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Key concepts in ELT

'Bottom-up' and 'top-down' Like 'bottom-up' processing, 'top-down' is more

complex than is sometimes suggested. Contextual
In accounts of foreign-language listening and information can come from many different
reading, perceptual information is often sources: from knowledge of the speaker/writer or
described as 'bottom-up', while information from knowledge of the world; from analogy with a
provided by context is said to be 'top-down'.

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previous situation or from the meaning that has
The terms have been borrowed from cognitive been built up so far. It can be derived from a
psychology, but derive originally from computer schema, an expectation set up before reading or
science, where they distinguish processes that are listening; it can take the form of spreading
data-driven from those that are knowledge-driven. activation, where one word sparks off
Underlying the metaphors 'top' and 'bottom' is a associations with others; or it can be based upon
the probability of one word following another. It is
hierarchical view of the stages through which important to specify which of these cues is
listening or reading proceeds. In listening, the intended when the expression 'top-down' is
lowest level (i.e. the smallest unit) is the phonetic employed.
feature. A simple analysis might present the
listener as combining groups of features into Also unspecified in many accounts of L2 reading
phonemes, phonemes into syllables, syllables into and listening is the way in which bottom-up and
words, words into clauses, and clauses into top-down processes interact. Does one occur
propositions. At the 'top' is the overall meaning before the other, or do they operate
of the utterance, into which new information is simultaneously? The evidence from LI research
integrated as it emerges. Drawing on this concept is contradictory. Some findings suggest that
of levels of processing, many ELT commentators contextual information is invoked before
present a picture of listening and reading in which perception, helping us to anticipate words;
bottom-up information from the signal is others, that it becomes available during the
assembled step by step, and is influenced perceptual process; others, that it is only
throughout by top-down information from employed after a word has been identified.
context. Goodman's much-quoted view (1970) that
successful readers guess ahead using current
The truth is rather more complex. First, it is not context has not been conclusively demonstrated.
certain that bottom-up processing involves all the
levels described. Some psychologists believe that Some researchers argue for completely interactive
we process speech into syllables without passing models of listening and reading, in which top-
through a phonemic level; others that we construct down and bottom-up processes extend
words directly from phonetic features. Nor does simultaneously through all levels. In support of
bottom-up processing deal with one level at a such models, they cite evidence of word
time. There is evidence that in listening it takes superiority effects, where knowledge of complete
words influences the way we perceive sounds or
place at a delay of only a quarter of a second
letters. This kind of effect is appropriately
behind the speaker—which implies that the tasks described as 'top-down' since it involves
of analysing the phonetic signal, identifying words, knowledge at a higher level affecting processing
and assembling sentences must all be going on in at a lower. So note that the term 'top-down' is not
parallel. always synonymous with 'contextual'.
A quarter of a second is roughly the length of an Finally, the vexed question of the use of bottom-
English syllable—so the listener often begins the up and top-down information by foreign-language
processing of a word before the speaker has learners. A truism of ELT has it that low-level
finished saying it. The listener forms hypotheses as listeners and readers become fixated at word level,
to the identity of the word being uttered, which and do not have enough spare attentional capacity
are said to be activated to different degrees to construct global meaning. In truth, learners
according to how closely they match the signal. appear to make considerable use of top-down
The candidates compete with each other until, information: employing it compensatorily to plug
when the evidence is complete, one of them gaps where their understanding of a text is
outstrips the rest. incomplete. The best account of this process is
338 ELT Journal Volume 53/4 October 1999 © Oxford University Press 1999
provided by Stanovich's interactive-compensatory Lund, R. J. 1991: 'A comparison of second
mechanism (1980), originally formulated for LI language listening and reading comprehension'.
reading. Stanovich suggests that we use contextual Modern Language Journal 75: 196-204.
information to make up for unreliability in the Marslen-Wilson, W. D. 1987: 'Functional paralle-
signal (bad handwriting, for example, or ambient lism in spoken word recognition'. Cognition 25.
noise). The more flawed the bottom-up Oakhill, J. and A. Garnham. 1988. Becoming a
information, the more we draw upon cues from Skilled Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
top-down sources. This seems to describe Perfetti, C. A. 1985. Reading Ability. New York:
accurately the way in which L2 learners resort to Oxford University Press.
top-down inferencing when understanding is Stanovich, K. E. 1980: 'Toward an interactive-
impaired by limited vocabulary or syntax. The compensatory model of individual differences in

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strategy may be more common in listening than in the development of reading fluency'. Reading
reading: see Lund (1991). Research Quarterly 16: 32-71.
For accounts of the role of bottom-up and top- The author
down processes in LI reading, see Oakhill and John Field has a long-term interest in skills
Garnham (1988), and Chapters 2-3 of Perfetti approaches in ELT. His publications include
(1985). Currently, the most influential model of LI listening and study skills materials, a BBC radio
listening is the fully-interactive Cohort Model series for beginners, distance-learning materials
(Marslen-Wilson 1987). for Chinese television, and national secondary
school coursebooks for Saudi Arabia. He has
References trained teachers in Europe, the Middle East, the
Goodman, K. S. 1970.: 'Reading: A psycholinguis- Far East, and Africa. He is about to complete a
tic guessing game' in H. Singer and R. B. PhD on listening at Cambridge University, and
Ruddell (eds.). Theoretical Models and Pro- lectures on the MA course in ELT and Applied
cesses of Reading. Newark, DE: International Linguistics at Kings College London.
Reading Association. E-mail:

Key concepts in ELT 339

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