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Building a Strong
Franchise Organization
etting all of your documentation and materials completed
G alone does not make you a franchisor. Most would agree that
you become an official franchisor once you have franchise owners
who are open for business and successful. This chapter offers tips
and strategies that you can apply to build a thriving franchise orga-
nization and community.


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Company Infrastructure
As a would-be franchisor, you must realize that your current management,
operating, and marketing techniques probably are insufficient in many
ways for a successful franchise operation. For instance, a good computer
sales employee is not necessarily a good computer franchise salesperson. A
good field manager is not necessarily a good franchise manager, particularly
when it comes to supervising multiple, independently operating franchisees.
Company managers who have trained company employees informally, one
on one, might not be qualified to adequately train a group of potential fran-
chisees who have a significant amount of their savings at stake.
In addition, present advertising media suitable for selling a product or
service at the retail level is not necessarily suitable for attracting qualified
people with adequate capital interested in purchasing franchises. In short,
your previous experience and knowledge of your business may not necessar-
ily be the same experience and knowledge required to successfully operate
a franchise business.
To be successful, a potential franchisor must have built his or her own
business, no matter what size, on a sound foundation of well-trained person-
nel, good marketing techniques, and an adequate working capital structure.
These foundation blocks are the same for a successful franchise operation
as well, but as a franchisor you will need to view them from a different per-
spective and utilize different skills.


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Franchise Glue
“Franchise glue” is a term that references all of the things, that
you as a franchisor, offer the franchisees that “sticks them to you.”
In other words, all of the training, support, tools and technologies
that help them grow their businesses. You want as much franchise
glue as you can offer to make sure that your franchise owners
have all the more reason to stick with you. Franchisors that have
very little or weak glue find that franchisee fall away more easily.
Commit to the following to avoid losing franchise owners:
• Avoid the “what have you done for me lately?” syndrome by
always innovating and bringing new money-making ideas
and concepts to your franchise owners.
• Start and maintain a company culture based on community
that will carry through to the franchise owner’s employees,
customers and neighbors.
• Host regular continued education events and webinars
to increase the over all success potential of the franchise
• Communicate regularly with your franchise owners just to check in
to see how they are doing and to see if you can help with anything.
You will also want to continue to innovate and add more franchise
glue as you grow to keep adding more value. You never want
your franchisees to hesitate when they write their royalty check
to question the value they are receiving.

Why Buy Your Franchise?

What makes your franchise special? Why would people want to invest
their hard-earned money to buy your franchise over the others? These are
questions to get you thinking about your franchise offering. You will want
to offer your franchise owners training, support, and tools to make more
money and spend less.


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Franchise Bible Study: Complete the Franchise Hot Buttons exer-

cise to establish the basis for your franchise offering message. Go to and click the Franchise Your Business tab.

Buying Power, Approved Suppliers, and Other

Revenue Sources
One common franchise glue benefit that will impress and help franchise
owners is your ability to save them money for products, supplies, and ser-
vices that they consume in the operation of their businesses. This is an
example of collective buying power that a franchise organization can offer.
This usually is in the form of discounted pricing that you can pass through
to your franchisees from your approved suppliers that you will specify in your
FDD and operations manual. You may be surprised to learn that your sup-
pliers may be willing to offer “best pricing” once they are notified that you
are franchising your business. Your suppliers will benefit by selling more as
your franchise network grows, so they should be willing to work with you
to keep your relationship. If they are not, it is a good time to shop suppliers
and seek the ones that see the value in your future plans.
You may find other revenue sources that become available to you with these
new vendor relationships. They may
A good rule of thumb is to make come as bonuses or rebates. You may
sure that the pricing you offer the even have a markup on certain items.
franchisees is lower than what they Most franchise owners don’t mind if
could get on their own. you make money on these items as
long as it is still a good deal for them.

Facility Evaluation and Selecting Your

Central Office
A common challenge for new franchise organizations is their first impres-
sion to prospective franchise owners when they are just starting out. Most
“early adopters” understand that a new franchisor is in their growth stage
and may not have a big impressive headquarter. Once you are ready to start


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planning your first franchise “discovery day” events, you will want to eval-
uate your current facilities. Your prospective franchise owners are going to
invest their hard-earned money to buy your franchise and they have to feel
confident when they meet with you and your team.


In many cases, one of the first things new franchisors do is commit them-
selves and their new franchise company to a costly new office showplace.
This can be fatal. You must do the same thing for yourself as you do for the
franchisee: establish a highly capable, efficient organization at the lowest
cost possible. You should have a pilot unit of the operation you are intending
to franchise. Often, you can initially work from this location for company
tours and training and use offsite facilities for meetings and presentations.


