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Congratulations on Your Success!

Look at the picture below carefully. The woman in veil is opening

her new course. She names it "Edu Project". She looks so happy at
Students are able to identify that moment. How would you congratulate and compliment her? How
expressions to congratulate and1 would she probably respond to those expressions?
compliment others and their In this chapter, you will learn how to congratulate and
suitable responses accurately
after practicing several dialogs. compliment others appropriately. You will also learn how to write
Students are able to identify
congratulations cards. Please understand all the expressions.
congratulations cards Practice the dialogs and speak English frequently. Do all the activities
accurately after reading several attentively to improve your English skills.
short texts.
Students are able to
congratulate others and
respond it accordingly after
doing several English activities.
Students are able to make
congratulations cards properly
after doing several English
Students are able to
compliment others and
respond it accordingly after
doing several English activities.
Students are able to a
use relevant vocabulary
appropriately after doing
several English activities.
The students are hopefully also:
feeling grateful for having
an opportunity to learn
speak English appropriately
and fluently;
behaving bravely, confidently,
and politely when speaking
with people. Edu Project"
Every child has equal
right to Education


Picture 2.1 Inauguratlon of a new course

lluetrator: Aries Setyawan
Activity 1
Let's play a guessing game.
Follow the instructions.
1 Choose several objects/items that are available in your houses. about the object/item and the other
2. Draw lots to decide the first player. The first player gives a clue
the object correctiy.
3. students guess it. The player who gives the clue congratulates anyone who guesses
The student who guesses correctly will take a turn and choose another object/item. He/She will give

a clue and the others guess the object/item.

Activity 2

Pronounce the following words correctly.

1. congratulations /ken,grætfa'ler fenz/ 2. proud /praud/

3. recommend /,reka'mend/ 4. glad /glaed/
5. pandemic /pæn'dem.ik/ 6. charge /tfa:rds/
7. pose /pouz/ 8. surely /forli/
9. anyway 'en.i.we// 10. moment /'mou.mant/

Activity 3

column B.
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in
You will read the words in the dialog in Activity 4.

1. anyway menyarankan
2. charge sikap
3. congratulations peduli
4. glad bangga
5. concerned puas
6. underprivileged bagalmanapun
7. pose senang
8. proud memungut blaya
9. recommend kurang mampu
10. satisfiled selamat

Activity 4

Practicethe following dialog with your frlend.

on your new coursell'm really proud ofvou
Septlan: Nia, congratulations
Nia :Thank you, Septian.
Congratulations, Nlal You're really anmanlng Anywa
beautiful. I love lt.
you look very
Nia :Oh, thank you, Tiara. I came to the beauty salon you have recommended. I'm really satisfied with
the result.
Tiara I'm glad to hear that.
Septian Anyway, why do you open this course, Nia?
Nia I ' m concerned about what is
happening during the pandemic. I see that underprivileged
students get more difficulties in distance learning. I hope this place can ease them to study and
access information
by applying strict health protocols.
Septian: That's nice. So do you charge them?
Nia :Of course not. I only try to help them.
Tiara :You are really kind, Nia.
Nia :Thankyou.
Septian: Anyway, why don't we take a picture now?
Tiara :That's a good idea. Let's pose.
Nia All right.

Answer thefollowing questions based on the dialog in Activity 4.
Share your answers with the class.
1. Why do the people congratulate Nia? n n o Attitude
2. What do people usually feel when congratulating others?
3. What do the people say to congratulate Nia? Be grateful for what you have achieved.
4 How does Nia respond to the people's congratulations?
5. On what occasions do people congratulate others?

