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Teacher Name Date Level Length Unit

Thea Bridging 2 hours 1

Main Aim To better enable students to master basic reading skills—skimming and scanning

To enable Ss to learn to make predictions when reading the passage

Secondary Aim
To assist Ss to get basic knowledge of subjects
In this lesson, I will start learning how to give the class by speaking English and in
Personal Aims the meantime, I will improve my ability to give instructions in English as clear as I

How does this lesson meet the needs, interests Materials

and learner styles of your students?
The students are generally meant to take TOEFL test PPT slides
within one year with average scores around 40~60. Self-made handouts adapted from Bridging
Most of them are studying in secondary school. Some Reading Teacher’s Book
of them lack the ability of English so they can just get Plastic objects
40~60, but some of them lack the knowledge of TOEFL
and skills of solving questions of TOEFL. As for the
former kind of students, more attention should be paid
on basic knowledge of English, such as vocabulary,
gramma and so on, while as for the latter kind of
students, on the other hand, they may need more
knowledge about the test.

Previous Learning/Knowledge about Today’s Lesson Focus

What do you assume learners know about today’s lesson focus / what have previous teachers taught?
A number of reading teacher may not focus on this aspect of reading teaching. They may just classify the
passages from TPO into several topics, such as history, science, biology, etc. During teaching, students may
use several passages of the same topic to practice so that they can get familiar with certain sorts of words,
similar passage structure or ways of reasoning.

Overall Anticipated Problems and Solutions with Learners and Materials (not language)

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may not get used to English-only class and want Tell Ss try to speak English as possible as they can.
the Ts to speak Chinese. They are allowed to speak a bit Chinese if necessary.

Ss may not get used to English-only class and want If they have problems expressing their ideas, ask them
to speak Chinese themselves. to try another way. Give encouragement in time.
Ss may not fully understand the passage. Set group-working tasks. Partners will help each other.
Ss may not fully understand the instruction. The instruction should be as simple as possible.
Ask ICQS to make sure.
T may forget what Ss are going to do next. Get familiar with all the procedure in advance.
Hold a LP in hand. Watch it during monitor time by the
Ss may feel tired in the latter part of the class. T should design more activities in advance, e.g. Quiz,
match, true & false
Stage 1
Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim
To test what they had learnt in the previous unit, start making rapport and set up
1 Warm-up
the context
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Greet the class TOTAL
Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. 10 mins

GTKY (Optional, 5 mins)

Test the Ss about the preview work of this Unit. test

(centred position. Look around) 5 mins
“Now we are going to have a test about some Activity
knowledge we are going to learn in Unit 1. Finish this 5 mins
paper in 5mins. You are not allowed to talk with each
other or to use the dictionary or your textbook.”
ICQ: now let me check:
What are you going to do next?
Can you discuss it with your partners?
How much time do you have?

Monitor: T-SS
Centred position and make sure everyone is on the task. S-S
Compare the answers among pairs.
Check the answer together in the class. (centred
Explain the answers if needed.
(adjust the teaching accordingly.)

Ask questions to activate Ss’ prior knowledge of

ancient civilizations.
(centred position. Look around)
“Ancient Civilizations are a common topic of TOEFL Test.
How many ancient civilizations do you know? Name one
or two ancient civilizations.”
Set up EX 1, the matching task.
(point to the task on the book & handout)
“Now, here are 4 pictures. Match each picture with the
four ancient civilizations on the right side. Work in pairs
(group the Ss). You only have 2 min.”
(or pictures and words can be printed out to ask Ss to
match on board by sticking the paper. Can be designed
as an activity at the beginning of the class)
ICQ: now let me check:
How much time do you have?

Centred position and make sure everyone is on the task.

Compare the answers among pairs.
Check the answer together in the class. (centred

Set EX 2. (Can be omitted according to the situation. )

(centred position. Look around)
Now since the TOEFL reading test prefers to give some
passage about the ancient Egypt, Greek and Maya, I may
give some background on them.

Notice if there is someone who gets lost

(centred position) Nominate two Ss to answer.
“ XX, I heard you say…..why? / can you explain in detail?
What about XX?”
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Ss find it hard to finish the matching task Give some hints or give some introduction in advance.

Ss do not know how to express the name of the civilizations in English. Ask the Ss to express what they know about the civilization and then give them the name.

Ss cannot express themselves smoothly in English. Encourage Ss to speak. Give positive feedbacks. Offer Ss a more native way of expression
if needed.
Stage 2

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

2 Before You Read Lead in and set up the context
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Set EX 1. T-SS
Now you are going to read a short passage and answer S-S
the following question.
“What factors always guided people’s movements in 5 mins
early civilizations?” (on PPT)
Read it alone. You only have 1 min.

See which S could have the right answer

Nominate one S with the right answer.

