-
different criteria in judging the legitimacy, piau ibil-
retical generalization . There are at pre ent no gen-
ity, and in ightfulne s of specific counterfactuals. It
erally accepted principle for adjudicating uch di -
would be a big mistake, however, to confu e epi -
putes and we do not claim to offer a well-defined
temic plurali m (which we accept up to a point)
"method of counterfactual argument" that re earchers
with an anything-goes ubjectivism (which we reject
can deploy in an off-the-shelf fashion to olve any
and which would treat all counterfactual claim as
and all problems.
equally valid in their own way).
To avoid this fate, we advanced six normative cri-
Psychological perspectives on counterfactual
teria for jUdging counterfactual arguments that
appear to command substantial cro s-di ciplinary
upport. To be ure, we do not expect univer al con- There i a thriving re earch literature in both cog-
ent; we do eek, however, to initiate a u tained nitive psychology (01 on, Roese, and Diebert) and
conversation within the research community on linguistic (Turner) on how people actually generate
what should count as a compelling counterfactual and judge counterfactual claim . The e normative
argument-a conversation that will allow us to and psychological arguments hould not, of course,
explore the strengths and weaknes e of pecific be viewed as two self-contained, hermetically sealed
standards in the ab tract, in i olation from the domi- domain of di cour e. The p ychological literature
nant debate of the moment (when the temptation to highlights a host of determinants of spontaneou
play favorites i often irre i tible). counterfactual rea oning that raise erious que tion
Our six criteria. which are more fully elaborated about the reliability and validity of counterfactual
in the volume, are as follow : thought experiment in world politie . Indeed, when


the topic is thought experiment , it i hard to ay at compound probability of all the narrative' compo-
what point epi temology and methodology end and nent taken together i vani hingly mal\); the repre-
p ychology begins. entativene s heuristic could lead people to be too
From a broadly psychological per pective, it is low to concede pIau ibility to counterfactuals that
difficult to imagine avoiding erious bia in thought po it dramatic nonlinearitie in cau e-effect rela-
experiment. Bias can creep into every tage of this tion (making it difficult to appreciate that small
inherently ubjective proces , from the initial elec- cause can sometimes produce big effects and vice
tion of antecedents (for "mental manipulation") to versa).
the evaluation of connecting principle to the will- Perhaps the mo t lethal threat to the validity of
ingne s to entertain counterargument and alterna- counterfactual thought experiments comes, however,
tive cenarios. Bias appears inevitable, in part from theory-driven thinking. People often succumb
becau e of the cognitive limitation and motiva- to the temptation of applying trong te ts to di so-
tional inclinations of the thinker in who e mind the nant arguments and weak test to consonant one -a
thought experiment "run ," and in part becau e of temptation that may be e pecially pronounced when
the extraordinary complexity and ambiguity of the the arguments invoke po ible world that no one
ta k. The population of pa t event from which one can ever enter and that can never be decisively di -
can draw counterfactual antecedent i effectively confirmed. The perceived pIau ibility of a counter-
infinite, from the flapping of butterfly wing to the factual hinges on how hard one looks for hortcom-
" tructural polarity" of the international y tem. And ing . Few counterfactual arguments will not have
the task of a e sing what would have happened in points of vulnerability when we ubject their
these hypothetical worlds (to which no one has antecedent and connecting principle to clo e
acce ) is obviou Iy highly ubjective. crutiny. A a re ult, we are much more likely to
Indeed, this project generated much evidence that recognize the collap e of cotenability in our oppo-
departure from normality or the tatus quo do nents' arguments than in our own-a recurring
indeed attract especially vigorou counterfactual theme in everal papers.
peculation. The e departure can take diverse The cognitive per pective al 0 leads u to be su -
form , including leader hip tran it ion (Bre lauer; piciou of people' capacity to tran cend (avoid con-
Herrmann and Fi cherkeller), revolution ,a a ina- tamination by) outcome knowledge. As theory-
tions, and unusually inten e policy debate in which driven thinkers, people automatically try to as imilate
the argument might easily have gone either way "what happened" to ome prior knowledge tructure
(Khong; Lebow and Stein). Routine events fade into or chema that pecifie cau e-effect relationship
the perceptual background and are rarely elected for event of that type (Fi chhoff 1975; Hawkins
for mental manipulation in thought experiments. and Ha tie 1990). The re ult i a deep, and arguably
The simplifying strategies that people u e to unjustifiable, asymmetry between backward and for-
impo e cognitive order carry a price tag. The e ward rea oning in time. On average, political
trategie can tilt the playing field (arguably experts ee fewer pos ible past than they do po i-
unfairly) in favor of certain counterfactuals over ble futures (Tetlock 1994).
other . Con ider the much di cu ed trilogy of judg- Motivational bia al 0 affects the haping and
mental heuri tic : anchoring, availability, and repre- reception of counterfactual arguments. People are
entativene s (Tversky and Kahneman 1974). The not, of course, ju t information-proce ing device ;
anchoring heuristic could lead people to be too they are animated by wi he , hope , and fears that
quick to dismi scenario about hypothetical worlds hape their perception of what might or could or
that deviate dramatically from the perceptual anchor hould have been. These emotional need can take
of the actual world with which they are already 0 many, ometimes conflicting form (Tetlock and
familiar (making it difficult to appreciate the arbi- Levi 1982), including:
trarine of the statu quo); the availability heuristic (I) Need/or predictability and controllability. On
could lead people to be too quick to embrace vivid, the one hand, people might allow their de ire to
ea i1y imaginable scenario that link all the compo- believe that the world i fundamentally predictable
nent event into a compelling tory (even though the to rule out butterfly-effect counterfactual , which


imply that, no matter how hard we try, it is in princi- many ocial democrats, a noble socialist experiment
ple impo ible to anticipate the future becau e 0 was corrupted by Stalini t tyranny (which hould be a
much hinge on small cau e that are beyond our focal point of "if only" speculation). The e predic-
measurement gra p. On the other hand, people might tions fare reasonably well against the evidence
allow their de ire to believe that the world is control- (Bre lauer).
lable to rule out "inevitability" counterfactual , which The li t is a lengthy and unpar imoniou one. Here
imply that, no matter what people do, our fates are we imply want to add that there are alway two
ultimately under the sway of powerful geopolitical, levels at which motive may influence counterfactual
macroeconomic, and technological force beyond reasoning: private thought (affecting what we truly
individual mastery. believe) and public po turing (affecting what we ay
(2) Need to avoid blame and to claim credit. On we believe and want to induce other to believe).
the one hand, people might allow their de ire to avoid Mo t p ychologi t think that the motive Ii ted here
blame for bad outcome to override their de ire for do indeed hape privately held plausibility judgment
predictability and control. In such case , people will of counterfactual , but few would deny that public
argue that they hould not be blamed for having impre ion management i also at work (Tetlock and
failed to fore ee the unforeseeable or having failed to Man tead I 985)-a judgment WIth which most of our
control the uncontrollable. On the other hand, people participant eem to concur. This project generated
might allow the de ire to claim credit for good out- ugge tive evidence that the clo er we get to pre crip-
comes to enhance the pIau ibility of counterfactual tive policy debate , the greater the temptation to u e
that take the form "had it not been for my uperior counterfactual arguments as rhetorical tools to ju tify
predictive ability and courageou willingness to act either what one plan to do or ha already done
on the ba i of that in ight, thi good outcome would (Bre lauer; Lebow and Stein; Herrmann and
never have occurred." Fi cherkeller).
(3) Need/or consolation and inspiration. People
might u e "downward" counterfactual to comfort and Conclu ion
con ole themselve ("Thing may not be great, but There i omething about the topic of counterfac-
think how bad thing could have been if x or y had tual thought experiments in world politics that make
occurred") or "upward" counterfactuals to in pire people feel a bit uneasy, even defen ive. To be blunt,
greater effort ("Do not be complacent about the pre- it feel like epi temological lumming. A social ci-
ent, think how good thing could have been and, by entist , we are all too familiar with the pre tige hier-
implication, could yet become"). archy for method of drawing cau al inference. At the
(4) Need/or cognitive consistency. The well-docu- top of the cientific pecking order is experimentation
mented aver ion to imbalanced or dis onant cou- in which we can manipulate hypothe ized causes and
pling of events hould motivate people to rule out then either hold everything el e con tant or random-
counterfactual that link bad cause (like Stalin) to ize extraneou influence acro treatment condition.
good outcome (like accelerated economic growth) or Experimental control of this sort i obviou Iy out of
that link good causes (like foreign aid) to bad out- the que tion for mo t que tions in world politics. We
comes (like increased dependency and corruption of cannot rerun the tape of hi tory: splicing a Gorbachev
recipient regime ). Pre sures for cognitive con i - in or out, delaying or accelerating key technological
tency should also motivate people to defend "core development, or tinkering with thi or that aspect of
beliefs." For example, people who believe that "evil macroeconomic policy.
is avoidable" hould be trongly motivated to gener- Social cienti t often re ort to tati tical control
ate counterfactuals that undo moral cata trophe . But when experimentation i ethically or practically prob-
people of different political persuasion may define lematic. But tati tical arguments themselves often
moral catastrophe differently. For many con erva- re t on counterfactual a umptions (Fearon 1991) and
tive , the root of evil in Soviet hi tory goe traight are, in any case, extraordinarily difficult to make for
back to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 (which many i ue that loom large in security debate . For
should be a focal point of "if only" peculation); for example, what kind of regre sion or time erie


