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Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 6-Feb-15| 206 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 [BILL TC _ - 1594 W. North Temple Suite 116 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT _ contract aiveom Tel fete F [OTD | PEPOLIAr sa SAlAyT Total $4,250.00 Payment Due Upon Receipt ‘Thank you for your business. ‘TELEPHONE QUOTATION SUMMARY SHEET Name: Dan Clark Location: Antelope Island SP Delivery Date: Jan 2015 Date: Jan 12, 2015 ITEM/DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & SPECIFICATIONS ‘Ai Antelope Island State Park Re-grade Garr Ranch gravel parking lot to repair ruts and improve drainage Vendor: Colt Paving Salesperson: Wayne Colt Phone: 801 721-7379 Delivery Date: Jan 2015 Price Description; _Re-grade Garr Ranch gravel parking lot to repair ruts and improve drainage Phone: Delivery Date: — | — si — J Deter Dale Deseristion Re-grade Garr Ranch gravel parking iotto repairs and improve dralnage = — | “Colt Paving SS LE san 2,205 aia oy mm ae Nota: See attached sheets forbids. This sheet must be attached to warrant requost. Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date | Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 Hwun-ta] ott Office: 801 721-7379 Fax, 801 721-7379 BILL TO: tan state Parks and Recreston [594 W. North Tempe, Suite 116 Po Box 148001 Sat Lake City, teh 94114-6004 PONe_[ tems QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE, AMOUNT TS Antelope ear Sate Park Re-grade access road to employee housing water tank $4,490.00 const 2n208 Phone fp 1 hens ids q a ¥ 10) #41500 te 8] aaane Praeea db a Sqi4ar Total $4,450.00 Payment ue Upon Recent ‘Thank you for your business. TELEPHONE QUOTATION SUMMARY SHEET Name: Dan Clark Location: Antelope Island SP Delivery Date: June 2014 Date: June 2, 2014 ITEM/DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & SPECIFICATIONS At Antelope Island State Park Re-grade existing road base on employee water tank access road Vendor: Colt Paving Salesperson: Wayne Colt Phone: 804 721-7379 Delivery Date: June 2014 Price Description: _Re-grade access road to employee water tank $4,450.00 a Salesperson = rit hey Description Re-grade access road to employee water tank s || Vendor: Salesperson Phone Delivery Date Description s Colt Paving pew CL7— June 2, 2014 co = iar ca Note: See attached sheets forbids, This sheet must be attached ta warrant request. Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 44-Sep-13] 904 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 BILL TO: Lian state Parks and Recreation 1504 W. North Temple, Sute 116 PO Box 146001 Sot Lake city, Utah 84114-6001 FON [ Teme QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE | AMOUNT TS }APAnieiopeTland Park $4,625.00 [Re-grade gravel at equipment storage area by an enccin ehce i resote Semnige {adalvonal grovel io be supplied by oer) comasnroe Phone fids Unt_Approp Obes Act “Fundion Prog ea aia lore by red ele Stay Total $4,625.00) Payment Due Upon Receipt ‘Thank you for your business. LPD051 QUOTATION SUMMARY SHEET Name: Dan Clark Location: Antelope State Park Delivery Date: August 2013 Date: July 28, 2013 ITEM/DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & SPECIFICATIONS At the Antelope State Park Maintenance Area Re-grade gravel at equipment storage area to improve drainage. (additional gravel to be supolied by the Park) Vendor: Colt Paving Salesperson: Wayne Colt Phone: 801 721-7378 Delivery Date: August 2013, Price Description: __Re-grade gravel equipment storage area by maintenance shop to improve drainage (additional gravel to be supplied by otivers) s $4,625.00 Vendor: Salesperson: Prone i Delivery Date: Descriotion ‘Re-grade gravel equipment storage area by maintenance shop to improve drainage fadctional gravel to be supplied by others) Ver Salesperson Phone Delivery Date: Description: Re-grade gravel equioment storage area by maintenance shop to improve drainege {adcitional gravel to be supplied by others) s | | Colt Paving ous tte July 29, 2013 ‘anaes Comments Sionato Date Note: See attached shoot forbid, This eet must be attached to warrant request Colt Paving Inc Invoice PO Box 583 Date _[_Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 79-Sep-15| 010 /A Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 BILL TO: \Utan state Parks and Recreation 11594 W. North Temple, Suite 116 PO Box 148001 ISaltLeke City, Utah 84114-6001 BO.Ne.