Pressão de Vapor Da Água

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JOURNAL O F RESEARCH of the No tional Bureau of Standards - A.

Physi cs and Chemistry

Vol. 75A, No. 3, May-June 1971

I Vapor Pressure Equation for Water in the Range 0 to 100°C

Arnold Wexler and Lewis Greenspan

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(February 19, 1971)

So me prec ise meas ure me nts of the vapor pressure of liquid water a t se ve n te mpe ratures in th e
range 25 to 100 °C we re re ported recentl y by H. F. S tirilson of NBS. These meas ure me nts have a n
es tim a ted s ta nd a rd deviation of 20 ppm or less, exce pt at 25 °C where the es tim a ted s tanda rd de viation
is 44 ppm. We have derived a formula whi c h yie ld s co mpute d va lu es of vapor press ure ag ree in g with
Stim so n's meas urem e nts to within 7 ppm.
We integrate d the C laus iu s-C lapeyro n e quation using th e acc urate c alo rim etri c da ta of O s born e,
Stim so n, a nd Ginnings a nd th e Goff an d Gra tc h formulation s for th e vi ri a l coe ffi cie nts of water vapor
to o btain an equation that has a rational basis. Th is e qu a ti on was th e n adj us ted to bring it into close r
accord with Stim so n's press ure meas ure me nts . Two tabl es are give n of th e vapor press ure, e xpressed
in pasca ls, as a fun ct ion of te mp era ture at O. l -deg inte rv a ls ove r th e ra nge 0 to 100 °C, one on th e
Int e rnationa l Pract ica l Temp e ra ture Sca le of 1948 a nd th e oth e r on th e Inte rn atio nal Practical T e m·
pe ratu re Scale of 1968.

Key word s : C laus iu s-C lapeyro n equation; sa turati on vapor press ure over wate r; vapor press ure; vapor
press ure of wale r; water vapor ; s team: viri a l coe ffi c ie nt s.

1. Introduction son 's meas urem e nts, differing a t most , a t 25°C, by

95 ppm, we co ncluded that it would be des irable to
In establis hin g and ma intaining humidity s tand ards, have a formulation that was in closer agree me nt with
in calibratin g hygro me ters, a nd in makin g pre cision S tim so n's meas urements, preferably within th e es ti-
humidity m eas ure me nts, a n acc urate eq uation for mated un certainty of th e latter. Th e purpose of thi s
the vapor pressure of water is esse nti al. S uc h a n paper is to present s uch a formulation. We s hall limit
equation also plays a vital role in s tea m power tec h- our co nsid eration s to te mperatures 0 to 100 °C.
nology. It is importan t in th e fi eld s of me teorology
and air co nditionin g where precise calc ulations relat- 2. Derivation
ing to the water vapor conte nt of a tmosp heri c air are
often made _ It is e mplo yed in c he mi cal ther modY' We start with a modifi ed version of th e Clausius-
namics, wh ere the vapor pressure of the pure water Clapeyron eq ua tion [4]
substance i s use d as a reference s tandard in calibrat-
ing boiling point apparatus , in co mparative vapor pres-
sure measurements, in e bulliom e try and in e valuating (1)
vapor press ure data of organic liquids.
It has been th e practice at NBS to use the Goff and where p is the pressure of the saturated vapor, v is th e
Gratch vapor press ure formulation [1]1 in all work pe r- s pecific volume of the saturated vapor, T is th e abso-
taining to hygrome try. Rece ntly, H. F. Stimson [2] lute thermodynamic te mperature, y is a n ex perimen-
publishe d th e res ults of some precise meas ure me nts of tally meas ured calorimetri c quantity, and dp/dT is the
the vapor pressure of wate r at seven te mp eratures derivative of th e vapor pressure with r es pec t to the
from 25 to 100 °C. These vapor press ures, obtain ed a bsolute thermodynamic te mperature. The quantity
with the s tea m boiler and precision manome ter used y [4] is the heat s uppli ed to water to evapora te a unit
at NBS in the 1940's to calibra te s tand ard platinum re- mass of water isothermally a nd withdraw its vapor
sistance the rmom e ters [3] , hav e an es timated stand- from the calorime ter. It differs from th e late nt heat of
ard deviation of 20 ppm or less except at 25 °C wh ere vaporization, L, by a s mall quantity, {3, th at is,
the es timated s tandard deviation is 44 ppm. Alth ough
vapor press ures calc ulated usin g the Goff and Gratch y = L + {3 (2)
formulati on are in reaso nably good accord with Stim-

I Fi gures in bra c kets indi ca te th e lit e rat ure referen ces at th e e nd of th is pap er.
where {3 =~
L (3)

and v I S the specific volume of the saturated liquid. The derivation of eq (10) is similar in some respects
The quantity f3 may be pi ctured as th e heat necessary to that of Goff and Gratch [5,6].
to vaporize water to fill the space no longer filled with In 1939, Osborne, Stimson and Ginnings [7] re-
liquid in the y experiment. ported weighted mean values of y from 0 to 200 °C
The virial equation of state for water vapor, ex· based on precise calorimetri c measurements in the
pressed as a power series in p, range 0 to 100 °C and on similar measurements made
in the same laboratory during 1930-32 in the range
pv=RT[1+B'p+C'p2+ . .. ] (4) 50 to 270 °C [8] and in 1937 in th e range 100 to 374 °C
[9]. We fiu f' eq (8) to these weighted means by the
when substituted into eq (1) yields method of least squares, retaining the units interna-
tional joules per gram for y and temperature t in de-
dp y grees C based on the International Temperature
r;=RPZ dT (5) Scale of 1927 (ITS-27) but letting the absolute tem-
perature T4 8 = t + 273.15. In our range of interest, 0 to
where Z=1+B 'p+C'p2+ . (6) 100 °C , t has the same numerical value on the Inter-
national Temperature Scale of 1927 (ITS-27) [10],
Z is the compressibility factor, R is the gas constant the International Temperature Scale of 1948 (ITS- 48)
for water vapor, B' is the second pressure·series virial [11] , and the International Practical Temperature
coefficient , and C' is the third pressure· series virial Scale of 1948 (IPTS-48) [12]. Therefore, we will
coefficient. For temperatures up to 100 °C, fourth and use t interc han geably on these scales as may prove
higher virial coefficients affect Z by less than 12 ppm convenie nt. However, the absolute temperature T48 ,
and therefore will be neglected. due to th e c hoice of 273.15 conforms to IPTS-48.
Performing some simple mathematical manipula· The coe ffi cie nts of eq (8) have the following numerical
tions and integrations, eq (5) becomes values: a = 3.4660697 X 103 , b = -5.6067899,
c= 1.0963233 X 10 - 2 , and d = -1.2366148 X 10- 5 . The
rr y fT Y
d(lnp) = J1'oRT2dT-J1'oRP
-----z- dT
(7) residual standard deviation 2 is 0.231 international
joules per gram, about 1 part in 10,000.
Virial coefficients for steam are usually derived
where Po and p correspond to vapor pressures at tem· from p-v-t measure ments [13 , 14 , 15 , 16]. Unfor-
peratures To and T, respectively. The first integral on tunately , there are no p-v-t measurements for steam
the right·hand side of the equation provides the major (water vapor) in the ran ge 0 to 100 °C.
contribution to the vapor pressure. The second The early experiments of Knoblauch, Linde and
integral on the right-hand side of the equation ac· Klebe [17], which were performed at temperatures
counts for the deviation of water vapor from ideal from 100 to 180 °C, are suspect because of the static
gas behavior. method used which leads to systematic errors due to
W e shall show later that the quantity y can be rep- the adsorption of water vapor on the walls of the con-
resented with high pre cision by the polynomial tainer [13]. The experiments of Keyes, Smith, and
equation Gerry [13], made by a continuous flow-method , cover
the range 195 to 460 °C . These, too, are suspect below
y= a+ bT+ cP + dP (8) the critical temperature because of possible adsorp·
tion effects [16] . Other investigators have provided
which , when s ubstituted into th e first integral on the data at higher temperatures and pressures. It is possi-
right-hand side of eq (7) yields ble to extrapolate the virial coefficients obtained at
higher temperatures to lower temperatures [13 , 14] ,
J p d(lnp) = -1 [ -a (1
Po R
T To
1 ) +bln-+c(T-To)
but such extrapolations do not give values with the
requisite accuracy for our purpose_ Alternately, calori-

] 1f Y(Z - 1)
metric data can be employed to obtain enthalpy co-
+- (P- T'd) - - l' ----:- - - dT. (9)
efficients, which, when integrated with respe ct to
temperature , yield virial coefficients. This procedure
2 R TO P Z
was employed by Goff and Gratch [5,6], who used the
38 to 125 °C throttling experiment data of Collins and
Equation (9) reduces to
Keyes [18] and the y data of Osborne, Stimson and

p abc
d(ln p) = - RT + R In T + R T + 2R T-
d .) Ginnings [7] to derive second and third pressure-
series virial coe fficients valid for the range 0 to 100

+e --1
iT -P (Z-Z-1)
Y - dT (10) 1 The res idu a l siandl:lrd dev ia tion is give n by

where ri is t he d iffere nce bet wee n th e weight e d me an and th e co rres pondin g co mp ut ed
(ll ) va lu e. rI is th e number of fitt ed point s, II - 4 is the numbe r of degrees of freedom a nd 4 is
the numbe r of coeffi cie nt s in e q (8).

I °C [5, 6, 19]. Because the Goff and Gratch empirical where Ao =-7 .511S2 X 103 , A,=85.08ti9143, A2
relationships for the pressure-series virial coefficients = 2_3759056 X 10- 2 , A3= -1.399697 X 10- 5 , B=
are based on experimental data in the range of tempera- -12_150799, C=-2.1671S78, p is expressed in
tures of interest to us, and because, of the various pascals, T48 = t48 + 273.15 in kelvins , and t4 8 is in
virial coefficients we tried, the Goff and Gratch virial degrees Celsius on IPTS- 48.
coefficients yielded values of vapor pressure in closest Because eq (14) is implicit in p we calculated p by
agreement with Stimson's experimental values, we iteration, numerically evaluating the integral at
chose to use them. We converted the Goff and Gratch 1/4-deg intervals by means of the trapezoidal rule [22].
relationships [19] to SI units compatible with eqs (4) Iteration at each interval was terminated when suc-
and (6) to obtain cessive values of p differed by less than one ppm.
Evaluating the integral at 1/4-deg inte rvals was con-
l B' = 0.4086 - (665/9) X 10 1';8 ] X 10- 5
T4 8 T4 8
(12) sidered satisfactory. A check calculation at 80 °C
showed that decreasing the interval to 0.025 deg pro-
duced a change in p of much less than one ppm from
and that obtained using 1/4-deg intervals.
, C' = 2_374 [+
0.4086 _ (6~S/ 9)
T4 8 T4 8
The calculation of p by e q (14) is bes t accomplished
with the aid of a hi gh-sp eed di gital co mputer. For
72000 3 desk-type calculations, an explicit equation without
X 10 'I'!R] X 10- 8 (13) th e integral is des irable. Equation (14) was converted
into s uc h an expli cit form. A polynomial of th e fourth
where B' is in units of reciprocal pressure, l/pas cal,:J d egree was fitt ed , by th e me thod of leas t s quares, to
num erical valu es of th e integral at I-deg intervals from
I C' is in units of the s quare of the reciprocal pressure, o to 100 °C to give
(l/pascal)2, and T4 8 is based on IPTS- 48. The equations
I as derived by Goff and Gratch presumably were in

terms of absolute temperature on ITS- 27. Over the

range 0 to 100 °C, the errors arising in B ', C', Z, and
Z - 1 from using T,s without conversion are negligible_
'1"' 8

373. ' 5
1 1) (Z----z-
dT =
- 4

;= 0
Di T~8L(15)

The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is an exact thermo-

dynamic expression in which T is the absolute thermo- where D o =-S .207S843X lO - 2, D, =-5 .769527 x lO - 5,
dynamic temperature. It therefore follows that the D 2 = 3.25371S2 x lO - 6, D 3 = -1.6189993x lO - H, and
temperature Tin eq (10), which was derived from the D 4 =2.381486 X lO - li. Substituting e q (15) into e q
Clausius-Clapeyron e quation , is also the absolute (14) , integratin g the left-hand sid e of e q (14), a nd
thermodynami c temperature. We will assume that co mbinin g term s yield ed
T4 8 is a reasonably close approximation to the absolute 5
the rmodynamic te mperature T and reserve for later In P=L
EiT~8 ' + B In T 48 . (16)
dis c ussion the reasons for this assumption. We in- ;= 0

serted into eq (10) the coefficients of eq (8) on the basis The coe ffi cie nts are li sted in tabl e 1.
of T4 ~, and the virial coe fficients given by eqs (12) On plotting the very small differences be twee n In p
I and (13) as fun c tions of T48• We selected as lower limits
given by eq (16) and Stimson's measure ments as a
I of integration for substitution into eqs (10) and (11)
function of temperature, we observed that th e co urse
the pressure Po = 101325.0 pas cals , which is one of the curve was smooth. A polynomial of the fourth
standard atmosphere , and the temperature To = 373.15 degree was fitted to this difference curve. By adding
K, which is the absolute temperature assigned to the the corresponding coefficients of like powers in T 48
steam point at one standard atmosphere on T48• The
to eq (16) we obtained
gas constant for water vapor, R, is 0.46151 joules per
gram kelvin and was derived from the NAS- NRC 5
recommended value [20] of 8.3143 joules per mol In p = L
EiT~8 1 + B In T4 8 (17)
i= O
kelvin for the universal gas constant and 18.01534
grams for the molar mass of water vapor on the unified which is identical to eq (16), except that the num erical
carbon-12 scale. The units of the quantity y were values of the coefficients E, through E5 are slightly
made consistent with R by the conversion factor 1 different. The coefficients are listed in table 1.
international joule = 1.000165 (absolute) joule [21] . We investigated the feasibility of simplifying eq (17).
After inserting the appropriate constants and conver- Numerous formulas have bee n proposed for empirically
sion factor, eq (10) becomes representing th e functional relationship between vapor

L: d (In p) = ~ A iTJ8' , + BIn T4 8

pressure and temperature [23 , 24, 25,26]. A procedure
often followed is to select the formula with the least
number of terms that not only best fits the vapor

+ J37:3' 5 Tl8 Z
Ce"8 l (Z -1)
dT pressure data but also yields derivatives that are
(14) smooth and regular. We chose the equation

3] pa scal = I n eW l on/ m l! = 10- 5 bar = 10 t mb = 7.S0062x 10- 3 mm Hg.

In P = LEinS' + B In T4 8 (18)

TABLE 1. Coefficients to vapor pressure equations on IPTS-48

Eq (16 ) Eq (17) Eq (l8a) Eq (18b) Eq (18c)

n= 5 n =5 n= 2 n =3 n= 4

Eo - 7.51152 x 10" - 7.5 1152 x 10" - 7 . 2465822 x 10" - 6.7777203 x 10" - 7.7847207 x 10"
E, 9.65609269 X 10' 9.65389644 x 10' 7.7641232 x 10' 5.44,09359 x 10' 1.1670432 x 10'
E, 2.3701361 x 10 - ' 2.3998970 x 10 -' 5.7447142 x 10 -" - 8.0404143 X 10 - 3 5. 1177435 x 10 - '
E" - 1.0145982 x 10 -" - 1.1654551 x 10 -" 7.1544503 x 10 - '; - 5.438695 x 10 -"
E4 - 1.6189993 x 10 - ' - 1.2810336 x 10 - ' 3.189024 x 10 -"
E, 2.3816486 X 10 - 11 2.0998405 X 10 - 11
B - 1.2150799 X 10' - 1.2150799 X 10' - 8.2470402 - 3 .8358214 - 1.6463576 x 10'

because it is analogous in form to our derived eq (17) in 1937 [36] and Michels, Blaisse, Ten Seldam and
and fitted it for 2 '<' n '<' 4 by the method of least Wouters in 1943 [38] limited their observations to
squares to values of vapor pressure generated at 1-deg several degrees below and above 100°C.
intervals from 0 to 100 °C by eq (17). The coefficients Douslin and McCullough in 1963 [39] and Douslin
are listed in table 1. For convenience in identifying in 1970 [40], using an inclined dead-weight piston gage,
the several versions of eq (18), each has been desig- made vapor pressure measurements from 0 to 20°C.
nated with a letter a through c corresponding to n = 2, The above series of measurements, plus the meas-
3, and 4, respectively. urements of Stimson, comprise the most important
determinations covering the 0 to 100 °C span.
3. Results We compared our formu lati on with these experi-
mental data and with other formulations in order to
The measurements made at the Physikalisch- obtain a general perspective on the degree of accord
Technische Reichsanstalt by Holborn and Henning achieved. However, because of the high precision and
[27] in 1908 from 50 to 200 °C and by Scheel and Heuse internal consistency of the Stimson measurements we
[28] in 1910 from 0 to 50 DC have, until now , consti- judged the efficacy of our vapor pressure equations
tuted the major sources of data for the vapor pressure primarily on their agreement with the Stimson data.
of water in the 0 to 100 °C range. In 1919, PTR pub-
lished revised values of the vapor pressure [29] and
these have served as the input data for many empirical 3.1 . Comparisons With Stimson's Measurements
formulations [30,31].
The steam point has been used as one of the defining Differences in vapor pressure between Stimson's
fixed points for the several successive practical measurements and eqs (14), (16), (17), and (18) are
temperatures scales that have been adopted inter- given in table 2. The standard deviation of Stimson's
nationally [10, 11, 12, 32]. Because of this, the vapor values are also shown. Equation (14) yields values
pressure near the steam point has been investigated which agree with Stimson's measurements to within
in great detail [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]. Most of these one standard deviation of the latter, except at 50 and
measurements were made over narrow temperature 80 °C where the agreement is within two standard
spans around 100 °C. The largest temperature range, deviations. The maximum difference is 32 ppm and
73 to 130 °C, was covered in 1939 by Moser and occurs at 25 0C. The conversion of eq (14), an implicit
Zmaczynski [37] who used both a static and a dynamic equation, to eq (16), an explicit equation , has little
method in their determinations. Beattie and Blaisdell effect on the differen c es. Equation (17), which was

TABLE 2. Comparison between calculated vapor pressures and Stimson's measurements on IPTS-48

Stimson's meas urements

Temperature Eq (l4) Eq (16) Eq (17) Eq (18a) Eq (l8b) Eq (18c)
IPTS - 48 n= 5 n= 5 n= 2 n= 3 n= 4
Vapor Standard
press ure d eviation

°C pascals pas cals ppm pascal ppm pascal ppm pascal ppm pascal ppm pascal ppm pascal ppm
25 3167.0 0.14 44 + 0.1 + 32 + 0.1 + 32 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
40 7377.27 .15 20 + .11 + 15 + .08 + 11 - .05 - 7 - .14 - 19 - .02 - 3 - .07 -9
50 12338.30 .18 15 + .22 + 18 + .18 + 14 + .09 +7 - .15 - 12 + .10 +8 + .05 +4
60 19924.22 .16 8 - .15 - 8 - .17 - - .12 -6 - .33 - 17 - .13 -7 - .18 - 9
70 31166.1 5 .22 7 - .20 - 6 - . 20 - + .15 +5 + .40 + 12 + .16 +5 + .05 +2
80 47363 .9 .52 11 - .7 - 15 - .9 -19 - .2 -4 + .9 + 19 0.0 0 - .4 - 8
100 101325.0 1. 59 16 + .1 + 1 + .2 + 2 0.0 0 - 5.3 - 52 - .5 - 5 - .4 - 4

obtained by makin g a minor adjus tment. to th ~ coe ~­ 3.2. Comparisons With Douslin's Measurements
cie nts of e q (16), is in closer accord wI~h StIm son s Douslin [39 , 40] has made two sets of vapor pressure
mea sure ments. The maximum differe n ce IS 7 ppm. Of measurements over liquid wate r a t te mperatures
the three variants of eq (IS), whi c h are lea st square below 25 °C usin g an inclin ed-pis ton dead-weight
fits to values cre nerate d by e q (17), eqs (lSb) and (lSc) pressure gage. 4 The earlier meas ure me nts a re as mu c h
are in excelle"nt agr ee me nt with S tim so ~ 's meas ure- as 4 pascals (30 microns) higher a t so me te rn p er~tures
ments, diffe ring at mo st by 9 ppm. Th e dIffere nces for which Douslin attributed to in co mple te d egassll1 g of
eq (lSa) are larger , beco ming as great as 52 ppm at his water sample in the earlier work. In th e later work ,
100 °C. Th ere does not appe ar to be a ny reason for the measurements were made in two seri es, Series I
choosin g an yo ne equati on from eqs (17), (lSb), and with the piston un weighted a nd Seri es II with th e
(18c) on th e basis of the differ e nce be tw een calculated piston weighted. The two seri es ove rla p in te mpera ture.
va por press ures and Stimso n's me as ureme nts. We have compared Douslin' s late r meas ure me nts [40]
with eq (17). Th e differe nces are give n in table 3.
Using e q (17) as a base line, diffe re nce s between
Douslin 's va por press ures, meas ured on IPTS- 68,
eq s (18a) through (lSc) and eq (17) .were computed
we re adju s ted to IPTS- 48 for thi s compari so n. ~ e
and plotted in pascals on fi gure 1 and m ppm on figure
re ported that hi s es tim a ted maximum syste ma tI c
2. Th e differen ces be tween Stimson's m eas ure ments
error varied from 0. 32 pascal at 0 °C to O.SI pascal
and eq (17) are also shown. As n decreases from 4 to
at 20 °C or in relative te rm s, from 520 to 350 ppm.
2 th e differe nces in c rease. Equation (ISc) deviates There i ~ a 'syste matic differe nce be twee n Douslin 's
syste mati c ally from eq (17) by 3 ppm. Th e differe nces meas urem e nts and our calc ulati ons, hi s observ ed
betwee n e q (ISb) a nd (17) a nd eqs (ISa) a nd (17) s h ~ w valu es de vi atin g fro m our co mputed valu es by two to
oscillatory pattern s; th ey do not exceed 9 ppm for three tim es hi s es timated maximum sys te ma ti c e rror.
eq (ISb) but reach 52 ppm for (I8a). ~qu ati o n s. ( I~ c) It mus t be e mph asized that eq (17) was adju s ted to
and (I8b) offer a redu cti on in te rm s wIth out a sl gnl~­ fit Stim so n's mea s ure ments in the ran ge 25 to 100 °C
cant loss in acc uracy. If a lower ord er of acc uracy IS and th a t our calcula tions below 25°C are th erefor e,
acceptable, th e n eq (ISa) co uld be used. In our o pini o ~ , in part, extra polati ons a nd may not necess aril y fit
eq (17) is prefera ble becau se it has a th ermodyna mI c oth er experim e ntal meas ure me nts with comp arable
origin and, th erefore, may in spire more co nfid e nce acc uracy.
for interpol a ti on a nd extra pola tion. H owe ver , e ~ (l7)
has seve n te rm s a nd wh e re a s impl e r formul a IS de- I W e wis h to t ha nk Dr . O. I{. Dou s lin ror permi ss iull 10 quot e f rom hi s s eco nd paper pr ior
sired , eq (lSb), with fi ve term s, would be our c hoice. tv publ ic atio n.

1. 5
0. 00 05 DEG//

, ,.

1.0 /


--- • •
0 .0

-- •

- 0 .5

· 1.0

-1. 5 0 .0005 DEG ' ,


FI GU RE 1. Compariso n. of equations.
Vapor press ure diffe re nce [othe r -eq (17)J ill pasc als be twee n eqs ~ 1 8a) , (l8 ~) , and (l8c) and eq (17). Va por pressu,re ?iffefc:geOgo~wdee~
timso n' s meas ure men ts a nd eq (17) s how n by sol id circles. Das hed [m es a rc d ifferen ce c ur ves fo r a te mpe ra ture deV Iat IO n 0 _ . ego


0.0005 DEG

EQ (lSa)

z 0


o 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 2. Comparison of equations.

Relativ e vapor press ure difference other- e q (17) x 10' ] in ppm betwe en e qs (lBa), (lBb) , and (IBc) and e q (17). Re lative vapor
eq (17)
pre ss ure difference between Stimson 's measure me nt s and eq (17) shown by solid c ircles. Das he d lin es are diffe re nce c urves fo r a tempera-
ture deviation of ± 0.0005 deg.

TABLE 3. Comparison between calculated vapor pres- 3.3. Comparisons at the Ice and Triple Points
sures and Douslin's measurements on IPTS- 48
In table 4 we have compared several Physikalisch-
Technische Reichsanstalt measurements of vapor
Dou s lin ' s Adjusted
Vapor Pressure
pressure at 0 °C [28, 41, 42], Prytz's measurement at
T e mpe ra- Measure me nts the triple point [43], and steam table values at both the
lure ice and triple points [16, 44, 48] with corresponding
IPTS- 48 Douslin-
Vapor Maximum s ys te mati c Eq (17) values calculated with eq (17). It may be noted that the
pre ssure e rror ice and triple points should not be subject to any tem-
perature scale uncertainty as may be the case at other
temperatures with data from the early 1900's. To com-
°C pa sc als pa sc al s I ppm pascals ppm
I plete the tabulation, Douslin's values at 0° and 0.01 °C
[40] are repeated here.
At 0 °C, the PTR data are lower and Douslin's meas-
Se ries I urement is higher than our calculated value. At the
triple point, Prytz's and Douslin's measurements are
0 a611.5 0.32 520 + 0. 7 + 1140 higher than our calculated value. Weare in very good
0.01 612.2 .33 540 + 1.0 + 1630 agreement with the steam table values.
1 657.4 .35 530 + 0.8 + 1220
2 706.2 .35 490 + 0.7 + 990
3 758.6 .36 470 + 1.1 + 1450 3.4. Comparisons at and below the Steam Point
4 81 3.7 .37 460 + 0.8 + 980
5 873.0 .39 440 + 1.1 + 1260
7.5 1037.2 .43 410 + 1.0 + 960 We have compared the Moser and Zmaczynski data
10 1228.8 .45 370 + 1.6 + 1300 [37] ,5 the Beattie and Blaisdell data [36] , and the
15 1706.1 .57 340 + 1.7 + 1000 Michels, Blaisse, Ten Seldam and Wouters data [38]
with eq (17). This is shown as a plot of vapor pressure
differences, in pascals, in figure 3 and as a plot of
Se ri es II relative vapor pressure differences, in ppm, in figure 4.
Moser and Zmaczynski fitted their data to a polynomial
equation of the fourth degree in temperature. We,
7.5 1036.8 0.43 410 + 0.6 +580
12.5 1448.2 .61 420 - 0.4 -280 therefore, have included a curve of the differences be-
17.5 2000.1 .73 370 + 1.1 + 550 tween the Moser and Zmaczynski equation and eq (17).
20 2338.7 .81 350 + 1.4 + 600 There is a varying negative difference between the

5 Th e Mose r a nd Zm ac zyns ki data ex te nd ove r th e te mp e ra t ure range 73 to 130°C . We

a Metastabl e state; vapor pre ss ure with re s pec t to sup e rcool ed have limit ed our co ns id e ration of these d ata to th e te mp e ratu re spa n 73 to 103 °C. th e upp e r
water. end corres ponding to th e hi ghest te mp era ture of th e Beatti e and Blais dell da ta.

