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Original article

Presentation of neurogenic shock within

the emergency department
Matthew Pritam Taylor,1 Paul Wrenn,2 Andrew David O’Donnell1

►► Additional material is ABSTRACT

published online only. To view Background Injury to the spinal cord can result in loss Key messages
please visit the journal online
of sympathetic innervation causing a drop in BP and HR,
(h​t​t​p​:​/​/​d​x​.​d​o​i.​ ​o​r​g​/​1​0​.​1​1​3​6​/​
this condition is known as neurogenic shock. There is
e​m​e​r​m​e​d​-​2​0​1​6​-​2​0​5​7​8​0​) What is already known on this subject?
debate among the literature on how and when
Medical Teaching Centre, ▸ Animal studies show that neurogenic shock
neurogenic shock presents and what values of HR and
Warwick Medical School, does not always present immediately
BP should be used to define it. Previous studies do not
University of Warwick, Coventry, postinjury.
UK take into account multiple prehospital and emergency
▸ There are no agreed criteria used to define
Emergency Department, department recordings.
neurogenic shock.
University Hospital Coventry and Objective To improve understanding of how
Warwickshire, Coventry, UK neurogenic shock presents in humans, allowing better What this study adds?
identification and treatment. ▸ The presentation of neurogenic shock is highly
Correspondence to Methods The Trauma Audit and Research Network variable in both time and severity. Healthcare
Matthew Pritam Taylor,
Medical Teaching Centre, database for an adult major trauma centre was used to professionals should be aware of the possibility
Warwick Medical School, isolate patients with a spinal cord injury. Qualifying of neurogenic shock in the prehospital and
University of Warwick, Gibbet patients had all available BPs and HRs collated into a hospital environment.
Hill, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK; database. Patients with neurogenic shock were isolated, ▸ A more sensitive than specific screening criteria
allowing data analysis. could help physicians better identify neurogenic
Results Out of 3069 trauma patients, 33 met the shock, leading to more appropriate treatment
Received 10 February 2016 inclusion criteria, of which 15 experienced neurogenic and better patient outcome.
Revised 20 July 2016 shock. 87% of the patients who had neurogenic shock
Accepted 15 September 2016 experienced it within 2 hours of injury. Neurogenic shock
Published Online First
3 October 2016 below the T6 level was less common ( p=0.009); between the first thoracic (T1) and second lumbar
however, there were still four cases in the cohort. More (L2) vertebrae.3 4 Theoretically, any SCI within or
patients with complete spinal cord injury had neurogenic above this could cause sympathetic disruption.
shock ( p=0.039). Since sympathetic innervation of the heart only
Conclusions Neurogenic shock is variable and occurs from T1 to T5,5 it is often said that neuro-
unpredictable. It can present in the prehospital genic shock can only occur when the lesion is
environment and without warning in a patient with above the mid-thoracic (T6) level.3 6
previously normal vital signs. The medical team should Animal studies in cats, dogs and rats demonstrate
be aware of it in all patients with spinal cord injury inconsistency in the presentation of neurogenic
regardless of injury level. shock, with occurrence ranging from minutes to
hours post-transection.7 It has also been shown in
some animal studies that immediately following
BACKGROUND transection of the spinal cord there is a tachycardia,
An injury to the spinal cord can cause instantan- possibly due to massive release of catecholamines.4
eous and possibly permanent dysfunction below In humans, the greatest level of bradycardia was
the level of injury. If this involves part of the spinal shown to occur around 4 days postinjury; however,
cord associated with the sympathetic nervous this study was conducted in a specialist spinal
system, a condition called neurogenic shock can injury unit and therefore did not take into account
develop. the initial changes in BP either prehospital or in the
Shock is said to be a state of inadequate tissue emergency department.8
perfusion.1 Neurogenic shock occurs when the Due to its complex nature, there are no rigid cri-
spinal cord is injured and sympathetic innervation teria for defining neurogenic shock. This is partly
to the heart along with vasomotor tone is lost, with due to the evolving nature of a trauma patient’s BP
prevailing parasympathetic innervation by the and HR and the possibility of other aetiologies of
intact vagus nerve. This results in hypotension and shock occurring simultaneously. In previous
bradycardia, the classical signs of neurogenic shock. research, Guly and colleagues highlight how identi-
This is in contrast to spinal shock, which is a condi- fying patients with neurogenic shock is especially
tion that occurs within 24 hours following a spinal difficult in cases with a mixed picture shock, with
cord injury (SCI) where a patient will have total aspects such as pain, anxiety and haemorrhage
loss of reflexes, flaccid paralysis and complete loss clouding any clear presentation.7 Because of these
of sensation below the site of injury.2 issues, the BPs and HRs used in previous studies
To cite: Taylor MP, Wrenn P, Preganglionic sympathetic neurons originating in are quite variable (table 1).
O'Donnell AD. Emerg Med J the hypothalamus, pons and medulla are located in Identification of neurogenic shock is important.
2017;34:157–162. the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord Often treatment for neurogenic shock needs to take
Taylor MP, et al. Emerg Med J 2017;34:157–162. doi:10.1136/emermed-2016-205780 157
Original article
Warwickshire (UHCW, Coventry, UK), for a 3-year period start-
