Ass 3 Elie Abboud MGT 429

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Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences

Notre Dame University-Louaize Computer Science Department

Assignment #3

Submitted for:
Course# MGT 429
Section: A
Instructor: Dr. Atef Harb
Date: 9/21/2021

Submitted by:
Student ID Name Major
20181209 Elie Abboud BS in BC - MIS

1) What are the major pros and cons for a company to move to produce in
other countries like China?

Apple produces major of its products in China since there is many pros or
positives, some are:
-China’s massive industrial infrastructure.
-China’s availability of a large, affordable, and skilled labor.
-Low cost of production.
-The ability of Chinese manufacturers to automate production lines.
-China’s geographical position near suppliers.

Some of those pros leads to some other cons or negatives, which include:
-Language difficulty for communication.
-Quality control decrease when huge amounts are being produced.
-Some legal issues and paperwork. (Becoming more sophisticated because of
politics; example: sanctions)
-Outsourcing production thus decreasing available job opportunities for the
work force in the home country.

2) How do inferior workers conditions and education influence the efficiency

of production for the company?

Workers in China work 40 hours per week, with one rest day per week. They
are being exposed for dangerous working conditions and threaten their health
because of poor safety measures. Low wages and excessive overtime also have
a huge influence on the workers condition and efficiency. The excessive and
repetitive work workers do over and over again in production lines leads to the
inefficiency of workers, in other words, they work like machines. That’s why
with time, they get demotivated thus decrease efficiency and productivity.

3) How could each of the 10 operations management decisions apply to

operation decision making of your company?

1. Design of Goods and Services. The decision area of operations management is applied based
on market research, trends and forecasting.

2. Quality Management. Quality decisions areas are usually applied through testing, minimal
errors, and user involvement.

3. Process and Capacity Design. Some big manufacturing companies outsources some stages of
production for another company, thus, the outsources company make decisions on process and
capacity design.

4. Location Strategy. This is starting to be a less of a consideration for big manufacturers

because of the internet. Everything is starting to get distributed via the internet.

5. Layout Design and Strategy. This is mostly based on creativity and efficiency. Firms usually
develop strategy and design through innovative and creative work environments.

6. Human Resources and Job Design. This decision area is mainly in operations management is
mainly emphasis on smartness and excellence in employees. Companies prefer smart and
social employees that are creative and work as a group.

7. Supply Chain Management. For this decision area of operations management, the company
analyzes inventory records to predict demand and inform suppliers and original equipment

8. Inventory Management. Companies mainly uses automation to monitor and control

inventory. Thus, decisions are made from reports and follow up.

9. Scheduling. In this decision-making aspect, many companies are starting to automate certain
processes. Companies monitors the productivity levels and makes sure they are on schedule.

10. Maintenance. Decision making for maintenance is mainly done by the team or department.
This team must keep everything running smoothly and enhance other decision areas.


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