TABLE 4. l ee point and triple point vapor pressures comparisons
Ice point, 00 Triple point , 0.01 °C
Sou rce Refe re nce
Vapor Difference Vapor Diffe rence
pressure a Other·Eq (17) pressure Other·Eq (17)

pascal pascal ppm pascal pascal ppm

Eq (7) 610.75 611.20

Exp e rim e ntal Measure ments

Thi ese n and Sc hee l (1900) [41] 610.46 - 0.29 - 480

Scheel a nd Heu se (1909) [42] 610.46 - 0.29 - 480
Scheel and Heuse (1910) [28] 61O.11 - 0.64 -1050
Prytz (1931) [43] 611.52 + 0.32 + 530
Douslin (1970) [40] 611.5 + 0.75 + 1200 612.2 + 1.0 + 1640

Steam Tabl es

IST (1963) [44] 610.8 + 0.05 + 80 611.2 0.0 0

NEL (1964) [44] 610.7 - 0.05 - 80 611.2 0.0 0
IFC (1967) [48] 610.8 + 0.05 + 80 6ll.2 0.0 0
Kee nan , Keyes, et a l. (1969) [16] 610.8 + 0.05 + 80 611.3 + 0. 1 + 160

a Me lastab le s tate; vapo r pressure with respec t to s up ercooled wate r.


5 0 .00 1 DEG
____ .. ___ ~ -o-- i5' 0 ~

o 0

o <b

<J) -5 0'" 0 .001 DE G
<J) M

W - 10




-30 ~~ ________-'-______--'________-L________ ~ ______-L________L -______- L__ ~

70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105

FIGURE 3. Comparison with experimental data at and below the steam poin.t.
V apor pre ssure differe nce [mea suremenl- eq (17)1 in pasca ls between meas ureme nt an d eq (7).
• St im son 0 Michels. Blaisse. Ten Se ld am and Wout ers
• Mose r and Zmacz ynski M Moser and Zmaczyn ski eq uation
o Bea ttie and Blai sdell
Da shed lines are differe nce curves for a temperature deviati on of ± 0.00 I deg.


50 0 .001 D EG

--------------------!--- ; -0' - 0 - - - ~ - - - - --
o '&
o 0


::; ---------- -------------
"- -50

"- -100




70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105

FIGURE 4. Comparison with experimental data at and below the steam point .

Relative va por press ure diffe rence m ca su r em ent - eq (17) X 10 6] in ppm be t wee n meas uremen t a nd eq (17).
eq (17)

• Stim son
• Mose r a nd Zma czy ns ki
o Beattie a nd Blaisde ll
o Mich els, Bla isse, T e n Seldam and Wouters
M Moser and Zmac zyns ki equation
Das he d lines are difference curves for a temperature dev ia ti on of ± O.OOl deg.

Moser and Zmaczynski data and eq (17), reaching a degrees of freedom where 7 is the number of coeffi-
maximum at 78 °e of - 8 pascals (-190 ppm). The cients in eq (17)) is 1.55 pascals (17 ppm). The Michels
Beattie and Blaisdell data cover only the very narrow et a1. data extend from 98 to 102.6 The differences 0c.
te mperature range of 96 to 103 °e. The differe nces vary linearly with temperature from about + 9.3 pascals
appear to be random with respect to sign and mag- (+ 100 ppm) at 98 °e to about -27.7 pascals (-260
nitude. The residual standard deviation (based on n-7 ppm) at 102.6 0c.
3.5. Comparisons With Other Formulations of the vapor pressure given by Bridge man and Aldrich
in their tables [49] and converted thi s to vapor pressure.
There have been numerou s attempts to formulate Gibson and Bruges [50] derived two empirical vapor
vapor pressure equations for the pure water substance . pressure equations using Chebyshev polynomials. One
Some of the equations are based on theoreti ca l con- equation, which we will designate by a, reproduces the
siderations, others are empirical. Since Sonntag [45] entries in table 1 of the 1964 NEL Steam Tables [44]
has summarized the extensive lite rature on the vapor which, in turn, are derive d from the Gerry equation
pressure of water, we will not attempt to repeat it here. [44, 46], for 0 to 100 °C and from th e Osborn e and
However, we will compare vapor press ures computed Meyers formulation [31] above 100 0C. Th e seco nd
from several formulas whic h are in c urrent use with equation, which we will designa te by b, is based on
vapor press ures computed from eq (17) ove r the range APIRP-44 values [47] betwee n 0 and 100 °C, and on
o to 100 °C. We have chosen for this purpose the equa- the Osborne and Meyers formu lation above 100 0C.
tions due to Gerry [44, 46], Goff and Gratch [1], Ameri- We have calculated th e differences in va por press ure
can Petrole um Institute [47], 1967 IFC [48], Bridgeman between each of th e above formulation s and eq (17)
and Aldrich [49], and Gibson and Bruges [50]. and plotted these in pascals on fi gure 5 and in ppm on
The Gerry equation is an e mpirical formula derived figure 6. Also included on these fi gures are the dif-
from Physikalisc h-Tec hnische Reic hsanstalt data. ferences between Stimson's meas ure me nts and eq
It was adopted by the Third International Conference (17). These fi gures show the degree of accord of the
on Steam Tables in 1934 [51] and has bee n used in se veral formulati ons with eq (17) as well as with th e
successive formulation s of th e International Skeleton Stimson vapor press ures .
Tabl es .
The Goff and Gratch equation is base d on integration
3.6 . Conversion to IPTS-68
of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. It was adopted in
1947 by the Twelfth Conference of Directors of the In 1968 the International Practi cal T e mperature
International Me teorologic al Orga nization and by the Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68) was adopted [32] as a re place-
Joint Internati onal Co mmittee on P syc hrom etri c Data ment for IPTS -48. We have co nverte d eq (17) from
in 1949 [19]. Tables of vapor press ure were pub lis hed IPTS-48 to IPTS-68. Let the difference be tween these
in the ASHRAE Guid e [52] and in the Smithsonian two scales be designated by j-t, that is ,
Meteorological Tables [53]. Goff tran s posed this eq ua-
tion from th e absolute ITS- 48 to the a bso lute IPTS- 48 (19)
[1] in which form it was adopted by th e World Me-
teorological Orga ni zation [54]. It is this latter version Douglas [55] has shown that from 0 to 630.74 °C, J-t is
which we use for our co mpari so n. given by
Th e American P etrol e um In stitute Researc h Proj ec t
44 valu es of vapor pressure were calc ulated from the _ 4.904(l0 - 7)t68(l68 - 100) + ( )
Antoine equation using seve ral se ts of co nstants, eac h J..t - 1 _ 2.939(1 0- 4)t(;8 cp t68 (20)
set valid for a narrow ran ge of te mp eratures. These
constants were derived by fitting the Antoine equation where
to vapor pressures obtained from the Os born e and
Meyers formulation [31] to whi ch were added the t6B ) (t68
CP(t68) = 0.045 ( 100 100 - 1 ) (t6 8 - 1)
"Cragoe-Stimson" correc tions. Th e latter were ob-
tained from vapor pressure measurements made at
NBS in 1942 which had received limited private circ u- t68
( 630.74 ) (21)
- 1
lation but had re mained unpublished until 1967 [50].
These 1942 measure ments, augmented by a more
and t68 is in Celsius degrees on IPTS-68. Expanding
extensive series of measurements made during the
years 1947 through 1949, were finally published in eq (20) into a polynomial, converting t 68 to T68 , where
T68 = t68 + 273.15, and neglecting higher order terms
1969 by Stimson [2]. in T68 , we obtain
At the Sixth International Conference on the Prop-
erties of Steam an International Formulation Commit- 4
tee (IFC) was es tablished to develop for use with J-t = 2: Clin8 (22)
computers a th e rmodynamically consistent formulation ;= 0
of the properti es of steam within the tolerances of the
Internation al Skeleton Table of 1963. The result was where Clo = 1.1314914, Cli = - 9.9294171 X 10 - 3 ,

the 1967 IFC Formulation for Industrial Use. Values iX2 = 3.0306087 X 10- 5 , iX3 = - 3.904331 3 X 10 - 8 and
of vapor press ure calculated using the vapor pr~ssure Cl4 = 1. 7044968 X 10- 11 • Equations (19) and (22) are
equation given by the 1967 IFC are tabulated III the now substituted into eq (17) whi c h, after appropriate
1967 ASME Steam Tabl es [481- algebraic manipulations, and neglecting higher order
In 1964, Bridge man and Aldrich published an equa- terms in J-t, becomes
tion and tabl es of vapor press ure for water. Kee nan 9
et al. [16] used the Bridge man and Aldrich values to
derive a n alterna te equation . We used the logarithm
In p = 2: F;Tis 2 + B In T6 8 (23)
i= O

418-535 OL - 71 - 6







o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5. Comparison with other formulations.

Vapor press ure diffe re nce loth er- e q (17)J in pa scal s between other formulation s and e q (17).
API American Pe trole um In stitut e Research Projec t 44
BA Bridge man and Aldri ch
G Gerry
G Ba Gibson and Bruges, eq (a)
GBb Gibson and Bruges. eq (b)
GG Coff and Crat c h
IFe International Formulation Committee
Das hed lines are diffe rences curves for a te mperature deviati on of ± O.OO) deg.

where Fo = - 8.49922 X 10 3 , FI = - 7.4231865 X 10 3 , for 2 < n < 4 by the method of least squares to values
F2 = 96.1635147 , F3 = 2.4917646 X 10 - 2 , of vapor pressure generated at l·deg intervals from
F4 = - 1.3160119 X 10- 5 , F5 = -1.1460454 X 10 - 8 , o to 100°C by eq (23). The results are comparable to
F6 = 2.1701289 X 10- 11 , F 7 =-3.610258 X 10 - 15 , that obtained for T48 • We , therefore, only present the
F8 = 3.8504519 X 10- 18 , FH = - 1.4317 X 10- 21 , results for n = 3 where the largest difference between
and B = - 12.150799. eqs (23) and (24) is 8 ppm. The coefficients are as
In the range 0 to 100°C , the numerical values of follows: Go = - 6898.2434 , GI = 59.38385 , G2 = -
temperature on IPTS-48 are larger than on IPTS-68. 5.797662 X 10 - 3 , G:l = 6.2223854 X 10- 6 , and H = -
Therefore, at the same numerical values of tempera- 4.7406885. Equation (24) on IPTS·68 with these
ture, the corresponding vapor pressures are smaller coefficients is equivalent to eq (18b) on IPTS-48.
on IPTS-48. For example, at t48 = 50°C, the vapor
pressure , calculated by eq (17), is 12338.39 pascals
whereas at t68 = 50°C , the vapor pressure , calculated 3.7. Tabulations
by eq (23), is 12344.73 pascals.
We investigated the feasibility of simplifying eq (23). Using eqs (17) and (23) we computed vapor pressure
We fitted the equation in pascals, as a function of temperature, in degrees
11 Celsuis, at O.l-deg intervals, from 0 to 100°C, These
In p = L Gins l + H In T68 (24) computed values are given in table 5 on IPTS·48
i= O and in table 6 on IPTS·68.



"- 100

0: 0


-20 0

- 300

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

F I GU RE 6. rison with. form.ulation s.

Helative va por press ure difference in ppm bet ween oth er fo rmul ati ons and eq (1 7).
[ olh cr-eq (17) X 10 6 ]

cq (17)

AP I Am eri ca n Petroleum I nstit ute Resea rch Project 44.

BA Brid ge man and Aldrich
G Gerry
C Ba Gibso n a nd Bru ges, eq (a)
e Bb Gibso n and Bru ges. eq (b)
CC Coff and Cratt: h
I F'C Int ern ati onal Formu lati on Co mmitt ee
Da shed lin es are difference curv es for a temperature dev iati on of ± O.OOI deg.

TABLE 5. Saturation vapor pressure over water (IPTS-48)

Temperature 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
deg C

pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals

0 a610.752 615.205 619.686 624.196 628.736 633.304 637.902 642.529 647.187 651.874
1 656.591 661.338 666.116 670.924 675.763 680.633 685.534 690.466 695.429 700.425
2 705.451 710.510 715.601 720.724 725.879 731.068 736.289 741.542 746.829 752.150
3 757.504 762.891 768.313 773.768 779.258 784.782 790.341 795.934 801.563 807.227
4 812.926 818.660 824.431 830.237 836.079 841.958 847.873 853.825 859.814 865.840
5 871.903 878.004 884.142 890.318 896.533 902.785 909.076 915.406 921.775 928.183
6 934.630 941.117 947.643 954.209 960.816 967.462 974.150 980.878 987.647 994.457
7 1001.31 1008.20 1015.14 1022.11 1029.13 1036.20 1043.30 1050.45 1057.64 1064.87
8 1072.15 1079.47 1086.84 1094.25 1101.70 1109.20 1116.75 1124.34 1131.97 1139.65
9 1147.38 1155.15 1162.97 1170.83 1178.75 1186.71 1194.71 1202.77 1210.87 1219.02

10 1227.22 1235.46 1243.76 1252.10 1260.50 1268.94 1277.43 1285.98 1294.57 1303.22
11 1311.91 1320.66 1329.45 1338.30 1347.20 1356.15 1365.16 1374.22 1383.33 1392.49
12 1401.71 1410.98 1420.30 1429.68 1439.11 1448.60 1458.14 1467.74 1477.39 1487.10
13 1496.87 1506.69 1516.57 1526.50 1536.49 1546.54 1556.65 1566.81 1577.04 1587.32
14 1597.66 1608.06 1618.52 1629.04 1639.62 1650.25 1660.95 1671.72 1682.54 1693.42
15 1704.37 1715.37 1726.44 1737.57 1748.77 1760.03 1771.35 1782.74 1794.19 1805.70
16 1817.28 1828.92 1840.63 1852.41 1864.25 1876.16 1888.13 1900.18 1912.28 1924.46
17 1936.70 1949-02 1961.40 1973.85 1986.37 1998.96 2011.62 2024.34 2037.14 2050.01
18 2062.96 2075.97 2089.05 2102.21 2115.44 2128.74 2142.12 2155.57 2169.09 2182.69
19 2196.36 2210.11 2223.93 2237.83 2251.80 2265.85 2279.98 2294. 18 2308.47 2322.83

20 2337-26 2351.78 2366.37 2381.05 2395.80 2410.63 2425.55 2440.54 2455.62 2470.77
21 2486.01 2501.33 2516.73 2532.22 2547.79 2563.44 2579.18 2595.00 2610.90 2626.90
22 2642.97 2659.13 2675.38 2691.72 2708.14 2724.65 2741.25 2757.94 2774.71 2791.57
23 2808.53 2825.57 2842.70 2859.93 '2877.24 2894.65 2912.15 2929.74 2947.42 2965.20
24 2983.07 3001.03 3019.09 3037.24 3055.49 3073.84 3092.28 3110.81 3129.44 3148.17
25 3167.00 3185.93 3204.95 3224.08 3243.30 3262.62 3282.05 3301.57 3321.20 3340.92
26 3360.75 3380.68 3400.72 3420.86 3441.10 3461.44 3481.90 3502.45 3523.11 3543.88
27 3564.75 3585.74 3606.82 3628.02 3649.33 3670.74 3692.26 3713.90 3735.64 3757.49
28 3779.46 3801.54 3823.73 3846.03 3868.44 3890.97 3913.61 3936.37 3959.24 3982.23
29 4005.33 4028.56 4051.89 4075.35 4098.92 4122.61 4146.42 4170.35 4194.40 4218.57

30 4242.86 4267.28 4291.81 4316.47 4341.25 4366.15 4391.18 4416.33 4441.61 4467.01
31 4492.54 4518.20 4543.98 4569.89 4595.93 4622.10 4648.40 4674.82 4701.38 4728.07
32 4754.89 4781.84 4808.93 4836.14 4863.49 4890.98 4918.60 4946.35 4974.24 5002.27
33 5030.44 5058.74 5087.18 5115.76 5144.47 5173.33 5202.33 5231.47 5260.74 5290.17
34 5319.73 5349.44 5379.29 5409.28 5439.42 5469.71 5500. 14 5530.72 5561.45 5592.32
35 5623.34 5654.51 5685.83 5717.30 5748.92 5780.69 5812.62 5844.70 5876.93 5909.31
36 5941.85 5974.54 6007.39 6040.40 6073.56 6106.88 6140.36 6173.99 6207.79 6241.75
37 6275.86 6310.14 6344.58 6379.18 6413.95 6448.87 6483.97 6519.23 6554.65 6590.24
38 6626.00 6661.92 6698.02 6734.28 6770.71 6807.31 6844.08 6881.03 6918.15 6955.44
39 6992.90 7030.54 7068.35 7106.34 7144.50 7182.84 7221.36 7260.06 7298.93 7337.99

40 7377.22 7416.64 7456.24 7496.02 7535.98 7576.13 7616.46 7656.98 7697.68 7738.57
41 7779.65 7820.92 7862.37 7904.01 7945.85 7987.87 8030.09 8072.50 8115.10 8157.89
42 8200.88 8244.07 8287.45 8331.02 8374.80 8418.77 8462.94 8507.31 8551.89 8596.66
43 8641.63 8686.81 8732.19 8777.78 8823.57 8869.56 8915.76 8962.17 9008.79 9055.61
44 9102.65 9149.89 9197.35 9245.02 9292.90 9340.99 9389.30 9437.82 9486.56 9535.51
45 9584.69 9634.08 9683.68 9733.51 9783.56 9833.83 9884.32 9935.04 9985.98 10037.14
46 10088.53 10140.14 10191.99 10244.06 10296.35 10348.88 10401.64 10454.63 10507.85 10561.30
47 10614.98 10668.91 10723.06 10777.45 10832.08 10886.95 10942.05 10997.40 1l052.98 11108.81
48 11164.88 11221.19 II 277. 74 11334.54 11391.58 11448.88 11506.41 11564.20 11622.23 11680.52
49 11739.05 11797.84 11856.88 11916.17 11975.72 12035.52 12095.58 121 55.89 12216.47 12277.30

50 12338.39 12399.74 12461.35 12523.23 12585.37 12647.77 12710.44 12773.37 12836.57 12900.04
51 12963.77 13027.78 13092.06 13156.61 13221.43 13286.52 13351.89 13417.54 13483.46 13549.66
52 13616.13 13682.89 13749.92 13817.24 13884.84 13952.72 14020.88 14089.33 14158.07 14227.09
53 14296.40 14366.00 14435.89 14506.07 14576.54 14647.30 14718.36 14789.71 14861.36 14933.31
54 15005.55 15078.09 15150.93 15224.07 15297.5 1 15371.26 15445.31 15519.66 15594.32 15669.29
55 15744.56 15820.15 15896.04 15972.25 16048. 76 16125.59 16202.73 16280.19 16357.97 16436.06
56 16514.47 16593.19 16672.24 16751.61 16831.31 16911.32 16991.66 17072.33 17153.32 17234.64
57 17316.29 17398.27 17480.58 17563.22 17646.20 17729.51 17813.15 17897.13 17981.45 18066.11
58 18151.11 18236.45 18322.12 18408.15 18494.51 18581.23 18668.29 18755.69 18843.45 18931.55
59 19020.01 19108.81 19197.97 19287.49 19377.36 19467.58 19558.17 19649.11 19740.41 19832.08

;1 Meta stable stat e; vapor press ure with respect to supercooled water.


TABLE 5. Saturation vapor press ure over water (IPTS-48} - Continued

T e mpe rature
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
deg C

pascals pascals pascals pascals p ascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals

60 19924.10 20016.49 20109.25 20202.37 20295.86 20389.71 20483.93 20578.53 20673.50 20768.83
61 20864.55 20960.64 21057.10 21153.94 21251.16 21348.76 21446.74 21545. 11 21643.86 21742.99
62 21842.51 21942.41 22042.70 22143.39 22244.46 22345.93 22447.79 22550.04 22652.69 22755.73
63 22859. 18 22963.02 23067.27 23171.91 23276.96 23382.41 23488.27 23594.54 23701.21 23808. 29
64 23915.79 24023.69 24132.01 24240.75 24349.90 24459.46 24569.45 24679.85 24790.67 24901.92
65 25013.59 25125.69 25238.21 25351.15 25464.53 25578.34 25692.58 25807.25 25922.35 26037.89
66 26153.87 26270.28 26387.13 26504.43 26622.16 26740.34 26858.96 26978.03 27097.54 27217.51
67 27337.92 27458.79 27580.10 27701.88 27824.10 27946.79 28069.93 28193.53 28317.59 28442.11
68 28567.10 28692.55 28818.47 28944.85 29071.71 29199.03 29326.83 29455 .10 29583.84 29713.06
69 29842.76 29972.94 30103.59 30234.73 30366.35 30498.46 30631.05 30764. 13 30897.70 31031.76

70 31166.31 31301.35 31436.89 31572.92 31709.45 31846.48 31984.01 32122.04 32260.57 32399.61
71 32539. 16 32679.21 32819.77 32960.84 33102.43 33244.53 33387.14 33530.27 33673.92 33818.08
72 33962.77 34107.98 34253.72 34399.98 34546.76 34694.08 34841.92 34990.30 35139.21 35288.65
73 35438.63 35589.15 35740.21 35891.80 36043.94 36196.63 36349.86 36503.63 36657.95 36812.83
74 36968.25 37124.23 37280.77 37437.85 37595.50 37753 .71 37912.47 38071.80 38231.70 38392.16
75 38553.18 38714.78 38876.94 39039.68 39202.99 39366.88 39531.34 39696.38 39862.01 40028.21
76 40195.00 40362.37 40530.33 40698.87 40868.01 41037.73 41208.06 41378 .97 4 1550.48 41722.59
77 41895.30 42068.61 42242.52 42417.04 42592.16 42767.90 42944.24 43121.19 43298.76 43476.94
78 43655.73 43835.15 44015.18 44195. 84 44377.11 44559.02 44741.55 44924.71 45108.49 45292.91
79 45477.96 45663.65 45849.98 46036.94 46224.54 46412.79 46601.67 4679 1. 21 46981.39 47172.22

80 47363.70 47555.83 47748.62 47942.06 48136.16 48330.92 48526.34 48722.42 48919.1 7 49116.58
81 493 14.67 49513.42 49712.84 499 12.94 50113.71 503 15.16 50517.29 50720.10 50923.59 51127.77
82 51332.63 51538.18 51744.43 51951.36 52 158.98 52367.30 52576.32 52786.04 52996.46 53207.58
83 53419.40 53631.93 53845.17 54059. 12 54273.78 54489. 16 54705.25 54922.05 55139.58 55357.83
84 55576.80 55796.50 56016.92 56238.07 56459.95 56682.57 56905.92 57130.00 57354.82 57580.39
85 57806.69 58033.74 58261 ,54 58490.08 58719.37 58949.42 59180.2 1 59411. 77 59644.08 59877. 15
86 60110.98 60345.57 60580.93 60817.06 61053.95 61291.62 61530.06 61769 .27 62009.26 62250.03
87 62491.58 62733.92 62977.04 63220.94 63465.64 63711.12 63957.40 64204.47 64452.34 64701.01
88 64950.48 65200.75 65451.82 65703.71 65956.40 66209.90 66464.22 66719.35 66975.30 67232.06
89 67489.65 67748.06 68007.30 68267.36 68528.26 68789.98 69052.54 69315.93 69580.16 69845.23

90 70111.14 70377.90 70645.50 70913.95 71 183.25 71453.40 71724.41 71996.27 72268.99 72542.57
91 72817.02 73092.33 73368.50 73645.55 73923.46 74202.25 74481.92 74762.46 75043.88 75326.18
92 75609.37 75893.44 76178.41 76464.26 7675 1.00 77038.64 77327.18 77616.62 77906.95 78198.19
93 78490.34 78783.39 79077.36 79372.24 79668.03 79964.73 80262.36 80560.9 1 80860.38 81160.77
94 81462.10 81764.35 82067.53 82371.65 82676.71 82982.71 83289.64 83597.52 83906.35 84216.12
95 84526.84 84838.51 85151.14 85464.73 85779.28 86094.78 86411.25 86728.69 87047.09 87366.47
96 87686.81 88008.13 88330.43 88653.71 88977.97 89303 .22 89629.45 89956.67 90284.88 906 14.09
97 90944.29 91275.49 91607.69 91940.89 92275.10 92610.3 1 92946.53 93283.77 93622.02 93961.29
98 94301.58 94642.88 94985.22 95328.58 95672.96 96018.38 96364.83 967 12.32 97060.85 97410.41
99 97761.02 98112.68 98465.38 98819.13 99173.94 99529.80 99886.71 100244.69 100603.73 100963.83
100 101325.01

TABLE 6. Saturation vapor pressure over water (JPTS-68)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
deg C

pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals

0 " 610.752 615.207 619.690 624.203 628.744 633.315 637.916 642.545 647.205 651.894
1 656.614 661.364 666.144 670.955 675.796 680.669 685.572 690.507 695.473 700.471
2 705.500 710.562 715.655 720.781 725.939 731.130 736.354 741.611 746.901 752.224
3 757.581 762.971 768.396 773.854 779.347 784.874 790.436 796.033 801.664 807.331
4 813.034 818.771 824.545 830.355 836.200 842.082 848.001 853.956 859.948 865.978
5 872.045 878.149 884.291 890.470 896.688 902.945 909.239 915.573 921.945 928.357
6 934.808 941.298 947.828 954.399 961.009 967.660 974.351 981.083 987.856 994.670
7 1001.53 1008.42 1015.36 1022.34 1029.37 1036.43 1043.54 1050.70 1057.89 1065.13
8 1072.41 1079.74 1087.11 1094.52 1101.98 1109.48 1117.03 1124.63 1132.27 1139.95
9 1147.68 1155.46 1163.28 1171.15 1179.07 1187.04 1195.05 1203.11 1211.21 1219.37