Cooperative workspaces such as
executive offices and incubator or Budget, budget, budget! Your success
accelerator facilities are also a good or failure can be determined in
option for emerging brands. These many instances by how well you
buildings will usually offer office plan your initial operation. Thus, plan
space, meeting rooms, and other your franchise operation in the same
services such as phone answering careful way as you have planned
and front desk reception and allow your business and the future business
your company to grow to a larger operations of your franchisees.
space as you onboard more franchi-
sees and staff.

Growth and Staffing Plan

You will want to create a business growth and staffing plan that includes
a budget. One common mistake that new franchisors make is adding too
much, too fast when it comes to overhead. This includes labor dollars in the


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Avoid nepotism at all costs when you form of salaries for executives and
build your franchise team. Choose support staff. You may need to work
your team members carefully based on a skeleton crew budget until you
on the most qualified prospects. Avoid have enough revenue from fran-
hiring family members because they chise fees, royalties, and other fran-
need a job or they were around chise income to justify the added
when you started out. Having to fire cost of more staff. You may have to
your sister makes for an awkward be CEO and chief bottle washer for
Thanksgiving dinner. a while.

Your success really lies in your ability to recognize the business insight
necessary to operate a smooth-running, successful franchise. To help you
do this, carefully review your current management, marketing, training,
advertising, and sales personnel to determine whether you should provide
franchise management training, engage specialized consultation for present
personnel, and/or hire new personnel. The capabilities of current personnel
should be carefully reviewed and, where they are found lacking in franchise
experience, they should be properly trained in franchise operating and mar-
keting techniques.
Staffing a well-run franchise operation with knowledgeable, competent
personnel can be achieved at a reasonable expense in one of four ways:
• Educating current personnel
• Hiring experienced franchise personnel
• Subcontracting for franchise functions
• Retaining an all-purpose franchise consultant

Educating Current Personnel

In many cases, current employees may be a great fit for the franchise team
that you are going to build. You will likely be able to identify key staff mem-
bers that can fill franchise roles as you grow. This can be an exciting new
opportunity for certain team members. Consider the following tips:


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• Be sure that you have a real need for the positions. Do not create
positions for people just to accommodate them if it is not a bene-
fit for the company.
• Create a job description for each position and interview individu-
als for each.
• Be sure that the candidates are enthusiastic and qualified for the
respective positions.
• Don’t be surprised if you experience jealousy and lack of partici-
pation or interest from your staff members who are not a part of
your new franchise business.

Hiring Experienced Franchise Personnel

The second method of ensuring adequate personnel familiar with current
franchising methods is to hire experienced personnel who have worked for
other franchisors. You should thoroughly review not only each applicant’s
franchise expertise but also his or her character and knowledge of current
franchising laws. An applicant’s basic knowledge of franchising could be
based on methods now prohibited by franchise laws—methods such as pro-
viding actual or projected revenue and sales figures to potential franchisees
and/or negotiating material terms of a franchise agreement without proper
government approval. Thus, ensure that employee applicants are familiar
with not only current franchise marketing techniques, but also the numer-
ous legal restrictions that franchises may face.
Hiring additional experienced franchise personnel can be costly and
it may not be necessary if you are a smaller franchisor. In many cases, the
smaller franchisor will handle all the administrative, management, and
marketing functions of his or her new franchise operation, at least initially.
Therefore, if your franchise plan is to start with a small or medium-sized
franchise system (maybe limited to one or two states), you may prefer edu-
cating current personnel about franchising rather than hiring high-priced
new personnel with prior franchise experience.


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Subcontracting for Franchise Functions

The third and highly recommended way of educating yourself and your staff
on the business aspects of franchising is to subcontract the job to individual
franchise specialists in the fields of law, training, advertising, public relations,
and marketing. These consultants will evaluate your needs and, instead of
providing a complete package, will give you only what you actually need.
The one outside professional that is always necessary is an experienced
franchise attorney who understands not only franchise law but the everyday
business aspects of franchising. Talk to the attorney’s past franchise clients
about his or her legal expertise and hands-on knowledge of franchising.
When selecting an advertising agency, make sure it is one that spe-
cializes in franchising as well as general business. The same holds true
with financing and marketing specialists. Carefully check each specialist’s

Retaining an All-Purpose Franchise Consultant

This can be a very efficient solution, especially in the case of a small com-
pany with very little existing infrastructure. The consultant will usually be
able to offer structure and support as well as advice and direction to enable
you to build your company. Be sure to interview the consultants to make
sure that they are a good fit for your company. Make sure they are franchise
experts and have a track record of successful franchise clientele.
In addition, the all-purpose consultant may provide services for the cre-
ation of your operations manuals, video training platforms, and feasibility
market and business plan assistance.

This chapter covered tips and strategies that you can apply to your franchise
organization. How you build your franchise infrastructure will determine
how fast you can grow, how fast your franchisees can grow, and how prof-
itable your overall company becomes. Take the time to build your strong
franchise organization right the first time.


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