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Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58

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Impact of aeration and alkalinity on the water quality and product

quality of transported tilapia—A simulation study
John Colt ∗ , Eric Kroeger
National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. East, Seattle, WA 98112-2097, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effects of aeration and alkalinity on water quality and product quality of Nile tilapia (Oreochrmis
Received 20 September 2012 niloticus) were determined for simulated commercial hauling conditions. Three types of aeration were
Accepted 13 March 2013 tested: pure oxygen aeration with a fine bubble diffuser (Oxygen), air aeration with medium bubble
diffusers (Air), and a combination of both pure oxygen aeration with a fine bubble diffuser and air aer-
Keywords: ation with a medium bubble diffuser (Mixed). Simulated transport hauls were conducted at two initial
Fish transport
alkalinities: 1.74 ± 0.11 meq/L (Low) and 8.84 ± 0.55 meq/L (High).
The Air treatments resulted in the lowest carbon dioxide concentration, and the highest pH and
Water quality
un-ionized ammonia concentrations. At high alkalinities, the Air treatments were unable to maintain ade-
quate dissolved oxygen levels. The Mixed treatment resulted in reduced carbon dioxide and dissolved
oxygen concentrations. The Oxygen treatment resulted the highest dissolved oxygen, highest carbon
dioxide, and lowest pH and un-ionized ammonia. Un-ionized ammonia concentrations were higher with
the High Alkalinity treatments because of higher pH. Significant mortality was observed in the Air treat-
ments in both the Low- and High-Alkalinity treatments. Mortality in the Oxygen and Mixed treatments
for both low and high alkalinities were comparable to that observed in commercial tilapia transport using
fine bubble diffusers and pure oxygen.
These results indicate that mortality due directly to hauling water quality will not be increased at
high alkalinity, if pure oxygen aeration is used. The potential effects of water quality during haul-
ing on survival and product quality may be less than the impact from (a) physical damage from
loading and un-loading and (b) physiological problems resulting from pH and temperature shock
during the transfer from the hauling tanks to retail holding systems, especially for fish of reduced
Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction ammonia concentration. The alkalinity of waters used for tilapia

rearing in Idaho (Colt et al., 2011) range from 1.6 to 9.3 meq/L.
A significant live-haul industry for tilapia has developed in The concentration of carbon dioxide depends on the metabolism
North America, and fish are commonly transported as much as of the fish, water temperature, type of aerator used, and gas flow
1000–3000 km (10–30 h) to market (Colt et al., 2011). At the end rates. Typical tilapia haulers in the Pacific Northwest use pure
of the haul, fish are transferred to holding systems at individ- oxygen with fine bubble ceramic or carbon diffusers (Colt et al.,
ual retail stores and sold over the following week. While direct 2011). Detailed information on water quality during tilapia trans-
mortality during hauling is typically low, high mortalities may port and holding is lacking because of the sensitivity of analytical
occur during the post-haul holding period for reasons not fully equipment to transport, logistical constraints, restricted access to
understood. hauling trucks and retail stores, and the overall complexity of the
Key water quality parameters in transport include temperature, industry (Colt et al., 2011). The objectives of this research are
dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, and un-ionized ammonia. to document impacts of aeration type and alkalinity on impor-
Alkalinity and carbon dioxide concentrations have a significant tant water quality parameters by using simulated hauling trials
impact on pH through the carbonate chemistry reactions; changes with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Hauling protocols were
in these parameters can have a major impact on the un-ionized selected to minimize the impacts of physical damage and hauling
tank-retail store transitions on mortality and product quality. The
intent is that this information will be used to direct future research
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 206 860 3243; fax: +1 206 860 3467. and develop improved fish transport protocols for commercial
E-mail address: (J. Colt). haulers.

0144-8609/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V.
J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58 47

2. Background respondents used pure oxygen aeration during hauling. Of those

using pure oxygen aeration, 70% also used agitators to circulate the
2.1. Water quality requirements of tilapia water in the hauling tanks. Only 15% and 2% of the respondents
used pumps and blowers, respectively. Some form of air vent or
Basic information on the water quality requirements of Nile scoop to allow air circulation through the head space (between the
tilapia is needed to interpret the results of this work. Because of water surface and tank lid) was reported by 47% of the respondents.
the lack of some specific water quality information for Nile tilapia, The breakdown of species transported by the respondents was
it is necessary to consider published information for other tilapia 39% coldwater species, 21% coolwater species, and 40% warmwa-
and non-tilapia species. ter species. The three most frequently transported species were
The optimal water temperature for tilapia growth is between rainbow trout, channel catfish, and largemouth bass (Micropterus
29 and 31 ◦ C (Popma and Masser, 1999). Tilapia generally stops salmoides) (Carmichael and Tomasso, 1988).
feeding when the water falls below 17 ◦ C and mortality occurs Adequate air movement through the headspace in a hauling
below 11 ◦ C (Atwood et al., 2003; Popma and Masser, 1999). The tank can reduce the buildup of carbon dioxide (Forsberg et al.,
24-h LC50 of Nile tilapia for dissolved oxygen is 1.41 mg/L (Mahdi, 1999; Haskell and Davies, 1958). In the transport of channel cat-
1973a). The critical oxygen level is 3.1 mg/L (Abdel Magid and fish to processing plants, the use of blowers resulted in undesirable
Babiker, 1975). Above this concentration, the oxygen consumption increases in water temperature during summer months (Bosworth
of Nile tilapia is independent of DO concentration. Because of the et al., 2004). Commercial tilapia haulers use pure oxygen aeration
extremely wide water quality conditions that this group of fish without agitators and in some cases without air vents or scoops
occupies, it is generally assumed that tilapia will tolerant of high (Colt et al., 2011).
carbon dioxide concentrations, although specific information is Some of the differences between commercial tilapia haulers
lacking. In rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), exposure to 12 (Colt et al., 2011) and those reported by Carmichael and Tomasso
and 24 mg/L free carbon dioxide had no effect on growth over 275 (1988) are due to species differences, longer distances, and higher
days. Fish growth was reduced at 55 mg/L, but only after about densities. For tilapia hauling, conservation of heat may be more
330 days (Smart et al., 1979). O. niloticus appear to have typical important than carbon dioxide removal during winter conditions
sensitivity to dissolved gas supersaturation. Ps between 85 and in the Pacific Northwest.
100 mm Hg, resulted in 25% mortality with 270 g fish (Saeed and The use of pure oxygen allows higher dissolved oxygen con-
Al-Thobaiti, 1997). Following reduction in the gas supersaturation centrations to be maintained during transport (Colt and Watten,
level, a heavy infection of monogenetic trematodes resulted. No 1988) with higher reliability than mechanical agitation or blow-
mortalities were observed when O. niloticus were exposed to ers. In commercial tilapia transport, it is not uncommon for the
0.43 mg/L un-ionized ammonia for 75 days (El-Shafai et al., 2004). dissolved oxygen to range between 10 and 15 mg/L during loading
Increased mortality was observed after exposure for several weeks and 30–35 mg/L at the end of haul (Colt et al., 2011). Because of
to >1 mg/L un-ionized ammonia (Popma and Masser, 1999), while the stripping of nitrogen and argon gases by oxygen bubbles, total
transfer to water above 2.0 mg/L resulted in massive mortality. gas pressures are below saturation even at these elevated dissolved
The lower and upper 24-h LC50 values of pH for Nile tilapia are 3.4 oxygen concentrations (Colt et al., 2011).
and 11.0, respectively (Mahdi, 1973b). Mozambique tilapia (Ore-
ochromis mossambicus) can acclimate to pH as low as 4.0 when the 2.2.2. Gas transfer in hauling systems
acclimation rate is slow (6 h) and additional stressors are avoided The rate of oxygen transfer is generally assumed proportional
(Van Ginneken et al., 1997). No significant changes in hemoglobin, to the driving force (Lewis and Whitman, 1924):
glucose, cortisol, sodium chloride or energy status in liver or white
muscle was observed. In contrast, when fish were abruptly exposed dCO2
to low pH, a variety of adverse physiological changes resulted = KL a(CO∗ − CO2 ) (1)
dt 2

