Siti Dewi Barokatul Fadhilah - Module 3 Task 1 - University Excursion Planning Form - Including Budget, Activities and Feedback v2

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Excursion Planning Form

This spreadsheet provides an overview of the steps you need to take before taking student
information will be used by the Principal to decide if the excursion will go ahead.

Be mindful of the cost of the excursion to students and their families. In the past when we
90% of students attended. When we charged $25, 55% of students attended. There are 3

To complete this work:

1. Review the university websites in the resources, the 'Activities and Costs' in the second t
the third tab. Choose the university you would like to visit and your preferred activities.
2. Use the 'Budget and timetable' tab to plan your day and work out how much it will cost s
3. Fill in the 'Excursion Planning Form' in the last tab.
Activities List
To plan your excursion, select one of the universities below. Then, choose the activities that you think will best meet the
Menzies: Duration
Bus travel 2 hours

Macbeth 1.5 hours

Life at University' seminar 1 hour

Tour of the Science Labs 1 hour

Lunch with current

1 hour

Lunch in the Food Hall 1 hour

University Art Museum 1 hour

Attend Lecture 'Australia in

1 hour
the Space Age'

Career Centre visit 1 hour

Capital Institute Capital: Duration

of Technology

Coach travel 2.5 hours

2 hours
Entrepreneurship Workshop

Finances at University'
1 hour

Tour of college facilities 1 hour

Join a Science Lab -

1.5 hours
Lunch with current
1 hour
university students

Lunch on the lawn 1 hour

Attend lecture - 'The

1 hour
Future of Work'

Career Planning Session 1 hour

below. Then, choose the activities that you think will best meet the needs of your students.

Description Cost

Time and cost listed is one way. Fixed cost. $850

Performance of Year 12 Text Macbeth by University Drama students. $300

How to manage study and life away from home'. This seminar will cover study skills,
accommodation options and balancing study and work while at university.

Tour the Science Faculty labs and spend 10 minutes observing how blood samples are
prepared and tested.

Share a meal with current students and hear about their experiences, in the beautiful scenery
of the Great Court.

Students bring or buy their own lunch. $0

Current exhibition: Our Land, Our Stories. $0

Hear about the latest Astronomic research coming from Menzies University $125

Visit the career centre and use their resources to find out information on a possible future

Description Cost

Time and cost listed is one way. Fixed cost. $900

Spend two hours working in teams to develop and pitch your own business idea - then
discover which course can make your dreams a reality.

A seminar covering available scholarships, government support and how to find employment
and accommodation.

A tour of the college accommodation on Capital's campus $0

Join a university demonstration science lab where students will create their own solar powered
toy car.
Share a meal with current students and hear about their experiences. $250

Students bring or buy their own lunches $0

Hear about how the world of work is changing and what opportunities this holds for students

Come to our career centre and attend a small group seminar on career opportunities in STEM,
the Arts or Business.
Student Feedback
Below is the student feedback from last year's university excursion, to a different university. Please use this feedback

I enjoyed
Name the

Jessica Yes

Emily No

Geoff Yes

Hamish Yes

Alidah No

Ricki Yes

Sandra No

Bruce Yes
t Feedback
dent feedback from last year's university excursion, to a different university. Please use this feedback to inform your choices this year.

What was the best part of the excursion?

I really enjoyed being able to sit in on some lectures, especially the ones
related to my subject. It made uni seem more attainable.

I really didn't enjoy anything. It was too far, the bus was too old, and
the lectures we visited were boring.

I really liked visiting the careers centre and talking to the staff there. I
didn't realise you could do so much with an arts or science degree.

I really enjoyed it all. The lectures we got to visit were great and the
visit to the careers centre really helped me understand what I can do
with a degree after university.

I really enjoyed the visit to the careers centre.

Everything--it was a great day and a great experience.

I didn't really enjoy anything. It was a long bus ride (almost 2 hours) for
not much to do. The lectures were ok but kind of boring and I didn't get
to ask the questions I wanted in the careers center.

It was going to the careers centre. It really helped me picture what I

could do with a degree after university.
se use this feedback to inform your choices this year.

What could be improved about the excursion?

The day wasn't long enough. We didn't get enough to do on campus. I

wouldn't have minded spending a bit of my own money to do more.

I heard that in prior years students got to do more fun things, like science
labs or attend a theater performance. I know it's a bit more expensive but
that would be much more interesting.

