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v Omental bursa – a long, double fold of

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM mesentery that extends inferiorly from

§ With the help of the circulatory system, is like a the stomach before looping back to the
gigantic ‘meals on wheels’, serving 100 T transverse colon to create a
customers the nutrients they need cavity/pocket
§ Has its own quality control and waste disposal v Mesentery proper – attaches the small
methods intestine to the posterior abdominal wall

FUNCTIONS (IDEA) Retroperitoneal – abdominal organs that have no

1. Ingestion of food. mesenteries; duodenum, pancreas, ascending +
2. Digestion of food. descending colon, rectum, kidneys, adrenal glands,
3. Elimination of wastes. urinary bladder
4. Absorption of nutrients.
ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY Anatomy of Oral Cavity
Digestive Tract / Gastrointestinal Tract § Bounded by the lips and cheeks ++ contains the
§ Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small teeth and tongue
intestine, large intestine, anus
Lips – muscular structures formed by the orbicularis
Four Tunics oris muscle
1. Mucosa
§ Innermost tunic Cheeks – buccinators muscles flatten the cheeks against
§ Consists of mucous epithelium, lamina propria teeth
(loose CT), muscularis mucosae (thins SM layer)
§ Mouth, esophagus, anus; resists abrasion Mastification – begins the process of mechanical
§ Stomach, intestine; absorbs and secrets
Tongue – plays a major role in the process of
2. Submucosa
swallowing; major sensory organ for taste; one of the
§ Thick layer of loose CT, consists of nerves, blood
major organs of speech
vessels, small glands
v Frenulum – thin fold of tissue inferior to the
§ Plexus – extensive network of nerve cell
processes (innervated by the autonomic nerves)
3. Muscularis
§ 32 teeth in normal adult mouth
§ Consists of circular SM (inner), longitudinal SM
(outer) § Located in the mandible and maxillae
§ Enteric nervous system – composed of the
1. Incisor – to cut
nerve plexuses of the submucosa and
2. Canine – to tear
muscularis; controls movement and secretion
3. Premolars
within the tract
4. Molars
5. Wisdom teeth – third molars
4. Serosa
§ Outermost layer Permanent teeth – secondary teeth
§ Consists of the peritoneum (smooth epithelial
layer + underlying CT) Primary teeth – deciduous teeth; milk or baby teeth
§ Adventitia – connective tissue; regions of the DT
not covered by the peritoneum Parts
a. Crown
Peritoneum b. Cusps
1. Visceral Peritoneum / Serosa – serous c. Neck
membrane that covers the organs d. Root
2. Parietal Peritoneum – serous membrance that Pulp cavity – center of the tooth; contains blood vessels
covers the wall of the abdominal cavity nerves, and pulp (connective tissue)
Mesenteries – CT sheets that hold the abdominal cavity Dentin – bonelike tissue that surrounds the pulp cavity
organs in place
a. Lesser omentum – connects the lesser curvature Enamel – extremely hard, acellular substance that covers
of the stomack to the liver and diaphragm the dentin of the tooth drown
b. Greater omentum – connects the greater Cementum – covers the surface of the dentin in the root;
curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon anchors the tooth in the jaw
and posterior body wall

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Alveoli (along the alveolar process of mandible x Esophagus
maxillae) – where the teeth are rooted § Muscular tube that ransports food from the
pharynx to the stomach
Gingiva – dense fibrous CT and most stratified § Esophageal sphincters – regulate the movement
squamous epithelium that covers the alveolar processes of food into and out of the esophagus
§ Cardiac sphincter – lower ES
Periodontal ligaments – CT fibers that extend from the
alveolar walls that hold the teeth in place Swallowing / Deglutition
1. Voluntary Phase
Dental caries / Tooth decay – result of the breakdown of § Bolus (mass of food) us formed in the mouth
enamel by acids produced by bacteria on tooth surface § Bolus is pushed by the tongue forcing in into the
Periodontal disease – inflammation x degeneration of
the periodontal ligaments, gingiva, alveolar bone 2. Pharyngeal Phase
§ A reflex initiated when a bolus of food
Palate and Tonsils stimulates receptors in the oropharynx
Palate – roof of the oral cavity; prevents food from
§ Epiglottis – tipped posteriorly to cover the
passing into the nasal cavity during chewing and
a. Hard palate – anterior part that contains bone
3. Esophageal Phase
b. Soft palate – posterior portion that consists of
skeletal muscle _ CT § Responsible for moving food form the pharynx
to the stomach
v Uvula – grape-like; posterior extension of the
soft palate § Peristaltic waves – muscular contractions of the
Tonsils – protect against pathogens from entering the
nose and mouth
§ Functions primarily as a storage and mixing
Salivary Glands chamber for ingested food
§ Produce saliva (serous + mucous fluids)
3 Pairs of SG Gastroesophageal opening – opening from the
1. Parotid glands – largest; serous glands located esophagus ino the stomach
anterior to each ear
Cardiac region – region of t around the
2. Submandibular glands – produce more serous
gastroesophageal opening; near the heart
than mucous secretions
3. Sublingual glands – smallest; produce
primarily mucous secretions Fundus – most superior part of the stomach

