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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Unbalanced Three-Phase LLC Resonant Converters:

Analysis and Trigonometric Current Balancing
Sayed Abbas Arshadi, Student Member, IEEE, Martin Ordonez, Member, IEEE, Wilson Eberle, Member, IEEE,
Mohammad Ali Saket, Student Member, IEEE, Marian Craciun, Member, IEEE, Chris Botting, Member, IEEE,

Abstract— Three-phase LLC resonant converters can handle has been limited work presented on three-phase resonant converters
very high power levels beyond the capabilities of half-bridge and that employ variable frequency. In [17]-[19], the principle of operation
full-bridge LLC topologies. Among other characteristics, three- and the performance of three-phase series-parallel and three-phase
phase LLC structures reduce output current ripple (small output LCC resonant converters were discussed. Three-phase LLC resonant
filter), enable parallel power processing (low peak current), and converters were studied in [20], [21], and [22]. In [23], a control
provide good thermal distribution. However, all these key advan- strategy for a three-phase LLC resonant converter, fed by a PFC stage
tages can be severely compromised due to passive components was proposed for an Electric Vehicle (EV) battery charger application.
tolerances, leading to undesired current balance issues in three- In that paper, the output voltage regulation was realized using the
phase LLC resonant converters. Tolerances in resonant tank PFC stage, and the three-phase LLC resonant converter operated
passive components are inevitable and lead to unequal peak at a constant frequency. Three-phase LLC resonant converters with
currents between phases, uneven temperature distribution, and integrated magnetics were presented in [24] and [25]. In all the
large output current ripple. This paper investigates imbalances in aforementioned work, balanced current operation was assumed and
three-phase LLC converters and proposes a novel Trigonometric no analysis was done on the behavior for unbalanced operating
Current Balancing (TCB) technique using phasor analysis. In this conditions.
strategy the required input voltage phase-angles are calculated to Interesting work on LLC has been discussed using SiC and
achieve balanced phase currents, even under severe unbalanced balancing transformer [26], and a star-connected transformers with
conditions. In some cases, the output filter current ripple is a floating star point [27]. The balancing issues were identified and
reduced to less than half. The methodology is verified with a 3 kW a compensation approach was preliminary presented based on a
experimental prototype, which validates the analytical framework basic PID controller. The development of an in-depth theoretical
and effectiveness of TCB. analysis of the converter under unbalanced conditions remains as
Index Terms - Three-Phase LLC, Current Sharing, a new research opportunity, which is addressed in the technique
Trigonometric Current Balancing, Interleaved Resonant proposed in the following sections of this paper. The conventional
Converter approach for avoiding unbalanced currents in a multi-phase resonant
converter (collection of single-phase converters) is to control the
phases separately. Unfortunately, such a method cannot be applied
on a three-phase resonant converter because, with different switching
I. I NTRODUCTION frequencies for the phases, interleaved modulation of the phases
During the past decade, LLC resonant converters have gained cannot be achieved. The idea of using three separate PFC stages to
popularity in many applications, especially where there are strict balance the circuit has been presented in [28] and [29]. In that work,
requirements on efficiency, power density, and Electromagnetic Com- PFC rectifiers (3 units) have been employed to regulate the DC input
patibility (EMC). The popularity is due to the unique features of voltages of each LLC phase. While balancing can be achieved, using
the LLC resonant converter, which include Zero Voltage Switching 3 separate PFCs or 3 pre-regulators can be cost-prohibitive for some
(ZVS) for the primary switches and Zero Current Switching (ZCS) applications.
for the secondary side rectifier diodes. Soft switching allows higher The root cause of unbalanced operation is the tolerance in Cr , Lr ,
frequency operation, which reduces the size of passive components and Lm values of the LLC converter. Normally, 10% change in the
and increases the power density [1]-[8]. passive component values can be expected, leading to detrimental
Half-bridge and full-bridge LLC resonant converters have been unbalanced currents [30]-[32]. As shown in Fig. 1, unbalanced
studied thoroughly for low and medium power levels in the literature currents result in unwanted higher output current ripple, unequally
[9],[10]. For medium to high power levels, three-phase structures distributed loss and consequently temperature in the circuit, higher
have been investigated for several converter topologies. Three-phase voltage and current pick values, and higher conduction losses. Due
structures have several advantages over half-bridge and full-bridge to this unbalanced characteristics, there is a challenge in using three-
structures at high power levels. Three phase structures can achieve phase LLC resonant converter effectively. While interesting work, the
better loss distribution, easier thermal management, much lower input limited body of literature on three-phase LLC converters demands
and output current ripple, and smaller size for active and passive more analytical tools to model/explain their behavior and solve
components and heat sinks [11]. Due to these features, the power fundamental problems such as current balancing.
level can be increased to several kilowatts, where the half-bridge and In this paper, a detailed analysis of the current-sharing charac-
full-bridge structures cannot be used effectively. teristics of the three-phase LLC resonant converter is developed to
Many three-phase PWM converters that operate with fixed fre- predict unbalanced operation. The theory shows how the tolerance in
quency have been proposed in the literature [12]-[16]. However, there components affect the behavior of the converter leading to current
balancing issues. In addition, a Trigonometric Current Balancing
S. A. Arshadi, M. Ordonez, W. Eberle, and M. A. Saket are with the technique (TCB) is proposed to mitigate the unbalanced behavior of
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada (e-mail:;
the circuit. In this strategy the required input voltage phase-angles are;; calculated to achieve balanced phase currents. The switching-angles
M. Craciun and C. Botting, are with Delta-Q Technologies Corpo- of the inverter legs are updated (shifted) based on the calculated
ration, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H3 Canada (e-mail:; values. The analysis tool presented in this paper can predict the behavior of the converter, prevent worse case scenarios, and determine