10 1227.57 1235.83 1244.13 1252.48 1260.88 1269.32 1277.82 1286.37 1294.97 1303.62
11 1312.32 1321.07 1329.87 1338.73 1347.63 1356.59 1365.60 1374.67 1383.78 1392.95
12 1402.17 1411.45 1420.78 1430.16 1439.60 1449.10 1458.64 1468.25 1477.91 1487.62
13 1497.39 1507.22 1517.11 1527.05 1537.04 1547.10 1557.21 1567.39 1577.62 1587.90
14 1598.25 1608.66 1619.12 1629.65 1640.24 1650.88 1661.59 1672.36 1683.18 1694.08
15 1705.03 1716.04 1727.12 1738.26 1749.46 1760.73 1772.06 1783.45 1794.91 1806.43
16 1818.01 1829.67 1841.38 1853.17 1865.02 1876.93 1888.91 1900.96 1913.08 1925.27
17 1937.52 1949.84 1962.23 1974.69 1987.21 1999.81 2012.48 2025.21 2038.02 2050.90
18 2063.85 2076.87 2089.97 2103.13 2116.37 2129.68 2143.07 2156.53 2170.06 2183.66
19 2197.34 2211.10 2224.93 2238.84 2252.82 2266.88 2281.02 2295.23 2309.52 2323.89

20 2338.34 2352.86 2367.47 2382.15 2396.91 2411.76 2426.68 2441.68 2456.77 2471.93
21 2487. 18 2502.51 2517.93 2533.42 2549.00 2564.66 2580.41 2596.24 2612.16 2628.16
22 2644.25 2660.42 2676.68 2693.02 2709.46 2725.98 2742.59 2759.28 2776.07 2792.94
23 2809.91 2826.96 2844.11 2861.34 2878.67 2896.09 2913.60 2931.20 2948.89 2966.68
24 2984.56 3002.54 3020.61 3038.77 3057.03 3075.39 3093.84 3112.39 3131.03 3149.78
25 3168.62 3187.55 3206.59 3225.73 3244.96 3264.30 3283.73 3303.27 3322.91 3342.65
26 3362.49 3382.43 3402.48 3422.63 3442.89 3463.24 3483.71 3504.28 3524.95 3545.73
27 3566.62 3587.62 3608.72 3629.93 3651.25 3672.67 3694.21 3715.86 3737.61 3759.48
28 3781.46 3803.55 3825.75 3848.07 3870.50 3893.04 3915.70 3938.47 3961.36 3984.36
29 4007.48 4030.71 4054.06 4077.53 4101.12 4124.83 4148.65 4172.59 4196.66 4220.84

30 4245.15 4269.58 4294.13 4318.80 4343.60 4368.52 4393.56 4418.73 4444.02 4469.44
31 4494.98 4520.65 4546.45 4572.38 4598.43 4624.62 4650.93 4677.37 4703.95 4730.65
32 4757.49 4784.46 4811.56 4838.79 4866.16 4893.66 4921.29 4949.07 4976.97 5005.02
33 5033.20 5061.52 5089.97 5118.57 5147.30 5176.17 5205.19 5234.34 5263.64 5293.08
34 5322.66 5352.39 5382.25 5412.27 5442.42 5472.73 5503.18 5533.77 5564.52 5595.41
35 5626.45 5657.63 5688.97 5720.46 5752. 10 5783.89 5815.83 5847.93 5880.18 5912.58
36 5945.14 5977.85 6010.72 6043.74 6076.92 6110.26 6143.75 6177.41 6211.22 6245.20
37 6279.33 6313.63 6348.09 6382.71 6417.50 6452.44 6487.56 6522.83 6558.28 6593.89
38 6629.66 6665.61 6701.72 6738.00 6774.45 6811.08 6847.87 6884.83 6921.97 6959.28
39 6996.76 7034.42 7072.25 7110.26 7148.44 7186.80 7225.34 7264.06 7302.96 7342.03

40 7381.29 7420.73 7460.35 7500.15 7540.13 7580.30 7620.65 7661.19 7701.92 7742.83
41 7783.92 7825.21 7866.69 7908.35 7950.21 7992.25 8034.49 8076.92 8119.54 8162.36
42 8205.37 8248.57 8291.98 8335.58 8379.37 8423.37 8467.56 8511.95 8556.55 8601.34
43 8646.34 8691.54 8736.94 8782.55 8828.36 8874.38 8920.60 8967.03 9013.67 9060.52
44 9107.58 9154.84 9202.32 9250.01 9297.92 9346.03 9394.36 9442.91 9491.67 9540.65
45 9589.84 9639.25 9688.89 9738.74 9788.81 9839.10 9889.62 9940.36 9991.32 10042.50
46 10093.92 10145.55 10197.42 10249.51 10301.83 10354.38 10407.16 10460.18 10513.42 10566.90
47 10620.61 10674.55 10728.73 10783.15 10837.80 10892.69 10947.82 11003.19 11058.79 11114.64
48 11170.74 11227.07 11283.65 11340.47 11397.54 11454.86 11512.42 11570.23 11628.29 11686.60
49 11745.15 11803.97 11863.03 11922.35 11981.92 12041.74 12101.83 12162.17 12222.76 12283.62

50 12344.73 12406.11 12467.75 12529.65 12591.81 12654.24 12716.93 12779.89 12843.11 12906.61
51 12970.37 13034.40 13098.70 13163.27 13228.12 13293.24 13358.63 13424.30 13490.25 13556.47
52 13622.97 13689.75 13756.81 13824.15 13891.78 13959.68 14027.87 14096.35 14165.11 14234.16
53 14303.49 14373.12 14443.03 14513.23 14583.73 14654.52 14725.60 14796.98 14868.65 14940.62
54 15012.89 15085.45 15158.32 15231.49 15304.96 15378.73 15452.80 15527.18 15601.86 15676.86
55 15752.16 15827.76 15903.68 15979.91 16056.45 16133.31 16210.47 16287.96 16365.76 16443.87
56 16522.31 16601.06 16680.13 16759.53 16839.25 16919.29 16999.65 17080.34 17161.36 17242.71
57 17324.38 17406.39 17488.72 17571.39 17654.39 17737.72 17821.39 17905.40 17989.74 18074.42
58 18159.44 18244.81 18330.51 18416.56 18502.95 18589.69 18676.77 18764.20 18851.98 18940.11
59 19028.59 19117.42 19206.60 19296.14 19386.04 19476.29 19566.90 19657.86 19749.19 19840.88

a Metastable state; vapor pressure with respect to supercooled water.

T ABLE 6. Saturation vap or press ure over water (IPTS-68) - Continu ed

T e mpe rat ure

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
deg C

pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals

60 19932.93 20025 .34 20118. 12 202 11.26 20304.77 20398.65 20492 .90 20587 .52 20682.51 20777.87
61 20873.61 20969.72 21066.21 211 63. 07 21260.32 21357.94 21455.95 21554.33 21653.10 21752.26
62 21851.80 21951.73 22052 .04 22152.75 22253.85 22355.33 22457.2 1 22559 .49 22662.16 22765.23
63 22868.70 22972.56 23076.83 23181.50 23286.57 23392.04 23497.92 23604.21 23710.91 23818.01
64 23925 .53 24033.45 24141.79 24250.55 24359.72 24469.3 1 24579.31 24689.74 24800.58 24911.85
65 25023.54 25135 .66 25248.20 25361.1 7 25474.56 25588.39 25702.65 25817.34 25932.46 26048.02
66 26164.02 26280.45 26397.32 26514.64 26632.39 26750.59 26869.23 26988.32 27107.85 27227.83
67 27348.27 27469. 15 27590.48 277 12.27 27834.52 27957.22 28080.38 28204.00 28328.08 28452.62
68 28577.62 28703.09 28829.03 28955.43 29082.30 29209.64 29337.46 29465.74 29594.50 29723.74
69 29853.45 29983 .65 30114.32 30245.47 30377.11 30509.23 30641.84 30774.93 30908.51 31042.59

70 311 77. 15 31312.21 31447.76 3 1583.8 1 31720.35 31857.39 31994.94 32132.98 32271.53 32410.58
71 32550.14 32690.21 32830.78 32971.87 33113.46 33255.57 33398 .20 33541.34 33685.00 33829. 18
72 33973.88 34119. 10 34264.84 34411.1 1 34557.91 34705.24 34853.09 35001.48 35150.40 35299.85
73 35449.84 35600.37 35751.43 35903.04 36055. 19 36207.88 36361.12 36514.90 36669.23 36824. 11
74 36979.55 37135.53 37292.07 37449.17 37606.82 37765.03 37923 .81 38083 .14 38243.04 38403.51
75 38564.54 38726. 14 38888.31 39051.05 392 14.37 39378.26 39542 .72 39707.77 39873.39 40039.60
76 40206.39 403 73.76 40541.73 40710.27 40879.41 41049.14 41219 .46 41390.38 41561.89 41734.00
77 41906.71 42080.02 42253.93 42428.45 42603.57 42779.30 42955 .64. 43132.59 433 10.16 43488.34
78 43667. 13 43846.54 44026.57 44207.22 44388.50 44570.40 44752.92 44936.08 45 119.86 45304.27
79 45489.32 45675.00 45861.32 46048.28 46235.87 46424.11 466 12.99 46802.52 46992 .69 47183.51

80 47374.98 47567.l1 47759.89 47953.32 48147.41 48342. 16 48537.57 48733.64 48930.38 49127.78
81 49325.85 49524.59 49724.00 49924.09 50124.85 50326.28 50528.40 50731.19 50934.67 51138.83
82 51343.68 51549.22 51755.44 51962.36 52169.97 52378.27 52587.27 52796.97 53007.37 53218.47
83 53430.28 53642.79 53856.01 54069.94 54284.58 54499.93 54716.00 54932 .78 55 150.29 55368.51
84 55587.46 55807.14 56027.53 56248.66 56470.52 56693. 11 569 16.43 57140.49 57365.29 57590.82
85 57817.10 58044.12 58271.89 58500.41 58729.67 58959.68 59190.45 59421.97 59654.25 59887 .29
86 60121.09 60355.65 60590.98 60827.07 61063.94 6130 1.57 61539 .97 61779 .15 620 19. 11 62259.84
87 62501.36 62743 .65 62986.73 63230.60 63475.26 63720.70 63966.94 64213.98 64461.80 64710.43
88 64959 .86 65210.09 6546 1.1 2 65712.96 65965.61 66219.07 66473.34 66728 .43 66984.33 67241.05
89 67498.60 67756 .96 680 16. 15 68276.16 68537.0 1 68798.68 69061.19 69324.53 69588.71 69853.73

90 70119.59 70386.30 70653.85 70922.24 71191.49 71461.58 71732.54 72004.34 72277.0 1 72550.53
91 72824.92 73100. 17 73376.29 73653.27 7393 1.13 74209.86 74489.46 74769.94 75051.30 75333.54
92 75616.66 75900.67 76185.57 76471.36 76758.04 77045.61 77334.08 77623.45 77913.72 78204.89
93 78496.96 78789.95 79083.84 79378.65 79674.36 79971.00 80268.55 80567.02 80866.42 81166.74
94 81467.99 81770. 16 82073.27 82377.3 1 82682.29 82988.20 83295.06 83602.86 83911.60 8422 1.29
95 8453 1.93 84843.52 85156.07 85469.57 85784.03 86099.44 86415.83 86733.17 8705 1.49 87370.77
96 87691.03 880 12.26 88334.47 88657 .66 88981.82 89306.97 89633 .11 89960.24 90288.35 906 17.46
97 90947 .56 91278.66 91610.76 91943.86 92277.97 92613.08 92949.20 93286.34 93624.48 93963.65
98 94303 .83 94645.03 94987.26 95330.5 1 95674.79 96020.09 96366.43 967 13.81 97062 .22 974 11. 68
99 97762. 17 98113.7 1 98466.30 98819.94 99174.62 99530.37 99887 .16 100245.02 100603.94 100963.92

100 .
101324.97 . .. .... ...... . . . .... .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .... .. .......... .. ... ... . . ... . . ... ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ... .......... ...... .. ... ...

4. Discussion remain identi cal on th e two scales. Thu s, when te m-

perature scale chan ges in y , 8 ' a nd C' ar e mad e, eq
4 .1. Thermodynamic Temperature (10) still leads to a formulation tha t yield s va por pres-
sures in substantial agreem e nt with S timson 's vapor
IPTS - 68 was adopted a s a replacement for IPTS - 48 pressures on IPTS - 48 and not on IPTS - 68. The infe r-
on the basis, a t lea st in part, that it approac hed the ence from these results is that IPTS - 48 may be a
thermodynami c te mperature scale to within the uncer- closer approximation to the thermod ynami c te mper a-
tainty of the latter. Pres umably , therefore , the con- ture scale in the range 0 to 100 °C th a n I P T S- 68. It
ve rsion of y and of 8 ' a nd C' from IPTS - 48 to IPTS - is for thi s reason that we base d our de rivation on
68, and the substituti on of these quantities into eqs IPTS -48 ra th er than IPTS- 68_
(10) and (11) should yield a solution giving vapor pres-
sure on IPTS - 68. This is not the case. The con-
version of y from IPTS - 48 to IPTS- 68 introdu ces a 4_2. Error Analysis
maximum c ha nge in y , whi ch occurs at 50 °C, of about
0.04 joules per gram , a qu a ntity whi ch has negligible It is of interes t to estimate the uncertainty in cal-
effect on p . Simila rly, 8 ' and C', and consequently p , c ulatin g p arisin g from estim ated errors in y, Z , R , T ,
ar e affected i nsignifi cantly by the c han ge in tempera- a nd To, usin g th e Clausiu s - Clap eyron equa ti on . F or
ture scales. The lower limits of integration , Po and To, purposes of thi s error a nal ysis, we shall de rive a simpli-
fied vapor pressure equation and we shall assume that tions, and computed, as the equivalent estimated
all variables are independent. Equation (5) serves as a error in Z, the quantity 2 X 10- 4, valid from 0 to
convenient starting point for this analysis: 100°C. The absolute temperature T enters into eq (26)
as the independent variable so that it is subject neither
dp=-Y-dT to experimental nor scale error. Experimental and
(5) scale errors in T affect y and the virial coefficients;
however, these temperature errors show up and
The calorimetric quantity y varies from 2500 to 2257 are contained in the assigned estimated errors in
j/g as t increases from 0 to 100 °C. As an approximation y and Z.
let y be equal to 2400 j/g and constant. The compressi- A summary of the relative errors in p due to the
bility factor Z varies from 0.9995 to 0.9845 over the estimated errors in y , R , and Z is given in table 7.
same temperature range. Let Z be approximated by Assuming that the estimated errors in y, R, and Z
unity. Under these conditions, the integration of eq (5) are systematic, then the total estimated error in p is
yields at most the arithmetic sum of the estimated errors
in p due to !J..y, !J..R, and !J..Z , respectively. This error
P- -
In- [y]T
-- (25) analysis sets the outer bounds, that is, the estimated
maximum error, that might occur in the calculation of p.

(26) TABLE 7. Estimated uncertainty in thermodynamic

computation of vapor pressure
Differentiating p with respect to each parameter, re-
placing the differentials by finite increments, and Estimated relative error in
Tempera- vapor pressure due to Estimated maximum
dividing each side by p, we obtain lure estimated un certaintie s in error in
vapor pressure
!J..p = _ _ l _ [To_l]!J.. y t y R Z
P RToZ T °C ppm ppm ppm ppm pascals

!J..p [To 490 254 1021 1765 1.08

-;;=R2ToZ r- l ] !J..R (28) 0
30 310 161 644 1115 4.73
!J..p [To ]
-;;= RToZ2 r- l !J..Z
y (29) 40 257 133 535 925 6.82
50 ·208 108 432 748 9.23
60 161 83 335 579 11.54
70 117 61 244 422 13.15
!J..p Y 80 76 39 158 273 12.93
-;;= RT2Z!J..T (30)
90 37 19 77 133 9.32
100 0 0 0 0 0
!J..p y
p=- RTJZ !J..To. (31)
The deviations of our formulation from Stimson's
If we let the finite increments represent estimated data may be taken as a measure of the actual error in
errors in their respective parameters, then these the calculation of vapor pressure. Therefore , one
equations permit us to calc ulate th e corresponding would expect these deviations to be comparable to
the estimated maximum errors in the calculation of p,
estImate d re IatIve
. error III !J..p.
. pressure - but they are two orders of magnitude smaller. It is
p possible that the estimates of uncertainty assigned
Since Po and To are the assigned steam point values to y, R , and Z may be conservative leading to esti-
of pressure and temperature on IPTS-48, and since our mated maximum errors in p that are too large. It is
derivation was made on this scale, it will be assumed also possible that the systematic errors in y , R , and
that both Po and To have zero error. The estimated Z tend to compensate each other whereas we assumed
error in y will be taken as 0.23 j/ g, the residual stand- that these are additive. Finally, the Goff and Gratch
ard deviation of the least square fit of eq (8) to the Os- virial coefficients, which we used to compute Z, are
borne, Stimson, and Ginnings data. The estimated not completely independent parameters. Goff and
error in R , th e specific gas constant for water vapor, Gratch derived these virial coefficients using vapor
arises from the estimated errors in the universal pressure data, first in computing enthalpy coefficients
molar gas constant and in the molecular weight of from calorimetric data, that is, from y, and second,
water. According to Bain [44], the error limit in R, in evaluating the constants of integration that result
defined as three times the standard deviation, is from integrating enthalpy coefficients to obtain virial
7 X 10- 5 j/gK. We will use the standard deviation as coefficients. The effect of this procedure is that the
our estimate of error in R , i.e., 2.3 X 10- 5 j/gK. Goff [19] virial coefficients are partially dependent on, and self-
has assigned tolerances to the Goff and Gratch virial consiste nt with, p and y. Although the Cragoe-Stimson
coefficients which he set at twice th e probable error. measurem e nts were available to Goff and Gratch [6],
We have converted his tolerances to standard devia· apparently these were used only for comp arison with

th eir vapor press ure equati on and not for de riving with little degradation in the accuracy of the computed
viri al coe ffi c ie nts . On th e othe r hand , th e Gerr y equa- values. Equation (24) with n = 3 on IPTS- 68 is equiva·
tion [7], th e Os born e and Meyers formulati on [31] and lent to eq (l8b) on IPTS-48.
the Moser and Zmaczyn s ki va por press ure meas ure-
me nts r37] were used directly or indirectly.
We have employed virial coe fficie nts due to Keyes 6. References
[56] and to Czuha as given by Bain [44] and obtained
equation s which predic t vapor press ures significantly [1] Goff, J. A., Saturation press ure of wate r on th e ne w ke lvin
diffe re nt from Stimson's meas ureme nts , but well scale, Humidity and Mo isture, Arn old Wex ler, Editor·in·
within our es timated maximum error. We ascribe, in chief, vol. 3 (Reinhold Publishin g Co rpo rati on, Ne w York ,
1965) p. 289.
part, the close con cordan ce of our formulation with [2 ] Stimson , H. F. , So me precise meas ureme nts of th e vapor pres·
S tim so n' s measurements to our use of the Goff and sure of water in th e range fro m 25 to 100 °C, J. Res. Nal.
Gratch virial coe ffi cients. Bur. S ta nd. (U.S.), 73A (p hys. a nd Che rn .) No.4, 493- 496
It is cle ar that if the param e ters y, R, and Z were (Se pl. - O cl. 1969).
comple tely ind e pende nt , the n th ey must be known to [3] Stim son , H. F., Precision res istance th ermometry a nd fix ed
points. Te mp erature , Its Meas ure ment a nd Co ntrol in Sci·
a n acc urac y that is 1 to 2 order s of magnitude better ence and Ind ustry, VoL 2 , Am e ri ca n In stitute of Ph ys ics
than they are now known if therm odynami c calc ula- Sy mpos ium , 1939 (Ne w York C ity, Reinh old P ubli s hing Co.)
tions of vapor pressure a re to have an uncertainty com - [4 ] Osborn e , Na th a n S., Calorim etry of a fluid , J. Res. Nal. Bur.
Stand . (U.S.), 4 , 609-629 (1930)RPI68.
parable to Stimson 's meas urements. Therefore, our [5 ] Go ff, J A. and Gratch, S., Th e rm odyna mi c prope rti es of moist
formulation should not be take n as a corroboration air. Heatin g, Pipin g and Air Condi tionin g, AS HVE Journ al
from co mpletely inde pe nd e nt thermodynami c d ata of Sec tion 17 ,334 (1945).
Stim so n's vapor press ure meas ureme nts; rathe r it [6] Go ff, John A. and Gratch, S., Low·pressure properties of water
s hould be vie wed as a s moothing fun ction that has a fro m - 160 to 212 F, T rans. AS HV E 52 , 95 (1946).
(7 ] Os born e, N. S., Stim so n, H. F., a nd Ginnin gs, D. C, Meas ure·
theore tical basis. This is partic ularly tru e of e q (17) ment s of heat ca pacity and heat of vapor iza tio n of water in
whic h was adjus ted to fit Stim son 's meas ure me nts. th e ra nge 0° to 100 °C, J. Res. Nal. Bu r. S ta nd . (U.S.), 23 ,
However , it is e vid ent that there is a high le vel of the r- 197- 260 (1939)RPI 228.
modynami c co nsiste ncy am ong th e para me te rs p , y , [8 ] Fioc k, E. F. a nd Ginnin gs, D. C, Hea t of va pori zati on of water
at 50°, 70°, and 90 °C, J. Res. Nal. Bur. Sta nd. (U.S.), 8, 321-
and Z. 324 (1932)RP416.
[9] Os born e, N. S., Stim son, H. F., and Ginnings, D. C., Calori·
5. Conclusions metri c deter min ati on of th e the rm ody na mi c properties of
sa tura ted wa te r in both th e liqu id a nd gaseo us states from
The feas ibility of computin g the vapor press ure of 100° to 374 °C, J Res. Nal. Bur. S ta nd. (U.S.), 18 ,389- 447
water to a high ord e r of acc uracy by a s moothin g fun c- [10 ] Burgess, 'G. K. , Th e inte rn ati ona l tempe ra ture scale, J. Res,
tion that has a rational basis has been de mons trate d. Na l. Bur. S ta nd . (U.S.), 1 ,635- 640 (1928)RP22.
Calculated va por pres sures agree with th e very pre- [ 11] Stim son , H. F., Intern ati onal te mpe rature scale of 1948 , J.
cise measurem ents of Stimson to within 7 ppm from 25 Res. Na l. Bur. S tand . (U.S.), 4 2 ,209- 217 (1949)RP I962.
[1 2] S tim so n, H. F., Intern ati onal practi ca l te mpe rature scale of
to 100 °e. 1948. Tex t rev ision of 1960, J. Res. Nal. Bur. S tand. (U.S.),
At the ice point the PTR data is in reasonable ac- 65A (p hys. and Che m.), No.3 , 139- 145 (May- Jun e 196 1).
cord with the value calcula ted from eq (17); at the [13] Keyes, F . G., S mith , L. B., and Ge rry, H. 1'. , T he spec ifi c vol·
triple point and ice point , s team table valu es are ve ry um e of stea m in th e sa turated a nd s up erh eated co nditi on
close to our calc ulated values. Prytz's triple point toge th er with de ri ved valu es of th e enth alpy, entropy, heat
capac ity and Joul e Th omp son coe ffi cie nts. Proc. Am. Acad.
measurem e nt is 0.3 pascal (490 ppm) highe r than our Arts Sci. 70 ,319 (1936).
calculated value. [1 4 ] Keyes, F. G., The cons istency of the th erm od yna mi c data [or
It should be note d that th e triple point, the most water subs tance va por phase to 550 ,oC , J . Che m. P hys. 17 ,
923 (1949).
stable conditi on of the pure water substance , which [1 5] Keyes , F. G., The 1957 statu s of stea m prope rti es, Tran s.
serve s as a de fining fixed point on the thermodynamic ASME 80,555 (1958).
te mperature scale and is re producible in temperature [J6] Keenan, J H. , Keyes, F. G., Hill , P . G., and Moo re, J. G., S tea m
to a ve ry high order of accuracy, has a comparatively _ Tables (John Wiley and So ns, In c., New York , 1969).
inexactly known saturation pressure. A definitive de- [17] Knoblau ch , 0 ., Lind e, R. and Kl ebe H. , Die th e rmi schen
Eigenshafte n des ges attige n und des iiberhitzten Wasse r·
terminatio n of th e vapor pressure at the triple point is dampfes zwischen 100° und 180 °C, Mitth eilung iibe r Forsc h·
needed. ungs arbeite n d. Ver. d. Ing. 21, 33 (1905).
Douslin's measure ments from 0 to 20 °e are sys- [18] Collins, S. C., and Keyes, F. G., Th e heat capac ity and pres·
sure vari ation of the enth alpy for stea m fro m 38° to 125 °C.
te ma ti cally hi gher than our cal culations by 0.6 to 1.7 Proc. Am. Acad. Arts. Sci. 72 ,283 (1938).
pasc al s, roughl y of the ord er of 2 to 3 tim es hi s esti- [ 19 ] Go ff, J. A., Stand ardizati on of th e rm od ynami c properti es of
mated maximum sys te mati c e rror. moist air·fin al re port of th e Working Subco mmittee, Inter·
Th e Moser a nd Zm aczynski da ta from 73 to 100 °e are nati onal Joint Co mmittee on P syc hrome tri c Data, ASHVE
sys te mati call y lower th a n the valu es predic ted by eq (17) J Section, Heatin g, Pipin g and Air Co nditioning 55 , 118
wh erea s th e Beatti e a nd Blaisden data , whic h only e n- [20] Ne w valu es for the ph ys ica l co ns tants, Na l. Bur. S ta nd . (U.S.),
co mpass t he ra nge 96 to 103 °e, de viate randomly Tech. Ne ws Bull. 47 (10) 175 (1963).
about our c urve with an estimated residual standard [21] ASTM Metri c P racti ce Guid e, Nal. Bu r. Stand . (U.S.), Ha ndb.
102 , 49 pages (1967).
de viation of 1.55 pascals (17 ppm). [22] Abra mow itz, M., and Stegun , L A., Ha ndboo k of Mathe mati ca l
Equ a ti on (17) has se ve n term s, a nd wh ere a simpler Fun cti ons, Nal. Bur. Sta nd. (U.S.), Ap p!. Ma th . Ser. 55,
equation is desired , eq (18b) with fiv e term s c an be used 885 (Jun e 1964).

