Confidential: B. Usually Reliable 2. Probably True

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1. Preparing Office: IID 3. File Nr: Jerry-1808-21

2. Subject: information for possible attacked of 4. Date: 18 August 2021
CPP-NPA-Terrorist to uniform personnel and
Other government informants

Evaluation Briefing
Reliability Source Accuracy of Content Description of Source
A. Completely Reliable 1. Confirmed by Other Sources S. Signal Intercept

B. Usually Reliable 2. Probably True T. Direct Observation by other

C. Fairly Reliable 3. Possibly True U. Penetration/Resident Agent

D. Not Usually Reliable 4. Doubtfully True V. BuCor Troops involved in

E. Unreliable 5. Improbable W. Interrogation of Subject
F. Reliability cannot be 6. Truth cannot be Judged X. Gov’t civilian employee
Y. Member of the Populace

Z. Documentary


At about 1303H of this date information received thru a social media apps
that, “the National Operational Command of the CCP-NPA-Terrorist already
released an order to conduct simultaneous Tactical offensive all over the
country. According to the source, they were tasked to conduct Kidnapping,
Abduction, Landmining using IEDs and Harassment to all identified soft
targets. Further, primary targets are the Military Personnel, Military Vehicles,
PNP Patrol Cars, PNP Personnels and other identified government informants.
This order from higher Organ of the CPP is from August to September of

Recommend the issuance of memorandum to all OPPFs Superintendent
pertaining to the above information for their appropriate action.



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