The Interpersonal Theory of Mental Disorder

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Uhary Shek. Silvan’ Poon hseal Studies ow Bychivley 154 Wachee (ress | CHAPTER 1 The Interpersonal Theory of Mental Disorder Ibe avononcunve the subject of mental disorder, I must emph- size that, in my view, perons showing mental disorder do not manifest anything specifically differen in kind from what is tanifesed by pracialy all homan beings. The only excep- tions to this seatement ate chose people who are very badly crippled by hereditary or birth injury factors. There is prob ably no particular dficuley in grasping this notion except ‘when the disorder picture includes the reappearance of proc- ‘ese that properly pertain to late infancy and early childhood. From my viewpoin, we shall have co accept as a nccessry ‘that what one encounters in various stages of schizo ‘phrenia—the odd, we-inspiring, error-provoking feelings of vastness and llenest and the serange strewing-about of rele- vance—are part ofthe ordinary experience of these very early stages of personality development in ll of us. Most of ws, how fever, experience these processes in later life only as strange fragments caried over from slep o¢ in our fleeting glimpses of what I cal ansity. ‘The way in which these primitive rypes of mental operations ‘become separated from our awarenes i inthe development of the self-system. The cracing ofthat development through the ‘vatious eras of personality growth is absolutely esenial to an 2 4 Dass oF Live AND THEIR MISUSE understanding of ay approichco mena dsordr and Ihave Bleady del on ie 2sme length The slays ruck aif inthe pesoabty beats o thence for picking one's Sey through uation and uo-undersandatle peepee af Tavira downy che patent inocer wort teed bas to be educated oa ery comple socal order, long before he feaon andthe good scse ofthe whol thing can be digested, long before Becomes undercanibleif& ever doce And thevslf-sysem some toe the opiietion thr coool 2varenes all the operations tha at nox pinay of esl g0 on oui awareness. That can be obuered vey cel, However dificle k may be to reson koe wit pled simpli. Early in the procs of educcion and sociation the lf syem begins o emerge in personaly; and fom then o he aii celerental posta of an ex) prod uly bega to recede fom awarenem From the dine tha the sl-sysem Begin vo emerge he pee of the pesoalty proces ean be rather rsdly dsingushed: Ke, the wali and thor chy active self second he pat ofthe pero whch i ot ready accel to swaencashe rest of the pron sly, which in anther conten an be considered ai whale onality with he self a the eset pry and aly, the Period spon inslsp in whith the ll € relly dvoant {nd many things ae doe which cannot be dose when the Saf iscsi sively. ‘Now, in avoiding or mining thease hats inherent in the unceasing supe to prot the ely from the difse referential proceacs hat cnnce be admited ato avarenes, various spec procs the dynamin, come ino play. Inthe following tess of ecu all side “arog {he vans arial, choot ernest peniloceces ely 122 Ie sdslocene Fr Salen et wast te spn {Po tecierenl hear of Poybany; New Yat: Raton Toy {THE IVTERPERSONAL TuMboRY s tho dynamin fom this tripartevewpoine a anay storastne ta ut both nk abt wt fattnhowing tnd in ahrving what sig ot aie Sorcives {mee word djvu yu wif seve, whee orcs pyc stent the em mechani Whee Ate uted me nent aaa sugges Bsc ee 4nd the one hing wore ue of metpenond sine thc sheep ihe dyami hopes ee mechanical sie Th process tae sonnei ite seman af energy a they ae ey pee al Sonhing in he aya oo a tomate ace wherein thy ifort tne bing and show eae Soul hy ae eal fot ‘When Tap ofdymanins of difealy* 1 men hoe proces wk staagh hy sea po ery peso eset sie sine he parr pawl the pont ae Ie ht a often inde In er worded pnts fo tro scion moon rin fins tense chs fea ota at bey evenly an untsacry pou Aa Sichy ado goon andon Thee gues coer th enon 0 Sci lng sues of tive carer shemently sa dnt rom cmpasniey ea “Ede mS sal wei oo etlappete fancy ae as Pong TEST ine enon scones Sota icles ee ae Sivecgt de el dase ene aR ee ‘Esai of oe ot wate ofthe vally toes homer yma And Seas SE arisen omnes deme Eire yi inors comet aoe SES plo ary ieee Sete Snares a eee SS is ee cee ese al So Se ance Se re ore Ea a, Me elas anaes Sara hats caste german ‘Ti herpoa They 9 Pye po oe me | | A RE FWP Need 6 ivaniaas OF LIVING AND THER MISUSE, Ics he exraorinary dependence of a personality on 2 ator dyeamis tat syppo the fandanentl con Pee hove ia nnd in sing