Cell Membrane and Cell Transport

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LESSON 4 - Cell Membrane and Cell Transport - Membrane components are mainly

bounded through hydrophobic interaction

Cell Membrane - Phospholipids move at around 2μm/s
- Composed of Lipids and Proteins (ECM) - Proteins move slower than phospholipids
Phospholipids – most abundant - Some proteins move in a highly directed manner.
- Amphipathic molecule Either along the cytoskeleton or the Extracellular

Extracellular Matrix (ECM) – a collection of non-

cellular three- dimensional macromolecular network
outside the cell(protein)
• Steroid Cholesterol – maintains the stability of the cell
membrane at various temperature

Cholesterol – embedded in the phospholipid

bilayer. Helps maintain its fluidity at certain conditions.

Extra Cellular Matrix – made up of various

protein filaments such as collagen, elastin and
fibronectin which gives structure and support to the cell.

Cell Membrane: Membrane Proteins

a. Integral Protein
- Proteins that penetrate the hydrophobic
interior of the cell membrane.
Transmembrane protein - spans the entire cell
1. a-helix
Fluid Mosaic Model – Current accepted model
- most common protein structure
of the Cell membrane
element that crosses biological
membranes (transmembrane protein)
- it is presumed because the helical
structure can satisfy all backbone
hydrogen-bonds internally, leaving no
polar groups exposed to the membrane if
the sidechains are hydrophobic.
2. helical bundle
- usually in 4 helix bundle, adjacent
helices are antiparallel, such as in
Cytochrome b.
Cell Membrane: Fluidity 3. B-barrel
- function as transporters for ions and between cells
small molecules that cannot diffuse 2. Ion channels that open or close in response to a
across a cellular membrane stimulus (gated channels).
b. Carrier proteins
- They bind to molecules and change shape to shuttle them
b. Peripheral Protein across the membrane.
- Not embedded in the cell membrane e.g. GLUT1 (glucose transporter 1) facilitates the transport of
glucose across the plasma membranes of mammalian cells

4. Cell-cell recognition - Cell–cell

recognition occurs when two molecules restricted to
the plasma membranes of different cells bind to
each other, triggering a response for
communication, cooperation, transport, defense,
and/or growth.
Cell Membrane: Functions Function of membrane carbohydrates

1. Intercellular Joining - Proteins on adjacent -Carbohydrates usually short branched chains made up of 15
cells hook together, briefly, for cell sugar units(oligosaccharides) can covalently bind to proteins
interaction/sharing. (glycoprotein) or lipids (glycolipids)
a. Plasmodesmata -These carbohydrates are important for cell-to-cell
- perforations in the cell wall of plant cells recognition (or simply that one cell can recognize that
- acts as channel that connects cell and where water, small another cell is part of that body and not a foreign body)
solutes, sometimes RNA and proteins can pass freely from cell
to cell
-- In Animal cells
a. Tight Junctions
- prevents leakage of extracellular fluid (fluid outside of the
cell) across a particular cell layer reason why our skin is

b. Desmosomes (anchoring junctions)

- that are connected to the cytoplasm through the help of
intermediate filaments
-Fastens cells together into a strong sheet
-Sometimes, rupture of desmosomes can cause muscle tear. 5.Anchorage/ Attachment - Most integral proteins
contain residues with hydrophobic side chains that
c. Gap junctions (communicating junctions) interact with fatty acyl groups of the membrane
- that are pores surrounded by membrane proteins phospholipids, thus anchoring the protein to the
-more like the plasmodesmata in plant cells membrane.
-where ions, sugars and other small molecules can pass
from one cell to another
6. Signal Transduction - is the process by which a
chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a
2. Enzymatic Activity cell as a series of molecular events, most commonly
protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein
3. Transport(Active/Passive) – movement of kinases, which ultimately results in a cellular
materials across cell membranes. response
Transport proteins -Transport proteins allow passage of
hydrophilic substances across the membrane. A transport Extracellular receptor
protein is specific for the substance it moves. - are integral transmembrane proteins and make up most
a. Channel proteins receptors. They span the plasma membrane of the cell, with
- They have a hydrophilic channel that certain molecules or one part of the receptor on the outside of the cell and the
ions can use as a tunnel Examples: other on the inside.
1. Aquaporins, for facilitated diffusion of water
- Signal transduction occurs as a result of a ligand binding to Turgor – the state of turgidity and resulting
the outside region of the receptor (the ligand does not pass rigidity of cells, normally due to the absorption of
through the membrane) fluid.
Osmotic Pressure – the pressure that should
be applied to a solvent to prevent it from passing
into a given solution by osmosis - Water will stop
diffusing unto a cell if its osmotic pressure is high
Effects of Osmosis in Life