Mumps – inflammation of the parotid gland caused by Body – largest part of the stomach
viral infection v Greater curvature
v Lesser curvature
§ Helps keep the oral cavity moist Pyloric opening – opening from the stomach into the
small intestine
§ Contains enzymes that begin the process of
Pyloric sphincter – thick ring of smooth muscle
Salivary amylase – a digestive enzyme that breaks the
Pyloric region – region near the pyloric opening
covalent bonds bet. glucose molecules (starch) and other
polysaccharides; enhances the sweet taste of food
Outer longitudinal, middle circular, and inner obique
Lysozyme – enzyme that has weak antibacterial action layer – produce a churning action in the stomach

Mastification Rugae – large folds where the submucosa and mucosa

are thrown into when the stomach is empty
§ Breaks large food particles into many small ones
§ Increases the efficiency of digestion Gastric pits – openings for the gastric glands; formed by
simple columnar epithelium
§ Throat Epithelial cells of the Stomach
§ Connects the mouth with the esophagus 1. Surface mucous cells – inner surface of stomach
§ Oropharynx + laryngopharynx – transmit food & lining the gastric pits; coats and protects the
§ Contains pharyngeal constrictor muscles stomach lining
2. Mucous neck cells – produce mucus

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3. Parietal cells – produce hydrochloric acid & Common bile duct (liver) and pancreatic duct
intrinsic factor (pancreas) – join and empty into the duodenum
4. Endocrine cells – produce regulatory chemicals
5. Chief cells – produce pepsinogen (precursor of Increased surface area
the protein digesting enzyme pepsin) 1. Circular folds – formed by mucosa and
submucosa that run perpendicular to the long
Secretions of the Stomach axis of the digestive tract
Chyme – semifluid mixture (food + stomach secretions) 2. Villi – formed by tiny, fingerlike projections of
the mucosa
1. Hydrochloric acid kills microorganisms and 3. Microvilli – numerous cytoplasmic extensions
activates pepsin on the surface of the villi
2. Pepsin breaks covalent bond of proteins to form
smaller peptide chains. Lacteal – lymphatic capillary
3. Mucus lubricates and protects epithelial cells
from the damaging effect of acidic chime + Simple Columnar Epithelium
pepsin 1. Absorptive cells – have microvilli, produce
4. Intrinsic factor binds with vit. B12 (DNA digestive enzymes, absorb digested food
synthesis and RBC prod.) and makes it more 2. Goblet cells – produce a protective mucus
readily absorbed in the small intestine 3. Granular cells – help protect the intestinal
epithelium from bacteria
Regulation of Stomach Secretions 4. Endocrine cells – produce regulatory hormones
1. Cephalic phase – stomach secretions are
initiated by the sight, smell, taste, or thought of Intestinal glands – epithelial cells produced within
food tubular galnds of mucosa
2. Gastric phase – partially digested proteins and
distention of the stomach promote secretion Duodenal glands – mucous glands in the submucosa of
Ø Gastrin – hormone that enters the the duodenum
circulation and is carried back to the
stomach Peyer patches – clusters of lymphatic nodules along the
3. Intestinal phase – acidic chime in the digestive tract
duodenum stimulates neuronal reflexes and the
secretion of hormones that inhibit gastric Ileocecal junction – where the ileum connects to the
secretions by negative feedback loops large intestine
Ø Secretin – hormone that inhibits gastric
secretions; released from the duodenum Ileocecal sphincter – ring of smooth muscle
in response to low pH
Ø Cholecystokinin – major inhibitor of Ileocecal valve – allow intestinal contents to move from
gastric motility; released from the the ileum to the large intestine; but not in opposite
duodenum initiated by fatty acids and direction
Secretions of the Small Intestine
Movement in the Stomach 1. Peptidases – break peptide bonds in proteins to
§ Increased motility = increases emptying form amino acids
§ Distention of stomach = increases gastric
motility 2. Disaccharidases – break down disaccharides
(maltose) into monosaccharides (glucose)
A. Mixing waves – thoroughly mix ingested food
with stomach secretions to form chime Movement of the Small Intestine
Ø Fluid part of chime – pushed toward A. Peristaltic contractions – proceed along the
the pyloric sphincter length of the intestine for variable distances;
causes the chime to move along the small
Ø Solid center – moves back toward the
body of the stomach
B. Segmental contractions – propagate for shot
B. Peristaltic waves – force the chime toward and
distances; mix intestinal contents
through the pyloric sphincter
Anatomy of Liver
§ Major site of digestion and absorption of food Major Lobes
§ Major function is the absorption of nutrients 1. Right lobe
2. Left lobe
1. Duodenum – 12 in. long Falciform ligament – CT septum that separates the right
2. Jejunum – 2.5 m long; makes up 2/5 and left lobe of the liver
3. Ileum – 3.5 m long; makes up 3/5

