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Water (density 1000 kg /m3) flows at 2 m/s

through a circular pipe of diameter 10 cm. What is
the mass flux across the surfaces S1 and S2?
Answer: 15.7 kg/s

2. A water jet strikes normal to a fixed plate (see left). Neglect gravity
and friction, and compute the force required to hold the plate fixed.
Answer: 503 N

3. A fire in the Pariser hydraulics laboratory released 2 kg of a toxic gas into a room of dimensions 30 m x 8
m x 5 m. Assuming the laboratory air to be well-mixed and to be vented at a speed of 0.5 m/s through an
aperture of 6 m2, calculate: (a) the initial concentration of gas by mass (in ppm  parts per million); (b) the
time taken to reach a safe concentration of 1 ppm. (For air, density = 1.20 kg/m3.)
Answer: 1390 ppm and 2895 secs.
4. A burst pipe at a factory causes a chemical to seep into a river at a rate of 2.5 kg/hr. The river is 5 m wide,
2 m deep and flows at 0.3 m/s. What is the average concentration of the chemical downstream of the spill?
Answer: 2.31x10–4
5. The continuity and x-momentum equations can be written for 2-d flow in conservative form (and with
compressibility neglected in the viscous forces) as

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )
a) By expanding derivatives of products show that these can be written in the equivalent non-
conservative forms:
( )

where the material derivative is given in 2-dimensions by

b) Define what is meant by the statement that a flow is incompressible. To what does the continuity
equation reduce in incompressible flow?

6. Using the x-component of the momentum equation in 2D, derive the velocity profile in fully-developed,
laminar flow for (a) pressure-driven flow between stationary parallel planes (“Poiseuille flow”); (b) constant-
pressure flow between one stationary and one moving plane (“Couette-flow”).
7. By resolving forces along a streamline, the steady-state momentum equation
for an inviscid fluid can be written
( )
where U is the velocity magnitude, s the distance along a streamline and the
angle between local velocity and the horizontal. Derive Bernoulli’s equation.

8. In each of the following cases, state which of (i), (ii), (iii) is a valid dimensionless number. Carry out
research to find the name and physical significance of these numbers.
(i) (ii) (iii)

(a) ( )


( )
| |

9. Discuss the circumstances under which a fluid flow can be adequately approximated as:
(a) incompressible;
(b) inviscid

10. A velocity field is given by the velocity potential – .

(a) Calculate the velocity components u and v.
(b) Calculate the convective acceleration. ( ) Note material derivative.
(c) Calculate the corresponding streamfunction, .
(d) Sketch the streamlines and suggest a geometry in which one might expect this flow.

11. For incompressible flow in a rotating reference frame the force per unit volume f is the sum of pressure,
gravitational, and viscous forces:
⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗
where ⃗ ( ) is the gravity.
a) If the density is uniform, show that pressure and gravitational forces can be combined in a piezometric
pressure (which should be defined).
b) If density variations arise from a scalar field, describe the “Boussinesq” approximation (in this context)
and give an application in which it is used.
c) Show how the momentum equation (with Boussinesq approximation for density) can be non-
dimensionalised in terms of Froude number, and Reynolds number:

√( )
where are characteristic density, length and velocity scales, respectively, and is a typical
magnitude of density variations.
12. A rod of length 1 m and 1 cmx1 cm square cross-
section has left side temperature fixed at 100 C. The
conductivity is k = 1000 m/W-K. The rod is allowed to cool
along its length at a rate proportional to its difference
from the ambient temperature;
( ⁄ ) ( ) .
(a) Divide the rod into 5 control sections with nodes at the centre of each section and carry out a
finite-volume analysis to find the temperature along the rod.
(b) Write down a differential equation for the temperature distribution along the rod. Solve
analytically and compare with (a).

13. Show that a quadratic function fitted to values , and at locations , , and
takes the value at x=0.

14. Consider 1st order upwinding scheme for a two-dimensional steady flow field. Neglecting diffusion, and
assuming a uniform source S per unit volume, derive an algebraic discretisation of the conservation equation
in the form

where the sum is over the faces. (Assume the cell to be Cartesian, with unit depth in the z direction, face
areas Ae, Aw, An, As and volume V).
15. Which of the following properties does the QUICK scheme satisfy: transportiveness; boundedness.
16. A 2-d finite-volume calculation is to be undertaken for fully-developed,
laminar flow between parallel walls. The upper wall is moving at speed U0,
while the lower wall is stationary. A streamwise pressure gradient
dp/dx = -G is also imposed.
The depth of the channel, H, is divided into N equally-sized cells of
dimension as shown, with the velocity u stored at the centre
of each cell.
(a) What are the boundary conditions on upper and lower walls?
(b) What is the net pressure force on a single cell?
(c) Write down a second-order approximation for the shear stress on
the upper face of jth internal cell, in terms of the velocities and .
(d) Write down similar approximations for on upper and lower walls.
(e) By balancing pressure and viscous forces set up the finite-volume equations for velocity. (Separate
equations are required for internal and boundary cells).
(f) Solve your equations for the nodal velocities in the case N = 4 and (Represent your
solution in terms of Uo)
(g) Using your answer to part (f), find the volume flow rate per unit span (Represent your answer as a
multiple of U0H).
(h) Solve the Navier-Stokes equation analytically for this case and compare with your answers in parts
(f) and (g).
17. For the rectangular control volume with surface pressures
shown, what is:
(a) the net force in the x direction?
(b) the net force in the x direction, per unit volume?
(c) the average pressure gradient in the x direction?
18. The figure shows a triangular cell in a 2-d unstructured mesh, together
with the coordinates of its vertices and the average pressures on the cell
faces. Calculate the x and y components of the net pressure force on the cell
(per unit depth).

19. Explain, briefly, the origin of the “odd-even decoupling” problem in the discrete pressure field that may
occur with co-located storage of velocity and pressure in a finite-volume mesh.
20. Describe, with the help of diagrams, the “staggered-grid” arrangement of velocity and pressure to
overcome this problem and state its advantages and disadvantages.
21. For the part of a uniform Cartesian mesh shown in the figure
right the momentum equation gives a velocity vs pressure
relationship of the form

for each cell, where denotes a centred difference, u is velocity, p is pressure and all quantities are
expressed in consistent units.
If the values of u and p are as given in the figure, calculate the advective velocity on the cell face marked f by
Rhie-Chow interpolation if:
(i) pw = 1.2; (ii) pw = 1.0.
22. The figure below shows a quadrilateral 2-d cell (of unit depth) with given cell-vertex coordinates and
cell-face pressures. Find the x and y components of the net pressure force on the cell.
23. The central differencing scheme for diffusion using cell-centered storage follows the approximation

Show that this is a second-order accurate. Making use of the W and EE nodes also, find symmetric fourth
order accurate scheme for the derivative on the cell face.
24. If the continuity equation were to be regarded as a special case of general scalar transport equation,
what would be the expressions for , and ?
25. The source term for a dependent variable is given by | | . If this term is to be linearized as
, comment on the following practices ( denotes the value from the previous iteration):
a. | | ,
b. ,
c. | | , | |
d. , | |

26. The local arrangement of nodes and faces in a 1-d finite volume mesh with standard geographical
notation and uniform mesh spacing is shown in the figure below,

a) The 1-D advection diffusion equation for a transported variable is

( )
where is the density, is the velocity, is the diffusivity, is the source density. Write this in a
corresponding integral form for the shaded cell in Figure.
b) Write finite-difference expressions for on both w and e faces.
c) Write expressions for on w and e faces of the shaded if u is positive for (i) first-order upwind; (ii)
central advection schemes

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