I would've liked to have spent more time on campus and do more things, like
visit a science lab or theatre.

I would've liked to talk to more students like me. I felt like everyone came
from the town itself--I would've liked to talk to someone who relocated from
the country.

I didn't have enough time to just talk to the students or see what life was like
on campus.

I think the only thing that could be improved was if we did a little more. Just
visiting lectures and the career centre didn't seem like it was enough for such
a long bus ride.

Could we do more? Have more activities? Maybe talk to some students? It

was a good idea and I liked seeing the uni but I wanted to do more.

I would've liked more time to talk to students and ask questions about
money--I'm worried about paying for uni and I didn't get to talk to anyone
about that
Timetable and budget
To complete the timetable and budget, first select the university in the drop-down menu in the
Then select the activities you have chosen from the drop-down menu and the description and
The number of students estimated to attend is 25. However, remember that at previous excur
rose, fewer students attended. Please take this into consideration when chosing activities.

University: Menzies

Time Activity Time

8:00 AM
Bus Travel 2 hours
9:00 AM

Life at University'
10:00 AM 1 hour

11:00 AM Tour of the Science Labs 1 hour

Lunch with current

12:00 PM 1 hour

Attend Lecture 'Australia

in the Space Age'
1:00 PM 1 hour

2:00 PM Career Centre visit 1 hour

3:00 PM University Art Museum 1 hour

4:00 PM
Bus Travel 2 hours
5:00 PM
select the university in the drop-down menu in the turquiose box.
rom the drop-down menu and the description and cost will auto-populate.
d is 25. However, remember that at previous excursions, when the cost
this into consideration when chosing activities.

Description Cost

Time and cost listed is one way. Fixed cost.

How to manage study and life away from home'.
This seminar will cover study skills, accommodation
options and balancing study and work while at
Tour the Science Faculty labs and spend 10 minutes 100
observing how blood samples are prepared and
tested. 50

Share a meal with current students and hear about

their experiences, in the beautiful scenery of the
Great Court. 250

Hear about the latest Astronomic research coming

from Menzies University 125

find out information on a possible future career! 100

Current exhibition: Our Land, Our Stories. 0

Time and cost listed is one way. Fixed cost.

School funding budget 2000
Expected number of students 30
Total cost 2325
Cost to students 11
Excursion Planning Form

The following form provides an overview of what needs to be considered before taking students on an excursion. In addition to
completing this form, you will need to get your principal’s permission and parent permission.

To complete this form:

1. In one or two sentences, outline what the goals and outcomes of the excursion are.
2. Briefly outline the key activities you have chosen. Remember, the aim is to get students to attend, so the reasons you list
should be compelling to them.
3. Make sure you have completed the 'Budget and Timetable' sheet, then fill out the 'Cost' section below by outlining the key
costs. Remember, the aim is to assist students to attend, so be mindful of how the cost may affect attendance. In the past whe
we have charged students $10 each, 90% of students attended. When we charged $25, 55% of students attended. There are
30 students in Year 11 this year.


What are the benefits of the excursion? What will your students learn or develop? (100 words)

They will get a lot of knowladges about campus life, for exemple: how to manage time to study in campus, join
organization, research, exhibition, and how to life away from home which will be discussed by The Menzies' Best
Lecturer. Beside that, they also can talk with Menzies' students what life was like on campus. And then, they can fee
the study atmosphere in Menzies university directly.

What activities have you chosen? How will these achieve the purpose you have listed (150 words)
We will go to Menzies Univeristy at 8 A.M and it will take for 2 hours to arrive there. At 10 A.M we will attend the Lif
at University' Seminar which will take 1 hour. After that, we will tour arround of the Science Labs to observing how
blood samples are. At 11 A.M, we will have lunch with current Menzies' students. In this section you can asking and
talking about their experiences during study there. At 2 P.M, we'll attend Lecture' Australia about Astronomic Resear
for 1 hour. Then, we will visit the career centre and use their resources to find out information on a possible future
career. And the last one, we'll attend curre exhibition in University Art Museum.

How much will the excursion cost overall? How much will students be required to pay and how will it provide value?
(100 words).

Overall the excursion cost should pay are $2.325, so the student only must pay $11 each (we estimate there ara 30 students w
join us) and they can have Amazing Campus Excursion's experiences. The students only must bring their food and drink which
are made from home. I hope you can have fun :)

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