(Van Ginneken et al., 1997). Of the commercially important tilapia

species, Nile tilapia are the least tolerant to salinity, but grow well whereKL a = Volumetric transfer coefficient (1/h).CO∗ =
in 15 g/kg salinity (Popma and Masser, 1999). Saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen (mg/L).CO2 =
Optimal water quality criteria and “action levels” for 1-day Concentration of dissolved oxygen (mg/L).
commercial tilapia hauls (300–600 g fish) are presented below. Val- This equation is restricted to a simple batch system (no inflow
ues exceeding these action levels are expected to have a negative or outflow) and with no other sinks or sources of oxygen.
impact on survival and product quality. These action levels are For hauling systems, the oxygen consumption of the fish and
somewhat subjective because published toxicity tests are largely bacteria must be included:
based on single factor experiments and small fish (Colt, 2006), dCO2 R R
where under production conditions, fish are exposed to all the = KL a(CO∗ − CO2 ) − − bacteria (2)
dt 2 Vol Vol
factors simultaneously.
Parameter Optimal Action level whereR = Oxygen uptake of fish (kg/h).Rbacteria = Oxygen uptake of
◦ bacteria and other microorganisms (kg/h).
Temperature ( C) 29–31 <12–13
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) >5–6e <3.1 At this time, there is no published information on Rbacteria in
Carbon dioxide (mg/L) <20e >60e hauling systems. Therefore, for the purposes of this discussion, it
P (mm Hg) <30–40e >85–100 is assumed that the R » Rbacteria and all of the oxygen consumption
Un-ionized ammonia (mg/L) <0.43 >1.0e
during hauling is due to the fish. For hauling applications where
pH 4–9 <3.9 and >10.1
temperature, pressure, and salinity corrections can be ignored, the
Estimated value.
steady-state dissolved oxygen concentration can be computed from
the following equation (ASCE, 2007; Stenstrom and Gilbert, 1981):
2.2. Gas transfer in transport systems
(ˇO2 CO∗ − CO2 )
2.2.1. Aeration in fish hauling systems R = ˛O2 SOTR 2
Based on a survey of government, tribal, and commercial CO∗
2, standard
haulers, Carmichael and Tomasso (1988) found that 83% of the
48 J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58

or 10
R CO∗ , standard 9
CO2 = ˇO2 CO∗ − 2
(4) 1 mg/L
2 ˛O2 SOTR
8 10 mg/L

where˛O2 = KL a − hauling water/KL a − clean water.ˇO2 =
CO∗ − hauling water/CO∗ − clean water.SOTR = Standard 7 100 mg/L
2 2
oxygen transfer rate (kg/h).CO∗ = 6
2, standard
Standard oxygen saturation concentration (20 ◦ C,1 atm, moist air).
Assuming that ˇ ≈ 1.00 and SOTR = 0.50 kg/h (Boyd and Moore, 5
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
1993), Eq. (4) can be written as:
Alkalinity (ueq/L)
CO2 = CO∗ − 18.2 (5) Fig. 1. Impact of carbon dioxide and alkalinity on pH (pure carbonate system, tem-
2 ˛O2 perature = 25 ◦ C, salinity = 0.0 g/kg.).

The value of CO∗ depends on temperature, salinity, pressure, and

oxygen purity (Colt, 2012). Increases in R or decreases in ˛O2 result
in lower dissolved oxygen concentrations (CO2 ). More efficient aer- Alkminor = [NH3 ] + [HPO4 2− ] + 2[PO4 3− ] − [H2 PO4 − ] + [B(OH)4 ]
ators (larger values of SOTR) will increase the dissolved oxygen
concentration. − [HSO4 − ] − [HF] + [SiO(OH)3 ] + [HS− ] + 2[S2− ] (10)
Similar transfer equations can be written for carbon dioxide
(Colt et al., 2012a): The importance of the minor components of alkalinity will
  depend on the particular system under consideration in relation-
∗ R
CCO2 = CCO + 0.680 (6) ship to the total carbonate concentration (Eq. (8)). Significant
2 ˛CO2
concentrations of ammonia (NH3 ) and phosphates (PO4 3− , HPO4 2− ,
It is unclear at this time if ˛CO2 = ˛O2 (Eqs. (5 and 6)). and H2 PO4 − ) may be present in hauling systems. If hauling tanks
Carbon dioxide is much more soluble than oxygen, therefore are filled from a reuse system, humic and fulvic acids must also be
carbon dioxide removal depends on the gas flow rate or gas-to- included in Eq. (10).
liquid ratio (Colt et al., 2012b). Because of low gas flow rates used Detailed analysis for the carbonate components and analytical
in pure oxygen systems, pure oxygen aeration systems are ineffi- solution to Eq. (7) can be found in DOE (1994) and Dickson et al.
cient at removing carbon dioxide (Colt and Watten, 1988; Colt et al., (2007). One commonly used program (CO2SYS) for freshwater and
2012b). Foam production during hauling and the resulting reduced seawater carbonate chemistry applications was developed at Oak
air movement through hauling tank headspace may significantly Ridge National Laboratory (Lewis and Wallace, 1998).
reduce carbon dioxide removal.
2.3.1. Effect of alkalinity and carbon dioxide on pH (pure
2.3. Water chemistry in fish transport carbonate system)
For a pure carbonate system, the effect of carbon dioxide (C*
The major water quality parameters in fish transport are tem- to 100 mg/L) and alkalinity (100–10,000 ␮eq/L) on pH is presented
perature, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, un-ionized ammonia, in Fig. 1 (Lewis and Wallace, 1998). For a fixed alkalinity, raising
and pH. In typical waters, it is generally assumed that pH is con- the carbon dioxide concentration depresses the pH. For a given
trolled by the carbonate system. concentration of carbon dioxide, the pH increases with higher alka-
The carbonate system consists of the following parameters: linity. The pH vs. alkalinity curves are logarithmic curves so pH vs.
log(alkalinity) is a straight line. High concentrations of free carbon
CO2 (gas) Carbon dioxide gas in the gas phase
dioxide are undesirable (Colt, 2006; Good et al., 2010), although
CO2 (aq) Carbon dioxide gas in the liquid phase
H2 CO3 Carbonic acid in the liquid phase the water quality criterion for carbon dioxide is not well defined,
HCO3 1− Bicarbonate ion in the liquid phase especially for hauling applications.
CO3 2− Carbonate ion in the liquid phase The pH for the carbon dioxide and alkalinity combinations, pre-
H+ Hydrogen ion in the liquid phase sented in Fig. 1, results in pH that ranges from 5 to 9, a change of
It is difficult to distinguish between dissolved carbon dioxide 10,000 × the hydrogen ion concentration. This pH change is well
gas (CO2 (aq)) and carbonic acid (H2 CO3 ) in solution (Stumm and within the tolerance of tilapia (see Section 2.1).
Morgan, 1981). Therefore, it is convenient to represent the sum of
dissolved carbon dioxide gas (CO2 (aq)) and carbonic acid (H2 CO3 ) 2.3.2. Effect of pH on un-ionized ammonia nitrogen (pure
by H2 CO3 * and the overall carbonate reaction can then be written carbonate system)
as The impact of pH on un-ionized ammonia nitrogen over a 24-h
haul is presented in Fig. 2 for representative alkalinity-carbon diox-
CO2 (gas) ⇔ H2 CO3 ∗ ⇔ H+ + HCO3 1− ⇔ H+ + CO3 2− (7) ide values in Fig. 1. It is assumed that the ammonia excretion rate
and carbon dioxide concentrations are constant with time. While
In carbonate chemistry work, it is also convenient to define
there may be significant variability in the carbon dioxide concen-
two additional chemical parameters (Dickson, 1981; Stumm and
trations at the start of the haul, these differences are not important
Morgan, 1981):
because the TAN and resulting un-ionized ammonia concentrations
Total carbonate or CT (mol/kg)=[H2 CO3 ∗ ]+[HCO3 − ]+[CO3 2− ] (8) are low during this period.
The concentration of un-ionized ammonia (at a constant tem-
and perature and conductivity) depends strongly on pH, and therefore,
on alkalinity and carbon dioxide levels. For an alkalinity of
Alkalinity (eq/kg)
1000 ␮eq/L (Fig. 2), an action level of 1000 ␮g/L un-ionized ammo-
= [HCO3 − ] + 2[CO3 2− ] + [OH− ] − [H+ ] + Alkminor (9) nia is reached in 11 and 19 h for C* (saturation) and 1 mg/L,
J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58 49

