Items Vol 40 N 1 - 1986

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605 THIRD AVEN E . :\,EW YORK, . '.Y. 10158

Frederic E. Wakeman , Jr. Elected President

of the Social Science Research Council
liE. Co :-: IL.'S 80 RD OF DIRECTORs-acting on the
recommendation of the Executive Committee-ha
elected Frederic E. Wakeman, Jr., profe or of hi -
tor} and former chairman of the Center for Chine e
tudie at the Univer ity of California, Berkeley, a
pre ident f the Council, effective July 1, 19 6. Mr.
Wakeman will ucceed Franci X. utton, who ha
erved a acting pre ident ince October 1, 1985. Mr.
utton had replaced Kenneth Prewitt, who re igned
from the pre idenc in 19 5 to become vice pre ident
for program at the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Council' new chief executive officer, who i 48
year old, i one of the nation' foremo t hi torian of
modern China. He ha authored or edited ix book
on China, including The FaLL of Imperial China (1976)
and The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of
Imperial Order in eventeenth-Century China (two vol-
ume , 1985), and numerou article.
The announcement wa made by Hugh T. Patrick,
R. D. Calkin profe or of international bu ine at
Columbia Univer ity and chairman of the Council'
board of director. In making the announcement,
Mr. Patrick tre ed how fortunate the Council ha
been to have had Mr. utton a acting pre ident dur-
ing thi year of the pre idential earch. He then noted
Frtdtric E. Waktmall, Jr.
that Mr. Wakeman ha "uperb cholarly credential
and an excellent record in cholarly ad mini tration."
Mr. Patrick al 0 tated "that the en e of 10 that the Mr. Wakeman graduated from Harvard College in
Council felt when Mr. Prewitt moved to the Rocke- 1959 and tudied for a year at the In titut d'Etude
feller Foundation will be overcome by thi di tin- Politique in Pari . He received a Ph.D. in Far Ea tern
gui hed appointment." "Both the board and the taff hi tory and Oriental language from the U niver ity of
look fon ard to working in clo e a ociation with Mr. California, Berkeley, in 1965. He ha taught at Berk-
Wakeman," he added. eley for the pa t 21 year .
Almo t every national cholarly a ociation in the
For contents of thi issue, United tate that ha a China program ha benefited
t't' the box on page 2. from Mr. Wakeman' leader hip: the Council, the
American Council of Learned ocietie, the Com-

trengthening of the ocial cience a re earch enter-
CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE pri e ; increa ing their application to ocial policy is-
ue ; and improving their interrelation hip with the
Frederi E. Wakeman, Jr. Elected Pre ident of the
Social i nee Re arch Coun il humanitie .
2 The mparative ' tudy of Mu lim Societie Mr. Wakeman i married to Carolyn Wakeman, an
Barbara Dal, Mttcalf Engli h literature peciali t and China cholar who
7 rhe ulture of Fear- Joan Dlll5in
12 cce s to Re arch ite broad-Elinor Bar,,"
coauthored To tM tonn: The Ody try of a RevoLutionary
17 ote on the Origin of "Interdi iplinal)'''- Chine e Woman (1985), an account of a leading ir,-
Dallld L. Sills tellectual who urvived the Cultural Revolution. He
19 Coun il Personnel ha three children, Frederic, Matthew, and arah,
taff appointments
-Bryce Wood di at 76 who are age twenty-four, even, and two, re pectively.
20 Recent Council Publication The ocial cience Re earch Council i a not-for-
profit organization founded in 1923 "for the purpo 'e
of advancing re earch in the ocial cienccs."
Throughout its hi tory, and particularly ince World
mittee on cholarly Communication with the People' War II, the Council ha been a leading national orga-
Republic of China, and the National Humanitie nization for international training and re earch.
Center. At the two Council, he erved as chairman of Jointly with the American Council of Learned
their Joint Committee on Chine e tudie (1982) and ocietie , it pon or and upports training and rc-
a chairman of one of it predece or committee , the earch on all the major region of the world.
Committee on Studie of Chine e Civilization The Council' founding member were the repre-
(1974-79). He recently pent everal year in China in entative of the even major ocial cience profc '-
variou capacitie: he wa a vi iting profe or at Pe- ional a ociation: tho e for anthropology, econom-
king Univer ity and a consultant to the U. . ational ic , history, political cience, p ychology, ociology,
Academy of cience. and tati tic. ince the early 1930s, all of the Coun-
The Council' board wa particularly attracted by cil' chief executive officer have been political cien-
Mr. Wakeman' broad range of intere ts in all of the ti t or ociologi t . Mr. Wakeman will be the fir, t
ocial cience. Hi goal for the Council include the hi torian to lead the Council. 0

The Comparative Study of Muslim Societies

by Barbara DaLy MetcalJ*

TilE S flM 1. S FOR TilE PPOINTME T of a new Joint ing with Third World ocietie have been organi/cd
Committee on the omparative tudy of Mu lim by geographical intere ,in re pon e both to thc
ocietie i a growing intere t in many field of chol- hi toric configuration of world culture and to thc
ar hip in defining "Mu lim ocietie a a di tinct field
II methodological need, both in the ocial cience. and
of tudy. Thi intere t ha been fueled by the grm ing in the hi torical and humani ·tic di ciplinc., to intc-
u e of Mu lim ymbol a indicator of loyalt and of grate 'pecialized reoearch into manageable gco-
Mu lim paradigm a a guide to behavior and the graphic context. Thc con iderable achievemcnt of
haping of in titution . In recent year, the creation the area tudie approach are evident, but ccrtain
of new links among Mu lim, the e tablishment of 'ubject cannot be appropriately ,tudied olely in rc-
new institution, and the revitalization of old one' gional term. uch topic a capitalism, imperialism,
have had ub tantial cultural, economic, and political revolution, and urbani/ation-to cite only a fcw-
effects. he committee and its member are de cribed need to be tudied not only from local tandpoints.
in the box on page 3. but in tran regional or even global perspective, and
For many decade, the ouncil' committee deal- in comparative terms. Similarly, many important a -
• Ihe author, a hi torian, i, an editor at the niver ity of Calif01 nia p ct ' of Mu limocietie can only be fully under to<xl
PIe (Ilel keley).he i the chair of the newly.appointed Joint Committee when viewed transre rionally, comparatively, and III
on the Comparative 'tudy of "iu lim ocietic . hi,torical depth.

2 VOL ME 40, U f1U.R I

The unity of Muslim society A profound concern with Mu lim identity and
unity ha b en further timulated by decolonization,
The common a p cts of Mu lim culture and demographic growth, indu trialization, urbanization,
ocietie are multiple, and of cour e have deep hi - and a changing international economic order a i-
torical root. During the fir t centurie of the 1 lamic ated with, among other thing, the oil wealth beneath
empires, a template of belief and in titution wa Mu lim land. The Mu lim population i a rapidly
created which, through political expan ion, mi- growing one: there are today orne 850 to 900 million
ionary pro elytization, and va t trading empires and Mu lim worldwide, with the large t con entration in
network became reworked and repli ated in a wide the widely- epa rated countrie of Indone ia, Paki -
variety of geographical context . The role of Arabic tan, and Nigeria. Modern communication have
a a common acred language, an educational y tern trengthened and elaborated the tie among Mu lim
based on normative cia ic and standardized mode p ople . There ha b en a steep growth in the num-
of in truction, network of peripatetic sufi and other ber ~ho make the pilgrimage to Mecca, creating a
teacher e pecially as ociated with the long-di tance ~ore mten e en e of common identity among Mu -
mercantile trade route, and the unifying experience Itm from a far afield a China and en gal, Yemen
of the hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca) fo tered, at lea t and Banglade h. Growing number of tudents from
for orne member of every Mu lim ociety, bond Indone ia, Malay ia, the outhern Philippine, and
that tran cended parti ular time and place. The Africa are tudying in Middle Ea tern univer itie ,
ub quent impo ition of European colonial rule over preading idea and e tabti hing per onal contact
mo t Mu lim populations, however, weakened or de- acro national boundarie . There are regular and
stroyed one of the mo t potent principle of I lamic increasingly frequent conferences and con ultation
identity: the unity of I lam and politic. The obviou among Mu lim intellectual and uLama (religiou
power of the new imperial cultural and political form cholar ) held in uch center a Teheran, Mecca,
eemed to threaten I lamic value and ocial life. At and Kuala Lumpur. There are va t number of Mu -
the arne time, the colonial experience provided new li~s from A ia and Africa, from laborer to highly
bonds and timulated wide pread and elf-con iou killed profe sional and military per onnel, working
rea ertion of the belief, practice , and perceived ide by ide in the Arabian penin ula. Worldwide
norm of the I lami tradition. trading and bu ine link are forged among audi
entrepreneur , I maili merchants, and other .
In addition to older form of a ociation, many new
type of tran national linkage are being formed.
Joint Committee on the There are major new I lamic banks and the largely
Comparative Study of Muslim Societies Muslim oil cart I, OP C. The Organization of the
I lamic Conference hold regular meeting of head
In October 1985, the Coun il appointed-jointly
with th Ameri an Council of Learned Societie a of tate and foreign minister. The Aga Khan Foun-
n~w committee, the Joint ommillee on the Compar- dation ha pread a worldwide awarene of Mu lim
alive tudy of Mu lim oci tie. Funded for an initial tyle in architecture and approache to medical care,
thre -year p riod by a grant from the Ford Founda- urban planning, and higher education. a ette
tion, the committee will take a it purview Muslim ( ound, and now video) di eminate mo que ermon
ocieties the world over and will encourage interdi - acro international boundarie, 0 that influential
ciplinary reearch into the relation hip between Is- preacher now reach audience far b yond their local
lamic y tern of faith and knowledge and the ocial communitie . The Iranian revolution ha offered a
lives of Mu lims. model for new relation hip between the I lamic 0-
The member of the committ e are Barbara Daly cial order and tate politic . Colonel Qadhafi, the
Metcalf, Univer ity of California, Berkeley, chair; Ayatollah Khomeini, and the audi ruler have epa-
Dale F. Eickclma!" ew York niver ity; Gilles
rately upported numerou , often very di tant, re-
Kepel, entre d'Etude et de Recher he Inter-
nationales (Pari); Ira M. Lapidus, Univer ity of gime , partie, movements, and cau e that are be-
California, Berkeley; M. Khalid Ma ud, I lamic Re- lieved to hare their ideological orientation . Each of
.carch In titute (I lamabad); Jame Pi catori, The the e organization, in titution , individual, and
Au tralian ational niver ity; William R. Roff, 0- movements i enriching the flow of information and
lumbia University; and Charles C. t wart, Univer ity re ource among Mu lims.
of Illinoi . David 1.. zanton erve as tafr. In the e linkage, Muslim peoples out ide the Arab
Middle Ea t are particularly important. There are

