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auantum Mechanics
40.1 Schrcidinger's Equation: The Law of Psi
40.2 Solving the Schrcidinger Equation
1 . The graphs of several functions are shown below, For each, would this function be an acceptable wave
function in quantum mechanics? If not, what is wrong with it?

No, The wqve f,.^,nclion *. st No. JhcI Nqvc- {.^vlc}ion ynust

o P.P.
ver6 q's X-r oo 4PPrOqch z.efo 4s *++oo qnd
X.- -6. qS x + -oo.

No.'Ihe Nqvc f,^"..liorn tnt s|

Yot. b. corn{inuorN.



No. \" wq{e fr^r."{i o", nn.^st

Yos . bq cov*in,tous.

4O-2 cHAprER 40 . One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics

40.3 A Particle in a Rigid Box: Energies and Wave Functions

40.4 A Particle in a Rigid Box: lnterpreting the Solution
40.5 The Gorrespondence Principle
2. Use the properties of waves to explain why a particle in a rigid box can have only certain energies but
not others.

T\o oscil\clir,q woNs . $*^.tion

- ,-insiAo-
**. m"rst qo *o zr'ro
o* *hc \":;e";.1-+" * co.rrttnr^ouS *fit"- i}* ,**Is f,^..{;op
o*tsiA. thq, box. TLis f,6'.".do.ry condition le.cds to n soltrtton
lo \ko Sr*t;G. qffor., {ir o^\y cartqi^ o\lo*qble'
3. Tlre graph shows the energy levels and wave functions of the n = 2 and
n = 4 states of a particle in a box.
a. In which state does the particle have more energy?

n= t{
b. In which state are you more likely to find the particle 4 * = |L?
h=a..\" probobili\ dcnsilv i3 *hc sluqr!-
o{ +l* *..i0. f,^r".+io^ . A* k = * L,*\ne" ",={
S*ate-h*s o, grobab',\t\y densi{y ;1t"\ *o
4. Can an atomic particle be at rest in the center of a microscopic box? If so, describe a procedure by
which you could arrange this. If not, why not?
N".. A o.^*^{.^^ po."ti.h in o box carnV\ot L" ^t.res+' I{, *he
'ol,'*o* at *ho^ both i{s oos'r}ron;Srtliff*
fiti"'i." L^.i', with qo uncecto'int\'
U'.<crto.t'^\ Princiitc.
5. A classical mass on a spring oscillates in simple-harmonic motion between x = -A and x = +A.The o
equilibrium position is x = 0. 1000 pictures of the mass are taken at random times over many thou-
sands of oscillations. Where will the mass be in most of the photos? Explain. E]

*he endooits x: -S .nJ x= *A.,\sethees'e-sloppin5

Nc.qr 6

goints, *hc'sgeed i5 ,slowo-r irn *hoso- reliovrs car,rsin5 the O

m€\ss io spend w\o(s {,mo {hot" ' o
One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics ' cHAPTER 40 40-3

40.6 Finite Potential Wells

6. A particle in a potential well is in the n = 6 quantum state. How many peaks are there in the
probability density P(x) = lW{*ll' t

7. What is the quantum number for this particle in a finite potential
well? How can you tell?

n= 6, Jherc Gre G peo,ks.

8. The diagram shows a neutron occupying one energy

level in a nucleus. -5 MeV
-10 MeV
a. How many possibilities are there for the emission of a
gamma-ray photon? -25 McV

Jrx -50 MeV

b. What is the energy of each gamma-ray photon that could

be emitted?

E-r-E.i 5l\.Y -E,=tlS/4uV E.. E3-E, = t{O /4e,V

E{ - Ea = l.0l'le,v E=- Er=
15 MeV
Ee - E, = 15 fleV
9. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the penetration distances ry1 to ry3 of the electron wave
functions corresponding to these three energy levels.
l6 eV

l0 eV

9 0sV
o.J;;,1, = I* r 1r l 't\is i^dopc*d.^* of L
o h
= -

h ?tr' --
1r= ffi Jl*.ilffi-lOev)
40-4 cneprEn 40 . One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics

40.7 Wave-Function Shapes

10. Energy E is an allowed energy for a particle in this potential well, Three
positions-A, B, and C-are marked on the x-axis.
a. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the classical kinetic energies
ofthe particle at these three positions.

Kg, K. > KA
b. Rank in order, from Iargest to smallest, the particle's de Broglie wavelengths at these three

\ot \.
c. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the amount of time a classical particle spends traversing an
interval of width 5x at each of these three points.

d. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the spacings between the zeros of the wave function in the
regions near each of these points. Assume that n >> I and that the wave function oscillates many
times between the two walls of the potential energy, Explain your ranking.

SpacinlsA > S gccinSs q > SPqci^Js g

-The w"v"t".r5l\
s lo".1or ",^A *he nolc
i sgo.cinl is ler3cr nh"""
*ho kin.ti."u^""f) i t't**\tot'

e. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the amplitudes of the wave function in the regions near each
of these points. Explain your ranking.

AA ' A. o

1\ro-grob"bih\ of fi.Ji.,1 +h" pq,r+i c\€- incrgq5s5 o.s €

th" avnphlul. incrc..."r. -Tho tir.o*i. anerSy is s$nqllcr


when $." grobabi\it1 is lorgec. d

One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics ' cHAPTER 40 40'5

11. The figure shows the n = 4 and the n = 8 energy levels of a

particle in a potential well. Based on your answers to
Exercise 10, sketch plausible n = 4 andn =8 wave functions.