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Tolerance Issue +
D1 D3 D5
S1 S3 S5 I Lr±10% Cr±10% Lm±10%

I2 Lr±10% Cr±10% Lm±10%
Vin V2 vo
I3 Lr±10% Cr±10% Lm±10%
S2 S4 S6
2 4 6
V3 Io


Modulation: β α
120º V1 I2 I
(Legs 120º 120º γ t
Phase Shifted) V2 Unbalanced Currents High Output
Current Ripple
V3 I3 Io
Technique: φ'23 φ'21
V1 ය 120º
1 ය
(Shifting Legs for 120º t
Balancing) I2
V2 Balanced Currents Low Output
Current Ripple
Fig. 1: Resonant components tolerance issue: unbalanced circuit results in unbalanced current, not equally distributed loss and heat in the
circuit, and high output current ripple. The proposed balancing technique achieves fully balanced current in an unbalanced circuit and resolves
the aforementioned issues.

the severity of unbalanced behavior. Fig. 1 conceptually shows the IP IO

current-sharing issue in the three-phase LLC resonant converter and i ac :
the proposed TCB technique. TCB successfully balances the three- -IP
phase currents, resulting in significant reduction in the output capac-
itor current ripple and better thermal distribution. Without requiring
any additional circuit, this technique provides the opportunity to - vac + RO vO
integrate the advantages of three-phase structures (e.g., high power vac : (2/3).vO
and low output current ripple) with the unique features of LLC (1/3).vO
resonant converter (e.g., high efficiency). In section II, the current- 0
sharing analysis is presented, and section III proposes and discusses -
TCB. In section IV, simulation and experimental results of a 3kW
Fig. 2: Effective load reflected on each of the secondaries windings
three-phase LLC resonant converter are provided to show the validity
of the transformers considering FHA.
of the analysis.


As mentioned in section I, previous works have analyzed three-
phase resonant converters with the assumption of the balanced circuit.
Assuming the balanced condition, these papers have derived a single- allows using AC analysis techniques for analyzing the behavior of
phase equivalent circuit for the converter that can be used to analyze the converter. Considering the filtering characteristics of the resonant
the characteristics of the converter. However, this type of analysis tanks, it is possible to approximate the square input voltage wave-
cannot be used to investigate the unbalanced behavior of the LLC forms with the fundamental component and compute the resulting
resonant converter. In this section, a three-phase equivalent circuit sine waves of current and voltage in the resonant tank with good
of the LLC resonant converter is developed, which can be used precision.
to analyze the characteristics of the converter and provides detailed
insight into the effect of Ls, Cs, and Lm values. Therefore, the
To do so, it is necessary to model the capacitive output rectifier.
resulting analysis can be used to evaluate current-sharing even under
As shown in Fig. 2, the input voltage of each of the diode bridges is
unbalanced conditions.
a five-level square waveform, which is essentially the voltage across
The three-phase LLC resonant converter, as shown in Fig. 1, is
the secondary of the transformers. The fundamental harmonic of this
formed by a three-phase DC-AC inverter, three resonant tanks, a high-
voltage can be calculated using Fourier series as (1), where T is
frequency three-phase transformer or three single-phase transformers
the switching period. Assuming pure sinusoidal waveforms, the Root
connected in star with floating star point, and a three-phase full-bridge
Mean Square value (RMS) of the current through the transformer
rectifier. Similar to half-bridge and full-bridge resonant converters, the
winding as a function of output current can be calculated as (2).
three-phase converter applies square wave voltages to the input of the √ Z T √
resonant network. The resonant network filters the harmonics of the 2 2πt 2
input voltages in a way that three sinusoidal currents appear. This Vac,rms = vac (t) sin( ) dt = VO (1)
π 0 T π

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Lr1 Cr1 Lm1 Z1 Z1 = Z2 = Z3 = Z, (7) can be expressed as (8).

V φ1     
I1 1 2 −1 −1 V1
Rac1 I2  = ( ) −1 2 −1 V2  (8)
I3 3Z −1 −1 2 V3
Lr2 Cr2 Lm2 Z2
V φ2 Since the amplitude of the input voltages are equal, and they are
Rac2 120 degrees phase shifted, the relation between input voltages can
be expressed as (9). Using (8) and (9), the three phase currents in a
Lr3 Cr3 Lm3 Z3 balanced circuit can be calculated as (10).
V φ3
V1 + V2 + V3 = 0 (9)
It = (10)
Fig. 3: Equivalent three-phase circuit of the converter. Z
Equation (10) shows that the currents through the phases are equal
2π √ and they can be calculated independently from the impedance values
3 √ 3 2 of the other phases. This also shows the validity of the single-
IO = 2Iac,rms (t) sin(ωt) dt = Iac,rms
2π π π phase equivalent model for the balanced three-phase LLC resonant
π converter.
⇒ Iac,rms = √ IO (2)
3 2
Using (1) and (2), the equivalent load reflected to the primary of each B. Unbalanced Circuit
transformer can be calculated as (3), where N is the turns ratio of In the case of an unbalanced circuit, the single-phase equivalent
the secondary to primary of the transformers. Assuming a balanced circuit cannot help with the understanding of unbalanced currents.
circuit, the equivalent three-phase circuit of the converter can be In this case, the three-phase equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3 and
extracted as shown in Fig. 3. equations (6) and (7) can be used for analyzing the behavior of
unbalanced currents through the phases. This analysis is based on
Vac,rms 6
Rac = N 2 = 2 N 2 RO (3) two approximations: 1) First Harmonic Approximation (FHA), and
Iac,rms π 2) Approximating unbalanced reflected loads to the primary with
Considering the KVLs and KCL in the circuit in Fig. 3, the set of equal values of Rac . It will be shown that the impedance value of
equations in (4) can be extracted. each phase is less sensitive to the variations in the values of Lmtn
 and Rac in comparison with Lrtn and Crtn . Moreover, Lmtn and
V2 − V1 + Z1 I1 − Z2 I2 = 0
 (I) Rac voltages are clamped to the output voltage during most of the
V3 − V1 + Z1 I1 − Z3 I3 = 0 (II) (4) operating modes and do not participate in resonance in most of the