MARCil 1986
2 5 million Mu lim in outh A ia and 230 million in opportunity to examine the kind of meaningful con-
the Middle Ea t. outhea t A ia ha 165 million; Af- tinuity thi world civilization and moral order pro-
rica, 90 million; the oviet Union, 40-60 million; and vide. To recognize the e Mu lim ocietie a an ap-
hina perhap 40 million. In addition, ian and propriate field of tudy i not to return to the ideali m
African Mu lim nation are gaining dominant role in of early rientali m that looked for a reified I lam
ariou international forum . At the recent m etin and ignored ever day realitie .
of the 45-member Organization of the I lamic on-
ference, the Afri an and A ian tate, led b pre i-
The contemporary relevance of religion
dent ekou oure of uinea and Zia ul-Haq of
Paki tan, voted Eg pt back into the conference over A brief re iew of orne contemporar phenomena
the objection of the Arab tate. The major area of rna help to clarif thi per pective. ntil very re-
growth b conver ion are al 0 out ide th Middle centl , orne modernization theori t and other ex-
Ea tern heartland; man are in Africa. pected "religion" to b come increa ingly marginal a
a political for e, largely be au "modernization" wa
a umed to encourage" ecularization." Thi a ump-
Comparative study
tion ha been hattered both b the Iranian revolution
A focu on Mu lim OCletle direc our attention to and by imilar re urgence el ewhere. Buddhist
certain kind of analy i that can only be done on a revival ha occurred in everal countrie of uth and
comparative ba i . The definition of a field of tudy in outhea t A ia, notabl in Burma, ri Lanka, and
term of a great ci ilization offer unu ual cop for Vietnam. Chri tian group ha e become imp rtant
a king que tion about the wa cultural ideal find force oppo ed to authoritarian regime in Latin
their expre ion in ocial, economic, and p litical America and the Philippine. In I rael, religiou par-
context. We hope to learn about common Mu lim tie have emerged a powerful nationali tic force ,
pattern of ocial and political organization, and of and in India, the p litical a piration of the ikh
characteri tic wa of argument and interpretation, a have led to violence. I n the 19 4 pre idential electi n
well a ad ance our under tanding about when and in the nited tate, religiou leader play d a ur-
how the e commonalitie are realized. The commit- pri ingl important role. Whether a in truments of
tee' project, therefore, will fo u on I lamic belief, the tate or a force of popular oppo ition, religiou
idea , ideologie, pi ritual e perience , and preferred belief, practice, and in ' titution cannot b ignor d
or accu tomed in titutional form, a they intera t or regarded a merel derivative; the mu t be un-
\ ith the pe ific ociopolitical and economic condi- der to d a p tent urce and tructure of meaning
tion under which mo t Mu lim live. Few cholar and action in pecific hi torical contex
debate the need for analy e linking com pIe cultural
and hi toricat phenomena with major economi and
The use of indigenous concepts
political trend. In practice, however, mo t tudie
empha ize one dimen ion or the other. The a ume, The centrality of religion ha alread been em-
rather than explore, the complex, multidimen ional bedded in a erie of conferen e , held under ouncil
relation hip between the two. au pi , focu ed on the internal di cour e, the vo-
[he unfortunatel pre alent We tern a umption cabularie , the concept, and the metaphor u ed b
that "religion" can be con tituted a a eparable, and Mu lim in educational, legal, moral, and p litical
on the wh Ie, dependent, domain of ociet promote debate. he e conference attempted to I ate these
a mode of anal i that may do inju ti e to ocietie ' debate in concrete historical and con temp rary set-
out ide of the We t and, in the ca e of Mulim ting. The oal wa ' to interpret continuitie. and
ocietie , often eem to do o. In contra t, the com- change in dicour e in relation to chan ing economic
mittee will en ourage the treatment of I lamic idea and politi al condition and new media te hnologies.
and in titution not imply a dependent variable, to The onference participant weI' a k d to addre..
be ac ounted for by economi, ial, and political 'hy particular peopl, egment · of ociet, and
force or ondition, but a powerful and at leat movement adopt certain m de ' of discour 'e; how
pal,tiall indep ndent urce of, or framework for, the dra, on what mi Tht be called an Ilami I'epel'-
peronal identit, ial a tion, and ocial organiza- t ire; and how values and worldl actualitie hape
tion. B making "I lam" a contant element in the each other.
tudy of otherwi e often radically different C'::letle, Th committee h pes to build on this approa hand
In often ver different circum tance ', we have an to look bond the c gniti\e and rationaliz d dimen-

4 VOl. l ' \11:. 40, U\181:.R I

ion of culture that are the cu tomary focu of ocial that will have the opportunity to work together over
cience analy i . In recent year, everal of the Coun- everal meeting .
cil ' area committee have directed attention to the Out of many po ible tarting points, the committee
indigenou conceptual y tern -ae thetic, in- decided to choo e two theme that will, in different
tellectual, piritual~f the ocietie they tudy. In way, direct attention to the fundamental que tion of
mo t contemporary re earch, however, the weight of the meaning of being Mu lim. The fir t work hop,
tudy ha been on what i cognitive, functional, and "Movement and Exchange in Mu lim elf-
y tematic. ince the thru t of We tern intellectual Definition," will fir t meet following the committee'
culture ha been to pre toward the rational and the April 1986 meeting in ew York. The econd work-
objective in philo ophy, in the natural and phy ical hop, "On Being Mu lim in on-Mu lim Countrie ,"
cience , and of cour e in the ocial cience, thi will follow the fall meeting in Pari .
empha i i not urpri ing. In the proce ,however, The two topic are linked by their focu on itua-
the analytical tool that have been developed have tion in which the ignificance of Mu lim ymbol i
been Ie well- haped to tudy the ae thetic, the heightened either by travel or by the implication of
emotional, and the piritual, a well a alternative long-term re idence in a colonized or plural ociety.
y tern of rationality, which define much of human uch experience can timulate parochial and ethnic
life, and which contribute importantly to ocial a well elf-awarene a well a more univer al tie . The
a to per onal action. projects are thu grounded in a concern with the
A a re ult of it analytical tool, the We tern ocial nature, ource, and hi torical tran formation of in-
cience ha e often either ignored or found it difficult dividual and group identity among Mu lim in vari-
to deal with action and con traints derived from ou etting, and the implication of the e identifica-
tran cendent y tern of faith, belief, and feeling, and tion for indi idual , for larger communitie , and for
their re ulting imperative. The emotional power and whole ocietie.
degree of commitment of I lam evident throughout
the world today make Mu lim ocietie an obviou ,
indeed important, ubject of tudy for tho e in- Movement and exchange
tere ted in exploring the e larger i ue. he in titu-
tion of our own ociety empha ize the eparation of Thi project derive from the high cultural value
religion and politic; in tho e countrie where I lamic placed by Mu lim on travel, for example, on the
idea are powerful, thi eparation i denied. Mu lim required pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), but al 0 on pur-
thinker and actor are con tantly debating how to po ive travel (rihla) , often in pur uit of knowledge,
relate and integrate all a pects of human experience and on travel to take up re idence in a Mu lim etting
and all phere of per onal and ocial life. Becau e when one i hampered from living a fully Mu lim life
the e debate are 0 explicit, and the ucce e and (hijra). Movement ha fo tered continuou exchange
failure in implementing them have been 0 numer- among Mu lim that have erved to communicate,
ou and varied, the debate and their outcome renew, and re hape the received tradition. The term
hould provide e pecially intere ting data and theory "movement" encompa e travel timulated by ritual
for tho e concerned with imilar i ue in any ociety. law, my tic piety, trade, education, pro elytization
(daCzva) , and migrant employment. Ca e tudie of
uch movement both highlight and define what it
Research programs mean to be Mu lim and provide an opportunity to
At its fir t meeting in New York on October 1-3, inve tigate the experience of movement on Mu lim
1985, the committee con idered two kind of activi- . elf-dp.finition . The e elf-definition are not only
tie , the fir t related to haping re earch, the econd per onal: they have been ignificant for the develop-
to creating an infra tructure for encouraging pe- ment of common in titution and for common in-
ciali ts to ee their work in the larger context of Mu - volvement in ocial and political action. The working
lim ocietie generally. In its re earch program, the paper for the fir t meeting will all be comparative,
committee plan to work a a continuing eminar over typically working from primary re earch in the main
the next few year . It ha irlentified two broad theme part ofthe paper, upplemented by analy e ba ed on
that will be the focu of work hop cheduled to fol- econdary ource to ugge t com pari on . There will,
low the 1986-87 fall and pring meeting of the in addition, be at lea t one paper on I lamic legal
committee. Additional participants will join the com- theory related to movement, prepared by a Mu lim
mittee for each of the e work hop , forming a group cholar.

MARCH 1986
Muslims in non-Muslim countries meet each other and to di cu their projec . The
committee hope that thi occa ion will encourage
hi project will focu on i ue related to educa-
tudents to think about their projects in a larger con-
tion, political theor , and law among Mu lim who
text, perhap to link tudents and other who e work
live under long-term, non-Mu lim admini tration
may have comparative implication , and generally to
(for example in Ru ia and in China, or in land
fo ter exchange with colleague out ide a pecific
under colonial occupation); among Mu lim who
geographical pecialty. We will a k the tuden for
have migrated to non-Mu lim countrie (for example,
ix-month report to be ent to each member of the
to Europe), and among Mu lim living in ocietie
group, and we will encourage tudent to vi it each
with large non-Mu lim population (for example in
other in the field to the extent that thi i practicable.
Lebanon, Nigeria, Malay ia, and Europe). Paper will
The econd of the e projects hope to provide a few
addre a erie of que tion : How doe education
po tdoctoral training grants for cholar who want to
hape and u tain a en e of identity and what kind of
develop experti e in a econd Mu lim area. The
education i regarded a appropriate by Mu lim?
committee' goal i to encourage comparative tudie
What part of the sharica (I lamic law) i followed and
that embrace a multidi ciplinar approach, recognize
what place i given to a common legal code? How i
the methodological and theoretical importance of
political tatu defined and how doe it correlate with
continuitie in Mu lim culture, and focu attention
the nature of the community and the nature of tate
upon influence within and beyond the world of
policy? What i the range of cultural expre ion in
Mu lim that tran cend regional difference . Appli-
the community? In each ca e, the community mu t be
cation form for thi program will be available in the
examined in its in titution ,i degree of integration
fall of 1986. We hope that the training year provided
with the ociety, and its link of whatever kind to
by thi program will be upplemented by a econd
Mu lim organization and ocietie. The fir t meeting
year, in re idence in the area of tudy, upported by
of the work hop will focu on four etting: France,
the Fulbright I lamic Civilization program. The
India, the oviet Union, and We t Africa.
committee al 0 hope to organize po tdoctoral um-
mer in titute (involving vi iting Mu lim cholar) for
Field-building projects
college teacher who offer cour e on I lam or on
The committee ha al 0 planned program de- Mu lim ocietie.
igned to encourage the comparative tudy of Mu lim Finally, the committee al 0 hope to con ider way
ocietie . The fir t of the e projects will be a eminar of reaching a larger public. There i a pre ing need
for graduate tudents who are either about to do for more eriou information about Mu lim ocietie.
predoctoral field work or who have ju t returned. A a cholarly in titution, enriched by the participa-
Mo t will have been trained in area tudie program . tion of Mu lim cholar and committed to open-
Application have b en olicited from uch tudents, minded cholar hip, the committee i well placed to
and it i planned to invite orne of them to join mem- counteract the tereotype of I lam and Mu lim that
ber of the committee for two day in ew York to pervade We tern culture. 0


The Culture of Fear
A report on a project of
the Joint Committee on
Latin American Studies
byJoan Das in*

S CCE IVE MILITARY TAKEOVER in Brazil and the population. Project re earch focu ed on the con-
outhern Cone countrie of Ar entina, Uruguay, and truction of mechani m for repre ion and the ma-
Chile during the 1960 and 1970 ignalled the nipulation of fear by the military regime, the experi-
emergence of new form of authoritarian rule. The e ence of fear in different ocial group, and the devel-
regime were ocially and politicall repre ive, on the opment of re i tance mo ements which occurred 0 er
one hand, and economically dynamic, on the other, time a fear wa ub tantially overcome. Repre enta-
eeking to further tie between the local economy and tive topic include the method and pha e of repre -
large international ource of capital (Cardo 0 1982). ion in the four countrie (Fagen 1986); fear among
The military ruled a an in titution, rather than a direct victim in Chile ( alamovich 1986); re i tance
individual , expanded the role of the tate, and em- in the Brazilian labor movement (Alve 19 6); and
pha ized technocratic experti e in policy making. intellectual contribution to the 10 of fear (Al-
The e characteri tic led cholar to label the regime tamirano 1986; arlo 1986). ee the box on page 8 for
"bureaucratic-authoritarian," di tingui hing them a Ii t of the participants.
from previou populi t dictator hip in the region he project wa called "The Culture of Fear," a
(O'Donnell 1973; Collier 1979). concept that wa it elf the ubject of much debate
Thi cla ification ha generated exten ive debate, becau e of the difficultie involved in defining pre-
not only becau e the e military regime per i ted into ci ely what a "cultural approach" to fear hould in-
the 1980, but al 0 becau e their emergence chal- clude and in i olating tho e factor that di tingui hed
lenged a central hypothe i of modernization the fear created by the e four military regime from
theory-that more advanced indu trialization would many other hi torical experience of fear produced
re ult in the development of democratic political y- by tate terror. The e que tion were debated in a
tern (Collier 1979). Three principal per pective erie of eminar held in 19 1-82, in which it wa
have been employed in thi di cu ion (Carreton decided to focu ub equent project re earch on
19 5). One approach focu e on the internal charac- Brazil and the three outhern Cone countrie . The
teri tic of the political regime and tend , therefore, et of ca e wa limited in thi way becau e the mili-
to empha ize their repre ive elements. Another tary regime were ideologically imilar, creating "na-
eek to link the gene i of the e regime to the de- tional ecurity tate" which upended civil libertie
mand of a new pha e of economic accumulation re- and permitted authoritie to wage unre tricted war
quired by the proce of capitali t development, while again t internal di enter. The e mea ure were 0 -
a third tre e change in military organization and ten ibly taken to a ure political tability for economic
the expan ion of militar power in Latin America a growth, but were in fact u ed to eliminate oppo ition
the ba i for the analy i of military govern men . to a new economic model ba ed on the concentration
In contra t to much of thi work, which focu e on of income and the exclu ion of worker and the poor.
political regime and th tate, a project pon ored by The project continued in 19 3 with po ition paper
the Joint Committee on Latin American tudie outlining pecific re earch que tion for the countrie
ought to analyze repre ion and wide pread fear a cho en. The re earch wa presented at a conference
ocial proce e and to identify the multiple way in convened in Bueno Aire in 1985.
which in titution and individual in Brazil and the Four major problem were explored in the Culture
outhern Cone countrie were affected by and re- of Fear project: (1) the characteri tic of political fear;
sponded to tate terror. Thi wa defined a the y- the mechani m through which it was induced; and its
tematic threat and u e of violence by governments con equence for individual and collective behavior;
again t both political di enter and the general (2) the difference and imilaritie of repre ive prac-
tice ; (3) the tage of political fear a it wa impo ed
*The author, a peciali t in modern thought and literature, and conte ted; and (4) the legacie left by political
serve as taff for the Joint Committee on Latin American tudi . fear after the re toration of con titutional govern-