2000 3. Materials and methods

10,000 ueq/L, C*
Un-ionized Ammonia (ug/L)

10,000 ueq/L, 1 mg/L

1500 3.1. Fish

Action Level
1000 Nile tilapia were obtained from First Ascent Fish Farms, a com-
1,000 ueq/L, C* mercial farm in Central Idaho and delivered to Seattle on November
1,000 ueq/L, 1 mg/L
1,000 ueq/L, 10 mg/L
22, 2011. Fish were fed a 35% protein catfish feed (Silver Cup, Nelson
1,000 ueq/L, 100 mg/L and Sons, Murray Utah) at 0.8% of body weight, at approximately
8:00 am 5 days a week.
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (hours) 3.2. Holding system

Fig. 2. Variation of un-ionized ammonia nitrogen (␮g/L) with time as function of

The fish were held in a lightly loaded reuse system (cumula-
carbon dioxide and alkalinity (pH values from Fig. 1, initial TAN = 0.2 mg/L, TAN
excretion rate = 1.03 mg/h, conductivity = 200 ␮S/cm). tive feed burden = 124 ± 10 mg/L; Colt et al., 2006) that consisted of
three 1800 L holding tanks, six 400 L rearing tanks, a sedimentation
basin, two 125 L bead filters, an aeration/degassing column, and
water heater/heat exchange system. The system pH was controlled
respectively. At higher levels of carbon dioxide, the action lev-
by the addition of saturated sodium bicarbonate solution by a dos-
els are not reached during the 24-h haul. This is in contrast with
ing pump controlled by a YSI-5200A (Yellow Springs Instruments,
10,000 ␮eq/L alkalinity where the action levels are reached for C*
Yellow Springs, Ohio).
and 1 mg/L in only 2–3 h. While high concentrations of carbon diox-
ide are undesirable because of their biological impacts (Good et al.,
2010; Smart et al., 1979), low values of carbon dioxide are even 3.3. Simulated hauling system
more undesirable when TAN concentrations are high.
The hauling system consisted of six insulated coolers (120
Quart Ice Blue MaxCold, Igloo Product Corporation, Houston,
2.3.3. Effect of “minor” alkalinity components during Hauling Texas). The average inside dimensions of the coolers was
In Fig. 2, the impacts of excreted phosphates and ammonia have 86.0 cm × 35.7 cm × 33.7 cm. A single 8 cm hole was drilled in the lid
been ignored. Ammonia is excreted across the fish’s gills as un- to allow air exchange and for aerator hose access. A 100 or 200 W
ionized ammonia (NH3 ). The increase in alkalinity due to ammonia electrical heater was installed in each hauling tank. The coolers
excretion (over a given time period) is equal to: were filled with 75.6 L of water, resulting in an initial water depth
of 23.5 cm. The hauling densities ranged from 176 to 188 g fish/L of
1000 g/mg × TANexcreted water (Table 1). These experimental densities are comparable those
AlkalinityTAN = (11) used by commercial tilapia hauler from Central Idaho to Vancou-
14.007 g/eq
ver, B.C. (Colt et al., 2011). Un-iodized sodium chloride (5000 mg/L)
was added to all treatments 1 h prior to adding the fish.
whereAlkalinity = Increase in alkalinity
(␮eq/L).TANexcreted = Excreted ammonia (mg TAN/L).
For commercial tilapia hauling (Colt et al., 2011), the increase in 3.4. Oxygen/aeration systems
alkalinity from excreted ammonia ranged from 40% to 77% of the
initial alkalinity at loading. For a pure carbonate system, an increase Two types of diffusers were used: fine bubble ceramic plate dif-
in alkalinity at a fixed carbon dioxide concentration will raise the fuser (MBD 100, Point Four Systems, Coquitlam, British Columbia)
pH (Fig. 1) and the un-ionized ammonia concentration (Fig. 2). or a medium pore diffuser (AS8L, Aquatic Ecosystems, Apopka,
In fed rainbow trout, the P/N excretion ratio is only 0.0346 on Florida). Oxygen gas flow to each individual hauling tank was reg-
a molecular basis or 0.0765 on a weight basis (Clarke et al., 1985). ulated by a Victor flow meter (Model MOF7 4H, Denton, Texas). A
The P/N ratio is likely to be different for unfed fish. As a result of single ceramic plate diffuser was used in all hauling tanks. A sin-
this reduced excretion and the larger equivalent weight, the con- gle medium pore diffuser was used in the Mixed treatment and
tribution of phosphate to the change in alkalinity will be less than three medium pore diffusers were used in the Air treatment. Each
that of ammonia. treatment consisted of two replicates.
For very low initial alkalinities and in longer hauls, pH may
depend on both the carbonate system (Eq. (7)) and the excreted 3.5. Environmental analysis
ammonia and phosphate reactions. Impacts of large amounts of
added ammonia or phosphate have not been considered in existing Dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured using a
carbonate models. ProODO optical sensor (YSI, Yellow Springs, Ohio). pH was mea-
sured using an Orion Ross Ultra Combination pH probe and
Orion 710A+ pH meter (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,

Table 1
Initial alkalinities and hauling densities.

Experiment Initial alkalinity (meq/L) Fish/Tank (#) Mean weight (g) Hauling density

(g fish/liter water) (g fish/liter tank)

1 1.74 ± 0.11 36–37 384 ± 86 182 ± 2 154 ± 1

2 8.84 ± 0.55 33–35 430 ± 70 176 ± 2 150 ± 1
3 1.20 ± 0.01 31–32 453 ± 53 188 ± 0 158 ± 0

Commercial 158–290 136–225

Commercial hauling information from Table 1, Colt et al. (2011).