Table 1 A summary of the criteria used to define neurogenic
ing from 1 January 2012. Patients were selected using the
shock from a selection of papers
Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) database for the
Paper sBP (mm Hg) HR (bpm) hospital. This database registers information regarding all
patients presenting with trauma, whose length of stay is ≥3
Bernhard et al9 <70 <60
days, who were admitted to a high-dependency area or who
Grigorean et al10 <90 –
died in the emergency department.19 The detailed inclusion cri-
Guly et al7 <100 <80
teria for TARN can be found on their website at http://www.
Lehmann et al8 <90 –
Levi et al11 <90 –
According to TARN, in this 3-year period, there were a total of
Ley et al12 ≤90 ≤90
3069 trauma patients admitted to UHCW.20 An initial search was
Moerman et al13 <80 <60
performed by the hospital TARN department to create a database
Zipnick et al14 <100 <80
of those patients with any ‘spinal injury’ (ICD-10 codes:
The systolic BP (sBP) in mm Hg and HR in bpm were recorded if discussed in the S120-133, S140-141, S220-2211, S230-233, S240-241,
S320-3201, S327-331, S340-341). A further search was com-
pleted of the injury summary of these patients, isolating those
with either neurological compromise or complete cord syndrome.
place before the definitive diagnosis of an SCI has been estab- Out of these, any patient who fulfilled our criteria for neurogenic
lished. The aim is to maintain perfusion to the body and com- shock on any sBP/HR combination recorded on the database was
promised spinal cord, helping reduce secondary cord damage, selected. Additionally, all patients who were transferred to the
which can make a substantial difference to a patient’s morbid- ITU were selected. Up until this point, patient identifiable data
ity.15 16 Neurogenic shock also prevents the vasoconstriction were hidden behind a submission ID in the TARN database.
and increase in cardiac output required if the patient is also Ethical approval was gained from both The University of
hypovolaemic. Warwick (Ref: REGO-20150-1619) and UHCW (Ref: GF0010).
One characteristic of neurogenic shock is the partial resistance The selected patients’ submission IDs were used to request their
to fluids, which could be misinterpreted as volume loss.17 This notes through the hospital TARN coordinator. Full clinical
could result in overhydration of the patient, causing pulmonary notes were then examined, and the following data, where avail-
or spinal cord oedema.17 Appropriate management involves able, were anonymously recorded into a database created for
initial use of fluids followed by support of HR and BP by vaso- this purpose:
pressors and sympathomimetics; the specific drugs are currently ▸ Systolic and diastolic BPs and HRs with timestamps from:
debated in the literature.18 Identification of neurogenic shock – The ambulance clinical record sheet
followed by appropriate treatment and maintenance of BP is – The emergency department trauma sheet
one of the few interventions linked with better neurological – The emergency department clinical observation sheet
outcome.16 18 – Ward observations from the VitalPAC system (The
To date most research into the effect of SCI on the cardiovas- Learning Clinic Limited)
cular system has only been conducted in specialist spinal injury – ITU observations from the QS Clinical Information
units, leaving a gap in research investigating the time course of System (GE Healthcare)
neurogenic shock presenting to the emergency department. No ▸ Time of incident and time of arrival at hospital
studies take into consideration all the prehospital BPs and HRs ▸ Radiological level of the most superior SCI
recorded by the ambulance crew, and all the recordings taken in ▸ Neurological level of injury and completeness (derived from
the acute setting such as those recorded on the trauma sheet. the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) score)—for
By looking at patient observations in the prehospital environ- full scoring criteria, see
ment, in the emergency department and in the intensive treat-
ment unit (ITU), this research hopes to gain a better Exclusion criteria
understanding of how neurogenic shock presents in humans. In The following criteria excluded patients from the study:
turn, this will help physicians identify neurogenic shock more ▸ Patients with interhospital transfer
effectively, leading to better patient outcomes. ▸ Patients currently undergoing treatment as an inpatient
▸ Patients whose full clinical notes could not be obtained from
METHODS clinical records
Because there is no agreed definition, before starting the study, a ▸ If there was a greater than 2-hour delay from time of inci-
BP and HR were required to help isolate patients presenting dent to presentation to emergency services
with neurogenic shock. As the study included patient observa- ▸ The patient has a simple and stable spinal fracture not involv-
tions taken in an acute environment, selection criteria that were ing the spinal cord.
encompassing enough to highlight all patients with neurogenic ▸ The patient had a significant comorbidity at the time of the
shock were required. We, therefore, defined neurogenic shock as injury, and this would include having a cardiac arrest.
a condition in those patients with an SCI, a systolic BP (sBP) of ▸ The patient already had spinal pathology.
≤100 mm Hg and a HR of ≤80/min. This HR is high enough ▸ The patient’s most severe injury region, calculated by the
to encompass all neurogenic shock cases, while also excluding body region with the highest abbreviated injury scale score,
pure haemorrhagic shock, which typically presents with an was coded as ‘head’. We found those with a severe head
increased HR. injury difficult to assess.