[23] P a rtington, J. R. , An Advan ced Treastise on P hysical Che mis- [41] Thi esen , M. a nd Sc heel , K. , Bestimmung del' Spannkraft
try, vol. 2 (Lon gman , London , 1951)_ des gesatti gen W asse rdampfes b ei T e mperature n zwische n
[24] Miller, D. G. , Estim ating vapor press ures-a com pariso n of -1 2° und + 25°, Wi ss. Abh . ph ysik-tec hn o Reichsanst. 3 ,
equation s, Ind. Eng. C he m_ 56,46 (1 964). 71 (1900)_
[25 ] Ambrose, D_, Co un cell , J. F., and Dave nport , A. J. , The use of [42 ] S chee l, K. a nd He use, W ., Bestimmung des Salli gun gsdru c kes
Ch e bys he v polynomials for th e represe nta tion of va pour VDn Wasserdampf unte r 0°, Ann_ Ph ysik_ 29,729 (1909)_
press ures be twee n the t ripl e point a nd th e criti cal po int. J. [43 ] P rytz, K. , Man ome tre a contact Dptiqu e e t SDn e mplDi PDur
C he rn. Th e rmo. 2 , 283 (1970). la dete rmina tion du tripl e point d'ea u, Ma the matisk-fysik e
[26 ] Goodwin , R . D. , No na nalyti c va por press ure equ ation with meddelelser Da nske Vid e ns kabe rn es Selskab, Copenhage n
da ta fDr nitrogen a nd oxyge n. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Sta nd . (U.S.), 11, No. 2 (1931).
73A , (phy s. and C he rn .) No.. 5, 487 - 491 (Se pt. - Oct. 1969). [44 ] Bain , R . W ., N_E .L. Stea m Ta bles , 1964 , Her Maj est y' s
[27 ] Holborn , L. , a nd He nnin g, F. Uber das Pl atinth erm ometer un d S tati one ry Office , Ed inburgh , 1964.
de n Satti gungsd ruc k des Wa sserda mpfes zwi sc he n 50 a nd [45 ] Sonntag , D_, Hygrome trie, pp. 9 1- 102 (Akade mie-Ve rlag,
200°, Ann. Ph ysik. IV , 26, 54 (1908)_ Be rlin , 1966- 1968)_
[28] Sc heel, K. , a nd He use, W. Bestimmung des Sa tti gun gsdru c kes [46] Os born e , N. So, Stim son , H _ F. and Ginnin gs , D. c. , The rmal
VD n W asse rdampf zwi sc he n 0 und +50°, Ann. Ph ys ik. IV properties of satura ted wate r an d Slea m , J. Re s. Nat. Bur.
31 , 71 5 (1910)_ S tand. (U.S.), 23, 261- 270 (1939) RP1229.
[29 ] Holborn, L. , Scheel , K. , a nd Henning, F _, Warm e tabell en [47 ] APIRP 44 Table 2- 1- (1.01 ) -k, Ame rican P e trole um In sti-
(Vie weg and Sohn , 1919). tute Research Proj ect 44, T exa s A and M University, Che m-
[30] Smith , L. B. , Keyes, F. G., and Gerry, H. T ., The va por press ure ical Therm odyna mi cs Properti es Center, De pt. of Chem.,
of wate r, Proc_ Am. Acad. Arts and Sci.69, 137 (1934). CDlIege Station , Texas (1964).
[31] O sbDrn e , N. S o, a nd Meye rs, C. H., A formul a and ta bl es fDr th e [48] Meye r, C. A. , McC lintDc k, R . 8. , Silvestri , G_ J. , and Spe nce r,
press ure of saturated wate r va por in the ran ge 0 to 374 'C, Jr. , R_ C. 1967 ASME Stea m T a bl es, Am eri can Soc. Mec h.
J. Res. Nat. Bur. Sta nd . (U.S_), 13 , 1- 20 (1934)RP691. En g. , New York.
[32 ] Th e Inte rnatiDnal Practi cal T e m perature Scale Df 1968 , [49 ] Bridge man , O. c. , and Aldri c h , E. W., Va por press ure tabl es
Metrologia 5, 35 (1969). for water, Trans ASME. J. Heat Tran sfe r Series C- D 86,
[33 ] VDle t, C h., La te mpe rature d'e bullition d' ea u d'a pres les ex- 279 (1964).
peri e nces de P . C ha ppuis, Tra va ux e t Me mDires du Burea u [50] Gib son, M. R. and Bruges , E. A. , New equatiDns for the th e rm o-
inte rn a tiona l des Poids e t Measures 18, 11 (1929). d yna mi c prope rti es of saturated water in both th e liquid
[34 ] Zm aczynski , A. , and Bonhoure, A. , La temp erature d' ebulli- a nd va por ph ases, J. Mec h. En g. Science 9, 24 (1967).
ti on de l'ea u e n fDn ctiDn de la press ion, J. Ph ys . e t R ad. [5 1] Th e Third Inte rn ation al Confe renc e Dn Ste am Tabl es, Mech.
(V ll) 1 , 285, (1930). Eng. 57,710 (1935).
[35 ] MDse r, H. , Ein e stati sche Methode fiir prazi se Da mpfdru ck- [52 ] ASHRAE Guide a nd Da ta BODk , Fund a mentals and Equip-
. mess un gen bei hi ihe ren Te mperature n und ihre Anwe ndun g me nt. 1961 , 1965 a nd 1966, Am erican Socie ty of Heating
zu r Sic herun g des Hund ertpunktes der Te mpe ra turskala, Refri ge rating and Air ConditiDnin g En gin eers , In c_,
Ann . Ph ys. (5) 14,790 (1932)_ Ne w York .
[36 ] Beatti e , J. A. a nd Blaisdell , B. E. , An expe rim e ntal stud y of [53 ] Li st , R. J. , S mithsoni a n Meteo rological Tables , Sixth revi sed
th e a bsD lute te mpe rature scale. III. Th e re prDdu cibilit y editiDn, SmithsD ni a n In stitution , Wa shin gton (1951).
Df th e stea m point. Th e effec t of press ure on th e steam [54] ResD lutiDn 19, IV Co ngress, WDrid Me teorological Organi-
pDint, PrDc_ Am. Acad . Arts Sci. 71, 361 (1937). za tiDn, 1963.
[37 ] Mose r, H . and Zm aczynski , A. Satti gun gsdru c k vo n Wasse r- [55 ] Douglas, T. B. CD nve rsion of existing calorim etrically deter-
d ampf Zwi sc he n 73 und 130°, Physik. Zeits 40 , 221 (1939). min ed the rmodynami c prope rti es to th e basis Df the Inte r-
[38] Mi c hels, A. , Blaisse, 8., T e n Seld a m, C. A. a nd WDuters, national Practical T empe ra ture Scale of 1968_ J. Res.
H. M., The vapour press ure Df wate r in th e neighbDrh oDd Nat. Bur. Stand _ (U_ S_), 73A (p hys. and Che m), No.. 5,
DflOO °C. Ph ysica 10, 61 3 (1943). 45 1-470 (Sept. - O ct. 1969).
[39] Douslin , D. R. and McC ull ough , J. P . , An in clin ed-pistDn [56] Keyes, F. G. Th e th e rm Dd yna mic prDpe rties of wa ter sub-
deadweight press ure gage , U.S. Burea u Df Min es Re pt. sta nce 0 to 150 °C. J - Che m. Ph ys. 15 , 602 (1947)_
DfInves tigatiDn No. 6149 (1963).
[40] Douslin , D. R. , Va pDr press ure Df wa ter fro m - 2.5 to 20 °C,
J - C he m. Th e rm odyn a mi cs, in press_ (Paper 75A3-665)

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the Notional Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chem istry
Vol . 75A, No. 3, May-June 1971

Publications of the National Bureau of Standards *

Selected Abstracts Thi s is a critical re vi ew of th e lit e ra tu re o n ion- molec ul e reac ti ons in

the radiolysis and photoionizat io n of hydroca rbons.
Aquista, N., Sc ho en, L J., Matrix isolation spectrum of the
SH radical, J. Chem. Phys. 53 , No.3, 1290-1291 (August 1, 1970). Au sloos, P ., Lias, S. G" Carbo nium ion s in ,'adiation chemist"y,
Reactions of t-buty l ion s with h ydrocarbons, ). Am. Chem..
Soc. 92, No. 17, 5037- 5045 (A ugust 26, 1970).
Key word s : Infra red spectrum ; iso lated SH ; low temperature;
matrix ; S H; ultrav iole t. Key word s: Ca rbonium io ns; ion- molecul e reac ti o ns; neopentan e;
radiol ysis ; ra te co nsta nts; t-butyl ion,
Th e free radi cal SH is p rodu ced in suffi cie nt quantiti es by photo-
de positi on of H,S in a rgo n mat rices a t 20 K for observa ti on in th e t-Butyl ions, ge ne rated b y th e y- irradi a tio n of neo pentane, und e rgo
ultra vi o le t a nd infra red. Close agree me nt be t wee n th e matriX data hyd rid e tra nsfe r reactio ns with a lka nes having te rtiary hydroge n
a nd th e gas· pha se work in th e elec troni c region support th e atoms
ass ign men! .

Ad le r, 1. , Walte r, L. S., Low ma n, P. D. , G lass, B. P., Fre nc h, B. M. ,

Philpott s, .I. A. , He inri c h, K. F. J., Go ld ste in , J. 1. , Electl'On miCl'o- to fo rm iso butan e a nd a te rti a ry ca rboniu m ion as produ c ts. By
p,'obe analysis of AI)ollo 11 lunar samp les (Proc. ApolLo II irrad iatin g neo pe ntane in th e prese nce of mixtures of two reac tant
Lunar Science ConI, Houston, Texas), Ceochim . Cosmochim. 34, molec ul es, one deute ra ted an d one non·deuterated , the relative
Supp!. 1, 87- 92 (January 30, 1970). ra tes of th e hydrid e transfer reac tio n for twe nty-two C 5·C. alka nes
were determined with an unu sually hi gh acc ura cy from th e observed
Key word s: Ana lys is; elec tro n pro be; lun a r sa mpl es; mi c roa nalys is; ratios of iso-C.. H"D to iso-C..H. o. Absolute rate consta nts for th e
reac tio ns, based on a de te rmin ati on of th e rate of depl e tion of th e
min e ra ls; roc ks.
isobuta ne yield when am monia is add ed, are give n, Th e rate co nstants
a re gene rall y ve ry low (10- 11 to 10- .0 cm 3 / mol ec ul e·s), but a re
Pl agioc lase fe ld s par, c lin opyroxe ne a nd ilm e nit e in a polish ed thin
show n to depend on th e hea t of reaction, which in turn, de pend s
sec ti on of a " T ype A" crys tallin e ro c k we re a nalyzed. Th e clino-
on the stru cture of the tertiary product ion, R +. The e vid e nce indi-
pyroxene grains a re co mpositionally variabl e and both hi gh Ca a nd
ca tes t ha t the hydride tran sfer reac tion s of the t· butyl ion have an
low Ca phases a re prese nt. Th e plagioclase is co mpos it iona ll y
ac ti vation e ne rgy, E act ,,; 0.12 e V.
ho moge neo us. Th e ilm e nit e is c he mi ca ll y homoge neo us excep t
for occas ional, small a reas of hi gh loca l c hro mium co nce ntrat ion.
Bransco mb , L. M. , A full y integ rated pa,' tne ,'s hip b e twee n
Accessory min e ra ls a re: apatit e (co nt a inin g CI, F, Y, a nd Ce),
~overnm e nt laborato,'y and unive,'s ity, Proc. Education on
troilit e a nd me talli c iron.
Gla ssy sp he rul es from th e lun a r soil a re mostly s imil ar in co mposi-
Federal La.boratory-University Relations hips Syrnp ., sponso red by
tion to th e c rys talline rocks; howeve r, so me a pp ea r to have bee n
the Federal Council for Science and Technology and the American
monomin e ra lic.
Council on Educatian, Wa.shillgton, D.C. , October 29-.3 / , 1968,
I'P. 139- / .51 (May 1969).
Th e c r ysta llin e roc k has appa re ntl y form ed by relative ly rap id
coolin g of a s ili cate me lt und e r co ndition s of low partial pressu re.
Key word s: Managem e nt principl es; re searc h manage ment prin-
Many co mponen ts of th e so il appear to have formed by meteorit ic cipl es.
imp act.
Th e pa tte rn of governm ent laboratory- uni versity co ll aboratio n
Anderson, H. ]. , Brenn e r, A., C h e mical vapor deposition of inh e ren t in th e Joint In s titution fo r Laboratory As trop hysics (JlLA )
rhenium, Proc. 2nd Intern. Conlon ChemicaL Vapor Depos ition, is desc ribed , with e mphasi s on its adva ntages a nd shortcomings
Los Angeles , CaLiI, May 1970, pp. 356- 366 (1970). and the relevant manage me nt prin ciples.

Key words: Che mi ca l vapor deposition; rhe nium ; rhe nium coatin gs; Branscomb, L M" Discussion, Can. J. Chem, 47, No. 10, 1703-
rh e nium oxyc hl orides. 1941 (May 15, 1969).

The che mi ca l vapor deposition (C VO) of rhenium from a variet y 'If Key word s: Aeronomy ; editorial co mm ents,
co mpound s was inves ti ga ted . Th e redu ction of pe rrhe nyl chlorid e
and rhe nium oxytetrac hloride with hydroge n res ult ed in the produc- This manusc ript contai ns the edited co mme nts on invited papers by
tion of de pos it s which ra nged from brig ht to powder y, the latl er A. Oal ga rn o, A. V, Phelps, and E. E. Ferguson which will a ppear in
bein " obtain ed at a tempera ture a bo ve 600 °C. The bright de pos it s Tran saction s of th e IAGA (Intern a tional Association of Geo mag-
ne ti s m a nd Aeronomy) Sy mpos iu m on Laboratory Measureme nts of
weree> c ra c ked a nd ex foli a ted fro m the substra te. The on ly du ctil e
Aero nomi c Interest, Se pte mber 3- 4, 1968, York Un ive rsity, T oronto,
deposits we re obtained by th er mal deco mp os ition of ReOC L. at
Ca nada. Th e Tran sact ions are to be publi s he d in th e Ca nadi a n Jo ur-
about 1200 °C, whi c h process has bee n prev iously desc rib ed by nal of Che mi stry.
Ru ss ian workers .
Brauer, G. M" Hu ge t, E. F. , Termini , D. 1., Plas tic modified
Aus loos, P., Ion-mol ecu le ,'eac tion s and photoionization of o-Ethoxybe nzoic acid cements a s tempo,'a,'y ,'es tora tive
hydrocarbons, Chapter ill Progress in R eactio n Kinetics, C. materia ls,). DentaL R es. 49, No.6, 1487- 1494 (Novem bel- December
Porter, Ed., 5, 113- 179 (March- ApriL 1970) . 1970).

Key word s: H yd rocarbons; ion-mo lec ul e reac ti ons; radiolysis a nd Key word s: De ntal res torative mate rial s; EBA ce me nts; plasti c re in -
ph otoi oniza ti on; rate co ns ta nts; th eo r y. forced restoratives; restorative materials; temporary de nta l ce me nts.

To improve the stress-bearing c haracteristics, powdered polymers heptafluoropentene-l under pressure, J. Polymer Sci. Part
of relatively low elastic moduli were in corporated into the powder A- 1, 8 , No.9, 2441- 2452 (1970).
co mponent of EBA ce ments. Acrylic and vinyl copolym ers appeared
to be the most suitabl e additive s for achieving reinforcement. The Key words: Amorphous polymer; copolyme rization; Auoropol y-
resultant products exhibited significant in creases in te nsile stre ngth. mers; glass temperature; 3,3,4,4,5,5,5-heptaAuoropentene-l ; high
These materials possess excelle nt manipulative qualities. Limited pressure; radiation-indu ced; te traHuoroethylene.
clinical e valuation indicates tha t some of the polymer-reinforced
material s, on the basis of their d e mon strated mec han ical a nd pallia- An inve stigation was made of the gamma-ray induced copolymeri-
tive properties, appear to be highly us eful as long duration temporary zation of tetraHuoroethyle ne and 3,3,4,4,5,5,5·heptaAuoropente ne-1.
restoratives. At 22°C and 5000 and 10,000 a tm the polymerization rate c hanges
little betwee n 0 and 75 mole pe rce nt te traHuoroethylen e. Above 90
Brenner, A., Anderson, H. 1., Chemical vapor deposition of mole percent the rate increase s greatly. Molec ular weights vary in
rhenium, Proc. Interfinish 1968 7th Int ernational Metal Finishing a fashion similar to the vari a ti on in the rates. Be tw ee n 10,000 and
Conf, Ma y5-9, 1968, Hanover, Germany, pp. 28-31 (1968). 15,000 atm the viscosity of the penten e inc reases by a fa ctor of 105 •
A rate maximum occurs in this pressure range; polymerization con·
Key words: Carbonyl; chemical vapor deposition; electrodeposition; tinues long after irradiation is ended. Both reactivity ratios favor
hexaAuoroacetylaceton e; rhenium coatings; triAuorophosphine. the pentene.
Several copolyme r properties were studied. Th e polym e rs are
Methods of aepositing rhenium coatings are reviewed , and a brief amorphous and soluble in perAuoro·ethers, ·alkanes, and -aro-
account is given of work now in progress at NBS on the deposition of matics if the y contain less than 80% tetraHuoroethylen e. The glass
rhenium. The electrodeposition of rhenium from an aqueous perrhe- temperature s of the amorphous polym ers decrease and the thermal
nate bath does not yield a satisfactory coating; work at NBS with and radiation stability increases as th e te traHuoroe thyle ne con te nt
various rhenium compounds in both aqueous and nonaqu eo us solu- in creases.
tions did not lead to a better plating process. The che mical vapor
deposition (CVD) of rhe nium is more promising, particularly the Carrington , T., Garvin , D. , The chemical production of excited
redu ction of rh enium hexaAuoride with hydrogen. At N~S work has states, Chapter 3 in Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics Volume 3.
been done with th e CVD of rhen ium from the carbon yl, the hexa- The Formation and Decay of E xcited Species, pp. 107- 181 (1969).
Auoroacetylacetone derivative, and work is in progress with the
triAuoropho sp hin e derivatives. Key words: Atom-transfer reaction; c hem i-excitation; c he mical ac-
tivation; c hem ical kine ti cs; gas phase; pote ntial e ne rgy surfaces;
Bridges, J. M., Wi ese, W. L., Transition probabilities for the
prominent red lines of Ne I, Phys. Rev. A. 2, No.2, 285- 293 recombination; review; unimolec ul ar deco mposition.
(August 1970).
Che mical excitation , the produc ti on of molec ul es in non· e quilibrium
Ke y words: Neon; s pec trum ; transition probabilities. population di stribution s in electroni c, vibrational and rotat ional
states is describe d.
Relative tran sition probabilities of all 30 lines belonging to th e promi- Th e app li ca bl e parts of reac tion rate theory are revie we d. Typi cal
ne nt 3s - 3p transition array of N e I ha ve bee n measured in e mission cases a re us ed as examples of c hemi-excitation in combination,
with a wall-stabilized arc operating in an argon-neon mixture atmos- group tran sfer a nd decompos tion reaction s . Reactions involving
pheric pre ss ure. Th e data hav e bee n normalized to an absolute scale excited elec troni c states a re discussed in term s of the interac tion of
provided by recent lifetime meas urements of th e 3p-levels. Our re- potential surfaces. Application s to lasers and to the st ud y of uni-
sults as well as th e data from other emission meas urements have mol ec ular deco mposition s ar e described.
been subjected to extensive co mparisons and te sts, includin g a c hec k
for fullfillm e nt of the J-file sum rule. It is found that our data exhibit Cezairliy an, A. , McC lure, J. L., Morse, M.S. , Bec kett , C. W., Meas-
a much better consistency than any other set of individual values.
urement of h e at capacity of tantalum in the range 1900-
On the basis of this as well as our unce rtainty estimates we es timate
that th e acc uracy of our individual tran sition probabilities for this 3000 K by a pulse heating method, Proc. 5th Symp. Thermo-
transition array, except for a fe w weak lin es, is of the order of 10% on physical Properties, Newton , M ass ., September 30- 0 cto ber 2, 1960,
an absolute basis. C. F. Bonilla , Ed. , pp. 385 - 390 (A merican Society of Mechanical
Engineers, New York, N.Y., 1970).
Brinc kman , F. E. , Wachtman , J. B. , Jr. , Editors, Research ma-
terials developed under the NBS inorganic materials pro- Key words: Heat cap acit y; hig h- speed meas ure me nt s; hi gh tem pera-
gram, Nat . Bur. Stand. (U.5.), Spec. Publ. 333, 71 pages (Septem- ture; ta ntalum ; th ermodynami cs.
ber 1970) 70 cents, SD Catalog No. C13.1O:333.
A techniqu e is describ ed for the hi gh- speed (m illiseco nd resolution)
Key word s: Che mi cal prop erties; composition ; gases; glasses; measure me nt of heat capacity of elec tri cal co ndu ctors at high tem·
liquids; multi phase materials; physical properties; polyc rystals ; pera tures (abov e 1900 K). Meas urements on heat capacit y of ta n·
pre paration; re searc h. talum in the temperature ran ge 1900 to 3000 K are re ported a nd are
co mpared with those in the literature. Durati on of an individual e x·
The National Bureau of Standards develops many specialized periment in whi c h the speci men was heated from room te mp erature
materials in the process of carryin g out research supporting its
to close to its melting point is less than one second . T e mp erature
measure ments , standards, and service activities. Th ese mate rial s
include gases, liquid s, glasses , single crystals, polyc ry stal s, and meas ure me nts we re made with a high- speed photoelectri c pyrom-
varIOus multiphase material s; their com position s "(includin g trace e ter. Experimental quantities (voltage, curre nt, te mpe rature) were
elements in so me cases) and physical c haracteristics are tailored to reco rded with a high· s peed di gital data acquisition syste m whic h has
specific r esearch needs, but th e materials are often of use for a time resolution of 0.4 ms . Estimated inacc uracy of heat ca pacity
other research purposes. Produ c tion is usually limited to immediate mea sure me nt s in the above te mperature range is 2 to 3 pe rce nt.
inte rnal need s and sa mpl es are not generally available for distri-
bution , but knowledge of production tec hniques and materials Cezairliyan, A., Morse , M. S., Be rman , H . A. , Improvements in
characteristics which may be helpful to othe r scientists is avail- oscilloscopic measurements in high-speed experiments, Na t.
able. The pre sent listin g of research mate rials developed in the Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. No te 539, 20 pages (Oct. 1970) 30 cents,
Inorgani c Materials Division accordingly gives name s of scientific SO Catalog No. C13.46:539.
staff me mbers who may be contacted for thi s typ e of information
as well as giving a brief summary of the nature, method of prepa- Key words: High-speed meas ureme nts ; high-sp eed recording; oscil·
ration and prope rti es ·determined for each material. loscopes.

Brown , D. W. , Lowry, R. E. , Wall , L. A., Radiation-induced Two re finement s in osc illosco pic recording have been made which
copolymerization of tetrafluoroethylene and 3 ,3 ,4- ,4- ,5,5,5- improve consid e ra bly the recordin g of isolated events in heavy

c urrent discharge studies, where substantially rec tangular pulses A unified picture of acid-base be ha vior in aprotic organic solvents
a re emp loyed. The accuracy of the method e mployed has been is presented , based on an extensive surv ey of th e literature and
verified experimentall y to be in th e region of 0.01 to 0.1 percent. experimental results of the author a nd associates. Evidence given
The first refinem e nt is a unit for the differe ntial suppress ion of th e to support this picture includes data pertain in g to colligative prop-
in co min g s ignal by an adjustable amount, and th e second refine· erties of acids , bases, and sa lts and also co ndu c tan ce, dielectri c
me nt is a syste m by whi c h tim e mark e rs are sent to several oscil· constants, distribution betw ee n immisc ibl e solve nts, and s pectral
losco pes at adjustable tim e inte rval s simu ltaneously with th e actual absorption in the infrared, vi sibl e , and ultravi olet. Th e acids upon
incomin g s ignal. which attention is cen tered are proton-d onor co mpound s that are
measurably ionized in water, suc h as ali phat ic and aromatic
carboxylic acids , substituted phe nol s, a nd min e ral acids. The bases
Chand le r, H. H., Bowen , R. 1., Paffenbarger, G. C., Mullineaux, of principal interest are lik ewise co mpound s ca pabl e of formin g
A. 1., Clinical investigation of a I'adiopaqu e composite ions in water, for example, aliphatic and aroma ti c am in es a nd
I'es tol'a tive material, J. Am. Dental Assoc. 81, No.4, 935-940 derivatives of guanidi ne or pyridin e. Th e so lvents e mphas ized are
(October 1970 ). hydrocarbons and ha lohydrocarbons, but data for dipolar aprotic
solvents (for example, acetone , acetonitril e, a nd nitrobe nze ne) a re
Key word s: Clini ca l resea rch (denta l); co mpos it e re storations; diag· includ ed. Contrasts in ac id -base be havi or a nd in ac idity and basicity
nos is; physica l properties of fillin gs; x·ray opaque. sca les in aproti c and water-lik e so lve nts are di scusse d.
The role of hydrogen bonding in aprotic solve nts is di sc ussed at
A radiopaqu e co mpos ite res torative material was developed using le ngth. Important types of hydroge n-bond ed stru ctures in c lud e
a te rnary e utec ti c dimethacrylate liquid formulation as the binder c helate rin gs; se lf-associated ac id s, bases, and salt s; hydroge n-
and a BaF,-co nlainin g glass a nd fused s ili ca as the reinforcin g bond ed ion pairs; and homo· a nd he te roco nju gate ca ti o ns a nd
fill e rs. One hund red and te n restorat ions were placed usin g thi s anions. Exampl es are give n in whi c h hydroge n bonding of th ese
new ly developed mate ri al. Th e res toration s will be observed over a types affec ts s uc h properties as th e a bso rptio n spectrum of a sa lt ,
pro longed period. Th ey had suffi cie nt radi opa city and yet were th e ca talyti c effec t of an acid, and th e acc ura te locati on of a titra-
es th eti ca ll y pleas in g. Po stope ra tive radiograph s show ed co m- tion endpoint.
paratively radiolu ce nt areas in and around many of t.h e re storation s.
The se radiolu ce nc ies were usualJy ca used by unfill ed spaces a t De hl, R. E., Collagen: Mobile watel' con te nt of fl-oz e n fibel-s,
th e tooth-restorati on interface. Science 170, 738- 739 (Nove mber 13, 1970).

C hri st, B. W., S mith , C. V. , Effects of nitrog e n in lattic c solu- Key word s : Adsorbed water; ca lorim e try ; collagen; frozen co ll agen;
tion on th e yiel din g and flow of zone-refined iron poly- mobil e wate r; NMR.
crys tals between 128 and 300 K, Trans. Met. Soc. A IME 1,
The NMR spectra of froz e n we t co ll agen fib e rs indi ca te the presence
No.4, 827-83.'i (A pril 1970) . of a co nsid e rabl e a mount of unfroze n, mob il e water. Th e qu a ntity
of mobile wa ter may be es timated from th e apProximate co nvergence
Key word s: Flow stress; im purity soft e nin g; latti ce so luti on ; lowe r of the low te mpe rature NMR sp littin g co nstants. An independent
yie ld stress; nitroge n; polyc s; so luti on harde nin g; up pe r yield es tim ate of th e mobil e wa ter co nte nt by ca lorimetry agrees well
point; zone· re fin ed iron. with th e NMR es timate.