50 J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58

Massachusetts). Alkalinity (unfiltered) was determined by Hach fish were not fed during the post-haul period. At the end of post-
Digital Titrator and Hach cartridges (Hach Company, Loveland, haul period, the fish were individually examined for scale loss and
Colorado) using Gran function (Rounds, 2006). Total ammonia physical damage. A fish was classified with “Minor Damage” if it
nitrogen (APHA, 1998) was measured using an Orion 95-12 Ammo- had less than four small (<0.5 cm in diameter) areas of scale loss
nia Electrode (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts). and ulceration. In the lighter colored fish, these areas were red and
Un-ionized ammonia nitrogen (UIAN) was computed using the pKa very visible. Fish with extensive fin damage, eye damage, or more
developed by Emerson et al. (1975) and the spreadsheet presented than four areas of scale loss were classified with “Major Damage”.
by Wedemeyer (2001). Carbon dioxide was measured using an Oxy- The number of saleable fish was equal to:
Guard CO2 Analyser (OxyGuard International, Birkerod, Denmark).
#Saleable Fish = #Total Fish − #Mortalities − #Major Damage (12)
Soluble reactive phosphorus was determined by U.S. EPA Method
365.2 (USEPA, 1983). One hour prior to the start of the simulated haul, all tanks were
In Experiments 1 and 2, samples for TAN and bacterial oxy- aerated with pure oxygen at 1.5 L/m. After the fish were added, the
gen uptake were frozen (−4 ◦ C) until analysis (approximately 3–4 oxygen flow was stopped in the Air treatments and airflow turned
weeks). In Experiment 3, analysis for TAN, oxygen uptake, KL a was on in the Air and Mixed treatments. The airflows for the Mixed
done on fresh samples. Additional final samples in Experiment 3 and Air treatments were 5.24 ± 0.43 and 138.93 ± 9.55 L/m, respec-
were frozen to evaluate the impact of freezing on bacterial oxygen tively. Four hours after the start, the oxygen flow was reduced to
uptake and KL a. 1.0 L/m.
Samples used for pH and carbon dioxide were returned to the The following simulated transport experiments were con-
individual haul tanks after analysis. To maintain initial hauling den- ducted:
sities, replacement water was added equal to the amount removed
for the total ammonia nitrogen and oxygen uptake samples. 3.9.1. Experiment 1
This experiment consisted of Oxygen, Mixed, and Air treat-
3.6. Bacterial oxygen uptake determinations ments, low alkalinity process water, 24-h simulated transport, and
a 7-day post-haul evaluation.
The bacterial oxygen uptake of an aerated water sample was
determined in a 250 mL BOD bottle. The LDO oxygen probe (with
3.9.2. Experiment 2
the probe guard removed) was inserted directly into the BOD bottle.
Similar to Experiment 1, except a high alkalinity process water
A 2.5 cm magnetic stir bar was used to gently mix the water. Dis-
was used.
solved oxygen values were logged on a 1-min interval for 20 min.
Slope of DO vs. time was determined by linear regression and the
3.9.3. Experiment 3
results adjusted to a base temperature of 20 ◦ C using  = 1.047.
This experiment consisted of an Oxygen treatment, low alkalin-
ity process water, 72-h simulated transport, and a 1-day post-haul
3.7. KL a determinations
evaluation. Sampling intensity was reduced to allow analysis of
fresh water quality and oxygen transfer samples.
In Experiment 3, the oxygen transfer coefficients (KL a) were
determined daily. To reduce the impact of biological oxygen uptake
on the oxygen transfer coefficient, 1 mL of 6% sodium hypochlorite 3.9.4. Experiment 4
was added to each sample and allowed to react for 8 h. Next, 7 mL This experiment investigated the impact of aerator type on
of 10% sodium thiosulfate was added and allowed to react for 16 h water temperature over a 24-h simulated haul. No fish or heaters
to remove residual chlorine. Then the samples were aerated for 4 h were used.
to remove any residual sodium thiosulfate.
Approximately, 0.6 L of hauling water was added to a cylindrical 3.9.5. Experiment 5
reactor and the water deoxygenated with nitrogen gas. KL a values This experiment evaluated oxygen uptake and oxygen transfer
were determined by the ASCE method (ASCE, 2007) and corrected coefficient samples that were frozen from Experiments 1 and 2 and
to 20 ◦ C using  = 1.047. Duplicate final samples were frozen (−4 ◦ C) fresh samples from Experiment 3.
and re-analyzed after 4, 11, 18, and 32 days.
4. Results
3.8. Statistical analysis
4.1. Experiment 1 – one day transport, low alkalinity
Statistical analysis was performed using Prism 5.0 for Mac OS
X. Significant differences were determined by either analysis of Water quality in the pre- and post-haul periods is presented
variance or analysis of variance for repeated measures followed in Table 2. Compared to the pre-haul period, DO was higher and
by Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test (P = 0.05). Significant carbon dioxide was lower for the post-haul period. The reduction
differences for survival curves were determined by the log-rank in carbon dioxide resulted in higher pH and un-ionized ammonia
(Mantel–Cox) test. in the post-haul period.
The initial and final alkalinity means were 1.74 ± 0.11 and
3.9. Experimental protocols 2.42 ± 0.32 meq/L, respectively (Table 3). Type of aeration did not
have a significant impact on the change in alkalinity (F = 5.968,
Prior to each experiment, fish were acclimated for at least 1 week P < 0.090). The water quality during the simulated haul is presented
at the specific alkalinity. Two days prior to hauling, feed was with- in Fig. 3A for dissolved oxygen, Fig. 3B for carbon dioxide, Fig. 3C
held. At the start of a haul, the fish had not been fed for 2.25 days. for pH, Fig. 3D for total ammonia nitrogen, Fig. 3E for un-ionized
One day prior to transport, the fish were randomly transferred to ammonia nitrogen, and Table 4 for temperature. Dissolved oxygen,
holding tanks (400 L). The fish were weighed prior to transfer to carbon dioxide, and pH were relatively constant over the transport
the hauling tanks. At the end of the simulated haul, fish were trans- period (Fig. 3A, B, and C). Aeration type had similar impacts on dis-
ferred back to the holding tanks. Mortalities were recorded and solved oxygen (Fig. 3A), carbon dioxide (Fig. 3B), and TAN (Fig. 3D):
removed for the following 7 days (except in Experiment 3). The highest for Oxygen, intermediate for Mixed, and lowest for Air.
J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58 51

Table 2 mortality in the Air treatments was significantly higher than in

Water quality during pre- and post-hauling periods (mean ± SD).
the Oxygen treatment (Chi-squared = 26.66, df = 3, P < 0.0001) or the
Parameter Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Mixed treatment (Chi-squared = 23.74, df = 3, P < 0.0001). At the end
of the 7-day post-haul period, there were 11 and 13 mortalities in
Pre-haul Post-haul Pre-haul Post-haul
the Air treatments and only three other mortalities in the other
Temperature (◦ C) 24.7 ± 0.8 25.1 ± 0.4 25.6 ± 0.1 24.7 ± 0.3
four tanks. The impact of aeration on product quality is presented
DO (mg/L) 4.69 ± 0.61 6.98 ± 0.54 6.18 ± 0.22 7.50 ± 0.27
CO2 (mg/L) 4.7 ± 0.8 1.5 ± 1.0 2.0 ± 0.7 1.4 ± 0.5 in Table 5. The number of saleable fish was significantly reduced
pH 7.42 ± 0.21 7.77 ± 0.07 8.14 ± 0.19 8.53 ± 0.11 in the Air treatment due to increased mortality, but the number of
TAN (mg/L) 0.28 ± 0.13 0.25 ± 0.04 0.23 ± 0.16 0.20 ± 0.04 fish with minor damage (0–28% of fish) and major damage (0–17%
UIAN (␮g/L) 3.30 ± 2.04 7.28 ± 1.07 16.6 ± 10.5 28.8 ± 7.67 of fish) was not related to aeration type.
Alkalinity (meq/L) 1.08 ± 0.31 1.47 ± 0.35 6.63 ± 0.97 7.54 ± 1.09

