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School Readiness and the Draw-A-Man c h i l d r e n ( 6 1 ™ l e < 5 7f^aioweretested

in the early fall of kindergarten (mean

Test: An Empirically Derived Alternative to ^ = 62-9 m°nth,s)uA"/the c u hildren
1 J
were fluent in English and were obtained
Harris' Scoring System from five public elementary schools serv-
ing lower and middle-income areas in a
medium size urban centre (population:
Marvin L. Simner, PhD 258,000).
An item analysis of Harris' scoring system for the Goodenough-H arris Draw-A-Man Each child was asked to draw a picture of
Test was conducted by comparing sets of protocols obtained in the early fall of a man on a single sheet of white unlined
kindergarten from children whose overall in-class academic performance placed them paper (21.5 cm x 27.5 cm) using the
either in an at-risk category? (N= 21) or at the top of their class (N — 38) by the end following instructions from Harris: "I
of the school year. The outcome showed that three items in Harris' system (item want you to make a picture of a man.
#9—nose; item #30—arms; item #46—trunk) differentiated these two extreme Make the very best picture that you can;
groups and that by confining the scoring of additional protocols of the Draw-A-Man take your time and work very carefully.
Test to these three items alone we were able to obtain an improvement over Harris' Be sure to make the whole man, not just
73-item scale in predicting school achievement. However, since further evidence the head." In addition, every time the
indicated that these three key items lose their predictive potential by the end of children paused for more than 3-5 sec-
kindergarten, we strongly recommend that the use of this greatly abbreviated scoring onds, they were asked: "Is there anything
system be limited to drawings made near the start of the kindergarten year. else that you want to put on your man, or
are you all done?" When the children
indicated they were finished, the paper

I n a recent review Scott (1981) sum-

marized a number of investigations
showing that scores obtained from five-
an improvement over Harris' scoring pro-
cedure in predicting school readiness can
be obtained. Moreover, through use of
was removed and they were praised for
the completed drawing. Each drawing
was then scored using the entire 73-item
year-old children on the Goodenough- this alternative scoring system, we found point scale in the Harris scoring system.
Harris Draw-A-Man Test (Harris, 1963) that the overall predictive validity of the Employing the procedures outlined by
only produce low order correlations with Goodenough-Harris Draw-A-Man Test Harris in the test manual, the children
subsequent academic achievement. Be- equals, and in some instances even ex- received one point for each item present
cause of these findings she concluded, in ceeds, that achieved with many other in their drawings.
agreement with many others (e.g., Duf- commonly used, yet far more time-con- As an index of academic achievement,
fey, Ritter, Fedner 1976), that the Draw- suming, school readiness tests. Hence, each child's class standing was obtained
A-Man Test has little practical utility as a the purpose of this* report is to suggest from the end of kindergarten promotion
predictor of school performance. This of that rather than discard the Draw-A-Man lists prepared by the children's teachers
course suggests that either the test itself, Test and its many variations that now using a 12-point rating scale ranging
as a school readiness instrument, should appear on a number of other early screen- from D- to A 4-. These ratings were
be discarded or, if used, it should be ing devices (e.g., the Stanford-Binet In- based largely on individually administered
employed with considerable caution by telligence Scale, the McCarthy Scales of assessments of the children made by the
practitioners when making recommenda- Children's Abilities, the Koppitz Human teachers employing either a modified ver-
tions concerning a child's academic Figure Drawing Test, the Evanston Early sion of the Criterion-Referenced Mea-
potential. Identification Scale, the Gesell Incom- surement Program in Reading and Math-
Before acting on either suggestion, plete Man Test, the Vanen Kindergarten ematics (Alkin, 1976) or items from the
however, it is important to keep in mind Test, the First-Grade Screening Test, and Metropolitan Readiness Tests (Hildreth,
that, in a sense, the results reported by the Denver Developmental Test), if scor- Griffiths & McGauvran, 1969). The
Scott are not surprising since the theoret- ing is confined to certain key items in the promotion lists also contained the names