[__Tems QUANTITY. DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT. ts fAnielope Teland State Park $9,450.00 lAsphalt epairon access road attr waterline epait Remove road base and palch with inches of asphalt Includes trafic brrcages ‘Total $9,450.00 Payment Due Upon Receipt ‘Thank you for your business. LPD051 QUOTATION SUMMARY SHEET Name: Dan Clark Location: Antelope Island SP Delivery Date: August 2015 Date: July 21, 2015 ITEM/DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & SPECIFICATIONS At Antelope Island State Park Repair asphalt after water line repair. Contractor to remove road base, install asphalt on trench, and provide traffice cones Vendor: Colt Paving Inc. Salesperson: Wayne Colt Phone: 801 721-7379 Delivery Date: August 2015 Price Description: _ Repair asphalt trench on road after water line repair, remove road base, install asphalt in trench, and supply traffic contro. $ $9,450.00 Vendor i Phone’ el Desergon Ropar asphsi ench on red alr water ine repa, move road base install asphalt in trench, and supply traffic control. — | Vendor Salesperson Phone Delivery Date: Description: 3 Cott Paving ne. Pan CAE ast. 015 Note: See attached sheets forbids This sheet must de attached to warrant request Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date | Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 SNow3]__1108 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax, 801 721-7379 [BILL TO: Utch state Parks and Recreation {1594 W. North Temple, Suite 116 PO Box 148001 Salt Lake Ciy, Utah 04114-5001 Fone [Teme QUANTITY. DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT LS. Aniotope sand State Park $4,750.00 Re-rade existing road base by main maintenance shop a seeveved caste ma ern eeaden) conte anroe Phone ids Unit_Aporop Object “Act. Funan Program| Ped LL [= 26-15 SA4IL [Total $4,750.00) Payment Due Upon Receipt Thank you for your business. TELEPHONE QUOTATION SUMMARY SHEET Name: Dan Clark Location: Antelope Island State Park Delivery Date: October 2013__ Date: 40/21/13 ITEWDESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & SPECIFICATIONS ‘At Antelope Island State Park Re-grade road base at main maintenance building, North and South sice to cirect waler away from building and doors Vendor: Colt Paving Salesperson: Wayne Colt Phone: 801 721-7379 Delivery Date: October 2 Price Description, _Re-grade existing road base to improve drainage away from maintenance building $4,750.00 Prone Oalvery Date: Description Re-grace existing road base to improve aS away ‘rom maintenance building § Vendor Fs ‘Salesperson: | : | — | — i Description Re-grade existing road base to improve drainage away from maintenance building $ 7 aerate (hap oober 21,2013 “awarded Commis Tratoe ate Note: See alached ghee forbids. This sheet must be attached to warrant request. Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date | _ Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 +Dec-t4] 1201 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 BILL TO: Utah State Parks and Recreation 1594 W. North Temple, Suite 118 PO Box 146001 ‘Sal Lake Ciy, Utah 64114-5001 BO Ne_[__Terms ‘QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE _| AMOUNT LS |AtAnisiope Island State Perk $9,725.00 Re-grade Garr Ranch Main Perking and access road to improve drainage and repair ruts conmnenroe Unit_Apptop Ovjet Act Funclon Progra] Hie Po bi wT i \hoproved be Baad EA =f"/ SUlyr Total $8,725.00} Payment Dus Upon Receipt ‘Thank you for your business, LPDOS1 QUOTATION SUMMARY SHEET Name; Dan Clark Location: Antelope Island SP. Delivery Date: Nov 2014 Date: Nov 3, 2014 ITEW/DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & SPECIFICATIONS At Antolope Island State Park At the Garr Ranch: Re-grade road base on main parking lot and access road to repair ruts and improve drainage Vendor: Colt Paving Salesperson: Wayne Colt Phone: 601 721-7379 Delivery Date: Nov 2014 Price Description: Ai Garr Ranch Parking Lot and Access Road Re-grade existing roadbase to improve drainage and repair ruts 8 Vendor i Salesperson: | $8,725.00 Phot Delivery Date: Description: ‘At Garr Ranch Parking Lot and Access eS cats Re-grade existing roadbase: to improve drainage and repair ruts —_—_ __ , + Vendor Saleepersot Phone Detvery Date Description — $s cot Paving Spe, fe Nov3. 