4.2. Experiment 2 – one day transport, high alkalinity

The impact of aeration type was reversed for pH (Fig. 3C) and
UIAN (Fig. 3E): lowest for Oxygen, intermediate for Mixed, and Water quality in the pre- and post-haul periods is presented in
highest for Air. The variation of TAN (Fig. 3D) and UIAN (Fig. 3E) Table 2. The changes in water quality between the pre- and post-
was linear with time. haul periods were similar to Experiment 1.
Aeration type had a significant impact on dissolved oxy- The initial and final mean alkalinity were 8.84 ± 0.55 and
gen (F = 542, P < 0.0001), carbon dioxide (F = 325, P < 0.001), pH 9.63 ± 1.22 meq/L, respectively (Table 6). Aeration type had a sig-
(F = 146, P < 0.0001), TAN (F = 10.28, P < 0.0025), and UIAN (F = 10.57, nificant impact on the change in alkalinity (F = 18.70, P < 0.0202)
P < 0.0023). All of the treatments were significantly different for and the mean change for Air and Mixed were significantly different.
dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH. For TAN, the Oxygen Water quality parameters during the simulated haul is presented in
and Air treatments were significantly different. For UIAN, the Oxy- Fig. 5A–E for dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, total ammonia
gen and Mixed treatments were significantly different from the Air nitrogen, un-ionized ammonia nitrogen, and Table 4 for tempera-
treatment. ture. The major impact of aeration on dissolved oxygen (Fig. 5A),
The variation of mortality with time is presented in Fig. 4. At carbon dioxide (Fig. 5B), and TAN (Fig. 5D) was similar to Experi-
the end of the haul, there was only one mortality, in the Air treat- ment 1: highest for Oxygen, intermediate for Mixed, and lowest for
ment (Tank 6), during the transport period. In the post-haul period, Air. The impact of type of aeration was also reversed for pH (Fig. 5C)

Table 3
Initial, final, and change in alkalinity in Experiment 1a .

Treatment Initial (meq/L) Final (meq/L) Change (meq/L) Mean change (meq/L)

Air 1.74 ± 0.01 2.83 ± 0.25 1.09 1.06 ± 0.03a

1.75 ± 0.06 2.79 ± 0.06 1.04

Mixed 1.60 ± 0.25 2.19 ± 0.01 0.59 0.50 ± 0.13a

1.83 ± 0.00 2.24 ± 0.02 0.41

Oxygen 1.76 ± 0.04 2.46 ± 0.04 0.70 0.48 ± 0.31a

1.78 ± 0.11 2.04 ± 0.13 0.27

Mean ± SD 1.74 ± 0.11 2.42 ± 0.32

Values within columns sharing a common superscript letter were not significantly different (Bonnferroni’s multiple comparisons test, P < 0.05).

Table 4
Temperature variation during simulated hauling experiments.

Experiment/conditions Oxygen Mixed Air All

1/1-day, low alkalinity 25.18 ± 0.11 25.06 ± 0.12 24.73 ± 0.18 24.73 ± 0.03 24.75 ± 0.19 24.78 ± 0.41 24.88 ± 0.27
2/1-day, high alkalinity 25.81 ± 0.18 25.60 ± 0.24 26.01 ± 0.23 25.70 ± 0.30 25.56 ± 0.31 25.48 ± 0.58 25.72 ± 0.38
3/3-day, oxygen 25.26 ± 0.45 25.12 ± 0.42 N/A N/A N/A N/A 25.19 ± 0.43

Table 5
Product quality at end of 7-day post-haul (Experiments 1 and 2).

Alkalinity Treatment Total fish Ending product qualitya

Mortalities Minor damage Major damage Saleable fish

Low (Exp. #1) Oxygen 37 1 4 1 35

37 0 0 2 35
Mixed 37 1 4 0 36
37 1 2 1 35
Air 36 13 10 6 17
36 11 4 0 25

High (Exp. #2) Oxygen 34 2 12 0 32

33 0 11 0 33
Mixed 35 3 20 2 30
35 2 8 1 33
Air 34 34 NA NA 0
33 27 4 2 4
See Section 3.9 for scoring criteria.
52 J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58

Table 6
Initial, final, and change in alkalinity in Experiment 2a .

Treatment Initial (meq/L) Final (meq/L) Change (meq/L) Mean change (meq/L)

Air 8.42 ± 0.76 10.47 ± 1.19 2.06 2.54 ± 0.69b

8.23 ± 0.90 11.26 ± 0.36 3.03

Mixed 9.29 ± 0.14 8.51 ± 2.02 −0.78 −0.40 ± 0.54a

9.16 ± 0.08 9.14 ± 0.21 −0.02

Oxygen 8.91 ± 0.31 9.26 ± 0.33 0.36 0.24 ± 0.17a

9.02 ± 0.17 9.14 ± 0.17 0.12

Mean ± SD 8.84 ± 0.55 9.63 ± 1.22

Values within columns sharing a common superscript letter were not significantly different (Bonnferroni’s multiple comparisons test, P < 0.05).

3A. Dissolved Oxygen
and UIAN (Fig. 5E): lowest for Oxygen, intermediate for Mixed, and
40 Oxygen Mixed Air
35 highest for Air.
DO (mg/L)

25 The dissolved oxygen concentration in the Air treatment
20 showed a slow decrease over the hauling period; at the end of the
10 haul, the dissolved oxygen was 3.5 mg/L. The carbon dioxide con-
5 centration generally increased over most of the hauling period for
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Oxygen and Mixed treatments (Fig. 5B), while the Air only increased
30 3B. Carbon Dioxide in the last 3 h. The impact of aeration type on pH was similar to
CO2 (mg/L)

25 Experiment 1 except that the average pH was 0.5–0.7 units higher

20 in Experiment 2. The variation of TAN with time was linear for Oxy-
gen and Mixed (Fig. 5D), but was non-linear Air. The variation of
5 UIAN was linear with time (Fig. 5E). The increase in conductivity
0 was significantly larger for Air compared to either Mixed or Oxygen
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
9.0 (Table 7).
3C. pH
8.5 Aeration type had a significant impact on dissolved oxygen
8.0 (F = 436, P < 0.0001), carbon dioxide (F = 310, P < 0.001), pH (F = 140,

7.5 P < 0.0001), and UIAN (F = 10.57, P < 0.0023). All treatments were
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 45
40 40 Oxygen Mixed Air 5A. Dissolved Oxygen
UIAN (ug/L) TAN (mg/L)

3D. TAN 35
DO (mg/L)

30 30
20 25
0 10
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 5
3E. UIAN 0
35 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
1000 5B. Carbon Dioxide
CO2 (mg/L)

0 20
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (hours) 10
Fig. 3. Water quality in Experiment 1, low alkalinity process water. (A. dissolved 0
oxygen; B. carbon dioxide; C. pH; D. total ammonia nitrogen; and E. un-ionized 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
ammonia.) 5C. pH

100% 6.0
Air, Tank 3 Air, Tank 6
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Cumulative Mortality (%)

TAN (mg/L)

80% Mixed, Tank 1 Mixed, Tank 5 5D. TAN

Oxygen, Tank 2 Oxygen, Tank 4 20
60% 10
40% 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
UIAN (ug/L)

20% 1000
0% 0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (hours) Time (hours)

Fig. 4. Mortality during post-haul holding; Experiment 1, low alkalinity process

Fig. 5. Water quality in Experiment 2, high alkalinity process water. (A. dissolved
oxygen; B. carbon dioxide; C. pH; D. total ammonia nitrogen; and E. un-ionized
J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58 53