analyse will allow u to e timate the cau al contribu- principled compromise between the e extreme . On
tion of nuclear weapons to the "long peace" between the one hand, we acknowledged that thought experi-
the United States and Soviet Union between 1945 ments inevitably play key roles in the causal argu-
and 1991? There are simply too many confounding ments of any hi torical di cipline. On the other hand,
variables-a problem we can alleviate but not elimi- we acknowledged that thought experiments are often
nate through judicious election of comparison case uffused with error and bias. But, that aid, we did
and meticulous proces -tracing of deci ion-making not conclude that thing are hopele -that it is
protocol. impo sible to draw cau al Ie ons from history.
So where does that leave u ? Probably till feeling Rather, we concluded that di ciplined u e of counter-
uneasy: we eem to be tuck with quite literally a factual -grounded in explicit tandards of evidence
third-rate method, counterfactual thought experimen- and proof-can be enlightening in peeific historical,
tation. The control group exi t-if indeed "exist" i theoretical, and policy ettings. And that, we u peet,
the right word-in the imaginations of political ana- i the most important lesson of this project. •
Iy t who are left with the daunting ta k of recon-
tmcting how history would have unfolded if cau al
variable of the pa t had taken on different value Fearon. J.D. 1991. "CounterfactuaJ and Hypothe i Te ting in Political
Science." World Politics 43(2): 169-95.
from the ones they actually did. The whole exercise Fischhoff. B. 1975. "Hind ight I NO( Equal to Fore ight: the Effect of
tarts to look hopele ly ubjective, circular, and non- Oulcome Knowledge on Judgment under Uncertainly." Journal of
Exptri~ntal Psychology: Human Ptretpt;on and Puformanu 1(3):
falsifiable. What i to top u from imply inventing 288-99.
counterfactual outcome that ju tify our political Fi her. D.H. 1970. Historians' Fal/aclts: Toward a Logic of Historical
bia e and predilections? There appear to be large Thought. New York: Harper &: Row.
Fogel. R. 1964. Railroads and "~rican Economic Growth: Essays in
classes of question in the tudy of global conflict Economttric History. Baltimore: John Hopkin University Pres .
and cooperation for which experimental control i out GOUld. J.D. 1969. "Hypothetical Hi lOry." Economic History Rtvitw
22(2): 195-207.
of the que tion and tati tical control is of limited
Hawkins, S.A.• and R. H tie. 1990. "Hindsight": Biased Judgments of
u efulnes (assuming we can find a reasonable set of Pasl Events after the Outcomes Are Known." Psychological Bullttin
comparison ca e and can reliably operationalize the 107(3): 311-27.
Hawthorn. G. 1991. Plausiblt Worlds: Possibililty and Undustanding in
theoretical con truct ). These que tions are too HIS/ory and tht Social Scitncts. New York: Cambridge University
important to ignore, but apparently too difficult to Pre s.
an wer in a fashion that command trans ideological Kahnemann, D. 1995. "Varieties of Counterfaclual Thinking." In NJ.
Roese and J.M. Olson. cds., What Might Havt Bun: Tht Social
con en u . Psychology ofCountttfactual ThinJcing, 375-96. Mahwah, New Jersey:
Too often, the re pon e to the dilemma is to ErIbaum.
embrace extreme solution (Strassfeld 1992): either KahnelT\3nn, D.. and D.T. Miller. 19&6. "Norm Theory: Comparing
Reality 10 Its Alternatives." Psychological Rtvitw 93(2): 136-53.
to reject categorically all counterfactual argument as March. J.G .• and J.P Olsen. 1995. Dtmocratic Govunanu. New York:
fanciful suppo ition , mere conjecture, and frivolous Free Press.
figments (counterfactual dread) or to a ume confi- Skynns. B. 1980. Causal Ntctssity. New Haven: Yale Universily Pres .
SIras feld. R.N. 1993. "If ... : Counterfactuals in the Law." Gtorgt
dently that we know exactly what would have hap- Washington Law Rtvltw 60(2): 339-416.
pened if we had gone down another path, sometimes Tedock. P.E. 1991. "Learning in U.S. and Soviet Foreign Policy: In
Search of an Elusive Concept." In G.W. Bre lauer and P.E. Tetlock.
going 0 far as to project everal tep deep into cds., Ltaming in U.S. and Sovitt Fortign Policy. 20-61. Boulder:
hypothetical cau al sequence (counterfactual 'W Iview.
bravado). The former re pon e lead to futile effort Tellock, P.E. 1994. "Good Judgment in World Politic: Who Gets Whal
RighI. When and Why?" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
to exorcize counterfactual from hi torical inquiry American P ychological Society. W hington, D.C.
(Fi her 1970); the latter re pon e leads at be t to Tetlock. P.E.• and A. Levi. 1982. "Attribulion Bi : On the
error (we ignore the compounding of probabilities at Inconclusive of the Cognition-MO(ivation Debale." Journal of
Expuimtntal Psychology 18: 68-88.
our peril) and at wor t to the full- cale politicization Tetlock. P.E.• and A.S.R. Manstead. 1985. "Impression Managemenl
of counterfactual argument (a advocate claim carte versu Intrapsychic Explanations in Social P ychology: A Useful
blanche to write hypothetical historie that advance DichO(omy?" Psychological Rtvitw 92(1): 59-77.
Tversky, A. and D. Kahneman. 1974. "Judgment Under Uncertainly:
their favorite causes). Thi project tried to articulate a Heuri tics and Bi ." Scitnct 185 (Sept. 27): 1124-31.

Researching Sexuality Insufficient and erratic funding coupled with a
narrowly de igned re earch agenda that has focu ed
A new fellowship program primarily on a "ri k-factor approach" have contributed
to a paucity of re earch on exuality which, in tum,
by Diane di Mauro * ha u tained many of the ocial cri e evident in
the United State today. Steady funding i needed to
Human exuality i inherently related to many of the attract new tudent to thi field, to upport the work
ocial and public health concern and challenge in of enior researchers, and expand the research agenda
the United States today, including family planning to explore a greater range of topic and new approache
and contraceptive use, adole cent pregnancy, child to current ocial and health i ue. In particular, there
abu e, and HIVI AIDS-health cri e that are increa - i a need for ba ic, fundamental re earch that ad-
ingly understood within the context of poverty, family vance our conceptuaVtheoretical framework a well
trauma, ethnic di crimination, lack of educational a our under tanding of exuality-related behavior ,
opportunitie , and inadequate health ervices. How- attitude ,and tructure in population of varied cul-
ever, there i little recognition of how the e health tural and ocial backgrounds.
cri e are related to human exuality or how sexual In respon e to thi need, a new fellow hip program
attitude , belief, and value act a antecedent and was initiated at the SSRC in September 1995: the
contributing factors to the e problem . A more fully Sexuality Re earch Fellow hip Program (SRFP). The
developed under tanding of how early exual experi- only one of it kind in the country, the program pro-
ence and ocialization patterns influence adult be- vide di ertation and po tdoctoral upport for ocial
havior -both po itively, a in one' ability to form and behavioral re earch conducted in the United
lasting, affectionate relation hip , and negatively, a States on sexuality topics and i ues in order to
with coercive exual behavior -i e sential to plan- trengthen the diverse di cipline conducting exual-
ning and implementing activitie undertaken in the ity re earch. It eek to cultivate new generation of
name of public health and public policy. cholars who will addre s the complexity and contex-
For example, in chool and community-based pro- tual nature of human exuality, explore connection
gram and public education campaign , there exi t a acro di cipline , method, and i ue, and make
tremendou need for exuality information about contribution that link the tudy of human exuality
HIVI AIDS, adole cent pregnancy, exual coercion, to the intellectual trajectory of their own di cipline .
and family ju tice. A comprehen ive and effective In achieving the e aim , it will help build con tituen-
approach to addre ing the e public health concern cie among exuality re earcher that can publicly
depend on knowing what constitute exual health, promote the u efulne of uch re earch, encourage
what motivates exual behavior, how exual norm collaboration, and improve re earch di emination in
are developed and u tained, and how the e evolve order to inform important ocial and public health
over time. The e debate can be better informed if i ues. In providing upport at both the di sertation
data were broadly collected on a range of exuality and po tdoctoral level, the SRFP eeks to ignifi-
topic including the diver ity and di tribution of cantly expand the knowledge base and to make a crit-
exual values and behavior within different popula- ical inve tment in the capacity to anticipate, confront,
tion , ocietie, and culture ; the impact of exuality and overcome public health challenge in the future.
on per onal and family relation hip ; and the pecific The program focu e on four primary need in the
and varied meanings of exuality for individuals. Yet exuality re earch field:
comprehen ive data on contemporary exual behav-
(1) Expanding the range of re earch
ior , attitude , and practice are not available, nor i it
under tood how they are haped by different ocietal, Currently, the driving force behind re earch on
cultural, and familial contexts. exuality is a preventive health agenda that empha-
izes sexuality as a ocial problem and behavioral
• Diane di Mauro, a psychologi t. i the program director for the ri k. Here exuality i inve tigated as a ub-topic in
Sexuality Research Fellow hip Program. funded by the Ford Foundation. intervention re earch on adole cent teenage preg-