MARCH 1986 7
T he nature of political fear
Participants in the
"Culture of Fear" Project The unprecedented level of per onal in ecurity
that re ulted from tate iolence in Argentina after
ociologi t Juan E. orradi of ew York Univer- the 1976 militar coup provided the initial e idence
ity erved a the prin ipal project organizer, working
for tudying thi problem. Re earch conducted in
clo eI with hi torian Patricia Wei Fagen of the Ref-
ugee Policy Center in Wa hington, D. ., and political Argentina in 1979, when reports of abduction , tor-
ociologi t Manuel Antonio Garreton, of the Latin ture, and di appearance b the Argentine ecurity
Ameri an Faculty of the ocial ience (FLAC 0) in force had already created an international candal,
antiago, Chile. The e three cholar are currently indicated that individual who in the pa t might have
editing a volume ba ed on the paper pre ented at the oppo ed uch practice or conte ted the gov-
Bueno Aire conference for publication in Engli h, ernment' official ver ion of e en howed little
pani h, and Portugue . concern (O'Donnell & alli 1979). The re earcher
In addition to the organizer, the following indi- hypothe ized that the e attitude re ulted from the
vidual participated in one or more pha e of the generalized fear and confu ion created by the brutal-
project: arlo Altamirano, cultural tudie, enter ity of the military' campaign again t alleged ter-
for the tudy of tate and ociety (CEDE ), Bueno rori ts. Although guerrilla violence and death quad
Aire; 1aria Helena Moreira Alve ,political cience,
retribution in the immediately preceding p riod had
Amher t College; Marcelo Cavarozzi, politi al ci-
ence, enter for the tudy of tate and ociety
predi p ed much of the population to accept the
(CEDE ), Bueno Aire ; Joan Da in, cultural tudie, military takeover, official iolence oon upplanted
ocial i nce Re earch Council; Jean Franco, lit- terrori t iolence. A Juan orradi (19 5) wrote:
erature, olumbia Univer it ; Hugo Friihling, law "The arbitrarine of ecurit procedure, the tale of
and philo ophy, Vicariate of olidarity ( antiago); di appearance , the fear that an one could be picked
Cecilia alli, 0 iology, ao Paulo; Albert O. up, the rumor in one' neighborhood or in the office
Hir hman, conomi ,In titute for dvanced tudy that omeone' relative had vani hed or been tortured
(Princeton, ew Jer e ); Heloi a Buarque de Hol- oon made denial, rationalization, and mere elf-
landa, literature and communication, Federal ni- regard the out tanding ocial norm ."
ver it of Rio de Janeiro; Javier Martinez, ociology, Much evidence ugge ts that governments at 0 de-
Latin American Faculty of the ocial cience veloped trategie for pre enting tate t rror to the
(FLA 0), antiago; Emilio Mignone, lawyer, Center
public. Corradi (19 3), for example, di cu ed the
for Legal and ocial tudie (CEL), Bueno Aire;
Gi II Munizaga, ommunication, Center of ul-
modifi ation in public di cour e that "amounted to a
tural and Arti tic Expre ion and Re earch reca ting of collective memor ." he e included an
(CE E A), antiago; Guillermo O'Donnell, politi al over implified dichotomy between friend and foe,
cience, Brazilian nter for Analy i and Planning who could be overt and covert, actual or potential.
(CEBRAP), ao Paulo, and Kellogg In titute for In- According to the rhetoric of the Argentine regime,
ternational tudie, niver ity of otre Dame; the pre ent table order wa immen ely preferable to
arina Perelli, Center for I nformation and the tud the immediate chaotic pa t, but could be maintained
of Urugua (CIE ), Montevideo; Juan Rial, enter only through totalloyalt to the regime and igilance
for Information and the tudy of Uruguay (CIE ), again t its en ernie . Official di cour e al 0 made a
Montevideo; oHa alamovich, Chri tian Churche ' puriou di tinction b tween "violence" and "order."
Foundation for ocial Aid (FA IC), antiago; Jorge Thi rhetorical oppo ition rna ked a real connection
Edgardo apia, Univer ity Re earch In titute of Rio
b tween tate violence and the fal e "order" it en-
de Janeiro (IUPERJ); Beatriz arlo, literature, a-
tional Univer ity of Bueno Aire; and Lui a Valen-
ured, which had b en gained through the uppre-
zuela, noveli t, ew York City. ion of legitimate conflict and di ent.
Pre cen or hip wa another important mech-
ani m in the ideological manipulation which pro ided
a rationale for repre ion. In Brazil, for example,
elective go ernment cen or hip reinforced the no-
ment (Fagen 19 6). orne of the central i ue di- tion that citizen hould empower regime to wage
cu ed in connection with each of the e problem and "total," "global," "permanent," and "apocalyptic" war
the direction for further re earch ugge ted by the again t their internal enemie, ince the media
project are pre ented blow. portrayed a harmoniou country who e path to na-


tional de elopment wa pre umabl guaranteed by I n Chile, alamovich and Lira (19 5) found that
government vigilance again t di enter. Thi image the ubjective experience of fear mirrored ocial and
wa achie ed by allowing new torie which empha- political factor . In clinical work with the ictim of
ized the overnment' ucce ful campaign again t direct repre ion, they noted a variet of p chologi-
urban guerrilla while imultaneou Iy uppre ing cal ymptom which reflected the traumatic effect of
tho e about the activitie of the ecurity apparatu , torture; of the di appearance or violent death of a
particularly the torture of political u pects and pri - family member; of arbitrary detention; of intimida-
oner . Critici m of the government' economic and tion; and of exile or 10 of employment. While
ocial policie were al 0 cen ored, but laudatory initiall private reaction , the e ymptom were pre -
torie were permitted, creating the impre ion that ent in 0 many people that they ignificantly affected
trong "national ecurity" mea ure had in fact pro- collective behavior.
vided the condition for economic growth and devel-
opment (Da in 19 2).
There were variation in the e pattern of official
Variations in repressive practices
di cour e and in cen or hip practice , but all the re- The comparative tudie of the depth and inten ity
gime depended to orne degree on a elf- of fear in the four countrie rai ed the larger que tion
pre entation which ju tified the abrogration of civil of imilaritie and difference in the policie and
libertie for national ecurit purpo e . According to practice of repre ion. While each militar regime
Corradi (19 3), the overall effect wa "to paralyze the ingled out worker and oppo ition political group,
critical will of the ubjects." ignificant ector of the both violent and nonviolent, a targe for repre ion,
population were thu convinced that it wa nece ary each al 0 depended on a web of "national ecurity"
to upend indi idual right and di mantle civic in- legi lation to complement tate violence. A Patricia
titution in order to create political tability. Both Fagen ob erved (19 6), the e law in tituted tema-
rhetorically and in practice, the e regime turned tic information control; they marginalized in titution
peace into wartime, put civilian under military for legal and ocial a i tance, uch a the court ; the
juri diction, and tran formed ociety into a permitted purge of the regime' opponents from
battleground again t " ubver ion." In thi proce , influential po ition ; and they in titutionalized re-
in titution uch a labor union, political partie, and triction on labor union, tudent organization , and
chool 10 t their traditional function a mediator political partie .
between individual and the tate, lea ing civilian onethele ,there were ub tantial difference in
population ulnerable to the abu e of power prac- the level of repre ion. Con iderably more political
ticed with virtual impunity by the agents of repre ion. activity wa permitted in Brazil, for example, than in
Government effort to rationalize or rna k repre - Chile, yet both ituation had more "protected pace"
ion, however, did not alway di tract people from the for di enter than wa true in Argentina or Urugua ,
fear they felt. On the contrary, fear of tate terror wa where there were more direct victim of repre ion
perva ive and affected many a pects of daily life, a relative to the general population. Political practice
te timonie , per onal interview , and life hi torie ex- and in titution affected the pattern of repre ion in
amined in the cour e of the project revealed. For each country, but could al 0 operate to limit repre ion.
example, O'Donnell and alli (1979) and O'Donnell Thi wa true of the Church and of religiou mo e-
(1983) noted a erie of con equence in Argentina: ment , union , partie , urban and rural "gra root"
depoliticization; a ignificant reduction of a oci- a ociation, and prof~ ional organization in Brazil
ational acti itie ; the denial of evidence regarding (Alve 1981- 2; 19 5; Fagen 19 3). In Chile, the
human right abu e ; and the adoption of aggre ive Church and the medical and legal profe ion have
economic trategie. Political fear appeared to gener- played a major role in defending human right
ate inten e privatization but al 0 cruelty in everyday (Friihling 1985), while the tudent movement wa a
life that reflected the attitude and practice of au- focal point of re i tance in Uruguay (Perelli 1985). It
thoritariani m exerci ed by the tate. Daily activitie wa concluded that the inten ity of the repre ion
were carried out in a climate of intimidation created did not predetermine the degree of re i tance that
by the ecrecy and my tery which hrouded the con- could emerge. In Chile, for example, major in titu-
duct of government bu ine and, in particular, by the tion engaged in prolonged and active oppo ition to
ilence urrounding the activitie of the ecurity ap- the military regime, de pite con tant and relativel
paratu . har h repre ion (Fagen 1986).