100% 40

O 2 or CO2 (mg/L)
7A. Dissolved Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
Cumulative Mortality (%)


60% 25 Dissolved Oxygen

Air, Tank 1 Air, Tank 4

Mixed, Tank 2 Mixed, Tank 6 20 Carbon Dioxide

40% Oxygen, Tank 3 Oxygen, Tank 5 15
0 12 24 36 48 60 72
20% 9.0
7B. pH
0% 8.0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168

Time (hours) 7.0
Fig. 6. Mortality during post-haul holding; Experiment 2, high alkalinity process
water. 0 12 24 36 48 60 72
significantly different for dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH. 125

TAN (mg/L)
For UIAN, both Oxygen and Mixed were significantly different from 100
the Air treatment.
Post-haul mortality over time is presented in Fig. 6. At the end of
the haul, there were three mortalities in the Air treatment (Tank 1).
Mortality in the Air treatments was significantly higher during the 0 12 24 36 48 60 72
post-haul period than in the Oxygen treatment (Chi-squared = 116,

Conductivity (mS/cm)
7D. Conductivity
df = 3, P < 0.0001) or the Mixed treatment (Chi-squared = 117, df = 3,
10.5 Tank 1
P < 0.0001). At the end of the 7-day post-haul period, there were
27 and 34 mortalities in the Air treatments and only seven other 10.0
Tank 2
mortalities in the other four tanks. The impact of aeration on prod- 9.5
uct quality is presented in Table 5. The number of non-saleable fish
was significantly increased in the Air treatment due to increased 0 12 24 36 48 60 72
mortality and the level of fish with “minor damage” was greater in Time (hours)
Experiment 2 (27% of fish) compared to Experiment 1 (11% of fish).
Fig. 7. Water quality in Experiment 3, low alkalinity process water. (A. dissolved
oxygen and carbon dioxide; B. pH; C. total ammonia nitrogen; and D. conductivity.)
4.3. Experiment 3 – 3 day transport, pure oxygen

The initial and final mean alkalinity were 1.20 ± 0.01 and
6.19 ± 0.31 meq/L, respectively. The water quality during the sim- 26
ulated haul is presented in Fig. 7A–D for dissolved oxygen, carbon 24
dioxide, pH, total ammonia nitrogen, conductivity, and Table 4 for
temperature. The impact of aeration on dissolved oxygen and car-
Temperature (C)

bon dioxide was similar to Experiment 1. During the first 8 h, pH
decreased and then slowly rose over the rest of hauling period
(Fig. 7B). TAN (Fig. 7C) and conductivity (Fig. 7D) showed a linear 16

increase with time. Conductivity increased over the 3 days simu- 14

lated haul by 0.560 and 0.898 mS/cm for Tanks 1 and 2, respectively. 12 Oxygen Mixed Air

4.4. Experiment 4 – impact of aerator type on water temperature 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (Minutes)

Ambient water temperature for the three aeration types tested Fig. 8. Variation of ambient water temperature for the three aerators tested in
in Experiment 4 is presented in Fig. 8. Aeration type had a signifi- Experiment 4. The Oxygen and Mixed treatment data plot as a single curve. No
cant impact on water temperature (F = 2346, P < 0.0001). The mean fish were present.
decrease in water temperature was significantly larger for the Air
treatment (−14.13 ◦ C) compared to either the Mixed (−4.37 ◦ C) or
Oxygen (−4.28 ◦ C) treatments. During the experiment, ambient air
temperature was 12.3 ± 1.0 ◦ C.
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

4.5. Experiment 5 – bacterial oxygen uptake and oxygen transfer
For a given sample, the bacterial oxygen uptake of the hauling
7.0 Tank 4, Oxygen
water was linear with time (Fig. 9). For both Experiments 1 and 2,
Tank 5, Mixed
the oxygen uptake was highest for Air, intermediate for Mixed, and 6.5
Tank 6, Air
lowest for Oxygen. Type of aeration had no impact in Experiment
1 (F = 2.98, P < 0.1938) but had a significant impact in Experiment 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
2 (F = 47, P < 0.0054). In Experiment 2, the Air treatments were Time (Minutes)
significantly different from both the Oxygen and Mixed treatments.
In Experiment 3, the bacterial oxygen uptake rose up to 28 h, Fig. 9. Representative oxygen uptake curves for Experiment 1.
decreased from 28 h to approximately 48 h, and then rose again
54 J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58

Table 7
Initial, final, and change in conductivity in Experiment 2a .

Treatment Initial (mS/cm) Final (mS/cm) Change (uS/cm) Mean change (uS/cm)

Air 10.86 11.26 400 475 ± 106b

10.10 10.65 550

Mixed 10.40 10.43 30 68 ± 54a

9.914 10.02 106

Oxygen 10.45 10.43 −20 27 ± 66a

9.817 9.890 73

Mean ± SD 10.26 ± 0.39 10.45 ± 0.49

Values within rows sharing a common superscript letter were not significantly different (Bonnferroni’s multiple comparisons test, P < 0.05).

Foam Production Table 8

5 Comparison of pH values for Experiments 1 and 2.
Oxygen Uptake (mg/hour)

Tank #1 Treatment Alkalinity (meq/L)

1.74 ± 0.11(Experiment #1) 8.84 ± 0.55(Experiment #2)
3 Oxygen 6.896 ± 0.383 7.578 ± 0.265
Final Sample - Frozen Mixed 7.290 ± 0.330 7.797 ± 0.234
2 Air 7.936 ± 0.155 8.476 ± 0.176
Tank #2
0 Experiment 1
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 18 days 32 days Total Mortality (%) 80% Experiment 2
Time (hours)
Fig. 10. Oxygen uptake in Experiment 3; values reported at a standard temperature r2 = 0.979
of 20 ◦ C (mg/h). 40%

20% r2 = 0.965
for the rest of the haul (Fig. 10). The oxygen uptake of the frozen
samples was comparable to, or larger than, the fresh sample at the
end of the haul (72 h). Over the 72-h simulated haul, ˛O2 (Eq. (5)) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
decreased to approximately 73% of the clean water value (Fig. 11). Final Un-ionized Ammonia Nitrogen (ug/L)
Freezing did not appear to change the measured ˛O2 .
Fig. 12. Final mortality for Experiments 1 and 2 vs. final un-ionized ammonia.

5. Discussion
The only parameter that exceeded its action level (Section 2.1)
5.1. Impact of aerator type on water quality
was un-ionized ammonia, although dissolved oxygen was close for
some of the Air treatments. Aerator type had a significant impact on
The aerator treatments (Oxygen, Mixed, and Air) resulted in dis-
the final UIAN in both experiments. The final UIAN concentrations
tinct variations in dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. The
were significantly higher for Air compared to either Mixed or Oxy-
concentrations of these two gases were highest in the Oxygen treat-
gen. There was a highly significant linear relationship between the
ment, intermediate in the Mixed treatment and lowest in the Air
final mortality during the post-haul period and un-ionized ammo-
treatment (Figs. Fig. 33A,B and Fig. 55A,B). The Mixed treatment
nia concentration at the end of the haul (Fig. 12). Final mortality
maintained a relatively high dissolved oxygen concentration (21
was also positively correlated with oxygen uptake (Fig. 13). For
and 25 mg/L) while reducing the carbon dioxide concentration (9
transportation of Nile tilapia, the limiting water quality parameter
and 13 mg/L). The resulting pH was higher in the high alkalinity
appears to be un-ionized ammonia. No clear indication of problems
experiments compared to the low alkalinity treatments (Table 8).
with low pH or high carbon dioxide was found in these experi-
These changes are due to differences in SOTR between the two types
ments. Lower pH and higher carbon dioxide are routinely observed
of aerators used, oxygen content of the gases, and gas flowrates.
in commercial tilapia hauls (Colt et al., 2011).