ical basis for the scoring system originally Harris system, human-figure drawings of the "at-risk" children. These were the
developed by Goodenough and subse- still hold considerable promise as aids in children who failed, were being promoted
quently expanded by Harris is now known identifying five-year-old children who to a slower or junior section of the next
to be inaccurate (Coletta, 1973; Golomb, are at risk for school failure. grade, or were said to be in need of some
1973; Nash, 1973). Of far greater impor- form of special academic assistance. For
tance though, the outcome of the present Method the most part, this latter group consisted
investigation shows that by altering this of children who received D- to D +
scoring system and using instead an em- Subjects: ratings. It should be noted that selection
pirically derived subset of items based on of these promotion lists as the major
an item analysis applied to Harris' scale, One hundred and eighteen non-repeating t criterion measure was predicted on well
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Volume 18, Number 2, February 1985 77
established findings which show that the drawings made by the children in the worth noting that this lower level correla-
factors contributing to the global judge- at-risk group than from the drawings tion of .34 produced by the Harris meth-
ments reflected on these lists are among produced by the children at the top of the od, is quite similar to those correlations
the best single indicators of future aca- fully ready group. reported in the various investigations re-
demic success in the early primary grades Next we asked whether the overall viewed by Scott (1981). Hence, these
that are available at the present time score obtained from these three items findings indicate that by restricting the
(Cowgill, Friedland, Shapiro, 1973; Dib- alone related to the children's achieve- Harris scoring system to this subset of
ner & Korn, 1969; Mercer, Algozzine, & ment when the drawings from the entire three items, rather than employing Har-
Trifiletti, 1979; Serwer, Shapiro, & Sha- sample of 118 children were now taken ris' far more detailed and time consum-
piro, 1972; Stevenson, Parker, Wilkinson, into consideration and, if so, was the ing 73-item scale, the correlational valid-
Hegion, & Fish, 1976a). obtained correlation an improvement over ity of the Draw-A-Man Test can be
that generated when these same 118 draw- improved to a degree that makes the
RESULTS ings were scored according to the proce- outcome of this test equivalent to the
dure employed by Harris using his more outcome obtained with many other early
Because the data involved frequency elaborate 73-item scoring system? The screening devices.
counts, that is, the number of children results showed, first, that the product- A more meaningful way of expressing
whose drawings contained a particular moment correlation between the chil- the relationship we found between the
item, first a series of Chi-square tests drens' total score on items # 9 , #30, and total score on these three items alone and
were employed to determine whether any #46 with the end-of-year school achieve- the children's end-of-year class standing,
of the items in Harris' scoring system ment ratings provided by the children's however, is in terms of predictive effi-
differentiated the drawings made by the teachers was -.43 (df = 116, p < .001). ciency or classification hit rate (Lichten-
children in the at-risk group (N = 21) This, of course, is quite similar to the stein, 1981). In other words, how many
from the drawings made by the children correlations obtained between subsequent individual children are likely to be judged
who received A-, A, or A + ratings and, academic achievement and performance correctly as being at-risk for failure if
therefore, were at the top of the fully on such kindergarten administered "read- such judgements are made prior to the
Teady group (N = 38). To reduce the iness" tests as the Peabody Picture Vo- end of kindergarten on the basis of know-
possibility of obtaining reliable differ- cabulary test, the Wechsler Preschool and ing the children's overall score obtained
ences through the operation of chance Primary Scale of Intelligence, the Otis- from these items alone? To answer this
factors alone—which is indeed likely if Lennon Group Intelligence test, and the question we selected a total score of 2 or
all 73 of the potential ad-hoc compari- Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence test, to more as a cutoff point. That is to say,
sons were made—these analyses were re- mention just a few (Feshback, Adelman, children who achieved a total score of
