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Where Is The Love? Why This World is a Hard Place to Be In!

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Why do humans fear and fight so much? How does this predisposition lead to the economics of
greed and poverty?

Considering the above, we obviously don't really know that much about human nature. Since our
absolute origins are debated over so much, we can't know ourselves confidently if we do not know
where we came from (and therefore what we really are). What we don't know is lost in the famous
"mists of time". So, we know very little indeed about a great deal. Our religious doctrines, and the
various kinds of cultism that try to enforce a clinical knowing of limits that presumptuously picture
our certainties, are vain attempts at securing knowledge and understanding. This is the realm of
human fantasy, the vast arena of vanity that chokes our lives with continually expanding legislative
and philosophical doctrines and a simultaneous pathological divergence from nature.

What is certain is just one thing. Nature. The Ancient. The Tried and Tested. The Truly
Sustainable (unlike unsustainable economics theories). And wherever we fail to reference the
characteristics and dynamics of nature (see is where we fail. We
fail through first neglecting nature and then through poisoning this planet and ourselves with our
presumptuousness, the fantasies of our certainties, and the technological poisons that we lace our
shriveling existence with. As such, we humans have lost our grounding in true reality... the true
reality of nature.

Love is a function of diversity, resonance, empathy, cooperation, sacrifice, compliance and

integration. These powers are demonstrated in Nature. The whole of Nature is held together by
love. Love is, in fact, the philosophical expression of the actual forces that bind the entire universe
together. And these forces are supposed to be expressed throughout all of human diversity.

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However, we fail the above sociological essences because we are so far separated from
nature. We fail, now, this natural essence of diversity through the generation of ongoing chemical
and genetic extinctions, and cultural extinctions via 'ethnic cleansing' because we have, again, so
far wandered from nature. We abuse nature and our fellow humans because we don't know
ourselves or the natural realm. We can't find ourselves because we are disengaged from the
essence of nature that defines us and the metaphysical matrix that hosts our origins, the purpose
of our existence, and the meaning of life. The purpose and meaning of life is develop the
character of love, and fashion a memory and experience (however painful that may be) that will be
recalled at some future reckoning of all things. For all the torments we may have endured in this
life, there is a choice to be offered us in the future that will test the nature of our character.

This philosophical discourse is presented here because, often, a difficult world entraps us with the
distracting and shiny objects of technology for entertainment's sake. At worst, entertainment is
used by the bored to enlist the balm of oblivion, but this is not the right way to live and advance
positive character.

In advancing the notion that escape from an utter dependence on technological living, and the
consequent searching for meaning in nature, is a good and educational (and potentially lifesaving)
strategy to incorporate into your view of the future, I suggest that using technology to fund that
escape is also worthwhile. This is because we are entrapped by technology and need to fund an
escape to nature and beneficial knowledge by using the unfortunate knowledge we now have
through our techno dependencies.

Go to:

In order to find that lost essence of love in a meaningful relationship with nature and with one's
family (who ideally would also wish to reconnect with that reality, liberty and educational complex),
one must become independent. Losing one's dependence upon corporate, welfare, political and
sociological structures that enforce disempowerment (see is an essential goal for any person
wishing to generate an income to supply an advance back into nature: a home in the country (or
woods, or wilderness, or farming community), rainwater tanks, permaculture gardens, organic
gardens, etc. To separate from inappropriate and damaging dependencies, at least in terms of
removing yourself from under the fascism that overbearing organizations typically enshrine
internally and disburse outwardly, represents a major step toward releasing yourself into greater
freedom. To be dependent, and to have bureaucracies that wield power over you, is to exist within
a realm of fear, aggravation and disempowerment. In being disempowered, you become poverty-
stricken, often in body and finances, and certainly in mind and attitude. In allowing yourself to be
ruled you become a commodity and a potential criminal, always just one mistake away from
committing a crime in terms of the ever-growing burden of laws and regulations that the fascism in
human nature continuously strives to develop. As a commodity, you will also find that uncaring
bureaucracies ( are greedy in terms of what they can save
by not responsibly acting in your favor (especially when you are injured by a bureaucracy).
The ultimate purpose of this site is to advance a paradigm-replacing consciousness by first
engaging reflection on such matters, and then achieving independence through self
employment. The Internet is an ideal place to gain that independence.

See: and type in the Access Code: 95992 to start your march
toward financial, and ultimately, spiritual independence and resonance with nature.

Other sites offering valuable information on the subject of love are:

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