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irilr A ssisti ng C aop erattves. A tw ry s !

t I

Entrepreneurship in Cooperatrves
t a

wuru.nGdG.i n
National Cooperative Development Corporation {NCDC} is
an apex level stahrtory institution set up by the Government
of India r-rnder an Act of the Parliament in 1963. NCDC has
been created for the puqlose of planning alrd promoting
prograrnnes for the pmiluction, processing, marketing,
storage, export and import of agricultural produce,
foodstuffs, industrial goods, livestock, certain other
cornmodities and services on cooperative principles. NCDC
extends financial assistance to cooperatives at all the three
tiers, Primary, District and Apex / Multi-State. NCDC is
r:lder the administrative control of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.

NCDC has emerged as a linancial powerhouse giving the

client cooperatives a wide ralge of products and services. It
is an ISO 9OO 1:2O 15 compliant organisation. Beginning
witll a meagre disbursement of Rs.2.36 crore in 1963, the
year of its formation, NCDC disbursed Rs.28272.5o crore in
2018-19 and the cuaiulAtive release as on 31.O3.2O19 stood
at Rs.12489O-81 crore, 630lo of which has taken place in the
last five years.

NCDC follows a simple, transparent and robust system of

appraisals and approvals through its 18 Regional Olfices or
its Head Office in New Delhi. It is the most preferred
financial instihrtion for the cooperatives.

Alielirrg itsell' u,ith the i rcus on a

1 1o:rl'alilltr's lik,, )lli[1 1-Lr1r Irrili:r :,rrrr1

St:rrrr1-tt1., T:rrii; aitnr,:rl :1t \-curlg
rrr!-fe1r1,ri1r'ru's rvitlr neu' .rl]d iir OvatiYe
ide:rs N(ll)(I hird rtotilit:d YI l\/A
SAHAI(\R- ( )( ) PF, RiYf iVl, Il lil'F" R PRl SF'
Tlie sclrr:ittt aiin-q tt arlr'()tiaa1e.i1ig, lii'\\ril
T]TIPPORT AND INNOVATI(JN SL'IiE,X,Itr iN I'orrrrrl cooirct'ati-.rl slt-'ieties ivith riett:
2O 1. 8 . Bus..'tl orr the irrrl rl':lirrrtatiorr of arrd ,/ or irrrior.alive itle:rs. lt is linirerl tt:r
thc sclltrire. tlr: sr:lrrirrr lras rrlrv be.-'rr { loo lrclatir"-c Sii:rt-rqr arcl f1116r,:;1t1311
rtt;tcie rnr,rrc lrroilrl basrrl alrd is titlc.l. i:riud,--r.:;rter'l in- NC'D(]. It is nolc iiberal
YUVA SAHAI<AR - COOPERATIVE ta) in tlrr' North F-arsterll
ENTERPRISE SUPPORT AND l{r:gior r, r-r-,operatir,e s rr'gistlle c1 rrli1
INNOVATION SCHEME 20I.9, ']'hE: upl r'irti;tg in ,Aspit-:rl ionir l I)isrliL ts as
schi-1nr ain!s rlt r:rr:rblirrg Sr:rr't-1 1;rs irr tlrr' I r, Irlrlii,i Ir \ll i \ , , .. ,. 1,-:.rt;r, -
(loopcr';r1ivc sector covt-ring all fl-pes oi *.ith 1[){J ]',, tvorrir.r) ,i S( l ,r ST t hl,f)
:ii:tivi rnelt lte;^s .

a) Anr, tnre of ccoperative socie8, r.,'ith ner'. innovative arrd r.n.lue rhain r:nltancerlent intencled
b) The cooperative societv should l:,e in operation tbr a minirnunr of thret mlnll:s.
c) The cooperative society sl-rould har.e pcsitive net-u-orth.
d) The clopratir.e scriet.." shi:ukl lot have incurred cash 1*ss during prer.ious vear(s} of
operatiorr, ers ayrplica1:le. and no cash loss in the past three \.-eals {if the socren is in
operation for rnore tl'ran 3 r.enrsi.