nancy prevention, HIV/AIDS, or exual coercion. digms focu ing on exual health and ocialization
While such re earch is needed, the ramifications of within the context of ociety and culture; comparative
a limited, preventive approach are significant. Fir t, and cross-cultural analy es of sexuality within the
the re earch questions are focused primarily on iden- United State; the diver ity and di tribution of exual
tifying high-risk sexual behaviors and/or motivating values, beliefs, and behaviors within different popula-
behavioral change; and econd, exuality i conceptu- tions and their meanings for individual ; the link
alized within a negative and problematic context. between exuality and gender; exuality and di abil-
A a result, exuality re earch who e ole objective ity; exual orientation; exual coercion; the impact of
i to obviate social problem or di ease is typically economic change or of other institutional influences,
re tricted to answering "how many" rather than uch as religion or the media, on exuality; and the
"why"-and data produced by re earch attempting formation of ocial policy ba ed on cultural norm
to determine what percentage of a population engage regarding exuality.
in which behavior provides few an wer concerning
the origin of the behavior and the context in which it (2) Mentoring and training
The lack of comprehensive training is a major
A cursory look at the topics on sexuality under
obstacle to a more cohesive and developed field of
investigation in the social cience literature illu trate
multidi ciplinary research in sexuality. Training for
how a preventive approach ha narrowed the re earch
future generation of sexuality re earchers is there-
agenda to di ea e and ri k prevention: studie of
fore needed to integrate knowledge about human ex-
childhood exuality focu on exual abu e; re earch uality with kills in diverse research methodologie .
on adolescent exuality i concerned with teenage An important component of the Sexuality Re earch
pregnancy prevention and the ri k of HIV tran mis- Fellow hip Program is an application requirement
ion; research on adult exuality focu e on contra- de igned to under core the need for comprehensive
ceptive use, HIV tran mi sion and prevention, and methodological training. Only joint applications can
exual coercion. Such a narrowly defined re earch be ubmitted-from the dissertation applicant and
agenda cannot adequately examine pecific ocial and her/his re earch advisor, or in the ca e of po tdoctoral
cultural factors that drive human behaviors and atti- applicant , from the applicant and her/his re earch
tudes. While it is of critical importance to identify at- as ociate. This advi or/associate typically is an estab-
risk popUlations, there is a dearth of information lished researcher with experti e in the re earch topic,
about populations not con idered to be at ri k, with a either in the applicant' own discipline or a related
re ulting lack of ba eline data about exuality acro field. The advi or/as ociate functions as a mentor
the life span. For example, there is little information and is re pon ible for providing the fellow with con-
on women' exuality after the reproductive year of istent guidance and clo e upervision of the re earch
15 to 44. project a it evolves. Hopefully, in the future, in titu-
In order to expand the re earch agenda, the SRFP tional mechani m will supplement this experience
cast the wide t of nets in attracting applicant con- by facilitating the haring of training material within
ducting research on diverse topics. Open to all and acros colleges and universities, and new tech-
re earchers in the social and behavioral sciences and nologie, uch as multi-media and computer interac-
in the humanities, application are invited from a tive seminars, will be explored within the context of
wide range of disciplines including, but not limited training.
to, anthropology, demography, economic ,education, A primary intention of the mentoring component
ethics, hi tory, the humanities, cultural and women's of the SRFP i for experienced researcher from dif-
tudies, political cience, psychology, and ociology. ferent disciplines to provide ongoing training of
Applicants are encouraged to submit re earch propo - young cholars in various methodological approaches
als that eek to investigate a wide range of exuality to sexuality re earch topic ,and pecifically to under-
topics as conceptualized by their re pective di ci- core the importance of both qualitative and quantita-
pline and conducted within the United State, tive method . Briefly, the qualitative approach has
including but not limited to: new developmental para- been used to obtain data about the nature and context


of sexual relationship and exuality over the Iife- no longer promote intervention re earch that offers
pan among ubgroups of the general population. only individual re olutions to ocial crise or generic
Qualitative re earch methods are well-suited to ex- programs supposedly applicable to all population .
plore sexuality topics, ince they can identify and In tead, infonnation about the actual circum tances in
record nuances of individual interpretation and cul- which, for example, contraception i u ed, in which
tural meaning. In its examination of the experiential di eases are transmitted, and in which abuse occurs,
and the subjective, qualitative research has the poten- is greatly needed, together with a deeper under tand-
tial to generate important conclusions about the ing of the political, economic, and cultural frame-
meaning and significance of the acts to the actors. works that infonn the meaning and con equences of
Quantitative research can provide useful descrip- these individual interactions.
tions of the epidemiological parameters of a given In addressing thi di parity, the SRFP encourages
behavior and of the di tribution of exual behaviors in proposal that represent:
a given population. It can al 0 document changes in
• Basic research integrating an expanded defi-
behavior over time, help to evaluate the effectivene
it ion of sexuality and augmenting the knowl-
of prevention programs, and make u e of a wide
edge base of human sexuality.
range of statistical techniques for hypothesis-te ting
of the many interactive factors relating to human • Relevant intervention research that i attuned
exual behavior. Thus, the quantitative approach has to community need and incorporates appro-
typically obtained infonnation about a range of sexual priate evaluative proce se. This kind of
behaviors and their frequencies that can be submitted re earch would an wer uch question as
for stati tical analysis. The 1996 competition of the "What are the important variables of behav-
SRFP awarded projects that utilized a variety of ior predictors and what do they represent to
methods: quantitative, qualitative, and combined the member of a given community?"
approache , as well as organizational, cognitive-experi-
mental, archival, and econdary analy i of existing • A more accepting and positive depiction of
exuality to off et the current negative
research emphasis which contributes to inef-
fective interventions.
(3) Promoting parity for basic and applied research
The 1993 report is ued by the National Commi sion The SRFP will provide a supportive environment
on AIDS acknowledges that ocial cience has failed for more theoretical re earch that will advance the
to properly differentiate basic behavioral and ocial theories of human motivation and explore the link
cience re earch from applied re earch and to recog- between ocial tructure and personal agency. New
nize basic re earch's potential value in generating theoretical models re ulting from uch re earch
new insight for po ible interventions. In the area of would greatly contribute to future cycles of both
sexuality re earch, this failure ha tran lated into a ba ic and intervention research, as well to the suc-
financial and logistical priority to upport interven- ce sful implementation of preventive trategies.
tion re earch at the ex pen e of ba ic re earch, rein-
(4) Dissemination
forcing a view of exuality a primarily problematic.
More ba ic re earch in exuality is needed to fill in A frequent grievance expre ed by both practition-
extensive gaps in knowledge, e pecially the ocial, er and re earcher is that di emination of re earch
physiological, and p ychological aspect of human finding to tho e who need thern-policymaker , ad-
sexuality in general, and exual behaviors in particu- vocates, and community repre entative -i highly
lar. The findings can then be deciphered and incorpo- inadequate. In tum, the concern of the e group are
rated into effective intervention re earch and program eldom integrated into the re earch agenda, making
implementation. Moreover, basic research can repre- it difficult to obtain the infonnation needed to effec-
ent a preliminary tage of re earch without the tively plan public policy and implement relevant
expectation that it will yield immediate or foreseeable program.
application . The ocial and behavioral cience can The requirement that all applicants provide a com-


prehensive outreach /dissemination plan is an impor- for the importance of sexuality as a substantive area
tant mechanism designed to promote more useful of inquiry, raise awareness within and outside the
research dissemination and to more consistently research community on the centrality of sexuality
engage others, both within and outside of the research research, and provide greater public visibility for
community. The applicant is expected to describe at important sexuality issues. Furthermore, they will be
length his/her plans for the dis emination of both pre- promoting a new view of exuality, one that no longer
liminary and final research findings in the form of considers it to be inherently problematic. This new
publications and presentations at the home institution view will approach exuality as a important arena of
or professional gatherings. In this way, the fellow human development that is culturally, socially, and
can pre ent the work in progress and form productive historically mediated. Human sexuality will no longer
alliances with other fellows and senior researchers. be viewed a a series of individual, episodic behav-
With regard to outreach, the applicant is also ex- iors linked to pecific acts and the physical body, but
pected to describe planned activitie in which schol- will be tudied as a range of sexual activities and nor-
ars and other professionals will be more actively mative core value , who e meaning and significance
"engaged" on exuality and research i ue. Some change over time as they are communicated, internal-
ideas can include organizing an informal seminar ized, and acted upon by the individual. The future
erie , more formal presentations highlighting the research agenda will begin to address the e kinds of
re earch or the work of an invited outside guest questions:
speaker, or other events designed to involve the com-
munity in discussions of sexuality-related i sues. • How is exuality defined and what doe it
This dissemination/outreach component has consider- signify or repre ent over the life span for
able potential for promoting the links between exual- individuals in different cultures and chang-
ity re earch and ocial and public health policy and ing ocial role (i.e., as children learning
will more consistently expo e the fellow to the idea about the body; a women making contra-
that exuality plays an important role in public policy. ceptive decisions; as men communicating
with a partner; and as parents and caretakers
(5) Future implications communicating messages about exuality to
the next generation)?
The first SRFP competition in 1996 drew approxi-
mately 70 application for dis ertation and po tdoc- • What is the effect of aging on sexuality in dif-
toral support from a range of discipline areas, includ- ferent cultures? How is sexuality experi-
ing ociology, anthropology, psychology, political enced as people age? How is exual health
cience, cultural tudies, hi tory, human sexuality, maintained on a long-term ba is?
women's tudie, social network, demography, his- • What are the ramifications of phy ical and
tory of religion, film, Engli h, ociomedical cience, mental di ability on the development of
American studie , and health studie . The topics exual behavior and values and on exual
awarded included childhood exual abuse, trans exu- phy iology?
ality, sexual ocialization, pornography, exual iden-
tity/orientation, immigration and the political econ- • Within any given culture, what i the impact
omy of identity, pro titution, HIV/AIDS, and ado- of familial and ocietal exual norm on the
Ie cent sexuality. acquisition of specific exual behaviors?
If the objectives of the SRFP are achieved, it will How do the e norms, when enacted as prac-
have ucces fully encouraged greater methodological tice , make individual vulnerable to abu e
diversity and innovation, more relevant re earch di - or ri ky exual practice as they mature?
emination, and the con truction of new and u eful • Within any given culture, what i the role of
theoretical model of exual knowledge. With their different ocial in titution -including reli-
work legitimated through consi tent and sufficient gious in titutions, chools, and the media-in
upport, sexuality re earchers repre enting a ignifi- e tablishing and maintaining exual norm ,
cant constituency will be able to erve as advocates value , attitude , and behaviors?


• What are the impact and effects of drug , Sexuality research will provide important contribu-
alcohol, and pharmaceutical on exual tions to the effective planning and implementing of
behaviors? public health promotion and public policy, and will
• What individual behaviors, abilities, attrib- have a significant impact in providing crucial answers
utes, motivations, and practices contribute to to ocial challenges. It will no longer be considered
exual health? What constitutes a sexually the ource of problem and ri ks, but as an arena of
healthy ociety? well-being and human potential. •

The 1996 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Recent Ph.D.'s

Sponsored by: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
The JSPS Po tdoctoral Fellowship Program for Recent Ph.D.' seek to provide promi ing and highly qualified researchers in the
social science and humanitie with the opportunity to conduct research with leading universitie and other research in titution in
Japan. The Social Science Research Council serve a the nominating authority for U.S.-based applicants in the social sciences and
humanitie . Researchers in the field of medicine hould contact the Fogarty International Center at The National In titute of Health
for further infonnation. Re earcher in the phy ical cience hould contact the National Science Foundation.
Although the competition has no topical boundarie , propo al that advance research in the following area will be particularly
Science and Technology tudies: Including but not limited to topic in: philo ophy of science, hi tory of science, science education,
comparative research and development trategie, public/private cooperation in research, science and technology policie .

