Test I: Identification and Enumeration For The Following Questions

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Alpha Marine III

Test I: Identification and enumeration for the following questions:

1. SOLAS Chapter III: Life - saving appliances and arrangement, where Part B, regulation 7 list
downs the requirement for the personal life-saving appliance such as LIFEJACKETS,
lifebuoys, immersion suits, etc.

2. Regulation 20 applied to all ships for operational readiness, maintenance and SURVEY,
requirement of survival crafts and other lifesaving appliances onboard ship.

3. SOLAS Chapter IV- Radio communications includes the requirements of GMDSS, SART,
EPIRB, etc. for cargo and passenger vessel.

4. SOLAS Chapter V. Safety of Navigation, regulation 12 provides the requirement for Vessel
Traffi Service (VTS) undertaken by the contracting government for SAFE navigation in the
coastal area, channel, port vicinity and area of maritime traffic.

 5. SOLAS Chapter VI: Carriage of cargoes and Oil, Fuel which defines the storage and securing
of different types of cargo and CONTAINERS but does not include oil and gas cargo.

6. Part A, Regulation 3 of this chapter explains the need for Oxygen ANALYZER and other gas
detection equipment for monitoring of those solid cargoes which emits toxic or flammable gases.

7. Regulation 5 provides the information on stowing and securing of the cargo which also lists
down the requirement of MSDS for fuel oil carried on board ship. Further, it explains the
requirement to prohibit the mixing of bulk liquid cargo and production process dueing the sea

8. Part C of this chapter focuses on the requirement for carriage of grains under Regulation 8 and
9 which provides the definitions of  INTERNATIONAL GRAN CODE and other essential
terms related to grains sailing with the criteria to carry grain cargoes on the ship.

9. SOLAS Chapter VII-Carriage of Dangerous goods, which defines the INTERNATIONAL

MARITIME GOODS CODE for storage and transportation of dangerous goods, where this
chapter is further divided into 4 parts.

10 to 15. What were the entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be made on each of the
following occasion when the garbage is discharge to a reception facility ashore or to other ships?

 Date and time of discharge

 Port or facility, or name of ship
 Categories of garbage discharged
 Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
 Signature of officer in charge of the operation.
Alpha Marine III

16 to 20. When garbage is discharge into the sea in accordance with regulations 4, 5 or 6 of

 Date and time of discharge

 Position of the ship (latitude and longitude). Note: for cargo residue discharges,
include discharge start and stop positions.
 Category of garbage discharged
 Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
 Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.

21 & 22.  The amount of garbage on-board should be estimated in CUBIC METRES, and if
possible separately by category where each completed pages of the GRB is to be signed by the 

23 to 26. What is MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Regulations which entered into force on
SEPTEMBER 1997 then revised Annex VI and entered into force  19 MAY 2005 These apply
to all ships of  400 G.T. and above which have to carry an INTERNATIONAL AIR

27 to 32. What are the following Regulations 12 to 18 which are pertaining to Annex VI of
MARPOL 73/78?

 Regulation 12 - Ozone-depleting substances

 Regulation 13 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
 Regulation 14 - Sulphur oxides (SOx)
 Regulation 15 - Volatile organic compounds
 Regulation 16 - Shipboard incineration
 Regulation 17 - Reception facilities
 Regulation 18 - Fuel oil quality
 Regulation 19 - Requirements for platforms and drilling rigs

33 to 37. Identify the specific exhaust emission components that are prescribe in the U.S. EPA
40 CFR and MARPOL Annex VI that must be regulated as follows: 


38 & 39. This ozone depleting substances CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS OR CFCS also

known as Freon which contains atoms of fluorine, carbon and chlorine where the emission of this
substance from the world shipping fleet were estimated at 6000 tons for the year 1990?
Alpha Marine III

40. What chemical gas that contains bromine which breaks down ozone in the stratosphere which
are used primarily in fire extinguishers? METHYL BROMIDE

41.  Annex VI prohibits deliberate emissions of ODS, which includes the above substances, but
new installations containing HCFC's are permitted until 01 JANUARY 2020 .

42.  This emission compound NITROGEN OXIDE plays a major role in the formation of
ground level Ozone by the reaction with VOC under the influence of sunlight, also contribute to
the formation of acid rain and to a wide range of environmental effects.

