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Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct options to complete the text.

I've been reading about some people who are planning to start a (1) rocket / galaxy / colony on Mars,
where humans will be able to live. I don't know why anyone would want to live on Mars! First of all, there's
no (2) gravity / atmosphere / orbit on Mars, so they won't be able to breathe if they leave the
(3) galaxy / dome / surface where they’ll be living. Of course, breathing is not the only problem they're
likely to encounter if they decide to go outside. In space there's no (4) gravity / spacecraft / oxygen , so
there’s nothing to stop them floating up into space! Technology can't always be trusted to work properly
either: airplanes crash here on earth all the time – so how do we know that the same thing won't happen to
their (5) atmosphere / dome / spacecraft ?

Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box, using the prefixes in
brackets. For example: [populate] This area is underpopulated (under).

estimate city crowd series spend

I think that countries (6) ____________ (over) on space exploration; they could use the money to solve
some of the problems we’re facing on earth instead. I was watching a (7) ____________ (mini) on TV
about the problems we’ll have to deal with in the next century. It was saying that more and more
(8) ____________ (mega) will appear as the population grows and everyone chooses to live in urban
centres. These locations will be very (9) ____________ (over) because of the number of people living
there. However that doesn’t mean we have to start looking for a new planet to live on. I think we
sometimes (10) ____________ (under) the ability of people to make the changes necessary to prevent the
earth being destroyed.

Grammar 1: Choose the correct options to complete the text.

(11) I'm going to be / I'm / I’m being one of the first people to go to Mars when the first flight (12) leaves /
is leaving / will leave Earth in 15 years. I'll apply to be on that rocket as soon as they allow the public to
apply for places. (13) I'll definitely be / I definitely be / I'm definitely happier on Mars than I am here on
Earth. Earth is so boring! Of course, I can only imagine what it feels like to live up there. I know it’ll be
dangerous and I probably (14) won’t can / won’t be able to / will be able not to come back but it’ll be
worth it just to be one of the first people on the ‘Red Planet’. (15) I send / ’m sending / ’ll send you a
postcard when I get there!

Grammar 2: Complete the text with the words in brackets. Use the future continuous or future
perfect form of the verb.
I love scientific discoveries in general, not just space exploration. The future is going to be so cool! I know
people worry about climate change but I'm really not worried about the environment; by 2050 I believe
(16) ____________ (we, invent) new technologies that are able to solve all of our environmental problems.
I'm also sure that (17) ____________ (we, create) an army of robots to do all our difficult jobs. Work is
something that (18) _____________ (humans, not, do) in the future! Of course, I won't be here because
(19) ____________ (I, live) on Mars. We’ll have built the first cities there and (20) ___________ (we, look)
further into space for new planets to colonize.

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