Economics, Busin , and Trade tudies: Including but not limited to topic in: micro-economic , macro-economics. comparative
economics, international economic, banking and finance, organizational behavior, indu trial relation, human re urce management.
international trade law and policy.

Environmental tudie: Including but not limited to topic in: u tainable development, biodiver ity. global climate change, compar-
ative environmental policies, tudie of the human dimen ion of environmental change.

Period or FeUow hip: 12 to 24 month .

Terms or Award: Round-trip airfare; in urance coverage for accident and iIIne s; monthly tipend ofY270,OOO; settling in allowance
ofY200,OOO; monthly housing allowance ofY I 00,000; monthly family allowance ofY50,OOO; eligibility for up to an additional
Y 1,500.000 annually for research expense .

Eligibility: U.S. citizen or permanent re ident . A doctoral degree received ix years or les prior to the effective date of the fellow-
hip. Proof of an affiliation with an eligible ho t re earch in titution in Japan.

Application Deadline: November 15. 1996. For complete Ii t of eligible ho t research in titutions contact:

J PS Postdoctoral FeUow hip ror Recent Pb.D.'s

Social Science Research Council
810 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019
Telephone: 212-377-2700
Fax: 212-377-2727


Presidential Items

International Dissertation Field Research: A New Fellowship Program

Recent "Pre idential Item " have de cribed the reor- the IDRF program. The fellow hip i de igned to
ganization of the joint ACLS· and SSRC interna- en ure that awardee develop the capacity for cumula-
tional program. The March 1996 i ue of Items pro- tion, aggregation, and com pari on. The ability to iden-
vided a broad argument for re tructuring in the tify and extend the comparative implications of partic-
context of a changed world, while the June/September ular re earch agenda i of pecial ignificance. For
1996 i ue defined the principle of area-based knowl- the purpo e of thi program, the comparative dimen-
edge and pre ented the architecture for the jointly ion i defined broadly a that which can speak to, or i
admini tered international re earch and training pro- relevant to, more than one locality and/or time period.
gram of the Council . In orne projects it will mean a recognition of the value
The e note de cribe the companion fellow hip of te ting one's theorie and ca e again t another con-
program, the International Oi sertation Field Re- text. In other in tance it will lead to field research in
earch Fellow hip (IDRF). The IDRF represents a more than one locality-provided that the re earcher i
ignificant departure from previou ACLS-SSRC di - qualified to do thi . It can al 0 mean field re earch on
ertation field re earch competition that were area- a ingle ite that incorporate a econd case through
focu ed and admini tered under the joint area com- the u e of econdary literature, or explicit compari on
mittee tructure. The IORF program con olidates the acro in titution , time period , and/or proce e. One
bulk of the e competition into a ingle program. We of the major aim of the fellows' work hop -an inte-
note, however, that the Council continue to manage gral component of the program-will be to facilitate
a variety of predoctoral, doctoral, and po tdoctoral comparative analy i and to help fellow engage in
fellow hip and training program, orne of which are i ue beyond their doctoral re earch.
targeted to pecific areas of the world. For further For many year SSRC and ACLS fellow hip pro-
information about the e program , please contact the gram drew a harp di tinction between their "dome -
SSRC and ACLS, or con ult the SSRC web page tic" and "international" program . The new program
(http://www. blurs that di tinction; it hold that the United State i
Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and no Ie caught up in wider global and tran national
in keeping with the larger aim of the international proce e than any other country or region. Propo al
program reorganization, the IORF promote re earch that treat the U.S. in a comparative context are eligible,
that i en itive to hi torical and cultural specificities provided they require field re earch out ide the United
while al 0 being engaged in tudie that link local State . At the arne time, propo al that deal with
phenomena with global and tran national proce e. place that once fell out ide the joint area committee
Field re earch i the key principle. Field re earch at tructure (Au tralia, New Zealand, the Pacific I land ,
the di ertation level i a nece ary part of graduate and 0 on) are eligible a well. Indeed, one of the
training if a reasonable number of top-ranked human- major aim of the program i to help cholar reca t
i t and ocial cienti t are to tart their career with our conceptual and geographical mapping of the
ub tantial knowledge about orne part of the world world. and to develop new kind of regional and cro -
outside the United State. The IDRF offer upport regional compari on that challenge, tran cend, or
to approximately 50 di ertation candidates enrolled elide the areal configuration that guided po twar
in U.S. doctoral program, who ere earch require cholar hip.
an extended period of fieldwork abroad. Many fellowship competition -including orne
Field re earch or, more broadly, area-ba ed knowl- pon ored by the ACLS and the SSRC-are themati-
edge, i a nece ary but not ufficient condition for cally bounded. In uch competition the purpo e i to
the kind of cholar hip that i to be advanced through enlarge the number of cholar who work on i ue of,
for example, immigration, human exuality, or environ-
• American Council of Learned Soci II mental economics. There i obviou Iy an important

D EMBER 1996 ITEMs/91

role for such competitions. But applications to the the ways in which knowledge about such processes
IDRF program are not restricted by theme. The is produced and disseminated. The e changes require
program seeks in tead to enhance the capacity of that we reconfigure the forms of knowledge that
promising junior scholars to engage in theoretically- emerge from the study of specific places and histori-
sophisticated field-based research regardless of the cal periods. In particular, we need to define and legiti-
substantive topic. One of the trengths of an open mate a fresh rationale for field-based scholarship, one
competition is that it is likely to provide support to that is consistent with changed world conditions.
some applicants who are addressing issues of conse- Higher education-not only in the United States,
quence that have not yet attracted sufficient funder but in many other parts of the world-is moving
interest (i.e., that may be "ahead of their times"). away from the traditional rationale for area studies,
Just as the program is not bounded with reference i.e., an emphasis on understanding the foreign
to theme, it is similarly not restricted in terms of his- "other" and on en uring geographic coverage of vari-
torical time frame. While it i expected that mo t of ous regions and areas of the world. The re ulting
the fellowships will be awarded to cholars working hift in emphases has led to sharp debates on many
on the modern and contemporary world (defined here campuse . Univer ity administrators are expected to
as the mid-17th century onwards), propo als that "choo e" between protecting the area tudy tradition,
address premodern eras will be welcome, e pecially both in terms of its characteristic intellectual ap-
propo als that articulate meaningful linkages between proaches and its organizational form , and the
earlier epochs and issues facing the modern and con- counter-position that it is time to move away from
temporary world. By the arne token, successful area studies, on the a sumption that international
applicants will demonstrate an understanding that research should know no boundaries. Thi latter
contemporary issues-however urgently topical-are globalist perspective is often buttressed by a ertions
rooted in the hi tories and cultures of specific places. that international cholarship should be organized
The e considerations sugge t the kind of applicant around thematic topics, uch as u tainable develop-
expected to be succe sful in the competition. If the ment or peace and ecurity.
program reaches its ambitiou goals, we would The Councils have argued that this i a false
expect that each fellow would benefit by reading the choice, believing-as the IDRF program intends to
dis ertations of every other fellow. We view the fel- demon trate-that area knowledge makes en e of
lows as a cohort in this important en e. While they global phenomena. ju t as global trend hape and
will have cho en different topics and will be conduct- structure what occurs in pecific place . Through its
ing field re earch in a diver ity of places, there i a support for intensive field re earch, the IDRF pro-
family re emblance in the approach adopted. By vides a foundation for the ongoing development of
reading each other's work fellow can learn how col- area-based knowledge. At the arne time, through its
league working in different areas or from different election criteria and fellows' work hop , the pro-
disciplines manage to link local phenomena to gram encourages the be t graduate tudent to think
broader trends and to incorporate a comparative and beyond pecific area and di ciplinary concern and to
historical per pective. draw out the comparative and interdi ciplinary impli-
The criteria guiding the IDRF program are part of cations of their re earch. The re pon e received to
the more inclu ive principle that have defined the date, particularly from pro pective applicants and
new SSRC and ACLS international program, an effort their advisor, ugge t that a very large and diver e
that takes its orientation from the sweeping changes array of scholars is eager to participate in a program
generated by proce e of global integration and frag- of this kind. (A formal announcement of the IDRF
mentation, and from equally fundamental changes in program appears on the oppo ite page.) •