-Tonicity - Relative concentration of solutes

dissolved in a solvent and determines the direction
of diffusion
Hypotonic - The solution has a lower solute
Cellular Transport
concentration than an another solution or the cell (in
- Movement of material/substances either inside or
outside the cell
Isotonic - The solute concentration of both
solutions (or a solution and a cell) is equal
A. Passive
Hypertonic - The solution has a higher
- Movement of molecules/substances without the
solute concentration than the cell (or another
use of energy
- Types of Passive transport
1. Diffusion
- The movement of molecules in response to a
concentration gradient
- From high concentration to low concentration
- Continues until all molecules are evenly
Tonicity Animal Cell Plant Cell
Hypertonic Crenation Plasmolysis
Factors Affecting Diffusion
• Size the substance
- Smaller molecules travel faster because it
takes less energy to move
• Temperature
- Molecules move faster at high temperature
due to the amount of energy it has. Isotonic Normal Flaccid
• Concentration Gradient
- The steeper the concentration gradient, the
faster the diffusion of molecules
• Charge
- A difference in the charge can affect the
rate of diffusion. Positive molecules will travel into
a negatively charged area than negative molecules.
• Pressure Hypotonic Cytolysis Turgor
- Molecules that are more crowded collide Pressure
and rebound more frequently, creating a higher rate
of diffusion

- Net movement of solvent molecules across a semi-
permeable membrane.
- In cells, it normally refers to the movement of
water across the plasma membrane 2. Facilitated Diffusion
- Like diffusion, it is the movement of molecules a. Exocytosis
according to the concentration gradient - It is a process in which substances from the cells
- Uses transmembrane proteins when moving across are released into the environment
the phospholipid bilayer - Can either be for excretion or secretion
- Two types of transport proteins used in Facilitated Excretion – process of eliminating or
Diffusion expelling waste
Protein channels - protein that allows the Secretion – process in which functional
transport of a substance across the membrane substances that are produced by the cell are
➢Examples: Aquaporin – a channel used expelled.
by water to passively pass through the phospholipid Bulk Transport: Exocytosis
Carrier protein - gated transmembrane
channels. Transport proteins by conformationally
changing (changes its shape) when a substance is
➢Example: Glucose Transporter 1

B. Active Transport
- A type of transport that uses energy (normally in
the form of ATP) to move molecules across the cell
- Against the concentration gradient
- From lower concentration to a higher
- Three types: b. Endocytosis
• Uniporter - It is the process in which cells takes up substances
• Symporter from its environment, forming a vesicle in the
• Antiporter process
- Two major types: • Pinocytosis & Phagocytosis
Sodium-Potassium pump Pinocytosis - Known as the “cell drinking”.
- Na+/K+-ATPase The process in which cells ingest liquids from its
- It is a pump that transport sodium out of the cell environment - First, the fluids are bounded into the
then move potassium into the cells plasma membrane. Then, the said membrane
- This generates an electrochemical gradient across invaginates around the fluid, ultimately forming a
the membrane. Thus, it is an example of an vesicle
electrogenic pump Phagocytosis - Known as the “cell eating”.
• Electrogenic pump – generates voltage The process in which cells engulf large molecules,
(electrochemical gradient) across the membrane or even other cells. Either used for eating
(unicellular cells like amoeba), or as a defense
mechanism (macrophages)
C. Bulk Transport
- Small molecules can either diffuse across the Endocytosis: Endosymbiotic theory
plasma membrane or use transport proteins to • explains why the mitochondria and the
enable them to pass through chloroplasts have their own DNA
- Large molecules, such as proteins and • explains how prokaryotes evolved into
polysaccharides, cannot pass through these eukaryotes.
transport proteins • Suggests that these organelles are ancient
- Materials are transported into or out of the cell via bacteria phagocytized by the cell. Instead of
the use of vesicles digesting it, both cells created a symbiotic
- Two Types: • Exocytosis and Endocytosis relationship with each other

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