2014 Note: See attached sheets forbids. This sheet must be attached to warant request Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 ‘2,0%%06] — 1204fA] Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 BILL TO: Utah State Parks and Recreation 1504 W. Nort Temple, Suite 116 PO Box 145001 [Sat Lake Ciy, Utah 8114-6004 — ———— [Poe [Temes —] QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE _|_ AMOUNT TS [Antelope ieland State Park $4,725.00 Re-grace access road to culinary Water tank fo improve Jrainage and repair ruts ConrecemrceP Mowe [Sides Unit _Approp Objet Act_Funeian Prosram LOT PLD Tia5 KPPS PPLE: IU [Braces hoproved arena! SUAeT Total $4,725.00) Payment Due Upon Receipt ‘Thank you for your business. TELEPHONE QUOTATION SHEET NOTE: See “General Information” for pertinent information and instruction in obtaining telephone quotations, oe purchaes wth ters cue 1,000 ad vp oa tal 9 $500, agence sal ob ple conpettn, shal purchase heer fom the vendor ‘lleringthe lower quote, Unlec otherwa delete, quot oral purchase cur $5,000 and sae sutea purchases exceeding 51,000 skallba Subtle othe Dison of Purchasing and General Sarees, who willl! eB "AGENGY: Utah Siaie Parks and Recreation BUYER'S NAME: Dan Clark, Antenne Island State Park REQUISITION #: REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE: November 2016 ([Wendor#i Vendor#2 Vendor ®s Vendor Name: | Colt ving ‘Sales Person: | Wayne Colt E-mail Address: [———_Toletones| OTTERS . - PO Box 683 —= Physical Address: | Kavevile, Utah 64037 [Datertine of uct |hevenber 1 2018 t Vendor Guote Number | uz! Unit | Description of Prcucs / Services) oe Puchases Re grade oxstng road taso on culinary war fank oad to improve drainage and repair ruts cause by rein ls pa ttn a | TOTAL: Te UPOATE tl HT cok arzs00 “Ensure thatthe dolivory oot i inalud inthe ‘COMMENTS: AWARDED TO: | Colt Paving sionature: |e, CL. [ome November 2, 2016 a ‘This telephone quotations sheet musi be altached to the payment for aucring purposes, (REV anz014) TELEPHONE QUOTATIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Agencies are authorized to obtain telephone quotes for purchasing under $5,000.00 without the involvement of the Division of Purchasing provided that: 1. At least two, preferably three, telephone quotations are obtained. Requesting email quote from the vendor to verify a phone quote is best practice, but not required by law. 2. Award is made to the vendor submitting 1) the lowest quote, 2) while meeting minimum specifications, and 3) required delivery date established by the Agency. 3. The specifications and delivery date established by the Agency is reasonable and not restrictive. 4, The “Telephone Quotation Sheet” is completed and the sheet maintained in a file with all procurement information (ROS or ROM if required), for five years, for auditing purposes. NOTE: Contact the Division of Purchasing if assistance in identifying potential vendors is required. INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENCY: During the process of obtaining telephone quotes DO NOT disclose any information of other quotes obtained (including price, delivery, brand, etc.). This violates the competitive nature of receiving quotes and is unfair to other vendors quoting. After the procurement is complete, prices are public information. ‘The proper procedure for obtaining telephone quotes is as follows: 1) Using the Telephone Quotation Sheet, write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) required by the agency. Outline specifications, features, functions or services required Brand Name/Model can be used, however, approved equals must be considered in making award. 2) Call the vendor. Identify the Agency you represent. 3) Indicate that you are asking for a formal quote that may result in a binding contract. 