Inclusion criteria Data analysis

The study looked at patients presenting acutely to the adult For each patient accepted into the study, the number of episodes
major trauma centre at University Hospital Coventry and of neurogenic shock was recorded. An episode of neurogenic
158 Taylor MP, et al. Emerg Med J 2017;34:157–162. doi:10.1136/emermed-2016-205780
Original article
shock was defined as a single sBP/HR combination of figure 1. Online supplement 1 documents relevant case informa-
≤100 mm Hg and ≤80/min, and additional qualifying readings tion for each individual patient.
within 30 min were not counted as separate episodes. To highlight The first ambulance BP recording of patients was a mean
the severity of neurogenic shock we also recorded any episode of average of 34 min (±17 min, n=28) after the SCI occurred, and
marked bradycardia (a single HR of ≤45/min), or persistent brady- five patients were excluded from this calculation as they had no
cardia, which we defined as an average HR of <60/min lasting for time recording on the first BP. The first BP recording in hospital
≥6 hours. was a mean average of 92 min (±25 min, n=32) after the SCI
Descriptive statistics was performed on the whole cohort of occurred, and one patient was excluded from this calculation
patients accepted onto the study, as well as separately on those due to lack of time data on the recording. The first sBP and HR
patients who experienced at least one episode of neurogenic recordings of those 15 patients who at some point experienced
shock. Error ranges are 1 SD unless stated. neurogenic shock are shown in figure 2. Three patients pre-
The time from injury to the presentation of neurogenic shock sented with an sBP above 100 mm Hg, and five patients pre-
and the level at which the injury occurred was analysed. χ2 was sented with a HR above 80/min.
used to test for a significant ( p<0.05) difference in those The number of minutes from the time of injury until the first
patients with an SCI above or below the T6 mid-thoracic level. presentation of neurogenic shock was analysed. For six out of
To test whether those with a complete SCI were more likely to the 15 patients (40%), the first presentation was the same as the
have neurogenic shock, the data were cross-tabulated and again first ambulance recording, and therefore onset was before the
χ2 was used to produce a p value. recording. The earliest onset recorded was 13 min from injury,
and the latest onset was 263 min from injury. The frequency dis-
RESULTS tribution of onset is shown in figure 3.
Of the 3069 patients analysed, 33 were included in the study, of The distribution of the lowest, most severe sBP and HR
which 15 (45%) fulfilled our screening criteria for neurogenic recordings for patients who had neurogenic shock is shown in
shock on at least one sBP/HR recording. The patients were figure 4. The distribution of the level of injury for the patients
screened based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria documen- in the study is shown in figure 5.
ted in the methods section, and the results are shown in All of the patients in the study were separated into two
groups, injury at/above or below the mid-thoracic (T6) level.
Analysis using χ2 showed significantly (p=0.009) more patients
with neurogenic shock in the group with an SCI at/above T6.
Out of the 33 patients accepted into the study, the complete-
ness of injury could be established in 29, with the remaining
four patients’ notes not containing the required information.
Analysis using χ2 showed significantly (p=0.039) more patients
with neurogenic shock in the group with a complete SCI.

