Course Profile: I. General Information

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A. Subject : Language Assessment and Test Development
Code : TBI 540 (compulsory content course)
Credit / Hours :4/4
Depart. /Study Program : Tarbiyah / Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Semester :V
Day / Time / Room : Class F and G; Online

B. Instructor : Ima Fitriyah, M.Pd.

Address : Ngunut, Tulungagung
Phone Number : 082234761889
E-mail :
Consultation : at the office or by appointment


The course is designed to provide a broad overview of the major principles involved
in foreign language testing and assessment to the students with the topics on language
assessment, test development and rethinking assessment. The focus is on both the theoretical
and practical issues in testing and assessment. In this course, the students will learn the
purposes, methods in English language testing, the way in developing language test and
current issues in language testing. The subject also examines English language assessment
including proficiency and placement tests, high-stakes standardized testing, and traditional
and non-traditional assessment. It also examines testing techniques and procedures and test
types of English language skills (e.i. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and language
components (grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary). This subject emphasizes the general
principals of English language test construction and administration. Students are provided
with practical experience in preparing, correcting, analyzing and assessing language tests as
well as administering a language test online.


By the end of this course, the students are expected to have knowledge and skills of
language testing. They can analyze, construct, and administer a test for English language
skills and language components which are very important for them as candidate teachers.
Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
 Understand the key concepts and the basic principles of language testing and assessment.
 Be aware of new issues in language assessment
 Criticize the relationship of testing to teaching practice and syllabus design.
 Understand approaches and techniques in language test development and validation.
 Evaluate and analyze a test format in terms of purpose and appropriateness.
 Construct and design a test for a specific skill.


In line with the main characteristics of this course, the activities are mostly in the
form of a brief lecture/explanation on the topics to be covered, presentation, group work or
students’ discussion of the topics.The activities are done online, except for the very urgent
thing, it can be done offline. The assignments are in the form of analyzing the quality of an
authentic test in a certain level of school (SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, or university
level) and developing/constructing a good test for a certain level of school individually.



Language Rethinking
Testing assessment / online

Theory of LT LT in Practice LT on English LT on English

Components Skills
administering, interpreting Grammar Speaking
Vocabu- Listening
and using test result: test + writing
lary test + reading
Characteristics of a good test


1 1.1 Introduction to the course Course Outline and Learning Contract
The Purpose of Testing
1.2 Introduction to Language Testing TAME, Testing and Teaching
Testing: Language Areas and Skills
2 2.1 Assessment and Teaching Informal and Formal Assessment
Formative and Summative
Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced
2.2 Current Issues in language testing Assessment for learning, Assessment as
Learning, Assessment of Learning
Online Assessment and its effect
Cheating and how to minimize it

3 3.1 Approaches to Language Testing Essay-translation approach
Structuralist approach
Integrative approach
Communicative approach / Communicative
Language Testing
Discrete-Point and Integrative Testing
Performance-Based Assessment
3.2 Classroom Language Tests(1) Subjective Test
Objective Test
4 4.1 Classroom Language Tests(2) Language Aptitude Test (LAT)
Proficiency Test
Placement Test
Diagnostic Test
Achievement Test
Multiple Choice
4.2 Classroom Language Tests(3)
5 5.1 Characteristic of Good Test Validity
5.2 Interpreting test scores Item Difficulty
Item Discrimination
Introduction to Assessment Google form, Socrative, Quizizz, Hot Pottato
6 Platform etc
6.2 Mid Test
7 7.1 Developing a test (Theory) The stages in constructing a test
Test of Specification TOS
7.2 Scoring Methods Holistic scoring
Analytic scoring
8. 8.1 Assessing Listening The importance of listening skill
· Basic types of listening
· Micro and Macro-Skills of listening
· Designing Assessment tasks
a. intensive listening
b. responsive listening
c. selective listening
d. extensive listening
8.2 Practice
9 9.1 Assessing Speaking Basic Types of Speaking
Micro and Macro skills of speaking
· Designing Assessment tasks
a. imitative Speaking
b.responsive Speaking
c. Interactive Speaking
d.extensive Speaking
9.2 Practice
10 10.1 Assessing Reading · types (genre) of Reading
· Micro and Macro skills and strategies for
· Designing Assessment tasks
a. Perceptive Reading
b. Selective Reading
c. Interactive Reading
d. extensive Reading
10.2 Practice
11 11.1 Assessing Writing types (genre) of Written language
· Type of writing Performance
· Micro and Macro skills of writing
· Designing Assessment tasks
a. Imitative Writing
b. Intensive Writing
c. Responsive Writing
d. Extensive Writing
11.2 Practice
12 12.1 Assessing Language Component Assessing grammar
Assessing vocabulary
12.2 Practice
13 13.1 Designing Test Set the Objectives
13.2 Test of Specification

Design, select, and arrange test tasks/ item

Evaluate the items
Specify Scoring Procedures And Report The
Evaluate the test

Expert Validation
Pretest The Material
Analyze The Pretest Result
14 14.1 Designing Test (Practice) Set The Objectives
Test Specification
14.2 Designing Test (Practice) Design, Select, And Arrange Test Tasks/ Item
15 15.1 Designing Test (Practice) Evaluate The Items
Specify Scoring Procedures And Report The
15.2 Designing Test (Practice) expert validation
16 16.1 Designing Test (Practice) pretest the material
16.2 Designing Test (Practice) analyze the pretest result
17 Final term Submitting of Final Project

Bachman, Lyle F. 1990. Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing. Oxford
University Press.
Brown, H.D. 2004. Language Assessment, Principles and Classroom Practices. San
Francisco: Longman.
Brown, J.D. 1996. Testing in Language Programs. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
Djiwandono, Sunardi. 1996. Tes Bahasa dalam Pengajaran. Bandung: ITB.
Haris, David. 1969. Testing English as Second Language. New York: McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company, Ltd.
Heaton, J.B. 1988. Writing English Language Test. England: Longman Group, Ltd.
Fulcher, Glenn and Fred Davidson. 2007. Language Testing and Assessment. New York:
Weir , Cyril J. 2005. Language Testing and Validation. New York: Palgrave McMilllan.
Current related articles from reputable Journals

Evaluation is done during and after the teaching-learning process. The final grade
is determined by attendance, participation, writing assignments, mid. test and final test.
No Evaluation Aspects Percentage Score
1. Attendance and Participation 20 %
2. Assignments 25 %
3. Mid-Term 25 %
4. Final-Term 30 %
Total Score 100 %

 The students should attend the online class not less than 80 % of the whole meeting in the
 The students should have prepared previously the topics which will be discussed in every
class meeting.

 Assignments should be submitted on the given dates; late assignments are not accepted.
 The same opportunity is available for each student to have personal consultation with the
lecturer outside the class whenever he/she has problems with their assignments.

Kediri, August 29th , 2021

The Lecturer
Ima Fitriyah, M.Pd
NIP 198607022015032003

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