12. The figure shows a solution of the Schrodinger equation.

a. What is the value of the quantum number n? Explain how you

\--q. \a. v.tqvQ- $r.nrc{ron ho.s Y1

qt\inodc.s avrd (n-\) nodes - exc\rrdirn3 $a.
b. What is the probability of finding the particle aI x < 0?

zel^ o
What is the probability of finding the particle at x > L?

?gfq {) t't2 I.

c. At what value or values of r is the particle most likely to be found?

d. In what general regions is the de Broglie wavelength the shortest? evrds
' In what general region is the de Broglie wavelength the longest? cenfec
e. In what general regions would a classical particle move the fastest?
In what general region would a classical particle move the slowest?
- o"dt
f. In what regions would a classical particle have maximum kinetic energy? ends
In what region would a classical particle have minimum kinetic energy? ce;ler
F] g. Now, on the lower set of axes, sketch a plausible potential well in which the particle is confined.
40-6 cHAprER 40 . One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics

13. Consider the potential well shown.

a. Describe how a classical particle with energy Eu would
move. In pafiicular, specify where it speeds up, where it
slows down, where the turning points are, and which
regions are forbidden to the particle.
ll^c Do,fTtC\q
por{ic\c sDeCgS
spceJs \AD q+ rng
\ p qr lhe e.hqs
e.lrds o.nd
slorri do.,l".'^"o" {\. ce,,^h,r. ThQ,
Clcssical porticle h*s !'^itS poi",ts q*
\c en{goints t=Q and *=.L-: i\nt cvlio'.r
SorbAl.* *o o clossicJ pcrli.lo qre.;.0 o

and. x > L.
b. Describe the possible motions of a classical particle with energy E6.

A clqssico.t po.r+icl<- *itL aher$\.E5 co.n .\ movg in +k reSions

of o < x .' tlr a,nd ttl.!.1 x 2 L . T\.;' p;;\i:[.'"r,ouo, s\0,^rer
y\q-<\r x.LJ{ qnA x= at1, {r'rh" ncq,r x:O ;t';:i,
Trnrn\nl goints qre- Ori,+,L. ^^A

c. Now consider a quantum particle with energy Eu. What is the value of the wave function at x = 0?

Y= O a+ e,n rn{i',rtety \igh wot[.

Can you determine the value of the wave function at x = L? If so, what is it? If not, why not?

No, Yor tteQd {o krnow the vo\r,r,.- of U o.

Sketch-on the Euenergy level in the figure-a plausible wave function for energy Eu. a
d. Suppose the quantum particle has energy Eo.In what region or regions that would be forbidden to a q
classical parlicle might you find a quantum particle?

x> L d

t{ 1x< 3L
L o


Sketch-on the E6 energy level-a plausible wave function for enerry,Eo.

One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics . cHAPTER 40 4O-7

40.8 The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

40.9 More Quantum Models
14. A particle's wave function is shown at the right.

a. What is the quantum number? ).

b. In which potential well is the particle confined? C

15. The figure shows the n = 2 energy level and wave
c\*ssico,\ *rrrning
function for a quantum harmonic oscillator.
, point: ;
Potc-ntial energy
a. Can you determine, from the figure, the amplitude of
the wave function? If so, what is it? If not, why not?
frls. .Ilneis
.""I\r \t gvo.p\s in
o\a-. qraPh of
the-, rilqve
{i^,".,Li Y'i, t', t"9 9f *\e Q'ncr5Y
"", alis $ves
3r".gh, bo* {\q, ve,rtico'l
not anng\l$.^d,es $oe tk
w^vq {unch on.

b. On the figure, identify and labelthe classical turning points for a particle withenergy E2.
c. On the figure, shade the area between the wave function and the E2line to show where the wave
function penetrates into a classically forbidden region.

16. The figure shows two possible wave functions for an

o electron in a linear triatomic molecule. Which of these
is a bonding orbital and which is an antibonding
t! orbital? Explain how you can distinguish them.
o ftg jo.p o1e !s o,n q\^{ibo'ndi'n3
orbi\",l cu,A +hn, bottom ov,e is q
o bovrdi'nq orb\\".\. \o* c*n{e\t bq-cqusa,
i'n -
the boftov"r one. -t\rta. cl"ctron
ho,s q hioh prob"bili*v of bcinq ./
fo*^d bo{*u"rn qdio,,.""* oro*o,(
i;ei;..+i;s +h"t +h; od5"*^t pro+ons qre shoni^9 *ho eledron.
40-8 cHAprER 40 . One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics

40.1 0 Quantum-Mechanical Tunneling

17. For the potential-energy functions shown below, spanning width Z, can a particle on the left side of the
potentialwell(x < 0.45L) with energy Etunnel into the right side of the potentialwell(x > 0.55I)?
If not, why not?
a. b. c.

\us b*t i+ J".."oses No. \o \dq,vq fr^",.{ion

\.s. .

Y=O a$ lho wqtl

T,.:J'*'l[t ]n" where U + oo.
hq'nJ side,.

I 8. Four identical quantum particles with energy E approach a potential energy barrier from the left.
Each has a probability for tunneling through the banier. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the
tun neling probabil ities (P1unn"1 )1 to (Ptunn"r )+ .

Barrier I Barricr 2 Barier 3

order: Pn r Pr. t P, t P3
- lN/tt qn'J
h o

P+,o','.or e \=


W,= N (uo- E\, = leY o

Na. =
tuo-E)f : le\
\n[g = lw (uo - E)s = \eV
V.l\ = O.5w luo - E), = t.e\

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