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That is according to Ronald Kessler and Harold Neighbors (1986) on one of their

articles that they found out that even when social class is controlled, race continues to
be an important predictor of distress.
There has been a debate as to whether this higher level of distress is due to racism or
the fact that African Americans are more often of lower socioeconomic status.
Stressors that play a significant role in mental disorder might be expected to occur more
frequently among African Americans than the general population that is on term of Race
related factors.
Stress reactions may also differ between groups. In a variety of categories, blacks,
particularly those at the bottom of the economic ladder, report not only a larger quantity
of stressful life events, but also stronger responses to them, or more suffering, than
On the US before Abraham Lincoln, the whites are believed to be the masters, the
blacks are to be the slaves. After Abraham Lincoln, whites are first class citizens,
Mexicans and blacks are to believed is the second class and the native are not
considered citizens.

After President Lyndon Johnson, there is already the equal rights to everyone, or as
much as possible in terms that everyone is at the same social class, though racism is
still existing and unavoidable.
There are some factors that was hypothesized that African Americans would report
more experiences of (1) daily stress and (2) racism than other groups and (3) the impact
of racial stress would be greater among African Americans.
Several psychological factors are associated with stress, including depression, anxiety,
and anger or hostility, and may also play a role in health differences. Although a good
deal of research has examined the effects of these factors on morbidity and mortality,
little of this research has focused exclusively on older adults, and even less has focused
on racial and ethnic differences.

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