Learning Material

Congratulating Others hs
We usually congratulate others when they receive good achievements or celebrate special
occasions, such as opening a new business, receiving a scholarship, being accepted at a reputable
university or school, winning a competition, and getting married. Study the following expressions in the
table below.
Table 2.1 Expressions of congratulating and responding
Congratulating Responding
Congratulations on your new businessl Thank you.
My warmest regards to your success, dear. Thank you 8o much.
Good job! You beat another contestant in the Math Olymplad. Thanks. I'm nothing wlthout your help.
You are the champlon in this race. Exceptlonal Thank you for your support.
'd ke to say congratulations on your scholarehipl Thanke. Actually, I've never Imaglned It.
Bravol Your hard work has been paid off. Thank you, It really makes me grateful.
Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thanke, dear.
Have a nice holiday! Thanks
Neversay "Congratulation!" without's' when you congratulate others, you have to say "Congratulations"
Technology Literate

Find information from websites about expressions of congratulating. Rewrite the information using
MS PowerPoint and present t in class. Print your work and attach it on the class wall magazine.

Activity 6
Practice the following dialog with yourfriends
Bondan is a hard-working employee. After working for three years, his director finally promotes him as new

manager. His colleagues congratulate him.

Reyhan : Congratulations on becoming the new manager of the human development department.
really deserve it.
Bondan Thank you, Reyhan. I'm nothing without your support.
Lala Your hard work has been paid off, Bondan. Congratulations!
Bondan Thanks, Lala.
Lala What is your first plan as the new manager?
Bondan Well, I think I will start with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken
down to increase efficiency in this company.
Reyhan That is a good start. I think you may discuss your plan with the head of each department.
Bondan You're right. It's already on my list. I will execute itsoon.
Lala It seems that our new manager will make a great leap for this company.
Reyhan: I think so0.
Bondan: l'm just becoming the best version of me as the new
manager of the department.
Lala That's good. Once again, congratulations on your ono Attitude
promotion! We hope you can be a good manager.
Stay humble even though you reach great
Bondan: Thank you, everyone. I really need your cooperation to
make our dreams come true.
Reyhan You can count on us.
Bondan Thanks,everyone.

Answer the following questions based the dialog in Activity6
What is the relationshlp between the speakers?
Why do Lala and Reyhan congratulate Bondan?
3. What will Bondan probably do after his promotion?
4. According to Bondan, what is the first thing he should do as a new manager?
5. Where does this conversatlon probably oceur?
Activity 8
Identify expressions of congratulations and their responses used in the dlalog in Activity6.
Write the expressions in the table.

Congratuleting Respondlng

ctivity 9
Scan the QR code and listen to the dialogs
Complete the following dialogs based on whatyou have heard.
Then practice the dialogs with yourfriend.
Dialog 1
Arief: Hi, Nada. How was the result ofthe Millennials Enterprise Competition last night?
Nada : My brand won the best concept.
Arief:(1). ! Congratulations!
Nada: Thank you. You know what! I've also received (2)_ to develop my business.
Arief That's great! I hope your business is becoming bigger, so it (3) more people.
Nada:Ihopeso. Thanks.
Dialog 2
Berry: Iheard thatyourYouTube channel has reached (4). Is that true?
Nova: Yes, thanks. How did youknow that?
Berry: Mirnatold me. I'm (5) to know that. Congratulations!
Nova Thank you, Berry.
Berry: Ihope yourchannel becomes better from time to time. You know, I've got (6). from
your channel.
Nova Really? Thanks. (7)- when my channel inspires many people.
Dialog 3
Cindy: Congratulations on winningthe archery competition, Yuni!
Yuni: Istill have (8). actually, but thank you.
Cindy: Then, you will enter the national competition, won't you?
Yuni Yes,you're right. The next competition will be held (9) from now.
Cindy: You still have plenty oftime to prepare for it.
Yuni: Yes, but I have to start doing (10). soon.
Cindy: I'm sure you can do it. Good Iuck with your next competition.
Yuni: Thank you, Cindy.
Activity 10
Complete the following dialogs with correct phrases from the box.
a good collaboration more visitors s o narrow
any suggestions thank you
fastest runner
local newspapers
national level very cozy
handwashing facilities really deserved how wonderful