Set EX 2.: (Optional, if there is time)

Based on the short passage, discuss the following
question with your partners:
II.Are there any areas in your country that had early
civilizations? Where? What were the key reasons that
people moved these areas?
Work in pairs. You will have 2 mins.

ICQ: now let me check

How much time do you have?

Circulate and listen carefully to the discussion

Nominate all Ss one by one
“ XX, I heard you say…..why? / can you explain in detail?
What about XX?”
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Ss do not want to participate in the discussion. Encourage Ss to speak by talking with them passionately. Pay attention not to nominate
them first in case of upsetting them.
Ss have different opinions about the topic and argue with each other. Slow them down and ask them to say one by one. Tell them that it is ok to have different
ideas. It is the nature of discussion.
Stage 3

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

3 Vocabulary To clarify the blocking vocabulary before Ss read the passage.
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Set EX 1. T-WC
Now let’s move on to vocabulary. S-S
10 mins
Do you know the meaning of bolded words?
(Choose the words they don’t know to guess the

Now guess the meaning of these words you don’t know.

But before you begin, I need to check several words in
the sentences.
Sentence 3: overwhelmed. It means being controlled.
Sentence 4: celebrity. It means some famous people.

Now you may first underline the part of the sentence

which may help you understand the word. For
example, ... (Demo). Now work alone, and you have 2

ICQ: now, let me check

Can you use a dictionary here?
(No, you can only guess the meaning.)
What would you do first? (Underline the part of the
sentence which may help me understand the word)

Circulate and make sure Ss are doing the task.
Pay attention to the words that are hard for Ss to guess.
Add some CCQ if necessary.

(prepare some pictures for the words if they are not
abstract; match game can also be a substitute)
Clarify MFAP of each word on board:
agriculture: farming and the methods that are used to raise
Raise an example of agriculture? and look after crops and animals.
Have you seen the Agricultural Bank of China before?
(Drilling chorally and individually.)

civilization: a human society with its own social

Could you name one kind of civilization? organization and culture.
Is it a noun or a verb?
(Drilling chorally and individually.)

emerge: appear, come out from an enclosed or dark

give me a word which has similar meaning. space
(Drilling chorally and individually.)

community: all the people who live in a particular area or

give me a word which has similar meaning. place.
Does a community usually consist of dozens of people
living there?
(Drilling chorally and individually.)

authority: the people who have the power to make

Does it have the same meaning as author? decisions
(Drilling chorally and individually.)

Set EX 2.
(if time is limited, this part can be taken as Assessment
Now, use these words to fill in the blanks on the book.
Work alone and then check answers with your partner.
You will have 3 mins.
ICQ: OK, let me check
Can you use the words besides the ones we’ve just
learnt? (No, we can only use these words.)
Do you work alone or in pairs? (Work alone to finish the
exercise and then check the answer with the partner.)
Pay attention to the words that are hard for them to
Circulate to make sure Ss are NOT cooperating with
their partners when they are doing the exercise.

Compare the answers among pairs
Check the answers with the whole class
Answer specific questions if there is any.
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Ss may not get the correct answer Compare the answer among pairs, so that other students may figure it out
If it doesn’t work, point it out and ask Ss whether they have a better answer.
Give the right answer if needed.
Feedback positively. Do not upset Ss.
Stage 4

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

4 Time to Read Read the passage to learn and practice the reading skills.
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Set EX 1.: T-WC
Task I: S-S
Now we are going to read some material you may see at T-S
Take 10 seconds to look at the information below. 30-35 mins
Where do you think you might find this piece of

So are you going to read word by word or just read
quickly? (read quickly)

Nominate 1 S to answer.

Now let’s look at Question 1. What helped you answer

Question 1? What things first caught your eyes when
you were reading quickly? (The bolded words)

Now read paragraph 1 of Course Description again and

answer Question 2-4. Work alone. You have 3 mins.

ICQ: Now let me check

How much time do you have? (3m)

Circulate to make sure Ss are participating
If most Ss find it hard to finish the task, more time is

Task II.:
Now discuss your answers with your partner. Work in
pairs and you will have another 1 min.

Circulate and listen to the discussion

Nominate Ss to talk about reasons for their answers
“ XX, I heard you say…..Why? / Can you explain in
detail? / What about XX?”

Reading Skills:
Task I:
Now we will learn the most important part of this unit --
Two reading skills: skimming and scanning.
But before learning the skills, we have to know about
the main idea and the supporting detail.

Read the explanation on the book. Work alone. You

have only 1 min.
Now close your book, finish Matching Activity 1 on the
PPT. The first one has been done as an example. You
have another 1 min.

Pay attention to Ss. Make sure they are on the task.

Ask Ss to check their answers with their partners and
then show them answers on the PPT.