43. The NOX TECHNICAL CODE provides "mandatory procedures for the testing, survey and
certification of marine diesel engines which will enable engine manufacturers, shipowners and
administrations to ensure that all applicable marine diesel engines comply with the relevant
limiting emission values of NOx as specified within regulation 13 of Annex VI".

44. SULPHUR DIOXIDE the main sulphur oxide gas is a colorless, non-flammable gas with a
penetrating odour that irritates the eyes and air passages and reacts on the surface of a variety of
airborne solid particles, is soluble in water and can oxidized within airborne water droplets. 

45 to 50. What are the operational and design matters of most ships which operate both outside
and inside these ECA will therefore operate on different fuel oils in order to comply with the
respective limits?

 Fuel system segregation - storage capacity/tanks

 Segregated cylinder lube oil tanks may be required to cover the different
range of sulphur content fuels
 Sufficient time for fuel change over is required prior to entry into an
Emission Control Area
 Recording procedures in log book and monitoring (Reg.14.6)
 More complex system and therefore more susceptible to errors - an
Integrated Fuel Management System will be essential
 Planning of voyages - selection of bunker ports and trade routes to ensure
correct fuel onboard prior to entering an ECA (Reg.

Test II: MCQ, select the appropriate answer to the following questions: 

1. The MARPOL Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships was adopted on
_______ at IMO that covered pollution by oil, chemicals and harmful substances, sewage and

(a) 2 Nov. 1973   (b) Feb. 1978   (c) 2 Oct. 1983   (d) SOLAS 1974

2.  MARPOL Annex I, Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil was entered into force
when?   (a) 2 Nov. 1973     (b) 2 Oct. 1983   (c) Jan. 1, 1978   (d) Feb. 1978

3. The revision of MARPOL Annex I entered into force in _____________.  (a) 2 Oct. 1983  (b)
1 Jan. 2001  (c) 1 Jan. 2007      (d) 1 Jan. 2003
Alpha Marine III

4. What is MARPOL 73/78 Annex II regulations describe?  (a) Prevention of Pollution by

Harmful Substances Carried by Sea  (b) Regulations for the Control of Noxious Liquid
Substancs in Bulk  (c) Prevention of Pollution  by Noxious Liquid Substances in Package Form 
(d) Both B & C

5. When was MARPOL Annex II entered into force after its revision?  (a) 2 Oct. 1983  (b) 1
Jan. 2007  (c) 1 July 1992   (d)  1 Jan. 2003

6. For certain sea areas identified as "Special area", more stringent discharge criteria apply under
Annex II?  (a) Antarctic area  (b) Mediterranean sea  (c) Wider Caribbean region  (d) All of the

7. For the purpose of Annex II, Noxious liquid substances which if discharge into the sea from
tank cleaning or de-ballasting operation are deemed to present a major hazard to either marine
resources or human health. (a) Category X (b) Category Y  (c) Category Z  (d) Category OS

8. Noxious liquid substances which if discharge into the sea from tank cleaning or de-ballasting,
are deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or human health and therefore
justify less stringent restrictions on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine
environment.  (a) Category OS (b) Categroy Y  (c) Category Z  (d) Category X

9. Every ship to which Annex II applies shall be provided with a ______________ , whether as
part of the ship's official logbook.  (a) Oil Record book  (b) Cargo Record Book  (c) Garbage
Record book  (d) IBC Code

10. For MARPOL Annex III Regulations was entered into force when?  (a) 2 Oct. 1983  (b) 1
July 1992  (c) 1 Jan. 2003  (d) 1 Jan. 2007

11. What is MARPOL Annex III Regulations? Annex III Prevention of Pollution by
Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form

12. The revised Annex III Regulations entered into force in?  (a) 1 July 1992  (b) 1 Oct. 2010 
(c) 1 Jan. 2004  (d) May 2002

13. The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code was developed as a uniform
international code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea which adopted when?  (a)  May
2002  (b) 1 Jan. 2004  (c)  13 Dec. 2000   (d)  1 Oct. 2010

`14.  Every two years, IMO publishes a new Amendments to the IMDG Code, incorporating
changes through the IMO Committee.  (a) Marine Environment Protection Committee  (b)
Maritime Safety Committee  (c) Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response  (d)
Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers

15.  When was Annex IV entered into force on?  (a) 1 April 2004  (b) 27 Sept. 2003  (c) 1 Aug.
2005  (d)  27 Sept. 2008a

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