I + I + I = 0 operating modes. Therefore, while these approximations make the
2 3 1 (III) analysis simpler, they achieve results that are accurate enough to show
Where V1 , V2 , and V3 are the fundamental component of the square the trend in the changes of three phase currents in correspondence to
wave voltage at the input of each phase, I1 , I2 , and I3 are the current specified tolerances in resonant tank elements. The ultimate purpose
through the phases, and Z1 , Z2 , and Z3 are the impedance of each of the analysis is to find out about the worst case scenario in current-
phase which can be calculated using (5) or (6). sharing.
Worst Case Investigation: Analyzing the circuit shown in Fig.
3, with nine unknown variables, is difficult to start with. In order to
1 Lmt Ract jω reduce the number of unknown variables, the analysis can be started
Zt = Lrt jω + + , t = 1, 2, 3 (5)
Crt jω Ract + Lmt jω by investigating the tolerance effect of the resonant tank components
of each phase on the impedance value of the corresponding phase.
2 Fig. 4 shows the effect of variations in the value of each resonant
1 Lmt Ract ω
Zt = (Lrt ω − + )j element on the impedance of the resonant tank. This figure is based
Crt ω Ract + L2mt ω 2
on the the design parameters of section IV and is derived using
L2 Ract ω 2 (6). These plots show the normalized values of the phase-angle and
+ 2 mt , t = 1, 2, 3 (6)
Ract + L2mt ω 2 amplitude of the impedance versus normalized values of frequency
and normalized values of the resonant components. The impedance
Using the equations in (4), three phase currents as a function of input values and resonant component values are normalized based on the
voltages can be calculated as (7). balanced value, and the frequency is normalized based on the resonant
  frequency (fr ) value as (11).
I1 1
I2  = ( ) |Zt | Lrt
I3 Z 1 Z 2 + Z 2 Z3 + Z1 Z3 |Ztn | = , 6 Ztn = 6 Zt − 6 Zto , Lrtn = ,
   |Zto | Lrto
Z2 + Z3 −Z3 −Z2 V1 Crt Lmt f
×  −Z3 Z1 + Z3 −Z1  V2  (7) Crtn = , Lmtn = , fn = (11)
Crto Lmto fr
−Z2 −Z1 Z1 + Z2 V3
Fig. 4 (a) shows that by changing the value of Lrt by 10%, the
The above-mentioned equations and the three-phase equivalent phase-angle of Zt n will be changed up to 5 degrees in the same
circuit in Fig. 3, can be used to find currents in different phases under direction. Fig. 4 (b) also shows that changes in the values of Crt have
unbalanced conditions. In the following, the circuit under balanced the same effect. Moreover, Fig. 4 (d) and (e) show that changes in the
and unbalanced conditions is analyzed. values of Lrt or Crt will correspond to the same trend in changes of
the impedance amplitude. However, Fig. 4 (c) shows that changes
in Lmt has an opposite effect on phase-angle of the impedance
A. Balanced Circuit compared to changes in Lrt and Crt . Changing the value of Lmt
In a balanced circuit, where Lr1 = Lr2 = Lr3 = Lr , Cr1 = by 10% will result in changing the phase-angle of the impedance
Cr2 = Cr3 = Cr , Lm1 = Lm2 = Lm3 = Lm , and consequently by less than 2 degrees. This shows that the phase-angle of Zt n is

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Z˚tn Z˚tn Z˚tn 6

10 10 10
5 5 5 2

0 0 0 0

-5 -5 -2
-10 -10 -10
1.1 1.1 1.1 -6
1.05 1.2 1.05 1.2 1.05 1.2
1 1.1 1 1.1 1 1.1 -8
L rtn 0.95 1 C rtn 0.95 1 L mtn 0.95 1
0.9 fn 0.9 fn 0.9 fn
0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8

(a) (b) (c)

│Z tn│ │Z tn│ │Z tn│ 1.06

1.06 1.06 1.06
1.04 1.04 1.04
1.02 1.02 1.02
1 1 1
0.98 0.98 0.98
0.96 0.96 0.96 0.98
0.94 0.94 0.94
1.1 1.1 1.1
1.05 1.05 1.05 0.96
1.2 1.2 1.2
1 1.1 1 1.1 1 1.1
L rtn 0.95 1 C rtn 0.95 1 L mtn 0.95 1 0.94
0.9 fn 0.9 fn 0.9 fn
0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 4: Effect of 10% tolerance in the values of each of the resonant components of each phase on the amplitude and phase-angle of the
phase. Changes in the values of Lrtn and Crtn show the same trend of changes in the impedance values. The impedance values are less
sensitive to the changes in the value of Lmtn .

