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Stock Lists and Document Lists

Analyses in Inventory Management.2.

Material Documents List.MB51.
Accounting documents for material.MR51
Archived material documents. MBAL.
Cancelled materials documents. MBSM.
Material documents with reason for movement. MBGR.
No vendor indicator in the initial screen, the system analyzes only the documents without reference to a
purchase order or a vendor.

Documents with reference to purchase orders.

Reports that Generate Stock Lists.

Stock overview. MMBE.
Stock/requirements list. MD04.
Plant stock availability. MB53.
Availability overview. CO09. Checking Group.
Warehouse stock.MB52.
Scope of List is not there in Stock overview.

Display the total stock of several materials with quantities and values at plant and storage location level.

Stock for posting date.MB5B.

Stock in transit.MB5T.
Valuated special stock.MBBS.
Stock with subcontractor.MBLB.

Configuring the analyses in Inventory Management.

Define Stock List Display.3.

Define Field Selection for Material Document List.2.

Set Up Print Functions for Reporting.

Group Movement Types for Stock Lists.

Show MB51, MBSM, Open PO in MMBE, Negative Stock in MB52.

Periodic Processing.

Analyzing Conversion Differences. MB5U.

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List of Stock Values: Balance Display.MB5L
Stock Consistency Check.MB5K.

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