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Week 3 — Perceiving Ourselves

and Others in Organizations

Chapter 3

What is self-concept and its levels?

An individuals beliefs and evealuations about themselves. Its levels are




Explain the self-concept Model

The self concept model consists of the 3C's and Four selves which are:

1. The 3C's

Week 3 — Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations 1


We have multiple selves

Complexity can increase with the number of selves and the distance
between them


Is higher when sleves require same or similar attributes


Higher when there is a clear and strong understanding of ones selves

Increases with age

2. The Four Selves

Social self




What are the benefits of self-enhancement

Better personal adjustment, Better management of mental and physical health

Higher motivation

What is perception

This is the process of receiving information about making sense of the world around

What is stereotyping and some of its problems

This is when an individual is judged based on the perception of the group the
person belongs to. Some problems are:

Creates systematic and intentional discrimination


What is Attribution Theory, its types and errors?

Week 3 — Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations 2

This is the theory that when we observe an individuals atypical behaviour, we
attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused.

Internal Attribution

Perception that behaviour is caused by a persons motivation or ability

External Attribution

Perception that behaviour is caused by factors beyond a persons control

Issues with it:

Fundamental attribution error

the tendency to underestimate external factors and overestimate

internal factors when making judgements about behaviour

Self-serving bias

The tendency to attributes ones success to internal factors and to

blame faliures on external factors

Self-fufilling prophecy

Give exampkes of some other perceptual efects other that the one above

Halo Effect

One traits overwhelms the perception of other traits


Over estimate the congruency of beliefs

Primacy Effect

Strong first impressions

Recency Effect

Most recent information dominates perceptions

What are the ways to improve perceptions

More mindful of our thoughts and actions

Week 3 — Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations 3

Improve self-awareness

Have more meaningful interactions with people

Week 3 — Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations 4

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