stricted to those items that (1) typically & Fuller, 1974; Mendels, 1973; Serwer, either 0 or 1 when their drawings were
occur in drawings produced by children et al., 1972; Stevenson, Parker, Wilkin- scored for the presence of items # 9 ,
in the five year old age group, and (2) son, Hegion, & Fish 1976b). Second, #30, and #46 were said to be at-risk
reflect the omission of body parts since this correlation of -.43 was also greater for failure while those obtaining an over-
items of this nature are now known to than the correlation obtained using the all score of either 2 or 3 based on these
have far more diagnostic potential than Harris scoring system (-.34). It is also same three items were judged ready for
items concerned with structural or con-
tent characteristics (Goldman & Velasco, Table 1
1980). With these considerations in mind End of Kindergariten Promotion Categories
the following seven items were selected D-, D, P + c-, c, c+ B-, B, B + A-, A, A +
since, according to Harris' own data, Draw-A-Man (at-risk (average (fully (top fully
each of these items is present in at least Test for failure) readiness) ready) ready)
70% of the drawings made by children in Poor prognosis (true (false (false (false
(score of positive) positive) positive) positive)
this age group: item #1—head, item
#4—eyes, item #9—nose, item # 1 1 — 14 6 2 3
mouth, item #30—arms, item #35— (67%) (21%) (7%) (8%)
legs, and item #46—trunk. Good prognosis (false (true (true (true
The outcome of the seven separate (score of negative) negative) negative) negative)
2 or 3)
Chi-square analyses showed that three 7 23 28 35
items differentiated the drawings made (33%) (27%) (93%) (92%)
by the children at these two extreme ends Total 21 29 30 38
of this achievement continuum. Specific- Prediction of kindergarten children's placement in the four end-of-kindergarten
ally, item #9—nose (X2 7.14, df = 1, p promotion categories based on the children's total score derived from items #9,
< .01), item #30—arms (X2 = 6.19, df #30, and #46 alone In Harris' scoring system for the Draw-A-Man Test. The cells
contain both the number and percentage (in brackets) of children tested in the fall
= 1, p < .02), and item #46—trunk of kindergarten (N = 118) for whom either true or false-positive as well as true or
(X2 = 11.71, df = 1, p < .001) were false-negative judgements occurred.
far more likely to be absent from the
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78 Journal of Learning Disabilities
school entry. Table 1 shows the total drawings produced by 10 year old chil- moment correlations obtained between
number of children from the entire sam- dren. Finally, if this proposed system is this class standing information and the
ple of 118, separated into the four to be employed in place of Harris', the Draw-A-Man scores obtained with the
end-of-year promotion rating categories total score obtained from these three Harris' method of scoring (end of pre-
(i.e., A, B, C, D) according to whether items should remain at least as stable kindergarten: - 2 1 ; end of kindergarten:
or not the children's total score reached over time as the total score generated -.30).
this cuttoff point. when Harris' system is used. As for the reliability of the cutoff point
As the data in Table 1 indicate, the First, to determine if our original find- used above, the 39 individual children for
overall hit rate (true positive + true ings are replicable, a new sample of 50 whom end-of-kindergarten promotion list
negative/total number of children for non-repeating children (25 male, 25 fe- information was available were separated
whom predictions were made) associated male), drawn from three of the schools into the same four promotion categories
with this cuttoff score of 2 was S59c. mentioned above, was tested in the late discussed before, based on whether or
Here then the results not only equal but spring of pre-kindergarten (Mean age not these children obtained a total score
even exceed in many instances, the re- = 60 months) using the procedures de- of 2 or more on items # 9 , #30, and
sults obtained from a number of other scribed previously. As an index of aca- #46. These data appear in Table 2. Com-
widely used school readiness devices demic achievement, we obtained the class paring Table 2 with Table 1 clearly illus-
(Mercer, et al., 1979; Simner, 1982). standing of each child in this new sample trates the marked similarity between these
Stated somewhat differently, as can be from the promotion lists prepared by the two independently obtained sets of find-
seen in Table 1, it was rare indeed to find children's teachers at the end of pre- ings.