MARCH 1986 9
The stages of fear ttVI t had them elve become victim of crime by
ecurity force. In Uruguay, finally, human righ
In tracing the fear experience a it wa haped by group were not an important factor, ince mo t of
the dynamic of repre ion and re i tance through the civilian oppo ition, which wa clande tine, wa
the variou tage of the military regime , much di - ba ed in traditional political partie (Fagen 1986).
cu ion centered on the 10 of or "exit from" fear There icon iderate debate about whether the ero-
(Garret6n 1983). A Corradi (1983) po ed the prob- ion of fear and the concomitant emergence of re i -
lem: "Who wa in ulated from re ocialization and in- tance were the key factor in the tran ition to civilian
timidation? What proce e led ome to conquer fear? rule that have occurred in Argentina, Brazil, and
What type of re i tance developed?" Uruguay. In the Argentine ca e, the military' di-
The project re earch made clear that form of re- a trou conduct of the mid-1982 Falkland IMalvina
i tance exi ted throughout the period of military war clearly precipitated the regime' collap e, and in
rule. Even when citizen ought afety by retreating to all three ca e , economic policie promulgated by the
the private phere of family and friend and avoiding military were un ucce ful. The e failure gave the
any con trover ial activitie, they re ponded en- civil oppo ition, particularly economic elite which
thu ia tically to coded expre ion of di ent em- had formerly upported the regime , con iderable
bedded in vanguard poetry, theater, popular mu ic, clout in pre ing for the end of military rule.
and form of humor (Hollanda 1985; Munizaga onethele ,in Brazil and Uruguay, e pecially, the
19 5). Although cen or hip forced arti ts to u e indi- military, even though they were forced to relinqui h
rect or allegorical form ,literature and other kind of power, al 0 maintained at lea t partial control of
art work provided an arena for political debate when negotiation with oppo ition force. One outcome of
other in titutional channel for the expre ion of di - thi ituation i that both in Brazil and in Uruguay-
ent, uch a political partie, the Congre , the unlike in Argentina-there have been no trial to
courts, the univer itie , and the new media were inve tigate human rights abu e committed by ecur-
clo ed down or controlled ( arlo 1985; Altamirano ity force . That there i no nece ary connection be-
1985; Oa in 1985). tween the 10 of fear, the ri e of a civilian oppo ition,
Overt form of oppo ition al 0 developed. The and the collap e of the e military regime i made
main protagoni ts of the e movements were clergy, clear in Chile, where the regime ha not been ou ted,
law er ,journali t , teacher, and other profe ional even though fear ha been widely overcome and there
oppo ed to repre ion on humanitarian and civic a trong civilian oppo ition movement (Fagen
ground. In Argentina and Uruguay, in particular, 1986).
where the e individual had little in titutional protec-
tion, they them elve became the victim of repre -
ion. Over time, however, their work united people
The legacies of political fear
around pecifically nonpolitical objective, uch a Oi cu ion of the legacie of fear in the e countrie
obtaining information about political u pects who and the po ibilitie for ocietie without fear gave ri e
had di appeared. Often, when the re 'ulting organi- to many que tion for further re earch. The political
zation became focal points for many individual who tran ition to civilian rule in Argentina, Brazil, and
aw no other outlet for political activitie , human Uruguay, for example, have provided new informa-
right or related legal work developed into political tion on the political i ue rai ed by efforts to di man-
organizing and other prote t activitie (Fagen 1986). tle the tate' repre ive apparatu e . In fact, the trial
More explicitly political oppo ition to the repre i e of former Argentine junta member had begun ju t
regime emerged later, particularly in Brazilian labor week before the Bueno Aire conference wa con-
union (Alve 1981-82; 1985) and in the popular vened, providing a dramatic context for the di cu -
protest movement in Chile (Martinez 1985). ion of the extent to which political terror wa u ed a
The different role of human right group in each an in trument of tate policy during the period of
of the four countrie i particularly triking. In Chile, military rule, and to what degree human rights abu e
the e group formed quickly and remained impor- would be puni hed. Al 0 con idered were the mech-
tant; in Brazil, they developed more lowly but had a ani m that would be u ed to re-e tabli h civillibertie
key role in the tran ition to civilian rule, e pecially and the way in which new in titution would be
after 1978. In Argentina, the human righ group created or already exi ting tructure would be
attracted ignificant upport only in the final month adapted to check the power of the military and the
of the military regime, in part becau e the early ac- intelligence ervice.

10 VOLUME 40, N MBER 1

In more general term, que tion were rai ed about Alve , Maria Helena Moreira." ra root Organizations, Trade
whether the political pa ivity that had been engen- nion and the Challenge to the Controlled A~rtura in BraziL"
Paper pre entedat"TheCultureofFear" eminar ,1981-1982.
dered by fear would per i t; what kind of leader hip - -. "Culture of Fear, Culture of Re i tance: The ew Labor
and party tructure would emerge; and how trade Movement in BraziL" Paper presented at "The Culture of Fear"
union and other outlawed or debilitated in titution conference, Buenos Aire , 19 5.
would re ume functioning. It wa clear that the di - Cardoso, Fernando Henrique. "The Authoritarian Regime at the
cu ion of politically-induced fear would be Cro road: The Case of Brazil." Paper pre ented at a confer-
upplanted by a di cu ion about the nature of demo- ence on" he Pro pect of Democratization in the outhern
Cone," Yale niver ity, 19 2.
cratic practice , not only on the tate and political Collier, David, editor. Tht tw Authoritarianism in Latin Amtrica.
regime level but al 0 a they operate on the many Princeton Univer ity Pre ,1979. publication of the Joint
level of ocial and political relation . Committee on Latin American tudie.
The Culture of Fear project faced everal pecial Corradi, Juan. "The Cult of Fear." Paper pre ented at "The
challenge. For one, the fact that 0 many of the Culture of Fear" eminar, 19 1-19 2.
- -. "The Culture of Fear in Civil ociety." Report ubmitted
re earcher involved were them elve victim or to the Social Science Re earch Council, 15 December 19 3.
fir t-hand witne e of repres ion meant that the ex- - -. "Toward a Society Without Fear." Paper pre ented at
periential dimen ion and the human factor were "The Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5.
given pecial weight in the analy e . While the par- Das in, Joan: "Pre Censorship and the Military tate in Brazil,"
ticipants agreed this wa unavoidable, and fortunately in Prt Control ArOUtld tht World, Jane Curry and Joan Da in,
0, their per onal involvement in the ubject al 0
editor. New York: Praeger Pre , 1982, page 149-186. Pre-
ented at "The Culture of Fear" eminar, 1981-1982.
meant that the generalization and ab traction of indi- _ _ . "Memoir of the Generation of '68: A Case tudy of Fear
vidual experience fundamental to ocial cience in- and the Political Text in BraziL" Paper pre ented at "The
ve tigation was difficult. Commanding the broad and Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5.
multifaceted literature relevant to the project, which Fagen, Patricia Wei . "The Organized Agent of Fear. orne
included material from ocial and political theory, otes and Comparison ." Paper pre ented at "The Culture of
Fear" eminar, 19 1-1982.
psychology, and a growing body of human rights _ _ . " ummary of Di cus ion on the Role of the Agents of
documentation, as well a finding a common ground Fear." Report ubmitted to the ocial Science Re earch Council,
in the variety of di cour e utilized by the different 15 December 1983.
di cipline , wa an e pecially demanding ta k. Finally, _ _ . "Repre ion in Four Countrie : Method and tage."
the very concept of "the culture of fear" wa a prob- Paper presented at "The Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno
lematic category, ince the understanding of fear as a Aire , 1985.
_ _ . "Introduction to Fear eminar Volume." Draft, 1986.
perva ive and dynamic ocial proce in the e recent
Franco, Jean. "The Behaviori tic Body: The cientific Method of
military regime i till in its initial tage. Fear." Paper pre ented at "The Culture of Fear" seminar,
Nonethele , the project did collect valuable new data 1981-82.
on the e phenomena in the four countrie tudied. It _ _ . "Gender, Death, and Re i tance: Facing the Ethical Vac-
added to the under tanding of linkage between the uum." Paper presented at "The Culture of Fear" conference,
private and public phere in the e countrie and it Bueno Aire, 19 5.
ugge ted new connection between the well-known Friihling, Hugo E. "Limitando la accion coerciva del estado: La
pha e of the military regime and the type of e trategia legal de defensa de 10 derecho humano en Chile"
politically-induced fear pecific to each pha e. The ["Limiting the Coercive Action of the tate: The Legal trategy
for the Defen e of Human Right in Chile"). Paper pre ented at
project al 0 ynthe ized approache from variou di-
"The Culture of Fear" eminars, 1981-82.
cipline and created a conceptual convergence
_ _ . "Reproduccion y socializacion de nuCJeo de re i tencia: La
around the e particular fear experience . The per- experiencia de La Vicaria de la Solidaridad en Chile" ["Repro-
pective developed will be of continued u efulne a duction and Socialization of Nuclei of Re i tance: The Experi-
more information about these fear experience ence of the Vicariate of Solidarity in Chile"). Paper presented
emerge in the newly-restored civilian regime. 0 at "The Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 1985.
Garreton, Manuel Antonio. "Respuesta al miedo y efecto de este
en la tran icion" ["Response to Fear and Its Effect in the
Tran ition"). Report ubmitted to the Social Science Re earch
References Council, 15 December 1985.
Altamirano, Carlo. "Cultura de izquierda, di idencia intelectual y - - . "Los regimenes militares del Cono Sur y la cultura del
proce 0 autoritario: la experiencia argentina" ["Culture of the miedo" ["The Military Regimes of the Southern Cone and the
Left, Intellectual Di idence, and the Authoritarian Proce : Culture of Fear"). Pre entation at "The Culture of Fear" con-
The Argentine Experience"). Paper presented at "The Culture ference, Bueno Aire, 1985.
of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5. Hollanda, Heloi a Buarque de. "Brasil, 1964-1978: Idas e vinda

MARCH 1986 11
da cultura de re i tencia." ["Brazil, 1964-1978: Coming and Regime and the Production of Fear"]. Commentary at "The
Going of the Culture of R i tance"]. Paper pre ented at "The Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 1985.
Culture of Fear" confere~ce, Bueno Aire, 19 5. Perelli, Carina. "La logica del miedo: Un nucleo de re i tencia
Martinez, Javier. "Miedo al e tado, miedo ala sociedad: obre las e tudiantil en eI Uruguay de 10 ochenta. De la fu ion a la
'prote ta 'opo itora en Chile y el problema del miedo" ["Fear fi ion" ["The Logic of Fear: A Nucleu of tudent Re i tance in
of the tate, Fear of Society: Regarding the Oppo ition 'Protest' ruguay of the 19 Os"]. Paper pre ented at "The Culture of
in Chile and the Problem of Fear"]. Paper pre ented at "The Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5.
Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5. Rial, Juan. "Lo limite del terror controlado: Lo hacedore y
Munizaga, i elle. "Miedo y propaganda en el regimen au- defensore del miedo en el Uruguay" ["The Limits of Con-
toritario chileno" ["Fear and Propaganda in the Chilean Au- trolled Terror: The Maker and Defender of Fear in
thoritarian Regime"]. Paper prepared for "The Culture of Fear" ruguay"]. Paper pre ented at "The Culture of Fear" confer-
conferen e, Bueno Aire, 19 5. ence, Buenos ire, 19 5.
Mignone, Emilio Fermin. " 1as alia de miedo: formas deju ticia y alamovich, oria, and Elizabeth Lira. "P icologia del miedo en la
compensacion. EI ca 0 argentino en per pectiva com parada" ituacione de repre ion politica" ["The P ychology of Fear in
["Beyond Fear: Form of Ju tice and Compensation. The ituation of Political Repre ion"]. Paper pre ented at "The
Argentine Ca e in Comparative Per pective"]. Paper pre ented Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5.
at "The Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5. apia, Jorge Edgardo. "La produccion de e pacio imbOlicos de
O'Donnell, Guillermo. Modtrniz.ation a11d BUTtaUcTatic- re i tancia: EI ca 0 de Madre de la Plaza de Mayo y familiare
Authoritarianism. tudit i11 outh Awnca11 Politics. Berkeley: de de aparecido y detenido politico" ["The Production of
Univer ity of California Pre ,1973. ymbolic pace of Re i tance: The Ca e of the Mother of the
O'Donnell, Guillermo, and Cecilia Galli. "Adaptations to ial Plaza de 1ayo and the Familie of the Disappeared and Politi-
Change at the 1icro Level." Report to the Social ience Re- cal Detainee "]. Paper pre ented at "The Culture of Fear" con-
earch Council, 1979. ference, Bueno Aire, 19 5.
- - . "La co cha del miedo" ["The Harve t of Fear"]. Ntxo arlo, Beatriz. "E trategia de la imaginacion literaria"
(Mexico City): 6:6, January 19 3. [" trategie of Literary Imagination"]. Paper pre ented at "The
- - . "Regimene politico y produccion de miedo" ["Political Culture of Fear" conference, Bueno Aire, 19 5.