Up to 0.18 at. pel N was introdu ced into latti ce so luti on in hydroge n. Di c k, C. E., Lu cas, A. C., K-shell fluOJ'esce nce yie ld s 1'01' light
purfied, zo ne-refin ed iron polycrys tal s . T e ns il e tes ts we re co ndu cted e le m e nt s, Phys. Rev. A, 2 , No.3, 580- 586 (Septembe r 1970).
at 128, 173,223, and 300 K on quenched sa mpl es a t co nstant strain
rate , 7 X 10- 4 sec I The fo ll ow in g dynamic effec ts due to in creas in g Key words: Beryllium ; boron ; ca rbon; Au o rescence yie ld ; flu o rin e;
nitroge n in lattice so luti on were found: i) th e te mp e rature depend- K-s hell ; magnes iu m; WI{
e nce of th e fl ow stress at stra in s beyond th e e nd of th e Lud e r' s
~ I a t. ea u dec reased, ii) se rrated flow occurred at 300 K, but not at Th e K-s hell fiuor esce nce yie ld, WK, has been meas ured for th e low
lowe r te mpe ratures, iii) elon ga ti on to max imum load dec reased at atomic numbe r e le me nts be ryllium , bo ron , ca rbon , Auorine and
300 K, but in crease d at 173 K, a nd iv) t.h e magnitud e of th e yield magnes ium. Th e primary vacancies in the K- shell were produced
by an inten se beam of K x-rays ge ne rated b y e lectron bombardm e nt
drop at. 173 K dec reased s ubsta ntiall y. Th ese dynamic effec ts a re
of a luminu m and ca rbo n ta rgets. The meas ured valu es of WK agree
inte rpre ted in te rm s of a c ha nge in the re lative mobilit y of nitroge n quite well with valu es calc ulated from a th eo reti ca l prediction of
atoms and dis locations be twee n 128 a nd 300 K. W enzel. Th ey ex hibit on ly fair agree me nt with sem i-e mpiri ca l
formulas which includ e sc ree nin g a nd relativisti c effects and with
Corliss, E. L. R. , Hearing aids, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Monogr·. 11 7, a rece nt calculation by McGuire based on th e K·s hell Auger tra nsi-
26 pages (Oct. 1970) 35 cents , SO Catalog No. C13.44 : 11 7. tion rate.

Dobbyn, R. c., Williams , M. L., Cut hill , J. R. , McA li ste r, A. J.,

Key words: Audition; co mmuni cation s; hearin g; hearing aids; selec- Occupied band structure of Cu: Soft-x-I-ay spec tl'um and
tion of hearing aids; speec h communi ca tion. comparison with other deep-band-probe studi es, Phys.
R ev. B. 2, No.6, 1563- 1575 (September 15, 1970).
Thi s publi ca ti on co nt a in s information, useful to the hard of hearing,
on se ve ral topi cs relating to hearing and hearing aid s. It is assumed Key words: Band st ructure; Cu; deep probes; e mi ss ion ; occupied
that th e individu al has a lread y co ns ulted a p hysic ian on the diagnosis bands; soft x-ray.
of hi s hea rin g loss, for thi s is the necessary firs t step in co rrecting
any faulty hea ring co nditi o n. Th e publi cation may also be of interest W e report a ne w measure me nt of th e soft x-ray M 2 ." emission
to teac hers a nd ot he rs wi shin g to ex pl ore thi s fi e ld. s pectrum of C u, usin g improved experim e ntal tec hniqu es. Pre-
Th is publi ca ti on represe nts a n ex te nsive rev ision of NBS Circ ular vious ly unrepo rted fine stru cture was obse rved in th e s pec trum.
534, Hea ring Aids. It in c lud es new ma terial base d upo n resea rc h Although exa ct co rrec tion for satellite and subband overlap and
co ndu cted at th e Na tional Burea u of S ta ndard s durin g th e inte rven in g self-ab so rpti pn effec ts is not yet poss ible, careful consid erati on
years. has been giv e n th e m, with th e res ult that th e M" band profil e ca n be
resolved from th e accompanyin g stru cture in a plausib le way. Its
features can be tak e n with reaso nabl e co nfid e nce to be c ha racter·
Davis, M. M., BI'onsted acid-base b e havior in "inel·t" OJ-ganic isti c of th e tru e M" profile. Comparison is mad e with th e co mple·
so lvents, Chapter 1 in The Ch.emistry of No naqueo us Solvents, menta ry L" soft x-ray profile, with band theoreti cal es timates of
111 , 1- 135 (Academic Press Inc., New York, N. Y., 1970). both experim e ntal x-ray profi les, and with th e res ults of ultraviolet
pho toemiss ion, x·ray photoemiss ion and ion ne utraliza ti on meas ure-
Key words: Acid-base beh a vior; acid it y and basi city sc ales; aprotic me nts. These co mpari sons favor a sin gle particle d esc ription of
organic so lvents; hydrogen bonding; titrations. the occ u pied bands of C u.

Douglas , T. B. , New approach for evaluating lattice-configura- of depolym e rization of polytetrafluoroethylene observed with thin
tional thermodynamic properties, J. Chem. Phys . 51, No . 7, film s is explaine d by the model. Comparison of the experimental
2831- 2839 (October 1, 1969). res ults with theory indicates that the irradiation of polytetrafluoro-
ethylene produces comparable amounts of both large and s mall
Key words: Co nfi gurational the rm od ynami c properti es ; exclude d radicals. Th e mechanisms disc ussed are undoubtedly operative in
volume; extrapolation s; lattice mode ls; non·co mbina torial method ; many other situations involving the radiolysi s or pyrolysis of poly-
stati sti cal e quilibrium. mers, for exa mple the radiation indu ced crosslin king of polym e r s.

As a generalization of earli er work of the author [1. Chem. Phys. Franklin, A. D. , Marzullo, S., Orientation kinetics of Gd 3 + - F -
40, 2248 (1964); 45, 1080 (1966)] a co mpl etely noncombinatorial interstitial pairs in CaF" J. Phys . C. Solid State Phys. Letters to
method is de rived whic h gives for any state the exact th e rmodyn a mi c Editor 3, Ll71-Ll 74 (September 1970).
properties of a syste m of particles on a latti ce infinite in one dim e n-
sio n. The method appears to be esse ntially equival en t to, but so me- Key words: Ca lc ium fluorid e ; defect dipoles ; dielectric relaxation ;
what simpler in de ve lopme nt and a ppli cation th a n, the matrix method ESR line broadening; gadolinium; ori en tational relaxation.
used for the sam e proble ms rece ntly . Interac tio n of unit co nfi gura-
tions is e xplic itl y co nsidered onl y at latti ce boundaries, leading The ESR spectrum from su bstitutional Gd3+ ions with adjace nt
directly to a se t of indep enden t algebraic equations giving the co m- trapped F - inte rstitials broade ns significa ntly above about 100 °C.
plete solution for a special s tate . Two si mpl e exam pl es are give n to The te mperature- dependent part of the relaxation time asso ciate d
which alte rnativ e co mbinatorial procedure s can be re adily appli ed with thi s broad ening is co mpatible with the re laxation time deriv e d
with out a pproximations, yielding id e ntical expli c it res ults. Th e by dielec tric relaxation meas ure ments on id e nti cally-treated crystals.
ge neral me th od first give n is modifi e d for the imposition of artific ial These results a re interpre te d in terms ofthe orie ntational diH"u sion of
density co nstraints, and as an illu s tra ti on it is s how n how thi s varia· th e trappe d F- inte rs titial ion ar ound the immobil e Gd 3 + ion on a
tio n improves ma rk edl y, over th e range of disordered de nsiti es , th e ca tion sit e . The relaxation tim e is gi ve n b y T= To exp (QlkT), with
co nve rge nce to an infitin e plan e of th e hard- co re squ a re· latti ce fluid To = 8.2 X 10- 14 sand Q = 0.38 eV.
with nea rest-ne ighbo r excl usion.
Freeman, D. H., Goldstein, S. , Schmuckler, G., Homogeneous
Durst , R. A., Pick an ion, any ion, Ind. R es. pp 36- 39 (November sulfonation of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers with
1970). Evenson, K. M., W ells , J. S., Radford, H. E., Infrared reso- oleum in organic solvents, Istael J. Chem. 7, No .6, 741 - 749
nance of OH with the H 2 0 laser: A galactic maser pump'? (1969).
Phys. Rev. Letters 25, No . 4, 199- 202 (JuLy 27, 1970).
Key words: Ca tion exchange rs; ion exchangers; oleum; sulfonation.
Ke y words: Electrode monitoring ; indu s trial monitoring ; ion- se lective
e lectrodes; pollutant monitoring. In order to obtain homogeneou s ly s ulfonate d cation exc hangers , the
copo lym e rs were sulfonated by ole um in a mixture of me thyle ne·
A brief di sc uss ion is given of th e types of ion-selectiv e elec trodes a nd c hloride and nitro-me th a ne. The influ e nc es of th e c hemi cal inter·
the basi c principles of the ir operation. Th e advantages of th ese action and of the diffus ion process on th e kin e ti c behavior of th ese
se nsors for indu s tri al and e nvironm e ntal pollution monitoring are syste ms were inves tigate d , and it was s hown that raising th e te m-
giv e n, S U C 1l as, th e co ntinuou s direc t-readin g nature of the meas ure- pe rature of th e sulfonation mixture markedly increases the c hemi cal
ment, fa st respo nse tim e, a nd portability. Examples of typi cal in- reaction ra te, while th e e ffect on the diffusion is s mall. A c urve-fitting
dustrial and environmental monitoring appli cations a re in c lud ed , techniqu e was use d for the interpretation of the degree-of-sulfon a·
for example, s ulfide ion in pulp processing, nitroge n oxides and ti on-vs.-tim e c urves. These investigations served as guidelines for
fluorid e in a ir pollution, and nitrate in soil slurries. Care is necessary the subsequent pre paration of homogeneou s highly s ulfonat e d
in applying these se nsor s to co mpl ex sys te ms wh ere interferences copolyme rs.
could be a problem a nd in gen uity is re quired in modifyin g the anal-
ysis param ete rs to obtain re li a bl e res ults. Th e specifi city and se nsi- Fre nc h, B. M., Walter, L. S ., He inrich , K. F. ]. , Quantitative
tivit y of these se nsor s to se ve ral seriou s polluta nts will probab ly mineralogy of an Apollo II lunar sample (Proc. Apollo 11
result in th eir future use in pollution-monitoring sys te ms. Lunar Science Conf., Houston, Texas, January 1970), Geochim.
Cosmochim. 34, Suppl. 1, 433-444 (February 1970).
Egelstaff, P. A., Cooperative rotation of spherical molecules,
J. Chem. Phys. 53, No.7, 2590- 2598 (October 1970). Key words: Apollo 11 ; electron probe analysis; min eralogy; moon ;
petrography; roc ks.
Key word s: Diffu sion ; light scatte ring; ne utron scattering; pla stic
crystal ; rotational ; s pheri cal mol ec ules. Petrography a nd mineral analyses of Sample 10017, colle c ted by the
Apollo 11 mission, are reported. They indicate formation by rela-
The rotational diffu sion of molec ules in the liquid and solid states tively rapid c rystallization of a silicate melt. Major compon e nts are
can be studied by radiation scattering experiments. Both neutron and clinopyroxene, plagioclase and ilme nite. Minor components in clude
light scattering data a re inte rpre ted , conventionally , on the basis of troilite, native iron, and a patite. The mineral co mpositions indi cate
rotation of singl e molec ules, although in den se syste ms co-operative differentiation during magmati c crystallization , leading to Fe e nri ch-
rotation is a possibility. It is pointed out that a co mparision of in- me nt in the pyroxenes and to alkali e nrichment in th e feldspars. Th e
co herent ne utron data and depolarised light data allows the co- mesostasis, th e residual liquid p roduced durin g c rys tallization, is
operative nature of molec ul ar rotational diffu sion to be verifi ed. The strongly e nri c hed in K and Si, but s trikingly low in Na; thi s may be
method is applied to the plastic crys tal phase of cyclohexan e, a nd du e to volatilization durin g the late r stages of crysta llization. Th e
it is shown that individual molecules rotate about 10 tim es as compositional tre nds , similar to tho se in other lunar sampl es, indi-
rapidly as the relaxation rate of the mean orientation of a group of cate formati on by relatively rapid magmatic c rystallization, whi c h
molecules. developed significant chemical frac tionation , at low oxyge n fu gacity
a nd under virtually anhydrous co ndition s.
Florin, R. E., Wall , L. A., Small and large radicals in thin-film
polymer depolymerization, Macromolecules 3, No.5 , 560- 566 Ge bbie, H. A., Kuhn, P. , Bohlande r, R. A., Scattering by high
(September-October 1970). cirrus: Its effect on submillimeter wave determinations of
atmospheric waver vapor, Nature, Letter to Editor 226, No .
Key words: Diffusion effects free radi cals; polym e r decomposi tion ; 5242,71 - 72 (ApriI4, 1970).
polymer depolym e rization; polymer irradiation; polymer pyrolysis.
Key word s: Fouri er s pectroscopy; high cirrus; s ubmillime ter waves;
Rates of polym e r decomposition are enhanced or re tarded as a water vapor.
result of the escape of s mall free radical or oth er species through th e
surface of thin film s . Solutions for th e rate e qu a tion s are given as a S ubmillim e te r waves and , by implication in thi s conte xt, the use of
fun ction of thic kne ss for a mechanism involvin g th e comp etitive the pure rotation band, offe r important advantages for determining
diffu sion of s mall and large radi cals. Th e e nhan ce ment of the rates the distribution of water vapor with height in the atmosphere. Th e

rea son s are these. 1) We can readil y resolve sin gle rota ti on lin es in are being made in NBS- III to improve its acc uracy capability.
thi s region by Fouri er Spec tro scop y using inte rfe rome te rs. The In ea rl y 1966 the vac uum sys te m was modifi ed to use three com-
calibration fOT inte nsity of single lin es is easily mad e a nd a ra nge of me rcial 200 lite r pe r seco nd ion pum ps. Th e res ulting ultimate
lin es with diffe rent a bsorption strength s can th en be c hose n to matc h press ure was improved by a facto r of te n to about 10- 8 torr (1.3 X 10- 6
th e require me nts of the inve rsio n procedure used to co nstruc t th e N/M '). Se veral ne w solid- state, broad ba nd fre qu e ncy multipli er
model radiatin g atmo s phe re. 2) Th e use of long wa vele ngth s aU ows us c hain s have bee n co ns tru cted with pa rti c ul a r a tt e nti on giv e n to re-
to di s pe nse with hot radiati on so urces a nd use, for exampl e, th e du cti on of both powe r-line rela ted sid e ba nd le ve ls a nd ra ndo m
radi a ti on exc ha nge be twee n a roo m te mpera ture detec tor and ph ase noi se side band le vels. Redu cti on of th e ra nd o m phase noi se
cold s ky. by more than 20 dB co mpared to th e pre vi ous sta te of th e a rt has bee n
obtained consiste ntl y. One of th ese fre qu ency multipli e r c hain s is
Gill s, T. E. , Marlow, W. F., Tho mpso n, B. A., Dete rmination of prese ntly in use in th e 5 to 60 MHz secti on of th e 9. 192 .. . G Hz
t,-ace eleme nts in glass by activation analysi s using hydrated excitati on syste m. In addition a so lid -s ta te se rvo sys te m has bee n
antimon y p e ntoxide for sodium removal , Anal. Chem. 42, e mployed to co ntrol the frequ e ncy of th e 5 MH z slave osc ill a tor. Thi s
1831- 1833 (December 1970). servo sys te m a nd th e new frequ e ncy multipli e r c hain have improved
both th e reli a bilit y a nd long-te rm s ta bilit y of NBS-Ill .
Key word s: Acti vation analys is; glass; hydra ted a ntimony pentoxid e Co mp a ri son s we re made be tw ee n N BS-III an d one of t he co m-
(HAP); radi oc he mi cal se parations; sodium ; trace ele me nts. me rcial ces ium s ta nd a rds in th e NBS Cloc k E nse mbl e. Th e re la ti ve
fracti onal frequ e ncy sta bilit y of u(N=2, 7=1 day, T =7 days)
A me th od has been de veloped for th e de te rmin a tion of a numbe r = 1 X 10- 13 was o bse rved for nin e wee kl y co mp a ri so ns. P rese ntl y a t
of trace ele me nts at th e ppm a nd ppb le vels in high· sodium gla ss NBS the re a re no hydroge n masers or th allium bea ms ca pab le of
by ne ut ron ac tivation analy sis. For glass conta inin g a bout 10% be in g use d in mea ningful meas ure me nts aga in st N BS-III. Th e
sodium , ne utron irradiation at levels sufficie nt to alJ ow de te rmin a- ve ry long- te rm freq ue ncy stab ilit y for thi s rece ntl y im proved NBS-
tion of trace co nstitu e nts res ults in produ ction of 10 mC i or more of III sys te m has not bee n eva lu ated full y. Du e to th e improve men ts in
24Na. If th e 2<INa is all o wed to decay before a na lys is, inform ati on bo th electroni cs sys te ms a nd eva lu a tive tec hniqu es, howe ve r, a n
about ele ments produ cin g sho rt-li ved radioisoto pes is lost. In th e acc uracy of 5 X 10- 1:1 (l u) fo r a single eva lu ati ve ex pe rim e nt is
procedure desc ribed th e radiosodium is re moved by pass in g th e repo rted_ Sub sta nti al N BS effort is be in g exp e nd e d towa rd impro ve-
di ssolved glass through a column of hydra ted antim ony pe ntox id e me nt of th e acc uracy a nd fi gure of me rit (prese ntl y 10) fo r N BS-Ill.
(HAP). The efflu e nt ca n be counted directl y with a Ge(Li) or NaI(TI ) Ne w des igns a nd assoc ia ted co mpo ne nt s for improved bea m op ti cs
detec tor. Th e me thod has bee n applied to th e a na lys is of NBS ha ve bee n co mpl e ted. Improved, co mpl ete ly so lid-sta te 5 M Hz
S ta ndard Refe rence Ma te ri al (S RM) glass whi c h was fo und to co n- to 9.2 GHz frequ ency multipli e rs have bee n co nstru cted , a nd tes tin g
tain 1 p pm of C u a nd sub-ppm le vels of Mn , Au, Ga, Sb, La, Co , is be in g co ndu cted now. Th e mod ifi ed NBS-III bea m tube toge th e r
and Ir. with new elec tro ni c syste ms will be des ignate d NBS-5. It is ex pec ted
to be in ope ra ti o n in ea rl y 1970 a nd to exhibit a fi gure of me rit in
Gl ass, A. J. , Cuenth e r, A. H., E ditors, Damage in la se,- mat e ,-ials, excess of 500.
Proceedings oj a Symposium S ponsored by the Am.erican Society Jo r
Testing and M aterials and by the National Bureau oj Standards Groth , H . G., Well man n, P. , Edi tors , S p e ct,-um formation in stal-S
June 24- 25, 1970, N BS, Boulder, Co lorado, Nat. Bur. S tand. (U.S_l, with ste ad y-s tat e ext e nd e d atmos ph c ,-es , Proceedings oj the
Spec. Publ. 34 / , /33 pages (Dec. / 970) $1.25, S O Catalog No. Int ernational Astronom.ical Union. Colloquium No . 2, Co mmissio n
C1 3. 10:341). 36, Munich, Germany, A pril / 6- / 9, 1969, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.),
Spec . Publ. 332, 342 pages (August / 970) $1. 75, S D Catalog No.
Key words: F e rroelectri c ma te ri als; glass; laser da mage; lase rs. C13. JO:332.

The second A STM Sy mpos ium on Da mage in Lase r Mate ri a ls was Key word s: Ex tended a tm osp he res; inte rpreta ti on of stell a r spectra;
held at the Na ti onal Bureau of S tanda rds at Bould er, Colorado o n lin e form a tion.
June 24th and 25 th , 1970_ About 150 allen dees heard pa pe rs by
fourteen spea ke rs, rep rese ntin g th e major manufac tu rers of lase r In secti on 1 prac ti ca l detail s co ncernin g t he e qui va lence of o bse rva-
glass, governm e nt , indu stri al a nd unive rsity la bora tori es. Alth ough tional a nd th eo re ti ca l descripti ons of s tell a r spec tra a re rev iewed ,
th e primary e m phas is was on Nd :glass as a laser ma terial, damage pa rti c ul a rl y th e d iffi c u·lt y of ide ntifying th e observed refere nce leve l
mechani s ms a nd mo rph ology in rub y, sap phire, a nd nonlin ear opti c (continuum) with th e theo reti ca l co ntinuum in th e case whe n ma ny
materials were a lso cons id ered_It was clea r th a t sub sta nti al ad va nces lin es are prese nt. In thi s conn ec tio n th ought must be given to how
have bee n ma de in th e las t year in th e produ ctio n of da mage- resista nt integ rals ove r freq ue ncy should be no rma li sed a nd eva luated be-
lase r glass for use in co nve nti onal Q-s witched lase rs. Ne w di agnos ti c ca use th e effec ti ve con tinu ous a bso r pti on coefficie nt does not
techniqu es have bee n de veloped , a nd in some cases, adopted as re main consta nt ove r th e ra nge from 0 to 00. Th e c hoice of spectro-
,< qu ality control procedures by th e glass manufacturers. Th eo re ti cal scopic de tail s by whic h to de termin e T err, log g a nd a bunda nces
und erstanding of the fund a mental da mage mec hani sms is beginning requires careful consid e ration.
to e me rge , and ma te rial prop e rti es releva nt to these damage mec h- In section 2 th e factors by whic h an exte nded a tm os ph e re a re
a ni sms are beginning to be measured. It wa s equally clear that a great recognized are summarized and the qu es tion is posed do all sta rs
dea l of effort re ma in s to be expend ed to de velop techniqu es suitable have exte nded atm os pheres. Anothe r qu esti o n req uirin g a n a nswer
for nondes tru ctive testin g of laser mate rial s, and that many prop- is wheth er the con ce pts microturbul e nce and mac roturbul e nce a re
e rties of lase r mate rials at high e ne rgy de nsity are prese ntly poorly ph ys ically real concepts or wheth e r th ey are me rely fillin g pa ra m-
und e rstood_ ete rs to make a simple LTE th eory acco unt fo r th e obse rved s pec tra
of supergiants in whic h ra ther wid e lin es occ ur a nd ma ny multipl ets
Glaze, D. J. , Improve ments in atomic cesium beam frequency show rath er steep gradi e nts_ In sec tion 3 th e t ypes of lin e se n sitive to
standa,-ds at th e National Bure au of Standards, IEEE Trans. non-LTE co ndition s are d esc ribed. Th ese are reso na nce lin es, lin es
In str. Meas. IM-19 , No.3 , 156- /60 (August 1970). ari sing from me tasta bl e le vels, subo rdin a te lin es for whi c h th e up pe r
le vel is suffi cie ntl y se para ted fro m the co ntinuum a nd oth e r levels
Key word s : A tomi c fre qu e ncy sta nd a rd ; cesium bea m; fi g ure of tha t thi s uppe r level is chi efl y popul ated by ra di ati ve processes from
me rit ; fre qu e ncy acc uracy; frequ e ncy multipli e r; frequ e ncy prec i- th e ground or oth e r low lyin g le ve ls a nd lin es whi c h go into e mi s-
sion; NBS- HI ; N BS- 5; ph ase noise; qu a rt z c rys tal osc illator; sion in low de nsit y a tm os ph eres as a res ult of op ti ca l-pum ping
ra msey cav it y; s lave osc ill ator. (flu oresce nt) processes. Suc h lines s hould not be used for a bund a nce
de te rminations by mea ns of L T E th eo ry tho ugh thi s is fre qu e ntl y
Th e Na tion a l Burea u of Sta nd a rd s Frequ e ncy S ta nd a rd, NBS- Ill, done.
a ces ium bea m with a 3.66 me te r interacti o n region, has bee n in Th eo retical co ns id e rations are di sc ussed in sec ti on 4 whe re first
ope ra tio n sin ce 1963. Th e las t publi shed (1966) acc uracy capability th e probl e m of the two- le vel a tom is s ke tc hed a nd th e n th e probl e m
for NBS-III was 1.1 X 10- 12 (la) With thi s pe rform a nce NBS-IIr is ge nerali sed to a ma ny-l evel a tom. Th e pa ra me te r A whi c h gives
was used in th e meas urme nt of th e frequ e ncy of th e hype rfin e th e proba bility th at a ph oton is lost fro m th e lin e by de-excitati on
se para tion of h ydroge n. Thi s was, and is, th e most acc urate publi shed processes oth e r th a n s ponta neou s e mi ss ion is de fin ed a nd it is
meas ure me nt of a n y ph ys ical qu a ntity. A numbe r of improve me nts pointed out t hat non-LTE phys ics has the e ffec t of addin g a scatte rin g

te rm to the ex press ion for the source fun ction. One example is was given to data which may be us ed for th e th ermodynami c c har-
give n of the e ffect of c hangin g the lin e source function from th e acterization of a high te mp erature spec ies, suc h as molec ular
Planck fun ction to a form suitable for isotrop ic co herent scattering. geo metry vibrational and elec troni c energy levels. Th e tec hniqu es
The line be comes deepe r and wid e r for the same number of atoms. from which stability and stru ctural data have been obtained for high
Interpretational pro blems in stellar spectra are di sc ussed in section 5. tempe rature species are also discussed. These include , Knudsen
It is noted that ma ny lin es in main- sequ e nce early type spectra s how e ffu sion and photoionization mass spectrom e try, matrix isolation
the effects of de partures from L TE. These effec ts are show n to a infrared spectroscopy , electron diffraction, elec tri c dipole defl ec·
conspi cuo us degree by th e spectra of shell stars. Th e exa mple of tion, electronic spec troscopy, mic rowav e spect roscop y and sem i·
He I 5876 in 10 Lacertae, 09V, is di sc ussed and th e implication for e mpirical and abinitio molec ular orbital calc ula tions.
interpretin g the He I lines in all B type main- se qu e nce stars a re
touched upon. Helium-weak a nd helium- strong spectra probably Hayward , E. , Photonuclear reactions, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.),
indicate variation s in density of the outer atmo sp here rather than Monogr. 118, 46 pages (A ugust 1970) 50 cents, SD Catalog No.
tru e abundance differences. The spectra of su pergiant s are also C13 .44: 118.
considered and it is pointed out tha t the la supergiants of t ype B
may be hydroge n-poor. Key word s: Nuclear hydrod yna mics;' particle-hole calculation s;
Finally in section 6 th e problem of choosin g simplified physical photon scatteri ng; photonuclear; sum rules.
re presentations of lin e formin g wh e n non-LTE physics mu st be
used is disc ussed. Some relevant points co ncernin g the observed This paper re views photonuclear reaction s in the approximate
spectral lin es used for spec tral classification are illu strated by energy range 10 to 30 MeV. Various sum rules are discussed and
mea ns of parti al e nergy-level diagram s. applied to exp erim ental data. Several different th eories are desc ribed
and their predictions compared with experiment, and as ofte n as
Guttman, C. M., DiMarzio, E. A., Separation b y flow. II. Ap- possible open qu estion s and di sc re pancie s are pointed out.
plication to gel permeation chromatography, Marcromolecules
3, No . 5, 681 - 691 (September- October 1970). Hirshfeld , A. T. , Hoppes, D. D., Transition mixing ratios de-
termined f"om a study of the electron and gamma-ray distri-
Key word s: C hromatography; gel filtration ; gel permeation c hro- butions from oriented ""Ir, Phys. R ev. C 2, No.6, 2341 - 2349
matograph y; macromolec ule s; separatiQn by fl ow. (December 1970).

