A Visit To Sepp Holzer's

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SOL Education

Last year, before your editor went to visit Sepp Holzer's Krameterhof Permaculture Center in Austria, a seminar group
from the Ukraine had been there enjoying a lengthy seminar stay at this amazing nature and food-growing paradise. Oksana
Inte, a participant of the group, took great care to thoroughly document all aspects of their wonderful impressions and experi-
ences. While we cannot print her lovely letter here in its entirety, it is available unabridged on the Ringing Cedars of Russia
website (www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org). They also undertook the lengthy translation to make this great information avail-
able to all of us. We reprint parts of Oksana's letter here, with gratitude to Sepp, Veronika and Josef Holzer, Ringing Cedars
of Russia and Oksana along with the wonderful group of intrepid Ukrainian gardeners in search of paradise. They clearly
DID find it. Once you have read the following, you will understand why your dear editor decided to share this group-experi-
ence rather than her own lovely but singular visit. Group experiences are so very empowering and our energies, networks
and all other connections do multiply through interactions with each other.

A Visit to Sepp Holzer's

Krameterhof Oksana Inte

Greetings to all, dear friends! the area with an open source of as well. What’s more, he does not
water. He said that there is water need to do much harvest work.

O ur group consisted of 25
persons—basically the
leaders of regional Or-
ganic Farming Clubs from Ukraine
and at Holzer’s we were joined by
everywhere, one only must learn to
find it. At first he invited specialist
water-dowsers, but with time he mas-
tered this skill himself.
There are always enough people will-
ing to gather his wholesome, ecologi-
cally pure crops, and in doing so,
they pay 18 to 20 times more for the
The second thing is to shield products than in the usual commer-
two families from Germany, one from the parcel from the blowing wind by cial networks.
Poland, and one from Hungary. creating a hedge and high ridges. Sixth, try as much as possible
Holzer’s farmstead lies at an el- Third, create a variety of plant to plant all plants using seeds, creat-
evation of 1800 meters above sea and animal life (including poisonous ing beforehand conditions close to
level. To our surprise, there was still plants). From the entire neighbor- natural conditions: stratification in a
snow in spots, the vegetation had hood he dragged sacks of wood ants freezer or snow. He planted very
just started to bloom. Finally, here we to his parcel, since he considers many trees this way, showed us the
were before the gates of the long- them to be the healers of the forest. most wonderful 15-year-old fir grown
awaited paradise. The meeting with Holzer is creating, as he expresses it, from a seed. A cedar forest is grow-
the owner of the estate was warm “edible” forests, where fruit trees and ing on his land (Siberian cedars and
and joyful. At Holzer’s, at an eleva- bushes grow in symbiosis with conif- some other type of cedar, which has
tion of 1100 to 1500 meters above erous, deciduous, and decorative much larger nuts). By the way, I
sea level, the rhododendrons, a mul- plants. He believes that the future of gave him a cedar seed cone, which
titude of other flowers, and fruit the planet depends on these types of made him sincerely happy. He rec-
bushes and trees were already in full forests, since apart from producing ommended planting seedlings in poor
bloom, with an average annual tem- healthy air and renewing the soil, soil, under no circumstances in
perature of +4˚C. All this is thanks to they will be able to eliminate the humus, since plants grown in more
a microclimate which he created problem of hunger. favorable conditions find it more diffi-
using a system of lakes, rocks, and cult to adapt to a natural environment
high ridges, consisting of the trunks Fourth, the greater in size the and fall sick.
and branches of trees, covered with parcel of land, the less work there is.
earth taken out of a trench (with a Holzer no longer has to do anything, Seventh, do not trim fruit
and the income from the estate will trees. He believes that this is unnec-
width of the bucket of an excavator, a essary work, and he does not like to
depth of 0.5 to 1 meter, and arbitrary grow spontaneously, because nature
is generous. The value of each plant do unnecessary work. In addition,
length). These are the so-called heat they get accustomed to this proce-
traps. planted ten years ago has grown a
hundred-fold (and sometimes a thou- dure and become dependent on the
So, the first and most impor- sand-fold). Moreover, it has repro- intervention of man, become weak
tant thing I took from Holzer’s teach- duced itself many times without the and less vigorous. He only trims in
ings was that, when restoring a help of man, augmenting his passive the case of a tree disease.
natural landscape, you must provide income yearly in increasing progres- Eighth, do not water the trees
sion. when transplanting, plant them in the
Fifth, his motto: “minimum poorest soil with no fertilizers. Holzer
work, maximum effect.” Today his uses an interesting method for trans-
estate is a self-sufficient, self-devel- planting adult deciduous trees and
oping system. I cannot parade the bushes: he wraps the roots of the
amount of his annual income without dug-up plant in sacking, leaves them
his consent, but, believe me, it is im- in the shade, and places the crown in
pressive, as is the general value of the sun. When the tree loses its fo-
his entire estate. He lives off the sale liage, it is ready for planting. They
of saplings, plant seeds, fish, craw- take root one hundred percent of the
fish, mushrooms, nuts, fruit, berries, time.
and vegetables, and now seminars Ninth, make maximum use of