Task II:
Now we turn to the two reading skills: skimming and
Read the definitions of the skills on the book quickly by
yourself, and finish Matching Activity 2 on the PPT. The
first one has been done as an example. You have one
and a half min.
Make sure they finish the task quickly.

Ask Ss to check their answers with their partners and
then show them answers on the PPT.

Task III:
Now we use different reading skills to finish some
First, Exercise I and II in Reading Skills - Skimming.
Finish them alone 2mins.

ICQ: What kind of reading skill do you need to use?

Will you read fast or slowly? (fast)

Pay attention to Ss.
Make sure they are on the task.
Give some hints to those students who cannot follow
the class.

Ask Ss to check in pairs, and share answers with the
whole class.

Task IV:
Now let’s turn to Exercise I and II in Reading skills -
Scanning. Do it alone in 2 mins.

ICQ: now let me check

Do you work alone or in pairs?
How much time do you have?

Pay attention to Ss. Make sure they are on the task.
Check the answers in pairs.
Nominate some Ss to tell the information they find to
support their answers.

Task V:
Let’s finish the last two exercises in this part -- Exercise
III and IV. First, look at the questions, and find out which
reading skills you need to finish them.
(Exercise III: scanning)
(Exercise IV: skimming for Question 1 and scanning for
Question 2.)
Now you have 3 mins to finish them alone.

ICQ: now let me check

Do you work alone or in pairs?
How much time do you have?

Pay attention to Ss. Make sure they use the right skill to
finish a question.

Check the answers in pairs.
Nominate some Ss to tell the information they find to
support their answers.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may find it hard to finish reading on time At some point, more time should be allowed

Student may be not familiar with the skimming and scanning, and they may be Ask them to use skimming and scanning to read. They are quite useful reading skills.
accustomed to the past way of reading
Stage 5

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Guide Ss to notice the importance of skimming and scanning in TOEFL test.
Relate the skills learnt to the test.
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Knowing the difference between the main idea and a T-S
supporting detail, and using the two reading skills, are 10 mins
quite important in TOEFL test. Look at the following
questions in the book.
Which information do you have to find? (details)
Which reading skill would you use? (scanning)

"According to paragraph 2, which of the following best

describes popular theater in mainland Europe during
the 1500s?"

"According to paragraph 2, what is true about the

repetition strategy used in ancient India?"

"According to paragraph 4, the experimental quality of

Piazzolla's work resulted in…"

Set task:
Read the paragraph, and finish the question below.

Move around to find Ss with the right answer.

Nominate 1 S with the right answer to explain.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may not be able to identify the sign of the question. Rethink about the definition and read the questions again. Explain it in Chinese when
Stage 6

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

To enable Ss better understand the topic (civilization) and give their own ideas.
6 AFTER READING (Optional)
Encourage the Ss to talk. Give correction if needed.
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
(This stage can be left as the assignment)
7 min
Set task I: (Optional)
We still have exercise to do with civilizations. Now, look
at task 1.

Set task II:

What and where are the origins of early civilization in
your country?
How did your city develop over history? Tell your
partner what you know.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may be unwilling to do the homework Ask for the reason and solve the problem accordingly.
Stage 7

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Lead in before reading the passage.
7 Before You Read ( Reading Passage 2)
Review skimming and scanning that had been taught in previous stage.
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Regroup the Ss (change seats)

Set task I:
Now you are going to read a short paragraph about rise T-WC
of social structure. Then answer the following two S-S
questions. You may use some reading skill, skimming or 5 mins
scanning. Work alone. You will have 2 min.

ICQ: OK, let me check

Do you work alone or in pairs?
How much time do you have?

Centred-position and look around
Make sure Ss are focused

Ss check the answers with partners quickly.
Nominate Ss to share their ideas.
“XX, I heard you say….”
T checks which reading skill they used.
Did you use skimming or scanning when you finish the
questions just now? (scanning)

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may not find the correct answer to question 1. Compare the answer with a partner/among pairs, so that other students may figure it out
If it doesn’t work, point it out and ask Ss whether they have a better answer.
Give the right answer if needed.
Feedback positively. Do not upset Ss.
Stage 8

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

8 Vocabulary (passage 2) To clarify the blocking vocabulary before Ss read the passage
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Set EX 1.
Now let’s see the vocabulary for the second part. T-WC
Since you have previewed the words in advance, we can 8-10 mins
quickly finish Exercise II as a check.
Before we begin, I’d like to explain two words in the
Sentence 1: coordinate. It means organize the various
people and things involved in it.
Sentence 2: conference (meeting)
Now work alone to fill in the blanks. You have 2

ICQ: now, let me check

How much time do you have?

Circulate and make sure Ss are doing the task
If some Ss did not preview the vocabulary, ask their
partners to help them. Or nominate some who did the
preview to explain the words. (Think of some
‘punishment’ for those who did not preview.)

