Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi

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Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (Sheikh

Ahmad Sirhindi) Irfan Jafar


)ؒ‫رضحتدجمدافلثاین(خیشادمحرسدنہی‬ Islamic

Hazrat Mujadid Alif Sani was a great Muslim saint

and mystic of the Naqshbandia order. He challenged
the might of Akbar, the great Mughal emperor, to
re-establish to glory of Islam which had been
gravely threatened by the anti-Islamic trends of
‫رضحتدجمدافلثاین کایمیظعاملسمنوصیفاوردنبشقنہیہلسلسےکرامنہےھت۔وہنجںےناربکیکطلغ‬
Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi)
‫رضحتدجمدافلثاین(ادمحرسدنہی) اکاعترف‬
 Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani, whose real name was Sheikh Ahmad title name was
baddrudin a descendant of the second pious Caliph Hazrat Umar Ibn Al Khatab for
which he was also referred as Farooqi. He was a prominent disciple of Khawaja
Baqi Billah, an eminent saint of the Naqshabandia spiritual order. Sheikh Ahmad
was drawn into mysticism by his father. Sheikh Abd-al-Ahad, a prominent Sufi and
scholar. He received Khilafat from his father in the Chishtiya and Suhurwrdiya
spiritual orders. He is popularly known as Mujadid-i-Afli-i-Sani (Receiver of Islam
during the second Millenium). Sheikh Ahmad was born on June 26, 1564 at Sirhind,
the Capital of Eastern Punjab during Mughal rule.
‫اوربقلدبرادلنی۔آپاک‬،‫ ءوکرشمیقاجنپبےکداراوکحلمرسدنہںیمدیپاوہےئ۔آپاکامسابمرکادمح‬1564‫ وجن‬26‫رضحتدجمدافلثاینےن‬ 
‫آپ‬،‫ ںیمآپےنرضحتوخاہجثایقثاہللےکاہھترپتعیبیک۔اورہلسلسدنبشقنہیںیمدالخوہےئگ‬1599‫ہلسلسبسنرضحترمعافروقؓےساجاتلمےہ۔‬
‫ایااسیرچاغوہاگ۔سجےس ک‬
‘‘‫ایاہجںونمروہاگ‬ ‫رضحتخیشادمح ک‬ 
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ک‬
‫ایاصحملعبررگوعبمثفرامےتںیہوجاسدنیوکایناورثازہرکےاگ۔رضحترمعنبدبع‬ ‫آثےہہکاہللاعتیلٰہرہراراسلہکدعب ک‬
‫ااحدیابمرہکںیم ا‬ 
‫ںیموافتثایئ۔‬1624‫ازعلبےکدعبدورسےہراراسلےکدجمدخیشادمحرسدنہیںیہ۔آپےنمیلعتاےنپرہشرسدنہاورایسوکلٹےساحلصیک۔آپےن‬ ‫کر‬
 Opposition of Din-i-Ilahi:‫دنیا ہ ٰییکاخمتفل‬
‫ کثاوتدیحالہیےکثامےس ک‬،‫ ںیمدنیالہی‬1582‫(اربکثادشاہےن‬
 )‫ایایندنیاجریا‬

 Social Reforms:‫امسیجاالصاحت‬
 Reforms in Tasawaf(Spirituality): ‫رواحن) یکاالصاحت‬‫ک‬ (‫وصتف‬
 Purgation of Muslim Society: ‫ملسماعمرشہیکاالصح‬

 Struggle Against Atheism: :‫ااحلدےکالخفخدودہج‬

 Reformation of Nobles: ‫ارماءیکاالصح‬

 Emphasis on Islamic Values: ‫االسیموقانیناورادقاراکرپاچر‬

 Two Nation Theory: ‫دووقیمرظنہی‬

 Wahdat-ul-Wajud and Wahdat-ul-Shahud ‫رظنہیودحتاولوجداورودحتاوہشلد‬
 Struggle Against Jehangir's Policies:‫اہجریگنیکثاوسیلںےکالخفخدودہج‬

 Struggle during Imprisonment:: ‫دیقےکدورانخدودہج‬

The Influence of Sheikh Ahmad’s Efforts
 The efforts of Sheikh Ahmad to purify the religious and practical life of the
Muslims left an indelible impact on the history of Muslim India. Allama Iqbal
poetphilosopher of the East has paid rich tributes to Sheikh Ahmad in one of his
poems for refusing to perform the act of prostration before the emperor. Allama
Iqbal considers him as the spiritual guardian of the Muslims of India. His movement
for the cause of Islam gave a new life to the Muslims and is regarded as the call
back of Muhammad, which left far-reaching impact in religious and practical
‫ خیشادمحیکاملسمونںیکذمیبہاوریلمعزدنیگوکثاکرکےنیکوکوششںےنملسمدنہواتسنیکثارخیرپاٹمنابرات‬
‫ااکنررکےن‬‫ےس‬ ‫رکےن‬ ‫دجسہ‬ ‫اسےنم‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫اشنہش‬ ‫ںیم‬ ‫رعش‬ ‫وھچڑے۔العہماابقلشارعرشمقےکیفسلفےناےنپ ک‬
 Sheikh Ahmad, till the last breath of his life continued with the propagation of Islam. He
drew a distinction between Islam and atheism. He considerably prevailed upon Jehangir to
alter his religious view and abandon his father‟s religious policies. Jehangir under the
influence of Mujadi‟s preaching, order Khutaba (holy sermon) to be recited and cow
slaughter to be carried out as required by Islamic principles, Jehangir also agreed to the
construction of a big mosque on the advice of Mujadid. Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani was the most
powerful religious personality in the history of India. He was a widely read scholar and a
magnetic orator. He got an opportunity in a liberal atmosphere in Jehangir‟s reign to use his
powerful pen to denounce Akbar‟s religious innovations. Mujadid Alf Sani was the only
individual in the history of India who opposed Akbar and thereby invited his wrath. He is
considered as the pioneer of Muslim Self-assertion by denouncing un-Islamic practices. In
short Hazrat Mujadid-e-Alafsani checked the pressure of non Islamic customs, converted a
great number of Hindus to Islam, provided pure Islamic teachings and eradicated the wrong
ideas of so called Mystics. We can say that he was the first person who understood the Hindu
amalgamation in Islam and purified it.

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