4) Give them the shipping destination and required delivery date. 5) Using the description written during in step 1 above, inform the vendor of the items) or service(s) required. Write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) being quoted by vendors, including any deviations from specifications. 6) Ask for unit price (including shipping) to supply the required item to the state. Unit price is the price of the item purchased including all shipping charges. 7) Ask for the number of days required for delivery after the receipt of the order. 8) Ask for Warranty terms (if applicable) 9) Ask for acceptance of the State's Terms and Conditions which are found at and lick “Purchasing Forms” link located under DAS SERVICES. The “Purchase Order Contract Terms and Conditions” are located under the STATE COOPERATIVE CONTRACT FORMS. Also available are the “Standard Terms and Conditions" under AGENCY CONTRACT FORMS. The later would be used for contracts. 10) After obtaining telephone quotes, determine which is the lowest meeting minimum specifications and required delivery date. 111) When the internal approval process is complete, notify the successful vendor of the award. 12) Telephone Quotations Sheet, correspondence, quotes, receipts, emall, award decision, invoices, other paperwork, etc. must be filed together. File must be maintained for five years for audit purposes. (revananony Colt Paving Inc. Proposal PO Box 583 Date_| Proposal # Kaysville, Utah 84037 3-Feb-14 P0203 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 Proposal Utah State Parks and Recreation 11594 W. North Temple Suite 116 Sait Lake City, Utah 84714-6007 P.O. No. Terms ‘QUANTITY, DESCRIPTION RATE | AMOUNT. ts. lAntelope Island Park 38,450.00) Re-grade access road to water tank after tank inspection Io repair ruts and drainage problems (Does not include additional road base) Total $8,450.00] ‘Thank you for your business. State of Uteh Department of Natural Resources +1894 W. North Temple Suite 116, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-6001 Job: Antelope Istand State Park Waler Tank Road Re-Grade athe unaBTIgROG, whose Mat Rao ona adsoas APpoeTaDeNe, (erenater eferod 1 a Buyer) herby SoS 3c co soesceerono- vot, AIIM uot inn eben oo ste cece oor and pres biog Saco aROPEME ME mera shel sacoey ere eRe ae he a Re-grade water tank road after inspection work to repair ruts and facilitate drainage. (Project does not include additional road base, grading only) NOTE: BECAUSE OF THE ASPHALT SHONTAGE We ARE SUFFERING, DUE TO LIMITED OIL SUPPLY, WE CAN NOT ‘GUARANTEE AN EXACT SCHEDULE. IF OI. PRICES CHANGE SIGNIFICANTLY BETWEEN NOW AND WHEN THE WORK IS PERFORMED, YOU ARE RESPONSILBE TO PAY FOR THE INCREASE IN MATERIAL PRICES, “To the scent the above seecbed wore cetaledin Pane and Spactiesont, euch mus! be proves to ‘eis confac is negolated. Any changes fo the oral Plans and Soeciicabons used to prepare tis Bid a (erate "conract) may ncetsae a etre hte Contac Price and Buyer hereby agrees o execute al necessary change fer cuining the changed werk and prces es submited by ones "ADMISION OF ystgning this contact Buyer sprees to all Tems end Contions on he following pages of his contract. Dito fhe eon propel bt ee __| Orpen sow, . a .. obey note wad eee Ointon sted bre, & oo We oes PERSONAL GUARANTEE We ncondionaly and indktuly uoante the prtormane ofthe Buyer under the ters and cndtlons ofthe ove cont ncuang el payment and any cargesspectis thorn ncasng toes, alleys ees ané casts Ths guaranoe wl Conte changes by any baniautcy.ferganteaton, or asclvecy of te Buyer oof any successor assign ofthe Guyer or by ‘ny dsetiemance of andorment by he Wstee of te Buyer. eto urant {.CONTRAGT PRICE. Tha prio fr tha work chal be: ‘Tote exter that he forege joi pice. ater han 6p un pce t's opreed bale ramiber oon ‘naeate ie 20 2pptoxmaton ‘meesurement. The pre staled is alee based on a for the mata, cluding Fight and 3225, we ferby Buyer 2. Tera; ager chats {oti the dat Paizo, witout carpio date ofthe work In he event {hat payers nema Es proudes ner all beer to aloft cons, inching ltomey' fees and fen fees nosed Tcomnecton atthe enforcer ft