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Grade 2 DAILY School Mercedes Grade level II

Teacher Pada, Jhonzell Learning area ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and November 2021 Quarter I


A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of
nouns, verbs and adjectives for proper
identification and description.
B. Performance Standards Uses pronouns and prepositions in a variety of oral
and written-based activities
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Write Knowledge: Recognize common action words in
the LC code for each. retelling, conversation, etc.

Skill: Perform the given tasks individually, by pair

and by group following the given house
Attitude: Observe politeness at all times, (ENGA-
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages English CG for Grade 2 pages 27-53
2. Learner’s Materials pages English (Learner’s Material) 2. 2013. Pp 149-151

3. Textbook pages English (Learner’s Material) 2. 2013. Pp 152-153

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources Visual Aids, pictures, flash cards



Teacher’s Activity Learner’s activity

A. Reviewing previous lesson Class let us pray first before we start

or presenting the new our lesson.
lesson Marie, lead the prayer.
In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.

Dear Lord and Father of all,

Thank you for today. Thank
you for ways in which you
provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank
you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit
as we listen and write. Guide
Thank you, you may now take your us by your eternal light as we
seats. discover more about the
world around us. We ask all
Once I Call your name raise your this in the name of Jesus.
hand and say present class. Amen.

Present! Teacher.

*Review: Do you still remember our Yes! Teacher.

last lesson?

What it is all about? Its all about nouns teacher!

Very good.

Give me a sample of noun. Teacher, you’re Name

Michelle is an example of
Very good! noun.

Nouns is a word that names a

person, animals, places or things
that you can touch.

*Unlocking of Difficulties: What is


Choose between these two balloons

the word that describes verb.

🎈 – Walking
🎈 – sitting

Anyone from the class? What do you

think between these two balloons
describes action?

Yes, Michelle. Teacher I think the first

balloon that says walking
describes the word verb.
Very good. The first balloon is the
correct answer.

B. Establishing a purpose for Class, do you have a favorite Yes teacher.

the animal?
Questions What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is cat
Yes, melai.
. My favorite is animal is bird
How about you, mella? teacher.

I also have a favorite animal.

Actually my favorite animal has a
cartoon movie.
Yes, teacher.
Do you want to know them?

Say Hi to Tom and Jerry, they are a

cat and a mouse.
Yes, teacher.
Would you like to hear a story about
Tom and Jerry?

Listen carefully children.


The story of Tom and Jerry

On Friday lunch, Tom and Jerry saw
a big car in their masters garage. It is
huge and very shiny. Tom was
excited to touch the car and ride it.
Jerry is also amazed, they agreed to
try it. Tom happily open the car door
in drivers seat and Jerry in the
passenger seat. While their master is
eating lunch, they are enjoying the
ride. Tom turn on the music and
Jerry was jumping excitedly while
singing. Tom hit the gas up and drive
so fast. Both of them are singing and
playing. They go to the other cities.
They decided to run fast to enjoy
the view and went back to the car.
After a long tiring ride, they decided
to go home. When they got home
their master is already looking for
the car and very angry. They are
now grounded. The end.

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the Do you understand the story? Yes, teacher!
new lesson
Who are the characters of the story? Tom and Jerry , teacher!

What did they saw? A huge car, teacher.

What did they do with the car? They decided to ride on it

and go to different cities.
Very good.

D. Discussing new concepts Lets go back to the story.

and practicing new skills
#1 What did Tom and Jerry do first
when they are in the car? They sing, teacher.
Yes Kurt?

Very good.
What else?
Very good. They dance, teacher.

And lastly?
What are the activities they did? They run, teacher.

Very good. Singing

E. Discussing new concepts What do you see in the picture?

and practicing #2

The picture shows actions.

What do you mean by that word? Action words, teacher.

Very good!

What do you call the words that

show action? Verbs, teacher.

Very good.

What do we mean by verbs? Verbs are words that show

Very good.

Who can give me an example of a

Yes, Gelyn? Eating, teacher.

Very good!

What else?
Yes, pat? Walking, teacher.

Very good.

Another? Talking, teacher.

Did you now understand the verb? Yes teacher.

Are there any questions about
verbs? None teacher.

F. Developing mastery Class, we will be having a short quiz

(leads to Formative about our lesson for today.
Assessment 3)
Items 1-5
Identify action words in the
1. Pia is walking down the Answers
street. -Walking
2. The students from other -Talking
school is singing loud. -Jumping
3. Diane is jumping vigorously. -Climbing
4. The ant is climbing on the -Barking
5. My neighbor’s Dog is

G. Finding practical We are going to play “Guess what”

application of concepts guess what is the action that I am
and skill in daily living going to act and you will write it in
your notebook.
Is that clear? Yes, teacher!

Lets start!
The will act the following:
1. Singing
2. Crying
3. Laughing
4. Running
5. Eating

H. Making generalization Let us see if you really understand

and abstract about the the lesson.
What are verbs? Verbs are words that shows
Very good.

What do we call to the words that Verbs teacher.

show actions?

Very good.

I. Evaluating learning
Push Playing Swims
Throws Write

Fill in each blank with the correct

verb from the box.

1. The swimmers ____ in the

2. The boy _____ his name.
3. The man ____ the broken -swims
4. The basketball player ____ -write
the ball. -push
5. The girl's ___ her doll.

J. Additional activities for Construct five (5) sentences using
application or common verbs.

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