-Kenneth Prewitt


SSRClACLS International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships (IDRF)
The Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societie announce a major new initiative funded by the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in upport of field research at the di ertation level. The IDRF provide upport for ocial cienti t
and humani ts to conduct di sertation field re earch in all areas and region of the world. The program will award up to 50 fellow-
hip in 1997. The fellow hip will enable doctoral candidates to use their knowledge of di tinctive area. culture. languages.
economies. politi • and hi torical experience. in combination with their di. ciplinary training. to addre i ue that tran. cend their
discipline or area pecialization.
Fellow will al 0 participate in multidisciplinary workshop upon completion of field research. Work hop will be tailored to fellow'
research agendas and addre theme that resonate acro s culture and region. They are intended to facilitate network and cro -di-
ciplinary exchang • and to help fellow engage in i ues beyond their doctoral research.
Program Scope: The IDRF help promi ing scholars to launch their career with ub tantive knowledge about societie • culture •
economie • and/or politie out ide the United State. It promotes cholarship that treat place and setting in relation to global and
tran national phenomena as well a particular hi torie and culture . The program operates on the premi e that societie and culture •
from i olated village to entire world region. are caught up in proce se that link them to event • whic~hough geographically dis-
tant-are culturally. economically. trategically. or ecologically quite near. To learn m re about value or ocial condition in a partic-
ular area. then. mean to learn more about how that area i ituated in event and proce se going on out ide it. borders. but not
thereby out ide its culture or economy or ecology. At the arne time. the obverse hold. An integrated understanding of tran national
and global phenomena (pa t and pre ent) cannot be acquired with ut referen e to the numerou pecific pIa e which give hape and
~ub tance to those larger proce e. The program particularly eeks to promote holarship that i relevant to more than one locality
and/or time period. Thi may mean applying one's theories and case again t other contexts; field research in more than one location;
field re earch on a single ite that incorporates a econd case through use of econdary literature; or explicit compari on acro in titu-
tions. time periods. and proces e .
Criteria for election: Applicant will be se sed in term of the probability that their propo. ed re earch can inform debate that go
beyond the pecific topic and place cho en for tudy. Application hould exhibit a grounding in the m thod and theorie of a particu-
lar discipline or ubdi cipline. but mu tal 0 be of demon trable cro -disciplinary intere t. Applicati n hould pecify why an
extended period of field-ba ed research i critical to the ucces ful completion of the propo ed doctoral di .. ertation. The research
de ign of propo al hould be reali tic in scope. clearly formulated. and re pon ive to theoretical and methodological concern .
Applicants hould provid evidence of having attained an appropriate level of training and kill to undertake the propo. ed field
research. including evidence of a degree of language fluency adequate to complete the project.
Eligibility and Terms: The program i open to full-time graduate tudent in the ocial ien e and humanitie -regardle of citi-
zen hip--enrolled in doctoral program in the United State. The program invite propo al for field research on all areas or region
of the world. as well a for research that i comparative. cro -regional. and/or cro -cultural. Propo al that identify the United State
as a ca e for comparative inquiry are welcome; however. propo al that require no field re earch outside the United States are not eli-
gible. There are no re triction with regard to theme or hi torical time-frame. Applicant mu t have completed all Ph.D. requirement
except the fieldwork component by the time the fellow hip begin. Standard fellow hip will provide upport for nine month in the
field. plu travel expen • but they will rarely exceed $15.000. In orne case • the candidate may propose Ie than nine month of
fieldwork. but no award will be given for Ie than ix month .
Deadline for Receipt of Application: December 2, 1996
An application form hould be reque ted well before the ubmi ion deadline. Application sent by fax or received after the deadline
will not be accepted. All material mu t be typed or computer-printed according to the in truction on the application. A digital copy
of the application form will be available on the SSRC web ite and may be downloaded. but application mu t be ubmitted by mail
together with the propo al. reference • and tran cript .
Announcement of Award : May 1997
For Further Information and Application Material
International Di sertation Field Re earch Fellow hip Program (IDRF)
Social Science Re rch Council
IO Seventh Avenue
ewYork. NY 10019

(212) 377-2700 ttleplwne (212) 377-2727 fax idrf e-mail http://www. web


A Requiem for P&P con ultation among phy ically- eparated profes or
was impo ible, 0 in 1925 a Committee on Problem
Notes on the Council's late Committee on and Policy was created to oversee the intellectual
Problems and Policy program of the Council between infrequent board
by David L Sills· P&P met frequently in its early years, as often as
once a month; when I joined the taff in 1973, it was
A headline in a recent i sue of Items, "Di olution of till meeting quarterly. For many years, from the
Committee on Problem and Policy (P&P),"I mu t 1920 to the early 1930 , it al 0 met at a 100day, out-
have startled many readers. P&P had been the core of-town meeting back-to-back with the annual board
of the Council's tructure eemingly forever. The meeting and the annual "Summer Conference ."
headline reminded me of a remark made in an early The fir t six of the e ummer meetings were held in
terrori m movie (was it Red October?): When a Hanover, New Hamp hire. Sub equently, the confer-
ecurity officer announced to a colleague that the ence were held in uch plendid re ort communities
Superbowl might have to be canceled becau e of a as Nantucket I land; Franconia, New Hampshire; and
terrori t threat, hi re ponse was, "You can't cancel Lake George, New York. The entire New York taff of
the Superbowl! That's like canceling Chri tmas!" the Council al 0 attended, 0 in effect the Council
It eems to me that the word "di olution" ound itself moved out of town for this period. Eventually,
a little too final, a little too executional, if you will. Sky Top in the Poconos turned out to be judged the
Perhap orne words uch as "P&P will be combined ideal pot, and the annual meetings were held there
with (or ab orbed by) the board" might have been for three decade .4
more appropriate. (In a draft of one of his annual- The rea on for the timing and the pattern of
report -of the-president during hi earlier tenure a Council meetings in the prewar years are not hard to
head of the SSRC, Kenneth Prewitt referred to "the recon truct. The Council' New York office were not
Committee on Problem and Policy, affectionately air-conditioned; profe ors in tho e days had far
known as P&P." I reminded him at the time that there fewer opportunitie to leave their campu e than they
were a few hundred di appointed propo al writers in have today; the virtual nonexi tence of air travel
the land who e affectionate feeling might be tem- meant that ocial cientists in California could not
pered, and he reluctantly changed the warm word casually come to one-day meetings in New York; and
"affectionately" into the neutral word "familiarly." the small ize of the Council's taff required that
With such cautious and tiny editorial intervention , more actual work be done by the unpaid profe or.
the Engli h language is slowly 10 ing its capacity to In addition, the Council was the only nationwide
invoke awe, wonder, and envy throughout the world.) organization dedicated to research in the ocial ci-
Well, the olid truth i that Chri tmas has been can- ence and a ignificant fraction of all re earch-minded
celed at the Council. P&P has been di charged, and profe ors attended the e annual meetings-either as
here i the only obituary of it that may ever appear. Council members or as gue t .
In what some till refer to as "the good old day " The need for a change in the Council's governing
before World War II, the Council had a mall taff tructure in the mid-I 970 ,however, temmed not
and wa very much a voluntary as ociation of unpaid from the new technologie of air travel, air condition-
cholar .2 Given the technology of the day, frequent ing, telephone conference call , faxe , and the Internet,

• David L. Sill , a sociologi t, was on the Council wff from 1973 to

1988; he i now Executive A sociate Emerilu . He was a frequenl contrib- J Elbridge Sibley, Social Sc'~nu R~s~arch Council: T~ First Fifty
ulor 10 It~ms and also served as its editor. Y~ar.s (New Yort: Social Science Research Council, 1974), page 9. Thi
I June- September 1996, page 40. hi tory i an excellent review of "the good old day " and a valuable ref-
2 The Council didn 'l have a laried pre idenl during i firsl 25 years. erence source for names, dates, even ,publications, and accompJishmen .
In 194 , the title of the sociologist Donald Young- who had been a 4 (David L Sill ), "50th Anniversary of the 1930 Hanover Conference:
member of the taff since 1932- w changed from Executive Director to The Letters of Robert Redfield to His Wife Keep the Pasl Alive." It~ms,
President. June 19 0, page 35.


but from financial necessity. In the 1920 and 1930 , nated by eliminating P&P.
core upport of the Council's admini tration was pro- One important tructural feature of P&P mu t be
vided by variou Rockefeller philanthropies. A young noted: its membership has always included cholars
p ychologi t named Beardsley Ruml, who directed who are not director of the Council. The implicit
the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Fund, can function of the e outside-the-organization members
fairly be aid to have u ed the Council as omething has been to represent the intellectual intere t of the
like the re earch ann of hi foundation-an arrange- ocial cience community as a whole, rather than
ment quite satisfactory to both organizations and only imply the intere t of the board or of the seven pro-
recently challenged by "new hi tori an ," who use thi fe ional a ociation. Now that P&P has been di -
relationship to upport their claim that the Council charged, the board will erve as the Council' forum
wa the tool of nefariou capitali m.S for accepting or rejecting propo ed projects, and it
A the years pas ed, core upport from foundations eems to me that special attention mu t be given to
diminished, and overhead from grant was increas- electing board members-at-Iarge who can authorita-
ingly needed to support the board and other admini - tively repre ent the ocial cience community in thi
trative functions. Since its early year , the Council's way.
board always had three member from each of the What did P&P accompli h in its 70 years of exis-
even major social cience a ociations, plu nine at- tence? Obviou ly a great deal. The in cription that Sir
large members. In 1975, Pre ident Eleanor B. Sheldon Chri topher Wren's on wrote for his father's tomb in
propo ed that the size of the board be reduced by St. Paul's Cathedral a serts (in Latin), "If you would
having only one member from each a ociation, thus ee the man's monument, look around." Much the
ubstantially reducing airfare, hotel, and other travel arne can be aid of P&P and the Council' intellec-
ex pen es. The propo al wa approved after a brief but tual achievement .
occasionally heated debate: I remember the Yale P&P wa alway able to attract orne of the fine t
political cientist Charle E. Lindblom making an social cienti t of the time. The ro ter of its chair-
impas ioned plea that a large board and a large men over this 70-year period read like a "who's
annual meeting (attended by many di tingui hed who" of the ocial ciences. It include the econo-
guests) should be maintained as a public demon tra- mi tAlbert Ree and Jo eph J. Spengler; the
tion of the importance of the Council specifically political cienti t V. O. Key, Jr. and Sidney Verba;
and of the ocial sciences in general. But Eleanor the p ychologi t Gardner Lindzey and Robert S.
Sheldon's per uasivene and firmne won the day, Woodworth; the ociologi ts E. W. Burges and
and over a three-year period the size of the board was William G. Ogburn; and the statistician Burton H.
reduced from 30 to 17 member . Singer and S. S. Wilks. A ro ter of its member i
From 1975 until 1996, all member of the board equally impre ive: the anthropologi t Clifford
were a signed either to the Executive Committee or Geertz, the economist Frank H. Knight, the historian
to P&P, and P&P oon met only at the time of the C. Vann Woodward, the political cienti t Gabriel
biannual board meetings, thu 10 ing much of its di - Almond, the p ychologi t Otto Klineberg, the ociol-
tinctive function of being an independent-of-the-board ogi t Neil J. Smel er, and the statistician Frederick
over eer of the Council's ub tantive program. It will Mo teller have all erved on P&P.
urpri e no student of organizational dynamic to P&P created and approved the policies and pro-
learn that it took 21 year for the duplication and con- grams that are the Council's distinctive achieve-
fu ion re utting from this new tructure to be elimi- ment-they are too numerou and too well-known to
Items reader to be Ii ted here. Its collective judgment
kept a great many foolish or unwi e projects from
getting tarted, and it di charged numerous commit-
S See, for example, Donald Fisher, Fundam~ntal D~v~/opm~nt olth~
Social Sci~nc~.r: Rocuf~lItr Philanthropy and tht Socwl Scitnct tee that had outlived their u efulnes .
Rutarch Council (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Pre ,1993). For a Of course P&P made mistakes over the years; no
cntique of the Fi her book, see David L. Feathennan, "SSRC, Then and
Now: A Commentary on a Recent Historical Analy is," Ittms, March
committee can always accurately foreca t the future
1994, page 13-22. performance of other . Weak project have ometimes