Dialog 1
Anis 1s opening her new restaurant. Herfriends and colleagues are coming to congratulate her
Anis Good evening, everybody.
Desta: Hi, Anis. Congratulations
Thanks for coming.
on your new restaurant!
Kinar : Your The foods are also delicious. I really like it.
restaurant is (1)
Anis Thank you, guys. I'm glad that you love it.
Desta I hope (2). come to your restaurant every day.
Anis Thanks, I do
hope so. Anyway, if you guys have (3). to improve my restaurant,
please let me know. I will be happy to receive any.
Desta: I know a perfect person who can help you. He is a food vlogger. I think it will be
(4) if you can invite him to your restaurant.
Anis:Sure, I will invite him. Just let me know how to contact him. Any other ideas?
Kinar Well, I think you should put extra (5). especially duringthis pandemic.
Anis Good idea! I will consider your suggestion later, Kinar. Thank you.
Dialog 2
Eno just won the 15K running race.
Ihzan: Hi, Eno. I heard youbecame the (6)) in the 15K running race in Medan. Is that
Eno I t is. How did you know that?
Ihzan Your victory became the headline of (7). this morning.
Congratulations, Eno! That is amazing!
Eno (8) It's all because of your support, so I can achieve the best.
Ihzan You (9). that. Anyway, what is your next plan?
Eno I'll continue my intensive training to prepare for the (10). championship. I still
for it.
have two months to prepare
Ihzan What a short of time! But I believe you can do the best.
Eno Thanks, Ihzan.

Activity 11

with your words properly.

Complete the following dialog
Pratice the dialog with your friend.
football audition?
Sekar: Hi, Andi. How was the
Andi Oh, I was elected captain ofthe school's football team.
_! I'm proud of you.
Sekar: (1).
. I feel honored to become the new captain.
the football captain's role during a match?
Sekar Anyway, what is
Andi Well, a captain is in charge to control the players' emotion. He needs to have a (3).
and get the players' respect.
Sekar: That is a great responsibility.
Andi: Besides, the football captain also carries a moral responsibilityto encourage the players to stay
focused during a match.
Sekar: If that' so, I think you're the suitable person for that duty. I hope you can be (4)
Andi Thank you, Sekar. (5).

Activity 12
Work in pairs
Create dialogs based on the following situations.
Then, perform the dialogs.
1. Your uncle has finally improved his driving skill and received a driver's license. You congratulate him.
2. Your friend has received a good mark for his/her first TOEFL test. You congratulate him/her.
3. A big company makes a cooperation with your friend's business. You congratulate him/her.
Your sister has finished her biology project as the requirement to be a scientist with a good result.
You congratulate her.
5. Your cousin is accepted at a reputable university in Australia. You congratulate him.

Activity 13
Read thefollowing congratulations cards.
1. 2.
To: Mr Nanang
You have proven thet a teacher has to
ot to whene you
nspire students every single day in many
You'ye woncedta
are now Nover ore the time and energ derentways and indeed you are able to
took to make it Use this nspieme to become a much better
compliehmantas a catalyst for eved
more amazing accomplishments person
ongrtulations on your graduadont Happy Teacher's Day!
Your best friend
Fir n
Your student

Picture 2.2 Graduation card Picture 2.3 Teacher's Day card

Activity 14

Answer the questions based on the cards in Activity 13.

1. Who writes the cards?
2. Who receives the card?
receiver in each card?
3. What is the relationship between the sender and
4. What is the writer's purpose in writing each card?
in the cards?
5. What are the congratulations expressions written
Activity 15
Work in pairs
Do the following instructions.
F i n d at least five congratulations cardsfor different occasions from the Internet, books, or other
2. Using a presentation program on your computer, arrange the cards attractively and explain the purpose
of each card.
3. Present your work in class.


Learning Material

Short Functional Text

Congratulations Card
A congratulations card is made to congratulate a person on his/her achievement or success. People
usually make congratulations cards as interesting as possible with beautiful quotes and pictures to
express their wishes. In writing a congratulations card, mention the following:
the name of the receiver,
the congratulations expressions, and
the name of the sender

Activity 16
Complete the following congratulations cards with correct words from the boxes
Card 1

congratulations hope inspirations

receive future victory

To: Siwi and Endah

Hats off to you both for this amazing (1).

in the High School Badminton Cup! You are the
to many others and promises
of great things ahead.
3). you can be better for your
(5) on your achievement!