14 < SOL Mag > www.spaceoflovemagazine.com April 2009

SOL Education
the abilities of animals to her husband, gave birth
help in the farming. Thus, to her next two children
he uses the ability of pigs on her own at home.
to dig up the earth in order Now she teaches and
to prepare beds for plant- prepares other families
ing, scattering their fa- for home births. She re-
vorite peas and corn on ceives calls from all cor-
the area he needs. ners of Germany, and
Tenth, do not copy she travels throughout
anyone blindly, including the country to help with
him. Use your own head the appearance of a new
to think and observe na- person in this world pain-
ture. His words: “My uni- lessly and under natural
versity is nature.” All his conditions.
experience is taken from Angelika dreams of
nature. He very often re- visiting the Kiev-Pecher-
peats, “Man cannot per- sky Monastery, and I in-
fect that which is already vited all of them to visit
perfect, we must simply me, including a visit to
learn to manage nature Lubskoe, and told them
wisely.” For that reason, of my dream to conduct
when a problem arises seminars in Lubskoe ac-
with the plants, animals, cording to the program of
or soil, he enters into the the “Settler’s school.”
state of this being, imag- Angelika answered that
ines being it, and listens she would be able to or-
to his feelings, whether he Sepp Holzer and his son Josef ganize tours for these
is comfortable in this spot, seminars. It turns out that
what is bothering him, what is lack- thousand Germans have visited the there are many people in Germany
ing, what he would like. And the an- Holzer’s. who would like to take this type of
swer comes, and what is very But I must also tell you about training.
important—it is always right. And if the family who are the publishers of This family is now working on
the diagnosis is made correctly, then Holzer’s book and its Russian trans- the translation of Holzer’s second
the treatment will be effective. lators. They are the Russian-Ger- book, which provides a more detailed
Sepp Holzer is also convinced mans Edward and Angelika Scheck, description of permaculture methods.
that each person has the right to a and their four children. Edward had
been the interpreter at our seminar At the session, I was especially
parcel of land, a vital space, and that touched by the words of Petr Trofi-
only by living in harmony with nature as well. The family is very interest-
ing. The children are supporters of menko, the founder of the Organic
can the world be changed for the bet- Farming Club movement. Petr said
ter and all social problems of our sick the idea of the creation of Kin’s set-
tlements. They bought a parcel of that the time had come to broaden
society be solved. the functions in the activities of the
land for a Kin’s estate in Germany,
Now he has been recognized approximately one half of a hectare Organic Farming Clubs and, together
both in his own country and others. for the time being, but they plan to with the creation of clubs, it was nec-
He is invited to lecture at many uni- enlarge this to at least a hectare. essary to support the initiatives of
versities. The academic elite of Aus- They have been acquainted with the people, active members of the move-
tria has united around Holzer’s ideas Holzers for a long time and were the ment, in their creation of practical ed-
and, in his name and on the basis of ones who first brought the film Per- ucational centers on the basis of their
his interviews, has drawn up a docu- maculture in the Alps to Russia and farmsteads, where each interested
ment—an appeal to the governments translated it into Russian. They use person, together with theory, could
of the countries of the world and the permaculture methods on their own obtain practical skills as well.
inhabitants of our planet with propos- land as well. Now they are digging a Petr put my own thoughts into
als how to surmount the ecological lake. Angelika shared with us some words. And I shared my plans for the
and economic crisis. of her experience in “sensible” farm- near future with everyone. Since the
One prevailing thing was that ing. prerequisites for the founding of this
the materials at hand were used For example, she plants pota- type of practical educational center
everywhere, with minimal financial toes in the following manner: since a had already long ago been created at
and labor expenditures. lot of earth is being obtained in dig- my place in Lubskoe, I was planning
We parted singing the Ukrainian ging the lake, Angelika places the po- in June of this year to go through with
song “Be healthy, live well, we are tatoes directly on the flattened grass the formalization of this matter in
setting off for home, to our little hut,” and covers it with a bucket of earth. earnest. Petr Trofimenko and Yura
with both hosts and guests most On this little mound in a circle she Goncharuk promised to support my
pleased. plants about five strawberry plants, in initiative.
That evening at the hotel a the middle it is possible to stick a Oksana Inte, Natural Farming
woman from the German group ap- couple of kernels of corn. When they Practical Educational Center
proached us. It turned out that she are ripe, the potatoes come out, oki05@ua.fm
was a follower of Anastasia. She while the strawberries continue to
works in the deployment of computer grow. © http://gazeta.bytdobru.info; Catalogue
technologies in Berlin. And again In addition, having experienced of Ukrainian Publications: 96421; in the
there was a flurry of delight and emo- much suffering with the birth of her Russian catalogue Newspapers. Maga-
tions and an exchange of addresses. first two children at a maternity home zines: 21523; in the Belarusian catalogue
It turned out that over the entire pe- and having undergone eight opera- Publications of the Russian Federation.
riod of offering seminars, already 170 tions, Angelika, with the support of © translation: ringingcedarsofrussia.org

April 2009 www.spaceoflovemagazine.com < SOL Mag > 15

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