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By Carl Matthews
This product was created under license from Ulisses North America. Torg Eternity, its
respective logos, as well as Torg, Infiniverse, Possibility Wars, Storm Knight, Aysle,
Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Nile Empire, Orrorsh, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold, and their
respective logos, are trademarks of Ulisses North America. The title and contents of this
book are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any form or
by any means, without written consent from Ulisses North America.
This publication includes material that was produced by Ulisses North America and/or
other authors and which is protected under applicable copyright laws. Use of such material
is granted under the Community Content Agreement for the INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE.
All original content in this work is copyright 2018 by Carl Matthews and published under
the Community Content Agreement for the INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE.
The 5e Compatible Logo is courtesy of Nick Greenwood and is public domain.
The Open Gaming License details are all on the final pages of this document.

Table of Contents
DIFFERENCES from Torg E to Torg 5e? ................................................................................................................ 3
Specific changes ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Character creation................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 1: Choose a Cosm................................................................................................................................. 5
Step 2: Choose a Race ................................................................................................................................. 6
Step 3: Choose a Class ................................................................................................................................. 7
Changes to Classes ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Backgrounds.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Converting Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 9
Damage ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Value ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Equipment examples ................................................................................................................................... 10
Example creatures ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Gospog of the First Planting ........................................................................................................................ 11
Tharkold Demon .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Church Police .............................................................................................................................................. 12

Perhaps the biggest single change that
players will see initially is that not every
DIFFERENCES FROM class, and certainly not every race, is
TORG E TO TORG 5E? intended to be available to characters from
every cosm. The standard is that the chosen
Important: Please note that this is a
cosm also limits the choice of class. Of
conversion between two systems; you will
course, the GM is free to allow any class to
still need access to the core rule books. For
any character they wish, there are plenty of
anything not defined in here for 5e, you
examples in the Torg canon, but monks will
will need the Players Handbook, Monster
generally be more common in Pan Pacifica,
Manual, etc. Likewise, you will need the
clerics in the Cyberpapacy and barbarians in
Torg Eternity core rulebook for details on
the Living Land, for instance.
each cosm and explanations of in-genre
effects, such as what a Reality Zone is. SPECIFIC CHANGES
Torg Eternity is an excellent system and a Torg and 5e as systems both share distant
lot of love has gone into it, but what if the ancestors, which allows for some simple
rules are just not for you or you don’t want to conversions. Bounded difficulty classes in 5e,
teach your table a whole new set of rules? rather than getting harder as a character
This is a 5e compatible conversion of Torg levels up, also make the converters life easier.
Eternity that you can just pick up and play.
It’s true that you lose some of the subtleties Difficulty Classes/Bonuses
of Torg Eternity but in return you get a Just use the DCs and bonuses in Torg
system that your players may well already be without converting. A penalty can be
familiar with. deducted from the die roll or added directly
So what is new, what has been kept and to the DC as a positive number.
what has had to be dropped? E.G. Buying a long sword has a Torg value
New: A lot of the bonuses, penalties and of 10 but if you are trying to buy one in the
card play of Torg are replaced by the 5e Cyberpapacy, where they are rare, the
Advantage/Disadvantage die mechanic. penalty is -4, the DC of the Charisma
Backgrounds now do a lot of the heavy (Persuasion) check would be either 14 (base
lifting for defining a character. 10 + 4 penalty) or if you prefer, a DC of 10
with a -4 penalty to the players attempt.
Kept: Contradictions, mishaps and
transformations all still remain central to the
game; it wouldn’t really be Torg without
them. These can be applied as normal in 5e but if
you see something listed in Torg as Favored,
Dropped: The Bonus chart and card play are it indicates that the roll is made with
the biggest casualties of the change of advantage.
system, though it would probably not be too
hard for a GM to incorporate the card play. E.G. a modern first aid kit in Torg allows the
The difference between Vigor and Wounds is First Aid check to be Favored. In 5e, this
also an unfortunate casualty but 5e has a translates to a Wisdom (Medicine) check
robust damage and healing system of its own made with Advantage.
so hopefully you won’t feel that loss to