Access to Research Sites Abroad

A report on a conference
sponsored by the Council and
the Smithsonian Institution

by Elinor Barber, in collaboration with Gretchen Gayle Ellsworth·

CHOL R FROM THE UNITED TATE have long had The ju tification for the e barrier are not prima
the freedom to pur ue their re earch intere ts in re- facie acceptable to tho e who are affected by them, but
gion of the world that were either the colonie of both natural and ocial cienti ts in the United tate
We tern nation or economically and politically ub- have, for the mo t part, come to recognize that ho t
ervient to the We t. However, ince World War II, countrie may have valid rea on for impo ing con-
the ituation ha changed dramatically. Many of the traints on their tudie. On the other hand, the de-
new nation do not allow foreign cholar unre- velopment of new knowledge i 0 important that ex-
tricted acce to vi it and pur ue their tudie. The ten ive efforts mu t be made to counteract countrie '
po twar emergence of the oviet Union and the re triction of acce imply a an exertion of power or
United tate a antagoni tic uperpower ha com- becau e it eem in their elf-intere t, narrowly con-
plicated the i ue further. Among the other barrier trued, to do o. Thi al 0 hold true for We tern
that have been erected worldwide are the withholding countrie , including the United tate. It may be
of vi a , clo e crutiny of propo ed projects, and the ea ier to accept carefully-calibrated reciprocitie ( uch
negotiation of reciprocal flow of enior cholar and a tho e negotiated by the International Re earch &
tudents. Exchange Board for US- U SR exchange ) than to
accept the con traints impo ed by Third World
• Elinor Barber, a hi torian, i director of research at the In ti-
countrie who e cholar and tudent do not en-
tute of International Education (New York). Gretchen Gayle
Ell worth i deputy director, Directorate of International Activi- counter comparable re triction in the United tate.
tie, The mithsonian In titution. he coordinated the planning I n order to explore an array of i ue encap ulated
for the conference. by the horthand term "research acce ,tt a conference

12 VOL ME 40, MBER 1

with thi title wa held in Wa hington, D.C. on
ovember 18-19, 1985, co pon ored by the Council Participants in Council-Smithsonian
and the mith on ian In titution. The term "re earch Conference on Research Access
acce "i u ed widely to connote how freely and in
what way re earcher of one country can tudy the Robert McC. Adam, The mith on ian In titution,
topic of their choice in another country. It wa to cochair
under tand better the "acce problem"-the limita- Kenneth Prewitt, The Rockefeller Foundation,
tion or denial of re earch acce s-and the circum- cochair
tance in which it i more and Ie likely to occur- Benedict R. Ander on, Cornell Univer ity
that the mith onian conference wa convened. The Peter haw A hton, Harvard Univer ity
conference con idered primarily i ue of re earch Bernard Barber, Columbia Univer ity
acce in relation to U. . cholar. The participant Elinor Barber, In titute of International Education
are Ii ted in the adjacent box. ( ew York)
Richard H . Ben on, The mith onian In titution
Paul R. Bra ,U niver ity of Wa hington
Participants Mary Brown Bullock, Committee on cholarly Com-
munication with the People' Republic of China
The participant in the conference included chol- (Wa hington, D.C.)
ar in the ocial and natural cience who have done David Challinor, The mith onian In titution
exten ive re earch abroad, e pecially in Third World William K. Cumming, ational cience Foundation
countrie . The e cholar are ba ed in univer itie , Gretchen ayle Ell worth, The mith onian In titu-
mu eum , or other re earch e tabli hments. taff tion
from organization concerned with international Robert A. Fernea, Univer ity of Texa
cholarly relation ,area tudie, and field tudie al 0 Virginia Feur - agnon, ocial cience Re earch
participated. Council, taff
Among the fir t group, there were eight cholar John D. Gerhart, Ford Foundation
Irving Loui Horowitz, Rutger Univer ity
(four ocial cienti ts and four natural cienti ts) who
Allen F. 1 aacman, Univer ity of Minne ota
pre ented ca e tudie ba ed on their own and their Allen H . Ka of, International Re earch & Exchange
colleague ' experience . The e ca e tudie con ti- Board ( ew York)
tuted the ba i from which new per pective on the Herbert . Klein, Columbia Univer ity
i ue of re earch acce could be haped. The cov- Richard D. Lambert, Univer ity of Penn ylvania
ered re earch in the humanitie , archeology, botany, Betty J. Megger ,The mith onian In titution
zoology, geology, hi tory, and other ocial cience. Rhoad Murphey, Univer ity of Michigan
Bolivia, Brazil, India, Malay ia, Morocco, Mozam- A hi andy, Centre for the tudy of Developing
bique, epal, ri Lanka, and Venezuela were among ocietie ( ew Delhi)
the pecific countrie who e policie and procedure John Paul, U .. Department of Education
were di cu ed. Ca andra A. Pyle, Council for International Ex-
change of cholar (Wa hington, D.C.)
John E. Reinhardt, The mith onian In titution
Complexity of the problem Walter Ro enblith, ational Academy of cience
Robert Ro enzweig, A ociation of American Univer-
The paper and the di cu ion produced in ights itie (Wa hington, D.C.)
well beyond the conference organizer' earlier con- u anne H. Rudolph, Univer ity of Chicago
ceptualization of the problem of acce in term of the FrederiC E. Wakeman, Jr., Univer ity of California,
mutual rights and obligation of re earcher and Berkeley
ubjects (i.e., countrie ). Through di cu ion, factor Chri ten M. Wemmer, The mith onian In titution
uch a ource of funding and pon or hip, type of
re earch, topic and field of tudy, and charac-
teri tic of the re earcher them elve were di cov-
ered to be very complex. concerned, a variety of i ue developed around
The di cu ion of the e factor included the fol- com pari on of acce granted to ocial and natural
lowing points. With regard to pon or hip, there wa cienti ts and perceived difference in acce ac-
general agreement that Department of Defen e up- corded to di cipline within the ocial cience. In the
port of over ea re earch would damage everely the natural cience, projects are large- cale and long-
likelihood of obtaining acce s. In ofar a topic are term, and cultural and political i ue are Ie im-

MARCH 1986 13
mediate than they are in the ocial cience. Beyond viduali m they prize in order to encourage com-
thi , there i great variation within the ocial cience. plementary and ub tantive contribution .
Critical tudie and tudie of" trategic" topic often
are refu ed, while re earch that enhance a en e of a
national pa t or that ha a practical impact i likely to
be welcome. Thus, historian generally have far Ie During the conference, it became clear that dif-
trouble in obtaining acce in Latin America than do ferent balance of reciprocity help to facilitate re-
other ocial cienti ts. 0 agreement prevailed a to earch aero national boundarie . Indeed, in de el-
whether the natural or the ocial cience are likely to oping relation hip between orne countrie it may be
be defined a more threatening to national intere ts, nece ary to di regard formal reciprocity altogether.
a often it i not easy to relate the re olution of acce The United State and the oviet Union maintain
reque t directly to propo ed topic. trict reciprocity in the exchange of cholar, and
The conferee found that the problem of acce s i re triction or rejection impo ed by one ide meet
much more complex than wa implied previou lyand with appropriate retaliation on the part of the other.
generalization are difficult to make. The problem i However, cholarly relation between the United
Ie amenable to the removal of pecific ob tacle , or tate and China are quite different. A one partici-
tractable by the exchange of pecific rewards and pant· noted, cholarly relation with China eem to be
threats. Indeed, it is all too ea y to come to the im- at the tage where reciprocity mu t virtually be et
practical conclu ion that every situation i different, a ide while the relation hip i developed. In between
depending entirely upon which particular cholar i the e extreme are our relation hip with countrie
involved in which particular country. Yet orne gen- that have more and Ie power vi -a-vis the United
eral pattern do emerge, ugge ting kind of interac- tate. In the ca e of India, it i at lea t arguable that
tions and mea ure that may improve the receptive- the United tate hould in i t on a greater degree of
ne of other countrie to U .. re earcher . reciprocity. U .. reciprocity with countrie that have
weaker cientific communitie often re emble the
development model de cribed above, where re earch
acce i exchanged for the training of re earcher
The development model
and for other re earch-related re ouree .
Perhap the mo t important in ight that the con- While it i not ea y to enforce formal reciprocity
ference yielded i that, in many Third World coun- without governmental backing, the conferee agreed
trie , re earch by American cholars i encouraged that governmental involvement in cholarly relation
only if it contribute in orne way to the nation' de- i be t avoided. However, more informal reciprocity
velopment. uch contribution a ume many dif- can be developed on a cholar-to- cholar ba i and
ferent form . Among them are re earch on problem reinforced through the upport of governmental aid
that the government define a e ential for the prac- agencie or private foundation. Reciprocity, then,
tical improvement of condition of life or for the mu t be defined in term of the re pective trength
generation of a en e of cultural-hi torical identity. of tho e carrying on re earch over ea and tho e
Another i the training of local re earcher in field granting acce .
uch a archeology, fore try, and the ocial cience.
In almo t all developing countries, vi iting researchers
eeking to combine re earch and development aim
The personal factor
mu t adju t their priori tie according to the priori tie A recurrent theme of the conference was the im-
of the ho t-country government or the re earch portance of per onal relation hip in facilitating ac-
community. It al 0 require orne tran fer of re- ce to over ea re earch ite. Good per onal re-
ource (training, collaborative arrangements) to the lation hips are mo t likely to emerge over a long pe-
indigenou lOre ident re earcher ." One way in which riod of time. In thi re pect, the well-funded long-
American re earcher can contribute to the develop- term project more often a ociated with the natural
ment of cience in Third World countrie i to draw cienee are a con iderable advantage, but in the 0-
their cienti t into new network . Thi can be done cial cience, the tru t that is ba ed on long-term in-
by exchanging publication , arranging visiting ap- teraction al 0 can be developed. The per onal factor
pointments, and inviting Third World cienti ts to extend beyond mere familiarity to such topic a a
participate in international profe ional meeting. foreign re earcher' concern for the intere ts of local
U.S. cholars may have to acrifice orne of the indi- counterparts. This includes an appreciation of both


the difficultie under which they work and the chol- entific communitie than in countrie with weak one .
arly contribution that they have made. The devel- he main rea on i that cholar in countrie where
opment of effective per onal relation hip with Latin the cience are more highl developed are able,
American archeologi ts, for example, ha depended through peer review, to di mi the re earch propo -
upon U.. cholar ' willingne to under tand the al of orne American cholar a being of poor qual-
theoretical per pective of their colleague while in- ity. The fact that knowledge i power wa tre ed at
i ting on the adoption of uniform re earch method . everal points during the conference, u ually in ref-
The participants in the conference noted that an erence to acce a politically or economically
empha i on per onal relation hip i not entirely threatening. Knowledge i power also in that it per-
congenial to academic in the United tate. One rea- mi control of the nature and quality of re earch
on for thi i the fear that departure from univer- carried out in one' country.
ali m in cience may blur di tinction between high- There wa di cu ion aloof the perception by
and Ie er-quality work. Thi problem eem to be orne re earcher that they are harra ed by a gov-
e pecially acute in the ocial cience . Another rea on ernment' incon i tent and arbitrary treatment. It wa
i the concern that relation hip built on per onal tie pointed out that ambiguity, delay, capriciou ne ,and
may di appear along with tho e who create them. even deception in handling re earch permi ion may
Empha i on the per onal factor tend to upport the all be part of a con ciou policy-a omewhat ho tile
a umption that en itive, ethical, con iderate indi- policy. However, it wa noted that, in orne countrie ,
vidual will make all the difference, thu ob curing official policy and unofficial practice may diverge,
the importance of y tematic problem (de cribed and where official policy i more re trictive than un-
below). Yet all the participant agreed that although official practice, knowledgeable U. . re earcher are
per onal factor have a certain fragility, their im- able to exploit thi divergence.
portance in fo tering the kind of tru t that come with There wa orne di cu ion a to whether countrie
continuou and con iderate interaction cannot be who e policie are explicitly or implicitly ho tile
gain aid. toward American re earcher hould have imilar
policie directed again t their re earcher in the
United tate. The conferee agreed that the U ..
Politics and policy
government hould be brought into the picture only
Politic and policy (foreign policy or economic pol- a ala t re ort. A more effective approach would be to
ic ) are readily evident and ea ily acknowledged a accept the acce i ue a embedded in a political
affecting the movement of re earcher between the proce and to build con en u favorable to acce :
United tate and the oviet Union or Japan. It "earning righ ," a it were. Thi may be difficult.
eemed, however, that the conferee had greater dif- There are indication that nationali t, authoritarian
ficulty accepting the influence of politic on their bureaucracie are likely to make thing wor e for U. .
acce to re earch ite in Third World countrie . The re earcher before they get better. While orne of the
ca e tudie pre ented by everal of the participants participants felt that the e bureaucracie are creating
offered a wide range of example . Political ympathy unrea on able academic i olationi m, other felt that
with the travail and goal of a newly-e tabli hed re- the policie are de igned to protect the rea on able
gime might help re earcher to accept re triction need of vulnerable new nation .
impo ed on their re earch. Contrariwi e, political
antagoni m to an exi ting regime may bring about the
expul ion of outspoken re earcher. Further, the Systemic problems
elf-cen or hip often dictated by the unpredictable The participants in the conference tried to di tin-
re pon e of a Third World government to re earch gui h between acce problem rectifiable through
propo al directly challenge many American chol- the correct actions of individual re earcher and tho e
ar 'belief that a democratic country hould not limit that are beyond the control of individual . Among the
the acce of U.S. re earcher when their own cholar latter are funding tructure that preclude long-term
may tudyany ubject they wi h in the United tate. projects, even though long-term projec help to en-
There wa orne di cu ion of the widely-held belief courage olid relation hip with re ident cholar and
that the powerful both re i t being tudied and are provide them with orne of the amenities that Ameri-
better able to avoid being the subjects of re earch. In can re earcher take for granted. More appropriate
thi context, it wa noted that it may be more difficult funding tructure would facilitate the training of
to obtain re earch acce in countrie with trong ci- individual from developing countrie a an inve t-