Your classmate,
Card 2

achieve election leadership

wish beloved work

Congratulations on your (1). a s the new

chairman of the student council. We (2)- you to
havethe best of luck in the whole period of your
(0) We also hope that this
canbe the first step for you to (4).

Your(5) dad,
Adi Winata

Activity 17

Write congratulations cards based on the following situations.

1. Your friend has been selected as one of the scholarship grantees.
2. Your sister has been accepted in her dream school.
3. Your father has been selected as the new village chief.
4. Your neighbor delivers a new baby.
5. Your uncle and aunt will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

Activity 18

Practice the dialogs with your friends.

Answer the questions that follow.
Dialog 1
Erwin: Where have you been, Rio?
Rio I went jogging.
Erwin: Your clothes are so dirty. What has happened to you?
Rio 0h, a scavenger man was carryinga lot of stuff on his bike while I was jogging. Suddenly, his bike
mess. I think it was dirty
because the stuff was too heavy. l tried to help him clean up the
because of that.
Erwin: You are really kind.
Rio That is not a big deal.
Erwin: Then, what happened to the man?
Rio Fortunately, he was fine.
1. Why is Ervwin worried about Rio?
2. Who did Rio meet when jogging? O 0 o Attitude
3. What happened to the man?
Erwin says, "You are really kind." Be genuinen gving compliments to
4 someone
What does he express?
5 What can you infer from Rio?

Dialog 2
Vina: Good morning. Rara.
Rara: Good morning. Please come in, Vina.
Vina: Thank you. Wow! Your house looks different from the last time I was here. Did you renovate it?
Rara: Yes, I did a little renovation to this house several weeks ago and Ii edesigneditmyself
Vina: Awesome! Your house looks more modern and spacious now.
Rara: I don't realy like a crowded house actually, so l only put some essential furniture here.
Vina: Aminimalist house like yours can be the solution for someone who wants to have a small house
with a roomy interior. You've designed this house really well
Rara: Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
1. Where does this dialog take place?
2 When does the dialog occur?
3 What did Rara do to her house?
Vina says. "You're so awesome!
What does she expres?
5 What is Rara's house like?

Learning Material

Complimenties Other
You compliment other people to appraciate or praise them, for their good work or achievements
Here are expressions you can say to compliment others and suitable responses
Table 2.2 Expressions of complimenting


i Anea t mas ony a maner of me Wel n e Yo ae ngN. Thanus

D hnk Thanks
Thanks t enoviny my tamane

U R Co Technology Literate
FIndanmatintrom watsites addud axpressions
oomplinmenting newre the intomaton usN
san he R a e ant s t a he MS Pweinn and presen & in o a s Print
Actlvity 19
Scan the QR code and listen to the dialogs
Complete the following dialogs based on whatyou have heard.
Then practiece the dialogs with your friend
Dialog 1
Dipo: Who drew this painting?
Amil did.
Dipo:(1). !lt looks so real. You have a really good talent at painting
Ami Thanks.
Dialog 2
Renata What is the dish called?
Tya :Rendang. It is a traditional dish from Padang, West Sumatra.
Renata (2).
Tya :Thank you. You're eating one of the most delicious food from Indonesia.
Dialog 3
Haris: Have you ever listened to the background music of this movie?
Yuka: Oh. yes. It is composed and arranged by one of the best Indonesian composers.
Haris: (3). ! No wonder, it has a beautiful musical composition.
Yuka: You're right.
Diah: Finally, I've finished my novel.
Firi You've done it long before the deadline. (4) .
Diah Thanks. I hope there are only minor changes due to the editing process.
Firi Ihope so.
Dialog 5
Amar: What should you check when you want to buy food products?
Nia The expiry date.
Amar (5). We have to tell shop assistants ifwe find expired products. I'm sure they will
replace them with new ones.
Nia Ithink so.

Activity 20

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Activity 19.