less sensitive to changes of Lmt . Moreover, changes in Lmt have the current-sharing in the system over the frequency range.
same effect on the impedance amplitude as Lrt and Crt . However,
the trend is not the same over the changes of frequency (Fig. 4 (f)). mt = (13)
To summarize this information: Lrt
3) The impedance phase-angle and amplitude are much more
sensitive to the changes in the values of Lrt and Crt than
1) Changes in Lrt and Crt have the same effect on phase- to the value of Lmt .
angle and amplitude of the impedance. Hence, considering
the definition of resonant frequency, expressed in (12), it can The worst case in current-sharing is when two of the phases
be said that changes in the resonant frequency will affect the have lower current, and the other phase takes the highest current.
phase-angle and the amplitude of the impedance of each phase. In this situation, the phase with higher current, experiences the
It means that, by changing Lrt and Crt in the same direction, highest pick values, highest losses, and highest temperature rise. To
which essentially means changing the resonant frequency, the find out about the worst case in current-sharing, it is necessary to
most amount of deviation in the value of impedance will be investigate different possible worst case unbalanced scenarios. Based
caused. on the information above, the worst case deviation in the value of the
1 impedance of each phase happens when the resonant frequency (fr )
fr = √ (12)
2π Lrt Crt and the inductor ratio (m) of that phase changes. Therefore, based
on the possible combination of tolerances in fr and Lmt , four of the
2) Changes in Lmt have an opposite effect on the impedance
possible scenarios can be as shown in Table I, where:
phase-angle compared to the effect of Lrt and Crt . It means
that, by changing the value of Lmt and simultaneously chang- 
ing the value of Lrt in the opposite direction, the most fr (min) = 2π√(L +10%)(C
 ,
r r +10%)

deviation in the value of the impedance phase-angle will result.

Lm (min) = Lm − 10%

Considering the inductor ratio (m), which is expressed as (13), 1 (14)
f (max) = √ ,
it can be said that changes in the value of m will affect the  r

 2π (Lr −10%)(Cr −10%)
impedance phase-angle. In other words, changing Lmt and Lrt Lm (max) = Lm + 10%

in opposite directions, which essentially means changing the
inductor ratio (m), will result in the most amount of deviation In order to investigate the corresponding current-sharing of each
in the value of impedance phase. The changes in Lmt have scenario, Fig. 5 shows three phase currents as a function of normalized
an opposite effect on the impedance amplitude in comparison frequency for different scenarios. In these figures, normalized RMS
with its effect of changes on the impedance phase-angle. Also, values of currents (normalized based on the value of balanced circuit),
the changes in Lmt have an opposite effect on the impedance versus the normalized frequency are depicted. As it can be seen,
amplitude over the frequency range in comparison with Lrt the cases in scenarios II and IV seem to be worse than the other
and Crt . Therefore, it can be said that changes in the value two scenarios. In these two scenarios, two of the phases have the
of m can have different impacts on the impedance values and maximum resonant frequency (fr ) and the other phase has the

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

In In In In
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Scenario I Iph3 Scenario III
1.1 1.1 1.1 Iph1 1.1 Iph3
Scenario II Scenario IV
1 1 1 1 Iph1
Iph3 Iph1
0.9 0.9 0.9 Iph2 0.9
Iph2 Iph2
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
fn fn fn fn
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 5: The trend in changes in the current values in correspondence with four possible worst case scenarios. For a) and c) one of the phases
carries much less current compared to the other two phases. For b) and d) one of the phases carries much higher current compared to the
other two phases.

I I2 I
2 2 γc
c βc αc
120˚ γ α I
1 θ I
120˚ I I3 1
120˚ β b

I I (a) (b)
3 3
Fig. 7: Law of cosines: a) A triangular, b) The triangular in three-
(a) (b)
phase current vectors.
Fig. 6: Law of sines: a) Balanced currents with ideal components, b)
Unbalanced currents with real components with tolerances.
minimum fr . On the other hand, the behavior of Lm in affecting φº =120º
the current-sharing is quite unpredictable. Comparing Fig. 5 (a) and 21 α
(c), or (b) and (d), it can be concluded that by changing the value of φº =120º
V1 ය γ I1
Lm from its minimum to its maximum, the trend of current curves φº =120º
does not change significantly. This confirms the small effect of the
tolerances on the values of Lm of different phases on the current- I3
sharing behavior of the circuit. V3
The analytical results of the three-phase circuit show that in the Input Voltages Primary Currents
worst case scenario, in which two of the phase have maximum (a)
resonant frequency and the other phase has the minimum resonant
frequency, one of the phases may need to handle currents up to 15% I2
more than its rated current. V2
φn 120º ± ε

φn 120º ± ε
In section II, it was shown how the tolerance in the values of
resonant components can affect the impedance value of each phase
and how it would generate unbalanced currents through the phases. I3
Input Voltages Primary Currents
TABLE I: Possible worst case scenarios of unbalanced impedances (b)
Levels Fig. 8: Balancing Technique: a) basic 120 degrees phase-shifted input
voltages, b) Balancing currents with changing the phase-shift of the
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 input voltages.
Scenarios fr , Lm fr , L m fr , Lm
Case I min, min min, min max, max
Case II min, min max, max max, max As mentioned in Section I, unbalanced currents in the converter
result in loss of some of the features of the three-phase structure.
Case III min, max min, max max, min Unequally distributed losses in the circuit, developing hot spots, and
Case IV min, max max, min max, min not having perfect output current ripple cancellation, meaning much
higher output current ripple, are some of the disadvantages of having