ais unde ths contac, whether o not ogal Dreceedng are nsec, In 2¢2tr INI be erties to terest on sb post de amounts under his cntac. sal he rate of 15% por ann (1% per mont) fm te date peyrent is due unl payment i recehved cy orate toe rater aden 3. CLAIMS OR DEFECTS. Witten notice of any aleged claim or defect mus! be _ ts address hoan above nat iste tan fe (3} Saye athe conplston ofthe wore under ins convacey rare vo ‘walen roe as berth provided shalbe and conti a waiver a any such alleges defocs or ans steers rctstve tab y shal be Sree were eck Soro scent tr coc eee replacement ist be mad v8 reasonable tie to mek auch rap or roplecoment IN NO EVENT SHALL PREFERRED PAVING BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL INCIDENTAL. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY BREACH HEREOF, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF GOOD VILL, LOSS O- PROFITS OR LOSS OF USE, 4, PROSECUTION OF WORK. tis contemplates by the patos that he wark spaced in tis cota competes by his isnot a date cata ora fed promise of completion by said dat 19 purcesa he equres mate. Any merease tho on pay fr Said mati wl be passed on io and pad rose chown above within toon (15) days Hewever, a2 option 4 ny pa fe work vic, throug nfl tobe competed beyond Met date, Meaton no be responsible for any delays in performing the work oe to diay caueed by other conacors, ber Jspues Inter equtemert ola, acts of God oF ary ther Cause Boyer ts contol nthe event ofa doy boven rie nab possibe, NR con ere erent wen ory, ne wd cinta perform ary a ri the above epectedcalepurscanl ota emne proves herain al De pal fora work ‘erormed prior tothe sid Gata and thai othennize be fly releve falc cutew and fesponsbties Unde Oe tems of his antec ‘5, PROPERTY DAMAGE, Buyer shallbe responses dc ss a to rar gross and ‘exces ofthe property. To te entent at suc drcton ls falowed or that no rectors 6 ral ot be ‘esponsibe for any damage tothe propery were te works Beng peconoc, Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 02/13/17| 213 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 BILL TO: \Utah State Parks and Recreation 1594 W. North Temple, Suite 116 IPO Box 146001 [Sait Lake City, Utah 84114-6001 PIO. NS. Teme ‘QUANTITY, DESCRIPTION RATE_| AMOUNT ts) [Der Creek Stale Park 34,685.00) |Winter mix asphalt pot hole patching on entrance road to Island Boat Ramp |Winter asphalt mix used, no warranty after Temperature lexceeds 75 Degrees F) consacren20t Phons (1 | cap Obed bal Furl weft fordered by roved male SAINEI Total $4,685.00) Payment Due Upon Receipt ‘Thank you for your business. TELEPHONE QUOTATION SHEET NOTE: See "General information’ for pertinent information and insttuctions in obtaining telephone quotation. or purchases wih ems oer $,000and up 3 oa of $000, gence shallot gee compattan a sal puri the tam rom the vento sting the lowest quote. Unless there cleat, ecutsts oral purchases over 00 and sol Source purchases exceeding 3.00 stallbe ‘ubited tothe Dison of Purhasig ne General sens whowitclee thes “Poo ey Cawnee : BUYER'S NAME: “Dan [ pare: May 9, 2018 ‘This laphone quotations sheet mst be tached tothe payment or susiing purpose, ev anaz016) TELEPHONE QUOTATIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Agencies are authorized to obtain telephone quotes for purchasing under $5,000.00 without the involvement of the Division of Purchasing provided that: 1. At least two, preferably three, telephone quotations are obtained. Requesting email quote from the vendor to verify a phone quote is best practice, but not required by law. 2. Award is made to the vendor submitting 1) the lowest quote, 2) while meeting minimum ‘specifications, and 3) required delivery date established by the Agency. ‘The specifications and delivery date established by the Agency is reasonable and not restrictive. 