Mishaps and Disconnections modifiers, this bonus damage is only applied
Fortunately Torg uses the natural die roll for once on a critical hit.
these effects so they can be applied the same
way in 5e.
Any numeric bonuses on cards are treated
I.e. A natural 1 is a Mishap and a potential
as the same bonuses in 5e. If a card gives a
disconnection, depending on what the
+2 bonus in Torg, it gives the same +2 bonus
character is attempting. A 1-2 or a 1-4 can
to the relevant check, or relevant damage
also be a Mishap when using automatic fire
inflicted, in 5e.
Perk Bonuses
If a perk gives a descriptive bonus, that is
Reconnection again uses the same DCs as
treated as normal in 5e. If a perk gives a
listed in the Torg Core Rules (page 179) but
numerical bonus, that is applied just as with
instead of a reality skill, a character uses their
bonuses from cards.
Wisdom Save bonus.
Because the character classes are not
Most of the effects of axioms are obvious but
mechanically tied to a given cosm,
with magic, you need to know how to
transforming does not affect the character’s
convert the axioms.
class. Also, transforming does not change a
To decide the axiom level of a spell, multiple character’s original race. A transformation
the 5e spell level by 3. only affects two things, one minor, one
E.G. Shatter is a 2nd level evocation spell; it
will cause a contradiction if used in either The minor change is in the equipment that
The Living Land or Pan-Pacifica, where the the character can choose and use easily. The
Magic axiom is too low to support it. other, major one is that a character cannot
advance in a class whose abilities rely on
Of course, if the shatter spell had been a 2nd
higher axioms than are now available in the
level clerical spell, it would not cause a
cosm the character has transformed to.
contraction in The Living Land as clerical
and druidical magic come under the Spirit E.g. If a wizard that can cast 2nd level spells,
Axiom, not Magic. transforms to The Living Land reality, they
do not lose their wizard class levels but, due
Possibilities to the Magic axiom limit, cannot continue to
5e does not allow a character to stack gain levels as a wizard. They must choose to
inspiration but Torg aims for a much more multi-class in another, suitable class.
cinematic tone. To simulate this, characters
can stack multiple instances of inspiration. Damage Bonus Dice
If a weapon or ability provides bonus dice,
Multiple inspirations can be used on a single
these are just D6s and do not explode on a 6.
role. The first use is treated normally for
Bonus dice are not inflicted on a critical hit,
Advantage and can be counteracted by
as the 5e rules already take care of criticals.
Disadvantages as normal. Any additional
Bonus dice only apply if a rule specifically
spends add +2 to the check or, in combat, the
says to inflict bonus dice.
additional spends can be used for a +2 per
spend to the damage inflicted. Like all


CHARACTER CREATION Suggested classes:

Steps Barbarian (viking)

1. Choose your cosm of origin Cleric (the Light)

2. Choose a Race suitable for that cosm Druid

3. Choose a class suitable for that cosm Fighter

 Or not, as allowed by the GM Paladin

4. Choose or create a background Ranger

5. Generate your Ability Scores Wizard

 As in the 5e Players Guide Available equipment axiom levels: 14

6. Equip your character Suggested backgrounds:

 As in the Torg Core Rules Cyberpapacy:

Perks: Every time your character gains an Available races:

ability increase due to leveling up, you may Human
also choose a new Perk for which you meet
Suggested classes:
the requirements.
Your cosm of choice will define a lot about
your character and influence your choices in
classes, equipment and backgrounds. Part of Available equipment axiom levels: 26
the Torg genre is that humans are the only
Suggested backgrounds:
race available in most cosms.
The Living Land:
Core Earth:
Available races:
Available races:
Suggested classes:
Suggested classes:
Available equipment axiom levels: 23
Suggested backgrounds:
Available equipment axiom levels: 6
Suggested backgrounds:
Available races:
The Nile Empire:
Available races:

Suggested classes: Not every race is available to every cosm
Fighter but the GM can allow other races as they
choose; a vampire or werewolf wrestling
with their evil nature might make an
Sorcerer interesting character in Orrosh, for example.
Available equipment axiom levels: 20 I suggest that the GM restrict the Racial list
to Dwarfs, Elves, Humans and add Edeinos
Suggested backgrounds:
as an additional race, only available in The
Orrosh: Living Land.
Available races:
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +1 Cha
Suggested classes:
Size: Medium
Speed 30'
Warlock (the Dark Powers)
Feature: Edeinos crave new experiences and
Available equipment axiom levels: 18 have Advantage on Saves vs. Fear
Suggested backgrounds: Feature: Natural Weapons: Your unarmed
Pan-Pacifica: attack uses teeth and claws, doing 1d4 points
of damage with the Finesse property
Available races:
Feature: Your natural skin is the equivalent
Human of leather armor.
Suggested classes: Languages: Common, Edeinos
Available equipment axiom levels: 24
Suggested backgrounds:
Available races:
Suggested classes:
Sorcerer (mental powers)
Available equipment axiom levels: 25
Suggested backgrounds:

Not every class is suitable for every cosm The fighter is one of the most ubiquitous
but again, that is up to your GM. Being a types of characters and, apart from having an
cleric of Rek Stalek might suit your concept increased range of weapons to choose from,
of your Living Land character rather than don’t require any changes.
being a druid of Lanala.
Additional Perks Monks are most commonly from those
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, cosms that support cinematic martial arts but
12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase otherwise have no changes.
one ability score of your choice by 2, or you
can increase two ability scores of your choice Paladin
by 1*. As normal, you can't increase an ability Most commonly from Aysle, where Good
score above 20 using this feature. You also and Evil choices can have dramatic effects on
get to choose a new Perk at this level. your character, the Paladin requires no
*Can be replaced with a feat choice from the
5e standard rules if the GM allows.
CHANGES TO CLASSES Again, the ranger can be used as they are in
Many of the classes require only cosmetic
changes in terms of their feature names to
make them suitable for Torg. Only the
sorcerer has any suggested changes. Though their abilities can now encompass
technological devices such as electronic locks
Barbarian and the like, the rogue can be used as
Commonly encountered as Vikings in Aysle,
the barbarian can be used as is.
Bard The sorcerer fulfills two niche areas in this
conversion of Torg. With the right choices of
There are no Bardic Colleges as such in
spells, they can either be Pulp Heroes in the
Torg; characters can choose to be from any
Nile Empire or, by restricting themselves to
available ‘college’ but that only represents
mental and/or telekinetic/pyrokinetic effects,
choices they make whilst learning their trade
can make excellent psychics for Tharkold.
rather than membership of a specific group.
Mechanically, they require no changes.
The standard gods of 5e do not, of course,
While it is suggested that they be limited to
exist in Torg so the player should choose
only a few of the cosms, warlocks can be
something suitable such as Lanala in the
used unchanged mechanically.
Living Land or the One True Way in the
Druid The wizard, in those cosms that support
high level magic, can be used unchanged.
There are no specific rules changes
applicable to the druid.


Customizing a Background
You can choose a background from the 5e
Players Guide or any other source that your
GM allows or simply design your own.
To design your own background:
1. First, choose a feature.
 Tweak an existing feature or
 Replace one feature with any
other published feature or
 Work with your GM to create
a new feature. Any feature
that has a use in combat is too
powerful and should be
2. Next, choose any two suitable skills to
represent experience in the
3. Choose any two tool proficiencies or
languages (or one of each) for your
4. Spend your coin on gear as described
in the equipment section to represent
starting equipment.
5. Finally, choose two personality traits,
one ideal, one bond, and one flaw.
There are primarily for flavor and
should reflect your character’s
personality. You can work them out
with your GM and list them
individually on your character sheet
or write them up as a character
background story.

E.G. Destroyer armor has a Min Str of 12, so

in 5e, the minimum strength required would
be 15. A Boilerplate Hauberk has a Max Dex
CONVERTING EQUIPMENT of 6, so in 5e that would equate to 9.

Prices Fatigues
The prices in the Torg Core Rules; to convert If armor is the cause of fatigue, the character
dollar prices in Torg to 5e, treat a dollar as 1 suffers a level of exhaustion which is
silver piece. This is, of course, not exact but removed after a short rest.
should be close enough for most purposes. Torso/Full Body
E.G. A longsword in Torg is $120; the price If an armor is listed as Torso, it has
in 5e would be 120SP (or 12GP). weakness against area effect attacks, such as
The easiest way to do this for equipment fireballs. If an armor is listed as Full Body, it
listed in the Torg rules is to convert the has resistance against area effect attacks.
characters’ money to dollars (by multiplying DAMAGE
by 10) and then spend the dollars directly on
Torg equipment. Melee weapons
Each +1 damage in Torg translates to a die
step in 5e, starting at +1 for 1d4
Armor Classes are converted based on their
type. Torg 5e

Torg 5e +1 1D4

+1 Light (AC 11-12) +2 1D6

+2 Medium (AC 12-15) +3 1D8

+3 Heavy (AC 14-18) +4 1D10

+4 Super Heavy (AC 20) +5 1D12

Super Heavy do not exist in 5e but represent +6 2D6

things like the Kanawa Security Armor. All +7 2D8, etc.
Super Heavy armor has a AC of 20 and no
E.G. Our longsword is a +3 Torg weapon,
Dexterity modifier applies.
doing 1D8 in 5e.
If an armor says that it adds to your dodge
bonus, this means the bouns also applies to Ranged Weapons
your Reflex save in the specified situation. Torg uses fixed values rather than pluses, so
the dice start at value 10.
Max Dex/Min Str
Torg 5e
To calculate the equivalent of the Torg Max
Dex and Min Str in 5e, add 3 to the number 10 1D4
given. If you exceed the Max Dex value, you
11 1D6
have Disadvantage on any checks involving
Dexterity. Having insufficient strength is 12 1D8
treated exactly as is 5e, penalising movement 13 1D10
by 10’.
14 1D12

