Iso 24497-2-2007

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BS ISO 24497-2:2007 INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 24497-2 Non-destructive testing — Metal magnetic memory — Part 2: General requirements Ezsals non desirucils — Mémoire magnétique des métou — Pattie 2: Exigonces générales Aetenee punter ® sso 34e7-220078) Foreword 180 (Re Intemational Organization for Standarcization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (180 member bodies), The work of preparing International Standards is normally caeried out trough {SO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has boon ‘established has the right to be represented on that commitiee. intentional organizations, governmental anc non-governmental, In liaison with ISO, also take part in tha work, ISO collaborates closely with the International Electictechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electotechnical standarcizaton. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISOMEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of lechrical commitiaes is to prapare Intemational Standards. Deaft International Standards. adopted by the technical commitiges sre circulated fo the member bodies for voting. Publication man International Standard requires approval by atleast 75 % of the rember bodies casting a vote. ‘Atntion fs drawn to the possibilty that soma of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent Tights. ISO shall not be held responsible for Identifying any et all such patent rights. 180 24497-2 wes prepared by he Intemational Institute of Welding, Commission V, Quali control and quality ‘essurance of welded products, recognized as an international standardizing body in the field of welding in accordance with Council Resolution 42/1998, Requests for offclal interpretations of any aspect of this part of ISO 24497 should be directed to the {SO Central Secretzrat, who wil forward them to the INV Secretariat for an official response. 180 24497 conslets of the following patts, under the general tlle Non-destrictve testing — Matal magnetic ‘meroory. Part 1: Vocabulary — Port 2: General requirements — Part 3: Inspection of welded joints BS ISO 24497-2:2007 Non-destructive testing — Metal magnetic memory — Part 2: General requirements 4 Scope “This patt of ISO 24497 species the ganeral requirements for the application of the method of matal magnetic memory of components, units, equipment, and structures for vanous applicalion purposes. it covers non-destructive testing, “The purposes of the method are the following, — Determination of heterogeneity of the strassistrain stale of equipment and structures and ravealing of stress concentration zones as the main sources of damage, ‘Determination of locations to perform metal sampling in stress concentration zones for assessment of the rmicrostructural-mechanical state. — Ealy diagnostics of fatigue damage and evaluation of aquipment and structure ite. Reduction of testing and material costs with %s utlization in combination with conventionel methods of ron-destructive testing, — Quality contol of welded joints of varlous types and embodiment (including contact and spot welding) — Very qulck sorting of naw and used machina-bulding products by their microstructural heterogeneity 2° Abbreviated terms “The folowing abbreviations are used inthis part of ISO 24497: = 1O:Inspection Object: — SMLF; Self MagneticLoakage Field: c= MMM: Metal Magnetic Memory, — NDT: Non-Destructive Testing; — SCZ: Stross Concenteation Zone NOTE The Sess Concentaton Zone (SCZ) i characterized by an abrupt local change of magnatization in the test ‘ject Under examination SCZ fe indicated ab an abrupt local change ofthe SMLF. SCZ is formed in places of defect ‘Conoereraton. Reteragenety of metal microstructure; Le. long welded jonts or in zones of steady dislocation slip band ‘calleed by sti or oye leads. BS ISO 24497-2:2007 3. General information 34 The MMM method refers to nondestructive magnetic-lox leakage testing by using megnetioweld- ‘sensitive probes, but with no active magnetization of the IO. 3.2 The MKIM method js based on measurement and analysis of the distibution of seltmagnaticleakage fialds of metal components, Seltmagnelic-eakage fields reflect the microstructural and technological history ‘of metal components, incluxing welded joints. Natural magnetization formed in the Earth's magnetic field ‘Suting the process of the product fabrication is used during testing. For the equiament in operation, the gnetic memory appears In the irreversible change of the magnetization of the material in the direction of maximal stresses cue to working loads. 