Tank #1 Final Sample - Frozen
Mortality (%)


y = 0.136x - 0.051 r2 = 0.809

Tank #2 20%

0 24 48 72 4 days 11 days 18 days 32 days 0%
Time (hours) 0 2 4 6 8
Oxygen Uptake (mg/hour)
Fig. 11. Oxygen transfer coefficient (KL a); values reported at a standard temperature
of 20 ◦ C (1/min). Fig. 13. Final mortality for Experiments 1 and 2 vs. oxygen uptake rate.
J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58 55

Cod (Gadus morhua) are intolerant of pH below 7.0 (Treasurer, Table 9

Oxygen uptake at the end of haul for Experiments 1 and 2a . Uptake is expressed in
2012) and buffer addition or aeration with air is needed to maintain
mg oxygen/hour adjusted to a base temperature of 20 ◦ C.
pH and prevent mortalities. Turbot appear to be more tolerant of
lower pH than cod and mortalities were recorded at un-ionized Treatment Exp. #1 Exp. #2
ammonia concentrations above 400 ␮g/L (Grøttum et al., 1997). Air 2.45 ± 1.81a 6.39 ± 0.82b
The limiting water quality parameters may also depend strongly on Mixed 0.390 ± 0.197a 2.27 ± 0.25a
species, water temperature, hauling density, and hauling duration; Oxygen 0.0934 ± 0.00266a 1.06 ± 0.51a

extrapolation to different conditions must be made with care. a

Values within columns sharing a common superscript letter were not signifi-
Under the conditions used in these experiments, the Oxygen and cantly different (Bonnferroni’s multiple comparisons test, P < 0.05).
Mixed treatments produced very high survival. The Mixed treat-
ment may offer some advantages, if necessary, to reduce the carbon
primarily of glycoprotein but also contains lysozyme, immunoglob-
dioxide concentration while maintaining moderately high DO con-
ulins, complement, carbonic anhydrase, lectins, crinotoxins,
centrations. Significant mortality occurred in the Air treatment and
calmodulin, C-reactive protein, pheromones, and proteolytic
is related to high un-ionized ammonia concentration, excessive
enzymes (Shephard, 1994). Most glycoproteins are acidic and act as
scale loss, or lower dissolved oxygen concentrations. Under winter
ion exchangers. Adverse water quality often leads to the production
conditions, heat losses could also be an important consideration.
of mucus that is released to the water. Mucus has been thought to be
Except for very short hauls or special conditions, aeration with air
involved in osmotic and ionic regulation and it is hypothesized that
should be avoided.
the buildup of mucus on body surfaces contributes to the ability of
freshwater fish to retain electrolytes (Shephard, 1994).
5.2. Impact of alkalinity on water quality
The very high flow rate in the Air treatment resulted in much
higher turbulence levels than in the other two treatments. This
Concentrations of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide were
increased turbulence may be responsible for the increased (a) loss
similar between the two alkalinities tested (Figs. Fig. 33A,B and
of mucus from the fish, (b) conductivity, (c) color, and (d) bacterial
Fig. 55A,B). Changes in alkalinity had a significant impact on pH
oxygen uptake.
(Figs. Fig. 33C and Fig. 55C), un-ionized ammonia (Figs. Fig. 33D
The decrease in bacterial oxygen uptake in Experiment 3
and Fig. 55D) and mortality (Table 5). These differences were more
(Fig. 10) that occurred from 36 to 48 h may have been due to foam
pronounced in the Air treatments because of the resulting higher
production, which would have removed of surface-active com-
pH. For higher densities or longer hauling durations, it may prudent
pounds and bacteria. In Experiments 1 and 2, foam production was
to limit initial alkalinities to less than 4 meq/L (or less) and carefully
stronger in the Air treatments but would typically stop before the
adjust oxygen flow to control carbon dioxide stripping and pH.
end of the trial. The foam filled the head space in the tank and
spilled out the 8 cm access port and onto the floor. There was less
5.3. Variation of oxygen and carbon dioxide during transportation
foam production in the Mixed and Oxygen treatments, it started
later than in the Air treatment. The oxygen uptake in the previ-
Comparison of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide with time
ously frozen samples appears to be slightly higher than the fresh
(Figs. Fig. 33A,B and Fig. 55A,B) indicate that a large change in gas
samples, so the reported values for Experiments 1 and 2 may be
concentrations occurred during the first 2 h of hauling. Dissolved
slightly over-estimated.
oxygen concentrations were relatively constant for the remainder
of the haul, except with the Air treatments (Fig. 5A). This is in con-
trast with carbon dioxide, where there was a general rise in carbon 5.5. Oxygen transfer coefficient and alpha
dioxide over time in all three experiments. This increase is espe-  
cially prominent in the Air and Mixed treatments from Experiments In Experiment 3, the mean alpha value ˛O2 decreased from
#2 (Fig. 5B) and #3 (Fig. 7A). approximately 88% at 24 h to 72% at 72 h (Fig. 11). A decrease in ˛O2
It is generally assumed that the oxygen consumption of fish (R), will reduce dissolved oxygen (Eq. (5)) and an raise carbon dioxide if
is elevated following handling and decreases during the haul to ˛CO2 = ˛O2 . Additional research is needed to document the changes
a basal rate. In the transport of adult Atlantic salmon, Farrell et al. in ˛O2 and ˛CO2 during hauling and impact on dissolved oxygen and
(2010) found that oxygen uptake was elevated from 1.4 to 2.9 × the carbon dioxide concentrations.
basal rate. Up to 6 h were needed for the oxygen uptake to return to
a basal rate. From Eqs. (5 and 6), a reduction in the respiration rate 5.6. Comparison of simulated hauls with commercial hauling
should increase both dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide assum- conditions
ing that the ˛ values remain constant. The consistent decrease in
dissolved oxygen for the Air treatment in Experiment 2 (Fig. 5A) The hauling protocols used in this work did not attempt to
may be due to the impact of mucus on ˛ (see following discussion simulate the sound, vibration, water movements, or temperature
in Sections 5.4 and 5.5). More research is needed to evaluate the changes that occur in commercial transport. In addition, it is likely
impact of aeration type on oxygen uptake and the oxygen transfer that the fish used in these simulated hauls were treated more gen-
coefficient. tly than is typical of many commercial haulers (see Colt et al., 2011
for description of loading procedures). While these differences may
5.4. Variation in bacterial oxygen uptake have a significant impact on product quality and long-term survival,
they should have little effect on water quality during transport.
Aerator type also had significant impact on bacterial oxygen The hauling water was also aerated with pure oxygen for 1 h prior
uptake, conductivity, and color. In both Experiments 1 and 2, the to loading to reduce the risk of hypoxia during loading. Not all of
Air treatment had the highest bacterial oxygen uptake and Oxygen the commercial haulers pre-aerate their hauling water. The mean
treatment was the lowest (Table 9). There was significant linear water quality parameters in Experiments 1 and 2 are compared
increase in conductivity over the simulated haul (Fig. 7C). The tint to the two commercial haulers reported by Colt et al. (2011) in
of the hauling water was visibly darker in the Air treatments. Table 10.
These changes may be related to production and loss Dissolved oxygen and TAN values are comparable for the
of mucus. Mucus is produced by goblet cells and consists two systems. The carbon dioxide concentrations in commercial
56 J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58