Models of a Gel Permeation Chromatography co lumn are proposed in Key word s: Beta ray s, angular di stribution ; gam ma rays; hype rfine
which th ere is flow through eac h of th e beads as we ll as around th e m. fi eld in iron ; ""lr, magnetic moment ; nucl ear orientation ; tran sition
Diffu sion is allowed within a nd outside of the beads. By makin g missing ratios.
ge ne ral arguments on particle c urre nt flow , th e volume elution is
co mputed as a fun ction of solute particle size for a simplified vie w The angular di stribution s meas ured for 12 gamma rays in I,,"OS and
of the column. The equation for th e location of volum e elution peaks 1!I'Pt res ulting from the decay of cryogenically oriented 1!l2Ir have
thu s de rived s how functional de pe nde nces on the particle radiu s bee n used to de termine th e following E2/Ml mixin g ra tio s: 201 keY,
a nd th e column geo metry very mu c h like equati ons derived by pre- 02 >3.7; 296 keY, 0=-(6 ~ V; 308 keY, 0=- (7. 1 ± 0.6); 41 7 keY,
viou s workers for model s in whic h there was no fl ow in the beads. 0=4~l; 485 keY, 0=5.8±0.8; 604 keY, 0 = 1.5 ± 0.1 , followin g the
The meth od of He rman' s is exten ded to allow for flow within th e Rose-Brink sign convention. The angular distribution of the 672 keY
beads . Two times c haracterize th e system ; th e tim e for a particle to beta gro up and th e above ga mma meas urements limit the relative
diffuse into and out of the bead and th e tim e to flu sh the particle contribution, 1,., of different operator tensor ranks , L, involved in
out of th e bead. The width of th e volum e elution peak (in contra- eac h be ta tran sition. The re sults for electron capture tran sitions
di stin ction to th e work of He rman 's) no lon ge r beco mes infinite as th e terminatin g at levels in osmium are: 694 ke Y le vel , II > 0.9; 584 keY
diffu sion coe ffi cie nt goes to zero sin ce the residence tim e within th e level 10 > 0.6, J, < 0.1. F or be ta tran sitions feedin g platinum states,
bead is never larger than th e flu sh tim e. Explicit formulae a re we determine: 921 keY level, II > 0.8 ; 785 keY level, II > 0.92,
given for th e first three mome nts of th e volume eluti on ; it is shown 12 < 0.03. Th e 1!l21r ground state magnetic mome nt is positive.
that th e elution volume for a monodispersed spec ies is gauss ian.
In all cases syste ms with open pores which allow flow show better Jacox, M. E., Milligan, D. E., Matrix-isolation study of the
se paration capabilities than tho se whi c h do not allow flow . vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of m e thyl chloride and meth-
ylene chloride. Infrared and ultraviolet spectra of th e free
Haar, L. , Shenker, S. H. , A phenomenological equation of state, radicals eel, H , eel, and eCI" J. Chem. Phys. 53, 7,2688-2701
Proc. 5th Symp. Th ermop hysical Properties, Boston, Mass., September (October 1, 1970).
30-0ctob er 2, 1970, C. F. Bonilla, Ed., pp. 223-226 (A merican
Society of Mechanical Engineers , New York , N. Y. , 1970). Key words: CC I; CC I, ; force co nsta nts; free rad ical; HCCI ; HCC I,;
H 2 CCI; infrared s pectrum ; matrix isolation; photolysis; ultraviolet
Key word s: Co mpressibility factors; e quation of state ; high de nsity; spectrum .
hi gh temperature; pairwise pote ntials; R edlic h Kwong; second vi ria l
coe ffici ent; the rmodynamics. Infrared and ultraviolet spectrosco pic studies have been co ndu cted
on th e products of the vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of norm al and
A simple ph enome nological eq uation of state for hi gh te mperature isotopically substituted meth yl c hlorid e and methylene c hloride
gases is proposed. It is developed from conside rati ons of th e two isola ted in argon a nd nitroge n ma tri ces a t 14 K. The cage effec t has
body pair inte raction s, and it ha s no arbitrary parameters. Th e been form ed to inhibit haloge n detachme nt processes in the se sys·
equation has been applied to two s imple gases, nitrogen and argon. tern s. Infrared absorptions a ttribute d to CC I, HCC I, and H2CCl a nd
The res ults compar e quite well with experim ental da ta up to 10,000 the 2800- A ultraviolet absorption of eCI appear in the methyl
bar and in the ran ge of two to four times th e c riti cal tempe rature. c hloride photolysis studies. Observation of a " negative anhar-
Also included for co mpari son is th e widely use d Redlic h Kwong equa- monicity" for the lowes t frequ e ncy infrared absorption of H 2CC I
tion. The present work compares favo rably with the Redli c h Kwon g can be exp lain ed by postulating that the mol ec ul e is planar. Th e
at the lowes t-te mp e rature; however, as tempe ra ture is increased th e C-Cl stre tchin g force constant of H 2CCl is exce ptionally high. Th e
present work becomes inc reasingly more accurate , whereas th e implication s of (p - d ) 1f be ndin g, whic h may acco unt for th e large
correspondin g states equation te nds to degrade with temperature. C-CI stretching force constant, are explore d. An absorption near
2300 A be haves appropriately for assignment to a seco nd electronic
Hastie , J. W. , Hauge, R. H., Margrave, J. L. , High temperature transition of CCl, providing s upport for the previous tentative as-
chemistry: Stabilities and structures of high te mperatUl'e signment of a group of e mi ssion bands to suc h a tran sition. Photo-
species, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 21, 475--498 (1970). lysis of me thyle ne chloride in a matri x environment lead s prin cipally
to the stabilization of CCI 2 • A re vi se d est imate of the force con·
Key words: High te mp erature species; sta bility stru cture. stants of CCI, is given.
Rece nt experim e ntal and th eoreti cal work on th e stabilitie s and Johnson , D. R., Powell, F. X., Microwave detection of thioform-
struc ture s of hi gh temperature species has been reviewed. Emphasis aldehyde, Science 169,679-680 (August 14, 1970).


Key words: Astronomically important; electrical di scharge; inter- Ledbetter, H. M., On the martensite crystallography of the
s tellar medium; microwave spectroscopy; rotational spectrum ; cubic to orthorhombic transformation in Au-47.5 Cd,
thioformaldehyde. ,Scripta Met. 4, No. 11 ,931 -937 (November 1970).

Thi oformaldehyde (H 2 CS) has been detected and characterized from Key words : Crystallography; gold -cadmium alloy; martensite;
its microwave spectrum_ Preliminary analysis of rotational transitions phase transformations; twinning.
for H 2 C32S shows this new species to have C2V symmetry with rota-
tional cons tants of A = 292729 MHz, B = 17698 MHz , and C = 16652 Complete calculations of the geometrical features of the cubic to
MHz_ The possibility of de tection of thioformaldehyde in the inter- orthorhombic martensitic transformation in the Au-47.5 Cd alloy
stellar medium is discussed a nd a table of transitions expected to be system have been made for both Type I and Type II transformation
of importan ce th ere is presented. twinning. None of the usual c rystallographic features are sufficien tly
sensitive to distinguish between th ese two possible modes of lattice
invariant deformation. Alternatives are offered which are belie ved to
Krauss , M. , Potential energy s urfaces, Ann. Rev_ Phys_ Chem.
be experimentall y simpler than those previously proposed .
21, 39-46 (1970)_

Key words: Activation e nergy; configuration interaction; correlation Lesclaux, R., Searles, S., Sieck, L. W., Ausloos, Po, Irradiation of
energy surface; Hartree-Fock; H; ; H 3 ; Hi; H4; LiH2 ; LiHF; HNO; cyclohexene with 8.4, 10.0 and 11.6- 11.8 e V photons.
HeHi; proton transfer. Dissociation of n e utral excited cyclo h exene and reactions of
C6Hio, J . Chem. Phys. 53, No.8, 3336-43 (October 15, 1970).
Ab initio ene rgy surfaces applicabl e to chemical kinetics and col- Key word s: Cyclohexene; ion-mo lec ul e reaction s; photoionization;
lisional phenomena are revi ewed. The calculations are divided into photolysis; unimolec ular-/dissociation.
two categories, Hartree-Fock and be yond. It is noted that Hartree-
Fock calculati ons are routine but that correlation techniqu es are
Th e photo lysis of cyclohexene has bee n inves tigated at photon ener-
necessary for reaction colli sions. Definitive work exists for H:i gies above (10.0 eV, 11. 6-11.8 eV) and below (8.4 e V) its ionization
and H" but th e activation energy of H3 is still inacc urate relative to pote ntial (8.9 e V). Th e ionic processes we re stud ied in a mass s pec-
the scattering calculational requirem e nts. Other qualitative work is trometer equipped with a photon source. Th e parent Cd-l to ion was
described for H or Li interaction with diatomics. see n to undergo th e follow ing reaction s with cyclohexene:

Lafferty, W. J. , Microwave spectrum, dipole moment, and CGHio + cyelo-CG H ,o -> cyclo- C. H 12 + C.H it k = 0.7
conformation of cyclopentene oxide, J. Mol. Spectry. 36,
No. 1, 84- 93 (October 1, 1970). X 10 - 10 cm 3/ mol ec ul e-sec -> C I2Hio k = 4.1 X 10 - 10 c m 3/mol ecul e-sec

Key words: Cyclopentene oxide; dipole moment; epoxy cyclopentene; Analys is of th e yields of cyc lohexa ne formed in th e first of th ese
microwave spectrum; ring con formation; rotational constants. reac tion s in th e photolysis at 10.0 eV ove r th e press ure range from
1 to 10 torr indi cates that th e relative importance of the two reac-
The microwave spectrum of cyelopente ne oxide has been studied. tions is th e same in this pressure range as in the ion so urce of the
Rotational constants for the ground state and two exc ited vibra- mass spectrom eter at a pressure of 10 - 2 torr. At 11.6- 11.8 eV, th e
tional states of one rin g conformation have been obtained. Ground parent ion also dissociates, main ly to form C 5 Hi and CH;j. Ev ide nce
state constants are Ao = 5709.38:±: 0.02, 8 0 = 4541.12:±: 0.02 and is presen ted whi c h indi cates that at these e nergies, th e majority of
Co= 3248 .97±0.02 (errors are 2 standard deviations). The dipol e th e C 6 H to ions retain a cycl ic stru cture. Th e ne utral , electronically
moment compone nts of the mol ec ule are J.L,,= 1.163± 0.033, exc ited cyc lohexen e molecu le di ssoc iates mainly as follow s:
J.Lc = 1. 63o±0.031 , and J.L = 2.002 ± 0.0l5. The rotational constants
and dipole moment components obta in ed experimenta ll y can be C GH10 -> 1,3-C.H6+C,H., at 8.4 eV, <1> = 0_82
satisfactorily explained only if the boat form is the most stable
conformati on of the ring. -> Cs H 7 +C H 3, at 8.4 eV, <1> = 0.08.

Lamb, V. A. , Evidence for a complex chloromolybdate ion The photolysis of 3,3,6,6-d,,-cyclohexene demonstrated that the
in a molten sa lt medium from transfere nce exp e riments, first of these processes occurs predominantly by the "symmetri cal"
J. ELectrochem. Soc. 11 7, No. 10, 1269- 1270 (October 1970). cleavage of the 3 -4 and 5-6 C-C bonds, at all energies.

Key words: Hexachloromolybdate complex ion; molten salt; trans- Levin, E. M., Liquid immisci bility in oxide sys tems, Chapter in
ference numbers. Phase Diagrams Materials Science and Technology, 3, The Use of
Phase Diagrams in Ceramics, Class and Metal Technology, pp.
Transference experiments have been performed with solutions of 143- 236 (Academic Press, Inc., New York, N.Y. , 1970).
potassium hexachloromolybdate in molten eutectic mixtures of
potassium chloride and lithium chloride. The results indicate that a Key words: Glass chromatography; immisc ibility and courses of
com plex molybdenum-containing anion exists at 800°C. crystallization ; immiscibility and practical applications; immisci-
bility and thermodynamics; immiscibility in oxides; liquid im-
miscibility; Ln203-B203 phase diagrams; mec hanism of phase
Latanision , R. M., Westwood, A. R. c., Surface- and environ- separation; metastable liquid immiscibility; microphas e separation;
ment-sensitive m echanical behavior, Chapter in Advances in phase diagrams of metastable immiscibility ; sp inodal ; stru c tural
Corrosion Sciences and TechnoLogy, 1,51-145 (Plenum Press, New interpretation of immiscibility; super-duty s ili ca bri c k.
York, N.Y., 1970).
Stable and metastabl e liquid immiscibility in oxide syste ms is di s-
Key words: Complex-ion embrittl ement; dislocations; liquid metal cussed from the standpoint of thermodynam ics, interp retation , and
embrittlement; surface; surface active agent. application. The classic Gibbs free energy of formation-composition
diagrams are used to illustrate the difference be tween a stable and
The influ ences of surface structure and environment on the mechan- a metastable immisci bility gap and to define the spinodal. Phase
ical behavior of crystalline in organic solids are reviewed and possible equilibrium prin c iples are applied to liquid immi scibility and typi ca l
mechani sms discuss ed. In particular, the various roles of such courses of crystallization are described . Structural interpretation is
factors as the atomic, electronic, and defect structure of the near- applied to the occurrence and extent of immiscibility includin g the
surface regions , the presence of adsorbed surface-active species, temperature of th e monotectic and the effec t of homoge nizer s.
alloyed layers, ox id e film s, gaseous or liquid environments, etc. are The general incompatibility of compound format ion and liquid im-
co nsidered in connection with the Roscoe , Rebinder, and Joffe mi scibility is demonstrated for the rare ea rth oxide-boric oxide
effects, liquid-m etal embrittl ement, complex-ion embrittlement, sys tems. Occurrence and methods of study of mic ro-phase se paration
hydrogen embrittlement, and other phenomena. are elucidated_ Three mechanisms of mi cro phase separation are


418-535 OL - 71 - 7
disc ussed briefly: nucleation and growth, spinodal decomposition, originating in ionic fragmentation reactions or ion· molecule reactions
and intersecting growth theory. Binary and ternary phase diagrams are derived from isotopi c analyse s of product molec ules formed with
showing liquid immiscibility are presented . Application to the fol· C3Ds·C3Hs mixtures or with CD3CH,CD". At a given pressure, only
lowing commercial products are discussed: super·duty silica brick, minor differences are seen be tween the radiolysis and photolysis in
Vycor glass, Pyrex glass, glass ceramics, and glass chromatography. the modes of dissociation of parent propane ions formed by charge
transfer with a particular rare gas. Higher energy ionic fragmentation
Levin, E. M., Roth , R. S., The system niobium pentoxide- processes are seen to be quenc hed with increasing pressure; in the
phosphorus pentoxide, J . Solid State Chem. 2, No.2, 250- 261 case of xe non· propane mixtures, it is de monstrated that the parent
(1970) . ion yield increases as primary fragmentation processes are quenched.
In the irradiated argon·propane·scavenger mixtures, isotope effects
Key words : Nb,05·P,05; NbPO,; Nb2P 4 0'5; Nb gP025 ; Nb 44 P,O"5; in the ionic fragmentation mechanism are seen which indicate that
P 2 0 5·Nb,05; phase diagram; Re03- type compounds. collisional deactivation of the excited deuterated fragment ions is
more efficient that that of the corresponding protonated ions. In
A partial phase diagram of the system has been determined experi. the photolytic experiments, it was deduced that the decomposition
mentally, using the quenc hing tec hniqu e and identifying the phases of neutral excited propane molecules constitutes about 10% of the
by x·ray powder diffractometry. The major phase, NbP05 , melts product forming processes in the xenon mixtures, while in the
above 1650 °C. It transforms at about 1253° C from a low·tempera· radio lytic experiments, the maximum contribution of neutral
ture, tetragonal phase to a high· temp erature, monoclinic phase, excited molecule decomposition is 5%. Similar dedu ctions for the
isostructural with TaPO • . The 9Nb,O •. p,O. phase shows a limited argon mixtures we re not feasible.
solid solution range and melts in congruently at 1435 °C. The eutectic
between 9: 1 and NbPO, is at 1365 °C and 67 mol % Nb20 5. At 96.4 Marshak, H ., Langsford, A., Tamura, T. , Wong, C. Y., Total
mol % Nb20 , another phase was found, stable over only 80°C and neutron cross section of oriented 165 Ho from 2 to 135 MeV,
isostructural with the 9: 1 phase. A ne w monoclini c phase, '22: l ' ss Phys . Rev. C 2, No.5, 1862- 1881 (November 1970).
was found, with a limited stability field in both temperature and
composition. In the subsystem NbP05 one compound was identified Key words : Blac k·nucleus model; coupled c hann el calculation;
of probabl e composition NB20 5· 2P20 5, with pseudocubic symmetry HO ,65 ; nu clear orientation; nuclear Ramsau er effect; nuclear shape;
and melting incongrue ntly at about 1025 0C. X·ray powder diffraction optical· model; total neutron cross section.
data and unit cell dime nsions are listed for the phases.
The difference in the total neutron cross section due to nuclear
Lias, S. G., Collin, G. ]., Rebbert, R. E., Ausloos, P. , Photolysis of orient"a tion, C1(J"de l, has been measured for 165Ho ove r the energy
ethane at 11.6-11.8 eV, J. Chem. Phys. 52, No.4, 1841 - 1851 range of 2 to 135 MeV. The results show that ~adel oscillates as well
(February 15 , 1970). as c hanging sign, contrary to our classical concept of the interaction.
The data, both crt and ~adef> are successfully fitted by adiabatic-
Key words: Ethane; free radicals; ions; photolysis; primary proc· coupled channel calculations using the optical· model. The param-
esses; vacuum ultraviolet. eters for the optical-model were determined by fitting at and aR
data (over approximately the same energy range as in the present
The photolysis of e thane, carried out with an argon resonance lamp, work) for the two spherical nuclei Cd and Pb. The only additional
has been reinvestigated with the related purposes of (I) meas uring quantity being introduced was the quadrupole deformation param-
quantum yields of all fragments formed in the dissociation of excited eter for 165 Ho which is known to be 0.33. The data for ~a del can also
ethane, and (2) associating these fragm e nts with the primary proc· be explained quite well by a simple semiempirical model which
esses occurring in the photolysis of ethane. These, and th eir relative makes use of the black-nucleus model, the nuclear Ramsauer effect
abundances are and the experimental at data. The temperature de pendence of
~a del agrees very well with our calculated values for the degree of
C 2 Ht - C,H t,5% nuclear orientation, whi ch is consistent with 165Ho being almost a
pure quadrupole shaped nucleu s.
- CH4 + CH 2 , 16%
- C,H 5 + H, 41% Meshkov, 5., Commentary on meson spectroscopy, Chapter
- C 2 H 4 + H 2 , 23%
in Experimental Meson Spectroscopy, C. Baltay and A. H. Rosenfeld,
Ed., pp. 535-546 (Columbia Univ. Press, New York, N.Y., 1970).
- CH 3 + CH 3 , 15%.
Key words: A,; mesons; resonances; spectroscopy; SU(3); SU(6)w'
These results are co mpared with conclusions reached in earlier
studies on the photolysis of ethane with xenon and krypton lamps in A description of a method for describing the split A2 is presented,
order to determine the effect of energy on the relative probabilities as well as some comments on the general problem of describing
of the primary processes. It is found that direct bond scission in· mesons and analyzing their structure.
creases in importance with increasing energy, while processes in·
volving rearrangement decrease in importance. Milligan, D. E ., Jacox, M. E., Infrared spectrum of the CIHCI-
The radical and molecular fragments formed in the dissociation of ion isolated in an argon matrix, J. Chem. Phys. 53, No.5,
excited e thane were determined by (a) analyzing the products formed 2034- 2040 (September 1,1970).
in C2H6·C,D.-NO (I: 1 : 0.1) mixtures and (b) C,D6 in the prese nce of
H,S , whic h scavenges free radicals to form isotopically·unique Key words : Bichloride anion; CIHCI free radical; electron attach·
hydrocarbon products, and (c) C 2 H. in the presence of C3D., which ment; HCl dimer; hydrogen bonding; infrared spectrum; matrix
scave nges H·atoms to form propyl radicals which in turn, react isolation; ultraviolet spectrum; vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis.
with radicals in the system to form characteristic products. Such
experiments, as well as quantum yield determinations, were also Upon vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis at 14 K of samples of HCI
carried out at the krypton and xenon lines. isolated in an argon matrix at mole ratios favorable for the presence
of an appreciable concentration of dimeric HCI, prominent absorp·
Lias, S. G., Rebbert, R. E., Ausloos, P., Irradiation of xenon- tions appear at 696 and 956 cm - I . The positions, and contours, and
propane and argon-propane mixtures with gamma rays and relative intensities of these absorptions correspond within experi·
21.2 eV photons, J. Chem. Phys. 52, No.2, 773-783 (January 15, mental error with those previously attributed to the elHCl free
1970). radical isolated in an argon matrix. Studies of a chlorine·37 enriched
sample have confirmed the presence of two chlorine atoms in the
Key words: Deactivation; ion· molecule reactions; photoionization; molecule. A broad, unstructured absorption at 2870 A may also be
radiolysis; unimolecular ion fragmentation. contributed by this CIHCI species. When a small concentration of
atomic potassium or cesium is co-deposited with the Ar: HCl
Mixtures of xenon or argon with propane (20: 1) are irradiated in sample, evidence is obtained for the formation of an alkali metal·
the presence of radical scavengers by y·rays and by 21.2 e V photons containing complex. Photoionization of the alkali metal atoms upon
from a he lium resonance lamp. The ion·pair yields of products exposure of the resulting sample to the radiation of a medium·

pressure mercury are leads to the appearance of very prominent indicating that the upper state of HNC O from whi ch NCO A'~
absorptions at 969 and 956 em - '. It is proposed that these absorp· predissociates, has a bent NCO con fi guration . NH C '7T formed is
tions may more s uitably be assigned to the CIHCI - ion , trapped in highly rotationally excited. Experim ental e vid e nce is prese nted to
an inert, essentially non· ionic environment. Implications of this show that NH A 37T is produ ced primarily by a secondary process,
reas signment with regard to th e nature of th e hydrogen bondin g CO a 37T + NH X3~ ~ CO X'~ + NH A"7T. Primary processes in the
of CIHCl - are disc ussed , and poss ibl e mechani s ms for the produ c· near ultraviolet photolysis of HN CO are disc ussed on th e basis
tion of CIHCI - under the co ndition s of th ese exp eriments are of bond dissociation energies obtained in the prese nt work.
Parker, H. S. , Hardin g, C. A., VapOl' growth of AI, O" bicl'ystals,
Moore, C. E. , Ionization potentials and ionization limits de- J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 53, No. 11 ,583- 585 (Nove mber 11 , 1970).
rived from the analyses of optical spectra, Nat. Stand. Ref
Data Ser., Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) , 34, 22 pages (Sept. 1970) 75 cents, Key words: Aluminum oxide ; bicrystals; cry stal growth ; vapor
SD Catalog No. CI3.48:34. crystal growth.

Key word s: Atomic s pectra , ground term s; ground terms, atomi c BicIystals containin g symmetrical tilt boundaries with eith e r the
spectra ; ionization limits; ionization potentials. [1010] or th e [1l20] directi on as th e rotation axi s have bee n grow n at
a temperature of 1740 °C by a vapor growth techniqu e utilizin g th e
A current tabl e of ionization potential s expressed in electron volts reaction :
and a d etail ed tabl e giving th e limits from which they have bee n
derived are prese nted. For eac h spectrum the ground term is given , 2AICla(g) + 3C0 2(g) + 3H,(g) ~ AJ,O,,(s) + 6HCI(g) + 3CO(g).
with the limit as th e ground state. Th e energy levels of te rm s of th e
lowest co nfi guration d etermin ed from ground state zero, are al so S pec im ens as large as 3 x 5 x 20 mm have been produ ced in a 24
includ ed for selected spec tra. Th e lite rature references used for hour growth peri od. C hemi ca.! purity of th e spec im e ns is very high,
each spectrum a re indicated by number a nd li sted in a bibliography with less than 0.1 ppm total cati on impurities as determin ed by
with some 200 entri es. activation analysis.
The latest reco mm e nd ed co nvers ion factor (c m- ' to eV) 0.000123981
corresponding to 1 eV = 8065.73 cm - , ha s bee n used throu ghout. Pa rke r, R. 1., Cl'ystal growth mcchanisms : Enel'getics, ki-
n e tics, and tran sport, Solid State Phys. 25, 151- 299 (Academic
Moore·Sitterly, C. E., Fundamental spectroscopic data, IAU Press, Inc., New York , N.Y., 1970).
Commission 14, Altgust 196 7 Meeting, Trans. Int ern. Astron. Union
13A, 229-266 (/ 967). Moore·Sitterly, C. E. , R are-earth spectra- Key word s: C rystal ; crysta l grow th ; c rys tallization; growth mech-
the 1966 picture, Proc. First Int ernational Conf. Spectroscopy, anisms; morphologica l sta bility; nucl eation ; phase chan ges; tran s-
Bombay, India, J anuary 9-18, 1967, 1, J-1 3 (1967). port processes.