1. For Dialog 1, why does Dipo compliment Ami?

2. Who is talented at painting?
3. For Dialog 2, what are the speakers talking about?
4. Where does rendang originate from?
5. For Dialog 3, why does the song sound good?
6. Yuka says, "It is composed and arranged by one of the best Indonesian composers."
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
7. For Dialog 4, what is Diah's occupation?
8. Why does Firli compliment Diah?
9. For Dialog 5, why should we check the expiry dates of food products before buying them?
10. Why should we inform shop assistans if we find expired products?
Activity 21
Complete the following table based on the dialogs in Activity 19.
Situation Expression of Complimenting Response

Activity 22

Rearrange the jumbled sentences to form sequential dialogs.

Perform the dialogs with your friend.
Dialog 1
Mr. Ardi: Wow! It is a nice classic motorcycle. You must take good care of it.
Mr. Ardi: Um...I think I know the problem. You forget to open the fuel line to its carburetor.

Mr. Ardi: Good morning, Mr. Dio.

Mr. Ardi: It's not a big deal. You just have to remember to open the fuel line next time.

Mr. Ardi: Let me check itfor you then.

Mr. Ardi: Have you checked the fuel?
Mr. Ardi. You figure out the problem in seconds.
Mr. Dio : Is that so simple? Hats off to you, can

Mr. Dio: All right. Thank you.

Mr. Dio: Morning, Mr.Ardi.
Mr. Dio: Yes, I will for sure. Thanks.
Mr. Dio : Yes, I have. The fuel is more than enough to make it run.
Mr.Dio Thank you. Unfortunately, it is broken now. I can't start the engine.

Dialog 2
Are you serious? Thank you. It is called gingerbread. I give extra topping on each to make it taste
better and look appetizing.
Erik Hi, Hasnah. I'm baking some cookies.
Erik :Ofcourse.
Erik Sure. How does it taste?
Hasnah: Wow! It is super delicious. What is the name ofthe cookies?
Hasnah: Hi, Erik. What are you doing?
Hasnah: Your gingerbread cookies are the best. Can you tell me the recipe?
Hasnah They look delicious. Can I have a bite?

Activity 23

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 22.

Dialog 1
1. What happened to Mr. Dio's motorcycle?
2. Why does Mr. Dio compliment Mr. Ardi's motorcycle?
8. What does Mr. Ardi ask Mr. Dto to eherk?
4. Why can't the motorcycle be started?
Mr. Dio says, "Hats off to you, Mr. Aredir"
What is hls tntention by saying that?
Dialog 2
Where does the dialog take place?
2 Why does Hasnah want to eat the cookles?
What does Erik do to make the cookles more dellclous?
In your opinion, what ls Erlk's hobby?
5 What will Erik probably do after the conversatlon?

Actlvity 24

Create dialogs based on the following situations

Perform the dialogs with your friend.
1. When visiting an electric vehicle expo, you see a futurlstic prototype car. You have an opportunity to
talk to the designer. You compliment his/her work.
2 You and your friend are visiting a new beach that has beautiful scenery. You compliment the beauty of
the beach.
3. Your brother takes a photograph of the whole famlly with his cell phone. The result is very excellent.
You compliment him.
You are noticing a boy helping an elder woman carry her groceries. You compliment his kindness.
5. Your friend is cooking for lunch. The dish smells good and you are sure that it must be delicious. You
compliment him/her.

Activity 25

Compose dialogs hased on the situations In the followling pictures

Use expressions ofcomplimenting.
Practice the dialogs with your friend.

lustrator: Aries Sotyawan

Hlustrator: Aries Setyawan

Activity 26

Express your compliments

Play the game and follow the rules.

1. Students make groups of three and they will compliment each other. They prepare a video recorder to
record their work. They may use their cell phones.
2. Each group decides the order of members who will take turns. The member who is appointed first
should compliment all the group members.
3. The first member compliments the other members sequentially. Then, the second member replaces
the students
to compliment his/her group mates. All the activities are recorded by
his/her position
who have not had their turns.
4. This activity will last until all the group members compliment each other.

Activity 27

Work in groups of tw0.
Make video about congratulating and complimenting others.

Share your video with the class.

Self Reflection
Write about your experience in learning this chapter.
liked and didn 't like, etc.
Write about your feelings, how you learned something, what you

M y New Words

learned in this chapter.

Write new words and their meanings that you have

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