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The Repulic of Mininesian Constitutional Law

And Act Result

Section 1
Country State Sovereignity
Article I
1. Mininesia Stands and States itself as an independent nation
2. Mininesia Cant And Wouldnt Break The Official Constitutional Law
Section 2
President Authority And Prohibition
Article I
1. President Has To Be fully Elected By Mininesian Comunity
2. President of mininesia Have Rights To Have Goverments Power
3. The President Will Be Fully Helped By Vice President
4. Racists Presidents Is To be Dethroned In Place
5. Any Proof Of Racist President Is To be given To Authorities To Examine
6. Mininesian President Have Rights to remove And Add Constitutional Law
7. The President Has Responsibilty To follow The Mininesian Constitutional Law
8. If a presiden or Vice president Cought in Betreyal , Corruption , Bribe or
Discriminalization , The President Will/Have To dethrone himself From their Position
9. President Election Is to be elected Democraticly
Article II
1. The President Must and Have To Follow Standard Health , Physic and Mental
2. President And vice President Must Elected Seperately
3. Nepotism Is Proibited On Official Election
Article III
1. President Terms On Office Only Applied for 5 Years
Article IIII
1. Criminal Reoccurance By A President/Nominee President/Vice President Is To Sentence
Correspondingly Trough Their Ciminal Position
2. If A President Vacancy occured , It Will Replaced By Vice President Or By a Substitute
3. President Have Rights to State Regulation And Aranggement
Article V
1. President Have Rights To declare war , Peace Treaty And Agreements With Other Country
2. Presidents Need To Eliminate International Debt To Declare War , Peace Treaty And
3. President Can Declare Danger And Alert Af Confirmed By Reliable Source
4. President Cant Threaten Or Use People For Its Purposes Only
Article VI
1. Presidents Have Rights To choose An Ambassador After International Minister Aproval
Section 3
Republic Minister
Article I
1. President Will be helped by Ministers
2. Ministers Doesnt Have Rights To Intervine Other Members
3. Ministers Can only work on One Field
4. Ministers Has To be From Mininesia and from Mininesia only
5. Ministers Is Responsible Of Problems Related To Their Fields
6. Minister Will be Elected Every 5 Year By The Previous Ministers
Section 4
County Governor
Article I
1. County Governor Can Only Work On One Province
2. County Governor Needs to be from the Province Their Working On
3. County Governor Is Capable To Handle One Province
4. County Governor Has No Rights To Declare War or Racism To Other Province
Article II
1. County Governor Election Is To be Choosen Democraticly
2. County Govener Have Rights to State Regulation And Aranggement
Article III
1. After the previous Govenor Retirement , Electionist Must be Fair,Honest and Equitable
2. County Governor Doesnt Have Rights to Remove Regents Or Mayors
3. President Can Remove A County Govenor
4. If A County Governor Caught In Discriminalization,Scandal Or Other Heavy gulity Crime
Theyre Have to be removed from its position In the span of 48 Days
5. Country Govenor Doesnt Have Rights to Change Borders
Section 5
National Court And Law
Article I
1. National Court Is A Duty for Capables and For Law And justice Purposes
2. National Court Has To Have National Court School History Record For At Least 9 Years
Article II
1. National Court Have Rights to Constitutionaly To Party Authorities , Party Dissolution and
To Decide Punishments
2. National Court Have Rights To remove And Add Province Court With President Aprooval
Article III
1. Law Cant Be Abided Or Removed
2. Corruption or bribe Is to Be Sentenced 12 Year Prison
Section 6
1, Election is to be fair and democratic
2. Minority must still to respected
3. Faminism , Rasism And sacandal Election Or In Election Is Banned
4. Electionist Can Choose Fewer And Greater Than One Vote
Article II
1. Election Is A process Only For Choosing President , Vice President , Country Governor ,
Regents And Mayors
Section 7
Money And Cash Purposes
Article I
1. Taxes Cant Be Added Or Removed After the Constitutional Tax Determination 1952
2. Every Inhabitant Have To Attempt expenses that are less than income
3. President Have Rights To Take Or Make Money
4. Money Printing Is to be done Once A month To Outstand Mininesian Currency
5. No fewer Than 5 Million Dollar Mininesia Is to be producted every 11 Month
Article II
1. Taxes Cummulation Is to be Avoided
2. profit-sharing system is to be used On Banks
3. Banks is to be management and developmental With No Interest
Section 8
Country Area
Article I
1. Teritorial border To Munchrat , Futi And Shinto is a Mininesian Asset Witch can be
2. A county state Independent Can Be stopped By President Rights
3. Teritorial To munchrat , Futi And shinto Cant Be removed or Banned
4. Teritorial War Is Banned Since 1986
5. Mininesia Country is the Island of Katka,Manda and Kupak With other small Islets
Article II
1. Claiming Mininesia area Will Be in the cause of War Declaration
2. Any Teritorial Dispute And racism Will Also Be in the cause Of War Declaration
Section 9
Residents And Community
Article I
1. Residents Have Rights to live Inside Mininesia With Secure And Privacy Guarantee
2. Residents Need To be Mininesians
3. Any Non mininesian Is to sign its pasport and inauguration of citizenship on the
Ambassador Office
Article II
1. Citizen Need And Responsible To The rules
2. Illegal Immigrants Will Be Deported In an aproximate of 12 Hour
3. Increasing Popolation Will Make Uninhabitable Island Habitalbe
4. If the 14.293 Island Is All Habitable , Refugees And Imigrants Will Be Prohibited
5. War Declaration Is Prohibited For handling The Population Crisis
6. Population Density Will Be Deported Into Large , Little Population Country Such As
Niganda , Azzambia , Valvasia And Muchrat
Article III
1. Residents Have Rights To improve Himself Using Technology and Science
2. Residents Have Rights to achienve goals
3. Residents Have Rights To Have Medical Infrastructures
4. Residents Have Rigts To Do Job
5. Residents Have responsibility to pay theyre Taxes
Article IIII
1. Every Orphan Child Belongs To the country
2. Women Have Rights to gave birth
3. Residents Have Rights to Make Family
4. Every Citizen Has to At least have 12 Years Standard Education
Artice V
1. Residents Have right to be protected By Law
2. Residents Have Rights to choose their own Religion
Article VI
1. Residents Have Rights To Vote
2. Citizen Have Rights to Have A Home And Daily Food and drink
3. Citizen Responsible to Respect Human Rights
Section 10
Republic Power
Article I
1. Heavy Crime for protecting the country is Prohibited
2. Every Citizen And Citizenship Have Rights to protect the country
3. Mininesian Official Army (MOA) Nor (MNLA)(MNSA)or(MNSeA)Is to be used for
National Purposes
4. Border To Munchonesia Is Not to be Disputes
5. Illegal War Army Is To Be Eradicated Immideately
6. Any Troops Death Nor Big or Small (Amount) Still to be Respected

The Flag Of Republic Of Mininesia is A ratio 280 x
300 Cm Flag And Was Made In 1097 By The
Curent Mininesian King , Desislav Mimitri , A
former Rassian In the Age of 36 The Blue
Background And Representing the sea And A Line
Seperating the Two Is The Middle Representing
The Island And Ilets Coasts And Bay , The Shield
Representing The Protection And
The Cresent Representing Islam , The Most Demanded Religion ,


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