drawings of a man produced by children kindergarten. This same promotion list In fact, as additional evidence in sup-
in either the fully ready category (those information was also obtained for 39 of port of the overall reliability of these
receiving B-, B or B 4- ratings), or in the children in this sample the following results, we also found that the total score
the top of the fully ready category (those year when these 39 children reached the generated by these three items alone re-
receiving A-, A, or A + ) that failed to end of kindergarten. lated to performance on two school read-
contain at least two, if not all three, of In agreement with our previous results iness tests which themselves are known
these particular items. On the other hand, we found a product-moment correlation to predict later academic achievement, as
67% of the drawings obtained from the of-.50 (df - 48, p < .001) between the well as on the Wide Range Achievement
children in the at-risk category lacked children's total scores on items # 9 , #30, Test (Jastak & Jastak, 1976). Employing
either two and, in many instances, all and #46 alone and the class standing yet a further sample of 132 non-repeating
three of these same items. information that appeared on the end of children (66 male, 66 female) tested in
Before recommending the adoption of pre-kindergarten promotion lists. Also, October-November of kindergarten, the
this greatly abbreviated scoring system in the correlation between these same two Draw-A-Man Test was given together,
place of Harris, system when using the variables but now using the data con- first, with the alphabet knowledge sub-
Draw-A-Man test to screen for school tained on the end of kindergarten promo- test, the number knowledge subtest, and
readiness, however, we need to be certain tion lists was -.51 (df = 37, p < .001). the relational concept subtest, from
that these findings can be replicated. That Moreover, in both instances these new Lesiak's (1978) Developmental Tasks for
is, can we obtain similar results when correlations exceeded the product- Kindergarten Readiness and, second, with
drawings produced by a new sample of
children are scored for these three items Table 2
alone? Also, we must demonstrate that End of Kindergarten Promotion Categories
two independent judges exhibit a high D-, D, D + c- c, c + B-.B.B + A - A, A +
level of agreement when asked to rate the Draw-A-Man (at-risk (average (fully (top fully
drawings of five-year-old children for Test for failure) readiness) ready) ready)
the presence of items # 9 , #30, and Poor prognosis (true (false (false (false
#46. Without such evidence of inter- (score of positive) positive) positive) positive)
judge reliability there is a good possibil- 7 3 4 0
ity that some children might fail to (70%) (30%) (29%) (0%)
achieve this suggested school readiness Good prognosis (false (true (true (true
cutoff point, not because their drawings (score of negative) negative) negative) negative)
actually lack two or more of these three 2 or 3)
3 7 10 5
key items, but simply because it is diffi- (30%) (70%) (71%) (100%)
cult to determine whether children's Total 10. 10 14 5
drawings do in fact contain these particu- Prediction of pre-kindergarten children's placement, one year later, in the four
lar items. Yule, Lockyer, and Noone end-of-kindergarten promotion categories based on the children's total score on I
(1967), for example, have shown that items #9, #30, and #46 alone in Harris' scoring system for the Draw-A-Man Test.
judges find it difficult to recognize the The cells contain both the number and percentage (in brackets) of children tested in |
the spring of pre-kindergarten (N = 39) for whom either true or false-positive as well
presence of at least some items in Harris' as true or false-negative judgements occurred.