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Set φ12 = 120°, 1
φ23 = 120°, Iph1
φ13 = 120° 0.9
Read RMS
Values 0.6
of I1, I2, and I3 Experimental
φ12 = φ12
* , YES |I1-I2| < ε 0.2
φ23 = φ23
* ,
|I1-I3| < ε 0.1
φ13 = φ13
* fn
NO 0.75 1 1.25
Fig. 11: Current-sharing trend prediction with proposed analysis
Calculate new Calculate Current versus the experimental results. The analysis reasonably predicts the
Voltage Angles Vector angles trend of changes in the currents with the given components’ values.
φ*12, φ23
* , and φ*
α, β, and γ
(using eq. (18)) (using eq. (17))

Fig. 9: Trigonometric Current Balancing technique (TCB) flowchart. The exact value of the angles between the current vectors can be
calculated using the law of cosines. The law of cosines in conjunction
with the law of sines can help in finding all sides and angles of a
Resonant Tanks triangular. In a basic triangular as shown in Fig. 7 (a), where the sides
Output Capacitor are known, the angle between two of sides can be calculated using
the law of cosine as follows:
a2 + b 2 − c 2
cos θ = (16)
In three-phase current vectors, a triangular, as shown in Fig. 7 (b), can
Control Board be identified. In this triangular, αc , βc , and γc are the complementary
angles of the angles between the current vectors. Therefore, the angles
Three-phase Inverter
between current vectors can be calculated as:

Output diodes 2
α = π − arccos( I1 +I2 −I3 )
 2 2

 2I1 I2
I 2 +I 2 −I 2
Fig. 10: 3kW experimental setup. Reduced output filter size due to β = π − arccos( 1 2I13I3 2 ) (17)
2 2 2

the output current ripple reduction. γ = π − arccos( I2 +I3 −I1 )

2I2 I3

unbalanced currents. In this section, the detailed analytical framework

B. TCB Technique:
developed is used to develop a Trigonometric Current Balancing Based on the law of sines, if the angles between the current vectors
technique in an unbalanced circuit. are corrected to be equal to 120 degrees, the currents will be balanced.
Assuming an unbalanced circuit in Fig. 3, there are two variables
that can be manipulated by switching the MOSFETs: the amplitudes
A. Law of sines and law of cosines: and the phase-angles of the input voltages. The amplitude of the
The law of sines shows the relation among the angles and the input voltages can be controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM),
lengths of sides of a triangle, which can also be used for the current and the phase-angle can be simply controlled by phase shifting the
vectors in a three-phase circuit. Considering FHA and using the law input voltages. Implementing PWM in LLC resonant converters has
of sines, it can be shown that if the amplitudes of the currents in a some limitations due to the possibility of losing soft switching for the
three-phase circuit are equal, then they are 120 degrees phase shifted. MOSFETs, and of changes in the converter gain. In the following,
Accordingly, if the currents are not balanced, it can be concluded that a Trigonometric Current Balancing technique for three-phase LLC
the angles between the current vectors are no longer equal. Moreover, resonant converter based on shifting the phase of the inverter bridge’s
based on the order of the current amplitudes, the order of angles switching points is presented.
between the vectors can be realized. Fig. 6, shows current vectors Fig. 8 (a) shows the current vectors in an unbalanced circuit with
in a (a) balanced circuit, and (b) unbalanced circuit, conceptually. the basic 120 degrees phase-shifted input voltage vectors. The idea to
Using the law of sines, the relationships between vectors and angles correct the angles between of unbalanced current vectors is to change
is presented in (15). the angles between the input voltage vectors in a way that it results in
 shifting the current vector angles towards 120 degrees. For example,
 |I1 | = |I2 | = |I3 | ⇐⇒ β = γ = α in Fig. 8 (a), α is less than 120◦ , and β is larger than 120◦ . In
if |I1 | 6= |I2 | 6= |I3 | ⇐⇒ β 6= γ 6= α (15) this case, reducing φ31 and increasing φ12 can result in increasing
|I1 | > |I2 | > |I3 | ⇐⇒ α > β > γ α and decreasing β (Fig. 8 (b)). Fig. 9 presents the flowchart of the


0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

(A) (%) (A) TABLE II: Designed parameters of the experimental setup
8 25 8
Parameter Values
7 Without TCB 20
21% 6 Vin 400V
6 15 21.5 4
Vout 300 − 400V
30% 4
5 With TCB 10 Pout (max) 3kW
4 5 2 Iout (max) 10A

0 0 0 n1 /n2 12/3
Iph1 Iph2 Iph3 Uf Io (ripple) fr 205kHz
(a) m 3
(A) (%) (A) Lr 20µH ± 10%
8 25 8 Cr 30nF ± 10%
7 Without TCB 20 Lm 60µH ± 10%
8% 15% 6
6 15 24
34% 4 2.9 TABLE III: Experimentally verified values of resonant components.
5 With TCB 10 These values are corresponding to the discussed worst case scenarios.
4 5 2
≈ Ideal components
0 0 0
Iph1 Iph2 Iph3 Uf Io (ripple) Phases Lr [µH] Cr [nF ] Lm [µH]
(b) Phase I 20 30 60
(A) (%) (A) Phase II 20 30 60
8 25 8 Phase III 20 30 60
7 Without TCB 20 Real components (Experimental setup)
6 5% 15 20.3 2.7 Phases Lr [µH] Cr [nF ] Lm [µH]
20% 4
5 With TCB 10 Phase I 23 33.2 59
4 5 2 Phase II 18.7 26.8 58.6