of ment disorder. The Sfefarenic pede for insance, often a person who bat ‘3k put pers showa the dynamin which we ell Monocidion doe means of resolving the confit berween power {ebends and he esicuos which the elf imposes upon the tae of thee needs "That i peopl who have dio- eeccSanyeing as powerfl a lo, for example ae in gree danger el schizphreni olps ‘sal conte these damon an ode oughly fl toning tht in which they appear in the evolution of per ‘Snalty. Fast, we shall cess blimaon, which appear “une cl a fey od chen we sal ake up he oben dy ‘Toh which comes io being with he eaing of langage favh af thse dymaims have» tlion ro the protection of {he lysem fom the appesteace in cocioues of (8 Uf ecterseal proces though, o fever coe related the Sticopenicike process of infancy aod exly hil Monipand we shal pose fom dine co ne wo coer thei meetnshipe thesearirefrenalproces Inte juvenile in the vat body of proses for eontaling awareness which irl to w eects inatenton Bex becomes an imporeant Uysumiom, From there we sal conader 4 number ef ter Syeumians, all put of the human paraphernalia for pots sig the ells from the minoe be eflecdive manifesta hat ancy and the more shreening posibiy of the Selspr ofthe selsystem, And Bally, a the as step in this Strwey of the dynamism of ical, we shall consider the ‘Eooclatve proves themes andthe aon to msjor fersonaly order, We shall hen bein 2 postion to move Bro he thmpeuc implcaons and poate in terms ache major paren of dcule-—the so-called nal eo- {THE INTERPERSONAL, THEORY 1 {In considering the various dynamisms or processes of living ‘we shall have ro keep in mind that they are what has co go on from the very character of human nature in interpersonal situations. The situation exists because the tendency, the po- tentialty, or the possibility of the processes not only exists but hha foree; and ths force shows in the tendeney integrating the situation, Thus under certsin cizcumstances, people are polled together, situations are created so that something ean Trork itself out. These situations may be integrated (1) by ‘single, that is unitary, endencies, (2) by several tendencies ‘hich are congruent and which can workin a unitary situa- ‘don without peculiar things happening; oF nally (3) by con ficting incegrating tendencies, Ics only now and then that ‘ones lucky enough to finda siuation chat is simple, that the product of an integrating tendency, instead of two or more Eongroent integrating tendencies or conflicting ones. In the vent that thete are congruent integrating tendencies, the proceses are apt to be rather successful in the sense of ll Eoncerned coming out rather beter than they went into che ‘Shuation. When there are conflicting integrating tendencies, fn the other hand, many things happen which in esence make tp prety nearly the sum toral of Human misery. So i is that complet situations and complex processes can be both pleasant fnd tnplesant, succesful and quite otherwise "Now [should like ro consider the problem of where we look {for information about these integrating tendencies. What are the basic ides in acempting to define them? Integrating tendencies may be defined, rst, in terms of cher gals, so chat one mighe sty that an integrating tendency is that fore of nature in ewo or more people which causes them ro en- fage in reaching such and such an end sate, which incidentally es up the situation in which such proceses ean occur. For instance, the goal of the tendency to seek human intimacy, ‘which Isha dal with as if ic were a simple tendency atthe moment, igh be a tobe reflected inl thos sans in ‘ich wo or moe people tend ro undentand cach other be Ter io come toa dave grap of ther paras le fer ‘cer of vews impala on. Ths the ver, goa, ow rer dation pionophialy e qoke s9 aeque tem, for seserting this proses since the clare xgued co think intern of what you are ding i for and fr impli» gol “Tine is anode Coniderstion here Tine teaches from bee ino the farate adn a somewhat imaginary way tothe sans vast ube of plane ed operons pig on 20 Ey fovenen eed somethin thane wk Wwe may que propery describe, hi, the goa of the ei hoa Becoming too such preoccupied vith more ‘econ protlems of chance ‘An even more siking appeoich to defining integrating tendenlen motives or dave interme of what orca ee ‘vida peopl fe sbout thee goals All of you know haa Sines you fel Mingry, a mes feof you may eves fet Tile teh que often soa of ou fel agi aad other dine some of yo fel very Kindly, n face pately Iovng, This fel