MARCH 1986 15
ment to\ ard valuable longer-term cooperation. review that virtually obviate the i ue of acce . The
Other factor include political ten ion between p ible expan ion of thi mechani m wa ugge ted.
countrie that inevitably afC ct relation hip among Another organizational approach i embodied in
the over ea re earch center. In orne ca e , the e
cienti t -e pecially political cienti t , who tend to
be identified with government policie. The di- center help directly in obtaining acce . In other,
mini hing ecurit of faculty-e p cially nontenured they ad vi e American cholar on the be t way to
facult -in U. . univer itie make it very difficult toobtain permi ion to carryon their work. It wa ug-
acrifice individual advantage in favor of developingge ted that the e center al 0 might expand their activ-
aluable "collaborative" relation hip with cholar itie . The operation of the International Council of
o er ea. he priori tie of cientific di cipline in the ientific Union al 0 wa de cribed, with empha i
United tate al 0 po e a type of ob tacle: favoring on the pecial advantage of making bilateral ar-
theoretical over applied cience run counter to the rangemen in the context of a multilateral tructure.
prioritie of developing countrie . Another ob tacle i Inno ation in the U .. in titutional environment
the cata trophic decline in international communica- al 0 might induce cholarly communitie in develop-
tion that ha re ulted from the international debt ing countrie to cooperate. One po ibility i the e -
problem. The con en u wa that uch y temic tabli hment of an organization to deal with a multi-
problem cannot be olved b individual; they mu t plicity of activitie in the field of international educa-
be addre ed by international in titution and offi ialtion (language learning, graduate training program ,
in 01 ed in the allocation of re ource . exchange, re earch). Thi organization could be
modeled after the ational cience Foundation and
might include in its function a concern with re earch
Organizational approaches
acce .
It wa not the mandate of the conference to devi e Adapting In titutional Review Board to interna-
olution to the problem of re earch acce ,but rather tional re earch might help to re olve acce i ue
to bring new per pective to the problem. everthe- related to ethical problem . The e board pre ently
Ie , orne organizational approache were di cu ed. review the ethic of all dome tic re earch that involve
It wa pointed out that it i difficult to de ign an human ubjects. While the board are ba ed in uni-
in titutional mechani m that con ider matter of ver itie , an international board could be attached to
quality and of acce at the arne time. Example of an agency like the planned ational Endowment for
uch mechani m are the area committee jointl ap- International ludie.
pointed b the Council and the American Council of The participant in the conference eemed to con-
Learned ocietie; the Joint Committee on Latin clude that it i important to maintain a much private
American tudie wa de cribed a illu trative. and academic control over international re earch a
he e committee generall include foreign cholar, po ible, ince the expan ion of the domain of the
who participate in reviewing projects and awarding tate and the backwa h from international politic are
grant, thu providing the kind of collaborative peer among the principal thr ats to re earch acce. 0

16 VOL ME 40, N MBER 1

A Note on the Origin of Interdisciplinary" II

by David L. iLIs*

WARS ARE OTORIO S for having unintended con e- I turned to earch the record and periodical of
quence , and there are countle example of their both the Council and the American Council of
acceleration of organizational, cientific, technical, 0- Learned ocietie. I al 0 earched the long introduc-
cial, and political change. World War I wa no excep- tory e ay in Volume 1 of the Encyclopaedia of the
tion, and the year immediately after the war brought ocial Science. Nowhere could I find "interdi cipli-
many fundamental change in European and Ameri- nary" in the publication of the 1920 , although it i
can ociety. Here I will refer only to orne remarkable clear that the idea underlying it wa everywhere. The
development in the organization of ocial and International Union of Academie encouraged "col-
humani tic re earch in the United tate. lecti e re earche ,". while the Council a erted in it
Con ider the e con equential events. In 1919, rep- Annual Report for 1925 that "ordinarily the Council
re entative of a number of cholarly ocietie e tab- will deal only with uch problem a involve two or
Ii hed the American Council of Learned ocietie (the more di cipline ."2 Plainly, omeone had to invent the
immediate timulu wa to participate in the forma- word "interdi ciplinary." The rationale for my own
tion in Europe of the International Union of earch for the moking gun wa not antiquariani m,
Academie). In that arne year, a unique college but rather the opportunity it provided to examine
\ a founded in New York, the ew chool for ocial the e early record and to relive vicariou ly the di -
Re earch. In 1923, there wa an organizational content of the e founding father with the tatu quo
meeting that initiated planning for the 15-volume and their efforts to change it by omehow combining
Encyclopaedia of the ocial cience (Macmillan, the method and per pective of the different di ci-
1930-35), hailed by many a the fir t major col- pline . Without Roberta Frank' que tion in mind, I
laborative project of American cholar hip. At an- could not have read the e du ty record with uch
other meeting, that arne year, repre entative of four fre h eye and with uch an inquiring mind. 3
major ocial cience a ociation founded the ocial My inve tigation led me to the reports of the Coun-
cience Re earch Council; when it wa incorporated cil' ix famou Hanover conference of 1925-30. In
the next year, three other profe ional a ociation tho e long ago, nonair-conditioned year , the Coun-
al 0 participated. From today' per pective, the e cil' board, taff, and committee , along with a orted
were perhap the mo t momentou five year in the gue ts, would meet in Hanover, ew Hamp hire for
organizational hi tory of American scholar hip. everal week in Augu t and eptember to review the
he tated purpo e of all of the e in titution and Council' program and the tate of the ocial cience
enterpri e wa to timulate and coordinate re earch, more broadly.4 At the 1930 Hanover conference, a
particularly what i now called "interdi ciplinary" re- tatement about the Council' program wa formally
earch. Accordingly, it i reasonable to expect that the adopted by the board. It included the a ertion that
founding documents and the early tatements of "It i probable that the Council' intere t will continue
purpo e would include the word "interdi ciplinary" to run trongly in the direction of the e inter-
in order to de cribe thi intention. But thi eem not
to have been the ca e.
I merican Council of Learned ocietie . Bullttin. umber I,
I wa timulated to look into the origin and u e of
o tober 1920, page 8.
the word "interdi ciplinary" by an inquiry from 2 ocial ience Re earch Council. "Report for th Year 1925
Roberta Frank of the Centre for Medieval tudie of Made to the American Political Science Association by Charles E.
the Univer ity of Toronto. Her hypothe i wa that Merriam, Chairman," Amnican PoLitical cimct Rrornu, February
the \ ord had been invented at the Council. I aid in 1926, page 1 6.
3 The recently-revived poet, Robert W. ' ervice,ju tifying par-
reply to her letter that I would look into the matter, ticipation in the Yukon gold ru h during the 1 90, tated:
but that my gue wa that the word had entered the
"Yet it i n't the gold that I'm wanting
language from the phy ical ciences, and could much a ju t finding the gold." (1907)
perhap be located in the early documents of the 4 For a brief account of the Hanover conference, ee Itrms,
ational Academy of cience in Wa hington. June 19 0, page 3!).-37. ee alo the biography of one of the
.The author, a sociologist, i the executive associate of the Coun- Council' principal founder: Barry D. Karl, Charlts E. Mtrriam
cil. He i the editor of the 1 -volume Intnnational Eru:yclofJtdia of and tht tudy of PoLitics. Univer ity of Chicago Pre ,1974, page
tht OCUli cimct (Macmillan and Free Pre , 1968; 1979). 134-136.

M ReH 1986
di cipline inquirie ."5 ot quite "interdi ciplinary," year, in December 1937, a notice of the availabilit of
but clo e. At lea t I had found an an wer to Roberta Council fellow hip reprinted in the Journal of Educa-
Frank' que tion. tional ociology referred to "training of an interdi ci-
An intere ting equel to the tor ugge ts that the plinary nature" (page 251). Thi i currently the ear·
cour e of interdi ciplinary re earch then (a now) did lie t publi hed u e of the word "interdi ciplinary" in
not alway run moothly. The Univer ity of Chicago the file of Merriam-Web ter. s
ociologi t Loui Wirth wa commi ioned by the In the meantime, Roberta Frank pur ued her re-
Council to prepare a report on i hi tory, activitie , earch into the publication of the National Academy
and policie ; he ubmitted the report in Augu t 1937. of cience, with little ucce . he did uncover a 1871
In it, he had rather har h word to ay about the new paper report on Alfred Mayer' ucce ful in-
Council' ambition for interdi ciplinary re earch: ve tigation into the "hum of the mo quito' wing"
It rna al 0 be aid the Council ha allowed itself to some e tent being attributed to the "interfiliation of eemingly
to become ob sed at time by catch phra e and logan which divergent cience" and the advocacy by the ational
wer not ufficiently critically e amined. Thu there i orne cademy of Science in 1909 of "the cro ing of di ci-
ju tification for aying thal much of the talk in connection with pline ." But he reported to the Council, "You're
ouncil policy, e pecially in the early year, about cooperation till the fir t. "9
and interdisciplinary re earch turned out to be a delu ion.'
The earch continue, and reader are invited to
Eleanor C. I bell, the Council' taff a ociate participate in it and end in their re ults. I earched,
emeritu ,called the Wirth report to m attention, and but hardly exhau tively. The founding documents of
expre ed the view that there mu t be omething the ew chool for ocial Re earch have yet to be
mi ing in the record thu far e tabli hed between examined, a well a tho e of Yale Univer ity' In ti-
1930 and 1937. he believe that there mu t be un· tute of Human Relation, founded in 1929 for the
publi hed (or even publi hed) u e of the term during ex pre purpo e of breaking down di clplinary
the e year , eI e Loui Wirth would not have empha- boundarie . A nearly-forgotten 1927 book edited by
ized the word 0 much in hi 1937 report. 7 In hort, William F. Ogburn and Alexander A. Goldenwei er,
"much of the talk" mu t have been written down The ocial Science and Their Interrelations, 10 eem not
omewhere. to u e the word "interdi ciplinary," but what about
Unfortunately, the Wirth report wa never pub- the ource u ed by the author and editors? There i
Ii hed, and hi u e of "interdi ciplinary" cannot be a much re earch yet to be done.
true "fir t" in the e etymological Olympic. Later that A the Ru ian proverb ha it," ot finding a
needle in a hay tack i no proof." 0

5 'ocial cien e Re arch Council. ixlh AnnlU1l RtPort, 1929- Telephone conversation Wilh Frederick C. Mi h, editorial di-
1930, page I . rector, Merriam-Web ter, March II, 19 6.
• ocial ience Re earch Council. "Keport on the Hi tory, Ac- • Letter, Roberta Frank to David L. ill, February 21, 19 6.
tivitie and Policie of the Social ience Re earch Council." Pre- 10
80 ton: Houghton Mifflin, 1927.
par d by Loui Wirlh for the Committee on Review of Council
Policy. Mimeographed. Augu t 1937, page 145.
7 Letter, Eleanor C. I bell to David L. ill, February ~8, 19 6.