33. The MMM method determines SCZ, prasence of imperfections, and heterogenelty of metal and welded Joints microstructures. NOTE For components and machine-ullding products. SCZ in metal is conditioned by the technology of their fabrieason (ison, forging, alin tuing press fring, thermal teat, et) 34 For operating equipment In service, the MMM method gives the definition of SCZ specified by the ‘Complex action of technological factors, the units design phiesophy, and operating joads. 3.5 ‘The MMM mothod is used on products mada of ferromagnetic and austenitic steels and alloys, and cast iron with unlimited teat sizes and thicknesses, including welded joints. NOTE Austenitic stels can be inspected # their microstructure i senskve fr 7-x phase transformation under static ercjetoloads. 3.6 The temperature range of the MN&M method pplication is according to the normal and safe working Conitions of the operator (NDT inspector). Inspection tools shall be operable at temperatures from -20°C tox80°C, 4 Requirements of the inspection object 44° Duting the application of the MMM method, equipment and stuctures ere Inspected both in the in-service state (under ond) and during maintenance (stter removal of operating loads). 4.2 Surface dressing and preparation are not required. It is recommended to remove insulation. Ir Intvidust cats, non-magnatic Ingulaton js allowed during inspection. The maxiinum permissiie Insulation layer thicknase chall be detetmined experimentally. 4.3. The range of metal thicknesses in inspection zones Is specified in techniques used for this inspection object. 44. The limiting frctors for the application ofthe MMM method are the following: — artficia! magnetization of the metal; — infivenca of foreign ferromagnatie products on the Inspection objact, nar tha Inspacton region of interest; presence of the source of an external magnetic Feld or an electric-welding current flow near (closer than tra) ta the 10, 45. Acoustic noise fiom the 10 and machanlcal vibration of the 1O do not Influence the inspection resus. BS ISO 24497-2:2007 5 Requirements of the inspection means 5.1. For equipment inspection using the MMM method, specialized magnelometvic instuments are used. The typical technique of the SCZ determination sha ba documented in the manual of the instruments ‘menitoned, 52 Tne principle of the operation of these instruments is based on the registration of induced electrical voltage pulses in the sensor coll of a flux-gate meter at its placement into the seifenagnetc-leakage field (SMLF) of the near-surface area of the 10. A flux-gate meter or other magnatic-sensitive transformers (field meters or radlometers} can be used as sensors for measuring the SMLF intensity. 5.3. Instruments shall have a screen for the gtaphical representation of the inspection parameters, a recorder based on a microprocessor, a storage unit, and scanner assemblies depending on the form of the indkidual specialized sensors, The possibilty of an information swap from the instrument to an external ‘computer and data printout shall be provided. Special software for computer processing of the inspection results should be supplied withthe instrument. 5.4 Specialized sensors are supplied with the instrument. The sensor type is determined by the method and the specific inspection tasks. The sensor shall hava not lass than two measurement channels, one of them for the instrument and another for tuning out the infiuences of the Earth’s external magnetic il. 5.5 The sensor housing shall be equipped with an electronic unt for the measured feld amplification and 2 sensor for measuting the length of the scanned Inepection path length 5.6 On the 10, where it is difficult to use scanning devices, it ts permitted to apply mognetometric Instruments with a dighal display of the magnetic fied intensity 5.7 The folowing factors infuence the error of SMLF measurements 10 surace tris; — senso itt fom the 10 surface: sensor scanning rate along the 10 surface; — sensor sensitivity — the permissible errr of measurement shall be indicales tn the techniques depending of th Inspection object. 5.8 The instuments should have the folowing metrological characteristics: — tha relative eror ofthe mansured magnetic ald for each instrumant channel not mora than = 5%, the error of the measured length not more than = 6% — Instrumant measurement range not less than +1000 Aim ‘minimal scanning step (distance between the two adjacent inspection points) of 1 mm; — electronic not than = 8 Alm, level conditioned by the processor and operation of the microelectronics not more TSO 24497-2:2007 6 Pre-testing procedure 61 Thepre-testing procedure is pat ofthe folowing basic stages: — analysis ofthe technical documentation of the 10 and preparation ofthe IO chart (logfile, inspaction plan), — selection of sensors and tost instrument types; — setting and calibration of the instruments and sensors according to the instruction indicated in the manual; segmentation of the inspection object into individual inspection areas and inspection units having their ‘oum design philosophy and their indication inthe IO logfl. 