Figure 2 A box plot showing the first recorded BP and first recorded
Figure 1 Screening of patients using information from the TARN HRs of the 15 patients who had ≥1 episode of neurogenic shock. The
database, and clinical notes. Our criteria for neurogenic shock were a solid line at 100 mm Hg (systolic BP) and dashed line at 80 bpm (HR)
HR of ≤80/min and systolic BP of ≤100 mm Hg. ITU, intensive represent the maximum values for classification of neurogenic shock.
treatment unit; TARN, Trauma Audit Research Network. Circle points represent outliers (cases ≥1.5× the IQR).
Taylor MP, et al. Emerg Med J 2017;34:157–162. doi:10.1136/emermed-2016-205780 159
Original article

Figure 3 A histogram showing the

frequency distribution of the time until
first NS presentation. Dark cases are
those who presented at or before the
first ambulance recording, and light
cases are those who presented at
subsequent recordings. NS, neurogenic
shock; SCI, spinal cord injury.

showing no statistically significant correlation. There was also

no correlation between the number of incidences of neurogenic
shock and the presenting sBP ( p=0.48) or HR ( p=0.52).

This study looked in detail at BPs and HRs of patients with SCI
from the recordings made by the ambulance crew to those made
on the ward or in the ITU. Due to the labour-intensive process
of obtaining the data from clinical notes, we narrowed our
cohort down using selection criteria (figure 1), allowing us to
concentrate our resources on those patients most likely to have
neurogenic shock. From the 3069 trauma patients over the
3-year period, only 15 showed the classical signs of neurogenic
shock. This was despite choosing a relatively high sBP and HR
for a selection tool.
By using prehospital recordings, it was possible to see how
neurogenic shock develops an average of 34 min (±17, n=28)
after the time of injury, versus the average 92 min (±25, n=32)
until the first readings in hospital.
Using patients who experienced neurogenic shock, and
looking at their first prehospital sBP and HR recording, we were
Figure 4 A box plot showing the lowest recorded systolic BP (sBP) able to compare this to the criteria of ≤100 mm Hg and
and lowest recorded HRs of the 15 patients with neurogenic shock. ≤80/min (figure 2). It appears that 80% of the patients had a BP
The solid line at 100 mm Hg (sBP) and dashed line at 80 bpm (HR) less than 100 mm Hg, and 66% had a HR of ≤80/min. No
represent our maximum values for classification of neurogenic shock. patients presented with a marked bradycardia, with an average
Circle points represent outliers (cases ≥1.5× the IQR). presenting HR of 74/min (±21, n=15). This relatively high HR
at the time of presentation is in keeping with the research in
animal studies, which suggests that bradycardia does not
Severity of the neurogenic shock was assessed. Out of the 15 develop immediately.4
patients who had neurogenic shock, 13 experienced at least one The time at which neurogenic shock begins is not clear in the
episode of persistent bradycardia. Of those 13, five experienced literature. Determining this point was somewhat difficult as
at least one episode of marked bradycardia. There was no statis- 40% of the patients presented when the first ambulance reading
tical correlation between the patients who experienced marked was recorded. The earliest of these presentations was just
bradycardia and either the presenting HR ( p=0.86), sBP 13 min from the time of injury. The latest first appearance of
( p=0.34), number of neurogenic shock episodes ( p=0.48) or neurogenic shock was 263 min from the time of injury. In this
completeness of injury ( p=0.20). particular case the patient was hypotensive at the time of pres-
The time to first presentation of neurogenic shock was com- entation to the ambulance crew; however, their HR remained
pared against the first sBP ( p=0.28), and the first HR ( p=0.25), high for over 4 hours until neurogenic shock occurred, at which
160 Taylor MP, et al. Emerg Med J 2017;34:157–162. doi:10.1136/emermed-2016-205780
Original article

