Raja Mandega

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Raja Mandega


Formal Teks

The honorable Mrs. Sri Widayati.

And all of the audience, good morning.

Welcome to Mr Raja mandega proposal seminar with the title “Music and intelligence”.

This seminar will be devided into 3 sections. The first section is presentation, the second section
is question and answer, and the last is comments and suggestions.

Let’s begin to the first section with the presentation from Mr Raja Mandega, for Mr Raja
mandega time is yours.

Well, that’s all the presentation from Mr Raja mandega.

Now we come to the next section, that is question and answer. For the audience if you have any
questions you can raise your hand and mention your name.

Alright, now we come to last section, the comments and suggestions.

The first comments and suggestions will be delivered Mr. Vincent Rompies , time is yours.

Thank you Mr. Vincent Rompies for your nice comments and suggestions.

Well ladies and gentleman, now we have come to the end of this seminar. I am sorry for some
mistakes. Thank you for your coming and your nice attention.
Teks Non Formal

Peacee for us all.

First of all, let us say Praise and Gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because it is thanks to
him that this music concert event was able to be held.

First of all, I would like to thank the sponsors and donors who participated in this event, and of
course to all the viewers.

Immediately, we welcome our favorite band attention Cannibal corpse. Loud applause.
I raja , as the MC, say goodbye to myself. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

And let's welcome the closing performance of the Jazz Band who will perform a song called An
elegy which was popularized by Burgerkill. Enjoy!!

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