Key word s: Cross sec tion ; tran s ition probabilities; wavelength A review is give n of the mechani sms of crysta l growth . Subjects
standards. discussed in clud e th ermodynamics and stati s ti cal mec hanics of
phase changes; the ma th emati cal physics of c rys tal growth trnas port
The pres ent report s ummarizes important activities in the fi eld processes; nucl ea tion; inte rface stru c ture a nd interface kin eti cs;
since the Twelfth Ge neral Assembly of th e Uni on held in Hamburg morph ological sta bility; impurity effec ts; and fluid fl ow effects in
in 1964. Th e main topics deal with standard s of wavele ngth , transi- cry stallizati on. Particularly emph as ized are the res ults of quantita-
tion probabilities, lin e broad ening, a tomi c collision cross secti ons, tiv e studi es, both th eo retical and experim ental , on well defin ed sys-
molecular spectra of astrophysical inte rest, gene ral progress in tems. Experim ental techniqu es and apparatu s are not covered, nor
studies of la boratory spectra and curre nt work on th e solar spec trum . are solid-solid trans form ations or the crystalli za ti on of polym ers.

Moore-Sitterly , C. E. , Silicon in the sun, Chapter in Vistas in P ella, P. A., DeVoe, J. R., Th e d e te l'mination of tin in copper'-
Astronomy (Commemoration of H. N. Russell ) A. Beer, Ed., 12, base alloys by Moss baue l' s p ec lrometI·y, AnaL Chem. 42,
307-312 (Pergamon Press , Inc., New York, N.Y., 1970). No. 14, / 833- 1835 (December 1970).

Key word s: Atomic and ionic in th e sun ; sili co n in th e spectra of Key words: Alloys; analys is; inte rn al stand a rd ; Moss bau er s pec·
silicon; sili co n spectra in th e sun 's atm osp here sun . trom etry ; stannic oxid e.

A bri ef survey is given of Silico n lin es in th e spectra of th e solar The Miissbauer spectrometri c me th od was app li ed to th e determi ·
photosphere, chromos ph ere, and co rona. These lines are not only nation of tin in NBS SRM copper-base all oys. After co nvertin g th e
from the s pectrum of the ne utral atom, but arise , also , from th e ionic Sn in the alloy to SnO , the absorption intens ity of Sn02 was mea s-
spectra of every stage of ionization , i. e., Si I through Si XIV. The ured versus f3-Sn as an internal standard absorber. Stannic oxide
ionization pote ntial s range from 8 to 2673 eV, and th" wavelengths was obtained by the dissolution of th e alloys in nitri c acid. This
of the solar id entifi cation s span the interval from 6 A to 25129 A. produces a precipitate contaminated by th e coprecipitation of a
The wid e range of excitation and ionization thus represented makes number of elements. Through the use of an appropriate standard , it
silico n a suitable element for detailed study of solar models, fluxes , was shown that the Mossbau er techniqu e ca n meas ure the Sn0 2 con-
abundances and th e lik e. centration without interference. The results for alloys 52c, 184, and
37e were 7.82 ±.05 % (7.85), 6.31 ± .06% (6.38), and 0.99 ± .01 % (1.00),
Okabe, H., photodissociation of HNCO in the vacuum ultra- respectively, wh ere the un ce rtainties are th e relative standard
violet; Production of NCO A2:£ and NH(A3W , c'w) }. Chem. deviation of the mean valu es and th e numbe rs in pare nth eses are
Phys . 53, No . 9, 3507-35 15 (Nove mber 1, 1970). the NBS certified va.!u es.

Key word s: Bon d di ssociati on energy; fluoresce nce; HNC O ; NC O P erloff, A., The crystal structur'e of sodium hexamolybdo-
A2~ ;
NH A37T , C' 7T ; photodissociation; vacuum ultraviolet. chromate(III) octahydrate, Na ,,(CrMo G0 24 H G), 8H 2 0 , In-
organic Chem. 9, No . 10 ,2228- 2239 (1970).
Strong e mi ssion bands originating from NCO A2~ and NH(A27T , C'7T)
we re found in th e photodissociation of HNCO in th e vacuum ultra- Key word s: Heteropolymolybdate; x-ray cry stal stru cture.
viol et. In addition, wea k bands co min g from NCO B27T we re observed.
Thres hold energies of incident photons to produ ce th ese bands Th e detailed stru cture of th e heteropol y sa lt Na,,(CrMo G0 24 H 6)
were mea sured , from whi ch th e foll owin g bond di ssoc iation ene rgies ·8H 20 has been determin ed usin g three-dim ensionaL x-ray dif-
and hea ts of formation were obtained: D(H-NCO) = 4.90 ± 0.0l eV, fra ction data. Th e crystals are tridini c, s pace gro up PI , with ce ll
D(HN- CO) = 3.38 ± 0.1 eV, D(N -CO) = 2.14 ± 0.15 eV, t:.HJ( HNCO) dim ensions a = 10.9080 , b = IO.9807 , c= 6.4679 A , 0= 107. 594°,
=-1.0 ± 0.14 eV, MIJ(NC O ) = 1.6 ± 0.15 eV. Th e emi ssion spec- f3 = 84.438° and y= 112.465°. There is one formul a unit per unit
trum , NCO A'~ ~ X 2 7T , produ ced from the photolysis at the Xe and cell. The anion has the same structure as the (TeMo GO,4) - Ganion
Kr lines show s th at NCO A'~ is highly exc ited in be nding vibration, with excellent agreement of comparable bond distan ces. Charge

bala nce and hydrogen bonding arguments suggest that the anion's Key words: Co nservation equ a ti ons; equati on of motio n; hyd ro-
hydrogen atoms are bonded to th e oxygen a tom s whi ch are coordi- dyna mi c equ ations; qu a ntum fluid s; quantum mechanical de ns ity
nated to the C r a tom. The a nions are linked togeth er throu gh sodium d istribution ; qua ntum sta ti s tical mecha ni cs .
octa hedra and hydrogen bondin g. No hydrogen a toms co uld be
located directl y, but a reasonable hydrogen bonding sche me was Exact diffe re nti al con servation equ a tions ar e de rived from the mass,
inferre d from short oxygen·oxygen di sta nces. Final re fin e ment by mo me ntum , a nd e ne rgy d ensity ope ra tors fo r a one·compon ent
least· squ ares an alysis with ani sotropi c te mperature fac tors resulted simple fluid of Bose or F ermi particles with a rbitrary pairwi se
in a n R valu e of 3.3%. inte ractions. These equation s are used in a sta tisti cal mec ha ni cal
de rivation of exac t equ ation s of motion for th e exp ectation s of th ese
Prydz , R. , Straty, G. c. , Timm e rhaus, K. D. , Properties of fluorine ope ra tors. The equ ations of motion are co upl e d to the exac t equ a·
along th e vapor-liquid coe xistence boundary, J . Chem. Phys. ti ons relating the local te mpera ture, che mi cal pote ntial , and Auid
53, N o. 6, 2359- 2363 (Sep tember 15, 1970). ve locity to th ese exp ecta tions. Th e coupled equ ation s are closed in
the sense that the expectati ons a nd their th ermodynami c conju gates
Ke y word s: Criti cal point ; flu orin e ; latent heats of va porization; li sted above are the only unkno wn s, although so me of the de pe nden ce
saturated liquid de nsities; satura ted va por de nsities; va por pressure. in the equ ation s on th e co njugates is expressed onl y implicitly. T he
equ ation s of motion are me mory- re taining nonl oc al ge ne raliza ti ons of
Saturated liquid a nd va por data from the tripl e point to th e critical the classical hydrodynamic eq uation s and apply to a normal Auid
point a re re ported. These data were de rived from exp erime ntal arbitrarily far from equalibrium. The form ali s m is not carrie d as fa r
P VT isochores and a va por press ure equ ation. The critical point as has the co rres ponding class ical fo rm ali s m.
was extracted by fittin g a n equa ti on to all experim e ntal da ta within
20 pe r ce nt of th e critical te mper ature. Se para te equation s, each
constrain ed to th e new criti cal point, were fitt ed to th e saturated Roth , R. S., Warin g, J . L. , P arker , H. S ., Effe ct of oxide addi-
liquid and vapo r data. Late nt heats of vaporization we re calculated tions on the polymorphism of tantalum pentoxide. IV. The
from the Cla peyron equ a tion a nd co mpared to othe r published syste m Ta 2 0 5-Ta 2 WO B, J. So lid State Chem. 2 , 445- 461 (1 970).
valu es. A va por pressu re equation based on the IPTS 1968 te mpe ra·
ture sc ale is repo rted. Key word s: Melting points; phase equilibria ; sys te m ta ntal um
oxid e·ta ntalum tu ngstate.
Ra vec he,. H. ]. . Mountain , R. D., Three body corre lations in
simple den se fluid s, J . Chem. Phys. 53 , No . 8, 3101- 3 107 (October Th e low te m pe rature form of pure T a 2 0 , has been found to ex ist
15, 1970). in two slightl y diffe rent modificatio ns. Th e lowes t te mperature form
has a b axi s multiplicity of 14 whe reas the hi ghest tempe ratu res
Ke y word s : Neutron diffraction; perc us·Ye vi c k equ a tion ; simple form (about 1350 0c) has a multiplicity of 11. At interm edia te
liquid s; su perpositi on a pprox im a tion; three bod y correlation fun c· te mpe ratures an " infinite" numb e r of at least partially ordered
tion; x·ray diffraction ; radial d istribution fun ction. sequ e nces of th ese two modifi cations exi st in equilibrium.
The addition of W03 to Ta 2 0 5 cau ses the "stabilization" of a n
Co rrelations be twee n triples of molec ul es in s impl e flu ids at th ermo- " infinite" numbe r of phases simil ar in stru cture to th e low te m·
dynamic equilibrium a re studied throu gh th eir contribution to the pe ra tu re form of Ta 2 0 ,. From ju st less tha n 10 mol % W0 3 to the
isothe rmal density de rivative of the pair probability de nsity. Explicit last compound in th e seri es a t 26} mol % WOo th ese phases are in
co mputations a re perform ed to indicate the role of th e tripl et fun c· equilibrium with liquid and th e high te mperature stru cture t ype
tion in accounting for the stru cture of the de nsity derivative of th e of pure T a z0 5 is eliminated from the phase diagram . One com -
radial distribution fun ction. Th e results imply th a t contributions pound , 14Ta z0 5'2WO " with a multiplicity of 8 , was found to m elt
fro m triplet correlations are in gene ral quite appreciable . Variou s con gru ently at a bout 1815 °C and t he last phase, llTa z0 5'4W0 3
con seque nces of the res ults a re di scussed a nd th e procedure is with a multiplicity of 13, melts in con gru ently a t a bout 1605 ce.
examined in ge ne ral as a method for studying correlations be tween
triples of molec ul es in simpl e fluid s.
Ru sh, J . ]., Schroeder, L. W ., Melveger, A. J. , Infrared and
Raman spe ctra of sodium bifluoride: Isotope dilution stud-
Ri sley, A. S ., All an, D. W., Peters, H. E., John so n, E. H. , Vesso t, ies , Chem. Phys . Letters 6, No.5, 533- 536 (September 1, 1970).
R . F. c., Le vine, M., Gray, J. E. , Shoaf, J. H ., Mac hl a n, H . E. , a nd
Glaze, D. J., Stability characte ristics of some atomic frequency
Key words : Bending vibration ; hydroge n bond ; infrare d; isotope
standards (Summary), Proc. ConI Precision Electromagnetic
dilution ; latti ce mode; ram an ; sodium ; bifluorid e; stretc hing vibra·
Measurements, National Bureau of Standards, BouLder, CoLo., tion.
June 2- 5,1 970, CPEM Digest, pp. 74- 75 (1970).
IR and Ra man s pectra fo r sodium biAu oride containing 2%, 11 %,
Key word s: Allan va ri a nce; cesium beam ; frequ e ncy sta bility;
hydroge n maser; NBS frequ ency sta ndard ; time scale. and - 80% DF" are prese nted. C hanges in the DF" vz and v" IR
bands with de ute ration are re lated to co upling be twee n like oscilla-
tors or sta tes. Ra ma n ass ignme nts are made [or th e Hrz- v, and Ja t·
Over a peri od of three a nd one- half month s a frequ ency stabilit y
tice libe ra ti onal (Ey) mod es.
co mpari so n was made betwee n seve n co mme rcial ces ium bea ms a nd
a NASA (Goddard Space Flight Ce nter) hydroge n maser. Two of the
prime purposes in bringing the NASA maser to Boulder we re:
(1) to de te rmine the ge ne ral effec t upon the N BS Time Scale of
Schneider , S. J. , Cooperative dete rmination of the melting
including th e H maser as a part and (2) to determine the stabilit y point of alumina , J . Pure Appl. Chem. 21 , No .1, 117- 122 (1 970).
of the H maser for samplin g tim es T lo nge r than 103 seco nds.
Two of th e major res ults of th e tim e sc ale a nd NAS A mase r co m· Key word s: AhO,,; alumin a; I UPA C; melting point of Ah03; melting
parison were, first, cry(N = 2, T = T, T= 1 day) of the time sc al e - point standa rd s.
including the maser-was less tha n 1 X 10- '3, whe re y == fJlJ! lJ.
Second, the inclu sion of th e. mase r in the time sc al e improv ed the A task force on secondary te mperature standard s , sponsored by
precision about 30 pe rce nt. the Commission on High T e mperature s and Refra ctories, Inte r·
Another hydrogen mase r (from the S mith sonian Astrophysical national Union of Pure and Appli ed Che mi stry , has underta k en
Observatory) and a ne w four·foot long ces ium beam (N BS- X4) a progra m to investigate various inorganic non·m etalJic substan ces
we re use d along with the NAS A mase.r to measure sta biliti es for use as high te mperature refe ren ce mate rial s. As part of t hi s
cr,,(N = 2, = T, T)(T =- 1 day). Th e stabilities for both masers and program a cooperative de termination of the meltin g point of AI 2 0 "
(alumina) wa s condu cted by the task for ce. In all , nin e scientifi c
for N BS- X4 were bette r th a n o ne part in 10'3.
groups, representing seven countries contributed expe rime ntal
data. All work was performe d utilizing a comm on supply of Al,Oa
Robe rtson , B. , Quantum statistical mechanical derivation of of nominal 99.9% purity. E xperim ental techniqu es varied de pend in g
generalized hydrodynamic equations, ]. Math. Phys. II, upon the individual investigator. The value for th e alumina po int,
No.8 , 2482- 2488 (August 1970). as recomm e nd ed by the task force is 2054 °C ± 6 (IPTS 1968).

Sen gers, J. M. H. 1. , Scaling predictions for the"modynamic Key words: Cr ystal stru c ture; integrated inte nsiti es; lattice co n-
anomalies near the gas-liquid critical point, Ind. Eng. Chem. stants; peak inte nsities; powder patt e rns ; refe ren ce inte nsi ties;
Fundamentals, 9, No . 3, 47(}-480 (November 9, / 970). sta ndard ; x-ray diffraction.

Key words: Argon; carbon dioxide; c lassical equ ation; critical S tandard x-ray diffraction patte rn s are prese nted fo r 81 sub stances.
exponents; criti cal point; coexiste n ce curve; latti ce gas ; power Fifty-three of these patterns re prese nt experim e nt al data and 28
laws; rectilinear di ameter; stea m ; the rmodynamic anomalies; a re calculated . The experimental x-ray pow de r diffrac ti on patte rn s
vapor pressure. were obtained with x-ray diffracto me te r, us in g sa mples of high
purity. All d-values were assigned Mi ll er indi ces de te rmin ed by
Most classical (or van der Waal s type) equation s of state of Auids co mpari son with co mputed inte rpl anar s pac in gs co ns iste nt with
show characteristic critical th erm odynami c a nomalies and sym· space gro up extinctions. The de nsiti es a nd la tti ce co nstan ts we re
metries that are common to the m al L Th ese c haracteri stics are de· calc ulated, and the refra ctive in d ices we re meas ured wh e never
du ced from the Taylor expansion, in de ns ity and te mperature, of possible. The calculated x- ray powe r diffrac ti o n patte rn s we re co m-
these eq uations a t the c riti cal point. It is s hown that the anomalies puted from published crys tal s tru cture d ata. Both peak he ight
found expe rim entally are of a different nature, more similar to those a nd integrated inte ns iti es we re repo rt.ed for th e ca lc ul ated patte rn s.
predi cted by th e I sing mode l for th e lattice gas. Conseque nces for
data co rrelation s in the c ritical regio n a re di scussed a nd exa mpl es
of suc h co rrelations a re prese nted. T sai, D. H., Bulloug h, R., P e rrin , R. c., Molecular d y nami e al
s tudi es of the motion of point d e fect s in a c r ys tallin e laltice,
Simm ons, .J. H. , Macedo, P. B. , Viscous relaxation above the Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) C: Solid St. Phys. 3 , 20£2- 2036 (19 70).
liquid-liquid phase tran sition of some oxide mixtures,
J. Chern. Phys. 53, No.7, 29 14-2922 (October I , 1970). Key words: Atom ic diffu sion; defect moti on ; inte rstiti al motion;
jump freq ue ncy; lattice model; mi gration e ne rgy; mi grati on e ntropy;
Key word s: Immi sc ibilit y; ox id e glasses; relaxa tion tim es; su per· mol ec ul a r dynami cs; ra ndom-walk th eo ry; vacancy moti on.
c ritica'! Au ctu atio ns; ultra so ni c s pectroscopy; visco us re laxa tion.
Mo lec ul a r dyn a mi cal calc ul ati ons have bee n e mpl oyed to stud y
the motion of inters titi al a nd vacancy defec ts in a bcc la tti ce with
The vi scos ity ano maly obse rved above th e c riti cal points of a se ri es
an inte rac tion pote nti al whi c h simul a ted that of a -iron. Our purpose
of sodium· boros ili cate melts is inves ti ga ted by ultra so ni c shea r
relaxation spec troscopy. Th e measure me nt s we re co nducted a t wa s to inves ti gate th e effec ts of lattice t he rmal oscill a t.ions on th e
frequ e ncies betwee n 3 a nd 25 MHz and te mp e rat ures be tw ee n motion a nd th e inte rac tions of these defects, a nd to stu dy the
800 °C and 1300 0c. Th e sa mpl es tes ted have diffe re nt c ritica l rando m-wa lk prob le m of defect motion on a n a to mi c scale. Th e
te mpe ra tures as a res ult of s mall doping addition s to th e c ritica l d yna mi ca l res ults showed th at th e tempera ture depe nd e nce of th e
co mposition of th e immisc ibilit y surface in th e phase diagra m of defec t jump frequ e ncy was in ge ne ral agreeme nt. wit.h th e a t.o mi c
th e sodium· boros ili cate sys te m. Th is pe rmitted meas ure me nt s th eory of diffusion. From thi s te mp era ture depe ndence, th e e ne rgy
over a wid e range of redu ced te mpe ratu res. Analys is of th e data a nd the e ntropy of defect mig rati on we re obtained. Fo r inte rst.iti a l
yieJd s th e three stru c tural relaxation para mete rs whi c h a re : th e in- motion , th e mi grat.ion e nergy from th e d yna mi ca l mode l (0.23 eV)
stan tan eous s hea r modulu s, th e most probabl e relaxa ti on tim e, was th e sa me as th at from sta ti c calc ul a ti ons. For vacancy motion ,
th e mi gration e ne rgy from t.h e d ynami cal mode l (0.42 eV) was lowe r
a nd the width of th e di stributi on of relaxation tim es. Th ese param-
'th a n that fro m sta ti c ca lc ul ati o ns. Poss ible reaso ns for thi s differ-
e te rs are related to the vi scos ity. It is found that while th e in sta n-
e nce a re disc ussed .
tan eo us modulu s a nd th e most probab le re lax ation time a ppea r
unaffec ted by th e presence of s u pe rcriti ca l co mpos iti on Au ctu a-
tion s, the width of the s pec trum of rr, laxati on tim es broade ns Was ik , S. P. , T sa ng, W., Oe te "mination of tra ce amounts of
drasti cally as th e criti ca l te mp e rature is a pproac hed from above. contaminants in wate r b y isotope dilution ga s c h"omatog-
Simil ar a nd parall el c urves a re form ed fro m th e widt hs of th e ,'aph y, Anal. Chem . 42, No. 13, 1649- 165 1 (Nove mber 1970).
di stributi ons of re laxation tim es of a ll fo ur sa mpl es wh e n th e te m-
perature is prope rl y normali zed by the c riti ca l te mp era ture. Th e Key words: C hromatics; gas c hroma tograph y; isotope dilution ;
gene ral be havior of th ese cu rves ex hibits th e three redu ce d te m- olefin s; a nd a na lys is.
perature regio ns pred icted in a prev ious ly pub li s hed topologica l
model. The s upe rc riti ca l broade nin g of the wid th of th e distribu - An isotope diluti on tec hniqu e us in g gas li qu id c hro ma tograph y is
ti on of relaxat ion tim es accounts for the observed viscos it y a nomaly. proposed for th e qu a ntitativ e a nalys is of trace orga ni c po lluta nts in
wa te r s uppli es. Th e me thod was demonstrated usi ng benze ne wit h
Spencer, L. V. , Stan.! ey, W. , On neutron p e n e tration in duet prede uter ated be nzene as the iso to pe with both subst.a nces in th e
sys te m s with large cross section s, Proc. Special Sessions on p.p. B. co nce ntration ran ge_ Co lumns with aqueo us silve r nitra te
Gamma-Ray Production and Transp ort and on Civil Defense Shield- as th e station a ry phase we re used to determine th e ratio of th e
ing, American Nuclear Society, pp. 199-221 (August 1969) . concen trati on of be nze ne to prede ut e rated be nze ne.

Key word s: Albedo ; Civil De fe nse; du cts; nu clea r wea pons data;
Wasik , S_ P ., Tsan g, W. , Gas-liquid ch"onlatography se pa"a-
ne utron penetration ; s tru cture sh ielding.
tions of hydrocarbons using columns with aqueous solutions
of complexing metal ion s a s stationary phases, Anal. Chem.
Ne utro n albedo data for non -h ydrogenous wall materials is inse nsi-
42, No. 13, 1648-1649 (November 1970).
ti ve to variati ons of the total c ross section with e ne rgy and, to
so me exte nt , to de tail s of cross sec tion a ngula r di stributi ons. As
Key word s : Aliph ati cs; a romati cs; co mpl ex ing effects; gas c hro ma-
a res ult, it mak es se nse to explore mod els in whi c h th e diffe re nti al
tograp hy; group sepa ration ; merc uri c nitrate; olefin s; silver nitrate;
albedo is factored into e ne rgy depe nde nt a nd direction de pe nd ent
s urface effect.
pa rts. Thi s app roximati on res ults in a fa c tori ng of th e transport
equatio n fo r la rge e nclosures into two pa rts, a one-ve locity type of
Interestin g hyd roca rbon se lec tivit y was obta in ed in gas- li qu id
probl e m a nd a ge ner al probl e m of dete rmining spec tra for d iffer-
c hro matograph y using aqueo us so luti ons of Ag+ and Hg++ ions
e nt ord ers of reAection. We exte nd thi s a pproac h furth er to ide ntify
as th e station a ry phases. T hi s was achi eved by ta kin g advan tage
suitable parame ters in te rm s of whi c h data fo r e le me nta ry types of
of th e co mplex ing prope rti es of th ese ions a nd the la rge s urfac e
enclos ure ca n be a ppli ed to co nfigu ratio ns. Th ese pa rameters are
effect of th e so lution. Column s may be des igned to be s pec ifi c for
give n, the proced ure for co mbinin g du ct secti ons is s ke tched, and
certain hydroca rbo n g roup s using thi s tec hniqu e.
cal c ul ati ons for a three-l egged du ct are co mpared with Mo nte Ca rl o
data for suc h a du cl.
Waxman , M., Has tin gs, J. R. , C he n, W. T., Nonlinear stati stical
S wan so n, H. E., McM urdi e, H. F. , Morri s, M. c., Eva ns, E. H., analysis of BUI'ne tt PVT data, Proc. 5th Symp . Thermophysical
Standard x-ray diff,'action powde,' palte l'nS, Nat. Bur. Stand. Properties, Boston, Massachusetts , Sep tember 30- 0 ctober 2, 1970 ,
(U.S.), Monogr. 25-Sectio n 8, 171 pages (Sept. 1970) 81.50, SD C. F. Bonilla, Ed., pp. 248- 261 (Ame rical Society of Mechanical
Catalog No. C13.44:25/sec. 8. Engineers , New Yo rk, N. Y. , 1970).