been approved, and promising projects have ome- The word wa undoubtedly u ed orally by P&P
times been rejected. One mi take of thi kind, in my and the Council taff in the years following Robert
opinion, was to turn down a 1955 Ford Foundation Woodworth' u age in 1926, but there is no evidence
request that the Council pon or a new encyclopedia of the word appearing in print until 1933. Although
of the ocial ciences that it re earch had concluded the minutes and files of the American Council of
was needed. Ultimately, Jeremiah Kaplan, the innova- Learned Societie and the National Academy of
tive pre ident of the Macmillan Company, decided to Science both reveal many example of the idea
publi h the encyclopedia without any foundation behind "interdi ciplinary," diligent re earch has not
Upport.6 found a single example of the word itself being used.
Through its actions, P&P encouraged and legiti- It wa n't until 1933, when the Council advertised its
mated a number of important subfield in the ocial offer of fellow hips in the American Journal of
cience : p ycholingui tics, culture and per onality Sociology, u ing the word "interdisciplinary" as an
re earch, area tudie, longitudinal tudie, and ocial attraction, that the word fir t appeared in print. (The
indicator analysi are all example. It al 0 created new Oxford English Dictionary, however, till reports
one of the mo t frequently u ed adjective in the a 1937 appearance in a imilar Council adverti ement
ocial cience: "interdi ciplinary." The hi tory of a the fir t u e.)
this adjective i fa cinating and complex.7 Since it Although the word "interdisciplinary" may have
erve a a metaphor for P&P' intellectual accom- been fir t used orally in 1926 and first printed in
pli hment , it i appropriate to recount it here. 1933, the underlying idea was expre ed by many
The tory begin with the planning of a Festschrift cholars in the years immediately following World
for Robert Burchfield, the editor of the Oxford English War I and everal organization were created to fur-
Dictionary. One of the glories of thi remarkable ther interdisciplinarity. The American Council of
multivolume dictionary i that it eek to report the Learned Societie was founded in 1919, as was the
fir t appearance in print of every new word. Roberta New School for Social Re earch. In 1923, a plan-
Frank of the Centre for Medieval Studie , Univer ity ning meeting wa held that led to the 15-volume
of Toronto, decided to examine the hi tory of "inter- Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences (publi hed
di ciplinary" for her paper. Since he had come to between 1930 and 1935), and in that arne year rep-
believe that the Council wa omehow involved in re entatives of four major social cience a ociations
this hi tory, she enlisted my help. founded the Social Science Research Council. If you
A far as we could di cover, the word was first read the founding documents of these organization
used orally by the Columbia Univer ity p ychologi t from today's per pective, you are amazed that their
Robert S. Woodworth on the evening of August 30, author could avoid u ing the word "interdi cipli-
1926, at one of the Council's Hanover meetings. nary": all of the ideas expres ed by the word appear
(Woodworth was then a member of P&P; in 1931-32, over and over. One of the fir t task that the new
he served as the unpaid pre ident of the Council.) Council et for it elf, for example, was "the bringing
together of men [sic] from different cience, the
breaking down of excessive compartmentalization."
6 The In/tma/ional £ncyclo~dia of/he Soc/OI Scitncts, publi hed in World War II eem to have given the word the
17 volumes by Macmillan in 1968, turned out to be both a commercial impetus it needed, and oon there was no topping it;
and an intellectual uccess; 40,000 sets were sold worldwide in the tim
few years. In the early 1960s, many of us thought that, because of the new
it became a common word throughout the ocial ci-
technologies of electronic data orage and retrieval, it would be the I ence and beyond. Profe or Frank, intere tingly,
of the printed social science encyclopedi ,but in 1996 there are igns came to detest the word who e origin he had so dili-
that a completely new printed multivolume encyclopedia of the social sci-
ences may be produced before long. It will of course be available both on
gently ought to find, and her paper is a model of
the helf d on line. cholarly scorn. Thanks to "interdi ciplinary," he
7 See David L Sill , "A Note on the Origin of 'Interdisciplinary:" wrote, "reviewers are no longer in the hateful po ition
I/tms, March 1986, pages 17- 18, and Roberta Frank, " 'Interdisciplinary' : of having to pecify whether a book is cultured, eru-
The First Half Century," page 91-101 in E. G. Stanley and T. F. HoOO,
editors, Words: For Robu/ Burchfitld's Sixty·fifth Bir/hday (D.S. Brewer, dite, thorough, original, or conversely, superficial,
19 8). facile, general, derivative: the one all-purpose adjec-


tive keeps reader alert and authors friendly."8 chic, intellectual exchange among scholar from a
I have reported the history of the word "interdisci- wide range of field . And at the board meeting the
plinary" not only becau e I find it intere ting but al 0 next day, the board instructed Pre ident Prewitt to
becau e I believe that the origin of the word erve a en ure that future board meetings invite the free-
a vivid reminder of the creativity of the cholar who wheeling intellectual give and take long as ociated
erved over the year on P&P. A dozen or 0 scholar with P&P meeting .
from seven di cipline ,di cu sing new projects for The word invented at P&P meetings can even be
many hours each year, for 70 year, develop an turned again t the culture that created them. Perhap
important culture of creativity. Connections between the ultimate triumph of "interdi ciplinary" as a word
ideas and propo itions are identified, new word are characterizing the ocial cience was its u e as a
pontaneously invented to de cribe the e connections, French noun during the tudent prote ts in Paris in
and early drafts of the textbooks that will be pub- May 1968. The student 'banners cornfully pro-
Ii hed in the next decade are in effect written. This claimed, "Pluridisciplinarite et interdisciplinariti:
proce is not elf-con ciou ; cholars meet to di cu s deux termes barbares, meme s'ils sont d'actualite."
and judge projects, not to create idea , but creation [Multidi ciplinarity and interdi ciplinarity: two bar-
occurs anyway, with unpredictable re ults. At the la t baric term, even though they're in style.]9
meeting of P&P, on June 3, 1996, the chairman, Any committee who e private buzz word can ur-
William Cronon of the Univer ity of Wi consin, vive, and emerge as a rallying cry during the Paris
noted that while erving on board i rarely exciting, tudent ' revolt in May 1968, can't really be all bad.
P&P had alway been the ite of lively, almost anar- P&P, requiescat in pace! •

Frank,op. cit.. page 100. 9 Le Figaro, 8 September 1970. Quoted in Frank, op. cit., page 96.

Program Director, Economics

The Social Science Re earch Council invite applications and nomination for a Program Director for initiative in the field of
economic. Applicant mu t have a Ph.D. in economic and a trong interest in i ue concerning the training of economi ts.
The SSRC i e pecially intere ted in candidate who have a broad training and who are familiar with recent development in both
macro- and rnicroeconomic theory and empirical methods. Applicant hould have a ub tantive intere t in one or more of the fol-
lowing areas: poverty, income, tratification; economic tran ition; u tainable development; technology, information, innovation;
gender and/or race; labor market . Applicants hould al 0 have an intere t in the theoretical development of the di cipline and it
relationship to other di cipline in the social science. Individual with experience in re earch, teaching, and/or policy analy i are
encouraged to apply.
Dutie include: administering a new program area; e tabli hing and maintaining relation hip with individual scholar, ademic
in titution , foundation, and other organizations working in the area of economic; preparing and negotiating grant propo al ;
upervi ing upport taff; administering fellow hip and grant competition. The Council provide an intellectually timulating,
multi-di ciplinary environment.
Council alarie are com men urate with experience and qualifications. Provi ion are made to enable profe ional staff to continue
their profes ional development while at the SSRC. There i no deadline, a the search will remain open until an appointment is
Candidate hould ubmit a letter of application, curriculum vita , ample of written or publi hed work, and the name of at lea t
three profe ional references. Nomination and application material hould be addres ed to:
Omce or Human Resources
Economics Starr Search
oclal Science Research Council
810 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019
The Social Science Research Council i an Equal Opportunity Employer

D EMBER 1996 lTEMsI97

Current Activities at the Council
Vietnam Workshop from universities, research insti- in stemming the flow of institu-
tute , and government departments. tionally-based research profes-
A workshop on "Applying
A similar short course held in sionals in Vietnam to the finan-
Social Science Concepts and
Hanoi in the spring of 1995 served cially more lucrative private
Methods to the Study of the
as a model. Foeu ing on the study ector.
Effects of Economic Change on
of social change, lectures and dis-
Vietnamese Society," jointly
cussion sessions guided students
sponsored by the SSRC and 1996 SSRC-Mellon Minority
through the research process, Summer Conference
Vietnam's Institute of Social
from the selection of a re earch
Science , was held in Hochiminh
problem through the production On June 27-30 the SSRC-
City on July 29-August 10,
of a research report. A field trip Mellon Minority Fellowship
1996. Its primary goal was to
to a rapidly urbanizing province Program held its annual fellows'
provide international, interdisci-
on the out kirts of Hochiminh conference at Stanford University.
plinary example of social sci-
City provided hands-on training Entitled "Making Our Way in a
ence research and training for
and local context for the econd Changing Academy," the confer-
Vietnamese scholars and students,
week of the workshop. Following ence brought together over 120
in order to build research, analysis
preparatons initiated in the first minority fellows currently en-
and interpretive capacity within
week, students and faculty under- rolled in Ph.D. programs in the
the research and policy planning
took archival, urvey, and inter- humanities, social sciences, and
communities in Vietnam. Since
view-ba ed re earch to study physical sciences. The confer-
1989, Vietnam has been engaged
ocial change in Binh Tri Dong ence was de igned to provide a
in the process of Doi Moi, or
village of Binh Chanh province. forum where fellows can pre ent
renovation, and as part of that
Returning from their field trip, their work, share their experi-
process, the once denigrated
tudent pent the last few days ences in the academy, and initi-
stature of the social science has
of the workshop analyzing, inter- ate and expand profes ional net-
been greatly enhanced in policy
preting, and writing up their re- works with others who hare
circles. By trengthening local
earch re ult . On the final day, similar conceptual, methodologi-
social science research and plan-
participant pre ented propo als cal, or policy concern .
ning infrastructure, researchers
for further re earch based on their The conference featured ple-
may be more effectively engaged
preliminary finding. nary presentations by Claude
in the modemization of the country.
The e workshops have not Steele, Stanford University;
Faculty for the workshop
only tran ferred a body of knowl- David Montejano, Univer ity of
included international scholars in
edge but they have helped to Texas, Austin; Kalvin Howel,
sociology, demography, anthro-
develop an attitude which values Duke University; and June Jordan,
pology, history, and political ci-
questioning, contending perspec- University of California, Berkeley.
ence.* Most participants were
tives, and flexibility in approach, Thematic sessions focu ed on a
mid-level profe ional researchers
as well as careful attention to sys- number of issues, including
tematic data collection and analy- "Social Science at the Cro road,"
sis. The impact of that knowl- "Identity Politics and Beyond,"
• Faculty members included: Charles edge is expected to carry over and "Crossing Di ciplinary
Hirschman. University of Washington; Hy
Van Luong. University of Toronto; Gary into the participants' home insti- Lines." In addition, fellows had
Gereffi. Duke University; David Marr. tutions. More importantly, the an opportunity to participate in a
Au trulian National University; William workshops serve as catalY ts for number of professional develop-
Turley. Southern Illinois University; and
Mary McDonnell. Social Science Research the formation of local networks ment workshops on such topics
Council. of researcher , which may assi t as getting through the first year,


