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Good Morning everyone.

Today / we will get to know about a fundamental phenomenon / called Earthquake.

Many of you might have experienced an earthquake, and many of you might have not.

I am here / to enrich you with the causes, / effects and facts about one of the most
disastrous calamities called earthquakes.

Earthquakes happen quite often in certain areas, but it can happen anywhere anytime. 

A lot of times, earthquakes can also lead to a tsunami which causes numerous loss of
lives and environment.

Earthquakes occur due to some physical disturbances inside the uppermost earth

Earthquakes can be characterized when we experience or feel shaking of the ground

and objects around us.

The scientific cause of earthquakes is a production of seismic waves.

The seismic waves are a result of the sudden release of energy stored in the uppermost
layer of the earth, on what we called the crust.

This is a natural phenomenon that causes earthquakes. But earthquakes can also be
caused due to human activities such as mine blasts and nuclear experiments. Any
action that results in the formation of a seismic wave may lead to the shaking of the
earth, and hence we might experience an earthquake.

Earthquakes may also occur in volcanic regions which can be a warning for volcanic

there are four types of Earthquakes which are categorized based on their geographical
and physical nature. Tectonic, volcanic, collapse and explosion are the four types of

1. Tectonic Earthquake happens when the earth’s crust breaks due to geological
2. Volcanic Earthquake is the result of volcanic eruptions after a tectonic
3. Collapse earthquakes are small earthquakes that are caused due to the
explosion of rocks in underground caverns and mines.
4. Explosion earthquakes are a result of waves produced due to nuclear activities.
Earthquakes can lead to landslides and massive damage to public property.

The crust of the earth is made up of pieces called plates. The plates below oceans and
continents are called oceanic plates and continental plates, respectively.

Earthquakes can occur anywhere and anytime, but it is most common in edges of
oceanic and continental plates. There is a specific pattern that follows a year after years
in certain zones of the earth.

Earthquakes can also happen in the faults zones where the plates are moving in a
different direction.

So what to do when earthquakes hit us?

First, protect yourself.

1. Drop, cover and hold on. we should immediately leave our houses and step
outside. If we are unable to step out, we must take cover under study tables and
furniture which can protect us if something falls due to the shaking.
2. Watch out for falling objects.
3. If we are driving, we must find a safe place and stop the car. It is essential to look
for shelter in open areas where nothing tends to fall on us like trees and
4. Keep away from glass window and heavy sheaves
5. Keep calm and don’t panic.

Also, it is very important to protect yourself first and then others. Remember if you
cannot be safe, you will not be able to help others.

Thank you.

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