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Administración de Recursos

Agosto – 2021 (ING)
What is Human Resource Management all about?

• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today
• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation

• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today
• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation

• Organization: consists of people with formally assigned roles who work together to achieve certain
organizational goals.
• Manager: responsible of accomplishing organization’s goals by managing the efforts of the people
who he/she leads.
• Management the organized functions by which organizations produce value. Involves Planning,
process: Organizing, Staffing, Leading, and Controlling.

• Human Resource the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of
Management: attending their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

Dessler (2013)
Activities performed by HR employees and managers

• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today
• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation
Critical reasons to professionally address HR situations

• Avoid personnel mistakes

• Improve profits and performance

• Understanding complex organizational dynamics

• You might need to step in and support the development of HR policies and activities
at your organization.
HR Line Managers Duties

• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today
• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation
Smaller organizations
• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today

• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation
Our generation – Millenials
Group Exercise

• Pick 2 trends and explain how they might impact Colombian organizations.
• Do you think that the peace process in Colombia should modify certain HRM
practices? Why or why not?
• Do you think that Covid-19 in Colombia should modify certain HRM practices? Why
or why not?
• From your own knowledge, do you think Colombian organizations have well-
structured HRM processes which help employees to do their work proficiently and
which help organizations to achieve their goals?
Tendencias Encontradas

• Reforma y flexibilidad laboral – Tensiones políticas pro y en contra de la relación

• Aceleración de adaptación al trabajo remoto y actualización y fortalecimiento del
• Clientelismo fuerte basado en posiciones políticas. Desempeño bajo o inadecuado
por parte de las personas que son elegidas con base en sus orientaciones políticas en
vez de criterios asociados a méritos o desempeño.
• Programas de bienestar. En condiciones de Pandemia debido a todas las condiciones
Tendencias Encontradas
• 1. Conflicto armado y situación de seguridad.
• A. Operaciones empresariales en territorios de conflicto.
• B. Condiciones e implicaciones del posconflicto.

• 2. Informalidad laboral. (50%)

• A. Afectación/implicaciones desde la falta de oportunidades y de un Estado débil.
• B. Afectación/implicaciones desde los desbalances entre las contribuciones (impuestos, pagos de salud etc) y
los beneficios (educación y otros factores).
• C. Disyuntivas culturales y políticas en un dilema de qué hacer primero.
• D. Otra dimensión – Cargas y dificultades para emprender ahogan las intenciones de una economía más

• 3. Empleo y Productividad – ¿Qué condiciones permiten una mayor y mejor generación de empleo? ¿Cómo
podemos aumentar la productividad?

• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today
• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation
HR Managers focus on Strategic Issues

• Policies
• Objectives
• Key processes
• Profit and cost center
• Key performance indicators (rotation, absenteeism, motivation, productivity,
• Environmental trends and challenges
HR Managers focus on new functional operations
leveraging technology
• Linkedin
• Online candidate screening
• Outsourcing
• Online testing
• Video conference for interviews and meetings
• Environmental trends and challenges
• Training procedures
HR Managers focus on a talent management approach

• Knowledge, skills, and abilities

• Knowledge management systems
• Compensating achievers (pay for performance)
• Mission-critical employees
• Development of new abilities and skills
HR Managers focus on having an ethical approach

• Safety and health

• Transportation policies
• Procedures to handle grievances and personnel issues
• Sustainability reports and standards
HR Managers focus on producing employee engagement

• work/life balance
• Psychological and social risks perceived by employees
• Environmental factors affecting motivation
• Evidence-based motivational activities and benefits

• Definitions
• Why Human Resource Management (HRM) is relevant and useful?
• Differences between small and large organizations
• Trends shaping HRM today
• Group exercise
• Human Resource Managers – key role?
• Quiz simulation
1. Which are the five functions of the management process?

a. Controlling, Researching, Developing, Financing, and Planning

b. Assessing, Managing, Staffing, Coordinating, and Financing
c. Organizing, Developing, Planning, Staffing, and Leading
d. None of the above
1. Which are the five functions of the management process?

a. Controlling, Researching, Developing, Financing, and Planning

b. Assessing, Managing, Staffing, Coordinating, and Financing
c. Organizing, Developing, Planning, Staffing, and Leading
d. None of the above

Right answer: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Controlling

2. Which of the following is NOT a function or activity of

a. Conducting job analyses

b. Orientating and training new employees
c. Selling the company’s products through key sales employees
d. Appraising employees
2. Which of the following is NOT a function or activity of

a. Conducting job analyses

b. Orientating and training new employees
c. Selling the company’s products through key sales employees
d. Appraising employees
3. The following definition belongs to which concept: “those who
are mentally and emotionally invested in their work and in
contributing to an employer’s success”

a. Outstanding employees
b. Mission – critical employees
c. Engaged employees
d. None of the above
3. The following definition belongs to which concept: “those who
are mentally and emotionally invested in their work and in
contributing to an employer’s success”

a. Outstanding employees
b. Mission – critical employees
c. Engaged employees
d. None of the above
4. Being a culture and change steward is a human resource
manager competency?

a. True
b. False
4. Being a culture and change steward is a human resource
manager competency?

a. True
b. False

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