4. The “Telephone Quotation sheet” is completed and the sheet maintained ina file with all procurement information (ROS or ROM if required), for five years, for auditing purposes. NOTE: Contact the Division of Purchasing if assistance in identifying potential vendors is required. INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENCY: During the process of obtaining telephone quotes DO NOT disclose any information of other quotes obtained (including price, delivery, brand, etc.) This violates the competitive nature of receiving quotes and is unfair to other vendors quoting. After the procurement is complete, prices are public information. ‘The proper procedure for obtaining telephone quotes is as follows: 1) Using the Telephone Quotation Sheet, write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) required by the agency. Outline specifications, features, functions or services required. Brand Name/Model can be used, however, approved equals must be considered in making award. 2) Gall the vendor. Identify the Agency you represent. 3) Indicate that you are asking for 2 formal quote that may result ina binding contract. 4) Give them the shipping destination and required delivery date, 5) Using the description written during in step 1 above, inform the vendor of the item(s) or service(s) required. Write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) being quoted by vendors, including any deviations from specifications. 6) Ask for unit price (including shipping) to supply the required item to the state. Unit price is the price of the Item purchased including all shipping charges. 7) Ask‘or the number of days required for delivery after the receipt of the order. 8) Ask for Warranty terms (if applicable) 9) Ask for acceptance of the State’s Terms and Conditions which are found at and ick “Purchasing Forms” link located under DAS SERVICES. The “Purchase Order Contract Terms and Conditions” are located under the STATE COOPERATIVE CONTRACT FORMS. Also available are the “Standard Terms and Conditions" under AGENCY CONTRACT FORMS. The later would be used for contracts. 10) After obtaining telephone quotes, determine which is the lowest meeting minimum specifications and required delivery date. 11) When the internal approval process is complete, notify the successful vendor of the award. 12) Telephone Quotations Sheet, correspondence, quotes, receipts, email, award decision, invoices, other paperwork, etc. must be fled together. File must be maintained for five years for audit purposes. (REV ear014) Colt Paving Inc. PO Boy x 583 Kaysville, Utah 84037 Office: 801 721-7379 Fax: 801 721-7379 BILL TO: Utah State Parks and Recreation |1594 W. North Temple, Suite 116 IPO Box 146001 [Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6001 i P.O. No. Terms ‘QUANTITY DESCRIPTION Invoice Date Invoice # o2naie| 214178 RATE | AMOUNT 7,S00sqft [Dear Greek State Park |Remove road base, install $nches winter cold mix on trench by sewer lift station (Cold mix asphalt needs to be replaced before 75 degree lweather) sencoe Phowe Probes 5 A48L ‘Approp Object Ack Functigg Program BD EL PrPDE HL sao) $4,650.00 Total $4,650.00) Payment Due Upon Recaipt ‘Thank you for your business. TELEPHONE QUOTATION SHEET NOTE: See "General Information” for pertinent information and instuctons in obtaining telephone quotations. For purchases wi ams ove 8,000 2 up toa tot of $00. ages shal aban prc competi, and skal purchase the em from he vendor tring he lowest gute. Unie trwise dated, request for purchate cnr $5000 an sla sure purchees exceed $3,099 hal be ‘bitte t the Dison of Purchasing and Genel ances, ho illest tn bie a ] AGENCY: Utah State Parks and Recre BUYER'S NAME: Dan Ca | eer reek stat Park [REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE: February 2018 ion REQUISITION | Vendors Vendo #2 | vendor #3. | Vendor Name: | Colt Paving ‘Sales Person: | Greig Cot E-mail Address Telephone: | 80% 721-7379 PO Box 583 Kaysvil, Uh 84037 Date/Time of Quote: January 29, 2018 Pry Adress | Vendor Quote Number: en? | Voor | vera] : Soe | “aoe | “Ge Remove oad base ad sal 3 ches of compacted wir : cold mix asphalt on trench by sewer lift station 650.00 (Wino cold mix asphat needs to be replaced before tomperaisesexcoed 75 degrees F Casity 5) Sens) be Purchased Gat | Cueniy/ Unt | Desuipion of Products / Seni) be A 1.5005qf TOTAL; To UPDATE til RIGHT cick nth colmn ond chose “Update ott | 9465000 | NNN] —_§ 000 [ease ate dotvono —_— is cluded fr te bid ‘COMMENTS: AWARDED TO: | Colt Paving sionaTure [Pam 