0 0 0 Phase III 18 26.9 57.5
Iph1 Iph2 Iph3 Uf Io (ripple)
Fig. 12: Experimental results: primary currents RMS values and defined using (18).
output current ripple values of the real circuit without TCB versus 
? ◦
with TCB: a) below resonant frequency; b) at resonant frequency; φ12 = φ12 + (120 − α)

and c) above resonant frequency. Using TCB, the primary currents f (φ) : φ13 = φ13 + (120◦ − β)
are balanced, and the output current ripple is decreased by more than φ? = φ + (120◦ − γ)

23 23
50 %.
In this equation, φ? is the new voltage vector angle, and φ
is the angle of the previous stage. At this point, the voltage
vectors are phase-shifted with the same amount of deviation in
the current vector angles from 120 degrees.
6) After that the new switching angles are defined, the inverter
proposed balancing technique. Different steps of the proposed TCB legs are shifted based on the new switching points, and then
are as follows: the control circuit goes back to step one.

1) Initially, the phase angles between the input voltage vectors are IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
120◦ by default. If the circuit is unbalanced, this will result in In order to confirm the validity of the analysis and the proposed
unbalanced currents in the circuit. TCB technique, extensive experimental tests and simulations have
2) The balancing technique is based on balancing the RMS values been done. A 3KW three phase LLC resonant converter with
of the currents. This is because the RMS value is a better the proposed control technique has been manufactured and tested
representative of the first harmonic of the currents compared to under different conditions. Fig 10 shows the prototype, and the
peak or mean rectified values. As mentioned before, the balanc- specifications of this platform are presented in Table II. This design
ing technique is based on FHA and balancing the fundamental can be used for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) battery
harmonic of the currents. Moreover, RMS value of the current charger application. The maximum power and the output current
is directly related to the conduction losses. Hence, balancing of this converter are 3KW and 10A, respectively. Table III shows
RMS values will result in equal losses through the phases. experimentally verified values of the resonant components. The values
3) After reading the current RMS values, they are compared to see are corresponding to the worst case scenarios discussed in section II.
if the difference between RMS values is less than the specified The experimental and simulation results are presented in two parts:
threshold. If they were close enough, the process of reading simulation results of ideal circuit versus the experimental results of
the values and comparing them continuously occurs. If the the real unbalanced circuit; and results of the TCB applied to the
differences in currents are not within the limit, TCB starts. unbalanced circuit versus the results without TCB.
4) The angles between the current vectors (α, β, and γ) are To get a better understanding of unbalanced conditions and to
calculated using (17). better describe it, an unbalanced factor is defined as (19). This
5) New switching angles based on the current vector angles are unbalanced factor (Uf ) is defined based on the worst potential

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Fig. 13: Simulation results of the ideal circuit (left side) versus the results of the real unbalanced circuit (right side): a) At resonant
frequency; b) above resonant frequency; c) below resonant frequency. Due to components’ tolerances, unbalanced currents are generated
in the experimentally implemented circuit. As a result, the output current ripple in the experimental results is significantly higher than the
ripple in the ideal circuit. Moreover, the unbalanced behavior results in unequal conduction power loss in the circuit and unequal thermal

difference in the conduction losses between the phases. Conduction the ideal balanced circuit versus the experimental results of the real
losses are proportional to the square values of RMS currents, and can unbalanced circuit. Figs. 13 (a) shows the results at the resonant
represent the potential temperature difference caused by unbalanced frequency, Figs. 13 (b) shows the results above the resonant frequency,
currents. Moreover, the output current ripple value is another factor and Figs. 13 (c) shows the results below the resonant frequency. As
for describing unbalanced currents. As, there are more unbalanced can be seen, the output current ripple of the unbalanced circuit is
currents, the output current ripple will be higher. more than double the value in ideal balanced circuit. That is the
2 2 2 2 2 2 main disadvantage of the unbalanced behavior in a three-phase LLC
M ax(Iph1 , Iph2 , Iph3 ) − M in(Iph1 , Iph2 , Iph3 ) resonant converter. Uneven distribution of currents among the phases
Uf = 2 2 2
× 100%
Iph1 + Iph2 + Iph3 is the other disadvantage of the unbalanced behavior of the converter,
(19) which results in unequally distributed losses and unequally thermal
As mentioned earlier, the converter has been tested under the worst distribution. Depending on the deviation in the normal values of the
case unbalanced scenario. Fig. 13 shows the simulation results of currents, this also results in slightly lower efficiency, which is caused

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Fig. 14: Results of the the unbalanced circuit without TCB (left side) versus the results of TCB (right side): a) At resonant frequency; b)
above resonant frequency; c) below resonant frequency. Using the proposed TCB, the primary currents are perfectly balanced, and as a result,
the output current ripple is significantly reduced.