component of he Integrating tence cht reste uations with her people and ove toward eas so inimaey cated co what we term hunger, lass age, lve, Meton and soon, tha que proper if you donot ge Confused ro your uigu indviduly, 0 rte dese ess thar everybody knows tothe inegraing tendencies fo which they pertain. For ites in 2 ition in which ove the acs Torey the prpac el what hey clove One ean indeed abel imegrting tendencies bythe fling ha accom patie then—ber ‘soil’ reprtenaton ihn sare ex. The oly Wouble with tac paar atempe to dene ‘hem tha mn ofthe incprating tendencies at ot repre sened in aware by any fein and very often nega ing tendencies that ste sometimes reprsned in aearenes Uy feng ace very ellecve witout any sch representation ‘Thar OETERPERSOSAL THORY ° ine wordy hey ae working anconnaly o exert t sence Th lepeing eden et Sse al Sones can x wit puns eng one “Andy. and sone: mas oc inn ele cae eli af he to ee ae ‘leaneor"and ir ny sundae prota bs Of far tae so een er weds ee ‘egg eds prin te sey te fess ‘Egat on betwen prople yon con decd hse Sm in hana emt of wise pole soeeel le ‘oly whe inupaing tenn a es ot Foster voy wh Soy led cos pe Eewbishied dcutabeinegraed os pureser esse inthssnonpie cr ntpning wenden youve seve tthe fd of eon Env pre tear tardy cooper stant ay Seer. Ad itty chs ay of ipract vouch so ae ot sty atch prclae and cero ws tetaing sho what wee king sbat nal say Tharwe hg Whichever way you approach a clscation of ieget- ing tendencies, you ae on mich fer ground if you onset te gree geno gor of the stutton These grand Givin of gels ave come into bing from te mos nd mental pest of humatigy iell—arly, ha humanity od the human beings the mike up humanity afeexserary tvolons of very capable annals Human beings are at ira but they mart sii And thw animes tc com Vere into hurtua bangs insead of metely memben of the Specs homo spies by aiming ad tecoming pou ‘ast amoun of eultre~culute big al tat & mere in this word, everything from scence views and orn cultural and scl organisations of people tothe mt holy trans and instons sch the sate and the an Al of ths things re ‘emsn’of human fe ht has Been Gedy bat allot them ae abo an ate ring pa of to nae Sin the poss of ging om a of cing es vty gd animal oe a of beings pee a othr pope and eng any sich ent boda mb 4 the nan boo plo: hata 4 gree seat eh ations pnp ef he and what a eee worked out by other nse itor pri and tae ben whedon us by oor pens teachers companions ates on mo as and bean any ways te ee i thing abo as And inthe prea By wich te fae asim is converted infos human bangs ae ot hiss iter inesd of mcaly a suet of Waiega Pe tcar—tho thre comes show 1 get ference the gosk af behavior and wherefore of the ingest deen Bhat chasers nerperona relsims The difenerse T shal dca in ems of snsaton an sear ‘We norerhaveschanc of dcoverng what shaman anil wh didnot become shun ing oul e ke, bene han ama cao line witout help, ante he ci ong them alte, And you might eos ths brings ato the other group of ng ‘eich perain co something are agenda ture This dition of negra rendence ace oe Gicacd in cheba esogt ofthe mae sec ed they ae ald our bythe proses andar parece ‘200 the tuations which ar emeemed wah bang ee son in concadsinction to being an aimal They ob es ‘ne clay derive of eles of the tne of ‘an-nade which hs gone int ns educa and oo whe we have sued te we finde they ea beats deqnly placed endr one heaing-stetey: tn coe shsnction othe por of etc thee gga foci of prevaigly ello eiucsionl nee eats the prof secur, or the msimtraes af wear he THE INTERPERSONAL THEORY avoidance of insecurity. Each of you, when you think about will see chet you have had experience inthe past—and the ef. feces of tht experience are sill manifest in the present—in which you were esteemed by somebody 28 good, importann, Worthy, ot you were considered in an unfavorable, deroga: tory, or derecitory way. The most general tert Ihave ever found for se sates which are attendant upon being valved, respected, looked up to, and so on isa feeling of postonalse- {curity andthe remy insecurity, works out even moe impres- sively whes one looks for a general term to encompass all the states and all the processes that are called out by situations in ‘hich cha isnot the esse. ‘This ferentiation berween pursuits of satisfaction and the ‘Paintenanc: of sceurty—shat i the avoidance of saaety-— ‘I think, one of the most imporeaneclsifyng prinips ia all that we will ave to say abou living

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