scoring system when asked to evaluate
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Volume 18. Number 2. February I9S5
apart. This sample included 18 of the
Table 3 previously mentioned pre-kindergarten
Classification Categories on the Wide Range Achievement Test | children who were tested a second time
Defective High Average in the Fall of kindergarten along with six
to Average to Very
additional children initially tested in
Low Average Superior
November-December of kindergarten then
(Standard (Standard (Standard (Standard
Score: Score: Score: Score: once gain in January-February of kinder-
90 or less) 91-99) 100-109 110 or more) garten. The outcome of this further work
Draw-A-Man Test produced a test-retest product-moment
Poor Prognosis (true positive) (false positive) (false positive) (false positive) correlation of .63 (df = 22, p < .001)
(score of 10 9 3 0 on the total score generated by items #
0to1) (83%) (38%) (6%) (0%) 9, #30, and #46 alone, and a correla-
Good Prognosis (false negative) (true negative) (true negative) (true negative)
(score of 2 15 50 25
tion of .59 (df = 22, p < .002) when all
2 or 3) (17%) (62%) (94%) (100%) 73 items in Harris' scoring system were
Prediction of kindergarten children' s placement in the classification categories on used. Both of these correlations closely
the Wide Range Achievement Test as a function of the children's total score on items approximate the test re-test correlations
#9, #30, and #46 alone in Harris' scoring system for the Draw-A--Man Test. The reported by Harris himself (1963, pg. 91)
cells contain both the number and percentage (in brackets) of children tested in the over a very similar time interval.
fall of kindergarten (N = 114) for whom either true or false positive as well as true or
false negative judgements occurred. Finally, it is worth noting that despite
an impression conveyed by these results,
we were unable to find any particular
Simner's (1984) Printing Performance in the top half of the class by the end of drawing type associated with the draw-
School Readiness Test. These particular the school year, are approximately 4 to ings produced by the at-risk child. That
tests were selected because the findings 1. This by itself, of course, emphasizes is to say, since the drawings made by
reported by both Leisak and Simner show the serious potential consequence for kin- these children lacked some combination
that Kindergarten children's scores on dergarten children whose Fall drawings of a nose, arms, or trunk, it seemed
these tests correlate in the neighborhood of a man lack some combination of a reasonable to expect that many of the
of .50 to .60 with later performance in nose, arms, or trunk. Moreover, Table 3 reproductions might have resembled some
grade 1. The Wide Range Achievement which illustrates the overall predictive form of incomplete tadpole figure (i.e.,
Test was administered to 114 of these efficiency of this cutoff point in connec- ^ , fl , £> ) which is so
children approximately three months later tion with the results obtained from the often seen among drawings made by chil-
in January-February of kindergarten. 114 children given the Wide Range dren younger than five years old (Free-
The outcome of this further work pro- Achievement Test, shows a classification man 1980). This expectation follows from
duced product-moment correlations of hit rate of 88%. On the whole then, the the logic underlying at least part of the
.57 (p < .001), .52 (p < .001). and .53 level of agreement between our original rationale for the Draw-A-Man Test itself
(p < .001), respectively, between the results and the findings from these new where it is assumed that children who are
children's total score on items # 9 , #30, samples of pre-kindergarten and kinder- intellecutally less mature should produce
and #46 in Harris' scale and the total garten children, clearly demonstrates that drawings which themselves reflect a lower
scores achieved on the three subtests from this abbreviated method for scoring the level of maturity (Harris, pg. 111). Con-
the Developmental Tasks for Kindergar- Draw-A-Man Test does indeed yield re- trary to this expectation, however, of the
ten Readiness. Similarly, correlation of sults that are replicable. 31 drawings obtained from all of the
.67 (p < .001) and .72 (p < .001) were Next, to obtain information on inter- true-positive children in the present sam-
obtained between the composite score on judge reliability. 39 drawings selected at ple (see Tables 1, 2, and 3). only nine
these three items alone and the children's random from the drawings produced by resembled an incomplete tadpole. The
performance on the Printing Performance the children tested in the Fall of kinder- rest contained a range of characteristics
School Readiness Test and on the Wide garten, were scored independently by two that prevented any meaningful grouping
Range Achievement Test, respectively. Of judges. The evidence here showed that into the various drawing "stages" associ-
added importance, 22 (16c/c) of the 29 both judges agreed on the presence of the ated with the younger child's rendition of
children in this further sample of 132 nose in 977c of the cases, that the total a man as reported by Kellog (1970).