by higher peak currents and higher conduction losses. The exact In order to verify the proposed TCB, this technique has been
values of three phase currents, as well as the efficiencies of each applied to the unbalanced circuit discussed above. Fig. 14 shows the
operation mode, are shown in Table IV. results of the balancing technique versus the results of the unbalanced
As mentioned before, the resonant components’ values are cor- circuit with basic 120◦ modulation. This figure clearly shows that
responding to the scenarios II and IV discussed in section II. In TCB results in considerable reduction in the output current ripple
order to validate the current-sharing trend prediction ability by the and balances the RMS values of the currents through the phases. In
proposed analysis, the plots in Fig. 11 are presented. In this figure, the Table IV, the experimental results of the current values, unbalanced
analytical results of the normalized current values over the frequency factor (Uf ), efficiency, output current ripple, and the phase angles
range, versus the experimental results are shown. As it can be seen, of the input voltages in the ideal circuit, the unbalanced circuit,
both the experimental and analytical results show the same trend of and TCB, are presented. The comparison of primary currents under
changes in the values of the currents with correspondence with the different operating modes, unbalanced factor (Uf ), and also current
given resonant components’ values in Table III. As the results show, ripples for different conditions are presented in Fig. 12. This figure
phase 3 has the highest current, and phase 2 has the lowest current. clearly confirms that the proposed method can successfully balance

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Fig. 15: Experimental results of the the unbalanced circuit without TCB (left side) versus the results of TCB (right side) at resonant frequency
at: a) 50% of full-load, and b) 10% of full-load. TCB decreases the output current ripple and improves the performance of the converter at
different load conditions.

the currents in an unbalanced three-phase LLC resonant converter, the unbalanced behavior of the converter has been presented. The
resulting in significant reduction in the output capacitor current ripple proposed TCB manipulates the phase-shift between the inverter legs to
and even distribution of losses through the circuit. Table IV presents balance the currents through the phases. This will result in significant
the final values of the voltage vector angles used by TCB to balance decrease in the output current ripple, which allows the use of smaller
the currents. According to this table, the largest deviation in the output capacitor filter. Moreover, this technique results in equally
value of voltage vector angles happens above the resonant frequency, distributed losses in the circuit, which makes thermal management of
where TCB applies 34 phase shift on the phase 1 input voltage. the circuit easier. As a result of even current-sharing among phases,
Moreover, the efficiency is improved using TCB. For example, at no component experiences higher temperature or larger current than
resonant frequency, the efficiency of the real unbalanced circuit is the expected current peaks and so it is possible to select components
improved by 0.4 percentage points using TCB, which means around with lower power rating. In order to show the validity of the presented
12W less losses at full load operation. analysis and also the functionality of TCB, a 3kW experimental
Moreover, in order to show the performance of the proposed TCB prototype for PHEV application has been developed and tested. The
in different load levels, the test results of light-load and half-load experimental results show the validity of the presented current-sharing
conditions are provided in Fig. 15 and Table V. The results validate analysis with a good approximation, and also the validity of the
the performance of the proposed TCB for different power levels. It proposed TCB.
is clear that the worst case of unbalanced currents happens at full-
load condition and the issue of the unbalanced currents is less critical
in light-load conditions. The proposed TCB technique can perfectly R EFERENCES
balance the currents, reduce the output current ripple, and improve the
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0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


TABLE IV: Simulation results of the ideal circuit and experimental results of the unbalanced circuit under different conditions. Comparing
the results of the ideal and real circuit, it is clear that output current ripple is much higher in the real circuit. Moreover, it is clear that the
proposed TCB successfully balances the currents and significantly reduces the output current ripple.

Below resonant frequency

Parameters Ideal Circuit Real Circuit TCB Results
Iph1 : 6.3 Iph1 : 6.85 Iph1 : 6.44
Primary currents (rms) [A] Iph2 : 6.3 Iph2 : 5.23 Iph2 : 6.25
Iph3 : 6.3 Iph3 : 7.65 Iph3 : 6.45
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Efficiency [%] – 96.65 96.9
φ12 : 120◦ φ12 : 120◦ φ12 : 141◦
Input voltage vectors angles φ13 : 120◦ φ13 : 120◦ φ13 : 106◦
◦ ◦
φ23 : 120 φ23 : 120 φ23 : 113◦
At resonant frequency
Parameters Ideal Circuit Real Circuit TCB Results
Iph1 : 6.3 Iph1 : 6.8 Iph1 : 6.25
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Iph3 : 6.3 Iph3 : 7.3 Iph3 : 6.22
Output current ripple [A] 1.8 5.3 2.4
Unbalanced factor (Uf ) 0% 25.6% 1.5%
Efficiency [%] – 96.8 97.2
φ12 : 120◦ φ12 : 120◦ φ12 : 141◦
Input voltage vectors angles φ13 : 120◦ φ13 : 120◦ φ13 : 98◦
φ23 : 120◦ φ23 : 120◦ φ23 : 121◦
Above resonant frequency
Parameters Ideal Circuit Real Circuit TCB Results
Iph1 : 5.9 Iph1 : 6.20 Iph1 : 5.85
Primary currents (rms) [A] Iph2 : 5.9 Iph2 : 4.89 Iph2 : 5.95
Iph3 : 5.9 Iph3 : 6.96 Iph3 : 6.00
Output current ripple [A] 2 6 3.3
Unbalanced factor (Uf ) 0% 22% 1.7%
Efficiency [%] – 96.46 96.72
◦ ◦
φ12 : 120 φ12 : 120 φ12 : 154◦
◦ ◦
Input voltage vectors angles φ13 : 120 φ13 : 120 φ13 : 100◦
φ23 : 120◦ φ23 : 120◦ φ23 : 106◦

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0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


TABLE V: Experimental results at resonant frequency before and after TCB. The results verify the effectiveness of the proposed TCB at
different load levels.