Council Personnel
Staff appointments ropolitan Mu eum of Art (New York); and he ha
taught at both Simmon College and Tuft Univer-
Richard H. Mo will join the Cou ncil taff on June ity. he ha conducted field re earch among the To-
1 t a a taff a ociate with re pon ibility for the raja of outhern Sulawe i (Celebe ), Indone ia. Her
Council' new program in foreign policy tudie . Thi book ba ed on thi field work, Feasts of Honor: Ritual
program, funded by a grant from the Ford Founda- and Change in the Toraja Highlands, wa publi hed by
tion, eek to extend re earch on foreign policy mak- the U niver ity of Illinoi Pre in 1985.
ing beyond its conventional focu on the executive
agencie of government. Mr. Mo will also erve on
the taff of the Program in International Peace and
Bryce Wood dies at 76
ecurity tudie, with particular re pon ibility for re-
earch planning activitie and evaluation. Bryce Wood, an executive a ociate emeritu of the
Mr. Mo ha been a consultant to the Council' Council, died of cancer in Wa hington, D.C. onJanu-
program in International Peace and ecurity tudie ary 23, 1986.
ince June 1984. Before coming to the Council, he Bryce joined the taff in 1950 and erved con-
worked a a program a ociate for Oxfam America in tinuou ly until hi retirement in 1973. He had re-
Harare, Zimbabwe; a taff editor of the Carnegie ceived a Ph.D. in political cience from Columbia
Endowment for International Peace; and a an a i- Univer ity and had taught at both Columbia and
tant on the taff of Senator Adlai E. Steven on III. warth more. He was the author of two major related
He received hi B.A. from Carleton College in 1977 book on Latin America: The Making of the Good
and i currently completing his doctoral di ertation at Neighbor PoLicy (1961) wa followed a generation later
Princeton Univer ity' Woodrow Wil on chool. by The D · mantling of the Good Neighbor PoLicy (1985).
Hi own re earch intere t have centered on Loui Wolf Goodman, of the Woodrow Wil on In-
action-reaction cycle and the role of misperception ternational Center for cholars in Wa hington (who
in creating and u taining international conflict. Hi had ucceeded Bryce a the Latin American taff
di ertation i a focu ed ca e com pari on of conflict member at the Council), wrote that the publication of
piral that a e e the relative importance of mi - Bryce' la t book on U.S. policy toward Latin Amer-
perception and other factor, uch a third-party ica "could not be more timely."
conflict and dome tic politic , in generating conflict Shortly after he retired from the Council, Bryce
between the United tate and the developing coun- helped to e tabli h and then to ad mini ter the
trie . Emergency Committee for Aid to Latin American
- oby Alice Volkman, an anthropologi t, will join Scholar , which under hi leader hip enabled many
X the Council taff on June 1 to erve primarily a taff refugee cholar from Chile and other military re-
for the joint committee on outh and outheast A ia. gime to continue their career in other countrie .
Her appointment will make it po ible for David L. The Council' foreign area committee flouri hed
zanton, who currently taff the e two committee , from the 1950 onward , and Bryce wa particularly
to devote him elf to three new committee : the Com- active in two of them: the Joint Committee o~ . Latjn
mittee on ew York City; the Joint Committee on the American Studie (1959- ) and the Joint Committee
Comparative Study of Mu lim ocietie; and the Ad- on Contemporary China (1959-81). A staff to the
vi ory Committee on International Program. committee on Political Behavior (1949-64) and
M . Volkman i currently oh the taff of Doc- Comparative Politic (1954-72), he contributed
umentary Educational Re ource (Watertown, Ma a- enormou ly to the ucce of the e notably productive
chu ett ), where he has done exten ive re earch and committee. Hi article on "Area tudie" in the Inter-
writing on ethnographic films. She received a B.A. in national Encyclopedia of the ocial ciences (1968) re-
art hi tory from the U niver ity of Chicago in 1969 main an authoritative tatement.
and a Ph.D. in anthropology from Cornell Univer ity Fir t and foremo t, Bryce wa a supportive friend
in 1980. he ha done archeological field work in and colleague to a generation of cholars. Lucian W.
France and in Alaska; she has worked in the publica- Pye, Ma achu etts In titute of Technology, recall
tion and Far Ea tern art departments of the Met- that he wa the "rna terful helping hand of all com-

MARCH 1986 19
mittee chairmen." Rob rt E. Ward, tan ford Uni- Famou for hi ta te in French re taurants and fine
er it , wrote that he can think of no one who wa wine, Bryce wa al 0 recalled for hi intere t and kill
"more dedicated, more ophi ticated, more effecti e in bird watching and in hiking on everal continent ;
in the taff role than Bryce." Jo eph LaPalombara, for ailing hi boat WhistLer in race on Long 1 land
Yale niver ity, recall that he ,a "a friend, cholar, ound; and for rowing hi DawdLer during three
amiable colleague, mediator extraordinary, and elf- 200-miJe trip in Puget ound.
Ie promoter of the interdi ciplinary cholarly Hi intere t in the ource of the place name on the
enterpri e." David B. Truman, formerly pre ident i land where he lived re ulted in hi writing an Juan
of Mt. Holyoke College, remember "the rich I Land: Coastal PLace Name and Cartographical Nomm-
friend hip that Br ce ga e u all." And abriel A. ciature during hi o-called retirement.
Almond, tan ford ni er it , recall that Bryce Through hi fine intelligence, hi boundle en-
pia ed a ignificant role "in the etting of tandard , ergy, and hi warm and collegial relation hip to com-
in the di covery of cutting edge , in the earch for mittee member , Bryce wa an exemplar of a Council
talent, and in the codification of re earch finding ." taff member.

Recent Council Publications

The fir t three paragraph of the bulletin provide a
Content u eful ummar :
" he 19 0 U. . cen u counted 3.5 million A ian
A ian Amnicans: Growth, Change, and Diver: ity, b
Rob rt W. Gardner, Bryant Robey, and Peter American, up from 1.4 million in 1970. A ian
mith (page 20) American made up ju t 1.5 percent of the total U ..
Chine e Rural Droelopmmt: The Great Transfonnalion, population of 226.5 million a of April 1, 19 0, but
edit d by William L. Pari h (page 21) thi wa the third large t racial or ethnic minority
The Comparative Evaluation of Longitudinal urvty, b after black (26.5 million and 11.7 P rcent of the
Robert F. Boruch and Robert W. Pear on (page 21) total) and Hi panic (14.6 million, 6.4 percent of the
A Guide to Univer: ity Based Graduate Training Progrm total). A ian increa ed far more during the 1970
in oviet Inlnnational Behavior (page 22) (141 percent) than black (17 percent) or Hi panic
Relationship and Droelopmml, edited by Willard W. (39 percent), although Hi panic added the mo t
Hartup and Zick Rubin (page 23) number of the three minoritie .
"Taking into account natural increa e (birth minu
death ) and continuing immigration, e p cially of
Asian Americans: Growth, Change, and Diversity, refugee from outhea t A ia, we e timate the A ian
by Rob rt W. Gardner, Bryant Robey, and Peter American population at 5.1 million a of eptember
mith. Ba ed upon re earch pon ored by the om- 30, 19 5, about 2.1 p rcent of the orne 239 million
mittee for Re earch on the 19 0 Cen u . Volume 40, total U. . population a of thi date. The gain of
umber 4 of the Population Builetin, October 19 5. 44 nearl 50 percent in the five and a half year ince the
page. Paper, 4.00. Available from the Population 19 0 cen u reaffirm A ian American ' tatu a cur-
Reference Bureau, 2213 "M" treet, .W., Wa h- rently the U . .' fa te t growing minority. Barring
ington, D. . 20037. ub tantial change in U .. immigration law, A ian
American could total 9.9 million by the year 2000
he three author of thi bulletin are all member and approach 4 percent of the U. . population.
of the Ea t- We t Population In titute, Ea t- We t " he e new re idents are having an impact on thi
Center (Honolulu). he tabulation on which the countr that far exceed their number , yet Ameri-
bull tin i ba ed were prepared for a monograph on can know urpri ingl little about them. a group,
ian American pon ored b the ouncil' Com- A ian American do not re emble other racial or
mittee for Re earch on the 19 0 Cen u . Me r. ethnic minoritie . Le well known i the fact that
Gardner and mith are coauthor of the monograph, A ian American vary widely in their characteri tic
along with Herbert Barringer, Univer ity of Hawaii, according to their cultural origin and when they
and Michael Levin, U. . Bureau of the Cen u . arrived in the U. ."

20 VOL ME 40, MBER 1

Chinese Rural Development: The Great Trans- The Comparative Evaluation of Longitudinal Sur-
formation, edited b William L. Pari h. pon ored by veys, by Robert F. Boruch and Robert W. Pear on. A
the joint Committee on Chine e tudie. Armonk, Report ubmitted to the Measurement Method and
• ew York and London: M. E. harpe, 19 5. vii + 27 Data Improvement Program of the National ' ience
page.. loth, 30.00; paper, 14.95. Foundation under the au pice of the Working
Group on the Comparative Evaluation of Longitudi-
The paper in thi volume were fir t pre ent d at a
nal urvey. ew York: ocial cience Re earch
conferen e on "Bureaucrac and hine e Rural De-
Council, 19 5. v + 78 page. Available from the
velopment" held in 19 1 under the spon or hip of
Council on reque t. 2.00 to cover po tage and
the joint ommittee on ontemporary hina, one of
the predece 'or committees of the joint ommittee
on Chinee tudie , which i pon ored by the oun-
There ha emerged in recent ear a growing con-
ei) and the American ouncil of Learned ocietie.
cern about the u e of relativel large national lon-
In th la t decade, a Chine e agriculture ha
gitudinal urve (i.e., repeated ob ervations of the
moved rapidl from collective to family farming,
arne per on or other init through time). Thi con-
there ha been a tremendou purt in production and
cern ari e in part from a heightened en itivit to the
income. Thi b ok, including report b everal of the
dimini hed upport for new data collection program
few We tern cholar privileged to ob erve this pro-
within the U .. federal tati tical tern and the in-
cess fir thand, comments critically both on pa t
crea ing competition throughout the re earch and
problems that helped create the recent chan e and
policy communitie for what have undoubtedl al-
on the full range of cau e and con equence of the e
way been carce re ource for re earch. The concern
transformation .
with longitudinal urve a a t 01 for under tandin
Although the author di ClI in con iderable detail
the effect of ocial program or for the advancement
the much heralded impact of private incentive, they
of fundamental knowledge in the ial cience al 0
go bond the e to e amine the whole array of other
ari e from a concern that inve tment in the e data
aspect ' of government policy-price, planting
colle tion pr gram have been uncoordinated and
quota ', material upplie, and loan - orne of which
that many uch urvey unnece. arily overlap one
remain Ie s than ideal. The complex con equence of
the new policie , including more income equalit than
De pite the e concern , there have yet to be devel-
would be expected but a 10 of orne ocial benefit
oped tool for evaluating the relative or comparative
that may make the n w program unpopular among
value of longitudinal urvey ' and criteria b which
certain public con tituencie , are al 0 analyzed.
more intelligent deci ion can be made with re pe t to
fhe contributor and their paper are:
whether an ongoing urvey-in com pari on to other
\far Blecher, Oberlin College
urve - hould be continued or terminated.
"Balance and leavage in rban-Rural Relation"
~teven B. Butl r, In titute of Current World ffair (Sali bury At pre ent, the choice of u er and pon ors f
Conn cti ut) , longitudinal urvey are not informed by a rich
"Price i, or and ommune dministration in Po t-Mao under tanding of the comparative advanta e and
China" weakne e ' of alternative data et or alternative ur-
'orma Diamond, niver ity of 1i higan ve de ign. or do user and pon ' r kn w how
"I aitou Revi ited: ' tate Policie and ocial hange"
'ichola R. Lard}, niver it of Wa hingLon
be t to mana e thee large inve 'tment in re earch, or
"~t,lte Intervention and Pea ant pportunities" the condition under which thee intrument pro-
\,inol ce, niver ity of California, anta Barbara duce the large t benefit to the development of cience
"Pea ant Hou ehold Individualism" or to public p lic. learl, legitimate repli ati n rna
William 1.. Pari. h, niver ity of hicago be hard to di tingui h from what 'ome pon or ee a
"Introduction: Hi\torical Ba kground and Current I sue"
\f,uk ~ lden, State niver it of . ew York, Binghamton
unnece ar redundanc. Alth ugh reliance on a
"Income Inequality and the 'tate" ingle data ource invite bia 'ed or inconcluive re-
J()nathan nger, 'niversity of Kan a ults, inve 'tment in imilar or equivalent data 'erie
"Remun ration, Ideology, and Pel' onal Intel'e ts in a hinee are likel to ield dimini 'hing return '. More impor-
\'illage, 1960-19 0" tant, similar data or different anal e of the 'ame
I homa B. Wien., Wa\hingLon, D. .
data have been known to produce perplexingly dif-
.. Pm el t\ and Progres in the Huang and H uai River Ba in "
I).l\id Zweig, 'niver it} of Waterloo (Ontario)
ferent re ult . Put briefl ,ea h additional in trument
"Pca ants, Ideology, and :'IIew Incentive ' tem: Jiang u ma not I ad to an equally \'aluable increment in
PI ()\ ince, I9i8-I9 I" knowledge.