children who did not reach our suggested score assigned to any given five-year-old Hence, there seems little reason for be-
cutoff point of 2 when given the Draw- child's drawing would vary because of lieving that by focusing on some global
A-Man Test, obtained error scores that difficulties that judges have when asked characteristic of these drawings, such as
ranged from 22 to 41 on the Printing to identify these particular items. their overall maturity level as Harris sug-
Performance School Readiness Test. Ac- Third, to gather information on the gests, the practitioner will improve upon
cording to the manual that accompanies stability of this scoring system in relation the degree of information regarding school
this test, for children who obtain error to Harris' scoring system, the Draw-A- readiness that is already available by sim-
scores in this range, the odds of being at Man Test was given twice to a sample of ply noting whether or not a five-year-old
the bottom of the class instead of being 24 children approximately 3^4 months child's drawing lacks some combination

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80 Journal of Learning Disabilities
of a nose, arms, or trunk. 1), probably would not have been identi- identify these three key items, when now
fied by these other tests either since a applied to this new set of Spring draw-
DISCUSSION false-negative rate of approximately 20- ings, failed to uncover any other items
30% seems typical of the majority of that could be used to improve the equally
The major findings from this investiga- single as well as multivariable instruments low level correlation of -.19 which we
tion show that if we confine the scoring in use today (Mercer, et al., 1979). In obtained with Harris' 73-item scale ap-
of the Draw-A-Man Test to items # 9 other words, by employing the Draw-A- plied to this same set of spring drawings.
#30, and #46 in Harris' system, this test Man Test as a first stage in a general Thus, while the major findings from
has the same overall potential for cor- screening program followed by further the present investigation point to the ad-
rectly identifying at-risk children as many testing with more specialized instruments vantage that can be had by using this
far more time-consuming instruments given to those few children whose draw- greatly abbreviated three-item scale in
that are currently being used for screen- ings do not achieve a total score of 2 or place of Harris' far lengthier 73-item
ing purposes.1 This is not to suggest, more using our abbreviated scoring sys- scale, these additional data suggest that
however, that the Draw-A-Man Test, tem, it should be possible to reduce the two equally important conclusions are
even with this improved scoring system, amount of time needed for the entire also in order. First, because of the
should be used as the sole means of screening process without compromising changes that normally take place in chil-
determining a child's readiness for school the accuracy of the screening program dren's drawings during the course of the
entry. In spite of the relatively high pre- itself. kindergarten year, the use of this abbrevi-
dictive efficiency that we were able to There is one final matter that also ated scale should be confined to human
achieve, Table 1 also shows that the total needs to be mentioned. Because of the figure drawings produced near the start
number of false-positive judgements (N changes in children's drawings that nor- of kindergarten since the predictive accu-
= 11) is nearly equal to the total number mally take place over time it is quite racy of this scale diminishes after this
of true-positive judgements (N = 14). possible that our three-item scale might period of time. Second, since neither
Similar evidence can be seen in the re- not yield valid information about subse- Harris' original scale, nor our own ab-
sults reported in Tables 2 and 3. There- quent school achievement if it is used to breviated version of this scale, nor even
fore, this test still needs to be employed score drawings that are obtained later in our further work with Harris' scale, al-
together with other information if we are the kindergarten year. Indeed, when we lowed us to obtain acceptable correla-
to minimize the likelihood of mislabeling retested 13 of the 14 true-positive chil- tions with academic achievement when
any given child as being at-risk for fail- dren from our original kindergarten sam- these various scales were applied to draw-
ure when, in fact, that child is not at-risk ple (see Table 1) when these children ings produced later in the kindergarten
for failure. reached the end of the kindergarten year, year, it would seem advisable to heed