Before TCB
Parameters Full-load half-load light-load
Iph1 : 6.8 Iph1 : 3.8 Iph1 : 2.3
Primary currents (rms) [A] Iph2 : 4.7 Iph2 : 3.3 Iph2 : 2.7
Iph3 : 7.3 Iph3 : 4.5 Iph3 : 2.1
Output current ripple [A] 5.3 2.5 2.2
Unbalanced factor (Uf ) 25.6% 20.5% 17%
After TCB
Parameters Full-load half-load light-load
Iph1 : 6.26 Iph1 : 3.8 Iph1 : 2.35
Primary currents (rms) [A] Iph2 : 6.3 Iph2 : 3.95 Iph2 : 2.45
Iph3 : 6.36 Iph3 : 3.85 Iph3 : 2.35
Output current ripple [A] 2.4 1.2 1
Unbalanced factor (Uf ) 1.5% 2.5% 2.8%

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He was a Researcher with the Information and
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2016. His current research interests include medium and high power DC-DC
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resonant converters for battery chargers and renewable energy applications.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 2103-2110, April 2016.

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2846526, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Martin Ordonez (S02M09) was born in Neuquen, Mohammad Ali Saket (S’15) was born in Tehran,
Argentina. He received the Ing. degree in electronics Iran. He received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical
engineering from the National Technological Univer- Engineering from the Amirkabir University of Tech-
sity, Cordoba, Argentina, in 2003, and the M.Eng. nology, Tehran, Iran, in 2009, and the M.Sc. degree
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the in Power Electronics from Sharif University of Tech-
Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), St. nology, Tehran, Iran, in 2011. He is currently a Ph.D.
Johns, NL, Canada, in 2006 and 2009, respectively. candidate at the University of British Columbia
He is currently the Canada Research Chair in (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Power Converters for Renewable Energy Systems His research interests include planar magnet-
and Associate Professor with the Department of ics, conducted electromagnetic interference, DC-DC
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of converters, and wireless power transfer. He is cur-
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. He is also the holder of the Fred rently working toward high-efficiency and low noise integrated magnetic
Kaiser Professorship on Power Conversion and Sustainability at UBC. He was structures for DC-DC converters.
an adjunct Professor with Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, and
His industrial experience in power conversion includes research and devel-
opment at Xantrex Technology Inc.Elgar Electronics Corp. (now AMETEK
Programmable Power in San Diego, California), Deep-Ing Electronica de
Potencia (Rosario, Argentina), and TRV Dispositivos (Cordoba, Argentina).
With the support of industrial funds and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council, he has contributed to more than 140 publications and R&D Marian Craciun (M’00) received the B.Sc. degree
reports. in electronics engineering from the Polytechnic In-
Dr. Ordonez is a Guest Editor for IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING stitute of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, in 1989.He
AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, Associate Editor has more than 20 years of experience in developing
of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, and Editor for telecom and industrial power electronics products
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY. He serves on several and sustaining engineering. His industrial experience
IEEE committees, and reviews widely for IEEE/IET journals and international includes positions at Energo repairs RENEL and
conferences. He was awarded the David Dunsiger Award for Excellence in Asea Brown Boveri Ltd., Bucharest; Argus Tech-
the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (2009) and the Chancellors nologies Ltd. and Alpha Technologies Ltd., Burnaby,
Graduate Award/Birks Graduate Medal (2006), and became a Fellow of the BC, Canada.
School of Graduate Studies, MUN. He is currently a Power Electronics R&D Engineer
at Delta-Q Technologies Corp., Vancouver, BC, Canada. His current research
interests include high-power high-efficiency converter topologies, high-power-
factor rectifiers, resonant converters, electric vehicles, and sustainable and
renewable energy sources.

Wilson Eberle (S98M07) is currently a tenured As-

sociate Professor in the School of Engineering at the Chris Botting From 2001 to 2012, he was Lead
University of British Columbia, in Kelowna, British Systems Engineer at Azure Dynamics, Burnaby, BC,
Columbia, Canada, At UBC, he is the founder and Canada, a manufacturer of electric and hybrid elec-
leader of the Energy Systems and Power Electronics tric commercial vehicles, with responsibility for en-
Laboratory. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. ergy storage, high-voltage distribution and auxiliary
degrees from the Department of Electrical and Com- systems, and powertrain architecture.
puter Engineering, Queens University, Kingston, ON, He is currently the Manager of Research En-
Canada, in 2000, 2003, and 2008, respectively. gineering at Delta-Q Technologies, Burnaby, with
His industrial experience includes positions at responsibility for research activities, funding, univer-
Ford Motor Company, Windsor, ON, and at Astec sity collaboration, technology roadmap, intellectual
Advanced Power Systems, Nepean, ON. property, and battery test lab functions. His research
His research interests include high efficiency power conversion circuits and interests include high-efficiency power converters, electric drive, energy stor-
control techniques for a wide range of industrial and consumer applications. age, and renewable energy.
He is the author or coauthor of more than 70 technical papers published in
various IEEE international conferences and IEEE journals.
Dr. Eberle has received research grants from the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council (NSERC) in Canada, the Canadian Foundation for
Innovation (CFI), the University of British Columbia, the Kaiser Foundation
for Higher Education and various industry partners.

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