2K DATE: envary 28,2018 | Thiele quotations sheet must be stached oth paymont for ating puposes, (Rev snazo1a) TELEPHONE QUOTATIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Agencies are authorized to obtain telephone quotes for purchasing under $5,000.00 without the involvement of the Division of Purchasing provided that: 1. At least two, preferably three, telephone quotations are obtained. Requesting email quote from the vendor to verify a phone quote is best practice, but not required by law. 2. Award is made to the vendor submitting 1) the lowest quote, 2) while meeting minimum specifications, and 3) required delivery date established by the Agency. 3. The specifications and delivery date established by the Agency is reasonable and not restrictive, 4. The “Telephone Quotation Sheet” is completed and the sheet maintained in a file with all procurement information (ROS or ROM if required), for five years, for auditing purposes. NOTE: Contact the Division of Purchasing if assistance in identifying potential vendors is required. INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENCY: During the process of obtaining telephone quotes DO NOT disclose any information of other quotes ‘obtained (including price, delivery, brand, etc.). This violates the competitive nature of receiving quotes and is unfair to other vendors quoting. After the procurement is complete, prices are public information, ‘The proper procedure for obtaining telephone quotes is as follows: 1) Using the Telephone Quotation Sheet, write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) required by the agency. Outline specifications, features, functions or services required. Brand Name/Model can be used, however, approved equals must be considered in making award. 2) Call the vendor. Identify the Agency you represent. 3) Indicate that you are asking for a formal quote that may result in a binding contract. 4) Give them the shipping destination and required delivery date, 5) Using the description written during in step 1 above, inform the vendor of the item(s) or service(s) required. Write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) being quoted by vendors, including any deviations from specifications. 6) Ask for unit price (including shipping) to supply the required item to the state. Unit price is the price of the iter purchased including all shipping charges. 7) Ask for the number of days required for delivery after the receipt of the order. 8) Ask for Warranty terms (if applicable) 9) Ask for acceptance of the State's Terms and Conditions which are found at and click “Purchasing Forms” link located under DAS SERVICES. The “Purchase Order Contract Terms and Conditions” are located under the STATE COOPERATIVE CONTRACT FORMS. Also available are the “Standard Terms and Conditions” under AGENCY CONTRACT FORMS. The later would be used for contracts. 10) After obtaining telephone quotes, determine which is the lowest meeting minimum specifications and required delivery date. 111) When the internal approval process is complete, notify the successful vendor of the award. 12) Telephone Quotations Sheet, correspondence, quotes, receipts, email, award decision, invoices, other paperwork, etc. must be filed together. File must be maintained for five years for audit purposes, (Revananor4) Colt Paving Inc. Invoice PO Box 583 Date | Invoice # Kaysville, Utah 84037 05/23/18 52318 Office: 801 385 445-8127 email: BILL TO: lian state Parks and Recreation 594 W. North Temple, Suite 16 Po Box 148001 Salt Lake City, Uiah 24114-6001 PO.No_[ Teme QUANTITY. DESCRIPTION RATE. AMOUNT 1S AtDeer Greek State Park $4,525.00 Repair asphalt around sewer it station after pump repair Insta hot mix asphalt, tack coat edges and compact. Total $4,925.00) Payment Due Upon Receipt Thank you for your business. TELEPHONE QUOTATION SHEET NOTE: See "General information" for pertinent information and insructions in obtaining telephone quotations. Fr purses wth Kem ve 1000 and up toa ol ef 5000 agence shal bain pce competion, and tal parcase te Rem from the vendor shri tha lowet gute. Unt atria slopated, egvet oral chars ovr $5,000 an sale sure purchases needing 5,00 shallbe