Figure 5 The number of patients with each level of spinal cord injury. Those patients who experienced neurogenic shock are dark and those who
did not are light.

point the HR quickly dropped to 44/min. As shown by figure 3, emergency department could help predict the risk of cardiovas-
87% of patients presented within 2 hours of injury. cular abnormalities such as neurogenic shock.
Using an sBP≤100 mm Hg and HR ≤80/min, it was likely Due to the small number of patients isolated with neurogenic
that patients who did not have neurogenic shock would be shock, it was difficult to find any meaningful way of predicting
accepted as having it. By recording the lowest sBP and HR for its severity. Presentation can be highly variable between patients
each patient who met the screening criteria, it was possible to and does not appear linked to the severity of either the SCI, or
assess how well this compared against other definitions used in the presenting observations.
previous papers. Figure 4 shows the distribution of results, and There were some limitations to the study. Neurogenic shock is
table 1 shows the various definitions. Most papers use an sBP of rare, and, therefore, effectively isolating patients with this condi-
≤90 mm Hg, which would encompass over 75% of the patients; tion is somewhat difficult. Due to the small number of patients
however, Bernhard et al9 used an sBP of ≤80 mm Hg, which isolated, the power of the conclusions drawn is limited. There
comes below the mean average lowest BP, and therefore selects were certain limitations characteristic of dealing with emergency
much fewer patients. The HRs used to definite neurogenic cases. Often recordings were missing or incomplete, and there
shock range from <60/min (a typical bradycardia) to ≤90/ were gaps in observations when transferring the patient. There
min.9 12 13 Using a HR of <60/min would exclude over half the was also only space for two or three prehospital observations,
patients. This, along with the greater spread of data for HR, meaning that the resolution during this critical time was particu-
demonstrates that it is a less sensitive marker for neurogenic larly low.
shock than BP.
It is often taught that because sympathetic innervation of the CONCLUSION
heart only occurs from T1 to T5,5 neurogenic shock cannot This study highlights the variable and unpredictable nature of
occur in lesions below the mid-thoracic (T6) level.3 6 Although how neurogenic shock can present. It is a condition which the
there were significantly fewer ( p=0.009) incidences of neuro- medical team should be aware of in all patients with SCI,
genic shock below the mid-thoracic level, neurogenic shock did regardless of the level of injury. It can present in the prehospital
still occur. This corroborates other researchers who report, environment and without warning in a patient with previously
although uncommon, neurogenic shock in patients presenting normal signs. Having a screening tool that is more sensitive
with isolated SCI in the lumbar region.2 7 Innervation of vessels than specific, by using a higher sBP (≤100 mm Hg) and higher
occurs throughout the length of the sympathetic cord (T1–L2),5 HR (≤80/min), will allow physicians to identify patients experi-
and it could be postulated that loss of vasomotor tone could encing neurogenic shock earlier. Ultimately, the diagnosis is
result in shock. Two-thirds of the cases were injuries to the cer- made on clinical grounds, taking into consideration the multiple
vical vertebrae (figure 5). aetiologies of shock present in each individual case. From here
Currently, there is no clear consensus concerning the link the physician should be aware of the effective treatment of
between neurological completeness of an SCI and the presence neurogenic shock and act accordingly in order to improve
of BP abnormality.22 Using clinical notes it was possible to estab- patient outcome.
lish the completeness of injury in 29 patients. Patients with com-
plete injuries were significantly ( p=0.039) more likely to Acknowledgements The UHCW TARN team for providing support using the TARN
experience neurogenic shock than those with incomplete injur- database.
ies. Very few patient notes contained information about the Contributors MPT: planning, experimental design, execution, statistical analysis,
autonomic completeness of injury. West et al suggest that often writing up, publication. PW: planning, experimental design, execution, statistical
analysis. ADO: statistical analysis, editorial work, literature search.
the level of neurological completeness does not agree with the
level autonomic completeness, and it is the autonomic com- Competing interests None declared.
pleteness that predicts cardiovascular abnormality in chronic Ethics approval UHCW NHS Research, Development & Innovation.
SCI.22 There is still no agreement on the best method to estab- Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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