Feedback: (Optional)
Clarify MPFA of each word on board: (definition on PPT) it is not likely to change
Some words are given to help understand the sentence.

stable: do things to help to make it successful

Is it stable? (use a living example)
(Drilling chorally and individually.)
When we say contribute to sth. are we do something things that it has and can use
good or bad? To actually do something that has been
(Drilling chorally and individually.) planned

Raise an example of resource Something that is complex has many different
(Drilling chorally and individually.) parts

Where is the stress of this word? Hot gas produced by boiling water
Give me a word which has a completely differently
(Drilling chorally and individually.) the type and range of food that you regularly

raise an example of diet
(Drilling chorally and individually.)
Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions
Ss may not understand the meaning of the word. Use easier words to make it clear. No Chinese.
Stage 9

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

To enable Ss understand an academic passage by using the reading skills presented.
9 Time to Read Learn and use new words and phrases.
To let them know the basic knowledge of English grammar—subjects
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Set EX 1 and 2:
I. Now you are going to read a passage. First, let’s look S-S
at its title and picture (on the PPT). T-WC
What do you think the article will talk about? Discuss
with your partner for 1 min. 30-35 mins

II. Now skim the article. Were the predictions you made
in Exercise I correct? Read alone in only 2 mins.

ICQ: OK, let me check

Do you read fast or slowly? (fast)
For what purpose do you skim the article? (to see
whether my prediction is correct)

circulate and look around
Make sure Ss skim rather than scan

Nominate a S to say whether his or her prediction is

Reading skills: Making predictions

Before we read a passage, it is helpful to have an idea of
the topic of the passage, or to make a prediction about
the topic. Making a correct prediction allows us to know
what to expect when reading later, and to use our own
background knowledge to help us understand the
passage better.
Let’s make prediction one more time.
Look at the title and picture of another article (on the
What do you think the article will talk about? Discuss
with your partner for 1 min.
Then skim the article to check your predictions. Read
alone in only 2 mins.

Set EX 2.:
Task 1:
Now let’s go back to the main passage -- “The
Development of Social Complexity.” Look at Questions
1-4 quickly.
Which reading skill would you use to solve the
questions? (scanning)
Finish the questions in 3 mins.

ICQ: OK, let me check

How much time do you have? (3 mins)

circulate and look around
Make sure Ss are on the task.

Compare the answers with a partner.
Check the answers the whole class
Nominate some Ss to explain why
Correct the answer if needed
For Q1:
If it is too easy for the S, ask S to paraphrase the answer
(upgrade the sentence)
For Q2:
Ask S to point out the sentence if someone got any
wrong answers.

Task 2:
Now, let’s move on to Questions 5-7(Question 8 can be
left as an assignment). Finish it alone. You have 3 mins.

circulate and look around
Make sure Ss are on the task.
Tell them how to predict the following information.

Check in pairs
Check in the whole class
nominate Ss to explain their answers

Set task 1:
A sentence must have a subject and a verb. Subject is
one of the most important parts of a sentence. Today
let’s learn to find the subject quickly.
Look at the first two sentences and underline their
subjects in 20 seconds.

circulate and look around
give hints to those students who may not know what
the subject is.

Check in pairs
Check in the whole class
If the whole class finishes the task well, no need to
explain the definition of subject.

Set task 2:
Now let’s underline the subjects of the other three
sentences in 30 seconds.

circulate and look for Ss with the right answers
Check in pairs, and nominate those with the right
answers to explain.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may not find the correct answers to questions. Compare the answer with a partner/among pairs, so that other students may figure it out
If it doesn’t work, point it out and ask Ss whether they have a better answer.
Give the right answer if needed.
Feedback positively. Do not upset Ss.
Ss may find it too complicated to understand the passage. Difficult words will be added in to the word list at the end of the class.
Stage 10

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

AFTER READING (Optional) To enable Ss better understand the topic and give their own ideas.
Assessment test and Assignments (Must) Encourage the Ss to talk and give correction if needed.
Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:
Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider
Assessment test:
Work alone in 5 mins Assessment
Monitor: 5-8 mins
circulate and look around
pay attention to the wrong answers.

Check in pairs
Check in the whole class
Correct the answers if needed.

(The following tasks will not be done due to the limited

time. May be taken as assignments)
Set task I:
Discuss the following topic with your partner and fill the
table below. You can search necessary information if
you want to. You will have 5 mins.

Set task II:

Now compare the modern life with the early society

Set assignments:
After the class, you shall do some assignments:
I. Review vocabulary in Unit 1 and preview vocabulary in
Unit 2
II. Complete the exercises below.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Ss may be unwilling to participate in the discussion. Let Ss listen first and Encourage Ss to speak
Do not embarrass Ss

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