preparing for qualifying exami- and i ue that have mo t chal- entatives from the Central Bank
nations, mentoring, and balanc- lenged Japan in recent years. of Uganda, capital management
ing social and academic life. The e include, among other , and investment firm , the Inter-
The conference also spon ored increased pressure from other national Monetary Fund (JMF),
two panels, one on "Language nation on Japan to reform and the World Bank, OECD, and
Matters," co-chaired by John liberalize its economy, greater the Overseas Private Inve tment
Baugh and Guadalupe Valdes, polarization between rich and Corporation (OPIC). *
both from Stanford; and another poor, drastic hift in fi cal and Conference convener Paul
entitled "Meet the Editors," administrative policy, corruption Collier (of Oxford University
which featured Norris Pope and scandals, and war in the Persian and Harvard's Kennedy School
Muriel Bell from Stanford Uni- Gulf. Despite the turbulence, of Government) outlined the
versity Press, and Allan Harvey however, Mr. Pempel was uncon- conference's goal, namely, to
from Cambridge Univer ity Pres . vinced that major changes in examine how economic and
public policy or party politics political ri k is conceptualized
would take place. by potential investor and how it
Washington Symposium on
An emphasis on continuity in is measured by firm and risk
Japanese Politics
the organization of politic in rating agencie ; and to analyze
In collaboration with the A ia Japan was the focus of Mr. why perceptions of risk, in par-
Program of the Woodrow Wil on Hiwatari's remark, which exam- ticular concerning Africa, often
Center in Washington, D.C., the ined the interactions between diverge from realities. One con-
Abe Fellowship Program held a organized labor, the opposition sensus was that it is difficult for
public symposium entitled "Japan: parties, and the current ruling countries to shed their reputa-
Upheaval or Paraly is?" on May coalition. While acknowledging tions as inve tment risks, despite
2, 1996 at the Center. Paneli ts that labor and the opposition par- economic and political progres .
included Nobuhiro Hiwatari, ties have reorganized and that
University of Tokyo (Abe '94); voter disaffection is increasing,
TJ. Pempel, Univer ity ofWa h- Mr. Hiwatari predicted the poten-
ington (former chair of the Joint tial re urgence of the Liberal • Presenters and di cu ants included: Paul
Committee on Japane e Studie ); Democratic Party. Collier, Harvard University and Oxford's
Centre for the Study of African Economies
and Susan Pharr, Harvard Uni- More than 80 people attended (CSAE); Robert Bates, Harvard University;
versity (Abe '95). the ympo ium which wa also Nadeem U. Haque, IMF; Frederick Z.
Ms. Pharr led off with a pre- covered by a cable television net- J person, Intemational Finance Corporation
(IFC); Joe Demby, Regent Kingpin Capital
entation on Japane e political work. Management; Claude Erb, First Chicago
ethic and public trust. Drawing Inve tment Management Ltd.; Catherine
on data collected from focus Pattillo, CSAE, Oxford; Robert Graffam. IFC;
Conference on African Eric Jackson, Harvard University; Lemma
group studie , she characterized Senbet, University of Maryland; Jan Willem
Japane e politics and ociety as Gunning, Free University, Am terdam; David
being in ferment, with notable On September 5-6, 1996, the Bevan, CSAE, Oxford; Malcolm McPherson,
HIID; Loui Kasakende, Central Bank of
changes in the high level of former Joint Committee on African Uganda; Stephen O' Connell, Swarthmore
public di affection with political Studies (JCAS) held a conference College; Leslie D. Biddle, OPIC; Gerald We t,
on "Ri k and Restraint: Reducing Multinational Inve tment Guarantee Agency;
leadership, a new lack of confi-
Mark Warner, University of Baltimore;
dence in the conduct of the bu- the Perceived Ri ks of African Richard Mash, CSAE, Oxford; Ravi Kanbur.
reaucracy, and increa ed respect Inve tment" at the Harvard World Bank; David Ailola, University of
In titute for International Devel- W tern Cape; Pearl Robin on, Tufts
for the power of the broadca t University, former JCAS chair; David
media-all of which could lead opment (HIID). The meeting St avage, OECD Development Centre;
to profound changes in Japan' brought together an international Jennifer Widner, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor; Smita Singh and Karen Ferree,
leader hip and in titution . group of academic and practi- Harvard graduate tudents and both fellows
Mr. Pempel' ob ervation tioners: economi ts, political ci- in SSRC's International Predissertation
focu ed on the catalyzing event enti ts, legal cholars and repre- Fellow hip Program.


Another hotly debated i ue was medium tenn. But many of the low hip i November 15, 1996
the utility of country ri k rating participant cited recent exam- ( ee box on page 90).
when both finns and ri k in ur- pIe, uch as Uganda. where
ance providers are likely to look agencie of re traint have re-
at the nature of particular inve t- duced the reality, if not the per-
SSRC Archives Now Open
ment projects and the specific ception of ri k. An edited volume
condition within a country rele- including ome of the conference The SSRC i plea ed to
vant to that project. papers i planned for publication, announce that it archive.
Participant al 0 examined the and a follow-up conference i which have long been inacce -
kind of pro-active policie that being organized at Oxford' ible to scholars, are now
could reduce the perception and Centre for the Study of African open for re earch at the Rock-
reality of ri k, in order to attract Economie in 1997. efeller Archive Center (RAC)
foreign capital. Mr. Collier u ed in Pocantico Hill, New York.
the tenn "agencie of re traint" New JSPS Fellowship The e material , which date
to characterize the mechani m Program back to 1924. contain record
for reducing ri k. The e included of the governing bodie of the
The SSRC has been appointed
external mechani m impo ed by SSRC, taff-written memo-
donors. For example, ri k in ur- as the admini trator of a new fel-
randa and corre pondence,
ance finn them elve may act as low hip program for recent Ph.D.' .
committee and working group
a deterrent through their rating The fellow hip, pon ored by the
document. fellow hip and
and premium ,as well a through Japan Society for the Promotion
grants material ,and other tile .
their relation with bilateral and of Science, eek to provide
The deci ion by Rockefeller
multilateral donors. In addition, promi ing and highly qualified
to erve as the repo itory for
everal internal or dome tic re earchers in the ocial cience
the SSRC' material continue
agencie of re traint were di - and humanitie with the opportu-
a partnership between the two
cus ed: the role of central bank , nity to conduct re earch with in titution that began in 1923.
the adoption of ca h-budgeting leading in titution in Japan.
Many of the individual and
procedure , and the legal y tem. Although the competiton ha no in titution covered in the
Finally, regional arrangement topical boundarie , propo al in SSRC record al 0 have impor-
that can reduce ri k were exam- cience and technology tudie; tant documentation in the RAC'
ined. The e included the Franc economic , bu ine ,and trade holding.
Zone in We t Africa and the vari- tudie ; and environmental stud- Scholar wi hing to con ult
ety of preferential trade agree- ie are particularly welcome. The the SSRC record hould con-
ment acro the continent. duration of the fellow hip i 12 to tact the RAC for an appoint-
The conference concluded 24 month. and i open to U.S. ment. Addre : Rockefeller
with a di cu ion led by Robert citizen or pennanent re ident Archive Center, 15 Dayton
Bate of Harvard' Department who have received the Ph.D. ix Ave., North Tarrytown. NY
of Government. Opinion ranged years or Ie prior to the year the 10591-1598. Phone: (914)
widely about the potential to fellow hip takes effect. Up to 10 631-4505; Fax: (914) 631-
reduce the perception and reality award will be given annually. 6017.
of ri k in Africa in the hort or The annual deadline for the fel-