6.2 Analysis of technical documentaton forthe inspection ebjact includes the folowing: Indication ofthe steel grades and the dimensions of the selected inspection units; — analysis ofthe 1O operation modes and reasons of falures (damages): .— invication ofthe inspaction unit’ design philosophy, and locations of welded jolnts. 7 Inspection procedure 7A The notrmal andor tangential component of the selt-magnelicleakage fie, Hy is measured at the 10 Surface by continuous or spot scanning with the instrument sensor. At the same tind, positions with axtrama Hy feld changes are determined and registered at the 10 surface, The zero value of the normal component corresponds to the maximal value of the tangential component ofthe field 7.2. For quantitative assassmant ofthe residual stress concentvation lavel, the coefficient, Xj, indicating tha intensity of the normal andor tangantial component of the magnetic Seid gradiert, is deiaimined by tha formula a Aly is tre diference ofthe 1, fields between the two adjacent scanning points; fy le he distance between these adjacent pains. ‘The zona of maximal concantralion of residual stress corresponds to the maximum gradient of the normal andlor tangential component ofthe fel. 7.3. The inspection results are recorded in the instrument's memory unit and then, using the software, the SCZ with a maximum Kax ig veIUe Of the normal andlor tangential component of the field is determined. ‘Then, using the software, a average Value Keg, Of the normal andfor tangential component ofthe field is determined forall SCZ reveaied on the inspection object, 74 After determination of Kinet. n 809 Kina y Vales for all zones revealed duting inspection, wo or three ‘SCZ withthe highest Kn jp VAISS are Selocted and the ratio m is calculated: Kum Kain 2 ‘Atthe samme time, tha value mis calculated separately for tha rallo of gradients of the normal component of the field and separately for the rao of gradients of the tangential component of the fel. la, calculated for the ratio of gradionts of the normal and/or tangential components ofthe field, exceeds a Fenlting threshold value, my, & conclusion le made about the malarial state in the next perl of life preceding an lO damage. “The magnetic index, men, characterizes the metal deformation capabiity by strengthening before failure and is termined in the laboratory and under indusvial conditions using a special calbration method. 7.5 Additional testing by destructive and non-destructive methods s carried out in the SCZ with maenum a, mgx Values for normal andlor tengentia} components of the fiski, and the most representative material 'Salpl is selected for studying the materia microsiucture and its mechanical properties. 8 Recording of inspection results Inspection sults are recorded na report, and the flowing data shall be indicated: —_ names of inspection unis and segments where SCZ were detected — iy field values and the exrame values of the Feld gradient Xqin SCZ: — results of atonal inspection in SCZ by other NOT methods; — visual examination: — lO nontaiture operating tine trom its stareup: — type of instument used at inspection; — rigumé according to inspection result — date of inspection and name ang sumame ofthe inspector. 82 Tha 10 logfla with indications ofthe inspaction areas and dotectad SCZ shall ba altached tothe report 83 The conclusion of the analysis of the results, characteriaing the state of the 10, is made on the basis of Inspection results ‘84 Inspection results shall be sloved til the next 10 examination. 9 Safety requirements. 9.4 Only persons trained in the MMMM method and certified according to level | and it qualifcation levels are allowad to perform the nspaction, 9.2 Persons performing the MMM inspection shall folow the sofety requirements established for the industrial environment where the Inspection is performed. 9:3 Before staring with the inspection parfoimance, all Involved porsons shail pass an appropriate safety Instruction and training of which the content shall be recorded in a special logfile ‘Training of the inspectors shall be performed at each changing of the working conditions. The person responsible for taining the operators shall be qualified according to an engineering lave! level i) 9.4 During inspection, the appropiate Personal Protective Equipment for the speclic industrial environmental conditions shall be worn, 8.5 When working at a height, an appropriate scaffold, cada, and rope accass system, which meats the requirement of the safely standard, shell be used. Scaffold, ladder, and cradla constructions shall meet the requirements of safety standards,

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