15 2D6 from your starting funds and a weight of 8lb.
The Torso disadvantage gives you weakness
16 2D8
against area effect attacks.
17 2D10, etc.
E.G. a shortbow in Torg is value 11, doing Weapons
1D6 in 5e. You character later obtains an electric
katana. The Torg damage bonus is +4 so the
Short Burst/Long Burst etc. weapon does 1d10 base damage and costs
5e doesn’t commonly have the concept of $500. It has armor piercing 2 so all ACs are
automatic fire and Torg increases the damage counted as 2 less against this weapon.
by increasing the bonus to hit and so the Later, in the Cyberpapacy, you obtain a
chance for bonus damage. GWI Godfire Plasma. The damage is 16, so
To accommodate both of those styles, a 2D8 in 5e, and uses the small blast tempate.
character using burst fire can choose to either This means that instead of rolling to hit, the
add the bonus to hit (page 125, Torg Core target (and anyone the target is engagesd
Rules) to the chance to hit because they are with) must make a Reflex save, taking half
spraying bullets randomly at the target damage on a successful save.
(‘hosing’ it) or add the bonus to damage, to
simulate more controlled, concentrated fire.
The player must choose one or the other
before they roll the dice to attack.

Equipment in Torg has a value in
parentheses after the price to represent the
difficulty of obtaining an item; these values
can be used as they are in 5e, providing the
DC for a Charisma (Persuasion) check,
modified by the Item Availabilty chart (page
139, Torg Core Rules).
This mechanic can also be used when
requesting equipment from the Delphi


Your Edeinos character is wearing bone
armor. The Torg bonus is +1 and it has the
Torso disadvantage, making this a light
armor. You decide to equate that armor to
padded armor in 5e, which also has a
disadvantge. This gives your character an AC
of 11 + Dex mod, a cost of $50 in Torg (5GP
converted to dollars is also $50 but the GM )

EXAMPLE CREATURES Skills Deception +5, Insight +5, Perception +8

By far the easiest way to create creatures for Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
Torg is to re-skin existing ones. For example: and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't

(A re-skinned zombie) Damage Immunities fire, poison

Medium undead, neutral evil Condition Immunities poisoned

Armor Class 8 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18

Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Languages Tharkholdhu, telepathy 120 ft.

Speed 20 ft. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

ST DE CO IN WI CH Spiked Cybernetic armor (Barbed Hide). At the

start of each of its turns, the tharkoldhu deals 5
13 6 16 3 6 5 (1d10) piercing damage to any creature grappling
(+1) (−2) (+3) (−4) (−2) (−3) it.
Saving Throws Wis +0 Digan Darksight Eyes Mk III (Devil's Sight).
Damage Immunities poison Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's
Condition Immunities poisoned
Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 saving throws against spells and other magical
Languages understands the languages it knew in effects.
life but can't speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Multiattack. The devil makes three melee
attacks: one with its tail and two with its claws.
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie
Alternatively, it can use Hurl Flame twice.
to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
Integrated Pain Whip
Actions (Tail). Melee Weapon
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6
+ 3) piercing damage.
Torg specific advantages: Never suffer
Contradictions Alph Weapon
Dock + Thav
(Devil, Barbed) (Hurl Flame).
Ranged Spell Attack:
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil +5 to hit, range 150 ft.,
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) one target. Hit: 10 (3d6)
fire damage. If the target
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52) is a flammable object that
Speed 30 ft. isn't being worn or
carried, it also catches
16 17 18 12 14 14
(+3) (+3) (+4) (+1) (+2) (+2)
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +7, Wis +5, Cha +5

(Tribal Warrior) (Veteran)
Medium humanoid (edeinos), any chaotic Medium humanoid (human), any evil
Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Armor Class 17 (Street Armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
13 11 12 8 11 8 16 13 14 10 11 10
(+1) (+0) (+1) (−1) (+0) (−1) (+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Senses passive Perception 10 Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
Languages any one language Senses passive Perception 12
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Languages any one language (usually Common)
Pack Tactics. The warrior has advantage on an Challenge 3 (700 XP)
attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
warrior's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
Multiattack. The veteran makes two riot stick
the ally isn't incapacitated.
attacks. If it is not using a shield, it can also
Craving: Edeinos crave new experiences and choose to make an unarmed strike attack with the
have Advantage on Saves vs Fear off-hand.
Natural Weapons: Your unarmed attack uses Riot stick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
teeth and claws, doing 1d4 points of damage with 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3 + 1 additional
the Finesse property shock damage, non-lethal)

Actions Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,

Hrock Shoot Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Attack: +3 to hit, damage.
reach 5 ft. or range
GWI GodMeeter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
20/60 ft., one target.
hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1)
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1)
piercing damage.
piercing damage,
or 5 (1d8 + 1) NB: the GM could have chosen to scale the
piercing damage GodMeeter up to 2D6 damage (representing the
if used with two Torg damage value of 15) and the armor up to
hands to make a Armor of God AC20 but chose to stay with the
melee attack. 1D10+1 and AC 17 as that is what the CR of the
Veteran is based on.

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