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Smaller Lobes Pancreatic islet / Islets of Langerhans – endocrine part;
1. Caudate lobe produce insulin and glucagon
2. Quadrate lobe
Compound acinar gland – exocrine part
Porta – gate through which blood vessels, ducts, and
nerves enter and exit the liver Acini – produce digestive enymes

Sources of Blood in the Liver Pancreatic duct – formed by larger ducts from clusters
1. Hepatic artery – takes oxygen-rich blood to the of acini
liver; supplies liver with oxygen
2. Hepatic portal vein – oxygen-poor blood but Functions of the Pancreas
rich in nutrients Major Proteolytic enzymes – continue protein digestion
that began in the stomach
Hepatic veins – where blood exits the liver and empty 1. Trypsin
into the inferior vena cava 2. Chymotrypsin
3. Carboxypeptidase
Portal Triads
1. Hepatic artery Pancreatic amylase – continues polysaccharide digestion
2. Hepatic portal vein that began in the oral cavity
3. Hepatic duct
Lipase – lipid-digesting enzyme
Hepatic cords – located bet. the center and margins of
each lobule Nucleases – enzymes that degrade DNA and RNA to
their component nucleotides
Hepatocytes – platelike groups that form the hepatic
Hepatic sinusoids – blood channels that separates the Cecum
hepatic cords from one another § Proximal end of the large intestine

Central vein – where mixed blood flows toward the Appendix – 9 cm tube attached to the cecum
center of each lobule
Bile canaliculus – a cleftlike lumen bet. the cells of each 1. Ascending colon
hepatic cord 2. Transverse colon
3. Descending colon
Common hepatic duct – right + left hepatic ducts 4. Sigmoid colon

Common bile duct – common hepatic duct + cystic duct Crypts – straight, tubular glands in the mucosal lining of
the colon
Gallbladder – stores and concentrates bile
Teniae coli – three bands
Duodenal papilla – where the common bile duct joind
the pancreatic duct and opens into the duodenum Rectum
§ Straight, muscular tube that begins at the
Functions of the Liver termination of sigmoid colon & ends at the anal
1. Digestion canal
2. Excretion
3. Nutrient storage Anal Canal
4. Nutrient conversion § Begins at the inferior end of the rectum and ends
5. Detoxification of harmful chemicals at the anus (external digestive tract opening)
6. Synthesis of new molecules
Internal anal sphincter – smooth muscle layer at
Bile – dilutes and neutralizes stomach acid; dramatically superior end
increases the efficiency of fat digestion and absorption;
stimulated by secretin External anal sphincter – skeletal muscle at inferior end
Bile salts – emulsify fats Hemorrhoids – enlarged or inflamed rectal or
hemorrhoidal, veins that supply the anal canal; may
Bilirubin – bile pigment that results from the cause pain, itching, bleeding around anus
breakdown of hemoglobin
Functions of Large Intestine
Anatomy of Pancreas 1. Feces production
1. Head – near the midline of the body 2. Water absorption
2. Tail – extends to the left

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Feces – converted chyme Lipase – secreted by pancreas; digests lipid molecules

Defecation – elimination of feces from the colon Micelles – aggregated bile salts around small droplets of
digested lipids
Mass movements – strong contractions in the large parts
of the colon; propel the colon contents a considerable Chylomicrons – packaged lipid-protein complexes
distance towards the anys (lipoproteins)

Defecation reflex – local (weak contractions) + Chyle – lymph containing late amounts of absorbed
parasympathetic (strong contractions) reflexes lipid


Digestion – breakdown of food to molecules tha are § Chains of amino acids
small enough to be absorbed into the circulation
a. Mechanical digestion – breaks large good Pepsin – enzyme secreted by stomach that breaks down
particles into smaller ones proteins
b. Chemical digestion – breaking of covalent
chemical bonds in organic molecules by Polypeptides – shorter amino acid chains
digestive enzymes
Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Carboxypeptidase – enzymes
Absorption – begin in stomach; lipid-soluble molecules produced by pancreas that continue the digestive
diffuse through the stomach epithelium into the process
Peptidases – small peptides
Transport – requires carrier molecules and includes
facilitated diffusion, cotransport, and active transport Water and Minerals
§ Approximately 9 L of water enters the digestive
Carbohydrates tract
§ Consist primarily of starches, cellulose, sucrose § Approximately 2 L from food & drink &
(table sugar), small amounts of fructose (fruit remaining 7 liters is from digestive secretions
sugar), and lactose (milk sugar) §
Polysaccharides – large carbohydrates that consist of
many sugars linked by chemical bonds

Salivary amylase – begins the digestion of

carbohydrates in the mouth

Pancreatic amylase – continues digestion of


Disaccharides – two sugars; broken down


Disaccharidase – group of enzymes that break the

disaccharides to monosaccharides

Monosaccharides – single sugars; glucose, galactose,

and fructose

§ Molecules which are insoluble or slightly
soluble in water

Triglycerides – most common type of lipid; 3 fatty acids

bound to glycerol

Saturated – fatty acids have only single bonds

Unsaturated – fatty acids have one or more double


Emulsification – large lipid droplets are transformed

into much smaller droplets

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