Key words : Burnett; gas; stati sti cal; model depend ency; nonlin ear; the reversible sorption of water vapor by a sensor , (4) me thods
PVT. dependent upon the meas ure ment of a physical property of a gas,
(5) conde nsation methods , th at is , method s de pe ndent upon the
T he Burnett me thod , which req uire s only temperature and iso- liquid-vapor or the solid-vapor equilibrium state of the water sub-
th ermal pressure measureme nts made before and after stepwi se stance, and (6) methods depe ndent upon c hemical reaction s and
ex pa nsions be twee n two volumes, is being use d exte nsively for procedures. Th e methods of each class are furth er subdivided by
de te rmining gas co mpressi bilities and densit y or pressure virial prin ciples of operation and a re examined to assess such charac-
coe ffi cie nts. The meas ure me nts are s imple, but the da ta redu ct ion teristics as range, accuracy, se nsitivity, speed of response, effect
involve s rather formidable nonlinear stati stical analysis of relation- of e nvironmental conditions, a nd limitations in be havior and utility.
ships containing the co mpressibility factor, defined as a de nsity
or a press ure virial expansion, and optional co nstant s. In this paper Wiederhorn , S_ M_, Bolz, L H _, Stress corrosion and static
we compare the res ults of analyzing different Burnett relationship s fatigue of glass,}. Am. Ceram. Soc. 53, No_ 10,543-548 (October
with independent parameters and no restrictions on the data, using 1970)_
two nonlin ear sta tisti cal methods, du e to Gauss and to Deming, and
argon data a t 25 °C for pressures up to 250 atm. We disc uss the Key words: Crack propagation; fracture; glass; static fatigue;
co mputation al diffic ulties and prese nt bac kground information on th e stress corrosion_
ex perimental and analytical me thod s.
Stress corrosion cracking of six glasses was studied using fracture
Weir, C. E., Bloc k, So, Piermarini, G. J., Compressibility of in- mechanics techniques. Crack velocities in wate r were measured
organic azides, ]. Chem. Phys. 53, No.1, 4265-4269 (Decem- as a function of applied stress intensity factor and temperature_
ber 1970) _ Apparent activation energies for crack motion were obtained.
Data were consistent with the universal fatigue curve for static
Key words: Anisotropic co mpressibility; azides; compressibility; fatigue of glass and it was found that the universal fatigue curves
high press ure; singl e c rystal ; x-ray diffraction . depended on glass composition. Of the glass compositions tested ,
silica glass exhibited most resistance to static fatigue followed by
The compress ibility of ex lead azide, f3 lead azide, barium azide, aluminosilicate and borosilicate glass_ Sodium was found to be
potassium azide, sodium azide and thallium azide have been meas- detrimental to stress corrosion resistance_ The crack velocity data
ured by single crystal x-ray diffraction tec hniqu es using the diamond could be explained by the Charles and Hillig theory of stress corro-
anvil cell. Both the anisotropic and volume com pressibilities are sion and is probable that stress corrosion of glass is normally
reported. The press ures we re determined by measure ments at the caused and con trolled by a chemical reaction between the glass
known freezin g points of n-hexane and ethanol. A phase trans ition and wate r.
occurs in thallium azide at a pressure betwee n th e freezi ng points
of chloroform (5390 bars) and n-decane (2990 bars). Press ure- Wiederhorn , S_ M., Townsend , P. R., Crack healing in glass,
te mpe rature observations in the diamond cell of lead azide we re J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 53, No.9, 486-489 (September 1970).
carried out to 300 °C and ap proximately 30 kbar. No phase tra nsi-
tions were observed. Radiation damage to azide c rystals under high Key words : Crack healing; fracture; glass; strength; surface.
pressures is redu ced significantly .
This paper disc usses strength recovery in glass containing cracks
Weisman, H. M., Sherwood, G. B., Annotated accession list of that were observed to close spontaneously. Measurements of bond-
data compilations of the office of standard reference data, in g across the surfaces of closed c racks were made on soda-lime
Nat. Bur. S tand. (U.S.), Tech. Note. 554, 196 pages (Sept. 1970) glass, using fracture mechanics techniques. Approximately 80
$1.50, SD Catalog No . C13.46:554. percent strength recovery was observed on cracks formed by me-
c hanic~l shock, while approximately 20 percent strength recovery
Key words : Accession li st ; atomic and molecular prop erties; c he m- was observed o n cracks that closed after being held open to the
ical kine tics ; colloid and surface properti es; fundam e ntal particles atmosphere for several minutes_ The high strength recovery during
properties; ge nera l collections; mec hanical prop e rti es; nu clear closure of c racks formed by mechanic al shock is attributed to the
properties; solid s tat e properties; thermodynami c and tran sport very active nature of the s urface formed during fracture. Reaction
properties. with air or dry nitrogen is believed to reduce the activity of the
fracture surfaces because of oxygen and water adsorption.
Th e National Bureau of Standards, Office of Standard Reference
Data has attempted to acquire all significant reference da ta co m-
pilations on a worldwide basis. Thi s publication lists the colle ction Other NBS Publications
of doc um ents so acquired, together with their abstracts. The doc u-
ments are organized in th e foll owing categori es: General Collections, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 75C (Eng. & Instr.), No.1
Nuclear Properties (including Fundamental Particles Properties), (January-March 1971), SD Catalog No. CI3.22/sec.C:75/l
Atomic and Molecular Prope rti es, Solid State Properti es, Chemical
Kineti cs, Colloid and Surface Properties, Mechanical Properties, Rotary-vane attenuator with an opti cal readout. W _ E. Little, W. Lar-
and The rmodynami c and Transport Properties . Sources of availa- son, and B. ]. ](jnder.
bility for the listed publications are also provided. Design and operational characteristics of a high-s peed (milliseco nd)
system for meas urement of properties at high temperature_
Wexler, A., Measurement of humidity in the free atmosphe re A. Cezairliyan.
near surface of the earth (Proc_ American Meteorological So- New method of determining residual thiosulfate in processed photo-
ciety 5ymp. on Meteorological Observations and Instrumenta- graphic film . C. I. Pope.
tions, Washington, D.C., February 10-14, 1969) Meteorological Scanning densitometer for continuous recordin g of spectral trans-
Monographs 11 , No. 33, 262- 282 (October 1970)_ mission de nsity at low spatial contrast. W . L McLaughlin, M_ Ros-
enstein, E. Hussmann, and J. J. Lantz, Jr.
Key words: Dew point ; hygrometry ; me teorology; moisture meas ure- Rotating optical attenuator for the generation of subsecond dura-
ment in gases; psyc hrom e try. tion sawtooth s hape radiance pulses. A. Cezairliyan.
Sound speed measurements in solids; absolute acc uracy of an im-
This paper is a s urvey of the state-of-the-art in hygrome try as applied proved transient pulse method. T. M. Proctor, Jr.
to humidity meas ure me nt in gases near atmospheric pressure. Seismic response of infrasonic microphones. A. J- Bedard,Jr.
Although not indicated specifically, many of the methods discu ssed Publications of the National Bureau of Standards.
are applicable to humidity measure me nts in gases at pressures
higher or lower than atmosphe ri c _ Hygrome tri c methods, techniques
and instruments are divided arbitrarily into the following six classes:
(1) me thod s depe ndent upon the tot al rem oval of water vapor from Achenbach, P . R. , Building research at the National Bureau of
a moist gas , (2) me thods depe nde nt upon the addition of water Standards, Na t. Bur_ Stand. (U.S.), Bldg. Sci. Ser. 0, 59 pages
vapor to produce a saturated gas, (3) methods dependent upon (Oct. 1970) 60 c ents, SO Catalog No. CI3_29/2:0.

Ac qui sta, N., Abramowitz , S., Structure of the alkali hydroxid es. ord erin g a nd s uperco ndu ctivity in A- IS co mpounds, J. Low Temp.
V. The infrared spectra of matrix· isolated RbOH , RbOD , NaOH , Phys. I , No. 6 , 539-561 (December 1969).
and NaOD , J. Che rn. Phys. 51, No.7 , 2911- 2914 (October 1, Boyne, H. S., Hall , J. L. , Barger, R. L. , Bende r, P. L. , Wa rd , ]. ,
1969). Lev in e, J. , Falle r, J. , Abso lute s train meas ure ments with a 30-
Ah earn , A. J. , Homoge neity of ion se nsitive emulsions and precision meter vacuum interfe rom ete r, (proc. Co nf. Lase r Ap pli cation s
of ion beam meas urements in s park so urce ma ss s pectrometry, in the Geosciences, Huntin gton Beac h, Ca lif. , Jun e 1969), C hapt er
(Summ ary), Proc. 16th An nu al Conf. on Mass Spectrometry and in Laser Applications in th e Geos ciences, 1. Ga uge r a nd F . F.
AUied Top ics, May 12- 17 , 1968, Pittsburgh, Pa. , sponsored by H all , Jr. , Ed. , pp. 215- 225 (Western Period ica ls , No rth Holl ywood,
ASTM Co mmittee E14, pp. 273-276 (1968). Ca lif. , 1970).
Andrews, J. R., Improved bias s uppl y for tunn el·diode pi coseco nd Brady, R. F. , Jr. , Cyc li c aceta Is of ketoses. Part Ill. Re· in vesti ga tion
pulse gene rators, IEEE Trans. In str. Meas. IM-19, No.3, 171- 175 of th e synth es is of the iso me ri c Di·O·isopropy lid e ne-!3· D·fructo·
(Aug. 1970). pyranoses, Ca rbohyd rate Res. 15 , No.1 , 35- 40 (1970).
Arms trong, R. W., Waters , H. P ., Testi ng programs and research on Brenner, Tires. Their se lecti on an d ca re, Nat. Bur. Stand . (U.S.) ,
restraint systems, Proc. Intern . Engineerin g Co ngress, De troit, Co nsum er Info. Series 2, 32 pa ges (Nov. 1970) 65 ce nts, S O Ca ta·
Michiga n, J a nu ary 13-17 , 1969, Report No. 690247, pp. 1- 48 log No. 03.53:2.
(Society of Automotive Engin ee rs, New York , N.Y. , 1969); Abstract B'uUi s, W. M. , Baroody, A. 1., Jr. , Methods of m ~as ure m en t [or se mi-
in SAE Trans. 78, 102 (1969). co ndu ctor mate ri als, process cont rol, and de vices, Quarterly
Armstrong, R. W. , Wate rs, H. P., Stapp , J. P. , Hum an muscular Report - J anu ary 1 to Marc h 31. 1970, Na t. Bur. Sta nd . (U.S.),
res traint durin g sled d eceleration, Proc. 1968 S tapp Car C rash Tec h. Note 555 , 63 pages (Sept. 1970) 65 ce nts , SO Ca ta log No.
Conf. , O ctobe r 22- 23, 1968, Detroit, Michigan, Re port No. 680793, CI3.46 :555.
pp. 440-462 (Society of Automotive Engi neers, New York , N. Y. , Bullis, W. M. , Scace, R. I. , Meas ure me nt sta nd ard s for integrated
1969); Abstract in SAE Trans. 77,179 (1969). circ uit process in g, Proc. I EEE 57 , No.9, 1639- 1646 (Se ptembe r
Arthur, M. C., Impulse spectral intensity ca libration at th e National 1969).
Burea u of Sta nd ard s, Proc. Electromagnetic Co mpatibilit y Sy mp. , Case ll a , R. c., Poss ibl e failure of th e Pomera nc huk th eo re m -
Ft. Monmouth , N.J., June 19-20, 1969, pp. 133- 138 (U.S. Arm y shrink age of th e forward elas ti c pea k, Phys. Rev. Letters 24, No.
Electronics Co mmand Hdq., Ft. Monmouth, N.]., 1969). 25, l 463- 1466 (Jun e 22 , 1970).
Au sloss, P., Lias, S. G., Ca rbonium ions in radiation chem istry. C ha mpi on, E. c., Marin e nko, G., T ay lor, J. K. , Sc hmidt , W. E. ,
Reaction s of I·butyl ions with h ydroca rbons, J. Am . C he rn . Soc. Determin a ti on of s ubmi crogra m a mounts of c hromium by co ulo·
92 , 5037- 5045 (1970). metri c titrim etry, Ana l. Chem. 42, 11 , 1210-1213 (Se pte mbe r
Bagg, T. c., Factors dic tatin g characteris ti cs of sys te ms utilizin g 1970).
mi croform s, J. Mi crogra phs 3, No. 3, 143- 146 (1970); ABFM C handl er, R. F. , C hri stia n, R. A., Compa rati ve evalu ation of dumm y
Format 1, No. 2, 1- 2 (Ma y 1970). performan ce un de r - Cx impac t, Proc. l 3 th Sta pp Car C ras h
Baird, R. c., Rece nt th eoretical and experim e nta l res ults of th e Co nf. , Boston, Ma ss., Dece mber 2- 4, 1969, Report No. 690798,
determination of antenna pattern and ga in from near· fi e ld meas' pp. 61- 75 (Soc iety of Automoti ve En ginee rs, Ne w York , N. Y.,
ure ments (S umm ary), Proc. Conf. Precision Electromagnetic 1970); Abs tract in SAE Tra ns. 78, ] 7l - l 72 (1969).
Meas urements, Na ti onal Burea u of Standards, Boulder, Colo., C lark , A. F. , C hild s, G. E. , Wallace. C. H., Elec trica l resistivit y
Jun e 2-5, 1970, CPEM Digest, p. 60 (1970). of so me e ngin ee rin g a ll oys at low te mpera tures, C ryogen ics 10,
Baird, R. C., Newell, A. C., Wac ke r, P . F., Kern s, D. M. , Rece nt No.4 , 295.,.305 (A ugust 1970).
experim ental res ults in nea r·fi eld antenn a meas ure ments, Elec· Co ri ell, S. R., Jac kso n, J. L., Probabilit y di stributi on of the radiu s
tronics Letters 6, No. 11 ,349-351 (May 28, 1969). o[ gy rati on [or two statisti ca l seg me nts, J. Che m. Ph ys. 53, No.8,
Barnes , J. A. , Frequency meas urement errors of pass ive resonators 3389 (Oc tobe r 15, 1970).
caused by frequ e ncy· modul ated exciting signals, IEEE Trans. Co rnog, D. Y. , Co rn og, J . R., Hum a n fa ctors e ngin ee rin g in th e sort·
Instr. Meas. IM-19, No. 3, 147- 152 (August 1970). in g a nd handlin g of mail , Proc. NA TO Advanced S tud y In stitute
Barnes, J. A., C hi , A. R., Cutl er, L. S., Hea ley, D. J. , Leeson, D. 8. , on " Hum an Factors/E rgo nomics," Mond ell o, S icil y, Se ptember
McG uni gal, T. E., Mullen , J. A., Smith , W. L., Syd nor, R. , Vessot, 29, 1969 , pp. 1- 34 (January 21 , 1970).
R. F. c., Winkl er , G. M. R. , C harac terization of frequency sta· COStreI1 , L. , Developm ent. and c urre nt statu s of th e stand ard nu clea r
bility, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Note 394, 50 pages (Oct. 1970) in strum ent mod ul e (NIM) sys tem, Nat. Bur. S tand. (U.S.), Tec h.
60 ce nts, S O Catalog No. 03.46 :394. No te 556, 15 pages (Oct. 1970) 30 ce nts, SO Cata log No. C I3.46:556.
Bates, R. D., Jr. , Flynn , G. W., Ron n, A. M., Laser·induced vibra· Coxon, B., Th e conform ati ons of 1,2:4,6-D i·O-benzylidene·/l'·1}-
tional fluoresce nce in nitrous oxide, J. Che m. Phys. 49, No.3, glu co pyranose derivatives, Ca rbohydrates Res. 14. 9-15 (Oc tobe r
1432-1433 (1968). 1970).
Bates, R. G., S tap les, B. R., Robinson, R. A. , Ionic hydration and C ri ss man J. M., Passaglia, E., Eby, R. K , Colso n, J. P. , C rystal
sin gle ion activiti es in unassoc iated ' chlorides at high ionic data on n· eicosane (C 2oH..), J. Appl C ryst. 3, 193- 195 (1970).
strengths, Anal. C he m. 42, No.8, 867- 87 1 (July 1970). Cruz , J. E. , Je lli so n, J. c., A di git al tec hniqu e for ge nerating variab le
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ruary 15, 1970). Currie, L. A., Radioactivity monitors and acc uracy in photonuc1ear
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Effects, Oak Ridge Association Universities, Oak Ridge , Ten- Davis, D. D. , Transmission of tim e/frequency signal s in th e vertical
nessee), Atomic Energy Commission Report CONF--691212, interval, Proc. 108th T ec hnical Conference and Equipment
pp. 63-86 (June 1970). Exhibit, New York , N.Y., October 4--9, 1970, Arti c le No. 43 , p. 3
Bergstrom , J. C., Bertozzi , W. , Kowal ski , S., Maruyama, X. K, (Society of Motion Picture and Televi sion Engineers, New York,
Lightbody , Jr. , J. W., Fivozinsky, S. P ., Penner, S. , Electroexcita- N.Y., 1970).
tion of th e low·lyin g of 0 16 , Phys. Rev. Letters 24, No.4, 152- 155 Davis, D. D., Jespersen , 1. L., Kama s, G., Th e use of telev ision sig-
(January 26,1970). nals for time and frequen cy disse mination, Proc. IEEE 58 ,
Birky, M. M., Simultaneous recordin g of near·field and far· field No.6 , 931--933 (J un e 1970).
pattern s of lasers, Appl. Opt. 8, No. 11 , 2249-2253 (November Dicken s, B. , Brown , W. E. , Th e crys tal stru cture of calcium ca r-
1969). bonate hexahydrate at - - 120°, Inorg. Che m. 9 , No.3 , 480-486
Bl aine, R. L. , A stati sti cal stud y of th e effects of trace e le ments (March 1970).
on the properties of portl and ce ment , Froc. 5th Intern. Symp. on Diller, D. E., Hanley, H. J. M., Roder, H. M. , The dens it y and te m-
the Chemi stry of Ce ments, Tok yo, J apan, October 7- 11 , 1968, perature depe nd ence of the vi scosi ty and th erm al co ndu ctivity of
3, Part 3, 86-91 (Dece mber 31, 1969). dense simple fluid s, Cryoge ni cs 10, No. 4, 286- 294 (Au gus t 1970).
Blandford , J. M., Gure l, L. M., F ib ers and fabr ics , Nat. Bur. Sta nd . Engen, G. F., A new meth od of charaterizing am plifi er noise pe r·
(U .S.), Consum er Info. Series 1, 31 pages (Nov. 1970) 65 cen ts, formance (S ummary), Proc. Conf. Precision E lectromagneti c
SO Ca talog No. C l 3.53 :1. Measurements, National Bureau of Stand ards, Bould er, Colo.,
Blaugher, R. D., Hein , R. E., Cox, J . E., Waterstrat, R. M., Atomic Jun e 2- 5, 1970, CPEM Diges t, pp. 20-21 (1970).

Farrar, T. c., Pulsed and Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy, Kyoto, Japan , October 1968), Trans , Soc. Rheolo gy 14:3, 419--424
Anal. Chern. 42,No. 4, 109A- 112A (April 1970). (1970).
Frederi c k, N. V., Scott. W. W., Jr. , A simple technique for metaliz· Kerns, D. M., Correction of near-field antenna measurements made
ing boron nitride , Rev. Sci. Instr. 40, No.9, 1240 (September with an arbitrary but known measuring antenna, Electronics
1969). Letters 6, No. 11,346- 347 (May 28,1970).
Freeman, D. H. Zielinski, W. 1. , Jr. , Rittner, W. F. , Recognition of Kerns , D. M., New method of gain measurement using two identical
crosslin kin g in the infrared spectra of poly(styrene-divinylben- antennas , Electronics Letters 6, No. 11 , 348- 349 (May 28, 1970). I
zene), Proc. Ion Exchange in the Process Industries Conf., Im- Kidnay, A. J., Hiza, M. J., Physical adsorption in cryogenic engi- '
perial College of Scien ce and Technology, London, England , neering, Cryogenics 10, No.4, 271-277 (August 1970).
pp. 27- 30 (1970). Krauss, M., Mies, F. H., Molecular-orbital calculation of the shape
Gibson, B. F. , O'Connell, J. S., Angular distribution of the reaction resonance in N", Phys. Rev. A. 1, No.6 , 1592- 1598 (June 1970).
'H(d", H e) Physics Letters 328, No.5, 331-332 (August 3, LaFleur, P. D., Becker, D. A., Editors, Activation analysis section:
1970). Summary of activities, July 1969 to June 1970, Nat. Bur. Stand.
Goldman, A. J., Analysis of a capacity concept for runway and (U.S.), Tech. Note 548,164 pages (Dec. 1970) $1.25, SO Catalog No.
final-approach path airspace, Proc. Ion National Meeting on Air CI3.46 :548).
Traffic Control in the 1970's, Institute of Navigation, St. Louis, Lance, H. W., Report on me trology sessions at the 24th annual ISA
Mo., April 14- 16 , 1970, pp. 119- 131 (1970). conference , App!. Opt. 9, No.6, 1497- 1498 (June 1970).
Lide, D. R. , Jr. , E:ditor, Critical evaluation of data in the physical
Greenberg, 1. , Newman , M., Some results on solvable groups, sciences - A status report on the National Standard Referen ce
Arch. Math. 21, No.4, 349--352 (1970). Data System-June 1970, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Note
Greenfeld, S. H. , Warner, E. R. Reinhart, H. W., Bibliographies on 553, 77 pages (Sept. 1970) 70 cents, SD Catalog No. CI3.46:553.
fabric flammability. Part 5. Testing and test methods, Nat. Bur. Maki, A. G., Hexter, R. M., Resonance interactions with JJ5 of
Stand. (U.S.), Tech. Note 498-2, 39 pages (Sept. 1970) 45 cents, CR.I; A method of determining Au, J. Chern. Phys. 53, No.1,
SD Catalog No. Cl3.46:498--2. 453-454 (July 1, 1970). .I

Grosch, H. R. J., A view of computers from the Bureau of Standards, Mandel, J. , Paule, R. c., Interlaboratory evaluation of a material
Input 6, No.2, 3-7 (1970). with un equal numbers of replicates, Ana!. Chern 42, No. 11 ,
Halford, D. , Frequency stability of quality quartz crystal oscillators: 1194- 1197 (September 1970).
Performance and some criti cal applications, Proc. Intern Colloq. Marsden, C. P., Tabulation of published data on electron devices of
Chronometrie, Paris, France, September 16-20, 1969, Series A, the U.S.S.R. Through March 1970, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Tech.
pp. A-11-I-A-11-3 (September 1969). Note 526, 122 pages (Oct. 1970) $1.25, SD Catalog No. CI3.46:526.
Hardy, S. c., Coriell, S. R., Morphological stability of ice cylinders Supersedes NBS Technical Note 441.
in aqueous solution, J. Crystal Growth 7, No.2, 147-154 (Sep- Marshall , R. D. , Thorn, H. C. S., Editors, Proceedings of techni cal
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Joiner, 8. 1., Laubscher, N. F., Brown, E. S., Levy, B., An author Catalog No. Cl3.46:544.
and permuted title index to selected statistical journals, Nat. Bur. Meshkov, S., Comments on baryon spectroscopy, Proc. Hyperon
Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Pub!. 321 , 510 pages (Sept. 1970) $5.75, SO Resonan ces Conf., Duke University, Durham, N.C., pp. 471-500
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Kearsley , E. A., Intrinsic errors for pressure meas urements in a tional Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., Bull. Am. Astron.
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Nargolwalla, S. S., Suddueth, J. E., Rook, H. L., Determination of of the cyclohexane lon, 1. Phys. C hem. 74, No. 21, 3829- 3831
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1970). from cation exchanger with hydroge n peroxide solutions , AnaL
Obe rholtzer, B. L., Publi cations of the National Burea u of Stand· Chem. 42, No. 13, 1666- 1668 (November 1970).
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O'Connell, 1. S., Electron scattering sum rule for 2H, "H, 3He and Stein, P. G., Image-analyzing microscopes, Ana!. Chern. 42, No. 13,
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Otoshi , T. Y. , Stelzried, C . T. , Yates, B. c., Beatty, R. W. , Com· Stevens, M. E., Introdu ction to th e Special Issue on Optical Char-
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AC ratio transform e r, and reAectometer tec hniqu es, IEEE Trans. tember 1970).
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guide for impl ementin g OMNIT AB II, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Texas, November 17- 19, 1970, pp. 159- 168 (AFIPS Press, Mont-
Tech. Note 550, 43 pages (Nov. 1970) 50 ce nts , SD Catalog No. vale, N.J., 1970).
C 13.46:550. Stevenson, D. R., T echnical Standards Coordinator, Rigid poly
Perci , ]. , Deslattes, R. D., Extended hne·structure in x·ray absorp· (v in yl c hlorid e) (PVC) profile extru s ions, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.),
tion spect ra of certain perovskites, Phys. Rev. B. 2, No.5, 1317- Voluntary Prod. Stand. 26- 70, 7 pages (Oct. 1970) 10 ce nts, SD
1323 (September 1, 1970). Catalog No. C13.20/2:26- 70.
Plante, E. R., Paule, R. C., Explanation of the HOvs So co rrelation, Straty, G. c., Prydz, R. , Fluorine compatibl e apparatus for accurate
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Plitt, K. F., Adhesives for eve ryday use, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.s.), 1970).
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log No. Cl3.53:3. of port-vane geo metry , J. Vacuum Sci. Techno!. 7, No.4, 501 - 503
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Powell , C. J., Validity of inelastic·electron-scattering data in dete r- pages (Oct. 1970) 30 ce nts , SD Catalog No. C13.46:393.
mining the metalli c or insulating properti es of adsorbed atomic White, H. , Editor, Vocabulary for Inform ation Processing, Nat.
layers, Phys. Rev. B-1, No. 10,4191 - 4192 (May 1970). Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Fed. Info. Process. Stand . Pub!. (FIPS Pub.)
Rad ebaugh, R., Siegwarth, 1. D., Theory of He 3- He' dilution re- 11,4 pages (1970) 15 cents, SD Ca tal og No. C13.52:11.
frigerators (Proc. 1970 ULtralow Temperature Symp., Washington, Yakowitz, H., Some uses of color in metallography, Am. Soc. Test-
D.C. , April 23- 24, 1970; NRL Re port 7133) pp. 63- 81 (1970). ing Mater., Spec. Pub!. 480, pp. 49- 66 (1970).
Radlinski , R. W., Pri ce, 1. I., The brake pedal force capability of Yokel, F. Y., Somes, N. F., Proposed revision of ACI 318- 63 Build-
adult femal es, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U .S.), Tech. Note 557 , 25 pages ing Code Req uirements for Reinforced Co ncrete, J. Am. Co ncre te
(Oct. 1970) 35 ce nts, SD Catalog No. Cl3.46:557. In st. 67, No.9, 723- 725 (Sep tembe r 1970).
I Rasmussen, A. L. , Laser energy and power meas ureme nt with a Young, J. P., Lamb, V. A., Reid, G. I., Berkeley, J. F ., Ng, W.,
double reflec ting plate calorimeter, Rev . Sci. Instr. 41, No. 10, Electroplated coatings on maraging s t ~e l for retardin g ca talyti c
1479- 1484 (October 1970). deco mposition of hydrazine rocket fu e l, Plating 57, No.9, 921 -
Reader, 1., Sugar, ]. , Ionization energies of Ce I and Cd I , J. Opt. 926 (September 1970).
Soc. Am . Letter to Editor 60, No. 10, 1421 - 1422 (October 1970). Younglove, B. A., Straty, G. c., A capacitor for accurate wide range
Santone, L. c., Berlin, G_, Location of fire stations, Proc. WORC dielectric constant measurements on comp ressed fluid s, Rev.
Symp. Systems Analysis for Social Problems, National Bureau of Sci. Instr. 41, No.7, 1087- 1089 (July 1970).
Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland , May 26- 28, 1969, pp. 79- 91 Zimmerman, ]. E., Low cost sensors with millikelvin tempe ratures
(December 3, 1970). and other virtues (Summary), Proc. ConL Precision Electromag-
Saylor, C. P. , Broken Virtue , Capital Chem. 20, No.6, 137- 140 netic Measurements, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder,
(September 1970). Colorado, June 2-5, 1970, CPEM Digest, p. 1 (1970).
Schooley, J. F., Soulen, R. J., Koonce, C. S., Surface potential bar-
rier in SrTiO;t, Solid State Commun. 7,1077-1079 (1969).
Selby, M. C., The Bolovac and its appLications (Summary), Proc. *Publications for which a price is indicated are available by purchase
Conf. Precis ion Electromagne ti c Measurements, National Bureau from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Governm p.nt Printing
of Standards, Boulder, Colo., Jun e 2- 5, 1970, CPEM Digest, Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (foreign postage, one-fourth addi-
pp. 14- 15 (1970). tional). The NBS non-periodical series are also available from the
Shields, W. R., Editor, Analytical mass spectrometry section: Sum- National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Va.
mary of activities July 1969 to June 1970, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 22151, which was formerly the Clearinghouse. Reprints from outside
Tec h. Note 546, 120 pages (Nov. 1970) $1.25, SD Catalog No. journals and the NBS journal of Research may often be obtained
CI3.46:546. directly from the authors.

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