Table 10 5.7. Impact of aeration on water temperature

Comparison of mean final water quality for Experiments 1 and 2 (Oxygen treatment
only) with commercial haulers (Table 3, Colt et al., 2011).
The use of large volumes of cold air significantly reduced the
Parameter Simulated hauling Commercial haulers water temperature in the simulated hauling tanks for the Air treat-
Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Hauler A Hauler B ment (Fig. 8). The resulting water temperature would be lethal to
tilapia over a 24-h haul. During more moderate air temperatures,
DO (mg/L) 32 32 31 25
CO2 (mg/L) 23 21 46 57 the use of Air could lower the water temperature enough to shock
TAN (mg/L) 25 22 17 26 fish when they are transferred to the retail holding facilities.
UIAN (␮g/L) 86 62 20 55 The water–air turnover rate (volume of water/gas flow rate) was
pH 7.9 8.6 6.5 6.8 equal to
O2 flow (kg fish/lpm O2 ) 13 14 82–136 91–136
Treatment Turnover (minute)

Oxygen 76
Mixed 11–14
Air 0.53–0.61

tanks were approximately double that found in the simulated Lower gas flow rates are possible in commercial hauling tanks
hauling system. This reduced the pH, which resulted in lower un- because of the impact of water depth on SOTR (Boyd and Moore,
ionized ammonia concentrations in the commercial tanks. On a fish 1993). The use of air aeration is unlikely to have much application
mass/oxygen flow basis, 6–10× more oxygen was used in this study in this type of fish transport unless temperature control systems
than used by commercial haulers (Table 11). While the commer- are used or hauls are very short.
cial haulers used similar fine bubble diffusers, greater water depths
(2–3 times the depth of simulated hauling system) resulted in much 5.8. Impact of TAN and phosphate excretion on alkalinity and pH
higher SOTR rates and transfer efficiencies (Boyd and Moore, 1993). estimates
The temperature reduction during simulated transport was
less than that which occurs during some seasons with com- Excreted TAN and phosphates significantly raise the computed
mercial haulers (Colt et al., 2011). Temperature control was alkalinity during the simulated hauls (Table 12). The majority of the
necessary in the simulated hauls because cooling in the Air theoretical increase in alkalinity was due to excreted TAN (94%). In
treatments would have lowered the water temperature below most cases, the computed final alkalinity was higher than the mea-
the action levels. Larger hauling tanks with better insulation sured final alkalinity (Table 12, Fig. 14). Reported alkalinities were
may also reduce temperature changes in commercial tanks. The based on unfiltered samples. In Experiment 1, filtration through
largest potential temperature change in the commercial trans- 0.45 ␮m glass fiber filters raised the alkalinity by only 8 ± 4%. Based
port occurs at the end of trip when fish are transferred to on visual observations, filtration did not appear to remove much of
retail holding tanks, rather than the temperature changes en the mucus from these samples.
route. The increase in alkalinity from TAN and phosphates results in
The pH changes during the simulated hauling experiments a slow raise in the pH from Hour 12 to the end of the haul. This is
are compared with data from commercial farms and haulers especially evident in Experiment 3 where the final measured alka-
in Table 11. The final pH in the Oxygen-Low Alkalinity treat- linity was 416% of the initial alkalinity. In very low alkalinity waters,
ment is comparable with the final pH from commercial transport. it may be necessary to raise the alkalinity to limit this pH shift.
The final pH Mixed-Low Alkalinity and Air-Low Alkalinity treat- Methods for accurate measurement of alkalinity in the presence
ments are higher than the final pH from commercial transport. of high TAN, phosphate, and mucus levels remain to be determined.
The final pH of the High Alkalinity treatments is much higher Accurate prediction of pH will require water quality models that
than that found in commercial hauling. The large increases in consider the reactions of carbonate compounds, ammonia, phos-
pH from pre-haul to post-haul are comparable for the two phates, and mucus. Thus carbonate-only models such as CO2SYS
systems. In contrast, commercial transport exhibits a greater down- (Lewis and Wallace, 1998) are unlikely to give accurate results.
ward shift in pH because of the low pH in some retail holding

Table 11
Variation in pH during the hauling process and comparison with commercial hauling conditions (Colt et al., 2011).

Experiment Treatment/Farm Pre-haul holding Simulated hauling Post-haul holding Maximum pH increase Maximum pH decrease

Start +1 h Final

1 Oxygen 7.42 8.23 6.92 6.82 7.77 +0.81 −0.50

Mixed ¨ 8.38 7.34 7.23 ¨ +0.94 −0.19
Air ¨ 8.34 7.84 7.95 ¨ +0.92 None

2 Oxygen 8.14 8.53 7.59 7.57 8.53 +0.39 −0.57

Mixed ¨ 8.54 7.88 7.63 ¨ +0.40 −0.51
Air ¨ 8.52 8.63 8.26 ¨ +0.49 None

3 Oxygen 7.65 6.58 6.53 7.01 7.49 None −1.12

Commercial Farm ID Farm Commercial hauling Retail holding Maximum pH increase Maximum pH decrease

Start +1 h Final

A 7.38–8.71 8.13–8.14 6.88–6.92 6.41–6.51 6.73–7.49 +0.75 −2.30

B 7.21–7.58 7.64–7.69 6.73–6.86 6.73–6.95 4.21–7.44 +0.48 −3.00
C 7.56–7.79 – – – – – –
D 7.89–8.12 – – – – – –
J. Colt, E. Kroeger / Aquacultural Engineering 55 (2013) 46–58 57

Table 12
Contribution of ammonia and phosphate to alkalinity in Experiments 1–3.

Exp. # Treatment Tank Initial Alk (meq/L) Final TAN (meq/L) Final P (meq/L) Final Alk (measured) Final Alk (computed) Mean final Alk (computed)

1 Oxygen 2 1.76 2.09 N/A 2.46 3.85 3.74

4 1.78 1.84 N/A 2.04 3.62
Mixed 1 1.60 1.73 N/A 2.19 3.33 3.43
5 1.83 1.69 N/A 2.24 3.52
Air 3 1.74 1.69 N/A 2.83 3.43 3.29
6 1.75 1.41 N/A 2.79 3.16

2 Oxygen 3 8.91 1.77 N/A 9.26 10.68 10.58

5 9.02 1.46 N/A 9.14 10.48
Mixed 2 9.29 1.57 N/A 8.51 10.86 10.79
6 9.16 1.56 N/A 9.14 10.72
Air 1 8.42 1.93 N/A 10.47 10.35 10.13
4 8.23 1.68 N/A 11.26 9.91

3 Oxygen 1 1.21 9.15 0.55 6.46 10.90 10.77

2 1.19 8.90 0.55 5.92 10.63

12 product quality may be less than the impact from (a) physical dam-
age resulting from loading and un-loading and (b) physiological
problems resulting from pH and temperature shock during transfer
10 to retail holding systems, especially for fish of reduced fitness. The
hauling protocols documented in this article can be used as a base-
Computed Final Alkalinity (meq/L)

line to further improve survival and product quality of transported


This project was supported by Western Regional Aquaculture
Center Grant no. 2008-38500-19230 from the USDA Coopera-
4 tive State Research, Education, and Extension Service (now the
Experiment 1
National Institute for Food & Agriculture (NIFA)). We would like
Experiment 2 to thank Andrew Dickson, Michael Stenstrom, and Steward Rounds
Experiment 3
for advice on analytical protocols.

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