Identifying Claims Implicitly and Explicitly in A Written Text

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Manibaug, Libutad Porac Pampanga


Name : ________________________________________________________________
Level : ________________________________________________________________
Section : ________________________________________________________________
Date : ________________________________________________________________



A claim is an arguable statement that is mainly used to prove or support a point, an idea, or a stand of a

In an extended argument, claim is labeled as proposition. Since claims challenge the beliefs or opinions
of others, they require support in a form of reason and information, whereas other kinds of statements do

Characteristics of Good Claims:

1. A claim should be arguable and debatable.
2. A claim should be focused and specific.
3. A claim should be interesting and engaging.
4. A claim should be logical.


A. Claims of Fact
Claims of fact relate to statements that can be verified as they rely on actual information for
support. It states a quantifiable assertion, or measurable topic. They assert that something has
existed, exists, or will never exist based on data.
e.g., Stiffer penalties for drunk driving have led to fewer traffic fatalities.

The statement asserts that there is a relationship between traffic fatalities and drunk driving rules.
Although it may be true, it is an interpretation of traffic

Using descriptive and analytical writing, explore every single angle of the problem, or claim of fact,
to assess its level of truth. By limiting the scope of the study through specific claims of fact, avoid the logical

Claims of fact usually answer a “what” question. When determining whether something is a claim of
fact, the following questions can be considered:

• Is this issue related to a possible cause or effect?

• Is this statement true or false? How can its truthfulness be verified?
• Is this claim controversial or debatable?
1. Generally, public secondary schools in the Philippines are not adequately preparing students for
2. Converting to solar energy can save homeowners money. In general, claims of fact are opinions
drawn by inference which involves proving the inference that you have made is reasonable.

Characteristics of a well-argued claim of fact:

▪ It states the main argument and defines vague and controversial terms.
▪ It is supported with factual information such as statistics, testimony, and observation.
▪ It uses sufficient, accurate, and recent evidence which are organized to emphasize the main

B. Claim of Value
Claim of value assert something that can be qualified. They consist of arguments about moral,
philosophical, or aesthetic topics. These types of topics try to prove that some values are desirable
compared to others. They make judgments, based on certain standards, on whether something is
right or wrong, good or bad, or something similar.

e.g., Drunk driving is one of the most selfish things a person can do.

In this statement, it asserts that the act of drunk driving is selfish (wrong). Although it may be widely
accepted, this is a personal judgment that expresses disapproval.

Schools are doing everything they can to prepare graduating students for college.

This asserts what the school is doing is sufficient (good). Just like the previous statement, this can
also be widely accepted since this is a personal judgement that expresses approval.

1. Fetal tissue research is wrong.
2. Opera is not as entertaining as musical comedy. Proving a claim of value involves arriving at
reasonable standards of judgment that readers will accept.
Characteristics of a well-defended claim of value:
▪ It may assert that the value being defended will produce good results, as long as it backed up by
reliable information.
▪ It cites experts on the field who support the claim to make the argument more effective.
▪ It draws on real-world examples and illustrations to make the abstract values clear.

C. Claim of Policy
Claim of policy is an argument which asserts the implantation of a certain policy. This is driven by
the need to present a solution to problems that have arisen; sometimes it is given as a response to
claims of facts. It generally state solutions and plans that are procedural and organized.

i.e., Even stricter penalties should be handed out to drunk drivers.

This statement asserts that stricter penalties should exist. In order to support this, one would need
to prove that current condition is less desirable than they would be under this new system of stricter

Questions of policy include:

• What should be done?
• How can we solve this problem?
• What course of action should we pursue?
• What should not be done?
1. Schools should use more rigorous exit assessments to ensure that students are prepared for
2. Instead of loaning for oil in some Asian countries, we should be focusing on ways to reduce oil
consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources.

Note: A claim may be stated either explicitly or implicitly. When a claim is explicitly stated, the actual
meaning of the statement is plainly said or written whereas when a claim is implicitly stated, there is an
underlying meaning imbedded or hidden on the words said or written.

Multiple Choice. Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Green tea is one of the most commonly used drink for those who want to stay healthy because it is
composed of various components beneficial for health.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
2. People nowadays display more interest in entrepreneurship than in applying for a job.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
3. Every student in this school should have a cellphone otherwise, they will have difficulty in catching up
with their lessons.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
4. The use of Facebook messenger has become the main source of communication between students and
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
5. In the implementation of the new education system, parents must be more actively involved in helping
their children study their lessons.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
6. Studies show that when all the ice melts in the Arctic ocean, all bodies of water in the world will
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
7. Forgiving others relieves you from stress and discomfort.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
8. Vaccines should pass through series of tests and phases within a considerable time frame before they can
be considered as safe and effective.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
9. The hope of human beings relies much on their faith.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value
10.Even criminals have their soft and kind side.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value


In reading and writing, we often encounter different claims and these claims may be expressed explicitly or

A. Identify which of the sentences are the claims of fact, policy, and value. Write your answers on the blank.
________________________1. The word “orange” was first used to describe the fruit, not the color.
________________________2. Positivity promotes optimal progress in our community.
________________________3. The brain of a person is located higher that the heart for a reason.
________________________4. Students should focus on long-term goals and set their priorities
________________________5. Planning ahead of time will make our work easier and faster.
B. Write E if the statement is explicitly stated and I if it is implicit. Write your answers on the blank.
_____1. Modernized jeepneys are functioning well these days.
_____2. The deeper the water is, the quieter it becomes.
_____3. The bus leaves at exactly 7:00 in the morning.
_____4. We use the modular distance learning for S.Y. 2020-2021 in the province of Pampanga.
_____5. Diana is beautiful inside and out.

Read the statements. Write F for claim of fact, V for claim of value, and P for claim of policy on the blanks.

____1. Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and insulin resistance.

____2. The basic keys to success are perseverance and discipline.

____3. Studies have shown that exposure to violent media is a risk factor for violent behaviors.

____4. The Career Support Network is an excellent resource for people who are considering a mid-life
career change

____5. In order to insure that graduates are competitive for top jobs in their fields, the college must put
additional resources into its career services office and internship programs.

____6. Although the International Astronomical Union announced that Pluto is not actually a planet,
experts disagree on what characteristics define a planet.

____7. Increased investments in solar power will benefit national security by reducing dependence on fossil

____8. Parents should not only be aware of how their children are using social media, but also understand
the potential positive and negative impacts of social media use.

____9. Advances in computer modeling have made it possible to create completely new types of
architectural structures

___10. Essential workers must always meet the standard protocols of the IATF in order to ensure health
safety and security of the public.


Expound your claim/s by writing 1-2 paragraphs with a maximum of 3 sentences each.


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