Recent Council Publications
African Material Culture, on African Studies (1960-96) at in the In titute of Economic Botany
edited by Mary Jo Arnoldi, the African Studies As ociation of the New York Botanical Garden.
Christraud M. Geary, and Kris meeting in December 1993 in Nancy Lee Peluso is associate
L. Hardin. Spon ored by the Joint Bo ton. 158 page . profes or of re ource policy in
Committee on Mrican Studies the Yale School of Forestry and
(1960-96) and the Smith onian Borneo in Transition: People, Environmental Studies.
Institution. Bloomington: Indiana Forests, Conservation, and
University Press, 1996. xii + 369 Development, edited by Counterfactual Thought
pages. Christine Padoch and Nancy Lee Experiments in World Politics:
Pelo o. Spon ored by the Joint Logical, Methodological, and
This book unites 14 interdis- Committee on Southea t Asia Psychological Perspectives,
ciplinary essays that open new (1976-96). New York: Oxford edited by Philip E. Tetlock and
perspectives for understanding Univer ity Pre s, 1996. xx + 291 Aaron Belkin. Sponsored by the
African societie and cultures pages. Committee on International Peace
through the contextualized study and Security. Princeton, New
of objects. Research by an inter- The last three decade have Jersey: Princeton University
national group of cholar , in- been exceptionally important for
Pre ,1996. x + 344 pages.
cluding anthropologi ts, archeol- the people and forests of Borneo.
ogists, art hi torians, hi torians, Logging and public road have Political scienti t often a k
and linguist ,treat everything reached many of the mo t remote themselves what might have
from the production of material village , plantations have replaced been if hi tory had unfolded
objects to the meaning of ticks, diverse native fore ts, hundreds differently: if Stalin had been
masquerades, hou ehold tool , of thou ands of immigrant have ou ted a General Party Secre-
clothing, and the television et in moved to the island, and va t tary or if the United State had
the contemporary repertoire of trides have been made by the not dropped the bomb on Japan.
African material culture. Indone ian and Malaysian gov- Although cholars ometimes
Mary Jo Arnoldi is curator for ernment in extending both the coff at applying hypothetical
African Ethnology in the Depart- infrastru.cture and the ideologie reasoning to world politics, the
ment of Anthropology at the of national integration. contributors to this volume find
National Museum of Natural Many of e ay in thi volume such counterfactual conjectures
History, Smith onian In titution. examine tran itions in re ource not only u eful, but nece ary for
Christraud M. Geary i curator of management in pecific commu- drawing causal inference from
the Eliot Eli ofon Photographic nitie , but do not ignore the hi tori cal date. Given the impor-
Archives at the National Mu eum regional, national, and interna- tance of counterfactual , it is per-
of African Art at the Smith onian. tional contexts of local p~enom­ haps surprising that standards are
Kris L. Hardin i a re earch ena. Other contribution place lacking for evaluating them. To
as ociate with the Smith onian more empha is on regional pat- fill this gap, the volume' two edi-
Institution. terns and national policie that tors propose a et of criteria for
have ignificance for the way di tinguishing pIau ible from
Also noted: re ources are managed in local implausible counterfactual con-
The Shaping of Biodiversity. communitie . Studie carried out jecture acro s a wide range of
Special i ue of A/rica, vol. 66, at variou level of analy i high- application .
no. I, 1996. Gue t editor, Jane I. light the diversity and complex- The contributors make u e of
Guyer and Paul Richards. Ba ed ity of the changing linkages the e and other criteria to evalu-
on papers pre ented at a se ion between people and fore t . ate counterfactuals that emerge in
pon ored by the Joint Committee Christine Padoch is a curator diver e methodological contexts,

D EMBER 1996 ITEMs/101

including comparative case stud- hape its political behavior. It i , hi torieal contexts.
ie , game theory, and tati tical rather, the arne force and struc- Thomas J. Biersteker is Henry
analy i . Taken together, the e tures that hape politics in North R. Luce Profe sor of Tran nation-
e ays contribute to the e tablish- Ameriea and Europe. al Organization and director of
ment of a more nuanced and rig- R.H. Taylor is profes or of the Watson Institute for Inter-
orous framework for as e ing politics and pro-director of the national Affairs at Brown Univer-
counterfactual arguments about School of Oriental and African ity. Cynthia Weber is as ociate
world politics in particular and Studie of the University of profe or of political science at
about the ocial cience more London. Purdue University.
Philip E. TetJock i Harold E. State Sovereignty as Social The Culture of National
Burtt Profe sor of P ychology Construct, edited by Thomas 1. Security: Norms and Identity in
and Political Science at Ohio Biersteker and Cynthia Weber. World Politics, edited by Peter J.
State University. Aaron Belkin Sponsored by the Committee on Katzen tein. Sponsored by the
i a Ph.D. candidate in political International Peace and Security Committee on International Peace
cience at the Univer ity of through the SSRC Comparative and Security. New York: Columbia
California, Berkeley. and Tran national Program. University Pre ,1996. xv + 562
Cambridge: Cambridge Univer ity page.
The Politics of Election in Pre ,1996. xii + 298 page .
Southeast Asia, edited by R.H. The political tran formation
Taylor. Spon ored by the Joint State overeignty i an inher- of the 1980 and 1990 have dra-
Committee on Southeast A ia ently social con truct. The modem matically affected model of
(1976-96) and the Woodrow tate y tern is not ba ed on orne national and international ecu-
Wil on International Center timele principle of overeignty, rity. Particularly since the end of
for Scholar . Cambridge: but on the production of a norma- the cold war, cholars have been
Woodrow Wilson Center Pre tive conception which link author- uncertain about how to interpret
and Cambridge Univer ity ity, territory, population ( ociety, the effects of major hift in the
Pre ,1996. xii + 256 page . nation), and recognition in a balance of power. Are we living
unique way, and in a particular today in a unipolar, bipolar, or
Though mo t government place (the tate). Attempting to multipolar world? Are we moving
in Southeast A ia are widely realize thi ideal entail a great toward an international order that
de cribed a authoritarian, elec- deal of effort on the part of tate - make the recurrence of major
tions have been a feature of person ,diplomats, and intellectual . war in Europe or Asia highly
politic in the region for many The ideal of tate overeignty is unlikely or virtually inevitable? I
decade . Thi volume, bringing a product of the action of power- ideological conflict between
together 10 eparate case tudie, ful agent and re i tance to those tate dimini hing or increasing?
examine the countrie that action by tho e located at the Fu ing ociology and ecurity
have conducted multiparty elec- margin of power. Thi volume tudie ,contributor to thi
tion ince the 1940 : Indone ia, de cribe , theorize , and iIIu - volume explore alternatives to the
Malay ia, the Philippin ,Thailand, trate practice that have ocially long-dominant analytical per pec-
Cambodia, Bunna/Myanrnar, and con tructed, reproduced, recon- tive of neoreali m and neoliber-
Singapore. It identifie the com- tructed, and decontructed variou ali m. Que tioning the utility of
mon and distingui hing feature overeign ideal and resi tance to imagining global security rela-
of electoral politic in the region. them. The contributor analyze tion simply in term of the con-
The contributor , unlike mo t how all the component of tate ventional dimen ion of power
earlier tudents of politic in overeignty-not only recogni- and intere t, they reflect on
Southea t A ia, conclude that it tion, but al 0 territory, population, whether a more effective model
i not omething peculiar to the and authority-are ocially con- would include analy is of cultural
political culture of the region that tructed and combined in pecific complexe as well.


Spanning two centuries from chemical weapons bans and and global affairs.
the Greek war for independence humanitarian intervention, The Peter J. Katzenstein is
in the 1820 to Israeli-Pale tinian Culture of National Security the Walter S. Carpenter, Jr.
negotiations today, reflecting lays the groundwork for new Profe or of International
on uch i sues as nuclear and models of national security Studie at Cornell Univer ity.

ACLSISSRC International Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition

The 199£r97 competition will provide approximately 15 po tdoctoral fellow hip of $20,000 each to upport scholars doing human-
i tic research and humanities-related social cience research on the societie and culture of A ia, Latin America, and ub-Saharan
Africa. The fundamental criteria for selection of award will be the intellectual value of the proposed research and the likelihood that
significant and innovative scholarship on foreign societie , making important theoretical or . ub tantive contribution to particular
di cipline , to multidisciplinary scholarship, or to comparative research, will re ult. This competition is upported by a grant from
the National Endowment for the Humanitie .

These fellow hip are intended as alary replacement, although travel funds may al 0 be reque ted, to help scholars devote ix to 12
continuous months to full-time research and writing. Tenure of the grant may begin no earlier than July I, 1997 and no later than
February I, 1998.

U.S. citizen, permanent re ident , and others who have resided in the U.S. for at lea t three consecutive year at the time of applica-
tion are eligible to apply. All applicant mu t have the Ph.D. or it equivalent by the application deadline.

Intere ted scholars hould apply to the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). Completed application forms must be post·
marked not later than December 1, 1996.
To reque t an application form, pie send the following inrormation:
I. Highe t academic degree held and date received
2. Academic or other po ition
3. Geographical area( ) of research
4. A brief, de criptive title of the proposed research
5. Country of citizen hip or permanent re idence
6. Propo ed date for beginning tenure of the award and duration reque ted
7. Specific award program for which application i reque ted
8. Full name and mailing addre
You may send that information by anyone of the following means:

I. Write: Office of Fellow hip and Grant, ACLS, 228 Ea t 45th Street, New York. New York 10017-3398
2. Fax: (212) 949-8058
3. E-mail: grants@ac1 .org

Note: Application forms will be sent only by U.S. Po tal Service first-cla mail, or air mail to addresse abroad. Application forms
will not be ent or accepted by fax or other electronic means.


(212) 377-2700 FAX (212) 377-2727 WEB hUp://www.

The Council was incorporated in the Slate of //Iinois. December 27. 1924. for the purpose of advancing research in the social sciences. Nongovernmental and
interdisciplinary in nature. the Council appoints committees of scholars which seek to achieve the Council's purpose through the generation of new ideas and the
training of scholars. The activities of the Council are supported primarily by grants from primte foundations and government agencies.

Directors. 1~97 : PAUL B. BALTES. Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education (Berlin); ROBERT H. BATES. Harvard University; IRIS B. BERGER.
State University of New York. Albany; NANCY BIROSAU., Inter-American Development Bank; ALBERT FISHLOW. Council on Foreign Relations; SUSAN FISKE,
University of Massachusetts. Amherst; SUSAN HANSON. Clark Univer3ity; BARBARA HEYNS. New York University; SHIRLEY LINDENBAUM. The Graduate Center. City
University of New York; KENNETH PREwrrr. Social Science Research Council; JOEl. SHERZE.R. University of Texas. Au tin; BURTON H. SINGER. Princeton
University; NEIL SMELSER. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences; KENNETH W. WACHTER. University of Cali fomi a. Berkeley; MICHELLE J. WHITE,
University of Michigan. Ann Arbor.
Officers and Staff: KENNETH PREWm. President; KRISTINE DAHLBERG. Chief Financial Officer; GLORIA KIRCHHEIMER. Editor; KAREN BRADUNAS. Manager of

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l04\IreMS ISSN 0049-0903 VOLUME 50, NUMBER 4

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