al Prolect cost shoukl not e:rceetl Rs. 3,00 crore in case oi a Jtrol't,ratire sot-ret1' u,hich is in
operation Ior one r"ear cr inore.
b) Pro.rect cosi shoulcl r'rot excerd Rs.1.OO ,:rore il rase o{ a coope rati\,'e sor:iety l.}rir}r is irr
,,rtiuri l,,r irrote tlrur tl,r, mor.ths bLrt lrss tlrorr one ieur. Hor., \et. 11.. rlle,'(,!'p.ta1t\.:
"^, ien , ornlrletrs orte \', ar ul rls I,{ ri,io!i. ir rlrrld lrec^rrre elrqil'le lor issislarl e as
aduissible to cooper.rtir.e societ-1. rvhrch is in operatiorr f*r nte veal or rnore exchrdilg
assistarce afreadr, ar,:riled, il alt-.
c) Deperidirg Lr11 the rlatlrre anrd activities of a project, t-orking capital loal ca:r be pr,:viiled as
part of the prcje,:t, hot-ever, lr'orking capital r..'i11 tot be flore thar 20l'i of the totai project

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.1..:::::::: r..

Period of loarr carr bi rrp to 5 vears, including 2 1-ear: m,,r.,r.,riurr on f/a\-tnerlt of prur'.-ipal.
I'eriocl ol moratorium ulaJr vary. depenrling cn the tr'''Jre r:f pruject :enr1 its abilit-l- to gellerate

: .:':t':: .,::,,rt.,r, :::,.

As at incentive, NCDC r1.iil provicle ? 9"i less thau its applic;rl,le rate af ilterest ort tt.'rfi) lr:an tor
the prcject actir.ities. lntert-'st irccniir.e shaii lre vaii.l orrl-v in case of limely repalrarenls.
The cooperative society may offer securilr
for the loan in any one or combination of
ttre following to the satisfaction of NCDC:

a) Mortgage of assets, including assets to

be created under the proposed project.
b) FDRs of the schedtrled banks.
c) Guarantee of credible cooperative
institutions, that is, institution with
sound frnancial condition and proven
track record.
d) Guarantee of State/Central
e) Guarantee by Central PSUs/ Statutory
bodies/ CSR Foundations of Central
f) Guarartee of Small Farmers' Agri Integrated Scheme on Agricultural
Business Consortir-urr (SFAC)/ North Cooperation (CSISAC) or any other
Eastern Development Finance source, ttre same will be applicable.
Corporation (NEDFi)/ Small Industries However, if tJre project cost includes
Development Bank of India (SIDBI). working capital loan component, CSISAC
g| Personal guarantee of Board of subsidy would be eligible only for capital
Directors/members in the form of investment of the project cost (excluding
Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs) and/or working capital). To ensure speedy and
Guarantee of scheduled banks smooth implementation of projects,
eligible loan can be provided in-lieu of
Aubddy subsidy. The subsidy, as and when
received by NCDC lor onward
In case the proposed activity is eligible for disbr:rsement, would be adjusted against
subsidy under the Central Sector the loan account.
Fundlng Pattern
The projects would be supported with
funding pattern having debt: eqrrit5z ratio
as below:

Category - A:
) Any type of cooperative society in the
North Eastern Region.
> Any t-vpe of cooperative societ5z
registered and operating in Aspirational
Districts as identified by the NITI
> Any type of cooperative society with
1OO7o women rrrembers.
> Any rype of cooperative society with
1OO%o Scheduled Caste / Scheduled
Tribe / Person(s) with Disabilities Due Diligence
(PwD) members
NCDC rvor:ld adopt its staldard practice
of appraisal ald due diligence before any
Category - B: project is sanctioned.
7O/" r 3O/"
> Any type of cooperative society which is For further details of other SICDC
not covered under Category-A for all Scheme and Pattern of assistance,
types of activities. norms and general cdtetia for
availiag NCDC funding, Common
In case subsidy is eligible for the Application Forrn etc. please visit
proposed activity, suhject to availability, rmrur.ncdc.ia or coltact IICDC
the loan component would be reduced Regional OIIices / Head OIIice, at
proportionately. addresses and contact auabers
available on the website.
-.,;;r*&!-i .


An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation
(A Statutory Corporation under Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare)
4, Siri lnstitutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone : 01 1 -26569246, 26567 47 5, 26567 026
Website :

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