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Alexandra Rodriguez

Dr. Loren Higbee

English 1301-114

05 October 2021

Different Magazines

Many people do not realize the many different kinds of communities there are around the

world. There are more than one million kinds of groups; a few of those include beauty, fitness,

and fashion. Magazines can be a form of communication within the beauty, fitness, and fashion

communities. Although they are similar in many aspects, they differ in many ways as well;

however, this does not stop them from reaching out to many individuals with the same interests.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all related in one way or another. The magazine

Christians use to try and inform the public about their religion is called “Christianity Today”. It

is a form of publication that allows anyone to become enlightened with the word of their God. It

is a magazine that is described as a “mainstream evangelical magazine” by The New York Times.

The Judaism magazine is called “Reform Judaism”. They publish on ways one can come together

as a community to make a difference and become a better person by converting to their religion.

Lastly, the Islam magazine that helps further the knowledge of their religion is the “The Islamic

Monthly” magazine. All of these were written for the purpose to inform the public about how

great and welcoming their community is. They publish that they host fundraisers for different

kinds of events to help those in need, and to gain publicity for their church and religion.

Magazines play a major role when it comes to communication within communities. They help us

become aware of what is going on around the world or within a big city or state. Furthermore, it
helps in expanding our vocabulary when we communicate with others about topics we might not

be so familiar with.

A few similarities with the way magazines help provide a means of communication with

different communities is by stating why one should convert to their specific religion. They all try

to publish as frequently as they can to remain relevant and add publicity to their church. Many

can add to the magazine if they desire, so others can further familiarize themselves with others’

personal experiences with the religion. Additionally, they know they must be relatable in order

for individuals to buy their products and support their church. They must make an attention

grabber at the cover of the page to intrigue individuals to look over to their magazine, want to

pick it up, and read more into it. They all began by publishing their religious proceedings during

the Second Great Awakening in America during the mid-1820s to provide a sense of comfort to

Americans during the hard times. There were many citizens who felt the need to repent for their

sins; resulting in more people converting to their religion of choice; the most popular one was

Christianity. Furthermore, they all make everything positive because of their belief that the world

is God’s activity, meaning they should be happy and feeling blessed that their God has made and

provided humans and animals with everything they need. They must also act accordingly to what

their bible tells them by not sinning, and they all believe in eternal salvation with their God in the

after life.

Continuing, a few differences between the religious magazines is how they reach out to

different audiences and different tactics on how to convince them to join their religious group.

All these forms of faiths have different dates when they were formed. Because of this, not many

people are familiar with the many different religions there are around the world. “Christianity

Today” has a lot more people who purchase their magazines because of how popular the religion
is here in the United States. It is widely read around the world and continues to grow as time

goes on. Despite the Christian magazine being the most popular and widely read, Judaism is the

oldest monotheistic religion there is. Not only is their magazine useful in guiding adults to the

right path, but it is also kid friendly and shows lots of cartoon like drawings. They believe their is

no other God but their own, which is why they really enforce the religion on you to try and get

you to the great religion. Because of their magazine, they are able to let other communities know

what goes on within their religion and how they live their lives with peace, knowing that they

will get eternal salvation when their time comes. Unlike the God from the Christian religion,

Judaisms believe their God revealed himself to the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life.

Unlike the other magazines that are published with paper, the Islam magazine is an online

publication. It was the most recent publication which was in 2011. They like to describe

themselves as an independent magazine that covers topics about many things happening around

the world and not just about their religion. Many people have become intrigued by this concept,

so even if they are not into the religion, they still view the magazine to get news on what is going

on around the country. They also talk about issues related to Muslims in our modern times. It

was later published as a paper magazine however did not do as well as the online copy.

In ending, despite the many religions there are around the world, many people continue to

chose to follow what they believe is correct, but still have an open mind to the different religions

there are. There could be many similarities and differences within just a few communities. The

magazine which is their form of communication can really give us an insight into just how great

their religion can be.

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