Subritodtothe son of Purchasing ae Genera ees, wo wil colt thei. AGENGY: Utah State Patks and Recreation BUYER'S NAME: Dan Clark Door Crock Stato Park REQUISITION #: REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE: May 2018 Vendor#i | Venn ta Vendor Name: | Cat Pang Sales Person: | Clay Colt E-mail Address “Telephone: | 385 445-8127 PO Box 583 Kaysvile, Utch 84037 May 7, 2018 Physical Address: Vendor Gute Nunter | [35 | esau aaa ea Yeas? | vena] Vea] RT cuaty | usin Pode Save] bP ies | laces 0 na | Reps asphal curd swe lafon fer pnp rep us Instal hot mix asphalt, compact, tack edges and check storm $4,925.00 wale draiiage to dran waler away from sewer vault TOTAL: Yo UPDATE toll RIGHT click n the column an choose "Update Fite | “Ensure thal the delivery costs included inthe bic COMMENTS: ‘AWARDED TO: | Colt Paving signature: | Ren CL _| pare May 7, 2018 ‘This laphene avolaions cheat must be alached fo he payment for auding punoEES evana014 TELEPHONE QUOTATIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Agencies are authorized to obtain telephone quotes for purchasing under $5,000.00 without the involvement of the Division of Purchasing provided that: 1, At least two, preferably three, telephone quotations are obtained. Requesting email quote from the vendor to verify a phone quote is best practice, but not required by law. 2. Award is made to the vendor submitting 1) the lowest quote, 2) while meeting minimum specifications, and 3) required delivery date established by the Agency. 3. The specifications and delivery date established by the Agency is reasonable and not restrictive, 4. The “Telephone Quotation Sheet” is completed and the sheet maintained in a file with all procurement formation (ROS or ROM if required), for five years, for auditing purposes. NOTE: Contact the Division of Purchasing ssistance in identifying potential vendors is required. INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENCY: During the process of obtaining telephone quotes DO NOT disclose any information of other quotes obtained (including price, delivery, brand, etc.). This violates the competitive nature of receiving quotes and is unfair to other vendors quoting. After the procurement is complete, prices are publi The proper procedure for obtaining telephone quotes is as follows: 41) Using the Telephone Quotation Sheet, write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) required by the agency. Outline specifications, features, functions or services required. Brand Name/Model can be used, however, approved equals must be considered in making award. 2) Call the vendor. Identify the Agency you represent. 3) Indicate that you are asking for a formal quote that may result in a binding contract. 4) Give them the shipping destination and required delivery date. 5) Using the description written during in step 1 above, inform the vendor of the item(s) or service(s) required. Write down all pertinent information pertaining to items(s) or service(s) being quoted by vendors, including any deviations from specifications. 6) Ask for unit price (including shipping) to supply the required item to the state. Unit pricés-the price of the item purchased including all shipping charges. 7) Ask for the number of days required for delivery after the receipt of the order. 8) Ask for Warranty terms (if applicable). 9) Ask for acceptance of the State's Terms and Conditions which are found at and click "Purchasing Forms” link located under DAS SERVICES. The "Purchase Order Contract Terms and Conditions” are located under the STATE COOPERATIVE CONTRACT FORMS. Also available are the “Standard Terms and Conditions” under AGENCY CONTRACT FORMS. The later would be used for contracts. 10) After obtaining telephone quotes, determine which is the lowest meeting minimum specifications and required delivery date. 11) When the internal approval process is complete, notify the successful vendor of the award. 12) Telephone Quotations Sheet, correspondence, quotes, receipts, email, award decision, invoices, other paperwork, etc. must be filed together. File must be maintained for five years for audit purposes. 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