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Kaila Boone

SED494 - 73094
Film Guide

Film: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Rating: PG-13
Length: 2 hours and 23 minutes (Full Length).
Time Clips:
● Introduction Scenes: 2:22 - 3:00, 11:10 - 15:48 = 5.56 minutes
● Robin Joins the Outlaws/ Campfire Scene: 44:35 - 46:37 = 2.02 minutes
● Church Scene: 48:30 - 49:15 = 1.25 minutes
● Village Burning: 56:40 - 57:40 = 1.00 minute
● Robin Teaching Bow & Arrow/ Strategy: 1:00:00 - 1:02:00 = 2.00 minutes
● Friar Scene: 1:06:00 - 1:11:35 = 5.35 minutes
● Witch Scenes: 25:10 - 27:00, 1:29:00 - 1:30:19 = 3.29 minutes
● Pre/Post Childbirth Scene: 1:22:00 - 1:26:00 = 4.00 minutes
● Forest War Scene: 1:34:00 - 1:39:00 = 5.00 minutes
● Friar & Pope Scene: 2:12:33 - 2:13:14 = 1.21 minutes

Total Minutes: 31.08 minutes.

Reynolds, K., Watson, J., Densham, P., Lewis, R. B., Costner, K., Mastrantonio, M. E., Freeman,
M., ... Warner Home Video (Firm). (1991). Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. Burbank, CA:
Warner Home Video.

Answer Key: Text in red.

Background/Overview & Justification: The film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, is the
re-telling of the classic story of Robin Hood. The story takes place in England during the
Crusades and highlights historical elements such as the Crusades, the Moorish people,
Christianity and Islam, bow and arrows for military weapons, church corruption, rebellion,
medicine, and witchcraft. This film works well to show while teaching about the Crusades or
Middle-Ages because of these prominent elements. Students will have the opportunity to watch
30 minutes of key or important video clips in class and the rest is homework. Students will also
be required to do outside research on Robin Hood and present their findings on the day the
homework is due for class discussion.
AZ SS Standards:

6.SP1.1 Examine ways that historians and social scientists know about the past.
6.SP3.1 Define and frame compelling and supporting questions about issues and events in the
time-period and region studied.
6.SP3.2 Use evidence to develop claims and counterclaims in response to compelling questions
in the time period and region studied.
6.C2.1 Analyze the beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and values that underlie points of view
regarding civic issues in the time period and regions studied.
6.C4.2 Describe and apply civic virtues including deliberative processes that contribute to the
common good and democratic principles in school, community, and government.
6.H3.3 Explain why communities, states, and nations have different motivations for their choices
including individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.

Introduction to Students: Good morning, everyone! Because we have been studying the
crusades the last week, I have decided we will watch a total of thirty minutes of the film Robin
Hood: Prince of Thieves. There is a worksheet to go along with the video and you will be filling
it out as the movie is playing. Of course, we will not be finishing the entire movie today, so you
will watch whatever we do not finish in class on your own time as homework and the worksheet
is due by Friday, filled out in its entirety. We will be going over the answers and responses as a
class on that day for the duration of the period (50 minutes). I highly encourage you all, after
finishing the worksheet, to conduct some research on Robin Hood and the crusades, there are
questions pertaining to this after watching the video. Again, we will be sharing on Friday when
this assignment is due.

Questions During Film:

1. What year is the story set in and where is the opening scene set in? 1194 AD, Jerusalem.
2. Robin and the Moor go back home to where? England.
3. The Moor (played by Morgan Freeman) does what once arrived in England with Robin?
Prays in the direction of the east/Mecca.
4. Why are the men camped out in Sherwood forest? The Sheriff of Nottingham has raised
the taxes causing the husband's/ men of the family to steal from people passing by or
“collect a tax” to provide for their families. They are outlaws and owe him taxes.
5. How are the men living? What utensils, animals, homes can you see? Cauldrons, fires,
huts made out of sticks, livestock with goats and pigs, pheasants/ birds, and horses.
6. When Robin goes to the church, what are the people doing to the Nobles? Putting their
hands out and asking for money.
7. What weapons of military strategy do you notice? Horses, bow and arrows, swords,
sticks, nets, knives, ropes, and armour.
8. What medical practices do you see? Stitches, natural delivery of childbirth.
9. Robin’s actions in the church led to what? A price on his head, a village being burned
down, and the families of the outlaws moving into the forest.
10. The Friar is singing, what is he drinking and what is carrying on the carriage before
being captured? What does he try “teaching” to the men after agreeing to be part of their
pact? He is drinking beer and is carrying both beer and gold. He tries teaching them
about beer and praising it.
11. __________ is ______ from his country on ________ while Nottingham is in charge.
King Richard III, away, crusade.
12. The Moor refers to God as? Allah
13. The Friar says what to the Moor after doubting his birthing abilities and calling him a
barbarian? “Though I think I am Godly, I know I am unworldly.”
14. Nottingham’s mother, the witch, does what to predict the future? Breaks an egg and
mixes blood and spit with it.
15. In the forest war scene, Nottingham’s army is shooting what with bow and arrow? Fire.
16. How many kids did John Little’s wife say she had given birth to? Eight.
17. The Friar walks in on the pope doing what and accuses him of? Stealing money from the
treasury and accuses him of sentencing innocent people to death for witchcraft.

Questions After Film:

1. Do you think there actually was a “Robin Hood?” What evidence can you give, based on
your independent, required, research after watching the film? There is some evidence of a
“Peasants Revolt,” and the location being Barnesdale Forest not Sherwood in Great
Britain. However, sources say it was most likely during the second crusade, not third, if
there was one.
2. Do you think there is a correlation between church corruption and the Crusades? Why or
why not? This is subjective. Yes, the Church has had a lot of power and the Crusades
were pilgrimages to spread Christanity. A lot of death occurred because of this, and as
seen in the video, religious figures were seduced by alcohol and money. Greed and
temptation. For example, the friar in the film drank beer when it was looked down upon
to do so, and the pope was stealing the riches.
3. Was King Richard III the king during the time of the Third Crusade? No, it was King
Richard I.
4. Was fire actually used with bow and arrows for war during this time period? No, it came
later in the 1200’s.
5. Why do you think the pope allowed the Sheriff of Nottingham’s mother to live due to
being a witch but burned others for witchcraft at the stake? She was in a powerful
position being the mother of the sheriff, others were not and were peasants or poor.

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