Lesson Plan For Pop Cycle

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Individual Lesson Plan Format

Subject Letter Writing Date:

Grade Level: How long should this learning engagement last?
Grade 1
30-40 minutes

Stage 1 – Desired Results
Learning intention:
To write a friendly letter.

Success criteria:
I can write a letter or message to someone I know who lives a long way from me. It could
be my teacher or a friend from school.

Essential (planned teacher) questions:
-What are the five elements in writing a letter?
-Who is the audience?
-What type of letter is the student writing?
-Are the students using adjectives, capital letters, and proper punctuations?
-How do the students feel when writing the letter?

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Resources Needed

How will you know if students understood the lesson/achieved the Letter writing ladder
success criteria?

Students will: Friendly letter writing

-Write a friendly letter to someone they know. template

-Students will have a heading, greeting, body, closing and signature in

the letter writing. Pencil
-Students will use proper punctuations, capitalizations, and adjectives in Pencil
the letter writing. Eraser
-Students will show their feelings in their writing. Seesaw
-Students will focus on who their audience is when they are writing the

Performance tasks:
Students can write a letter or message to someone he/she knows who lives a long way from them. It
could be a teacher or a friend from school.

Timing Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Key vocabulary:
Dear, Love, Sincerely, Heading, Closing, Greeting, Body, Signature
Introduction/main activities:
Using a type of communication to express their writing. Writing a
letter is one way to communicate.

Individual learning engagement:
Writing a letter.

How will you help the students who need extension/support?
Teacher will be available during the live lesson on Teams and
Seesaw to answer any questions students may have.

Closing/Reflection (questions for students) Did you achieve
the success criteria? How do you know?

-Who did the students write a friendly letter to?
-Did the students have a heading, greeting, body, closing and
signature in the letter writing?
-Did the students use proper punctuations, capitalizations, and
adjectives in the letter writing?

-Did the students show their feelings in their writing?
-Did the students focus on who their audience is when they are
writing the letter?

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