It is worth pointing out, though, that if we found that these critical items were Scott's (1981) warning and not use the
through further testing confined to the now present far more often than before Draw-A-Man Test at all in judging chil-
group of true- and false-positive alone, it is (t(12) = 8.1, p < .001). In fact, due to dren's academic potential, if this test is
possible to reduce the number of false-pos- this increase, 12 (92%) of these 13 chil- to be given much later than the Fall
itives without greatly affecting the number dren now received scores on our scale semester of kindergarten. In line with
of true-positives, the Draw-A-Man Test that placed them above the cutoff point this point, Powers (1974) also reported a
might prove extremely useful as an aid in that we had used earlier with such suc- decrease with age in the predictive valid-
the development of a reasonably cost effec- cess. Moreover, based on yet another set ity of the Draw-A-Man component of
tive early identification program. For in- of drawings made by 109 children tested the Vane Kindergarten Test between the
stance, in the case of our original kinder- in May-June of kindergarten, we found end of pre-kindergarten and the end of
garten sample, instead of using say, the that the product-moment correlation be- kindergarten. Hence, if the need to screen
De Hirsch Predictive Index or the Gates- tween the children's total score on items older children does arise, other equally
MacGinitie Reading Readiness Test to #9, #30, and #46 and their end-of- rapid devices like the Printing Perfor-
screen all 118 children, had the Draw-A- kindergarten class standing had fallen to mance School Readiness Test mentioned
Man Test been given first for general -.17 (recall that we had previously ob- above, which has valid cutoff points
screening purposes, it would only have tained correlations in the neighborhood geared to both younger as well as older
been necessary to administer these more of .40 to .50 using drawings produced preschool children, would be far more
extensive tests to 25 children (the total near the start of kindergarten). Although appropriate.
number of true and false positives identi- this Spring correlation of .17 was still
fied by the Draw-A-Man Test as shown statistically reliable (p < .04), the mag- REFERENCES
in Table 1). This is the case since 67% of nitude of the association that it describes
all of the at-risk children in this entire is far too low, of course, to serve any Alkin, M. Criterion-Referenced Measurement Pro-
sample of 118 children can be found practical purpose. Parenthetically, the gram in Reading and Mathematics. Chicago:
among these 25 children and, further- item analysis that we had used earlier to Science Research Assoc, 1976.
more, most of the remaining at-risk who
were not detected with the Draw-A-Man 1
For a provocative discussion of the theoretical implications of the absence of these particular features see
Test (the false-negatives shown in Table Freeman (1980).

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Volume 18, Number 2, February 1985 81
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Freeman, N.H. Strategies of Representation in Young drawings by preschool children. Journal of Ge- es, The University of Western Ontario. The author
Children. New York: Academic Press, 1980. netic Psychology, 1973, 122, 319-328. wishes to thank members of the Educational Re-
Goldman, R.K., & Velasco, MM. Jr. Toward the Powers, S.M. The validity of the Vane Kindergarten search Services Division of the London Board of
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tion. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1973, 87, Serwer, B.J., Shapiro, B.J., & Shapiro, P.P.
197-251. Achievement prediction of 'high-risk' children. Marvin L. Simner is an associate professor in the
Harris, D.B. Children's Drawings as Measures of Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, 35, 347-354. department of psychology at the University of West-
Intellectual Maturity. New York: Harcourt, Brace Simner, M.L. Printing errors in kindergarten and ern Ontario. He received his PhD in developmental
c£ World, 1963. the prediction of academic performance. Journal psychology from the University of Cincinnati. Ad-
Hildreth, G.H.. Griffiths, M.. & McGauvran, M.L. of Learning Disabilities, 1982, 15, 155-159. dress: D r . Simner, Department of Psychology, Uni-
The Metropolitan Readiness Tests. New York: Simner, M.L. Printing performance school readi- versity of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Can-
Harcourt, Brace, Joxanovich, 1969. ness test: Administration and scoring manual ada N6 A 5C2.

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