~I\K( II 19 6 21
In January 1984, the ouncil' Committee on data collection i conceived a only part of the proce
Problem and Poli y appointed a Working Group on through which longitudinal urvey can b tran lated
th Comparative Evaluation of Longitudinal urvey into a richer under tanding of people, organization,
to giv att ntion to the and related que tion a they and their interaction; and (4) the y tematic tudy of
p rtain to the relatively large national longitudinal the co ts of different means of data collection.
survey in which the U .. federal tati tical commu-
nity ha d vot d con id rable re ource and on whi h /
many ial ienti t rely for their analy e of ocial
and economic change. The working group wa com- A Guide to University Based Graduate Training
po d of Robert F. Boruch, orthwe tern Univer ity, Programs in Soviet International Behavior. cond
chair; Ri hard A. Berk, niver ity of California, Edition. Prepared und r the au pice of the ub-
anta Barbara; Donald Hillman, Lehigh Univ r ity; committee on For ign Policy tudie of th Joint
an Laird, lIar ard niver ity; and Martin H. ommittee on ovi t Studie. ew York: ial ci-
David, Univer ity of Wi con in. Robert W. Pear on ence Re earch ouncil, January 1986. Paper, free.
rved a taff. The program of the working group Available from the oun it.
wa upported by a grant from the National ci nce
Foundation' Program for Measurement Method The univer itie Ii ted in this guide were el ct d
and Data Improvement. on the ba i of di cu ion with both cholar in the
The working group recently ompleted i ta k by field and repre entative of univer itie off ring
ubmitting thi report to th Foundation. The report graduate program in Ru ian and ovi t tudie.
con Iud that judging the comparativ value of lon- The 17 univer itie are in luded becau th y ati fy
gitudinal urvey i an intractable ta, k. The qu tion at lea t three of the following criteria: they grant a
of whether one longitudinal sur ey i "better" (Ie certificate ba ed on the completion of a formal pro-
co tly, more informative, Ie . ambiguou) than an- gram; they offer a numb r of cour e in the oviet
other i not a que tion for which a ati factory an wer foreign policy field; they include a minimum of one
or valuation technology exi ts. The an wer depend p rmanent faculty m mb r who e primary re earch
on a great variety of fa tor, many of which cannot b intere t is in oviet foreign p licy; and within the la t
known in advance of the collection of the data itself. fiv year, their graduate have written di rtation
Moreover, the rep rt attempts to how that even the in the field of oviet foreign policy. Th guid
u e of po t hoc compari. n of uch information a updat d annually.
the number of r ulting publication i fraught with The universitie who graduate training program
diffi ulty. are d crib dare th niver ity of California,
The report argue, h wever, that the e difficulti Berkeley; the Univer ity of alifornia, Lo Angel /
ugge t that the que tion itself may be inappropriate, Rand Graduate In titute; Columbia Univer ity;
although not the underlying concern that motivate Georg town University; Harvard niv r ity; the
its a king. Indeed, criteria exi ,t for evaluating the University of Illinoi ; Indiana Univer ity; the niv r-
potential u e and u fuln of parti ular longitudi- ity of Kan a ; the University of Mi higan; Ohio tate
nal ur eys (or other data olle ti n de ign ). And th Univer ity; Princeton ni er ity; tan ford
report offer, in Parl II, tandard by which the value sity; Tufts Uni er ity; th Univer ity of Virginia;
of parti ular urvey may b e aluated. Gorge Wa hington niver ity; and the Univer ityof
The que tion with whi h the report conclude i Wa hington.
how one can impro e th u e and u efulne of I n- Th Joint om mitt e on Soviet tudie wa ap-
gitudinal urvey in the social cienc . Although the pointed in January 1983 by the Council and the
que tion i not ea ilyanswer d, the report argue that Am rican Council of Learned ocietie in respons to
th program through whi h this improvement would initiative. from, and after exten ive con ultation
likel com about includ s (1) re earch that would with, . cholars representing the ommuniti of 'Ia ic
permit a b tt r under tanding of the ocial proc ' e and '0 i t studi " Its central charge i the dey lop-
that imitat formal ,'andom allocation or at lea t pro- ment of the field of Russian and '0 iet tudie ' in it
du e th arne re ults; (2) test! of the fea ibility of blOad ·t en, : the 'limulation of re earch, the re-
combining longitudinal with e p rimental rear h cruitment and training of new talent, and the
de 'ign (the report include, a epa rate tion which , tr ngthening of holarl resource.
di us e ' thi recommendation in detail); (3)upport rhe 19 5-19 6 memb rship of the Sub ommitte
of elf-consciou Iy designed obs rvatori in which on Foreign P licy ' tudi is Rob rt L gold, Colum-

22 VOl. \1E 40, lJ 1BfR I

bia Univer ity, chair; Lawrence T. Caldwell, Occi- environment and the urrounding culture; the ways
dental College; Arnold Horelick, Rand Corporation in which relation hip are embedded in complicated
(Santa Monica, California); Stephen Meyer, Ma a- ocial network ; and the ways in which relation hip
chu. ett In titute of Technology; Mar hall hulman, are altered a children them elve change and de-
Columbia Univer ity; and William Zimmerman, IV, velop. Thi volume attempt to correct the lack of
niversity of Michigan. Blair A. Ruble erve a taff. fresh perspective in the tudy of children' ocial
relation hips and pre ents a wide range of new and
relevant re earch.
InJune 1982, the Committee on Social and Affec-
Relationships and Development, edited by Willard tive Development During Childhood spon ored an
W. Hartup and Zick Rubin. Papers from a conference interdi ciplinary conference on "Relation hips: Their
spon 'ored by the Committee on ocial and Affective Role in Children's Development." he conference,
Development During Childhood (1976-85). Hill- organized by the editor of this volume, was held at
dale, New Jer ey: Lawrence Erlbaum As ociate , . Harwich Port, Ma achu etts, on Cape Cod. Theori ts
1986. xv + 219 page. Cloth, 27.50. and re earchers repre enting a wide range of di ci-
pline and perspective were invited to participate.
It ha become a trui m that the ocial and emotional Thi volume i based on idea that were fir t rai ed
development of children emerge from their relation- and debated at that conference.
hip to other people, e pecially parents, ibling, Many of the contributors have been deeply in-
teacher, and friend. The central importance of volved in re earch on child development, from in-
the'e relation hip ha been a umed by mo t major fancy through adole cence, while other have con-
theoretical approaches to child development. Psy- ducted their re earch mainly with adults. They repre-
choanalytic theory, for example, view children's ent the di ciplines of biology, clinical p ychology,
early relation -hip with their parent a the primary developmental psychology, ocial anthropology, 0-
determinant of personality development. Concep- cial psychology, and ociology. They al 0 have been
tions of attachment, as elaborated by John Bowlby identified with a wide range of methodological
and others, empha ize the importance of the child' orientation, including ethology, qualitative ob erva-
'ocial world. The importance of children's ocial re- tion and ethnography, clinical interview, que tion-
lation hip i a umed by parents, educators, and naire tudie, laboratory experiments, and the quan-
other individual concerned with child care. Parents titative analy i of interaction equence. Mo t impor-
and teacher are highly attuned to their children's tantly, each contributor ha a perspective on social
social adjustment-"getting along" or "relating"- relation hip that may help to advance our under-
not only becau e it contribute to a peaceful home or standing of children' relation hip as well a their
'chool but al 0 becau e it enriches the child' ocial social and emotional growth.
and emotional growth. Taken together, the contribution to thi volume
De pite thi univer al acknowledgment of the cen- provide a u eful beginning for new con ideration of
tral role of ocial relationship in children' matura- the nature and dynamic of children's ocial relation-
tion, tho e who tudy ocial and emotional develop- hips and of the role that the e relation hip play in
ment have applied relatively limited conceptual and children' development.
methodological approache to the tudy of early social
The contributors to the volume are:
interaction. There ha been con iderable re earch on
the nature of parent- infant relation hips, and more Ellen Ber cheid niver ity of Minne ota
June Flee on niver ity of Minne ota
recently a renewal of interest in children' peer re-
Willard W. Hartup niver ity of Minne ota
lation hip , but for the mo t part tudents of devel- Robert A. Hinde niverity of Cambridge
opment have taken the e relation hip for granted. Joan Steven on-Hinde niver ity of amhridge
They have not y tematically explored the variou George Levinger niverity of Ma sachu etts
dimen:ions of children' relation hip: the nature of Gerald R. Patter 'on Oregon 'ocial Learning enter
the measurement of uch variables as intimacy, (Eugen )
Zick Rubin Brandei niversity
hierarchy, reciprocity, and loyalty; the way in which
L. Ian roufe niver ity of Minne ota
pecific encounters or interaction are organized in Barrie rhorne Michigan 'tate niver ity
relation hip over time; the ocial and emotional re- Thoma S. Weiner niver ity of California, Lo
ource' provided by the e relation hip ; the way in ngele
which the:e relation hip are haped by the phy ical Robert '. Weiss niver ity of rfas achu ett

1 RCII 19 6 23
605 fHIRD AVE!': E., EW YORK, ' .Y. 1015

Tht Coullcil wa\ ilicorpOmltd III lilt Sialt oJ l/IillOll, Dtctmbtr 27, /924, Jor Iht PWpolt oJ adt'allcillg rt tarch ill Iht ooal citllcts. NOlIgovtmmtlllal alld
IIlltrdiICipllllary ill Iwlurt, tht CowlCiI appolllu cOlnllullttl oJ <cholan which ttl! 10 achitvt Iht COUIICil'1 purpolt Ihrough 1M gtlltmlioll oJ Iltw idta! alld tht Imillillg 0/
Icholan. Tht aclit'ilit.! oJ Iht Coullcil art lupporttd primaril) by grallt! Jrom both pm'alt Joulldalion! alld govtmmtlll agtllClt .

DII·tcIO~, 19 ~ 6: RICII RD . BIKK, 'niH:rity of C.. lifornia, ant.. B.. rbar<l; ' n .PII ... s E. FIE'II8ERG, Carnegie-:\iellon Univer ity; How, R()
G.\R()'EK, Veteran dminiMr<ltion \fedk.ll Center (Bo ton); E. MAVI~ HErIlEKI,(.ro" niversity of Virginia; CII KtE' O. jO'E', niver It} of
irginia; R081KI W. K \ IE'. lark t 'ni\el it)'; ('''KD'IR LI'DlE\, Center for dvanced 'tudy in the B havioral ience; HC(.H T. P TRICK, Columbia
nh'el ity; jO''''''11 A. PI.CII\I " fhe Blooking In titution (Wa hington, D.C.);\OH F. SII.VEK\f s, fhe Graduate Center, City Univer it} of '\ew
YOI k; Rooolto TAUSIIA( ..... , EI Colegio de :\1eico; 'TEPIIE' M. 'TI(.UK, ni\er it} of Chicago; FK.\'l/CI" X. l nos, ' ocial ience Re earch
Council; Lon.... . fill \" ew hool for Social Re~ealch; 'lO,n lK8, Harv<lrd Univer ity; HER8UT F. YOKK, Univer it of California, 'an Diego,
O//ictn alld SlaJf: FKA'CI\ X. ' 1 nos, Aclillg P".lidmt; D.\\ I\) L.III', E.\tcillivt A~IQ(lalt; RO'AIO J. Prl ECK, COlllrolltr; V/K(.I'I FEl'RY-(, (.'0',
AWllflllllo lilt Prtlldml; jo.\, DA"I', P. IKIIOKO' DI \\1\Sool KO', Y '\\\lSE EKC,\\,:\1 Krlt . GlPII\K r, ROBERT W. PE K\OS, RI II Rll C. ROCKWEll.,
BI \IR \. Rl'81 E, Lo 'II , II R. II ... KROIl, D,\\ II) l.. ~J''' TO'l/.

24 VOL ME 40, ~l'MBER 1

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