Task 1. Reading Comprehension

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Name: Novia Eliza Ramadhani

NIM: 2110114320017

Class: A1

Study Program: Sociology Education

Task 1. Reading Comprehension

Please answer these questions based on the text that you have read on the link

1. How many liter of water do you usually drink every day ? Why it is important for your
health ?


Countless but I always drink water, in the morning I wake up in the habit of drinking
water before doing activities, the importance of drinking water is important for other
bodies in helping to increase and strengthen the immune system, and reduce hunger.
Conversely, lack of air can cause constipation, urinary tract infections, kidney stone
formation, fatigue, and problems with skin, hair, and nails.

2. What time do you usually sleep every evening ? Do you think that you have a good and
quality sleeping ?


Usually I sleep at 10 I think my sleep time since college has started to be erratic,
irregular, often changing, sometimes I sleep at 12 because I am doing an assignment, but
if the task must be completed, I will finish it immediately so that I don't procrastinate and
add to the pile up. time for other tasks.

3. Why it is suggested you have to eat fruits and vegetables more ?


-Contains vitamins and minerals, which regulate the growth and maintenance of the body.

-Contains high fiber.

Vitamin A for eye health maintenance.

Vitamin D for bone health.

Vitamin E for fertility and youth.

Vitamin K for blood clotting.

Vitamin C to increase the body's resistance to infection.

B vitamins to prevent beriberi.

Vitamin B 12 to increase appetite.

4. What is meant by healthy snacks ?


the food or drink purchased has a balanced nutritional content and has no excess sugar
content. Like the example below, we can easily find it in Indomaret

1. Fitbar

2. Heavenly Blush Yogurt Bar is suitable for your little one who doesn't like fruit

3. Koko Krunch Cereal

4. Sari Wheat Sandwich

5. Do you exercise every day ?


No, I exercise only 3 times a week and even then I don't do it regularly 3 times a week,
it's just that every morning before doing activities such as online lectures, sitting can be
said to be long and sometimes I feel pain in my waist due to sitting and staring at the
laptop for too long. my eye health is getting worse so before class Every morning I
sunbathe and stretch my body but sometimes I also do gymnastics in the afternoon after

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